IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130923

00:08.54*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (
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00:31.22keeblerAnyone able to recommend a decent Dual Link DVI-D Transmitter capable of WQSXGA?
00:32.10keeblerLooking at the Silicon Image SII1178CSU, but there's no reliable large quantity source.
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00:40.51keeblerluke: 19:31 < keebler> Anyone able to recommend a decent Dual Link DVI-D  Transmitter capable of WQSXGA?
00:40.55keebler19:32 < keebler> Looking at the Silicon Image SII1178CSU, but there's no  reliable large quantity source.
00:41.31keeblerlkcl_: ^^
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00:44.33keeblerlkcl_: Also, do you have any powerpoint presentations prepared that you would like me to present on QiMOD's behalf tomorrow?
00:45.12keeblerI don't know if I'll have the chance to get that far into detail, but it never hurts.
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05:09.20keeblerfocus_it: can I sub the 33uf for a 22uf?
05:17.46keeblerGot everything assembled now except the AD7125. :(
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10:50.06focus_itkeebler: any cap will do - it goes up if there is shimmering noise on VGA when CPU is working
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12:25.25keeblerfocus_it: Yeah, I figured, so I went with the 22uf.
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16:33.46Vaevictus_hey guys. So I have two Mele M9 set top boxes on their way from china. googling around it seems the a31 soc hasnt got linux available for it yet, but I found an indiegogo campaign where they show a video of an a31 tablet running ubuntu. I asked the guys running the campaign to provide source but they refused. What gives? do you think they are full of shit to attract people to fund their campaign?
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17:40.11keeblerNeal you here? Vaevictus_ they might have refused for fear of canabalizing their work. Not a fan of the A31 at all, and I would abandon it in favor of the A51m coming out soon.
17:40.37keeblerWell, not sure when the A51m will come out actually.
17:43.28keeblerIgnore A51m. I was wrong on the name.
17:43.34arokux1Vaevictus_, they will provide the source once they are selling the product. so you can make your pledge ;)
17:44.10keeblerIt's a risk of doing opensource + crowdfunding, and I'm not against the practice.
17:45.29arokux1Vaevictus_, meanwhile you can take advantage of the A31 sdk by Allwinner which is publicly available due to guys from Pengpod, btw.
17:52.27keeblerarokux1: Btw, are you looking for a full fledged server or just a simple NAS?
17:54.19arokux1keebler, actually all-in-one would be perfect.
17:55.27keeblerWe've been toying with the idea of using a Marvell SATA Port Multiplier, but not really comfortable with the RAID solutions.
17:55.47keeblerfor the A20-SoM
17:57.04arokux1keebler, very interesting, since you see there are no such _open_ products on the market.
18:00.56Vaevictus_keebler: ./ arokux1 , so you know these guys doing the pengopod? the ubuntu they are showing running on a31 in a video is not "faked" then? this is great.they do not seem to be doing well on their funding goal though, good luck to them.
18:01.00*** join/#arm-netbook hht (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
18:02.24arokux1Vaevictus_, yes, these guys talk to us in #linux-sunxi, you may check logs, drachensun is the guy from pengpod.
18:02.45arokux1Vaevictus_, he would like you as a customer very much...
18:02.52drachensunindeed :-)
18:03.10drachensunyeah, its not faked, thats LXDE running
18:03.11Vaevictus_thanks I will check. I will pledge some money - not interested in the tablet but will donate something their direction nonetheless
18:03.34drachensunbtw, I'm the pengpod guy
18:03.45Vaevictus_lol ok ;)
18:03.52drachensunah that vaevictus
18:03.57drachensunthanks I meant
18:03.57Vaevictus_no offense, but you can understand my scepticism
18:04.38drachensunhey, I didn't refuse, we are going to have it up eventually but time, y'know
18:04.47Vaevictus_yeah i understand
18:04.47drachensunI havent been shaving I've got so little time
18:04.58drachensunI will give you a warning about those mele boxes
18:05.10Vaevictus_im all ears
18:05.10drachensunwe got some, thought they might make a good 'light' dev kit
18:05.21drachensunproblem is, they don't reflash like the tablets
18:05.47drachensunMele's method of updating them is with bootable sd cards that run a reflash program
18:06.23drachensunbut making bootable SD cards has pretty very difficult for us, so we abandoned using them awhile back
18:06.31drachensunand went to just flashing everything internally
18:06.38Vaevictus_arghhh i kind of assumed they would be like the mele a1000 (ie, piece of piss)
18:07.43Vaevictus_well thanks for the warning. I kinda bought them just because I found a site listing them at crazy low price, got 2 at 44 dollars a piece :0)
18:08.00drachensunwow, thats an A31 model?
18:08.24drachensunI know they have a fix different names for A31 boxes that all look the same to me
18:08.27arokux1Vaevictus_, wow, show the website plz! :)
18:08.48Vaevictus_yeah, a company I buy my ecigarrete stuff listed them, screwed up and listed them waaaaay below the proper price, i managed to snag two before they raised the price back up to 130$
18:09.09Vaevictus_the site is but you are too late im afraid
18:09.21arokux1Vaevictus_, :D
18:11.12arokux1Vaevictus_, lucky guy. do you think they will ship to you at that price? (2x44)
18:11.33Vaevictus_they are already shipped, i've received tracking numbers
18:11.57Vaevictus_a couple of people on the xbmc forum also got hold of them at that price and theirs shipped too
18:13.16arokux1Vaevictus_, cool
18:13.43drachensunMy mele rep did send me some info about creating the bootable cards
18:13.47arokux1Vaevictus_, btw, there is radxa board with RK3188 if this is interesting for you..
18:14.13arokux1drachensun, could that be published on wiki?
18:14.15drachensunand mripard has been able to make bootable SD cards
18:14.28drachensunI dont see why not
18:14.44Vaevictus_thanks arokux but if I buy any more "useless linux stuff" my wife will make my life even more of a living hell
18:14.48drachensunits in bad engrish if I recall but I didn't try to use it
18:15.04arokux1drachensun, just dump it here:
18:15.25arokux1Vaevictus_, you just sell one of the Mele 9 and buy two radxa boards :D
18:15.56arokux1drachensun, ppl will improve it eventually, or maybe not.. who knows. but this could be useful info.
18:16.36drachensunyeah, I see someone starting writing up creating a card that way but looks like it didn't work
18:16.47Vaevictus_ahhh nice plan!
18:16.49arokux1Vaevictus_, btw, join - ML and IRC. however A31 is not so welcomed there.... so you'd need to send patches by yourself.
18:17.03Vaevictus_drachensun: just pledged 220 bucks
18:17.09Vaevictus_good luck
18:18.02arokux1drachensun, just dump your info and make a notice "it might not work" :)
18:18.08drachensunthanks, we really appreciate it
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18:19.07Vaevictus_one last question drachensun - Im guessing you have no video hardware accelaration on that tablet right?
18:19.18drachensunwe have some
18:19.24Vaevictus_i mean VPU not GPU
18:19.43drachensunwell the latest cedar stuff from Allwinner supports omx
18:20.17Vaevictus_*cries* why dont they just release the source for must be full of licence infractionns
18:20.18drachensunand so the android SDK is setup to build a standard wrapper library that everything can use under Android
18:20.38keeblerarokux1: Yeah, that's the problem (no open RAID/SATA Multplier options).
18:20.56keeblerat least no reliable open options
18:21.11drachensunso in Linux you would need libhybris still I think
18:21.24drachensunwe tested that with the powervr gpu under nemo/mer
18:21.32arokux1keebler, nobody did RE so far? :(
18:21.38drachensunit works, and got 50 fps on the cinematic demo
18:22.02drachensunI haven't tried to use cedar under linux
18:22.36keeblerarokux1: RE?
18:22.39drachensunbut from everything we have heard the silicon hasn't changed between the A10 and now for this, so the RE they are doing on the A10 should work as well
18:22.44drachensunReverse Engineering
18:23.16keeblerNo, not from us yet, and I haven't seen any notable progress.
18:23.26arokux1keebler, just start a project like lkcl_ did, and in half a year or so you'll have a working driver.
18:23.40keeblerHah. If only I had the time.
18:24.12keeblerIt's hard enough as it is working 3 jobs and being a full time dad.
18:25.19arokux1keebler, what port multiplier you think is good for A20-SOM, although without a working driver?
18:25.33arokux1keebler, what exact hardware part, I mean.
18:25.45keeblerTrying to build up my private company enough so that I can break my two contracts and payback the bonuses.
18:26.58keeblerWell, we were looking at the Marvell options, but it's full of NDAs and select OEM distributors.
18:27.20keeblerThat, and no ARM boards use SATA 3.0 to my knowledge.
18:28.06keeblerThen there's Silicon Image.
18:28.53keeblerLike the Silicon Image Sil3512 for example.
18:29.09keeblerBut it's only SATA 1.0
18:29.15keeblerBut "relatively" cheap.
18:29.20arokux1keebler, do you thinks SATA II of A20 will be fast enough?
18:29.53keeblerarokux1: Yeah, and doing tests with my EOMA card at 3Gpbs seems to be working great.
18:30.34keeblerNeeds Gbit. Which I'm working with a vendor now that is developing an A20 + Gbit SoM.
18:31.05arokux1keebler, Ethernet you mean?
18:31.21keeblerSorry, I wasn't clear.
18:31.56arokux1keebler, guys from Olimex were having some problems with getting GMAC to work, although guys from Cubietech seems to have the solution
18:32.24arokux1they'll publish patches once the board will go on sale, maybe it could be useful for you.
18:33.26arokux1keebler, this SoM will have GMAC:
18:35.10arokux1keebler, do you know if one of those actually has a port multiplier hardware in it?
18:35.11keeblerThe one we're using is 240pin SODIMM
18:36.32keeblerWith the RTL8100 on board
18:37.26keeblerarokux1: Looking at the wiki you posted.
18:37.35keeblerI need a full list of hardware.
18:37.55arokux1keebler, I'm asking because they publish their GPL code:
18:43.13arokux1keebler, maybe there is a driver for a port multiplier buried in them, just a thought.
18:43.20keeblerI'm researching
18:43.46keeblerBy drivers, you mean ARM compatible drivers?
18:44.32arokux1keebler, yes, they are running on ARM SoCs
18:44.48keeblerLooking at the DS213J
18:46.13keeblerneed to look at this.[e0afc9ed23044dae8e19d65d0f47a896].jpg
18:46.28arokux1keebler, also see:
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18:48.17keeblerarokux1: looking at the drivers now
18:49.16keeblerThe rosewill uses the SiI3132R5
18:51.00keeblerI'll go to the hardware store in a few minutes and check it out.
18:54.20keeblerlooks like the 3132 already has linux support
18:54.30keeblerIt's a rather old chip
18:55.42keeblerhmm. :) Might buy it and try to roll some magic.
18:57.49keeblerI wonder what the DS213J is using.
19:00.10keeblerAnyway, that Rosewill RS5 I posted is SATAII and supports upto 5 HDDs and has Linux Support already
19:00.13keeblerIt's $170
19:00.45arokux1keebler, so cheap..
19:00.56arokux1why DS213J?
19:01.18arokux1keebler, and not DS213air?
19:01.56keeblerEither or, best chance devices to maintain ARMv7 support and reverse engineer if needed.
19:03.59arokux1keebler, this is diff to the corresponding vanilla kernel I've shown to you on github
19:04.15arokux1keebler, no sata drivers, just some setup boiler plate
19:05.19arokux1keebler, take a look, here is boot log:
19:06.02keeblerAWESOME. Very encouraging.
19:06.27arokux1keebler, can you spot which driver they use for multiplication?
19:06.35arokux1keebler, from boot log
19:07.16keeblerHmm.. looking, I do see it's ARMv5, iirc, and also looks like Scott mentioned it too, ARMv5 support was removed from mainline?
19:08.51arokux1keebler, no idea.
19:08.59keeblerhmm raid6
19:09.37keeblerstill looking for more info
19:10.18arokux1keebler, the products from Synology are either ARMv5 or Intel Atom
19:10.27arokux1keebler, the most recent ones
19:10.29keeblerTHey have ARMv7
19:10.36keeblerin the DS213j
19:10.51arokux1keebler, ah, true.
19:10.58keeblerhence my focus
19:11.00keebleron it
19:11.22arokux1keebler, I see. anyway, a port multiplier driver shouldn't be arch dependent
19:11.54keeblerWell, no, and taking my SI3132 refernce, it's already available.
19:12.08keeblerJust can't tell what the DS211j is using
19:12.59arokux1keebler, "no" -- you think port multiplier is in the SoC?
19:13.33arokux1keebler, sorry I didn't get why port multiplier driver should be arch dependent.
19:14.21keeblerThat's what I'm trying to decifer.
19:14.21keeblerRMv5 support was removed from mainline?
19:14.35keebler[    7.705957] brd: module loaded
19:14.36keebler[    7.709683] sata_mv sata_mv.0: cannot get optional clkdev
19:14.36keebler[    7.715186] sata_mv sata_mv.0: slots 32 ports 2
19:14.36keebler[    7.721303] scsi0 : sata_mv
19:14.36keebler[    7.724495] scsi1 : sata_mv
19:14.38keebler[    7.727592] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 irq 21
19:14.40keebler[    7.731713] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 irq 21
19:15.26keeblerprior to that is [    5.663796] synology_hdd_powerup: HDD1 powering up
19:15.26keebler[    5.672595] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
19:15.26keebler[    5.838438] raid6: int32x1    101 MB/s
19:16.16arokux1keebler, yes, this is from line 458 here:
19:21.59keeblerHmm, the Kirkwood: MV88F6281-A1 has two onboard SATA interfaces
19:22.38keeblerno port multiplying going on
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19:30.05arokux1keebler, but they need something for 4xbay boxes
19:33.54arokux1keebler, in DS413j they use
19:34.24arokux1keebler, but DS*4*13j means 4xbay, so there should be port multiplier inside?
19:38.46keeblerarokux1: Yes, if you can get me the dmesg of the D413j
19:38.54arokux1keebler, :)
19:39.02arokux1sorry, I do not own it.
19:39.18arokux1keebler, gotta go now.
19:39.44keeblerOnly thing that might be an issue. is that if it is using some sort of port multiplication, it could be on the PCIe bus.
19:39.59keeblerhasta luego
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21:42.25arokux2keebler, any new findings?
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