IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130914

00:08.56*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro1 (
00:30.45SPGlkcl master a95c4b3 rhombus community_ideas/router.mdwn * add router *;a=commitdiff;h=a95c4b3
00:36.44lkcl_keebler: that... that's insane!  i want one!
00:36.57lkcl_the 1080p HDMI LCD that is!
00:37.20lkcl_is that... is that LCD _and_ capacitive screen for $50?
00:43.44buZzkeebler: :O lapdock 500 has VGA and ethernets? sw33t
00:45.09keeblerlkcl_: yes
00:45.12keeblerbuZz: yes
00:45.17keeblerand webcam
00:45.33keeblerAlthough the cam I think only works with the Droid
00:45.47keeblerI'll take it apart the second I get it.
00:47.05buZzi doubt the camera isnt connected on usb
00:49.11keeblerThere's an internal hub, I'm just not sure what chipset the cam uses, ie, proprietary, etc etc
00:50.48keeblerOh this is nice! It looks like it's got a HOLTEK keyboard IC. :)
00:51.18keeblerIt's not as good as finding an ATMEGA32U4, but it's definitely hackable.
00:53.08keeblerAnd an SMSC USB Hub
00:56.22keeblerAlso interesting is that it's a 7 port USB hub
00:56.33keeblerbut there's only 3 externally available.
00:56.38*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold_ (~Ganbold@
00:56.44keebler1 is probably for the keyboard.
00:56.50keebleranother for the Webcam.
00:57.25keeblerI'm not even looking at the mainboard for the 500 pro either, I'm just assuming they're going to use similar comonents.
01:01.51keeblerIt's also got headphone outs
01:11.04buZzkeebler: type lsusb with the lapdock connected?
01:11.15buZzor havent you hooked anything up to it yet?
01:11.29keeblerbuZz: It doesn't arrive until next tuesday
01:11.32buZzahh ok
01:11.41buZzi have the 1st model lapdock here
01:11.47buZzand use it with a cubieboard
01:11.59buZzi think from before they even had model numbers\
01:12.26keeblerI got my 500 pro for $80.
01:12.28buZzactually i think its the second one, cause its for the droid bionic, not for the altrix
01:12.41buZzthis one was 40$ (ex shipping and import costs)
01:12.50keeblerIt's just the "Driod BionicLapdock"
01:12.51buZzcame to about the same though :P
01:13.03buZz10" model
01:13.14buZzpractically the same as the first altrix one
01:13.39keeblerYours has the 7 port hub
01:13.46keeblerand holtek usb driver
01:14.17buZzi still have a very very very tiny usb webcam
01:14.22buZzmaybe i could mod it in
01:14.54keeblerI'm trying to find a large volume supplier of the Lapdock 500's .
01:15.24buZztried asking motorola? :D
01:15.41buZzwhy do you even need >1 btw?
01:16.00keeblerlol, they just opened their Droid Mnaufacturing Facility 20 minutes from my home
01:16.25keeblerThought about selling the Lapdock with an EOMA68 docking station. ;P
01:16.36buZz:P that would be totally sweet
01:16.45keeblerI'm working on a 3D Render right now.
01:16.57buZzwait, is there now a EOMA68 card selling>
01:16.58keeblerI've got access to a laser cutter and 3D Printer.
01:17.03keeblerbuZz: Not yet.
01:17.08buZzright :)
01:19.41keeblerWould also be interesting to make a customer motherboard to replace something like the IBM Thinkpad T41 .
01:20.41keebleror T61 with UWXGA screen.
01:22.25buZzi'd love to see old thinkpad stock turn into EOMA68 docks
01:22.37buZzlike pentium2 thinkpads or something :)
01:22.41keeblerI love this T61.
01:22.49buZzbut with a proper screen of course
01:23.31keeblerI was about to say... "1024x768 is hardly worthy"
01:24.10keeblerI can get a ton of Circa 2006 Thinkpads for $50-$75 each.
01:37.55keeblerBUt the work required would be quite large
01:38.10keeblerActually, maybe not.
01:39.38keeblerYou'd have to pick a readily available model, and then offer a service or "upgrade" option.
01:41.51keebler"Send us your laptops and we'll convert them to an EOMA compliant layout.
01:43.10keeblerFor models that do not have a Cardbus/PCMCIA slot, you'd have to do the PCB Layout utilizing the HDD Cavity, or Drive bay.
01:44.16keeblerToo bad ExpressCard has to be so few in pincount.
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