IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130818

00:06.15SPGlkcl master d262148 rhombus community_ideas/carrier_board.mdwn * added feature requests to carrier board *;a=commitdiff;h=d262148
00:38.08*** join/#arm-netbook discopig (~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig)
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02:01.36*** join/#arm-netbook cnxsoft (
03:10.46*** join/#arm-netbook DonkeyHotei (
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08:44.44hp__I wonder.. how difficult would it be to hook this display up to a arm dev board..
09:38.07*** join/#arm-netbook hht (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
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14:54.33hnohp__, probably not very difficult, but finding a pinout of the connectors would help..
14:56.01*** join/#arm-netbook wingrime (~wingrime@
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15:59.40*** join/#arm-netbook hht (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
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16:46.26hhtwhat is best device for xbmc with amlogic?
16:46.50buZza hammer
16:58.29penguin42 is pretty
17:14.42buZzi dont like it penguin42
17:15.25buZz5410 chip, and not 5420
17:15.29buZzso its just a quadcore
17:15.31buZznot a octacore
17:16.10buZzonly 5420 supports global task scheduling
17:18.13*** join/#arm-netbook hht (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
17:20.33buZzalso, it doesnt have SATA :(
17:28.13penguin42buZz: Yeh almost no useful IO - USB3 though so you could argue that USB3 is enough to ignore lack of SATA
17:28.31buZzi want normal proper 'real' sata
17:28.38buZzthats why i like the allwinner chips
17:28.58penguin42buZz: Yeh I kind of agree, but is that really a problem with USB3 though - are they fast enough that it doesn't matter any more?
17:29.28buZzi doubt cpu load for loading that usb3 port is zero
17:29.57penguin42buZz: Can you just explain the diff between 5420 and 5410 ?
17:30.07buZz5420 allows you to use all 8 cores
17:30.12buZz5410 allows you to use 4 cores
17:30.35penguin42hmm ok
17:31.27penguin42buZz: For me the networking is mor eof a worry
17:31.43buZzno real ethernet? just a usb-ethernet thingy?
17:32.07buZzcpu load on allwinner chips is also quite high when i load the network fully :(
17:32.14penguin42still can't find an ARM board with lots of ether
17:32.32buZzcubietruck will have two gbit ethernet ports
17:33.00penguin42ooh ooh 2! ooh...oh
17:33.25penguin42I can get an Atom board with 5
17:33.32buZzatom is not arm :)
17:33.50penguin42buZz: True but no reason to screw stuff over because of crap peripheral choices
17:34.34buZzoh neverminjd
17:34.40buZzcubietruck has 1 gbit port ..
17:35.37penguin42wonders if any arm64 dev boards will happen next year
17:35.47buZzyeah would be nice
17:46.26penguin42 is  really what I want but the price is truly silly - $740
17:47.39buZzno its cheap
17:47.41buZzMore Profitable than Ever
17:47.55penguin42oh right yes....
17:47.58buZzoo nice, even PCI-e slot
17:48.28penguin42hmph is telling me to update to a modern browser - I'm on Firefox 23
17:55.10hnoThere is some nice ARM CPUs with plenty of networking, but their price tag is also plenty...
17:55.49penguin42hno: Just give me a board with a couple of mini PCIe slots and that would do
17:56.14hnopenguin42, PCIe or Networking.. same same...
17:56.31penguin42don't some of the Tegras have PCIe ?
17:56.54hnoThey have some PCIe looking channels that sometimes work with some PCIe devices..
17:57.13penguin42oh great
17:58.25penguin42Kontron have listing a mITX board as coming soon for years
17:59.25penguin42ok, about a year, it looks like it was announced July last year
18:03.35penguin42the wandboard is kind of nice but again they don't seem to have PCIe - but I thought i.MX6 had it
18:05.02hnoI.MX6 have one PCIe 2.0 lane.
18:05.06penguin42sabre board has a $49 addon board that pins the PCIe channel out
19:16.47*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
19:28.25WarheadsSEhe left.. bah
19:28.51WarheadsSEWas going to tell him I got one for free  :P customs also declares their USD value in excess of $950
19:35.12*** join/#arm-netbook hramrach (~hramrach@gateway/tor-sasl/hramrach)
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21:13.37lkcl_penguin42: download the user-agent plugins and change to pretend to be a different OS :)
21:15.57lkcl_slapin_nb: ping - thank you for doing the a13board!  did you make any, do they work?
21:24.28SPGlkcl master 489f46f rhombus community_ideas/carrier_board.mdwn * mention vga circuit *;a=commitdiff;h=489f46f
21:48.32*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro (
23:04.26*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi_ (~hipboi@
23:24.12*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@

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