IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130814

00:51.19*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro1 (
01:00.34*** join/#arm-netbook libv (
01:11.38*** join/#arm-netbook hramrach (~hramrach@gateway/tor-sasl/hramrach)
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02:11.33*** join/#arm-netbook drachenphone (~AndChat39@
03:12.24*** join/#arm-netbook jeremb (uid2617@gateway/web/
03:36.51*** join/#arm-netbook gimli_ (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
04:03.32*** join/#arm-netbook rz2k (
04:05.42*** join/#arm-netbook discopig (~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig)
04:10.14*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
04:11.41DonkeyHoteihipboi: hi
04:11.52hipboiDonkeyHotei, hi
04:11.59DonkeyHoteihipboi: now, about the mele F10...
04:12.17DonkeyHoteiis there a way to take it apart?
04:13.50DonkeyHoteii need to replace its charging connector
04:20.00hipboii don't have a F10 at hard
04:20.02hipboiat hand
04:20.07hipboionly a F10 pro
04:20.28DonkeyHoteii'm not sure what the difference is
04:22.06DonkeyHoteihipboi: do you know?
04:23.11hipboithe same id and look
04:23.16hipboidifferent color
04:23.59DonkeyHoteinever occurred to me that site would have it
04:24.27hipboiDonkeyHotei, yeah
04:24.38hipboiDonkeyHotei, i am surprised too
04:25.18hipboiopen it only by hand
04:30.21DonkeyHoteiew, the battery is soldered into place
04:33.37DonkeyHoteilooks like the middle 3 pins of the jack are unconnected; should make things easier
04:35.06DonkeyHoteibut i need a replacement jack
04:36.38DonkeyHoteii will call HSC in the morning to see whether they'd have a match
04:37.11DonkeyHoteiotherwise shipping might be prohibitive
04:51.16DonkeyHoteihipboi: thank you so much!
04:57.38*** join/#arm-netbook joshskidmore (
05:33.47*** join/#arm-netbook drachensun (~drachensu@
06:11.46*** join/#arm-netbook panda84kde (
06:57.56*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
07:04.22*** join/#arm-netbook lerc_ (~quassel@
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07:17.22*** join/#arm-netbook cnxsoft (
08:24.46*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (
08:27.26*** join/#arm-netbook bsdfox\ (~h36sa@unaffiliated/bsdfox)
08:43.53*** join/#arm-netbook datagutt (~datagutt@unaffiliated/datagutt)
09:07.23*** join/#arm-netbook hramrach (~hramrach@gateway/tor-sasl/hramrach)
09:10.04*** join/#arm-netbook cnxsoft (
10:04.55*** join/#arm-netbook cnxsoft (
10:27.53*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
10:34.13*** join/#arm-netbook Gumboot (
10:44.40*** join/#arm-netbook zumbi (
11:29.10*** join/#arm-netbook lerc (~quassel@
11:42.58*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (
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11:52.18*** join/#arm-netbook tinti (~tinti@pdpc/supporter/student/tinti)
12:29.48*** join/#arm-netbook cnxsoft (
13:52.32*** join/#arm-netbook fossxplorer (~fossxplor@unaffiliated/fossxplorer)
13:52.33*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (~Dessimat0@
13:52.42*** join/#arm-netbook cnxsoft (
14:15.56*** join/#arm-netbook DEAT (
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14:28.23*** join/#arm-netbook wingrime (~wingrime@
14:29.20*** join/#arm-netbook dfletcher (
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15:13.33*** join/#arm-netbook gimli_ (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
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16:00.03*** join/#arm-netbook dfletcher (
16:02.30*** join/#arm-netbook eFfeM (
16:10.51*** join/#arm-netbook merbanan (
16:24.52*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (
16:27.28*** join/#arm-netbook wingrime (~wingrime@
16:52.23*** join/#arm-netbook 92AAALC26 (
17:32.18*** join/#arm-netbook fredy (
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18:59.51lkcl_drachensun: i've got to push 4.2.2 (or whatever) up to - could you check it?
18:59.55lkcl_let me know.
19:00.38drachensunok, check that its in there?
19:05.46*** join/#arm-netbook piscodig (~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig)
19:46.42*** join/#arm-netbook mcbrick (
19:47.01*** join/#arm-netbook hht (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
20:29.34*** join/#arm-netbook discopig (~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig)
20:29.59*** join/#arm-netbook discopig (~discopig@unaffiliated/discopig)
21:10.48*** join/#arm-netbook fredy (
21:25.50SPGlkcl master 1f19cf8 rhombus allwinner_a10/orders.mdwn * update gpio and description *;a=commitdiff;h=1f19cf8
21:25.50SPGlkcl master eb9a3fc rhombus * Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// *;a=commitdiff;h=eb9a3fc
22:57.44*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (

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