IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130630

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15:16.52orly_owlwhats wrong with
15:17.43penguin42Guest77551: There's lots of rk stuff all over!
15:18.08penguin42orly_owl: That's the allwinner stuff, not the rockchip
15:18.14Guest77551I have just created the wiki....
15:18.15orly_owlah, right
15:18.34Guest77551some boilerplate
15:18.41penguin42Guest77551: If you do find anything on how to jtag it would be nice - I've got a mricked mk809....
15:19.29penguin42Guest77551: perhaps links to and ?
15:19.58Guest77551Sure it is open so anybody can join
15:20.28penguin42Guest77551: My problem is I have so many accounts on so many wiki's - are you sure there is a need for yet another?
15:20.55Guest77551I have not seen any dedicated to RK devices
15:21.13Guest77551something like linux-sunxi
15:22.11penguin42hmm yes, there is the rk3066 forums on armtvtech but I don't know of a wiki
15:26.05penguin42Guest77551: Pick a nick!
15:27.18penguin42linux-rockchip: You've got a link there not filled in for jtag; do you know that's possible?
15:27.50linux-rockchipno still busy with creating a recoverry image for MK908
15:28.49penguin42linux-rockchip: OK, it would be interesting - I still need to find a Windows box to unbrick my mk809
15:29.21linux-rockchipDoes it boot in recovvery mode?
15:30.01penguin42linux-rockchip: the problem with the rk is they're too easy to brick, it's supposed to be fixable using the windows program but not using rkflashtool
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15:31.09linux-rockchipwhat went wrong?
15:31.32penguin42linux-rockchip: I tried to write a new kernel image with dd to one partition and it nuked the lot
15:31.46penguin42linux-rockchip: Then people tell me it's a bad id to dd into the partitions on the rk
15:32.13linux-rockchipdepends on the nand driver I assume rkflashtool is safer...
15:32.21penguin42linux-rockchip: Yeh
15:32.42penguin42linux-rockchip: But even rkflashtool can't fix it if you really screw it up - no one seems to have the equivalent of rkbatchtool for Linux
15:34.04linux-rockchipThe windows tool is readily available... 1.5  1.6 version I think
15:34.22penguin42yeh, I just don't have windows
15:35.58linux-rockchipqemu ;)
15:36.20penguin42well qemu doesn't help, wine in principal would if it's USB worked, which it doesn't
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15:38.06penguin42spent a few unsuccessful weekends trying to reverse eng it
15:38.54linux-rockchipWould be nice if you could sniff the USB traffic on windows...
15:40.32linux-rockchip with jtag driver?
15:41.51linux-rockchipno sorry
15:43.57penguin42no that's just a kernel source
15:44.47linux-rockchipCould jtag be done using USB OTG?
15:46.50penguin42well that depends on how the board/chip is wired - I don't know where the jtag is wired on the rk chips/boards
15:57.41penguin42does anyone know of debian wheezy x-armhf cross compilers - emdebian has armel in wheezy and armhf in unstable, and ubuntu has the whole set, surprised debian doesn't
16:00.59linux-rockchipnope using gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.8-2013.05_linux
16:01.55linux-rockchipSeems that JTAG pins on 3066 are not muxed ... so you'll need to find the dedicated pins.
16:02.55penguin42linux-rockchip: I'd ideally like to use a matching set to the debian compiler because I want to rebuild one of the debian packages with debug
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23:38.33*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (

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