IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130619

00:29.13*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro (
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06:55.41memeka_hi, this is a mali issue that might be of interest in this channel as well:
06:55.57*** join/#arm-netbook pcat (
06:58.09memekajust wondering if a similar issue popped out in the 3.6 kernel...
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19:08.22btsimonhquestion: i have a pair of A13b tablets (cnm brand, F900 board).  I'd like to boot them to linux from SD card and run them headless (as both have broken touch screens :) ).  Has anyone booted an A13 from SDCard?  my MK802 (A10) gentoo card just stops the tablet from doing anything at boot & I've tried replacing the script.bin etc. but am not sure if i'm doing it right :).
19:09.09WarheadsSEspl/uboot also need changed for an a13
19:14.10rmand the kernel (?)
19:15.16btsimonhlot's of places seem to indicate A10/A13 are interchangeable, but are they not actually different arm versions?
19:18.37btsimonhcertainly .ko modules for a10 android kernel 3.0.8+ don't work in the a13 3.0.8+ kernel :( (and i can't find an a13 3.0.8+ uinput.ko anywhere to put VNC onto them)
19:22.54btsimonhi'd sort of ignore the main page! didn't really want to start from scratch..  but useful info there.  They are the same, just dram controller maybe and display limits - so maybe it's just getting uboot right....
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22:10.34hnobtsimonh, sure, there is no problem to boot A13 from SD. sunxi u-boot have supported A13 for ages.
22:11.06hnobut you need to compile both u-boot and kernel for a13.
22:11.36hnosame source tree, just different compile time configuration.
22:12.04btsimonhjust trying the Olimex pre-built debian.  it does more than my mk802 (a10) gentoo (i.e. it lights the backlight!!).
22:12.43btsimonhI used the script.bin from the tablet, so all i;ve done is put this in place of the olimex one.
22:12.48hnobtsimonh, you really should replace u-boot SPL and script.bin with stuff that matches your hardware.
22:13.20hnothe rest don't need changes.
22:14.13hnothe very first thin the CPU loards from the sdcard. Configures the board hardware and then loads u-boot.
22:14.42hnoit's actually a very minimal u-boot.
22:14.52btsimonhoh - like a microloader.  i;ve seema  uboto which was like that on bt homehub V3
22:15.33hnothis one is ~22KB in size. But is has important hardware parameters and is board unique.
22:16.22btsimonhcan i retrieve this from the tablet itself using adb?  I got a nanda image...
22:16.58hnonanda is not sufficient. adb yes.
22:19.26hnoHm.. should really extend that a bit... soft FEL mode is generally the absolutely easiest way. (home + 3 times powerbutton)
22:20.56btsimonh:) slow down, dowing it now :)
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22:27.43btsimonhhow would i find out if this correlates with an existing SPL ?
22:35.07btsimonhemail on the way in a while :)
22:36.33*** join/#arm-netbook Dessimat0r (
22:37.27hnobtsimonh, it's very easy to add your own. But the A13 OLinuXino SPL should work on that one.
22:41.05hno updated a bit..
22:43.06btsimonhok, so i have the OlinuXino SPL in place (I assume, using the pre-built sdcard R18).  i've put the extracted script.bin from the tablet over the one on the card, but it boots to black.
22:43.41btsimonhI've got no serial (yet, must go fishing).  but is there anything else vital i could be missing?
22:44.51hnonot really.
22:45.11hnogetting serial console access really helps.
22:45.34btsimonhok, hanks for your help.  i'll go fishing tomorrow night for serial output, see if i can catch some u-boot or even kernel diags :).
22:46.26btsimonhfel dump is only in linux, yes?
22:47.18*** join/#arm-netbook leviathanch (~quassel@2001:470:26:484:6ef0:49ff:fee6:8dca)
22:47.43hnoI guess fel could be built on Windows as well. But probably easier to just boot linux in a virtualbox if you need to use windows on the desktop. You will need it anyway if doing anything serious.
22:48.53btsimonh:) got plenty VMs... just already running 3 at the moment, none suitable for this.  will wait for another day.
22:50.53*** part/#arm-netbook btsimonh (
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