IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130510

00:49.33*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro (
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04:01.20SPGPraveen master b48a262 rhombus allwinner_a10/orders/9940500249.mdwn *;a=commitdiff;h=b48a262
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14:49.16mnemocwants a "chromebook pixel" but with exynos5 octa :'(
14:49.43mnemocgetting tired of 11.6" @ 1366x768
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15:04.22L84Supperwhy not 2 boards and a magic cable?
15:05.50mnemocreduce cable mess?
15:05.54mnemocthey are also sharing power
15:07.19mnemocbut it would be far nicer of they would agree in pico itx and do things stackable
15:08.04mnemocbut no one wants to be friendly to competitors :-/
15:14.05*** join/#arm-netbook MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:6f:23:dddc:63c3:570a:ede1)
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17:22.08L84Supper  linuxdevices reincarnated
17:24.47traeak1looks familiar
17:26.31L84Suppermnemoc:  a bit pricey
17:26.52L84Suppertraeak1: it's by the same editor
17:30.15RaYmAnsnapdragon has like, zero x11 support sadly :/
17:30.51RaYmAnunless these people managed to change that.
17:31.49traeak1not shocked
17:32.21traeak1icube chip FTW if it actually ever hits the market before it's totally outclassed
17:32.45traeak1wonder how much intel's arm competitor costs
17:33.24traeak1hopefully intel has figured out that x86 compatibility don't mean jack squat on mobile devices
17:42.55mnemocRaYmAn: not even with libhybirs?
17:45.07jelly-homeis libhybris going to work on top of X somehow?
17:46.16mnemocpeople got X/libhybris(mali) working on A10
17:46.40mnemocI suppose the same "concept" can be used with other android-only platforms
17:46.47RaYmAnmnemoc: sure
17:46.56RaYmAnI thought it was wayland only mostly?
17:47.09RaYmAniirc it doesn't really fit the x11 style buffer allocation and stuff much
17:47.11mnemocuhm.... maybe
17:47.51RaYmAnwayland is cool though
17:48.49jelly-homeI thought canonical was going to make it work on top of SurfaceFlinger(?)
17:50.00mnemoccanonical wants to avoid requiring manufacturers anything special, and so running ubuntu on top of a regular gpl-violating android it the most pragmatic approach
17:52.45RaYmAngpl-violating? Most major manufacturers do actually live up to the gpl
17:54.17RaYmAn(sometimes they are slow, but :P)
17:54.20jelly-homeRaYmAn: maybe the ones selling for the western market, when they're forced to
17:54.52mnemocslow as ... after the SoC is EOLed
17:55.24RaYmAnI guess with major manufacturers I mean companies like samsung, htc, sony and such, not $random_asian_company
17:56.13mnemoceven in those cases things can be SLOW
17:56.19RaYmAnyeah, definitely
17:56.29mnemocand too slow for ubuntu for phones to make sense
17:56.58mnemocthey need to be an option since launch
17:56.59RaYmAnthere seems to be a common '30 days' misconception about gpl
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17:57.18traeak1i've never seen 30 days mentioned anywhere in any gpl license i've seen
17:57.34jelly-homewell what about the 'before the product is obsolete' misconception
17:57.47RaYmAntraeak1: hence 'misconception' ;)
17:59.28RaYmAnmnemoc: tbh, ubuntu for phones is useless unless canonical has deals with the manufacturers
17:59.43L84Suppermost people don't really care about GPL, look at the RPi, most people mainly just care about low cost
18:00.11RaYmAnRPI lived up to the GPL from day 1 (well, technically, even before release)
18:00.12mnemocRaYmAn: sure, but if they ask manufacuturers to honour the GPL or open up something that they normally wouldn't chances of getting that deal are slim
18:00.32traeak1rpi just has that nasty vidcore thingy
18:00.33mnemocRaYmAn: and those manufacturers usually work with already restricted SDKs
18:00.37mnemocfrom the SoC vendor
18:00.40traeak1and a POS arm11 tacked onto it
18:00.54L84Supperand how many people really care about the RPi video core?
18:01.13traeak1no idea, i don't track rpi anymore
18:01.22mnemochow many people really cares about running linux or a custom android on their device at all?
18:01.36L84Supperit could send packets through hell to kill kittens as long as it still sells for $35
18:01.44mnemocwe are just an annoyance for them
18:01.47traeak1on a desktop x86 its pretty easy
18:02.16traeak1right now there's no traction on mobile precisely because it's a huge pita and not available
18:02.32traeak1i think not available and no apps for touch
18:02.40traeak1would sum it up pretty good
18:02.46RaYmAnmnemoc: yeah - I've hit brickwalls with HTC before with them saying "it contains proprietary stuff that needs to be removed before release"..pretty bullshit argument cause they clearly released the compiled kernel
18:03.42traeak1those damn blocks for useful things like video and encryption?
18:04.01RaYmAntraeak1: it's no worse than pretty much any other arm soc
18:04.30traeak1and i think x86 on mobile is also screwed because they have some similar blocks
18:06.02traeak1and frankly the mobile/tablet space is a bit immature as well
18:06.04RaYmAnsure, it's just silly to call out rpi specifically when every other arm soc is at least as bad, if not worse (libs compiled for weird settings that makes them useless in practice? the RPC interface is at least ABI agnostic)
18:06.18traeak1IMHO open source guys are best at providing some level of matching functionality
18:06.26traeak1not sure about "cutting edge" functionality
18:06.49mnemocthe problem with rpi's thing is the BS they talk and claim openness
18:06.54L84Supper  heh, didn't you see this, this is the future!
18:07.09mnemocat least the others shut up
18:07.25mnemocor tell you in your face they don't care
18:07.59RaYmAnthe most silly part wrt rpi is that it's so hopelessly outdated that there's hardly any reason to keep it sekrit
18:08.21traeak1aparently the vidcore itself is so convoluted you wouldn't *want* to dig around in it
18:08.21L84SupperBroadcom has just always been that way
18:08.39L84Supperthey started out as military silicon
18:09.38L84Suppermy only point with bringing up up the RPi is that most people just care about cheap, not personal rights, not open source, etc etc
18:09.47traeak1i guess
18:10.17traeak1i sold my rpi about a year ago and totally ignored since then
18:10.46traeak1i did notice recently plan9 runs on it
18:10.48traeak1whatever that means
18:11.18mnemocthe beaglebone black and the cubie are almost as cheap as the r-pi, but you can actually do real things with them
18:13.16L84Supperthe BBB comes with a power supply and cable so unless you already have them it's the same cost as the RPi
18:13.29eebrahmnemoc: defination of "real things" is relative ... but yeah, I find them waay more attractive
18:14.32eebrahtraek1: experimental OS, interesting news, I should try and run it
18:15.19mnemocmeh... forgot the passphrase of my gpg key :(
18:15.26L84Supperthey used to run Plan9 on some of the largest clusters
18:15.44L84Supperat LANL and Sandia labs
18:17.30L84Suppernot sure why the RPi people would care unless somebody was proposing a real coarsely grained cluster using the RPi's
18:19.23traeak1eebrah: not sure what useful stuff youcan do on plan9
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18:20.05traeak1however, considering how "fresh" the mobile/tablet market is plan9 could get a touch interface and be competitive, ewell except for application base, etc
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19:10.46eebrahtraeak: I do not think even the inventors of plan9 have any intentions of doing anything serious with it
19:11.24eebrahIt is more of a research project than anything .... but so was UNIX, Linux [ no commercial purpose at inception ]
19:36.31traeaki guess :(
19:57.55*** join/#arm-netbook e-ndy (
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20:49.53lkcl_traeak: the rbpi is actually far worse from a software freedom perspective than people realise.  the GPU initialised the CPU, using proprietary firmware.  don't agree to use proprietary firmware?  then fuck off: you can't even boot the CPU
20:50.36traeaklkcl_: i know, the rpi just isn't that impressive and doesn't really do anyting very well atall
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