IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130409

00:39.32projectguson a related note, does anyone know if things like gpio memory mappings in A10s are similar to A10?
00:39.58projectgusI have mine in FEL mode using the pio/fel-gpio tools from sunxi-tools but I'm not sure how to sanity test what I'm trying to do
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04:31.30Skaaganyone here managed to get an eGalax touchscreen to work properly with the X/Y axes?
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11:41.26SPGlkcl master 9b65614 rhombus realtek/rtd1186.mdwn * add realtek rtd1186 *;a=commitdiff;h=9b65614
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11:41.27SPGlkcl master 4e69d2a rhombus cpus.mdwn evaluated_cpus.mdwn * add cpu tag *;a=commitdiff;h=4e69d2a
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11:43.30SPGlkcl master 88a85c9 rhombus realtek/rtd1186.mdwn * add mele example product *;a=commitdiff;h=88a85c9
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11:53.05SPGlkcl master 35e61c2 rhombus realtek/rtd1186.mdwn * more research on the rtd1186 including source code links *;a=commitdiff;h=35e61c2
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14:21.25ausxxh_does A10 do MIPI/CSI-2? or just MIPI/DSI?
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14:52.47lord_daemonI have a netbook bak nb711g. Caught on the icon of android. Anyone know how to recover?
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15:04.46mdpausxxh_, you really mean _DSI_ the display path?
15:05.18mdpaccording to all docs I have there's just a CSI
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16:06.57cubieIs there any way to add custom resolution for cubieboard?
16:07.01ausxxh_mdp: DSI for display, some chips have mipi/csi-2 for camera sensor, some have mipi/dsi for display, some has both
16:07.17mdpCSI only
16:07.30cubiehmm.. i meant display
16:07.47cubieI looked up on the script.bin
16:07.58ausxxh_most cellphone chips might have nice mipi interfaces, but not the case with tablet chips
16:08.10ausxxh_the only one I found so far is imx6 from Freescale
16:08.51ausxxh_A10 does not have it, IMX5 does not, most TI's davinci does not
16:09.02cubieOh... or Maybe I could add new display resolution in the linux .
16:09.03ausxxh_the new 385 does have it
16:10.10cubieI think i should buy a new tiny 7' hdmi monitor
16:10.11mdpyep, the answer is "no"
16:10.22cubieThank you anyway mdp :)
16:10.29mdpI was clarifying if you really meant DSI, since the user manual clearly only shows a CSI
16:11.12ausxxh_mdp: are you talking to me or cubie, and...CSI is misleading
16:11.32ausxxh_some refers to camera sensor interface, it could also be camera serial interface
16:11.45ausxxh_the former is parallel, the latter is serial, you see
16:12.09ausxxh_the former _could_be_ parallel, i mean
16:12.42cubieI'll try changing the resolution on the linux first...
16:12.47ausxxh_would like to find out what TI chips support MIPI
16:13.23mdpausxxh_, it's parallel
16:14.35ausxxh_mdp: considering mipi is serial, I would expect it can transfer the signal much longer than the parallel flex cable
16:14.52ausxxh_probably a cat5 cable can do it
16:15.26mdpausxxh_, I'm just answering the question of what the a10 interface is ;)
16:15.53ausxxh_a10 has nothing mipi, from the v1.0 datasheet
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20:51.51hp__darn.. my GK802 arrived
20:52.10hp__after connecting to my tv and booting up.. only black screen arg
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