IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130326

00:01.08*** join/#arm-netbook L84Supper (~Larch@unaffiliated/l84supper)
00:24.10*** join/#arm-netbook freakazoid0223 (
00:45.40WarheadsSEleowt: just dual nic?
00:45.58WarheadsSEand, in a box, or bare?
00:45.58leowtyep, direct phy
00:46.11WarheadsSEK, then the Mirabox should fit your bill.
00:47.27leowtbare, just to use as a design reference
00:47.52WarheadsSEHrm let me see.
00:48.10WarheadsSEK, processor class?
00:48.41leowtAny armv7 will do
00:48.47leowtpxe boot server
00:49.04leowtand small sqlite db
00:49.13WarheadsSEK, so armv7
00:49.20leowtarmada 370 its cool
00:49.28WarheadsSEknows it well
00:49.32leowtpci-e =P
00:49.50leowti imagine the costs per chip and minimum order are high
00:49.55WarheadsSEIt's also the base board of the SMILEplug
00:50.18WarheadsSEwe may be able to help with you get in contact with someone regarding that
00:50.20leowtive got a starting project to go on kickstarter
00:50.31leowtim starting to studiing it
00:51.22leowtWarheadsSE: really? that would be great…
00:51.35leowti love embedded devices, and digital electronics design
00:51.46leowtbut its always hard to find a "community" around that
00:52.01leowtfor now ive only found this irc channel =P
00:52.12WarheadsSEleowt: I'm one of the core devs @ Arch Linux ARM, we made the pack for the SMILEplug
00:52.25WarheadsSEwell try to find a local-ish hackerspace
00:52.52leowti imagine there isnt one around here
00:53.12WarheadsSEwell, define "here"
00:53.22WarheadsSEMy nearest one is ~ 1:20 from me
00:53.26leowtmicrosoft owned country
00:53.35leowteducation = .Net + cisco crap
00:54.10leowti know some
00:54.19leowtnear where i live
00:54.24leowtnot close
00:54.31leowtto this kind of stuff
00:54.35leowtin mindset
00:54.42leowtif you get what i mean
00:54.42WarheadsSEYeah, 1:20 drive is not "close" to me either :P
00:55.17leowttalking about, the kind of "hacking" they do
00:56.12leowtwen you where saying "we may be able to help with you get in contact with someone regarding that"
00:56.24WarheadsSEWe = Arch Linux ARM devs
00:56.25leowti imagined other contact
00:56.32WarheadsSEwe have contacts inside GSI & Marvell
00:56.41leowtthat kind
00:56.55leowtthough that you were just talking about hackerspace ppl
00:57.04leowtfor a second
00:57.44leowtbut anyways
00:57.55leowtarmada 370 looks great
00:58.18WarheadsSEThere are actually many that are v5 that have access to two nics as well
00:58.21leowtgoing to bookmarkit
00:58.25leowti like marvell
00:58.26leowta lot
00:58.28WarheadsSEjust few boards on the consumer market expose them both
00:59.21leowti am just using an M88E11111 for a usb-ethernet base design
01:00.02leowtWarheadsSE: armv7 would be just great
01:00.12leowtfor a couple of reasons
01:00.28leowtand this was just that kind of soc i was searching for
01:00.31WarheadsSEknows plenty, just pointing out that less expensive chips are out there
01:00.53leowtcan you point some, anyways?
01:01.25leowtWarheadsSE: but this dual GbE, v7, with pci-e
01:01.27leowtjust kills me
01:01.58leowtsata to
01:02.03leowtdidnt noticed
01:02.07WarheadsSEyeah, very capable board
01:02.12leowtthats just perfect
01:02.14leowtpxe server
01:02.23leowtimages on SSD
01:02.31leowtand dual GB
01:02.42leowtwith a reasonable cpu to handle that
01:02.52leowtdude, i fell in love with this soc
01:02.58WarheadsSEI think they max out at actual transmit at ~ 500Mbps
01:03.10leowtvery close to usb speed
01:03.14leowtbut tis enough
01:03.22WarheadsSEDecently fast for an embedded board.
01:05.11WarheadsSEJust remember, there aren't a lot of embdedded boards that can truly hit the upper limits of GbE, SATAII or USB3
01:06.25leowtyeah, i know that, but just saving controllers that go on usb buses, its… you know =P
01:10.17leowtWarheadsSE: do you work with embedded devices?
01:10.23leowtare you a electronics designer?
01:14.04WarheadsSENope, don't work in electronics
01:14.11WarheadsSEprogrammer & systems engineer
01:14.45WarheadsSEI understand the concepts and have a lot of system-level knowledge of how these ARM plaforms work though
01:14.58WarheadsSEIf I really really wanted to, I could build a board myself.
01:15.04WarheadsSEIt would suck, but I could
01:16.52leowtwe are a group of young ppl, trying desperately to learn more about the world between *nix embedded and electronics
01:17.01leowtalready done some forks of olinuxino boards
01:17.04leowtand cubieboard
01:18.06leowtbut never worked officially with a chip maker
01:19.08leowtso that our project can go forward we got to understand what kind of support does chip makers give to clients
01:19.35leowtbut to do that, we got to buy or to know someone with that experience
01:19.55leowtthat is what we are trying to do
01:21.04leowtdo you if they give some kind of design reference?
01:22.13WarheadsSEI actually have to go
01:22.18leowtme too
01:22.50leowtbut, anyways, i will save your name to talk to you other day. thank you
02:04.40*** join/#arm-netbook rsalveti (~rsalveti@unaffiliated/rsalveti)
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05:42.23SPGKeebler master bfc8830 rhombus allwinner_a10/orders/Keebler.mdwn *;a=commitdiff;h=bfc8830
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14:05.23ausxxhanyone played with ATM7029 from Actions Semi
14:05.54ausxxhAllwinner is sort of like a 'spin-off' from Actions Semi
14:07.16*** join/#arm-netbook niftylettuce (uid2733@gateway/web/
14:18.04eebrahausxxh: really?
14:28.53*** join/#arm-netbook Ershov (~Thunderbi@
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16:42.22*** join/#arm-netbook Ershov (~Thunderbi@
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21:46.16*** join/#arm-netbook Jef91 (~Instantbi@bodhilinux/team/Jef91)
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23:21.39calris_hno: ping!
23:34.45*** join/#arm-netbook torindel (
23:39.18*** join/#arm-netbook CaCtus491 (

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