IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130312

00:44.40*** join/#arm-netbook torqu3e (
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01:46.39*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro1 (~stefan@
01:59.30*** join/#arm-netbook adam` (
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02:31.53*** join/#arm-netbook rsalveti_ (~rsalveti@unaffiliated/rsalveti)
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02:49.32*** join/#arm-netbook mSquare (~selvan@
03:25.51*** join/#arm-netbook rsalveti (~rsalveti@unaffiliated/rsalveti)
03:51.27*** join/#arm-netbook abesis (~abesis@
03:57.01*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
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04:23.59*** join/#arm-netbook KoH__ (
04:36.59*** join/#arm-netbook Dave77 (
04:38.00Dave77are there any remote kernel building sites?  i.e. site that would just send me compiled image to download based on URL for src/preset-list?
05:08.08*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
05:17.34rmyes, me
05:17.39rm(j/k :)
05:18.24SPGDamian master abea988 rhombus allwinner_a10/orders/620202021979.mdwn *;a=commitdiff;h=abea988
05:19.50SPGDamian master c9549c6 rhombus allwinner_a10/orders/620202021979.mdwn *;a=commitdiff;h=c9549c6
05:30.41*** join/#arm-netbook Dave77 (
09:22.12*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
09:22.12*** topic/#arm-netbook is arm-netbook: Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - EOMA68 spec - ML - Logs or - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - iMX6 Card - Flying Squirrel - Allwinner A10/A20 Card -
09:24.52*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (~popolon@
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16:08.06traeakimpressive router's been up 620 days
16:08.38dwgasp! think of all the stale bits it's accumulated, you should reboot immediately
16:08.46dwprobably put it in the freezer for a while first
16:15.53traeakprobably crash sometime today then
16:16.39xenoxaosi only get like 2 days uptime before i crash....
16:24.51traeakthat's more than me
16:25.04traeakusually at most 16 hours before a crash
16:36.27*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
16:45.06dwtraeak: lucky you, i only have to run bittorrent for half an hour :)
16:51.01traeaki don't run anything *bad* on that router, it's just the front end for the company here with an external drive plugged into it for ftp space
17:25.39*** join/#arm-netbook muts (~muts@backtrack/leader/muts)
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18:01.38*** join/#arm-netbook provel (
18:01.52provelHi! anyone tried the sunxi hdmi_cec patch ?
18:03.06provelI have cec hardware but don't know what to test
18:03.59proveltechn_ ?
18:09.09mnemocprovel: prefer #linux-sunxi for that
18:09.23proveloh thanks
18:09.47provelsorry and bye
18:09.51*** part/#arm-netbook provel (
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19:56.08*** join/#arm-netbook torqu3e (
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20:47.38*** join/#arm-netbook hramrach (~hramrach@gateway/tor-sasl/hramrach)
20:47.54hramrachhello :)
21:02.14hramrachty :)
21:02.46hramrachhmm wrt lapdock
21:03.02hramrachthe original device was used with a phone = something that works on its own
21:03.17hramrachso it has value carrying around phone *and* lapdock
21:04.42hramrachhmm, I could perhaps use a 3d model for mounting cubieboard on the back of a VESA screen
21:05.11hramrachone of the screens I have here has a lame stand that leaves the VESA holes unused
21:06.35*** join/#arm-netbook MindBeat (
21:07.36mnemochramrach: when I mentioned the VESA thing was about adding the option to the lapdock.
21:08.59hramrachthe lapdock has a coolness factor
21:09.11hramrachbut it's neither screen nor portable device
21:09.47hramrachso from my pov the usability fails when the device you are plugging into it is not functional on its own
21:09.50mnemocwhy a 11/13" brainless laptop is not portable?
21:10.04hramrachit is
21:10.17hramrachbut when you have to remove the brain to carry it
21:10.30hramrachand the brain does not work on its own - eg does not have batteries
21:10.35hramrachit kinda sucks
21:10.56mnemocthe stick uses less space on the bag than your wallet
21:11.06hramrachalso unplugging stuff or any other souch teardown actions suck for a laptop
21:11.34mnemocthat's why the lapdock thing needs to keep feeding the stick
21:11.40hramrachas users of any 3g sticks or PCMCIA cards sticking out of thei machines will testify
21:12.56mnemocthose stick on the sides ;-)
21:12.56*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
21:13.27hramrachsticking out of the display is sure to breka your display
21:13.38hramrachsticking to the sides is sure to break your stick
21:14.11hramrachso where would it stick out to not need removal before carrying the device?
21:15.11mnemocgood point
21:15.53mnemoci was thinking behind the display, but needs to live parallel to the display or it will break when carrying
21:17.17mnemocotoh the hdmi doesn't need to remain connected during carryiage
21:17.48mnemocthat leaves you with the usb/power cable "only"
21:19.12mnemocbut it's indeed.... complicated to carry suspended
21:19.46mnemocunless it's fixed to the back of the display as with the VESA thingy
21:20.54torqu3eI landed with a 2 pc rock chip board and motherboard today out of this
21:22.17hramrachmnemoc: you can fix it to the side but would not make very thin laptop then
21:33.15*** join/#arm-netbook Jef91 (~Instantbi@bodhilinux/team/Jef91)
21:36.49*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen_ (
21:40.31*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
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22:17.14*** join/#arm-netbook torqu3e (
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22:23.06*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
22:23.43*** join/#arm-netbook DrCode (~DrCode@gateway/tor-sasl/drcode)
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22:51.09*** join/#arm-netbook hg_5 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
23:06.30L84Supper  "latest tablets sold on the Shenzhen Huaqiangbei market, featuring the Allwinner A31 Quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 in 9.7″ Retina IPS for 985rmb ($158), 8″ 1024×768 for 715rmb ($114) "
23:09.11*** join/#arm-netbook calris_ (cb26dd71@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:09.51hramrachhow is 1024x768 retina?
23:17.57traeakread more closely :-p
23:19.33*** join/#arm-netbook Soru (
23:45.37*** join/#arm-netbook torqu3e (

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