IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130311

00:15.27*** join/#arm-netbook calris (
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02:46.05cobalt60_Anyone install Linux on the Lenovo Yoga?
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07:41.03*** part/#arm-netbook Ershov (~Thunderbi@
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09:02.23SPG03mnemoc 05master 1052763 06rhombus 10community_ideas/kde_tablet/pcb.mdwn * fix bad link * 14;a=commitdiff;h=1052763
09:03.39SPG03mnemoc 05master c538531 06rhombus 10community_ideas/kde_tablet.mdwn * fix bad link * 14;a=commitdiff;h=c538531
09:05.15RaYmAnvotes to set channel +c
09:06.34*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
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09:16.33mnemoc/help mode doesn't list 'c' here :<
09:16.40mnemocwhat does it do?
09:16.45RaYmAn+c disallows colors :P
09:17.01RaYmAnI'm not sure if it strips them or kills any messages with colors though
09:17.33RaYmAnI think it just strips them actually, but not 100%
09:18.15*** mode/#arm-netbook [+o RaYmAn] by ChanServ
09:18.24mnemoctest it ;-)
09:18.34andomait strings it
09:19.07*** mode/#arm-netbook [+c] by RaYmAn
09:19.38RaYmAn^^ was that in red or regular?
09:19.58RaYmAnperfect :P
09:20.19RaYmAnwhoever thought putting in colors in irc should be shot
09:20.59andomaRaYmAn: you could also get yourself a monochrome monitor if you dislike colors
09:21.13*** join/#arm-netbook fossxplorer (~fossxplor@unaffiliated/fossxplorer)
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09:21.50RaYmAnandoma: I don't dislike colors. they are great for distinguishing things. They just aren't great when other people use them :P
09:22.24mnemocandoma: the point is that whoever sends messages with colors can't know what colors is everyone else using in their client
09:22.44andomaaren't the colors pretty standard though?
09:22.56RaYmAnthe colors themselves are, of course
09:23.05RaYmAnbut e.g. I have a black background with gray text
09:23.15mnemocthere are at least two "standards"  people using white-ish background, people using black-ish background
09:23.16RaYmAnso if you were to force writing in black, it goes invisible
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09:23.23mnemocboth 100% incompatible
09:24.36andomaok fair enough .. im just using black background myself and tbh have never had any issues with ppl using colors that's incompatible with that
09:24.59RaYmAnit's pretty rare people actually use colors, since everyone is just typing text and stuff :P
09:25.58RaYmAnbut to be fair, I could just tell my client to ignore colors if it's important for you to have colors ;)
09:26.23mnemocgo censorship go
09:38.40RaYmAnjust discovered
09:38.48RaYmAnthat thing is dangerous to look at :P
09:45.50mnemoclkcl: hi, where is the repo of the kicad stuff for your kde tablet?
10:25.52*** join/#arm-netbook cheng (~cheng@
10:26.41chenganybody manage to get i2c -1 on cubieboard working?
11:01.14*** part/#arm-netbook fossxplorer (~fossxplor@unaffiliated/fossxplorer)
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14:57.29*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~ibrah@
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18:27.27*** join/#arm-netbook Noskcaj (~jackson@unaffiliated/noskcaj)
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19:57.30lkclmnemoc: it's not in kicad (yet) - everything's in
19:57.44lkclbut bear in mind that there's been some corrections
19:58.02lkcli'll get those back from the design team once they've created a working sample (as per contract)
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19:58.58mnemoclkcl: but it's going to be oshw, right?
20:01.42mnemoclkcl: plan to push the stuff to git? not a fan of wget --mirror
20:11.31*** join/#arm-netbook hg_5 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
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22:03.12lkclmnemoc: PADS files don't save by default as ASCII, so it's a bit of a pain to do that
22:03.28lkclyes - i know: i'm in severe need of revision control.
23:04.01*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (

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