IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130224

00:46.50*** join/#arm-netbook hramrach (~hramrach@gateway/tor-sasl/hramrach)
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01:24.01*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
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11:06.23*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - - ML - Logs or -
11:09.50*** join/#arm-netbook huli_ (~huli@
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11:54.40*** part/#arm-netbook FergusL (
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12:03.57*** join/#arm-netbook huli__ (~huli@
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12:20.33focus_itis this an A10 i see before me?
12:22.07focus_itAnother link -
12:22.22*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
12:23.11penguin42hehe sounds like it
12:24.17buZzbit pricy
12:24.56*** join/#arm-netbook bfree__ (~niall@
12:25.54focus_itI agree - about $100 when translated.
12:36.53*** join/#arm-netbook cnxsoft (
12:39.46buZzstill is hunting for a nice 7" A10 tablet
12:40.00buZzseen some for 70 usd, but most have 512mb ram (N)
12:57.08*** join/#arm-netbook FergusL (
12:59.16ganbold_buZz: did you check ainol?
13:00.05buZzganbold_: just seen them with A13 chips
13:01.54ganbold_ but out of stock
13:02.30buZzand again 512MB
13:02.49buZzebay and aliexpress feature some
13:03.09buZz>100 usd
13:03.15ganbold_ah :)
13:03.36buZzi can work with a 800x480 screen on 7"
13:03.47buZzdont need retina/ips/zomg1080p screens
13:05.37ganbold_amlogic, rockchip, boxchip etc, do those have any substantial difference than a10?
13:06.27ganbold_buZz: did you check
13:07.08buZzyeah high noise, low signal
13:08.35*** join/#arm-netbook hero616 (~Quink@
13:09.16buZzrockchip/amlogic i have no clue about running my own distro on it
13:09.42buZzwith an A10 tablet, i could just use my experience from cubieboard to make a rootfs for it
13:11.22ganbold_yeah, not so many a10 tablets
13:13.58buZzi'll find a proper one eventually ;)
13:26.26penguin42buZz: Well the rootfs's are pretty similar; except for the boot loader and the X hacking across most of the ARM devices
13:28.44penguin42buZz: The harder problem (as I found out and haven't yet fixed) is that the rk boards are somewhat easier to brick
13:29.01buZzallwinner a10 seems unbrickable
13:30.19*** join/#arm-netbook herdingcat (~huli@
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14:54.45w00tc0d3buZz: well, my Exynos4412 is unbrickable! :D
14:54.53w00tc0d3it's capable of booting from SDCard
14:55.06w00tc0d3Samsung Galaxy SIII
14:55.25buZzyes very nice, now point me to a 70 usd exynos4412 tablet
15:01.19rz2kw00tc0d3: only problem is that you need signed u-boot and trustzone env
15:01.24rz2kthats just fyi
15:01.51w00tc0d3rz2k: we broke tz afaik
15:02.06w00tc0d3we have uboot running
15:02.19rz2kany read about that?
15:02.38w00tc0d3buZz: point me to an Allwinner A10 quadcore A9 on 1
15:02.44rz2kI have odroid-x2 that I cant run with my own u-boot because of tz/signing needed for fw1
15:02.47w00tc0d3oh it doesn't exists :D
15:02.51buZzA10 has singlecore
15:03.07w00tc0d3rz2k: I'll give source code links
15:03.12w00tc0d3buZz: that's why I said it :D
15:03.17w00tc0d3buZz: you can't compare
15:03.23buZzyes i can
15:03.26buZzboth have a price
15:03.39buZzalso i started with 'i am searching an A10 7" tablet'
15:03.48buZzso suggesting exynos tablets has no point
15:04.23rz2kI remember only users using the old not signed bootloaders, samsung werent dicks at some moment, then this tz/signing started.
15:10.35*** join/#arm-netbook eFfeM (
15:20.28rz2kthis awesome
15:21.13rz2klooks like these guys just reversed that blob from samsung and dont worry anymore.
15:27.17buZztablet with keyboard dock, overclocking when docked
15:27.33buZzoverclocking is enabled by pumping air from the keyboard to the tablet :P
16:12.17penguin42I can't help but thinking that's solving the wrong problem :-)
16:12.55buZzheh yeah
16:13.03buZzalso, its quadcore x86
16:13.20penguin42yeh did you see the specs on the Google Pixel device?
16:17.36penguin42but at least x86 MMU is turing complete:
16:18.40penguin42I'm just watching the youtube talk on it
16:43.21jelly-homethat's.. sick
16:53.56buZzand sexy :D
16:58.45mnemocwanted that screen but with a exynos5 octa inside :|
17:00.41jelly-homeand a pony!
17:02.12mnemocand for $349
17:02.35buZz250 usd and should have a cupholder
17:12.45penguin42buZz: Well the i5 it's got should be able to keep your coffee warm
17:12.58*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~chatzilla@
17:20.06*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
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17:33.10libvmnemoc: +1
17:33.31libvi was really disappointed to see that it had intel inside and an insane pricetag
17:34.02penguin42ouch, $1300
17:34.16penguin42wonders what the cost of the LCD is
17:34.51penguin42hmm is that a bad price for a good i5 laptop  (other than the disk size)
17:35.34specingoverpriced much?
17:37.13penguin42I guess they're trying to price against a MacBook Retina
17:38.20Turlwell, it has a better screen than one
17:38.33Turland it supposedly can run full linux too
17:38.41specingpenguin42: the problem is intel
17:38.44Turlgoogle sent some patches mainline to support the touchscreen, touchpad and stuff
17:38.57specingintel is segmenting their market and is generally overpriced
17:39.03Turl(yes, it has a touchscreen too)
17:39.15penguin42Turl: And as I understand their full power/system controllers
17:39.33penguin42specing: Well the cost of the i5 would only be a small chunk of that price
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17:40.34penguin42heck, it's only a 1.8GHz
17:41.34penguin42I can't find it on; odd - the lowest i5 I can find is 2.3GHz, lists as $250
17:45.16Turlthe screen is probably the priciest part
17:45.55Turlfollowed by the research&dev cost of adding konami code easter egg to the led thingy
17:48.31penguin42Turl: I suspect that aluminium machined body can't be cheap and if it's they've done their own controller chip that is going to have cost a few $M
17:49.29penguin42iFixit haven't got around to tearing one down yet :-(
17:52.30*** join/#arm-netbook servili007 (~servili00@unaffiliated/servili007)
17:54.08penguin42hmm 17" 1920x1200 replacement panels seem to be about $90 online  that's not too bad; can't find prices on the higher res ones
17:56.44penguin42iPad3 LCDs only seem to be about #60 - that would be kind of nice for something
18:00.41*** join/#arm-netbook hramrach (~hramrach@gateway/tor-sasl/hramrach)
18:05.04*** join/#arm-netbook Avernos (~avernos@
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19:13.57*** join/#arm-netbook Noskcaj (~jackson@unaffiliated/noskcaj)
19:31.17hnoTurl, whish watchdog code still have that comment?
19:31.25hnoneeds update.
19:32.01Turlhno: yes, it does
19:32.13hnoWhich one?
19:32.26Turlhno: the one on linux-sunxi
19:32.37Turl(is there any other one?)
19:32.56hnoWhat on linux-sunxi?
19:33.13Turlthe watchdog driver
19:33.45hnoIn the kernel?
19:34.15hnothought you meant the site..
19:34.22Turlnope, the code
19:35.04hnoI don't see any such comment. Which version?
19:36.32hnoYes, found it now.
19:36.47hnoit's a stale comment.
19:43.59Turlok then, I'll ignore it :)
19:45.05Turlhno: also, does this one look ok to you?
19:46.12Turlhno: I was using busybox watchdog -t/T options, which send the ioctl after the watchdog started (which is always the case, because it starts when you open the file), so it wasn't ever applying the correct times.
19:46.14hnoLooks fine.
19:47.17hnoErr, it need to be before the kick.
19:47.41hnoOr actually, there should be no kick. set_timeout does kick.
19:48.17Turlyes, there is no extra kick (it has -)
19:48.30Turlbetter with colors :)
19:48.35hnoAh, yes, It's fine.
19:48.41hnois a bit tired tonight.
19:49.53hnoEarlier the kick also set the timeout, But was before we knew the magic undocumented secret how to kick the watchdog.
19:51.04Turlhno: the driver needs a bit of a rewrite for mainline, there's a watchdog framework now
19:52.19hnowhen was the framework added?
19:53.41hnoOk, I see it. Got confused as there is several other watchdog drivers not using the framework.
19:55.11Turlit got merged on 3.0 apparently
19:58.17hnoYes, which is before I wrote the sunxi driver, but happened to start from one which is not using the framework.
20:03.59hnoReally should get the platform_device definition moved out of the driver as well.
20:19.31*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~ibrah@
20:20.01user135Turl, do you know how I can enable the ram console with the sunxi kernel?
20:22.57Turluser135: yes, you can
20:23.08Turlah, sorry, how
20:23.11Turlenable it on the kernel config
20:23.46user135okay, what's the switch?
20:24.36user135great! thanks :)
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