IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130203

00:18.07torindelhramrach: if you dont want that warnings just add rootfstype=ext4 to kernel cmdline
00:18.31specingand tune2fs -O ^has_journal partition
00:50.45torindeltslib tools doesnt love me with screen configured to lcd+hdmi (ts_calibrate/ts_test gives black screen while they work on lcd only)
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01:54.51TestModuletorindel what warnings?
01:56.33torindelTestModule: just ts tools go highwire get some glibc warnings on list and segfault after ctl+c, while same binary with hdmi turned off works
01:57.58torindelTestModule: oh and leave your console in crappy state after segfault ^^
01:59.41torindelcrappy fb support in there ^^
02:02.44torindelTestModule: and it does that only in disp_mode=4 (same thing on lcd and hdmi), just flashed disp_mode=2 (2 separate fb)
02:08.00TestModuleI recall giving up on deb with just FB early on.
02:08.27torindelTestModule: well that calibrate thing for tslib is fb only
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02:11.59GeorgeIoakquestion on audio configuration for linaro alip
02:12.53GeorgeIoakgetting this error, ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
02:13.43GeorgeIoakmain audio output error: The audio device "default" could not be used: No such file or directory.
02:14.14GeorgeIoakand Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
02:15.01GeorgeIoakall in the Apache log file when I have a web page launch the cvlc w/ cedar
02:15.14GeorgeIoakthe video ends up playing but no audio
02:15.36torindelTestModule: btw what driver you use for xorg touchscreen? evdev/tslib/mtev?
02:15.38GeorgeIoakif i run the script from the CL that the web page issues then both the video and audio play
02:16.34GeorgeIoaktorindel: w/ my rtp i use the sun4i-ts
02:16.35TestModuleI don't use a touchscreen
02:17.42TestModuleI'm trying to rig together a bs setup where trackpads and multitouch are done in one deb, independent of touchscreens.
02:18.38torindelGeorgeIoak: i asked about xorg driver for it as multiple can support it ^^
02:18.55TestModuleThat way you'll be able to select it in my config without editing the kernel config:
02:19.51GeorgeIoakTestModule: OK
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02:23.01GeorgeIoakdifferent question the. in AlsaMixer I see LineL and LineR but I can't change the volume??
03:07.45swivelgamesHey guys... I'm trying to flash my A13 board's NAND. Using sunxi tools. Anyone here able to coach me a bit?
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07:45.33swivelgamesHey guys. I was about to compile `awutils` (`awflash`) to allow me to flash my A13 board's NAND with a new image. However, I don't know what partition to flash it to. Can anybody help me out here?
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08:57.37relllabuZz: Ping
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09:36.10buZzrellla: hey wazzap
09:37.08hramrachtorindel: I donj't care about warnings. Those messages shown are all I get from the kernel
09:39.19relllabuZz: saw your debian/debian page. we should put together both wiki pages in a way. it's mostly the same information ;)
09:39.44relllaonly diffrence is the host system
09:40.09buZzmainly yes
09:40.47buZzi pulled in some parts from FirstSteps aswell
09:41.56relllaall pages with kernel,uboot,rootfs,sd-card - creation should be "refactored" imho, as there are too much duplicates
09:42.43relllai'll have a look at it, after my new cubie-image and raspi-images have finished later this day
09:43.02hramrachyeah, we have 3 debian guides now
09:43.54buZzmaybe we should split the tutorials
09:43.59hramrachanyione seen boot stopping at this
09:44.42buZzinto those parts .. kernel/uboot/rootfs/sd-card ?
09:45.07buZzand pull in different methods to do each step
09:46.57hramrachbuZz: I tried to make ma tutorial as one place I can cut&paste from
09:47.11hramrachand reference more detailed instructions in links
09:47.30buZzhmm let me see
09:47.38relllayeah, that'd be my preferred way. 1) preparing hostsystem (compiler tools, git,...) 2) kernel 3) uboot 4) rootfs 6) fex 7)sd-card
09:47.42buZzfirst i heard there where 3 was when you said it lastnight
09:48.29buZzwhich is yours hramrach ?
09:49.54relllaand there should be some info, that the cubie IS a10, and that the difference between e.g. mele isn't that big. because the ml etc. is "flooded" by cubieboarders in a way. it think, it's not clear for most people, what cubie has to do with linux-sunxi..
09:50.24relllas/cubieboarders/new cubieboarders/
09:51.14buZzyeah thats quite common, i tried to make my tutorial not really cubie specific and i think i didnt add any specific steps
09:51.19hramrachbuZz: BuildingOnDebina
09:51.35hramrach* BuildingOnDebian
09:54.48buZzhmm yes nice one hramrach
09:55.24hramrachthe problem is that even with two tutorials already people make a third one
09:55.31hramrachno discoverability
09:55.41buZzyes we need better index pages
09:56.02relllahramrach: did you build with emdebian - armhf on wheezy?
09:56.03buZzlinks to the categories
09:56.46buZzthis is a pretty good list
09:56.55relllahramrach: sorry, saw the hint about missing armhf-compilers in sid ;)
09:57.34buZzseems like _every_ tutorial tries to explain you how to install a cross compiler ;)
09:57.54hramrachbecause finding a cross-compiler is non-trivial
09:58.10hramrachand you never know it actually compiles until you try
09:59.30buZzyeah but clearly we just need one description for it :P
09:59.54buZz* Install a [[Cross Compiler]]
10:00.02buZzand just keep all the info on that page
10:00.20hramrachthe answer is distro-specific
10:01.11relllayou search for your distro on [[Cross Compiler]] - would be a good way
10:01.36buZzyeah, that way we keep information more centralized
10:01.50relllathe same with the other parts - kernel, uboot ...
10:02.47hramrachthe problem with that is that when you want to build a rootfs you need top open half-dozen pages and search for your distro-specific info on each
10:03.10buZzjust 6? i would be happy :)
10:03.56hramrachcrosscompiler, u-boot, kernel, rootfs, putting rootfs to media
10:04.02relllabut no duplicates this way.
10:04.34hramrachand then something for setting up the system once installed
10:04.34buZzi told someone yesterday but not sure, can you use debootstrap to make ubuntu rootfs aswell?
10:04.46hramrachyou can
10:04.47relllamaybe ONE distro-specific site linking to anchors in the parts-specific page is useful
10:04.53hramrachwhy would you not?
10:04.59relllaas a starting point
10:05.00buZzno idea, never did it
10:11.01hramrachtorindel: with removing the journal the kernel cannot mount the partition and reboots
10:11.08hramrachbut does not lock up ;-)
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10:22.24hramrachthere is simething wrong with the nand driver/nand :s
10:22.50hramrachyou fsck the filesystem, it says it has repaired it, and on next fsck you get same error
10:23.01hramrachsame with tune2fs
10:23.19hramrachif you don't run it twice the feature is not added/removed
10:24.08hramrachI am not surprised booting from nand does not work then
10:58.23torindelhramrach: for me it doesnt lockup and i use ext4 with journaling
10:58.57torindelas for removing journal you have to do it on unmounted partition
11:00.16torindelhramrach: also keep in mind to not touch nanda from linux
11:00.28hramrachtorindel: that's what I do
11:00.33torindelas it usually is badly sized
11:00.45torindeland fucksorzup next partition
11:00.52torindelwhile doing so
11:01.03hramrachbut either fsck or tune2fs somehow does not fully work
11:01.12torindel(i.e. linux report its size as 128MB after mounting and partition size is 16MB)
11:01.20hramrachsee the paste where it reports the same error after supposedly fixing it
11:01.50hramrachI have no next partiion
11:02.10hramrachso if it fuxorzap the journal is off the end of the nand
11:02.11torindelhramrach: you have and thats your ext4 xd
11:02.37torindelread again "nanda vfat is usually badly sized"
11:02.54hramrachoh, nanda
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11:06.14hramrachit says nanda is 16mb when mounted
11:06.19hramrachso I guess it's ok
11:06.39hramrachif the pertiions overlepped by 100MB I would have way more problems
11:07.15specingIf you are using internal NAND then consider yaffs2
11:07.45hramrachdoes yaffs2 make the kernel magically boot?
11:08.44hramrachbecause wear is not really a problem when I can't boot the system
11:18.37specingIndeed :D
11:18.51specingWell Im currently using ext2 on sdcards
11:20.20torindelususes ext4 on nand like androids do
11:21.12torindelhandt had single problem yet
11:21.25torindelwiith ext4
11:30.12specingJournalling is *very* bad for flash
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11:55.48hramrachjournaling is *very* bad for media
11:56.06hramrachbut if the flash has wera levelling it's not as bad
11:56.31hramrachplus if the journal blocks die you make a new partiion 100MB smaller, problem solved
11:57.16specingand lose 200 MB of space, great job
12:04.28hramrachyou will eventually lose all
12:04.34hramrachthe flash does not last forever
12:04.50hramrachand journal gives you relaiability
12:09.33specingthe battery gives you reliability ;D
12:09.56hramrachnot really
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12:10.56specingyes really
12:11.44specingI was thinking about turning off journalling on my amd64 laptop with a real HDD
12:12.18specingI rarely if ever reboot and it had no crashes in its history
12:12.52hramrachI never log off
12:12.53hramrachI crash
12:13.14hramrachand that crashing part - you are just lucky
12:13.36hramrachLinux is bloatware and every bit can have a bug that takes the whole thing down
12:14.01specingActually Im running 3.6.11 with the invasive AUFS patchset and have no problems whatsoever
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12:14.36hramrachlike thre were block layer bugs which would cause panic when an USB hdd would go away without first causing a disconnect event
12:14.48hramrachand assorted grahics bugs
12:14.59hramrachand whatnot
12:15.27buZzi dont see that as bloat, but mostly an effect of doing a project like this with 49837598437 developers
12:15.58hramrach90% drivers could be usrspace without loss of performance
12:17.10hramrachand even with minor loss of performance you could argue kicking the driver out makes developmnet and optimization easier leading to better performance in the long run
12:17.55specinghramrach: Ever heard of MINIX? It does this and it has been at the same stage of development for the past 20 years
12:17.58buZzhramrach: well, fork kernel and get to it then :P
12:18.06specingwonder why...
12:18.28hramrachnobody working on it
12:18.36specingGUESS WHY!
12:18.51hramrachit has nothing to offer if you install it right now
12:19.03specingNeither did Linux 20 years ago
12:19.09hramrachit did
12:19.14specingno it didn't
12:19.16hramrachwas the only free unix back then
12:19.23buZzno it wasnt
12:19.33hramrachBSD was not really ready
12:19.36buZzthere were several projects like this
12:19.40buZzlinux wasnt ready either
12:19.46hramrachsome lawyer work
12:19.47buZznone of them were 'ready'
12:19.57hramrachthen he was the first to deliver results
12:19.59buZzthey had to be matured
12:20.15hramrachor happened to be best known at the time
12:20.18buZz_all these developers_ picked linux to pour their souls in
12:20.19hramrachone had to be it
12:20.39buZzit has never been a one person job
12:21.13hramrachwhen there are N project doeing the same thing one has to come first at some point
12:21.37hramrachso if you say that there were N-1 projects like Linux nobody knows about by now
12:21.41hramrachthey were just slower
12:22.34hramrachsome people say thta Linus is not that much of a coder as he is project manager
12:22.41hramrachthat might be the reason
12:23.16specingActually Linux succedded mostly because of two reasons:
12:23.38specing1) It had a very well defined project path and a performance-oriented design
12:24.07specing2) It was GPL'd meaning contributions to it would not get stolen by some money-eating corporation
12:25.09specingboth BSDs and MINIX are covered by the BSD license
12:25.16hramrachalso a factor is that project that delivers half a solution a year eiarlier gets contributors and fame
12:25.27specingAnd I would think thrice before contributing to such projects
12:25.35hramracha project that delivers whole solution a year later is dead
12:26.00hramrachand you ahve to live with half a solution
12:26.09specingActually even GPL has a problem
12:26.20specingAffero GPL is the best in my opinion
12:26.43hramrachAffero GPL is rather asinine license
12:27.02hramrachit covers so much that software licensed under those terms is nearly unusable
12:27.28specingaffero is GPL + if you use it on a server you have to release the source + modifications
12:27.33hramrachand it turns out GPL does not force corporations not stealing the cose
12:27.41hramrachsee all these ARM driver blobs
12:27.46specingIndeed it doesen't
12:27.46hramrachthere is aplways a way
12:27.54specingbut it helps lawyers in doing so
12:28.39hramrachspecing: it also covers patents. or was theat gplv3?
12:29.18hramrachanyway, it's not going to work
12:29.56hramrachanyone can claim they ahve patented anything and in general very few can afford to challenge such claim
12:30.25specingYes, but GPL gives you the option to fight back, BSD doesen't
12:30.27hramrachso in general you are screwed
12:30.41hramrachneither does
12:31.03specingThen I suggest you go and read them
12:31.09specingand see for yourself
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12:31.15hramrachGPL makes it possible to demand from a corporation that uses your code to release their changes
12:31.44hramrachwhich the corporation avoids by splitting the code and releaseing only useless part which links to the GPL code
12:32.08specingthey are still violating it then
12:32.09hramrachonce Linksys was burned by GPL so they are careful now
12:32.19hramrachno, technically they aren't
12:32.37hramrachlike kerenl interface to userspace blob
12:32.42hramrachit's all fine legally
12:33.13hramrachbut neither BDS nor GPL protects you from somebody claiming they have petented what you wrote
12:33.30hramrachso it's all mot then
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12:37.29specinghramrach: We don't seem to be having the software patent hell here in Europe ;)
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12:50.37hramrachspecing: you are not following what's going on then.
12:51.17hramrachthe software patents are technically illegal in EU. that does not stop EPO from granting them and eg. MPEG group to collecting patent fees
12:51.26hramrachand there is puch t olegalize them after the fact
13:03.52hramrachspecing: if you don't have patent hell then buy a cpi and the mpeg decoding license for it and go to mpeg group and demand money back for the decoding lic since in EU there are no sw patents :>
13:04.49specingI won't buy a RPI because its crapware
13:05.29specingand while we have piratenpartei members in the EU parliament I doubt such a law will be passed
13:06.23hramrachit's irrelevalnt what the law says since in practice sw patents are granted and enforced
13:06.26specingAlso the mpeg stuff will be reverse-engineered anyway
13:06.53hramrachit cannot be for rpi
13:07.00specingWhy not?
13:07.00hramrachnot without hardware hacks
13:07.07hramrachit's like PS3 was
13:07.25hramrachyou are running a 'guest os'
13:07.56specing< specing> I won't buy a RPI because its crapware
13:07.59specingthere you go
13:08.00hramrachplus reverse-engineering does not help you
13:08.13hramrachthe patent license is still required
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14:33.36Turlgoing back to OS, go and use Debian GNU/Hurd
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14:45.33rmHurd is not ported to ARM afaik
14:47.39rmheh, whoever does it, should name the port "Harm"
14:47.58rmshort from "Hurd ARM" :)
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14:52.19buZzrm: i liked the term 'OpenBS DARM' aswell
14:52.50buZzdarm = dutch/german for intestine
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15:13.29adibekHi every one i serching for solution to run linux on MK802+ with a10s procesor .
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15:35.55adibekI search network for linux image to run on A13 like A10s but no sucess , Is there any one who boot linux on MK802 clone ?
15:37.16rmI dunno if it works yet
15:37.50rm..ordered threee MK802 II
15:37.52WarheadsSEIf you get an operational SPL/uboot, the linux-sun5i-staging should work
15:38.07rmwill be a surprise if they all turn out to be A10s :)
15:38.19WarheadsSEbut. I don't supply & enable the mali drivers (thus x11) by default
15:38.47rmafaik it kind of doesn't
15:38.57rmah, "staging"
15:39.37WarheadsSEyeah, its built from the stage/sunxi-3.0 branch instead of the sunxi-3.0 branch
15:42.51adibeki try the latest u-boot , but without serial console is imposible to build
15:44.02adibeki will build the serial this week and test some more , but meybe some one did the worknig image for sdcard
15:50.52WarheadsSEseek phelbore in #archlinux-arm .. he had one until it had a capacitor failure and melted the case.
15:53.43adibekThx , there are really small diferences betwen a10, a10s, a13 and  A10s is some like  A10 and almost like A13 :)
15:58.22buZzTurl: seems disabling interactive governor fixed it, ty :D
16:14.35jochenspis there a way to extract the Android kernel and boot a Debian rootfs on top?
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16:20.45buZzjochensp: android kernels arent properly set up to boot linux
16:21.00buZzslight differences but you will need to recompile them usually
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16:21.58jochenspok, thanks, was hoping to debug my sound problems that way
16:24.03buZzwhich sound problems, on what platform?
16:25.55jochenspmini xplus overdriven sound on analog output
16:26.26jochenspsound is ok when I set volume to 50%, distorted above
16:33.51jochenspbuZz: I've tried different images from the net, compiled from git, used the fex files from the device, all without luck, do you have any suggestion?
16:34.18jochenspwanted to try the Android kernel, because sound is working on that one
16:35.42buZzi doubt you could fix that with kernel or fex
16:35.56buZzseems the alsa driver just outputs too high a volume
16:36.01buZzmaybe the hardware is unmatched
16:36.07buZzdo you have the same problem on HDMI?
16:36.28buZzmaybe you should ask on miniand forums?
16:36.33buZzas they sell it aswell;
16:36.48jochensphdmi doesn't work either
16:37.00buZz'doesnt work' ?
16:37.03buZzor overdriven?
16:37.09jochenspno output
16:37.53buZzdid you check aplay -l
16:38.01buZzusually A10 devices have _two_ alsa devices
16:38.06buZzone for analog, one for hdmi
16:38.13buZzand doesnt autoselect the proper one in hardware
16:39.05jochensphow can I switch it?
16:39.15buZzdepends on software
16:39.25buZzmplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=1.0 bla.mp4
16:39.28buZzfor mplayer
16:44.19jochenspI don't have a hdmi device over here to test, will try tomorrow
16:44.27jochenspany other idea?
16:45.03buZzehr, keep volume at 50% sounds pretty wise? :D
16:45.29jochensphehe, then it's not loud enough ;)
16:46.10WarheadsSEYeah, just set master to 50% and adjust as necessary
16:46.19WarheadsSEget an amp.
16:47.49jochenspI have an amp behind it, but I need to reset the volume every time when I attach something else
16:48.20jochenspso it would be great if we could make it work as in Android
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17:00.50buZzwhere is the phoenixcard tool?
17:01.42buZzonly link i can find gives a 509 for too much traffic >_<
17:03.29buZzah wait, found one
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17:07.06buZzanyone got phoenixcard working in wine? :D
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17:22.56buZzhmm meh, of course phoenixcard cant find the SD reader
17:26.27jochenspbuZz: you said the maybe the hardware is unmatched, what did you mean exactly?
17:26.53buZzwell, that the amplifier on the circuit is not matched to the output of the chip
17:27.48jochenspbut then it should give normal sound level on 50%, or?
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18:03.39techn_jochensp: I have same problem.. analog audio is distorded
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18:34.53jochensptechn_: mini xplus as well?
18:35.05techn_jochensp: plain mini-x
19:07.44jochensptechn_: did you using the android kernel?
19:08.07jochensp..with a Linux rootf?
19:11.44techn_havent tried android
19:14.17adibekHi I try  linaro-alip-armhf-t4.img and the latest u-boot with sun5i form A13 support , but there is no efect on MK802+ clone cs102 aka AK-212 :( Still no linux starting .
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20:24.45jochensptechn_: did you ask at miniand forums already?
20:24.57techn_jochensp: no
20:27.34jochenspare you interested in getting it to work as well, would it rather be a nice to have?
20:27.56techn_jochensp: I'm currently debugging other things
20:28.05jochenspah, I see
20:28.12techn_but sure.. it should be fixed
20:29.23techn_jochensp: one thing you could try is to upgrade to latest sunxi alsa stuff
20:29.37jochenspwhere do I find it?
20:29.38techn_and send patch is it helps :)
20:31.37jochenspok, on it :)
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22:32.28br-can search the complete history of his rss feeds going back to when he started using google reader, for the first time without having those searches logged
22:32.46br-now to fix the 1gb memory leak in the index.. :)
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22:45.49ln2You guys can boot the mk802 clone to linux?
22:46.16ln2The non A10 clone?
22:51.17Turlwhich one? MK802 doesn't mean much these days :p
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23:11.52ln2Turl: I don't have my board with me right now let me find the CPU model real quick.  =)
23:21.43ln2Turl: The CPU on my MK802 is a Telechips tcc8925.
23:24.50Turlln2: maybe of help
23:28.20ln2Turl: Holy crap I looked all over for that!  Thank you!!!
23:28.25ln2I was going to throw that thing out.  Haha
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23:31.05Turlyour googlefu must be bad, it was the first result for "tcc8925 linux" :p
23:42.01rm<ln2> Turl: The CPU on my MK802 is a Telechips tcc8925.
23:42.06rm"That's no MK802 D:"
23:45.23ln2rm: It was advertised as one on Amazon.  I probably should have read the comments.  =)
23:45.52ln2Interestingly enough, most of the comments are positive, and the CPU is listed as an Allwinner A10.  O_o
23:45.58rmwho in the world buys this kind of things on Amazon
23:46.05rmuse Aliexpress
23:47.00ln2It actually shipped from the US.  I do order things from Aliexpress they usually take ~month.
23:47.26ln2I did learn my lesson though.  =)
23:50.21ln2I will hopefully be building one of these next instead.
23:55.05ln2$12 board that runs linux.  8)
23:57.31rmthe 703N can be found for ~$18
23:57.42rmand it has ethernet, and requires no assembly

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