IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130124

00:38.22*** join/#arm-netbook tinti_ (~tinti@pdpc/supporter/student/tinti)
00:39.11*** join/#arm-netbook Jonathan_Eyre (
00:52.42*** join/#arm-netbook fragmint (
01:32.21*** join/#arm-netbook servili007 (~servili00@unaffiliated/servili007)
01:33.02servili007someone might've posted it already, but,
01:42.02ZaEarllooks overpriced
01:42.23*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro1 (
01:53.30servili007ZaEarl: In the sense that China can do better, yeah. In the sense that it's a capacitive panel, screen, and basic a10 board, I've seeen worse
02:08.13*** join/#arm-netbook freakazoid0223 (
02:31.13Alex1269mnemoc, I named driver gpio-sunxi, but it looks like driver irq part is soc specific. Is there any way for driver to get soc name at runtime ?
02:32.43Alex1269And I found that sys_config.c gpio_request_ex() function doesn't reserve gpios and can be called twice for same gpio. This is not good... :(
02:38.22*** join/#arm-netbook amoxoo (~amo@
02:47.52*** part/#arm-netbook amoxoo (~amo@
02:47.53*** join/#arm-netbook amoxoo (~amo@
03:10.41*** join/#arm-netbook fragmint (
03:11.21*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~chatzilla@
03:13.20TestModuleCVS had A10 tabs for 9.99
03:24.05*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold (~ganbold@
03:43.55SPG03Roja 05master b0ae5cc 06rhombus 03allwinner_a10/orders/.txt * Interested in stable Board as many that can come for $150 * 14;a=commitdiff;h=b0ae5cc
03:56.57*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold (~ganbold@
03:59.24*** join/#arm-netbook Jonathan_Eyre (
04:00.18servili007TestModule: When was this?
04:01.22SPG03Roja 05master 0972866 06rhombus 03allwinner_a10/orders/rojaHodge.mdwn * 14;a=commitdiff;h=0972866
04:09.07*** join/#arm-netbook aholler (
04:20.52*** join/#arm-netbook coder0x (~Vinicius@
04:25.32*** join/#arm-netbook KoH_ (
04:33.35TestModuleservil, some locations it's still going on, but a week or two ago?
04:33.42TestModuleChristmas clearance all Jan
05:10.11*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
05:12.19*** join/#arm-netbook hark (
05:21.00*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (
05:56.30*** join/#arm-netbook Jonathan_Eyre (
06:05.10*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
06:50.15*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~chatzilla@
07:05.25*** join/#arm-netbook Ershov (~Thunderbi@
07:07.59*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
07:24.39TestModuleYou know, the A10 isn't that slow if it's running at 1ghz the whole time. Is there a way to lower the voltage on the MK802 and / or overclock it?
07:25.41libvheh, spinning companion cube (with vertices and elements in buffers): binary driver: 176 fps. limare: 212 fps.
07:25.50libverr, 242
07:25.54rmit doesn't need to run at 1GHz all the time to not be noticeably slow, see
07:26.51libvand this with 1GHz cpu, 320Mhz gpu, and memory at the default 360Mhz
07:28.24libvlimare is, above having less cpu overhead due to it being much more rudimentary, also apparently more aggressive at job scheduling
07:31.45TestModuleoh wow. Thanks rm
07:51.35*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
08:12.32*** join/#arm-netbook pcat (
08:20.32*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
08:28.07*** join/#arm-netbook cheng (~cheng@
08:34.37amoxooi was tring to open the EGL accelration using Mali armhf r3p0 bin from linux-sunxi mali page, but when i tried to run some demo like glmark2-es2 or even the test under Mali-libs, i got an symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: XextCreateExtension
08:34.43amoxoohow can I proceed?
08:38.48TestModuleamoxoo , what hardware are you using?
08:39.27amoxooi am running on CubieBoard
08:39.39amoxoofrom hipboi
08:40.24amoxoonow running Ubuntu Precise armhf from linaro
08:42.57chengis running armhf is faster than armel?
08:48.19chenghmm...a quick find found this:
08:48.34chengarmhf faster than armel by 20%
08:51.04*** join/#arm-netbook Kebianizao|work (
08:55.58chengamoxoo: can i know your BogoMIPS reading on /proc/cpuinfo?
08:56.16chengi have this reading on my meleA1000
08:56.21chengBogoMIPS        : 59.63
08:56.46chengwhile i have another cortex-a8, with 1GHz from TI reading this
08:56.52chengBogoMIPS        : 986.31  
09:00.47rmyou need to apply tweaks from
09:01.11rmBogoMIPS on the A10 is one per MHz
09:02.27TestModuleCan I add my mk802-1gb.fex ?
09:03.53chengapply the tweaks will increase the performance?
09:04.18chengas I try to run some application, on TI is running fine, but is much slower on meleA1000
09:04.33TestModulecheng , yes.
09:04.46TestModulelisten to rm , he is right
09:04.54chengthanks, will give it a try
09:08.23amoxooafter tweaks , the BogoMIPS updated to 1001.88
09:14.34chengno kidding...that's a BIG jump.
09:15.04*** join/#arm-netbook sspiff (~wim@unaffiliated/yukito)
09:15.32jelly-homeBogoMIPS: still bogus as much as the day they were named on
09:15.44amoxooand really enhanced alot on playing 1080p video, but still decoding by software...
09:15.56amoxoofrom 2 fps => 10 fps
09:16.12chengi bet changing my armel to armhf will further improve it
09:16.27cheng10fps is still not good enough though
09:17.39amoxoomy problem about EGL still exist
09:19.37amoxoois GET_UMP_SECURE_ID_BUF1 return 0x01 and GET_UMP_SECURE_ID_BUF2 return 0x02 correct?
09:19.53*** join/#arm-netbook gzamboni (
09:20.28ssvbamoxoo: usually yes
09:21.32ssvbamoxoo: have you already solved the XextCreateExtension problem?
09:24.00amoxoonot yet
09:24.34ssvbuse the compiled from sources instead of the blob
09:24.43amoxoonm -u got a lot of undefined symbol which are start with X....
09:25.22ssvbyes, as a workaround, these dependencies are pulled in from libUMP
09:27.39*** join/#arm-netbook hansg (
09:29.25amoxoothanks ssvb~
09:29.40amoxoocompile libUMP from source
09:29.48amoxoothank you very much~
09:30.00amoxooi got 70fps on glmark2-es2
09:30.11gzambonihi, is this gpio documentation valid for all sunxi devices or its only for the A13?
09:30.30cheng70fps of HD decoding?
09:31.36amoxooEGL rending
09:34.36*** part/#arm-netbook amoxoo (~amo@
09:35.17TestModuleamoxoo , is X11 accel working for you as well?
09:37.07TestModuler3p0 vs r3p1 = ?
09:39.23Alex1269gzamboni, this also works for A10
09:43.53TestModuleOdd, for some reason my 2.4ghz mouse stopped working after i updated to the 3.4 kernel (using over basically a hub which is originally connected via the otg).
09:49.39gzambonithanks Alex
09:56.36TestModuleWhich file actually ends up controlling the max / voltage and max mhz ?
10:00.11mnemocAlex1269: including mach/foo.h should hide the sun4i vs sun5i difference
10:00.39*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (
10:04.09gzambonithe default bsp board fex(s) dont have the gpio_para , they could have it with gpio_used = 0
10:09.16mnemocthe gpio driver was hacked in to allow allwinner developers test boards, it was never intended to be used in production devices
10:09.25mnemocit's even called "ugly gpio driver"
10:09.28ganboldmnemoc: I forgot you were saying about wemac, is it PCI-E MAC/PHY?
10:10.00mnemocit's mac, and native in the soc
10:10.21mnemocno pci-e
10:12.54ganboldmnemoc: on the back of cubieboard there is RTL1802CP, what is the use of it? as it acts as phy?
10:13.09mnemocit's the PHY, yes
10:13.16gzamboniyeah, i saw it: SUN4I_GPIO_UGLY
10:14.02gzamboniit isnt also at the board defconfs, i will recompile it with this enabled to test it
10:14.03mnemociirc that driver only works for outputs. Alex1269 is reimplementing it using gpiolib
10:26.13gzambonihumm, thats good new
10:29.14hansgTestModule, the otg usb port stinks, really really stinks, you should always use a real usb host port where available.
10:29.50hansgTestModule, my guess is that before you changed the kernel, you either did not have the hub in between, or that you've added some other extra usb-device in the mean time
10:30.13TestModuleThat is not the case
10:30.21*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
10:30.28TestModuleI had to remove all but one (the side OTG) for space reasons
10:32.30hansgBasically the otg can only address a limited number of usb endpoints, so 1 device tends to work, a hub + 1 device may work, a hub + 2 devices tends to not work
10:33.01TestModulehmm, so built in "usb" wifi + hub = max
10:33.05hansgAll I can advise you is to re-think the way how you've hooked things up, as the otg stinks big time
10:33.29hansgNo the A10 has 3 usb controllers 1 otg, and 2 real proper controllers, The usb takes 1 proper controller usually :|
10:33.49TestModulebut one is being used by the wifi card, correct?
10:34.24hansgRight, the usb-wifi takes one of the 2 real usb controllers, The usb connector you've "removed" is the other real usb controller, leaving you with only the suck majorly otg one
10:34.31TestModulenm, i think i know what to do... lots of soldering, lol
10:34.46hansgYeah that is best.
10:35.59TestModuleHas anyone tried Link-Time-Optimization on the kernel?
10:51.14*** part/#arm-netbook Ershov (~Thunderbi@
11:17.02*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~chatzilla@
11:18.39SPG03Julian 05master 0a2b1f0 06rhombus 10allwinner_a10/orders/susc.mdwn * units +2 * 14;a=commitdiff;h=0a2b1f0
11:20.01slapinmnemoc: have you asked about thermal ranges?
11:20.31mnemocslapin: I have no access to anyone how can answer that
11:20.44mnemocslapin: ask Tsvetan if he can ask
11:20.49slapinmnemoc: who can?
11:20.55mnemocwits customers
11:20.56slapinmnemoc: ah, thanks
11:21.08slapinmnemoc: wits?
11:22.09mnemocthe "solution provider" company of allwinner
11:22.30slapinI'm quite seriously bombed by rockchip guys, so I need AW's answer before making decisions
11:22.41slapinmnemoc: they are big it seems
11:23.41mnemocbeen a potential customer you are likely to get a response
11:23.52mnemoci'm already blacklisted
11:23.59andomamnemoc: :(
11:24.41slapinmnemoc: how are you managed to be blacklisted?
11:24.59mnemocasking about sources and gpl
11:25.10slapinmnemoc: refused to buy 1000 of discount CPUs?
11:25.17TestModuleThermal ranges are very high
11:25.25TestModulei fry eggs on mine
11:25.43mnemoceven my mail about *buying* an a20 and a31 devkit was ignored
11:26.23br-sounds like you need more pseudonyms
11:26.24slapinmnemoc: that's strange
11:26.25TestModulemnemoc, honestly you may be better off telling some OEM company on alibaba to make you something
11:26.33jinzomnemoc, because they know you would have a bit more leverage over them with sources...
11:26.45TestModuleor requesting a "sample"
11:27.17slapinhow big is average OEM proce on alibaba?
11:27.51TestModuleno idea, but i get everything for free from there ;)
11:28.48TestModuleMass spam sample requests, use my company's email / sig
11:30.30slapinTestModule: free docs are OK, but nobody will make toy free boards...
11:30.53TestModuleYou obviously never tried.
11:31.05TestModuleI'm not saying custom, i'm saying whatever they have
11:31.21TestModulegranted, someone like this may or may have connections to someone that does:
11:31.56slapinTestModule: thanks for the link?
11:33.41oliv3rA20 hardware?
11:34.11TestModuleno idea, they never update alibaba listings
11:34.18TestModulejust good contacts
11:34.38TestModulealiexpress listings get updated first
11:34.41TestModulesome sell on both
11:34.53slapinTestModule: ah, cool
11:36.11slapinmy amounts are quite low, about 300-400 boards per year, so I still was unable to interest any Chinese supplier :(
11:40.17TestModuleSo, buy consumer gear?
11:40.37TestModulehell, craig A10 tabs were 9.99 @ cvs a few weeks ago ;)
11:42.02TestModuleStart a kickstarter, feed off your own kickstart ;)
11:47.23*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
11:50.55*** join/#arm-netbook lerc (
12:07.45*** join/#arm-netbook pcat (
12:22.45Alex1269mnemoc, look I made a eint sources table with ifdefs. Is this correct ?
12:26.25Alex1269I found in documentation that 32 gpios can be used as interrupt sources by default and another 32 using pin mode=6. But there is no information what happens with default eint0 pin after switching another eint0 source to mode=6
12:30.26mnemocbut... do we really need sunxi_gpio_to_irq() to export predeclared input and output pins on /sys/class/gpio ?
12:32.30Alex1269this function adds "edge" attribut into gpio sysfs directory. Then you can echo "rising" into it and poll on value attribut.
12:32.56mnemocfair enough :)
12:34.26Alex1269I think sun4i and sun3i eint enabled gpios differs
12:34.41mnemocignore sun3i for now
12:34.48mnemocbut sun5i is critical
12:35.54mnemoc(sun3i code is too incomplete to be usable, and no one here has hardware to test)
12:36.22mnemocsun5i is more complicated as there are 2+ SoCs implementing it
12:36.47mnemocmaybe sunxi_gpio_to_irq() itself should be sun4i-only for now
12:36.49Alex1269so I added a table(s) :) but not sure about muxed eint gpios... It looks like they work as interrupt enabled inputs in mode=6 ( and defaults became non-interrupt enabled.
12:37.31mnemocAlex1269: saw ?
12:39.16Alex1269:) For non sun4i platforms currently I have "static structgpio_eint_data gpio_eint_list[] = { {-1,-1,-1} }" so gpio_to_irq will allways return -EINVAL for non sun4i
12:39.37*** join/#arm-netbook L84Supper2 (~TheLarch@
12:39.37*** join/#arm-netbook L84Supper2 (~TheLarch@unaffiliated/l84supper)
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12:40.01Alex1269I downloaded this manual allready... :-)
12:40.06slapinhow do you generally handle hundered thousand mails from maillists? I tried to convert my mbox to maildir, but nothing changed, everything is still very slow :(
12:40.39mnemocfor maildir you need a fs efficient with tons of small files
12:41.55slapinmnemoc: I don't see performance increase with conversion, everyone adviced me to convert to maildir :(
12:41.55specingslapin: you unsubscribe from LKML, lol
12:42.30slapinspecing: I need it, and lotso of other subsystem mail lists to check various patches as work process :(
12:43.05*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (
12:43.25slapinspecing: NO, no filesystem changes on this VPS
12:43.56mnemocslapin: then enjoy an awfully slow mail server :<
12:46.14slapinmnemoc: it is not slow, only mail reading is slow
12:48.25mnemocwhich just happens to be the most important feature of it :p
12:50.08*** join/#arm-netbook L84Supper2 (~TheLarch@unaffiliated/l84supper)
12:52.01specingslapin: what client are you using?
12:52.29mnemocslapin seems to be the kind of using "claws"
12:53.23mnemoc(rm too)
12:53.35specingI use claws
12:53.49specingOfcourse not on LKML, Im not that crazy
12:54.06specingActually I was subscribed to LKML once
12:54.13specingwhen I was still using mutt
13:06.07rmI delete mail from/to mailing lists that's older than 1 year
13:07.06ahollerso you would hold around 500k messages for lkml ;)
13:08.00slapinmnemoc: mutt
13:08.07slapinspecing: mutt
13:08.48mnemochramrach: the cubieboard_defconfig is getting removed
13:08.57slapincan mutt cache anything except imap headers, which I don't use?
13:10.05slapinmy 100K messages Maildir opens 30 seconds, my 160K messages mbox opens 48 seconds
13:10.44slapinthey all tell me mutt caches mail, but i simply can't see where it does it, bith regular mutt and mutt-patched from Debian.
13:11.57aholleryou have to enable it, e.g. with set header_cache=~/.mutt/tmp/.mutt
13:12.15ahollerupps, should be ~/.mutt only
13:13.36ahollerthere is also a message_cachedir, just see man muttrc
13:15.27ahollera good solution is to use a local imap-mail-server. Thats what I'm using an arm-box for.
13:17.16slapinset header_cache is here from beginning, the directory is empty
13:20.47ahollermaybe because it doesn't make much sense with mbox or maildir
13:21.30aholleras you already have all headers local
13:23.37slapinaholler: indexing?
13:24.33ahollerI don't know how mutt works internally, but when using imap the headers will be cached.
13:24.44aholler(if enabled)
13:26.01slapinaholler: imap headers are really cached
13:26.32slapinaholler: or gmail use would be impossible for me (8M messages)
13:27.06mnemocgmail messes with the reference headers :<
13:27.30mnemocreplicating in imap the same threading as in their web interface
13:29.51slapinwell, Maildir is quite usable, as no mutt "Sorting" thing, so I can really use mail without throwing tantrums
13:30.22*** join/#arm-netbook hansg (
13:30.22slapinit seems it is mutt's design pita
13:31.02slapinand mutt is not loading cpu to 100% any more
13:31.13*** join/#arm-netbook datagutt (~datagutt@unaffiliated/datagutt)
13:31.24slapinany conversion tools for mbox to maildir?
13:32.23mnemocslapin: several, google knows them :)
13:34.37slapinand what sets MAIL env var in Debian? lazy grep in etc have not found anything
13:35.11specingslapin: python
13:35.16specingslapin: import mbox
13:36.45specingerr import mailbox
13:41.33slapinspecing: mb2md works for me
13:41.53slapinthat's for completion
13:42.12slapinbut I thout the whole thing will be faster, I wonder...
13:49.40*** join/#arm-netbook cheng (~cheng@
13:53.08slapinwants console mail client which would handle mail delivery/playing in separate thread, allowing me to read it in UI
13:54.12andomaisn't console mail clients written by old timers that hate threads and only use signals, setlongjmp(), etc?
13:55.00slapinandoma: and what if you hate setlongjmp() too?
13:55.31*** join/#arm-netbook gzamboni_ (
13:55.32andomawell, then it's tough ..
13:56.41slapinandoma: I don't think so, remember mcabber, etc? the use case is to run this stuff on grey legal area VPS, and connect it from anywhere using ssh, and have the same setup all the time
13:57.32slapinandoma: have your open source email and work environment separate from personal mail and environment is cool, too.
13:58.18slapinandoma: I use gmail as personal mail, but my own mail server on VPS for open source work
13:58.35andomai've got both dayjob and personal mail in gmail
13:58.43andomanot on the same account ofcourse
13:58.50slapinandoma: and different demands, different setup
13:58.57ahollerif you use your own mailserver, why do you fiddle with mbox/maildir?
13:59.42slapinandoma: what do you propose?
13:59.43andomabut i'd like to use mutt or similar for my personal mail (still hosted on gmail), but i've never really bothered to set it up
13:59.48andomai don't really propose anything
13:59.55andomamy setup it lame
14:00.30slapinandoma: I prefer mbox, but it and mutt can't handle 200K mails.
14:00.41slapinandoma: I run mutt on my mail server
14:01.25andomai used to run my own mail server too but i always forgot how to configure stuff so eventually i got tired of it
14:01.58slapinnot that Maildir is any better, but mutt at least allows me read mail, not always sorting it.
14:02.10andomanow i just run a relay service for my domain in order to snatch off some mails that are supposed to be delivered to automatic systems since gmail can't really do that kind of forwarding AFAIK
14:02.16slapinandoma: just configure it once
14:02.41andomaat least not free gmail
14:03.07slapinandoma: non-free too.
14:03.49slapinbtw, is any imap server except zimbra support decent web mail?
14:04.01andomano idea
14:04.56slapinzimbra is cool, but have too much demands...
14:05.04ahollersure, e.g. squirrelmail
14:05.22ahollerthere are several other imap-webmail-clients
14:05.39slapinsquirrelmail is too primitive
14:06.13ahollerso you have to define your requirements better
14:06.35*** join/#arm-netbook rsalveti (~rsalveti@unaffiliated/rsalveti)
14:07.26aholleranyway, this is likely the wrong channel for such questions
14:07.46slapinaholler: not worse than zimbra, fast with firefox, can read stupid outlook and thunderbird users' mail, etc.
14:07.53slapinaholler: yeah
14:08.17ahollerask e.g. in #debian or try google first
14:10.09slapinmy employer migrated from zimbra to ows, but I can't go this path
14:11.40slapinmutt eats 0.3% CPU and 100% memory, spamassassin eats 100% CPU and 0.2% memory - ho do they even live?
14:12.46ahollerwrite something better
14:13.17ahollerand don't use perl or python
14:13.44slapinthis is also good use case for A10 devices, as infrastructure bricks, it is interesting how cost-effective this might be, having your mail server of 100 sticks
14:15.00andomaaholler: :)
14:16.26aholler(or even ava)
14:16.39ahollerhmpf, +j ;)
14:16.39slapinas I understand Maildir works perfectly via NFS, so the thing can be built just for appropriate load
14:17.39slapinspecing: and they both on top
14:18.11slapinirssi runs there, too and very non-interactive
14:22.39br-specing: i'm presently working on exact gmail and reader clones, low enough spec to run on a little arm chip
14:22.52br-more precisely, currently working on reader, but gmail is on the list
14:23.32br-reckon you could have a 70% useful workalike with very little effort. currently integrating the crap i have with xapian, since it supports incremental indexing well
14:26.39*** join/#arm-netbook Jonathan_Eyre (
14:28.08slapinbr-: sounds interesting
14:29.08br-it annoys me that people try and innovate on mail/reader by throwing out the winning UX and redesigning their own crap.. in the late 90s abiword was just plain and simple cloning ms office :) that worked
14:29.29specinguses LyX
14:48.15*** join/#arm-netbook lerc (
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15:03.22Turlmnemoc: hi, PM?
15:06.42*** join/#arm-netbook hannes_ (3eb5918e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:07.47mnemocTurl: sure
15:09.02*** join/#arm-netbook jlj (
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15:14.01*** join/#arm-netbook Jef91 (~Instantbi@bodhilinux/team/Jef91)
15:19.41*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold_ (~Ganbold@
15:24.43Jef91What do yall think of this device ->
15:25.10Jef91imx devices historically have good Linux support, I was reading in another thread x11 drivers for opengl already exist for this imx6 chipset
15:25.23mnemocRaYmAn has one
15:26.00mnemocthere is a 16GB model too
15:30.18Jef91Was thinking of picking one up
15:30.30Jef91I just want a "stick" PC that runs Linux well.
15:34.54mnemoca good thing with the hi802 (aka gk802) is that uart pins are properly marked and it has a button to enable usb boot
15:35.48mnemocerr, not uart pins, uart holes :) ... you'll need to solder the pins
15:38.19slapinmnemoc: you mean haipad overpriced one?
15:40.36*** join/#arm-netbook ohniceidea (~matt@
15:40.44slapin$100 is quite expensive one...
15:41.24mnemocsure it will fall
15:42.30slapinmx6q tablets are not more expensive than allwinner or rockchip ones, but sticks...
15:42.43specingWhen are we going to see a cheapass MX6 board with SATA?
15:43.07mnemocthat's the "wand"
15:43.53slapinprice on aliexpress is the same
15:44.48mnemoci don't understand why they neglect to populate the sata header
15:45.03mnemocit can't make such a difference in cost
15:46.39specingI don't care if they givem the the connector in the package
15:47.00specingalso where is the quad version?
15:47.28mnemocthat was my first question when I saw it months ago too
15:49.27mnemoc"it would make the board too expensive to be attractive" is what I heard
15:50.41specingSo packing 4 cores makes the board * 2 expensive?
15:50.57specingAlso wtf is up with them and a single-core cortex-a9?
15:53.27slapin"it would make the board too expensive to be attractive" = "we don't want to do more than allwinner/rockchip guys as people buy it as is"
15:54.09slapinslapin@build:~$ cat /proc/17346/status
15:54.09slapinState:D (disk sleep)
15:54.34slapinalready a hour in such state, no activity.
15:54.51slapinit seems that Maildir+mutt is nono
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15:58.00specingthey won't get much purchases on an a9 solo board, I think...
15:59.46Jef91I just want a sub 100$ stick
15:59.49Jef91that runs Linux well
15:59.54Jef91and doesn't need Windows to flash images to it
15:59.59Jef91(like the RK3066 devices do)
16:00.16Jonathan_EyreI've used repo sync to download the aosp, and I later removed one of the folders. Now repo sync fires an error on that folder, but it does not update it. Does anyone here know how to get repo to update a modified/missing folder?
16:01.56mnemocJef91: for allwinner sticks there is a livesuit for linux (x86_64) and free tools in progress ;-)
16:02.30Jef91I know mnemoc I like the a10 based devices
16:02.35Jef91they are just a bit slow
16:03.06buZzJef91: i was looking at iMX6 devices, they look pretty sexy
16:07.05mnemoci don't find the $120 of the hi802/16 *that* ugly
16:07.24mnemockind of on the limit
16:08.15Jef91link mnemoc
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16:17.32traeak149 for the exynos 5 board...seems a little steep though...
16:18.19traeakwonder how much the exynos soc is in bulk
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16:23.09Jef91Yes traeak
16:23.33Jef91Are there any working OpenGL X11 drivers for the exynos 5?
16:23.43Jef91OpenGL is the last thing I'm missing on my chromebook
16:24.29traeaki dunno what the lima guys are doing currently
16:24.39traeakbut they're the most logical to provide open sores ones
16:25.07mnemoctraeak: singular, libv is preparing for a big announcement on fosdem
16:25.10traeakso the chromebook has an mini sata type connector?
16:25.41br-sent my mum one of the kimdecent b12 sticks... trying to set her up over skype :S
16:25.45traeakas a measure of self restraint i'm waiting for aarm64 :-p
16:25.59traeakthen i can do some *real* testing hehe
16:26.00br-is there a button you need to press on the wireless fly mouse to get the soft keys on the bottom of the screen to appear?
16:26.10TestModulemnemoc , 1GB ram?
16:26.39mnemocTestModule: yes...
16:26.47Jef91So same as the gk802 but more internal storage mnemoc?
16:27.22mnemocJef91: gk802 is just a rebranding, so yes
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16:33.06slapinmutt eats all 8GB of RAM+swap and dies on 300MB maildir, wtf...
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16:33.36slapinit seems there's no usable mail clients over there :(
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16:38.36Turlslapin: my ImapMail is 1.2G and thunderbird behaves just fine if you can live with a graphical client
16:40.40slapinTurl: whatever client, I need to work with patches, and thunderbird makes such things very painful
16:41.04slapinTurl: alpine works well, but is not suitable for patches, too
16:41.39ohniceideaHello everyone. I'm a newbie here. I found massive resources about hacking allwinner A1x chips, I wonder if Rockchip-based tablet is as easy as Allwinner for hacking? If so, Could anyone point me some related resources?
16:42.00slapinit is fascinating why mutt eats so large amounts of RAM when used with maildir, on mbox it seems normal, but slow
16:42.25Turlslapin: can't you right click-save as and then am that?
16:42.27hramrachyes, I tried mutt too
16:42.32hramrachlong time ago
16:42.36hramrachit did not work
16:42.44hramrachobviously they did not fix it
16:42.58hramrachbut ram is cheap so if it eats ram and works otherwise
16:43.12specing :)
16:43.13hramrachwas dreadfully slow with maildir as well for me, though
16:44.15hramrachI tried gmail
16:44.19hramrachfails at search
16:44.25hramrachtried that thing ..
16:44.55ahollermutt + imap works quite well, even with large mail-boxes and low memory
16:45.21hramrachfails at search too
16:46.07hramrachis imap already officially supported?
16:46.11slapinaholler: it fails at sorting, takes enormous amounts of time to "sort" in mailbox order, damnit
16:46.36hramrachyes, and it re-sorts every time an email comes
16:46.43slapinhramrach: yes, but with lots of bugs, especially regarding ssl
16:47.00slapinhramrach: disallowing you to do anything
16:47.05hramrachsoo awesome
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16:54.36slapinso funny, I need to write myself some cool mail client, or convince somebody to do so...
16:55.12slapinwhy didn't they embed something into git I wonder...
16:55.43aholleryou could start with improving mutt, that way you would learn the necessary basics
16:56.45slapinalpine works, so probably I need to add missing functionality there
16:56.53buZzthis should output the samplerates supported by alsa, but i get zero output (on A10)
16:56.57buZzgrep -rH rates /proc/asound/
16:58.00buZzcould anyone tell me how i could correct this?
16:58.08buZzon my x86 desktop it does give outpute
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17:32.28slapinwhat is this nanocopter thing?
17:33.13mnemocprobably another device that will never reach the market
17:33.47mnemocalways innovating has a history on that
17:33.47slapinwow, what CPU is on this thing?
17:34.19slapinmnemoc: I have their touchbook, which is died for unknown reason (CPU doesn't start)
17:34.41Turllooks like a mini ardrone
17:36.51slapinI found how I really can use mutt, but use dovecot's /usr/lib/dovecot/imap running from mutt, then it starts slower, but no catastrophic memory consumption
17:37.09slapindamn how they did it
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17:40.12br-slapin, maybe check out mairix
17:40.32br-i'm not sure how much ram it uses during indexing, but it only feeds mutt a mbox of the search results
17:41.32*** part/#arm-netbook Jonathan_Eyre (
17:41.37br-finds it impossible to go back to mutt after using gmail's search. hates gmail, can't live without it
17:42.55slapinand now it eats only 400MB RAM on 3GB maildir - not so bad.
17:43.32slapinso, mutt's Maildir support is sick
17:45.10slapinbr-: gmail is not that good to work with patches
17:46.17slapinI don't search mail too much with this account
17:47.02valhallabr-: I used to use gmail, now I use notmuch for email search (and mutt for everything else)
17:48.10br-got lost in ruby hell last i tried to install notmuch, maybe worth a retry
17:49.09herdingcatwhat's the meaning of "l" in armv6l ?
17:49.22valhallabr-: I've just done an apt-get install notmuch :)
17:50.05br-seems there is a macports package for it now. yes i know burning in hell already
17:52.48br-waaiit.. when did notmuch get rewritten in C?
17:53.00br-last i tried this it was a 50 ruby packages type nightmare
17:53.12br-oooh :) im thinking of sup
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17:53.40TestModuleNeeds more Python
17:56.35slapinbr-: what is sup?
17:56.56br-hipster mutt with fulltext search.. .. in ruby
17:57.15br-a lot of people swear by it
18:00.03TestModuleI used to swear at Ruby too. I got railed.
18:02.38br-] sup
18:02.39br-/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sup-0.8.1/lib/sup.rb:183: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
18:02.44br-should've known better :(
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18:09.49jelly-homebr-: you forgot the answer to sup? notmuch
18:10.39jelly-homebr-: also, mutt-rk
18:18.22br-jelly-home: what is mutt-rk
18:18.35br-google is not helping
18:18.43rmmutt optimized for Rockchip processors? :O
18:20.35jelly-homeoops, thinko.  mutt-kz
18:21.33jelly-homehopes there's no kz small ARMs factory
18:23.09relllamnemoc, any plans to merge stage-3.0 today? if so, i'll wait for it...
18:23.34mnemocrellla: it's already done...
18:25.28relllabut i recently looked at it, strange. browser cache .... thanks, i'll make it productive on my meles
18:26.04mnemoccool :)
18:26.55mnemocpatches to enable leds support in .fex (sunxi-boards) are welcomed too :)
18:29.33relllafirst i have to dig into that led-thingy ;) should it be possible to turn this penetrant blue light off now?
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18:31.24mnemocit will probably need to be extended to deal with PMU GPIOs
18:31.29slapinjust back from u-boot channel, got to know what is quiche, seems a bit like pizza though...
18:32.21slapinand sup doesn't build: extconf.rb:46: ncurses library not found (RuntimeError)
18:32.43slapinso it seems I will struggle with mutt for now...
18:32.54jelly-homesomeone's missing ncurses-dev and ruby bindings for curses?
18:33.23TestModule_Are you guys opposed to making the BSP work harder?
18:33.53jelly-homeslapin: they would be called ruby-ncurses or libncurses-ruby in debian
18:34.06TestModule_ie/ cd ~/ , mkdir Sunxi , cd ~/Sunxi/ , git git git
18:35.00TestModule_raw inputs for config, kernel branch, menuconfig y/n
18:35.29slapinlibncurses5-dev is there
18:35.49jelly-homeand them ruby glue?
18:37.02slapinjelly-home: installed, still extconf.rb:46: ncurses library not found (RuntimeError)
18:38.23jelly-homeI mean, no idea then -- verify you're using the correct ruby interpreter
18:42.18slapinjelly-home: gem install ncursesw filed the same, then I've installed libncursesw5-dev ind it works now
18:42.49slapinjelly-home: and how to run it then?
18:43.35jelly-homeI have no idea how to proceed further!
18:44.31slapinbr-: how do you run sup, as built from gem?
18:47.14slapinah, found it, it is in /var/lib/gems/*/bin
18:55.28slapin/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:133:in `transfer': invalid subclass (TypeError)
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19:01.28slapinah, ok, so it is just in non-fixable state
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20:07.11techn_ssvb: cool stuff :)
20:12.53techn_ssvb: it wont compile.. it doesn't add drm header dir to path
20:14.58ssvbtechn_: hmm, it is not something totally unexpected :)
20:15.03ssvbthanks for reporting
20:16.11techn_oh.. I propaby should run ./configure --prefix=/usr separetly
20:17.07techn_that didnt help
20:21.44ssvbtechn_: I guess something DRM/DRI related needs to be added to into PKG_CHECK_MODULES and/or XORG_DRIVER_CHECK_EXT
20:23.24ssvbtechn_: is it debian/ubuntu?
20:24.16ssvbdo they have rootfs tarballs somewhere nowadays?
20:25.32techn_ ?
20:28.15ssvbok, thanks, just links to
20:28.28ssvbwhere they seem to have all empty directories
20:28.49mnemocthey don't do precise anymore
20:28.53mnemoc12.11 was the last
20:29.17mnemocssvb: what about moving your package to linux-sunxi's github? :)
20:29.18techn_glxgears fives 10fps fullscreen :(
20:29.36techn_240fps in small default screen
20:29.38ssvbtechn_: with what kernel?
20:30.11techn_ssvb: 3.0.. but I have some clock modifications which could effect this
20:30.21ssvbtechn_: and does it report any problems in /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?
20:31.43ssvbtechn_: defining DEBUG in sunxi_mali_ump_dri2.c should make it rather verbose
20:31.44techn_ssvb: the normal ones [ 91952.204] (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering
20:32.55ssvbanything like [175357.239] (II) SUNXIFB(0): enabled display controller hardware overlays for DRI2 ?
20:33.59ssvbor "GET_UMP_SECURE_ID_SUNXI_FB ioctl failed, overlays can't be used"?
20:34.23techn_yes.. I have it there.. but now I remember.. I have scaler layer enabled in my script bin
20:34.42techn_which causes that it wont get layer with scaling ability?
20:35.34ssvbno, scaler layer should just cause some funky effects like the layers at wrong positions or misplaced cursor
20:35.45ssvbbut it should not affect performance
20:36.22techn_I got jumping screen when I scaled es_gears window :D
20:36.46ssvbwhat is the screen resolution?
20:37.48ssvbit seems to be having troubles sending data over HDMI at this resolution, when something is heavily using memory at the same time
20:38.22ssvbreducing the framerate from 60Hz to 50Hz helps, but does not eliminate it completely
20:39.20ssvbtechn_: just to clarify, did you get "GET_UMP_SECURE_ID_SUNXI_FB ioctl failed" message?
20:40.02techn_no.. I'll get 0x3 id when I rescale window
20:40.35ssvbit is normal
20:41.42ssvbhow much FPS did you get with xf86-video-mali?
20:41.51techn_ssvb: I send you email
20:42.32techn_ssvb: Not much more ~30fps in fullscreen :/
20:42.42techn_or even less
20:43.08techn_but in smaller screen I got much less than with yours
20:43.39techn_I can rebenchmark
20:52.51techn_another observation.. when I move window top of gles window.. fps drop ie. from 190fps to 35fps
20:53.19ssvbtechn_: I'm more worried about the fullscreen performance, seems like it just does not want to enable disp layer for it. The debugging output with DEBUG define in sunxi_mali_ump_dri2.c can help to identify the root cause
20:53.48techn_ok.. I'll enable that
20:54.45ssvbtechn_: for the another observation, it is normal, the driver just disables overlay and fallbacks to doing memory copy if something is on top of the window
20:55.47ssvbtechn_: and because fbdev driver uses shadow framebuffer (for faster 2D), it is actually doing more memory copies than xf86-video-mali in the case of overlapped window
20:56.47techn_hmm.. what if you enable alphablending for that hwlayer??
20:57.03techn_and then just move that layer back.. or how it works :p
20:57.09techn_otherway around
20:58.39ssvbtechn_: it's not so easy, but can be tried later
20:59.26ssvbin any case, I would guess that the users normally don't want to have some other windows on top
21:01.06ssvband if the other windows are on top, the users are likely to be interacting with these other windows, so the FPS drop should not bother them too much
21:03.19techn_thats true.. trying to learn how things work :)
21:04.40mnemocwiki wiki
21:05.43relllamnemoc: no issues with 3.0 so far :P
21:06.08techn_rellla: scaler enabled in script.bin?
21:06.23relllahm. dunno.
21:08.46relllawill play with script.bin tomorrow.
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21:09.11relllaand want to go on with mx xbmc analysis. mpeg2-ts is streamed very fine, but i have a few video files with pink artefacts, stuttering ...
21:09.59relllaready for investigation ... tomorrow ;)
21:12.58relllatechn_: should scaler be enabled? whats the matter for your question?
21:13.26techn_rellla: no.. I'm just checkin since I have it enabled
21:13.37techn_and ssvb doesnt have it enabled
21:14.40relllai was turning it on/off/on/off and can actually not remember, how it is set *:)
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21:21.29techn_Jan 24 21:20:53 linaro-alip kernel: [95439.624787] [DISP] request scaler fail
21:21.29techn_Jan 24 21:20:53 linaro-alip kernel: [95439.649495] [DISP] request scaler layer fail!
21:25.25techn_now I'll try scaler layer disabled
21:27.42techn_screen jumps even on small screen.. now it's full screen.. not just window
21:28.41techn_it must be lack of vsync
21:28.52techn_and some misalignment
21:29.03ssvbtechn_: no, it looks like A10 just can't handle 1080p reliably
21:29.59ssvbtechn_: I suspect that display controller can't fetch data from memory in time and substitutes it with some kind of padding, which causes this screen shaking effect
21:31.30ssvbtechn_: it could also be that the display controller is misconfigured and has lower priority than mali with the regards to memory access
21:32.08ssvbtechn_: going down to 720p fixes this issue completely
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21:37.00Jonathan_EyreIs there a way to modify the kernel on a ROM?
21:37.41Jonathan_EyreI've extracted the ROM to fex files using the a10 flash kitchen.
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21:56.00ssvbtechn_: the build problem in linaro for xf86-video-sunxifb should be now fixed in git
21:59.57ssvbtechn_: thanks for your report
22:00.50ssvbtechn_: any idea what's wrong with fullscreen?
22:02.13techn_no.. It's not about scaling layer
22:05.35ZaEarllibv, just got my travel plans. see you at fosdem!
22:05.35techn_ssvb: which device you have
22:05.41techn_if I'll compare script.bin
22:06.01ssvbtechn_: Mele A2000
22:06.32techn_a1000 .fex files?
22:08.32techn_ok.. there was no differences which could effect :/
22:08.56techn_I have one mod in my kernel.. I'll try removing it tomorrow
22:09.16ssvbtechn_: what exactly are you trying to debug?
22:09.34techn_ssvb: that fullscreen performance problem
22:10.24ssvbtechn_: is "linaro-alip kernel: [95439.624787] [DISP] request scaler fail" related?
22:10.52ssvbtechn_: because I think it might be that the driver thinks there is some window on top
22:11.17Jonathan_EyreI've compiled a kernel from, but it isn't loading on my A10. Will linux 3.0.57 work on A10?
22:11.37Jonathan_EyreI suppose it is possible that the problem is my ramdisk.
22:12.05techn_I got that when I had scaling layer enabled in script.bin.. when I disabled that warning went away.. but fullscreen jumping came :(
22:12.19techn_Jonathan_Eyre: 3.0.57 works with a10
22:12.38Jonathan_Eyretechn_: That's a huge relief.
22:13.30ssvbtechn_: the fullscreen jumping is "normal" in 1080p mode, it happens for me and rz2k also has it
22:13.57techn_ssvb: framebuffer xbmc didn't have it
22:14.10techn_but fps is there ~27
22:14.22ssvbtechn_: then it is not taxing memory bandwidth too much
22:14.28Jonathan_EyreI extracted the root.fex file from A10 flash kitchen, moved it to my virtual ubuntu, ran on it to get the ramdisk + kernel, put the zImage and the ramdisk from through mkbootimg, and then packed it back up with PhoenixCard. It was a fail.
22:14.53ssvbtechn_: or has a bit different memory access pattern which does not trigger the problems
22:16.26Jonathan_EyreWow, the FirstStep wiki is REALLY different from the livesuit tutorials I've read. Does this work?
22:17.11techn_Jonathan_Eyre: firststeps are for sd card
22:18.44Jonathan_EyreYes, and then is for the cubieboard ics.
22:19.02Jonathan_EyreI do not have cubieboard, but I have very similar hardware.
22:19.51Jonathan_EyreI've been struggling all week to get something to run on it, using livesuit tutorials and a combination of allwinner packs manually copied into 4.0.3 aosp.
22:20.18Jonathan_EyreI'm not certain I have the fortitude to start over from scratch.
22:26.52Jonathan_EyreIt would be worth it, if it worked on my A10 hardware.
22:28.02Jonathan_EyreHmm, I'm thinking I could go through the FirstSteps tutorial and get a working boot image.
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22:28.51Jonathan_EyreThen I could use the botched system image to create a full SD Card, and at least see the boot try to load the incompatible system.
22:29.14Jonathan_EyreWouldn't that prove that it at least boots my kernel?
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23:05.08rz2kssvb: i had tearing all over the screen when scaler_layer was off
23:05.14rz2kif I remeber correctly
23:05.32rz2kit was when that Weng guy did the VLC port
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23:08.00ssvbrz2k: it happens both with and without scaler_layer, I partially solved the problem by reducing refresh rate to 50Hz for 1080p mode (screen shaking still happens sometimes, but is very difficult to trigger)
23:10.48ssvbrz2k: with scaler_layer enabled, the display controller may be just buffering a bit more pixels when fetching them from memory
23:20.01rz2kanyway, time for a nap :)
23:20.03rz2kgood night.
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