IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20130107

00:34.58hramrachhmm, I just had u-boot lockup on reboot:
00:35.01hramrachU-Boot SPL 2012.10-04266-g20efdee (Jan 05 2013 - 13:07:19)
00:35.03hramrachDRAM: 1024MB
00:36.48hramrachshould print SUNXI SD/MMC: 0 after but it stopped
00:51.52TurlI saw a couple of patches to enable/power the usbc by default today
00:52.14Turlour current drivers are hacked to enable it when modprobing though, to save power
00:52.59Turlon android, when you turn off wifi, the wifi kernel module is unloaded and then the driver powers the usbc off
00:53.45Turlwhen you turn it on, it modprobes the driver which turns it on
01:05.10*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro (
02:20.01bsdfox_can a10 do dual screens with dsub/hdmi?
02:20.31hramrachI guess nobody tried yet
02:20.46bsdfox_I've heard a few people mention dual screen support
02:20.51hramrachmay be possible
02:20.55bsdfox_I'm just wondering if that's what they're discussing
02:21.03buZzit is
02:21.06hramrachthe signals are separate
02:21.09buZzbut nobody has it working yet
02:21.11bsdfox_wants english datasheet
02:21.18buZzthe driver has two framebuffers
02:21.47buZzand memory allocated by default for 2x 1080p screen with doublebuffering
02:21.56hramrachyou could do HDMI + LVDS too maybe
02:22.15hramrachthat's what the android tablets probably do
02:22.17buZzwants HDMI + CVBS :P
02:22.23bsdfox_what's required to change the resolution in linux?
02:22.31buZzhramrach: android tablets usually just do cloning
02:22.38buZzso, no dual output
02:22.47hramrachdid not try
02:23.01buZzbsdfox_: the staging kernel has beta support for changing resolution without rebooting
02:23.32hramrachmaybe some patches on mailing list only so far
02:23.36bsdfox_buZz, it's hard coded in script.bin right?
02:23.45hramrachno more
02:23.58buZzbut they are moving to setting it from userspace
02:24.07buZzas i said, staging kernel :)
02:24.26hramrachit's read from the attached monitor and failing that the hardcoded value is used
02:24.47buZzyeah that describes the staging kernel hramrach
02:24.53hramrachbut not sure attaching different monitor would change resolution
02:25.01hramrachduring runtime
02:26.06bsdfox_oh someone finally implemented EDID?
02:26.25hramrachyes, it works for me
02:27.15hramrachbut there is no way to change resolution once it's set
02:27.39buZz> This patchset improves Hans De Goede's EDID patch by allowing user to set new mode at runtime.
02:27.55hramrachyes, only patches on the list
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02:27.58hramrachnot in the tree
02:27.59buZzfrom tekkuli
02:28.19buZzits all beta software anyway
02:28.22bsdfox_do I need to change anything but lcd_x and lcd_y?
02:28.49hramrachwhere is lcd_x and lcd_y?
02:29.18hramrachit's not like anything on Linux is production quality ever, anyway
02:29.49bsdfox_hramrach, script.fex/bin
02:30.07buZzexactly ;)
02:31.33hramrachdoes that not go in boot.scr?
02:31.56bsdfox_nm I see screen0_output_mode now
02:37.34bsdfox_looks like setting screen0_output_mode in script.fex then fex2bin worked
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02:49.39bsdfox_interesting.. cvlc / cedarx is working with mali enabled and working
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04:37.05nemikhello, has anyone gone through the process of having google give you license to be supported by the play store? and distribute the play store on a custom device?
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04:57.13ZaEarlnemik, I tried, but couldn't find anyone at google to even respond to our queries.
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06:45.16nemikZaEarl: i think i found out:
06:45.40nemiki've e-mailed them and am waiting for some reply. we'll see if they even write back, not sure how big you have to be to warrant a response
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07:53.38TestModuleI've been out of this scene for quite a bit, what is the status of the current projects?
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09:45.06orly_owldoes either device have GPIO?
09:45.23orly_owlmk802/mele a1/200/0/g
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09:47.47Pulsernemik, I have never done it personally, but I don't think it's that easy to get the rights to distribute the play store and gapps
09:48.06Pulserthat's why you tend to see people suggesting you "find" gapps somewhere :P
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13:03.18buZzhansg: oh man, this oliver is priceless :D
13:04.19libvbuZz: this channel is publically logged.
13:04.42buZzi am just saying i can really appreciate this :)
13:06.44buZzcant you?
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14:04.49oliv3rbuZz: queue?
14:07.56buZzare you the same one? :)
14:08.04oliv3rno idea :p
14:08.08oliv3rwhat is it about :)
14:08.31buZzah you are :D
14:08.38oliv3ri am?
14:08.41buZzyou made me laugh so good :P
14:08.54oliv3rwhen why how what?
14:09.00oliv3ri haven't been here in like 2 weeks :p
14:09.28buZzabout the USB2 patch that got submitted 17 hours ago
14:09.36buZzyou replied with android questions
14:09.45buZzwent back & forth
14:09.50buZzand then the killer, this last line ;
14:09.52buZzI will test this in a few months when I start building my own a10 stuff.
14:09.59buZzi was totally roflmao :D
14:10.18buZz(regarding the timeframe)
14:10.44buZztnx for making my day start with a smile :)
14:11.42buZzno offense btw :D i just found it really amusing :)
14:19.28oliv3rohh, hah, yeah
14:19.34oliv3ri just have so much stuff still to work on
14:19.50oliv3rand i still haven't setup my a10 build enviroment
14:21.11oliv3rand I currently only have 1 a10 device, a tablet, and do use it :p
14:21.26oliv3ri ordered a mele a1000g but hasn't arrived, hence the 'few months' time frame :p
14:21.34oliv3rwhen the mele arrives, i'll test more :)
14:23.08buZzhas a cubieboard
14:25.11RaYmAnbuZz: did you order in indiegogo?
14:25.30buZzi ordered couple of days after it ended
14:25.32buZzrich package
14:25.46buZzi also designed (and printed) a case for it :D
14:35.17oliv3ri'm kinda hoping that the melee a1000g order falls through though; so I can wiat a little longer for an A20 mele :)
14:57.23hramrachanybody managed to compile the eccelerated mali X11 driver?
14:57.41hramrachfor me autoconf generates syntactically incorrect configure
14:58.03hramrachor autoreconf or what does it
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16:30.13nemikPulser: yea i know, but i'm hoping to do this for a product that i want to sell. so have to do all this legally to not get in trouble with google
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16:31.20mnemochramrach: ?
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16:34.23Pulseroh indeed nemik
16:34.27Pulserthey should get back to you
16:34.30Pulserif not, mention it
16:34.35Pulserand I'll try to get them nudged
16:34.44PulserDoes your product pass all the CTS tests etc?
16:35.22ZaEarlThe CTS are quite exhaustive. I can't imagine any product passing all.
16:35.51Pulserlol true
16:47.39nemikPulser: hah, no i doubt it. thanks though, i just found the link for the CTS and will try it. my 'product' is currently just a prototype on MK802 platform
16:48.01Pulser:) *
16:48.55buZznemik: you can do it legal up front, without google appstore
16:49.08buZzand push to TPB and XDA through the backdoor
16:49.30buZzi think google is fine with you providing a torrent client with your device :D
16:49.58buZznmind me ;)
16:50.38nemikso CTS doesn't require a GSM modem or that kind of functionality, right?
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17:57.37hramrachmnemoc: there is some problem with *** auto*** macros
18:03.45mnemocyou might be missing some .m4 files
18:03.51mnemocfrom deps
18:06.35hramrachyes, probably the X server development files not installed
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18:14.25traeakthe exynos has native usb3 on the soc ?
18:16.08traeakdamn samsung did kick ass on that SOC...missing native ether is it
18:16.31xenoxaosthe exynos5
18:16.55xenoxaosexynos4 has no native usb
18:17.04xenoxaosuses a hsic->usb adapter
18:17.42traeakany perf hit on that hsic method?
18:18.46hramrachhmmm, and exynos5 yeat another type of blobware graphics
18:19.27traeakwhat other alternative is there with arm soc ?
18:19.38traeakwho doesn't require a blob for gpu access?
18:20.42xenoxaoswell...the only exynos4 i have is the odroid-x and everything runs over the usb i/o is slow anyway
18:20.56traeakfunny another ingenic SOC.  they switched from vivante to powervr this time around for the gpu.  What a bunch of losers
18:21.39traeaki guess no other option
18:31.08hramrachheheh, you can run libreoffice on an A10
18:31.15hramrachjust takes forever to launch
18:31.24hramrachnot that it's much different on a PC
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18:31.31hramrachit just takes forever on anything
18:31.45hramrachbut faster storage would help a bit  Iguess
18:35.47traeaksata drive helps a lot with that stuff
18:35.55traeakbut libreoffice isn't fast by anyone's measure
18:36.15traeaki much prefer abiword for any editng I do although it's not the best for compatibility stuff
18:37.25traeakeveryone should be using MS sharepoint anyways (hehe)
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18:43.42dwahoy. anyone know compatibility for the built-in 2.4ghz wireless keyboard/mouse controllers on the various allwinner android usb sticks? i see many ship with an air mouse of various brands. anyone know the key to ensuring compatibility?
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18:44.55mnemocdw: those normally fake an standard usb keyboard
18:46.05dwi've seen various sticks that appear to indicate built-in 2.4ghz support. is that just referring to the stick bundling drivers for the controller that i must then plug into the usb? :)
18:47.29mnemocyou only need normal usb keyboard support, like when plugging a wired one
18:47.38mnemocthe dongle does the magic, not the os
18:48.15mnemocat least the 3 I have here work that way
18:48.25andomasame with mine
18:51.02dwthanks both :)
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19:26.49nemikmnemoc: speaking of those, do you know any sources selling the other end of those? i mean kits/hips to emulate the keyboard-side? i wonder what format all those 2.4ghz dongles use
19:28.30mnemocnemik: don't know, I've always seen the "pairs" sold together
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19:29.47nemikmnemoc: yea same here. i doubt anyone would really cater to custom ones unfortunately
19:43.00nemikcan anyone help me with some questions i have about the MK802? specifically, i'd like to build my own Android version for it but with some other linux kernel drivers such as bluetooth USB HCI.
19:44.04nemikso however that is done (i assume i can use the sunxi-3.0 branch from github) would it still include the HW GPU accelaration drivers like the cedarx stuff?
19:47.17mnemocbut use sun4i_crane_defconfig for android
19:51.32nemikmnemoc: wow excellent. thank you very much.
19:55.41nemikmnemoc: do you how to then enable to the Bluetooth menu in Android System tools wireless portion? would it automatically show up if prober BT device was plugged in or is it something that is configured when building Android?
19:56.41RaYmAnyou need stuff setup for your specific module
19:58.50nemikRaYmAn: yea, i'm planning to compile the USB HCI modules and try to push them with adb and insmod them. but i'm just wondering if any other steps are then needed in android or if it BT functionality would just show up in my current stock image
20:02.11mnemocsunxi-3.0 has 3.0.57, you can't just inject modules over the stock gpl-violatig 3.0.8
20:03.26RaYmAnnemik: no, you need android setup to talk to your specific module.
20:10.10nemikRaYmAn: thanks, do you know where this setup is located?
20:11.13nemikmnemoc: ah ok, so to try that i'd need to use the stock branch. i wonder if it's even worth the effort or maybe i should just try to build the entire android image
20:11.38RaYmAnnemik: it depends on android version, but generally in the init.<device>.rc as well as a few variables in
20:11.47mnemocnemik: I would go for building the entire android + fresh kernel
20:12.49mnemocnemik: we have a 3.0.8 stock-ish branch, but it's not really maintained and doesn't receive improvements (to remain fully bin compatible)
20:14.04nemikmnemoc: thank you i guess i'll do that. i can just do that with the 'make android' from sunxi-bsp, right? and it should work as well as the stock one?
20:14.20nemiknot sure what the stock qware might add that i'd have to do myself
20:17.42nemikRaYmAn: thank you, only variable I see in is the "BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH := true" so meat of it must be in init i guess
20:18.10RaYmAnnemik: yeah, it kind of varies between setups
20:19.54mnemocnemik: almost, iirc sunxi-bsp doesn't have code to generate the template for the board specific "device tree" yet
20:20.30nemikRaYmAn: i checked in and the init files seem easy enogh for bluetooth too, not sure if these are the init's you referred to
20:20.57nemikmnemoc: is there any one tutorial to do all this? i'm not really sure where to start
20:21.39nemiki guess first i'd like to do it on an SD card to try it out but later it would be nice to build a LiveSuite image so i could flash it to internal
20:22.46mnemocnot sure if we can boot android from uSD yet
20:23.59nemikthat's fine, so how would i go about creating a livesuite image then?
20:25.32mnemocit will do it for you
20:25.53mnemocnever used that part myself
20:26.35nemikcool, well i'll try it out with the bsp first then and just hope that it works. if anything i can always revert back to stock i suppose.
20:26.46nemikthank you!
20:28.41nemiksorry, one more questions. bsp has two boards, "* mk802 mk802-android" and "* mk802ii mk802ii-android". what is the difference? is the ii configured then to use 1GB of RAM and 512MB for the original?
20:29.40mnemocmk802ii and mk802 are different devices
20:32.59nemikhmm ok, i think i might have the ii part, but it's hard to tell
20:34.01andomathere's also an mk802+
20:36.23mnemocnemik: the mk802ii has 1GB and an extra usb host port
20:37.14andomaalso i the mk802ii have an HDMI male connector so you can plug it directly in the TV/monitor
20:37.29andomawhile the mk802 and mk802+ does not (they need a cable between)
20:38.47nemikandoma: extra USB host, so you mean two host ports or just one more besides the OTG? i have a model with just one full-size usb host port
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20:39.49mnemocnemik: male or female hdmi?
20:39.56andomai've got mk802 and mk802+ devices and both only have one fullsize USB port
20:40.12andomamk802+ have 1GB of RAM (while mk802 have 512)
20:40.21andomabut there might be other permutation i don't know about
20:40.25nemikmnemoc: male, full-size. but i have another different version with mini-female
20:40.36nemikbut both have full-size USB host ports
20:41.00andomai've orderd some mk802ii though
20:41.29mnemocsomeone should add pictures of those to the sunxi wiki... to help people identify them
20:41.41mnemoci don't have any
20:41.49mnemochdmi dongle i mean
20:42.54nemikmnemoc: sounds good, i'll try to upload some later today
20:43.17andomai'll take some pics of the mk802+ then
20:43.38nemikhmm interesting that sunxi-bsp uses cyanogen for android base. does the stock one use that too or AOSP?
20:43.51mnemocno, only CM
20:44.47nemikeveryone uses CM for even stock mk802 images? wow, didn't expect that
20:46.28nemiki thought before when the first sources from qware were posted, it was based off AOSP?
20:50.25mnemocno, they use allwinner's android
20:50.54mnemocbut people here who cares about building android (not me) prefers CM over AOSP
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21:02.54WarheadsSEglares at Turl
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21:07.01andomaok added pics of mk802+ on mk802 page on wiki
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21:08.54mnemocandoma: thanks!
21:09.08mnemocandoma: a redirect page might be a good idea too
21:10.06traeakWarheadsSE: i notice no new arch a10 kernels for a long time.  i guess no real reason to update?
21:11.34andomamnemoc: done
21:11.44mnemocandoma: thanks^2 :)
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21:24.53WarheadsSEtraeak: I haven't been able to focus back on the mele
21:25.04WarheadsSEneed a new recipe for a recent build
21:25.40WarheadsSEa while ago I went to build a new one, had github problems.
21:25.49traeakWarheadsSE: np, just curious
21:25.57WarheadsSEunfortunately, I did't have a lot of time available that day
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21:40.18nemikuploaded the mk802ii pics. andoma, they're not nearly as good as yours, my camera isn't great
21:41.13andomanemik: it's 100% better than nothing though
21:43.02mnemocnemik: and the redirect? :p
21:44.31mnemocwhat??? mk802+ has A10s????
21:45.56mnemocandoma: what kernel are you running? can you show me a `dmesg`?
21:46.44nemikandoma: hah! i knew there was something i forgot; done
21:46.47andomaim not running any kernel at all .. i kinda gave up on those devices
21:47.01mnemocandoma: A10s is sun5i, like the A13
21:47.08andomai've not been able to get root in android on them so i can't get hold of any fex file
21:47.15andomamnemoc: yeah i've figured
21:47.25andomaalso i can't find any pads to solder a serial port
21:47.31nemikandoma: really? all mine have had root in adb shell be default
21:47.39andomathe otg port is dead on those
21:48.11andomashows up nothing even if i toggle usb debugging on/off in android .. or install some adb toggle app
21:48.19andomaon my mk802 vanilla it works just fine
21:50.11nemikoh strange
21:51.36andomaso i gave up and ordered two mk802ii instead
21:51.46andomamaybe i'll revisit the mk802+ later
21:51.57mnemocandoma: been sun5i you need a different u-boot and different kernel build on the uSD
21:52.08andomamnemoc: yeah i've figured as much
21:52.20mnemocget a usb/ethernet and preconfigure ssh on the card
21:52.23andomabut without serial port and the fex file it feels like i'm gonna stumble in the dark
21:52.44mnemocyes, the fex issue is a problem
21:52.57mnemocbut there are several adb exploits for android 4.0
21:54.21andomaany a10 device with /dev/cedar seems exploitable since you can map arbitrary physical memory as RW via /dev/cedar to userspace unless i'm missreading the code
21:59.09nemikouch, sounds like that samsung galaxy s iii bug people were all excited about a while back
22:00.06hramrachthey also use cedar on exynos?
22:00.25hramrachor a bug repeating often in various blobs?
22:01.29hramrachssvb: how much is the X11 mali driver supposed to work?
22:01.55hramrachI tried the test with test with fb libs and that went fine
22:02.10hramrachthen installed the X11 libs, X11 driver, gnome
22:02.34mnemocandoma: you don't need platform specific exploits, generic android 4.0 itself has a bunch
22:02.42mnemocandoma: exploitable on any device
22:02.50Maqsmnemoc: there are different versions of mk802+. mine has an a10.
22:02.53hramrachX log says aiglx cannot find dri module, then GLX says swrast is used, then gnome says no acceleration is available
22:03.34hramrachalt least I have fast cursor. seems faster than plain fbdev
22:03.54mnemocMaqs: so wants pictures from you too :p
22:03.58hramrachand yes, gnome does link with gles/egl
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22:05.38Maqsmnemoc: my mk802+ case looks the same, but the contents are like the mk802.
22:06.14hramrachthey just put in whatever junk is lying around
22:06.29hramrachtypical for cheap hardware vendor
22:07.08hramrachso long as the case looks the same and the hardware performs remotely similar function it can be branded teh same
22:07.19Maqsseems like
22:07.54Maqssome chip vendors are different. here's no samsung whatever that is, but hynix
22:08.32hramrachif that's ram or nand that does not really matter so long as the parts are similar
22:08.57hramrachbut replacing the CPU, ew
22:11.06Maqsnope, same cpu. and one gb of ram. both my mk802 (mini pc for android 4.0) and mk802+ (exactly the case in the wiki, but without a DDR3/1GB sticker on it)
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22:16.17Maqsand the pcb for my mk802+ is green, not black. i guess they really just take what's lying around..
22:16.45mnemocpictures pictures
22:17.40Maqsi can only show you the back side atm.. i'm afraid to take the pcb out again, the hdmi port is not exactly attached right.
22:20.42hramrachthe mali-libs test triangle output with X11 libs:
22:23.08hramrachtrace on suspend:
22:24.33mnemochramrach: ML
22:27.34Maqsok, can only take ages. dropbox is still "waiting for upload", whatever that is supposed to mean
22:31.30hramrachwhich ML?
22:33.26mnemochramrach: linux-sunxi's
22:33.48hramrachthat seems kernel patches related
22:33.55hramrachthe kernel part seems fine
22:34.22mnemochramrach: it's sunxi dev related
22:34.30mnemochramrach: not only kernel
22:58.08barquxkernel panic :(
23:07.42barquxno, I need syslog
23:23.11Maqsmnemoc: rather bad quality, but all smd parts seem to be exactly the same as on the mk802 in the wiki:
23:23.34Maqsonly nand and ram differ
23:27.41barquxOh. How do I log the kernel panic?
23:28.44*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (
23:29.57barquxhmm. and if I don't have a serial console?
23:30.50mnemocbarqux: netconsole?
23:30.51xenoxaoskernel panics typically arent logged
23:30.56xenoxaosnetconsole maybe
23:31.01xenoxaosor over a tty
23:32.03barquxmnemoc: looking at netconsole this very moment
23:35.21barquxoh, just realized. The panic appears when configuring the network
23:44.36mnemocMaqs: as people needs to identify their exact board for u-boot/script.bin stuff these pictures are important
23:45.13mnemocMaqs: those two mk802+ are in practice different boards
23:45.28Maqsmnemoc: well, besides the color and the chip vendors, there is no difference i can see from the mk802.
23:45.38Maqsboth 1gb of ram
23:45.52mnemocMaqs: yours, but andoma's has a sun5i chip
23:46.10mnemocMaqs: and it's externally identical to yours
23:46.35mnemocMaqs: yours is the "real" mk802+
23:46.49mnemocnot sure how to call andoma's :<
23:46.58mnemocbut need to go to sleep
23:47.30Maqsk, sleep well
23:49.45mnemocany chance to get a better picture? :)
23:50.41mnemocgood night
23:55.23barquxxenoxaos: turns out that wicd did something weird and simply using wpasupplicant directly worked as expected. Rock solid!

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