IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121227

00:16.27nulluserI found one sure fire way to fix the 8192cu module issues.
00:20.28jelly-homethat's what I call a piggyback setup
00:32.28*** join/#arm-netbook freakazoid0223 (
00:41.29Turlnulluser: what is it?
00:42.15nulluserThat's the Mini Xplus.   I have a lot of trouble with the 8192cu wifi module and said to hell with it
00:42.31nulluserThe module might be defective, or can't deal with the data rate that I need
00:43.05Turlagain, what is it? :P
00:43.54nulluserThe computer or the project?
00:44.01Turlthe dlink thingy
00:45.07nulluseroh, that's a usb wifi dongle,  the RT2800usb driver works with it
00:45.17nulluserthat's to replace the one that comes with the computer
00:45.41nulluserI had no room inside the case, and did not have the right antenna connector anyway
01:14.35*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro1 (
03:18.03*** part/#arm-netbook Hexxeh (uid1532@gateway/web/
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05:33.09hnoslapin, not ignoring you. Just that I can't be assumed to be online right now.
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10:45.39Maqsandoma: are you making progress with the showtime a10 port? :-)
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11:29.39ganboldwhich gpio pin is enabling usb power?
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12:12.40slapinMarex: can you check if mail with ID arrived to u-boot list, I can't see if my current smtp setup works
12:22.04*** join/#arm-netbook Gumboot (
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13:06.50andomaMaqs: yes, i plan to start using it myself quite soonish
13:06.58andomamy current HTPC broke down
13:07.28andomabut i've been away from home over xmas so i've mostly been hacking on other stuff
13:07.48Maqssad to hear that your HTPC broke down, but nice work, thanks :-)
13:08.28Maqsi'd be glad to help you testing
14:41.12slapinhno: forgot to ask you when you will be available?
14:52.31ganbold_can't find PH address and PH06 pin
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14:59.05orly_owlaliexpress not working for anyone else?
14:59.27orly_owli get 404 when i search for anything
14:59.58orly_owloh here it goes
15:00.36merbananandoma: är du hemma ikväll vid 21 tiden ?
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15:41.43NicolasHi guys
16:02.34*** join/#arm-netbook beatnick_ (
16:41.39L84Supperanyone know whatever happened to the Gooseberry boards? 500 sold out, now their store is down, no news in weeks....
16:42.34*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl_ (
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16:49.03nulluserDoes anyone know off hand where the max cpu speed passed to cpufreq comes from? I have a board listing 600 mhz as the max speed, and I think it should be good to 1ghz or so
16:51.06*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl_ (
16:57.11nulluserAlso, is it possible to disable the mali completely?  I have tried a few times to compile the kernel with it removed but it kept crashing on boot.
17:05.00mnemocjust disable CONFIG_MALI
17:06.02nulluserhmm. I wonder what's going on.  If some other peripheral is relying on it getting initialized
17:06.35nulluserI tried enabling it and disabling it a few times and recompiling with that as the only change
17:09.15nulluserWeird, seems to work now.  Gremlins
17:09.42*** join/#arm-netbook hg_5 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
17:11.35mnemocassuming a sunxi kernel, after disabling mali you can disable the memory reserve of framebuffer too (making it dynamic)
17:11.50mnemocthat will get you a bunch of extra free memory
17:12.19mnemocyou'll still have fb, but not reserving a monster chunk of memory for it
17:17.15nulluserCan I just disabled it all completely? This thing is headless with a serial console.
17:17.40nulluserEverything is disabled under graphics, unless the fb setup is elsewehere
17:18.22mnemocyes, just disable all the FB stuff, and video decoding, a g2d
17:21.22nulluserok, thanks
17:22.01mnemocthe last two are selected by others, but git grep will show you
17:22.22mnemocthose are the CONFIG_s that control the reserves
17:23.00nulluserDoes disabling it in the .fex file have any effect? or other peripherals for that matter?
17:23.37mnemocdisabling in .fex will not affect the reserves
17:23.46mnemocthey happen before script.bin can be read
17:24.40mnemocbut disabling in .fex affects the _init() of the corresponding modules
17:25.26nulluserI don't know how clean the code is separated. They should just be #ifdefed out if the module is not included
17:25.49nulluserBut I have a feeling there is some scary stuff in there the more I look at it
17:25.52mnemocif you disable the module it doesn't matter if script.bin has it enabled
17:26.05mnemocallwinner code is scary ;-)
17:26.26mnemocbut my coworker's is worse
17:40.13*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (
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17:49.39WarheadsSElol^ been there
17:52.18WarheadsSEanyone seen the most recent hackaday pi post?
17:52.32*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
17:52.33WarheadsSEreally.. this made it as a "hack" of any kind?
17:57.37*** join/#arm-netbook torpor (
17:57.49torporanyone in here got any lapdock / rpi / mk802 experience?
17:58.02torpori need a little help getting my mk802 working with the lapdock.
17:58.48nulluserWhat's a lapdock?
17:59.30torporend-of-lifed by motorola.  new-life'd by mk802 users and raspberrypi users everywhere.
18:00.04*** join/#arm-netbook jas-hacks (
18:00.15nulluserDoes it have an hdmi connection?
18:00.37nulluserOhh, I got ya
18:00.37torporand usb
18:00.49torporits a keyboard/mouse/monitor only
18:00.51torporno cpu
18:00.56nulluserLooked like a usb charger, sync tool, like a pda cradle
18:01.15nulluserI didn't realize the entire laptop was the device ;)
18:01.40torporyeah you just add cpu
18:01.50jas-hackshno : my compiled uboot is always trying to find evb.bin. I've created a boot.scr but that seems to make no difference. Any ideas why?
18:01.59nulluserI know the MK802 has trouble syncing with some displays. There are some alternate .bin files to deal with it
18:03.32torporits not about the display but rather the usb device setup
18:03.49torpori'm trying to figure out how to wire up a USB-A to USB-A (male-to-male) adapter for it, but i don't know the wire outs..
18:04.09torporanyone know how to hack up such a cable - do i need to cross some wires, or is it just a straight pass-through?
18:05.41nullusershould be straight, buy you are not hurting anything by having D+ and D- swapped
18:05.45nulluserit just won't work
18:06.16torpori'll do it and see if it works. i guess i can't lose.
18:06.19mnemocjas-hacks: that comes from your dirty env
18:06.37mnemocjas-hacks: dd if=/dev/zero .... to clear it
18:21.49hnojas-hacks, you probably have a saved environment.
18:23.09jas-hackshno : so where does it pick up the saved enivronment from?
18:24.37hnojas-hacks, from sd or nand depending on which u-boot you are using.
18:25.11hnoon nand it's the env partition. On sd see our u-boot github wiki page.
18:27.33jas-hackshno: ok, must on sd because another  sd card boots fine with uboot.
18:36.10mnemocdd if=/dev/zero of=${card} bs=1024 seek=544 count=128  should do the trick
18:37.55nulluserIs there a guide to transfer an SD image to flash to eliminate the SD card?
18:38.26mnemochno: hi, about the A10/PIO raw table in the wiki. can I split it an wikify it or you want to keep a raw one?
18:43.25hnomnemoc, it's there as a reference only. Notr meant to stay for long.
18:43.56mnemochno: cool :)
18:44.41hnonulluser, it's nothing written up on it yet I think. Most people use livesuit for flashing.
18:44.49*** part/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
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18:45.20techn_nulluser: You have serial ?
18:45.40hnobut we do have a tool to manage partition tables.
18:46.04hnoand from there it's technically not a complicated process.
18:46.07techn_mnemoc: did you notice this link
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18:48.05nulluserYes, I have serial
18:49.03techn_one moment.. I'll update sunxi-bsp
18:51.47mnemoctechn_: if it works, much better than using allwinner-tools
18:52.14mnemoctechn_: ask him if he wanna join ;-)
18:52.19hnotechn_, oh, he pushed his work so far. It's far from complete but a good start.
18:52.54nulluserI have a shell on the console, should be able to mount the flash and just copy
18:52.55techn_mnemoc: hno: atleast that repo has best image unpacking tools
18:53.10nullusermore worried about it booting properly
18:53.21techn_they work with a13 images also.. and no viruses :/
18:56.17*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
19:02.43mnemoctechn_: invite him to join ;-)
19:05.27techn_nulluser: now there should be tool to create ext4 format rootfs file, which can be used with
19:06.51techn_but its not ready yet..
19:07.01nulluserIs there anything weird going on, like a compressed image or something?
19:07.29mnemoclivesuit images are weird
19:07.33techn_and it needs to debugged why it wont load rootfs
19:07.55techn_but I gotta go now
19:08.44slapintechn_: use genext2fs and pretend it is ext4?
19:13.41torporwoohoo i got it working!
19:13.51torporlapdock + mk802 == nice ARM netbook!  :)
19:13.56slapinhno: it seems we can update mtd ourselves, and I half-made it compile, so I hope can submit mtd patches next week.
19:13.59torporsure beats the freakin' touchbook junk
19:14.33slapintorpor: where do you all get that lapdock?
19:14.41*** join/#arm-netbook hansg (
19:14.54torpornow to install ubuntu ..
19:15.10mnemocthey aren't as cheap as "advertised", but still a decent deal
19:15.23torpori got mine for 40euros
19:15.44nulluserI saw one for $80 or so, pretty good deal
19:16.18nulluserAesthetically I don't like how the device sticks out the back
19:16.38mnemoccheap ones are in US. but usually with awful shipping fees to EU
19:24.10lkcl_torpor: can you please provide a link (or a model number)
19:25.23torporlkcl_, you want a link to buy one or just to see what it is?
19:25.47mnemoc40E is amazing :)
19:25.54torpornulluser, yeah its something that needs to be worked on.  i just finished making a cable for mine .. next week i'll 3d print an adapter for it so that the mk802 just slides in nice and neat.
19:26.40torporits 80euro's now. ;P
19:27.08mnemoc+20 for shipping :p
19:27.18torporthats pretty whack
19:27.21torpori guess i got lucky
19:28.08mnemoc100E would be fair if you wouldn't need such a mess of cables and adapters to use it on anything but the atrix
19:28.37torporwell its only about 10eu worth of cables
19:28.58torpori guess it'll be a sexier device when the 3d-printed custom adapter is finished.
19:30.06nulluserOrder it with free shipping and hope they don't notice the location ;)
19:30.59nulluserI can buy them and ship back out if someone really wants one
19:31.05nulluserNot sure what shipping costs
19:31.21mnemoctechn_: the cable mess ruins usability. not only their cost
19:31.45mnemocnulluser: ships only to US will soon have a solution, don't wory!
19:32.02mnemoctorpor: :)
19:33.23nulluserhah, don't try to go through an airport ;)
19:35.04torporwell it will be difficult if they ask me to turn it on .. ;)
19:36.32ZaEarlit took me about an hour to go through security last time. laptops, tablets, cables, console, controllers, etc.
19:37.02mnemocI had troubles in .fr with a chinese tablet because the battery was taped ... "suspiciously"
19:38.14penguin42heck you worry just how many really dangerous things these guys miss because they worry about stuff like that
19:41.15mnemocfrom eu airports I hate frenchs the most
19:43.29penguin42sees picture of MK808B - Rockchip based - it has a nice little grill on it
19:49.55nulluserAny tips to prolong the life of the SD card with a rootfs? I have had a couple do bad
19:50.45penguin42nulluser: 1) Buy good SD cards, 2) Don't use them for rootfs - it'll always suck
19:52.35rmfind any guide to optimizing a GNU/Linux system for an SSD
19:52.43rmthere are dozens of those
19:52.51rmboils down to reducing writes
19:52.59jelly-home"boot off them but don't write there?"
19:53.11nulluserwell, I keep testing kernels
19:53.34nulluserabout 60 or 80 in, I'm getting some weird stuff happening
19:53.50penguin42nulluser: That's the least of the problem;  things like high bandwidth log writes, and/or swapping to it really do them in
19:53.58nullusershouldn't fail that fast, but I'm pretty sure the SD cards are messed p
19:54.20mnemocnulluser: for testing kernels you can use u-boot's tftp, and avoid writting and rewritting the uImage
19:54.39nulluserwhat about the modues?
19:55.01mnemocnfs? :)
19:56.26penguin42nulluser: yeh NFS, and you can also load the initramfs via tftp
19:57.07penguin42any one know what an mk809 is apposed to an mk808b and how hackable the 809 is?
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20:53.10rmoh this made slashdot
20:53.23rmgood to have some mk802 publicity
20:53.45rmbring it into the brainwashed by the RASPBERRY PI masses
20:57.08penguin42just ordered an 809
20:58.25penguin42was 39GBP+4.50 shipping from an amazon uk vendor
20:58.49mnemocbut shipped from hk anyway :p
20:59.04penguin42yeh probably
20:59.36penguin42still easier for me to get it via amazon uk
21:05.55rmRK3066 sucks
21:06.13rm"ubuntu barely works and you need to use hideous hacks to even boot it"
21:06.27hansgrm, why ? I'm focussing on getting Linux running nice on the RK3066 now, but RK3066 looks nice too
21:06.29rmvs "a number of distros simply boot from an SD card" with the A10
21:06.45rmmore power to you then
21:06.51hansgrm, never mind you've already answered my question
21:07.22hansgGah, typing == difficult, I meant: "I'm focussing on getting Linux running nice on the *A10* now, but RK3066 looks nice too"
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21:10.49*** join/#arm-netbook Skaag (
21:10.54rmwell, it looks nice on paper
21:11.10Skaaglooks like my A13 does not reboot properly if I run "reboot" from the shell. is this a known issue?
21:11.17rm"man, it's dual-core, that must be cool!"
21:11.27Skaagoh wait, it does, just takes 2 very long minutes…
21:11.42jas-hacksWhat frame rate should you be getting in glxgears with mali drivers?
21:11.54mnemocSkaag: using a recent u-boot-sunxi ?
21:12.04penguin42rm: Well, it's dual core and A9, and that is for most things significantly faster than a single A8
21:12.06Skaagcompiled last week
21:12.10rmSkaag, fwiw my MK802 didn't reboot properly with any powered USB devices connected; but then eventually this problem just went away; I relate that to newer kernel releases
21:12.38SkaagI see
21:13.07rmpenguin42, so
21:13.14rmimagine you got one
21:13.20rmhow do you go about running Debian with X11 on it
21:13.21Skaagok no, it didn't boot
21:13.24penguin42which I hopefully will in a couple of weeks
21:14.09penguin42rm: Good question, don't honestly know yet; there seem to be people who've rooted them, and I'm assuming there is a way to get to a boot loader, and the kernel source is apparently released
21:14.33rmseem to be! assuming! apparently released!
21:14.37rmhave fun~
21:14.50rmI'll just stick an SD card into my A10
21:15.08penguin42 looks promising
21:19.23jelly-hometoo bad j1nx attempt at crowdfunding release of amlogic source didn't work out
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22:33.31Turl|hi all
22:33.54*** join/#arm-netbook Turl (c9d476ee@cyanogenmod/maintainer/Turl)
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22:35.09Skaagwhat's a simple way to throw an image onto the frame buffer device?
22:37.13nulluserin C?
22:37.52hansgOh yeah, after poking hdmi transmitter registers the entire day I've *finally* found the bit to enable double clock pll usage in the A10's hdmi transmitter. So now I've it doing 1920x1200 on my 24 inch    :)
22:37.56Skaagin any way really
22:38.15nulluserin C you just open the /dev/fb device and write to it
22:38.27mnemochansg: awesome!
22:38.32Triffid_Hunterhansg: nice
22:38.35nulluserIf you had a raw image in the correct format, you could just cat it to /dev/fb
22:38.45Skaagnulluser: I tried to use fbi to display something but it won't budge
22:38.48Turl might help
22:38.52Turlhansg: awesome :)
22:39.05SkaagTurl: yes, fbi is from fbida
22:39.09Skaagthat's what I tried
22:39.14nulluserDo you have a reference linux install you can test on, like your main pc
22:39.33SkaagI pass -d /dev/fb0 but it gives me ioctl VT_GETSTATE: Invalid argument (not a linux console?)
22:39.36nulluserMake sure whatever you do works on a host first
22:39.54nulluserso you can isolate a command problem, or a problem with the framebuffer device
22:40.22TurlSkaag: I'm guessing you have disp, lcd and hdmi modules loaded right?
22:41.02SkaagI'm using the LCD right now
22:41.06SkaagI'm not on VGA
22:41.23SkaagI have mali, disp_ump and ump modules loaded
22:41.51hansgAnd now I'm toast, although I'm quite happy with the result, poking registers an entire day long sort of wears one out. See you all later.
22:42.06Skaaghansg: I agree with you 100%
22:42.16Skaaghansg: It's more exhausting than people might think...
22:42.31Turlpoking clocks is worse
22:42.44Turlbecause when you poke them wrong you need to reboot the board :)
22:43.00TurlSkaag: did you configure script.bin adequately?
22:43.20SkaagX, GDM, etc, they all work fine...
22:43.32SkaagI'm just trying to show a splash image before they load while the system is booting :-)
22:44.00Skaag(because it takes some 10 ~ 15 seconds, and the user doesn't know what's going on)
22:44.09Turlso if you stop X and gdm and run fbi it doesn't work?
22:44.40SkaagI tried just doing cat /dev/random > /dev/fb0 but nothing happens
22:45.07Turlyou need to send an ioctl I think
22:45.57Skaagoh well this is not that important to be honest
22:46.00*** join/#arm-netbook freakazoid0223 (
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22:47.28Turltry with urandom or zero
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22:51.05Skaagwith /dev/urandom writing to /dev/fb0 produces results
22:51.18Skaagnow my screen is full of garbage, tasty colorful garbage
22:51.21SkaagI like it
22:52.06SkaagI also like how it returns an error of No space left on device when the buffer is full :)
22:52.24Turlyou can try making a raw format image on your favorite image editor and cat that
22:53.23nullusercool, what was wrong?
22:53.30Skaagah, managed to fix it with fbi
22:53.33SkaagI was missing -T 1
22:54.01Skaagso: fbi -d /dev/fb0 -T 1 MoneyBaboon.png
22:54.40Skaagfound it on google… the man page doesn't mention -T
22:55.06Skaagimagine that, an incomplete, inaccurate man page
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