IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121222

00:08.40Skaagtechn_: that's excellent stuff, I'll mention this in my blog post :)
00:19.54*** join/#arm-netbook lerc (
00:22.14Skaagtechn_: And, it worked flawlessly this time. I have the gpio kernel module, without having to go through crazy steps. I now have X11 running on the A13 Olinuxino.
00:25.27techn_Skaag: nice to hear
00:32.02*** join/#arm-netbook focus_it (
00:32.14focus_itwhat be this then
00:32.40focus_itruns linux it claims on Boxchip F10
00:32.58focus_itand has sata 2.5" built in it supposed to be an a10 based hard drive enclosure?
00:58.06focus_itit claims to run Linux (not android)
00:59.45buZzsadly not cheap :P
01:00.09buZzis there accelerated X11 on A10 yet?
01:02.10focus_itsort of what I were thinking - sources; where did they get support to port linux to it?
01:13.01*** join/#arm-netbook Sv2 (
01:13.01*** join/#arm-netbook Sv2 (~Sv@unaffiliated/sv)
01:14.11buZzdoes that CPU arch even exist? Boxchip F10?
01:15.41buZzah it does
01:20.56*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro (
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02:08.45*** join/#arm-netbook drachensun_ (~drachensu@
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02:22.23hnoAllwinner do have Linux kernel sources for F10. We even have most of it in our sunxi tree.
02:39.56orly_owlf10 is their new soc?
03:35.40*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
03:47.26ManoftheSeaI think I am having trouble building my sunxi-linux kernel.  3.0.52+ from hno tree...
03:47.51ManoftheSeathe uImage says Load Address: 40008000
03:47.52ManoftheSeaEntry Point:  40008000
03:48.04ManoftheSeabut qemu crashes, saying those are outside memory.
03:49.44ManoftheSeahno: do you know what the uImage for an a10 should use for its load address?
03:50.21buZzcant you read the load address out of a compiled kernel?
03:51.18ManoftheSeaI will try that.
03:51.53ManoftheSeahmm, the 3.0.32+ seems to agree.
03:52.10ManoftheSeaso... /me looks for more qemu howto.
04:06.15ManoftheSeaokay, so... Qemu would have to know how to run an a10 device.
04:06.26ManoftheSeaI guess that makes sense, just didn't know it yet.  Awesoem.
04:06.45buZzso the load address was correct? :)
04:07.51ManoftheSeabuZz: It agrees with the kernel I downloaded rather than built.  The use of qemu was wrong.
04:08.08buZzok :)
04:08.50ManoftheSeaalso, hello.  I'm trying to get an image on uSD for a mk802ii.  hno's uboot supposedly supports it, and I *think* I compiled a sunxi-linux kernel for it.
04:08.59ManoftheSeahowever, I have yet to see it actually work.
04:09.29buZzdid you try the media-build sh script to build the uSD? in sunxi-bspscripts
04:13.00ManoftheSeano, what?  I tried to download and compile with a cross-compiler: uboot, linux-sunxi, and debootstrap --foreign
04:15.18ManoftheSeawhere do hwpack and such come from?
04:18.14ManoftheSeaso, hwpack is mali and cedarx?
04:26.57ManoftheSeaIs it just the video drivers?
04:27.06ManoftheSeaI should be able to get a booting system without, right?
04:28.06buZzyeah but
04:28.21buZzthis script also sets up the partitions in the proper way
04:28.29buZzand puts the right binary in the mbr
04:28.44buZzand the hwpack also has script.bin or something
04:28.58buZzthe file that holds the A10 specific options your system supports
04:29.05*** join/#arm-netbook gzamboni (
04:30.56ManoftheSeaOk.  So, there's no hwpack for the mk802ii.  I did the partitioning, as well as dropping spl at 8k and u-boot at 32k.
04:31.09buZzright right
04:31.14ManoftheSeaI am a little stuck on the UART access.
04:31.16buZzand script.bin is there?
04:31.23buZzwhy so? no pins?
04:31.31ManoftheSeaNot that I can find/understand
04:31.46ManoftheSeaAlso, I haven't gotten my USB-TTL yet.
04:31.47buZzi still want a mk802 .. one day ..
04:31.58buZzah, my cubieboard had a ttl cable included
04:32.05ManoftheSeano, this is the v2.
04:32.11ManoftheSeaor... something.
04:32.41ManoftheSeaI guess there's an 802, an 802+, an 802ii, and an 802iii...  Also, the wifi chip in mine identifies it as a clone.
04:33.34*** join/#arm-netbook Dhraakellian (
04:33.52ManoftheSeaon /dev/mmcblk0p1, I've got "boot.scr  script.bin  uEnv.txtuImage"
04:39.46buZzsounds about right
04:42.42ManoftheSeaHmm...  do you know what the root= param should be?
04:43.05ManoftheSeait's /dev/mmcblk0p2 on here... but I don't know what the mk802ii sees it as.
04:45.09buZzprobably as that
04:46.17ManoftheSeaThen I guess I get to keep staring at the board, trying to figure out what these pins are.
04:52.29ManoftheSeaWell, I'm at the point where I need feedback, and without serial, I can't be sure whether U-boot is failing, the kernel is failing, or the network {modules,setup} is failing.
04:52.54ManoftheSeaon the other hand... there may not BE uart pins on here.
04:53.10ManoftheSeaThere are like... 8-9 pins arranged next to a uSD sized outline.
04:53.45orly_owlself-destruct button
04:53.48ManoftheSeaOne of the USB is inside that footprint, though, and it doesn't match the actual uSD on the other side.
05:07.47*** join/#arm-netbook gzamboni (
05:27.23Skaagso I got tslib and xf86-input-tslib to work, finally
05:27.30Skaagbut it's totally uncalibrated
05:27.52SkaagI ran ts_calibrate and saved the result in /etc/pointercal but it's still out of whack
05:28.45*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
05:42.02buZzmeh, the battery i had between my lapdock and cubieboard, drains while running :(
05:42.40buZzi was hoping it would just be semi-intelligent and give the input directly to the output when battery is full :)
05:55.58countzok got it calibrated :-)
05:56.02countzall working great!
05:56.14countz<-- Skaag
05:57.53*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
06:04.09buZzcool :)
06:52.36servili007ManoftheSea: what are you looking to do on the mk802ii?
06:54.29servili007because for the time being, build you modules and kernel on the sunxi-3.4 branch in linux-sunxi, otherwise it's going to give you a headache for something you don't have to waste time on
06:56.48servili007and if you want a hardware-pack and don't want to build one yourself, I have plenty for the mk802ii
07:34.47*** join/#arm-netbook countz (
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09:42.31*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold_ (~Ganbold@
10:25.51*** join/#arm-netbook techn (
10:28.48technwhee.. I got cwm to start from sd card :p
11:17.29slapingood morning, all!
11:18.16slapinhno, where have you seen ecc type selection logic in original code?
11:56.34*** part/#arm-netbook phh (~quassel@
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12:43.43hnoslapin, it is in the NAND chip tables.
12:47.17hnoManoftheSea, MK802 series of boards usually have UART just next to the CPU.
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17:41.30jinzomnemoc, I didn't quite follow, and there seem to be no discussion on the ML - anything usefull from yesterdays code?
17:47.03*** join/#arm-netbook ganbold_ (~Ganbold@
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18:26.07*** join/#arm-netbook servili007 (~servili00@unaffiliated/servili007)
18:27.07servili007techn: I see in the logs that you got CWM started from SD? what extra steps did you have to take?
18:38.17servili007Could we get a repository for hi-res board pics on the wiki?
18:41.35*** join/#arm-netbook Graffiti (75c0f5ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:42.04Graffitidoes any one know if mele a2000 supports wifi ap mode?
19:04.27*** join/#arm-netbook jlj (
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19:16.59drachensunI think I looked into this before and it didn't
19:17.26drachensunThis is the page
19:17.40drachensunbut its always behind it seems, so maybe it is by now
19:30.37*** join/#arm-netbook techn_ (
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19:42.26techn_servili007: It's still wip.. I need to figure out how to get modules to cwm recovery.img
19:42.49servili007techn_: what's still broken?
19:43.26techn_I need sun4i-keyboard.ko module to recovery.img
19:44.00techn_+ and - keys are not working
19:44.04servili007cant you just decompile it into its kernel and ramdisk and inject into ramdisk?
19:44.09servili007also fix the keys while you're at it
19:44.36techn_servili007: yes I can, but I'd like to it proper way
19:45.08servili007hehe, okay, well then you'll want to include some recovery proprietaries
19:45.12techn_so I can get this to sunxi-bsp
19:45.27servili007right, you're starting from the allwinner-dev-team repos, right?
19:46.05techn_servili007: yes.. sunxi-bsp -> make android (uses allwinned-dev-team repos)
19:47.50techn_btw. you know any documentation for that android img build system?
19:50.06servili007not off the top of my head aside from the standard android and CM wiki's/pages, but I'll take a look
19:54.21penguin42tablets are depressingly keeping their price - Dell Streaks seem to still be selling for about 150
19:57.20servili007techn_: you've tried to build recovery with a modified recovery_keys.c and still couldnt get VOLUMEUP and VOLUMEDOWN recognized?
19:57.49techn_That wont help since there is no module loaded for those keys
19:58.23techn_after loading keyboard.ko, I'll get event0 which responds to + and -
19:58.32techn_oh.. event1
20:12.21penguin42badly described A13 tablets selling on ebay for about 55gbp
20:23.08rmtoo expensive
20:23.22rmaround $55 on Aliexpress
20:23.52penguin42rm: Nod, especially given how badly described them, I was bidding upto about 20
20:27.14rmperhaps the next year's $50 tablets will have a 1024x600 resolution and a 1GB of RAM
20:28.23rmI tried an InfoTM tablet with 800x480, it's too small for web browsing
20:30.02penguin42rm: One of the UK resellers was selling an A10 with I think 1GB RAM for £45 but they had a very very small stock; it was front page of the 'sale' sheet but very few of them
21:04.11buZzi am compiling a 3.0.52 image from linux-sunxi for use on a cubieboard
21:04.20buZzbut i cant seem to get output on my HDMI by default :/
21:04.33buZzah yes thank you
21:04.38buZzi should try serial console ;)
21:12.18mnemocbuZz: currently hdmi only supports tv resolutions. that is a common cause of blank displays
21:13.38*** join/#arm-netbook Guest2550 (
21:14.03buZzmnemoc: depmod -a + moving the /lib/modules folder to the right name fixed it all <3
21:21.25L84SupperArduino MK802 Based Mobile Web Server Robotic Platform Controlled via javascript with node.js
21:22.23L84Supperthe audio alone is worth it
21:26.41rmyea awesome eastern accent :p
21:31.01*** join/#arm-netbook Guest40526 (556149d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:31.41Guest40526do you know where i can download android bsp for A13 processor ?
21:32.01Guest40526and some instructions about how to compile bsp and burn it
21:32.58buZzthere is sunxi-bsp on
21:33.08buZzi am not sure if its for A13 aswell
21:33.16techn_buZz: that wont work yet
21:35.15Skaagtechn_: It's still experimental right?
21:35.28SkaagI seem to remember seeing it as a build option
21:35.39Skaag(but it says there, that it's still experimental)
21:35.58techn_Skaag: yes. but it supports only zatab currently
21:39.35Guest40526techn: So it means it only supports A10 processor right ?
21:42.37Skaaggotcha, good to know
21:43.27servili007mnemoc: any suggestions for debugging display not being detected on mk802ii on sunxi-3.0? I don't have uart set up...but I may need to
21:43.58servili007specifically the kernel seems to be the trouble
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22:28.43buZzservili007: FYI, after i remembered to check the serial console, it took me less than 5 minutes to fix my kernel ;)
22:29.16servili007buZz: oi, well, now you've gone and made me feel like I'm wasting my time :D
22:30.16buZzlol sorry
22:30.29buZzi spent the last 22 hours trying to get it to work
22:30.54servili007hehe, I swear that people are right when they say that the mk802ii especially has a mind of its own
22:31.18servili007I don't understand what numbskull decided to make it unable to even enter recovery mode without flat out bricking the thing
22:31.37buZzwell, cubieboard is awesome, i can tell you :P
22:43.42buZzyeah st000pid
22:43.48buZzhis laptop cant even close!
22:44.26buZzalso, that project is an advertisment to buy overpriced batteries at his store
22:44.29L84Supperthat way you can't hide the screen, it's a feature
22:44.44buZz80 usd for 6 18650 cells is _not_ normal
22:46.04L84Supper"Neither, Inc nor I are responsible for any damages caused by this tutorial. Proceed at your own risk."
22:46.29buZzthere are some tools to check OpenGL ES's working, do you know them??
22:48.00techn_es_gears, es_info, ..
22:48.25buZzcool, do you know if they are packaged in debian?
22:48.36L84SupperbuZz: so your cubie arrived?
22:48.44buZzyes last week
22:48.59L84Supperdoes it have any GPIO pins on connectors?
22:49.00techn_buZz: mesa-tools or something like that
22:49.08buZzL84Supper: 96 GPIO capable pins
22:49.57buZzmesa-utils, but is has no es_gears inside ..
22:51.23L84Supperso maybe it's finally time for a xenomai port
22:51.42buZztechn_: i keep just finding glxgears :(
22:52.29buZzty :D
22:53.15techn_sorry.. I didn't remember it correct :)
22:53.51buZzit seems
22:53.56buZzbut not in wheezy :(
23:08.59buZzL84Supper: reading about xenomai, but i hardly understand what the purpose is of doing it on linux?
23:09.17buZzwell beside 'because we can'
23:18.24servili007what am I looking at?
23:26.47specingservili007: 50%/50%
23:31.03buZzsoldermasks suggests that this board is used for different purposes
23:32.02buZzafaik, those pins are placed to be a microsd socket, but the soldermask suggests it got a different purpose, as those loads dont match the SD pinout
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23:33.41servili007_showing 3.28V on that VCC
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