IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121215

00:16.19*** join/#arm-netbook Jef91 (~Instantbi@bodhilinux/team/Jef91)
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02:08.15*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs or -
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08:45.40rman AMLogic stick in the same casing as the MK802
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13:42.33asiekierkai'm slowly organizing a list of ARM netbooks in existence
13:50.10Yakuhmm, do screens with battery´s exist to plug in for example an ug802 or mk802 ?
13:51.05jinzoYaku, if I understand you right you're looking for something like a Lapdock (Motorolas one for example)
13:51.51Yakuwell, more like an upgradable tablet but sure could be an upgradable arm netbook too
13:52.44jinzoand then you can look at the EOMA-68 standard (topic) that tries to achieve something like that
13:52.57jinzobut nowadays, only the lapdock is available.
13:53.17Yakugood point i never understood why someone would want that pcmcia style card :)
13:53.24Yakubut for that, yes
13:56.43ahollera displaylink with capacitive touch could make sense
13:57.36jinzoaholler, didn't notice if any of the current ARM boards come with displaylink?
13:57.49ahollerdisplaylink is usb
13:58.04asiekierkaanyone knows any ARM netbooks not on my list?
13:58.15ahollernot that fast on linux beause of the driver
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14:26.18asiekierkarm: that's pretty sweet
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14:26.28rmoh crap they changed the CPU to VIA 8850
14:26.36rmused to have the Allwinner A10 there
14:26.40rmand still in the URL
14:26.49asiekierkathe 8850 is pretty horrid for deving
14:26.52rmso that's why it's now $7 cheaper
14:26.59rm(used to be ~$99)
14:27.41damo22hi i just discovered A13 stuff and the linux-sunxi project, i have a question regarding the kernel: how come one cannot examine the sources for the android release to work out the specs?
14:28.01asiekierkathere are tons of A10 netbooks still on aliexpress
14:28.19asiekierkathe problem is, do ALL of them run Linux properly?
14:29.48asiekierkame and a friend got Debian running on a RK2818 recently
14:29.54asiekierkausing the Android kernel, tho
14:30.31asiekierkaessentially we'd let the Android kernel boot, then we'd chroot from the boot partition
14:30.45damo22asiekierka: i guessed this would be a chroot
14:31.06damo22but what is wrong with that?
14:31.10asiekierkanothing, really
14:31.19asiekierkastops us from running Arch or any distro requiring a recent kernel, though
14:31.23buZzasiekierka: afaik _all_ A10 devices can boot berryboot and get proper linux
14:34.14damo22afaik if you are referring to linus' kernel you are supposed to refer to the kernel as linux and the rest of the system as GNU if its "proper linux", so the combination can be unmistaken as GNU/Linux. and the whole Android system (OS + Kernel) is just Android afaik.  is this correct?
14:34.30asiekierkapretty much
14:34.40asiekierkaAndroid is just called Android, perhaps because everyone knows what the term means
14:34.45rmasiekierka, the link you posted also says VIA 8850 even in the title
14:34.55rmI'd be wary to buy from them
14:34.57asiekierkanot on the pics, though
14:34.59orly_owlwindows key >_<
14:35.03asiekierkai believe the problem is they pick the CPUs at "random"
14:35.07asiekierkamany Chinese companies are low on details
14:35.11asiekierkaso they can easily swap CPUs
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14:37.35asiekierka>Model Number: VIA8850
14:37.43asiekierka>Processor Model: Allwinner A10
14:37.45asiekierkait's like a gamble!
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14:55.52techn_gimli: hey.. what is the preferred way to send patches to xmbc?
14:56.20gimlitechn_: PR on github
14:56.44gimlitechn_: what patches you have ?
14:57.14techn_gimli: karaoke view is not rendering at all.. only cursor movement triggers it
14:57.56techn_so I checked codes and it seems that there is missing some code.. MarkDirtyRegion call
15:30.36Turltechn_: if you have all the system reqs set up, yeah. It might require a repo rebase or two, nothing too serious though
15:38.19Turltechn_: if you have those, try "make android-clobber" && "make android", I have rebased the relevant repos yesterday, they're up to date now.
15:43.00techn_Turl: thanks.. I'll try that
15:43.48techn_Turl: btw.. could you make android target to update only on request :)
15:44.42techn_like "make android" fetches/builds on first time.. second time only builds  and "make android-update" fetches
15:54.34Turltechn_: is that how the hwpack part behaves?
15:54.54techn_Turl: yep.. updates only on request
15:55.05Turlokay then
15:56.36techn_Makes rebuilding much faster.. I'll only use "make hwpack-install SD_CARD=/dev/sdb"
15:58.14techn_It takes only 1min on my quad core machine to update modified u-boot and kernel to sd card
16:00.15Turltechn_: the sync time is pretty irrelevant when you compare it with android build time though :P
16:00.38techn_thats true :D
16:00.50Turlbut yeah, I see your point, I'll do it when I get some time :)
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16:02.08Turltechn_: if you plan on playing with android, I suggest you install and set ccache up
16:04.27techn_Turl: I'm trying to get a13_mid working :)
16:04.36Turlinstall ccache and grow the cache (ccache -M 20G or whatever size) then export USE_CCACHE=1
16:04.45techn_since stock android on it is pretty terrible
16:05.08Turlthen run ccache -s to check it grows while you build android
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17:04.39drachensunI just sent in a fix for camera init on the mailing list, I'm not sure if any other tablet users had this problem
17:06.04techn_drachensun: did you check import branches.. there is csi fixes pending
17:06.33drachensunI did not, looking now
17:08.36drachensunI was thinking they almost to have had to fixed somewhere along the line for the Android to work
17:08.45drachensununless Android doesn't use v4l
17:09.22buZzandroid uses v4l
17:11.13drachensuntechn_: does your camera work?
17:11.33techn_I havent tried with other that stock image
17:13.16drachensunok the A10s sdk has it fixed
17:14.31techn_nice.. could you test that and report if that works.. so we can reduce differences with import branches
17:16.02techn_or did you test that already :)
17:16.16drachensuntest the import branch?  I'm setting up now
17:16.33techn_I think just that one commit is enough
17:16.37drachensunyeah, its probably got more fixes I could use for the camera too, it looks a lot cleaner
17:16.50drachensunoh yeah, with that commit my camera works
17:17.11drachensunmy one liner I mean
17:18.03drachensunwell wait, I think Im not sure what you meant
17:18.19drachensunI  tested my commit, I know it works for the current stable kernel
17:18.28techn_I ment that
17:18.38drachensunno, that doesnt have the fix
17:18.44techn_ah ok
17:19.05techn_forgot that 10s branch :p
17:20.12drachensunI just looked the sun5i branch did it right too but only in the sun5i_csi/csi0 driver code, didn't seem to change the bug in sun4i_csi
17:20.38drachensuna10s has it corrected in sun4i_csi
17:22.31techn_strange.. I cant find any commits related to csi on that branch :/
17:23.52techn_so 10s branch should be same as sunxi-3.0 branch :/
17:23.57Turldrachensun: my camera has always worked on sun4i kernel
17:24.02drachensunyou can look at the code around like 858 though and see its different
17:24.05techn_.. for csi part
17:24.41drachensunturl: does your camera use that sun4i_csi0 driver?
17:25.06Turlboth of them iirc
17:25.48drachensunwhat program did you test it with?
17:26.11Turlandroid camera app
17:26.54drachensunone anomaly I had was cheese would snatch about 3 frames then crash, fswebcam and everything else I tried crashed right away
17:27.06drachensunand only my opensuse image would even run cheese
17:27.20drachensunI haven't tried it in Android
17:32.37drachensunthat import branch is having build errors for me, but of course I'm trying to build it with a regular A10 defconfig, is that expected?
17:33.25techn_I suggest to import what you need there.. Its 3.0.8 kernel
17:33.46drachensunugh ok
17:33.47techn_and has quite a lot old stuff.. but there are some gems
17:34.19drachensunI was hoping to just run a test with it and see how the camera ran, I guess I can move the camera parts over and see what happens
17:36.57drachensunso is the A10s code newer than the sun5i import code?
17:38.00mnemocdrachensun: yes
17:39.51mnemocwe have 3 sources of sun5i code. the base we use from the history in Qware's release a year ago. pieces from the gpl-violating a13 SDK tsvetan got in... april? and pieces from the gpl-violating A10s SDK tsvetan got last month
17:40.23mnemocthe import branch was created from the A13 SDK
17:41.03mnemocwhich is not simple as several parts are destructive for sun4i
17:41.29mnemocalso there are parts of the A10s SDK destructive for A13 :|
17:41.54mnemocgone again
17:43.40drachensunok thanks
18:08.05drachensunalright correction, the a10s code does not have my fix either, it does setup the field value but in another function, the GPL header files adds just enough lines to line it up with another similar function
18:08.53drachensunsince that other function has the field set, I think a calling program only crashes if it calls v4l to capture a certain way
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18:51.18penguin42lkcl__: What are the two mini connectors on the right hand side? One is USB I guess, the other hdmi?
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19:51.26jinzowas this allready posted today?
19:51.30jinzolooks quite interesting.
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19:53.35penguin42jinzo: Oh very nice
19:55.07penguin42jinzo: The fpga is a fun addition
19:55.27jinzoyeah, I'm just enumerating the driver situation
19:55.35jinzoiMX6 is supposedly in mainline kernel
19:55.40jinzolooking the GPU up now
19:56.41jinzoat least they have full X11 support, that looks promising
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19:59.40jinzoyes ofcourse, closed source GPU drivers - but apperently with official X11 support
20:00.09jinzoalso looks like it'll be expensive as hell.
20:01.23L84Supperwhere are they going to get the i.mx6's from?
20:01.46L84SupperFS doesn't seem to be shipping any in larger quantities
20:02.08jinzoand has some weird "laptop" features (FPGA, dual ethernet, the breakout headers, resistive touch)
20:02.17buZzjinzo: that looks AWESOME!
20:02.19jinzobut still, who wouldn'we knew.
20:02.36buZzactually it was hinted earlier this year that he was working on this ;)
20:02.38jinzoL84Supper, didn't that sort out, as hiapad started selling their dongles en-masse?
20:03.02servili007Turl: What kind of work is needed for mele/mk802/similar need for android building in  sunxi-bsp and the allwinner-dev-team repos?
20:04.30jinzoI really wonder what the price point for it will be, probably around 1kUSD
20:05.04L84Supperjinzo: he posted his gerbers so even a monkey can copy them now
20:06.03penguin42jinzo: I doubt that it will be that high, the FPGA is a cheap one
20:06.09penguin42used on a lot of FPGA intro board
20:06.21L84Supperthe fpga may be left out
20:06.36penguin42L84Supper: Depends whether they used it to do something important as well
20:06.49L84Supperwhats he using for an EC?
20:06.49jinzoL84Supper, yes that's great - maybe someone will put the design in a more convential one and mass produce it
20:07.23L84Supperjinzo: easy enough, I have just been waiting for parts to be available
20:08.02L84SupperEC = embedded controller
20:08.16jinzoL84Supper, I think all of us would be interested in a ballpark price for a board like that
20:08.37penguin42L84Supper: He lists an STM32 on the battery board
20:09.55L84Supperjinzo: cost to build is one price, sales price is another
20:10.31jinzoI am aware of that - and I'm also aware how the price goes down if you order a larger amount
20:10.32Turlservili007: a tree similar to
20:10.43jinzobut still, a ballpark assesment would be interesting
20:11.12penguin42jinzo: Thing is that's a very versatile, it could be sold into a lot of markets
20:11.12servili007Turl: Okay, I assumed as much, any suggestions on where to get started?
20:11.28jinzoI heard that the BOM for a basic iMX6 system is around 100USD
20:11.36Turlservili007: clone that one and start modifying for your device :)
20:12.48servili007Turl: Fair enough
20:13.09L84Supperjinzo: it could be around the price of the wandboards, less if there is interest
20:13.59jinzodon't they ship the dual core versions only?
20:14.25jinzoyes indeed.
20:14.31L84SupperI'm still waiting for an i.mx6 to test, the a10 is just too slow now to work with
20:14.32jinzo73for dual core - not so bad
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20:15.47Turlmripard: stefanro: ping
20:15.54jinzohm, the iMX6 doesen't come with the GPU bundled like A10s for example?
20:16.54L84SupperI've been considering a superior form factor for cpu cards that EOMA, if there is enough interest I'd build with the i.mx6
20:17.37penguin42L84Supper: Well if you don't care about having the case there is that standard someone was working on U?? (can't remember the acronym)
20:17.46L84Supperjinzo: the GPU is on-chip
20:18.14jinzothen it's the same Vivante GC2000 + GC300 everywhere - suprisingly lack of info on the wandaboard page
20:18.16L84Supperpenguin42: It would have a case
20:18.38L84SupperI just stopped supporting EOMA
20:19.10penguin42L84Supper: Ah ok, what shape would you go for; I mean it's ok not to support it if you don't want, but hey if it's the right shape for you
20:19.27jinzounfortunately most of the efforts have quite a long product turnaround - even nowadays it's hard to get a board with A10 actually shipped
20:19.59L84Suppernot sure what the problem was with the cubieboards
20:20.24penguin42L84Supper: They made a few hundred, their is another batch due to ship any day
20:20.42penguin42they got indiegogo funding for the next batch
20:20.51L84SupperEOMA is just poor management and lack of tech knowledge
20:21.27jinzoL84Supper, actually I think that most of the project out there are a bit too entusiastic (from RPi to Wandaboard)
20:21.36L84Supperno point in making cards if you can't purchase silicon
20:22.47jinzoa lot of hype and then big problems with delivery.
20:22.47jelly-homewasn't the point of making cards in creating a standardized form factor
20:23.01L84SupperI don't see that many ARM netbooks selling
20:23.01penguin42L84Supper: I'm not sure it's necessarily a problem to take a year to bring a project like this up, the problem is that the reality as long as you get your level of optimism right is to realise it's going to take a while and you have to design for the chips that are going to be available then not when you start
20:23.03jinzoI know it's hard ... but still.
20:23.18L84Suppermight be easier to just mod the chromebooks
20:23.25jelly-home(which means reusable components around it, which means profit)
20:23.43penguin42L84Supper: Yeh it would be nice if you could buy the boards - although I guess the olimex (?) boards are pretty much there
20:24.12L84Supperpenguin42: it's a few weeks, we been designing mainboards since the 8086
20:24.48penguin42L84Supper: Fair enough, but that's ok if you are in the business
20:25.00L84Supperpenguin42: we just need a supply of parts, we looked at the i.mx6 a year ago, and it's been nothing but problems with Freescale
20:25.09penguin42L84Supper: Nod
20:25.15penguin42L84Supper: Unfortunately true of a lot of ARM stuff
20:25.21L84Supperpoor management, design problems
20:25.51penguin42isn't aware of any A9 or better parts you can just buy
20:26.19L84Supperyeah, that's one of the problems
20:26.36L84Supperthe i.mx6 was supposed to be available last June
20:28.33penguin42chips always take longer than expected; especially since it's like 3 months turn around when you screw up
20:28.57L84Supperdepends on the supplier
20:29.24L84Suppersome just have better engineers and management
20:29.27penguin42L84Supper: It's unusual to be much less, especially given it takes you to find out why/how you screwed up
20:29.57penguin42(and convince someone to form out another $1M+ to have another crack)
20:30.16L84Supperthe problem is how many boards will you sell?
20:30.49penguin42L84Supper: The cubieboards problem (ditto Pi) was that they underestimated that by lots
20:30.54L84Suppersome people dream that millions of people are holding off buying PC, notebooks and tablets until there are FSF endorsed versions
20:32.03jinzoL84Supper, on the other hand - with FSF endorsed version you have guaranteed quite some early adopters that will buy the product even if it's more expensive than the competition and less capable
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20:32.33jinzoI'm not thinking that'll make you rich - or that it's even enough to break even
20:32.34penguin42jinzo: Problem is when you're talking $10M+ for a chip design I don't think there are enough there
20:32.37jinzobut it's something
20:32.49jinzodepends what the chip does
20:33.02jinzoif you can use it from mobile phones to networking gear
20:33.09penguin42jinzo: You can't
20:33.12L84SupperI'm not even talking about a chip, just boards
20:33.29jinzoyeah I know
20:33.31L84Supperhardly anyone cares about FSF or open hardware
20:33.37penguin42L84Supper: I'm talking chips; I think for boards there is enough interest to pay - the cubieboard and Pi are showing that
20:33.47jinzoL84Supper, alas - is it a secret for what company you work for?
20:34.31penguin42it makes it a lot easier to keep work and play separate
20:34.46hnoThere is quite a bunch of people and organisations that is caring for open hardware today, and for perfectly economically sensible reasons.
20:35.12L84Suppermost people just car about a status symbol at just about any price, and most of the open source community just go for lowest cost
20:35.42penguin42admits to being incurably tight
20:35.43L84Supperhow many people really cared about the Pi having a binary blob for a bootloader?
20:35.59hnoI do not agree that open source community equals lowest cost.
20:36.07jinzoL84Supper, but it was not marketed as an open source or. even open device
20:36.13L84Supperhardly anyone, they could have kept it closed and still sold 100k's
20:36.15jinzoit was marketed as a cheap PC
20:36.24jinzoand hyped
20:36.35jinzoand even with all their failures, they built a big community
20:36.43L84Supperjinzo: in the early days it was hyped as open hardware
20:36.44penguin42L84Supper: I think you could get 10k+ sales on the back of something being open; the community is very large these days - scarily so
20:36.59jinzowe have cubieboard
20:37.01penguin42L84Supper: Sure, that's not millions, but I bet you could get 10k - but it really has to be fully open
20:37.04hnowould not have cared about the rPI GPU bootloader if they had placed a small SPI flash on the board for it.
20:37.06jinzowith roughly 3k orders
20:37.12L84Suppercubie and wandboards now
20:37.27L84Supperwhats left to fill any voids right now?
20:37.52jinzoan actually shipping product I can order and get?
20:38.04penguin42L84Supper: There is the olimex stuff
20:38.05jinzonot order and wait unknown time to get it :D
20:38.15L84Supperthe cubies and "in the mail"  :)
20:38.27penguin42L84Supper: They seem to have delivered some
20:38.40jinzobut regarding niche, as it was discussed - maybe something aimed at Internet of Things - simmilar to 8devices carambola
20:38.44hnoolimex boards is readily awailable. Only A13 yet, but easy to get with only some days deliery time.
20:39.04jinzohno, indeed - but probably the only one from the Allwinner family
20:39.18jinzothe mk802's too - but there stuff is a bit more complicated :P
20:39.33hnoOlimex is also working on an A10 board. But still early prototype state.
20:39.50penguin42L84Supper: And the guys from the 1st batch of cubieboards seem to be asking questions etc on their forums
20:40.04jinzoand having problems, they are also working on the TI whatiscalled-soc-that-is-in-beaglebone board
20:40.26hnoAnd Cubieboard is maturing. There likely will be some available in january.
20:40.32penguin42difficulty with the A10 is that the tablets with them are so damn cheap; there is a UK offer for a tablet for #45 on a half price sale (very small batch available on that low price though)
20:41.00penguin42and a year ago it was an ok spec, these days it's way under the bar
20:41.17hnoYes, the A10 is dated for tablet usage today.
20:41.26L84SupperI just don't see there being any real market for an a10 on a card, nobody really wanted it in China 6 months ago, we asked around and they wanted "faster than a10 and windows compatible"
20:41.47hnothat's why they are launching the A31 now, and soon A20 as well.
20:42.05penguin42L84Supper: The cubieboards guys raised $96k of a 50k indiegogo campaign in a few days, so there is demand
20:42.06jinzohno, indeed - but that's like with most hardware products: "announcing a quad core gadget for 99USD, breaking stuff, available in a year or so ofcourse"
20:42.38hnoA31 products are available for preorder now. Expected to ship in a couple of weeks.
20:42.52penguin42L84Supper: And there are loads of higher end boards now, the oli stuff, the cubox and others
20:42.54hnobut not looking at A31 until there is some indication of a usable SDK release.
20:43.28hnoA10 and A13 is quite sufficient for my uses right now.
20:43.34jinzowe'll see how that pans out indeed.
20:43.41penguin42likes the look of the mirabox but it's apparently not shipping yet
20:43.56L84Supperpenguin42: lots of people consider their time to be of very little value as well
20:44.17penguin42L84Supper: Sure, but at the 100k mark it's getting to be a useful amount
20:44.20hnoand will also dive into openrisc in January for some peopel that really really NEED open hardware stuff.
20:44.56L84Supperpenguin42: how many boards were promised in exchange for the $96K
20:45.23hnoL84Supper, which $96K?
20:45.27L84Supperwhats the margin on those boards? few $
20:45.28penguin42L84Supper: Not sure, see   note that a whole bunch are for the larger packages
20:45.45jinzoL84Supper, I think that 2k are being made - but the info is somewhere on the forum/ml
20:45.59hnoThe indiegogo cubieboard capaign ended up at about 1500 boards.
20:46.09hnothey will produce a bit more.
20:46.46hnothere is 1K + 1K PCBs produced, but not all of the extra 500 will be soldered I think.
20:48.09penguin42that seems to be reasonably in the order of normal small scale commercial production
20:51.17hnoYes. Would personally have preferred the indiegogo campaign had a bit more margin so that they actually could get in shape for producing 1K batches after this. But will likely require a second funding campaign.
20:52.39jinzoindeed - but then again it probably wouldn't sell that good/raise that much money.
20:52.59jinzomaybe the A10 will be cheaper now that there's a successor
20:53.20L84Supperisn't somebody here working on an i.mx6 laptop?
20:53.26penguin42jinzo: There is also the possibility it will disappear
20:53.43L84Supperthey made the imx5 netbook
20:54.11hnoThe A10 is likely to stay some years more. But sure, in some years it will be gone.
20:57.59L84Suppermaybe it's just a better idea to find a easily purchased arm soc and supply the design files
20:58.13penguin42L84Supper: I think the problem though is that there aren't many
20:58.36hnoA10 & A13 can easily be purchased via Olimex
20:59.07hnoand possible to pull some strings and purchase in China as well without too much effort.
20:59.10L84Supperif the i.mx6 starts to float around on the Chinese trading sites then that could be it, just like the arm9 2440 and the sam9
20:59.51L84Supperthe way to get cheap boards is just supply the files to the board makers in China
21:00.14L84Supperthey like to make 10K boards at $2 margin each
21:00.35penguin42L84Supper: Nice thing about that MX6 bunniethingy link that started this covnersation
21:01.19L84Supperpenguin42: it's nice to have the open files, but it might be too complex a board
21:01.48L84Suppermaybe if i cut it down to something that could be more general purpose
21:01.51penguin42L84Supper: In terms of laying out ?
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21:03.25L84Supper  lets see if the i.mx6's start to be traded
21:04.43L84Supperheh boards are already there
21:05.09penguin42thinks I'll need to use chrome for that
21:05.28L84Supperpricy though  $238   1500rmb
21:06.26L84Supperwhats a complete part number for an i.mx6?
21:07.04L84Supperi don't even see i.mx5's for sale
21:08.03penguin42is curious what their cute little penguin is
21:10.01L84Suppernevermind, not the same imx6
21:12.19L84Supper490 available
21:12.40penguin42that's dual core A9
21:14.52L84Supperone vendor has 8850 of them
21:15.10L84Suppermake a deal on those
21:15.12penguin42L84Supper: I think that's similar spec to the Panda board
21:15.48L84SupperI have a panda here on my desk somewhere
21:16.58penguin42(What's FEL mode?)
21:18.05L84Supperlets see if the imx6 becomes available, that mainboard design might be of interest
21:18.24L84Suppereither in it current form or something smaller
21:27.30L84Supperbut again not sold through distis
21:28.08L84Supperso $200 SOM's
21:29.39L84Supper  schematics, gerbers and Allegro board files
21:29.56penguin42yeh that's OMAP4 (dual A9)
21:30.10penguin42L84Supper:   and
21:31.07L84Supperso >10k parts on cecb2b
21:33.13L84Supperthey want $100 margins on those modules
21:42.15L84Supperwe just need to supply co's like this with design files
21:42.44L84Supperthey would be happy to build these with imx6 or similar
21:44.58L84Supper   lots of A9 boards
21:45.51penguin42what's the coversion rate?
21:47.14L84Supper~ 6.3:1 for USD
21:48.48penguin42L84Supper: So there prices seem a bit high judging by their Panda board price?
21:49.18Turlhno: did you ever commit my small patch? :)
21:49.44L84Supperyou have to sift through them, but the point is to match a set of design files and BOM to the board makers
21:50.33hnoTurl, which patch?
21:51.10L84Suppersomebody just needs to make the board makers aware of the market
21:51.16Turlhno: #arm-netbook_20121120.log:[01:01:31] <Turl> hno: please add to your tree
21:51.41L84Supperif the board stuffers in China had some way to connector the open source community
21:51.47hnopenguin42, FEL mode is the USB recovery mode built in to the A10 boot ROM.
21:52.49L84Suppermaybe a PR effort by indegogo for manufacturers in China
21:56.10L84Suppermaybe somebody could setup a trading website for makers in China to find boards to build for the community?
21:56.37hnoTurl, done.
21:57.16L84Supperthe problem seems to be community interest but the board makers aren't aware of it
21:58.21L84Suppermaybe a crowdfunding site with escrow
21:59.05Turlthanks hno
21:59.15L84Supperthis is starting to sound like Quirky
21:59.50L84Suppercommunity suggestions and a middle man to go make them in China
22:00.10L84Supperit worked for them, they even got a TV show out of it
22:00.24hnoL84Supper, seeedstudio is doing part of that. But usually on smaller boards.
22:01.19L84Supperso it's not of a jump
22:01.42L84Supperso it's not much of a jump
22:02.11L84Supperto go to slightly more complex boards, they have a beaglebone
22:02.26L84Supperbut they probably juts resell vs have somebody make that
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22:05.30L84Supperhno: so if Seed already does this what is stopping them from making an ARM cortex-a9 board?
22:07.45L84Supper  if they can make this they can handle a simple a9 board
22:07.50hnoL84Supper, mainly someone supplying an open hardware design they can use.
22:08.30L84Supperthey could make copies of the panda right now
22:08.54L84Suppermaybe I'll talk to them next week
22:09.22hnoand some reasonable supply of the required components.
22:09.32L84Supperthey have a Chinese website as well
22:09.52L84Supperjust found 10K of the omap 4430's
22:11.13L84Supperthey could also just easily respin the beaglebone
22:11.13jelly-homesounds seeedy
22:11.36L84Supperparts are sold all over China
22:12.17L84Supperwe buy parts from manufacturers that make boards, we get to ride on their megaorders
22:13.24damo22i had a quick look at the olimex a13-olinuxino linux-sunxi kernel config, apparently they are using completely open drivers *except* the wifi addon uses a proprietary firmware... why was this chosen?
22:16.40Gumboot_Maybe it's cheap?
22:16.40hnoL84Supper, I don't think they will accept building Pandaboard without someone from Pandaboard approving it.
22:17.11hnodamo22, there is not very many wifi usb modules that do not require firmware.
22:17.32damo22well maybe someone could make an open addon wifi thing for this and it could be approved by the FSF?
22:17.50hnoSure, it's a standard USB connection.
22:18.35hnoBut A13 is not FSF endorsed at the moment due to it containing both MALI and Cedarx which will likely lure users into using proprietary pieces.
22:19.42hnolima project will help the first. And if someone reverse-engineers how to use the CedarX  hardware decoders then things may change.
22:20.19hnobut it't not something that will happen tomorrow or even next year.
22:21.05damo22is it possible to run a VGA on this board without using mali at all?
22:21.18hnoYes ofcourse. Plain framebuffer is all open.
22:21.29hnoeven HDMI.
22:21.37hnowell, not on the A13. But on A10.
22:21.42damo22then i can still run trisquel on it for example without wifi or mali or cedarx
22:21.46libvit's just a steaming pile of ...
22:22.06libvgoes back to playing with rgb565 textures on lima
22:22.15libvthe disp driver is a steaming pile of ...
22:22.33libvbut it at least is "free" software
22:22.41damo22im not interested in gfx on it anyway i want to run it headless
22:22.41libvfree for all who have a strong stomach ;)
22:23.14hnoOnly those who dare diving into the code need one. The others just hope it works most of the time.
22:23.42damo22i dont mind code
22:23.43Turllibv: free doesn't mean good, indeed :)
22:24.19damo22i reverse engineered a small quirk for a usb sound card by bus snooping
22:24.53damo22mind you, i would never make a decent living doing this kind of stuff
22:25.07hnodamo22, there is code and there is code...
22:25.28hnoAllwinner code has a too long history from times before Linux.
22:25.45damo22how do you mean?
22:26.28hnoAllwinner drivers were originally written for another OS, mainly by hardware engineers. And then glued onto Linux.
22:26.44hnoand patched up a bit for A10.
22:26.52damo22oh ok
22:26.54Triffid_Hunterhno: argh I know just enough to realise what a disaster that spells
22:27.31damo22but since the code leak there is work being done to utilize the specs and write the drivers from scratch?
22:28.06hnoWhat leak?
22:28.06damo22as in, the specs inferred by the old stuff?
22:28.31hnoAllwinner published the A10 sources.
22:29.06damo22um ok, i was told differently
22:29.09hnothe only truly leaked stuff in our tree is the A13 core support.
22:29.19damo22oh right
22:29.26hnowhich is almost the same as A10.
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22:30.00damo22is the leaked stuff for A13 useful for inferring ways to improve the A10 stuff?
22:31.06hnoNot really. But some drivers from A13 SDK release has bug fixes that has been merged, but those are not leaked.
22:32.06hnoJust to be clear. The leaked stuff is only the .c files in arch/arm/mach-sun5i/
22:32.18hnothe rest, including headers in same directory is all published.
22:32.18damo22okay thanks
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22:33.30damo22i heard from someone that 3.0.8 is the best version for A13 support at the moment, which git branch of linux-sunxi is that?
22:33.57damo22or in particular for the olimex board
22:34.17hno3.0.8 is the version used by Allwinner. You can find this in Allwinner SDK releases.
22:34.23hnoNot sure I would call it "the best".
22:34.24techn_damo22: If that so.. why come they are not participating to get a13 support par with a10 :/
22:34.52techn_I think we got the sources to get it there
22:34.59hnotechn_? who they?
22:35.15techn_hno: <damo22> i heard from someone that 3.0.8 is the best version for A13 support at the moment, which git branch of linux-sunxi is that?
22:35.47techn_oh.. sorry.. someone :)
22:36.31hnodamo22, be warned that the Allwinner SDK releases for A13  are NOT GPL compliant.
22:36.53damo22are the A10 ones fully compliant?
22:36.56hnoas arch/arm/mach-sun5i/ is a binary blob.
22:37.08Turlhno: do you happen to know if I need to set any special config option to get uart output on 3.7? I upgraded my uboot to sunxi-current and used the 3-option bootm with "uimage - dtb" addresses
22:37.11hnoat least the ones I have seen so far.
22:37.13Turlbut I am not getting any output
22:38.11hnoTurl, not sure. Haven't had time to play with 3.7 yet. Been ill and then doing hand-off to other people at my current customer.
22:38.14damo22who makes a development board based on A10? eg, a nice one with lots of usb current draw capability?
22:39.01hnodamo22, the cubieboard with external power supply can supply a good current on it's usb ports. And I would expect Meles to as well.
22:39.24damo22do any of them support open hardware? as in being able to use it commercially?
22:39.55hnoWhat have open hardware with being able to use commercially?
22:40.18damo22good question. i am not a lawyer
22:40.45damo22but olimex readme puts these two ideas in the same sentence
22:40.54damo22so i assumed...
22:40.55buZzgets a cubieboard next week o/
22:40.55hnoopen hardware is about having access to board design and not being locked to a manufacturer.
22:41.10hnoand allowed to make modifications to the same.
22:41.10buZzs/gets a/receives his/
22:41.23hnobuZz, Cubie?
22:41.29damo22hno: you are a wealth of knowledge!
22:41.33buZzhno: yah
22:41.50buZzrich package, so i expect it to be the 1GB version
22:41.51hnodamo22, just been around here for some time.
22:42.00buZzfinally some proper brains to put in a lapdock ;)
22:42.04hnobuZz, there is only 1GB versions produced.
22:42.11buZzok :)
22:42.22hnothe 512MB version was produced in a very small quantity in the first batch only.
22:42.30buZzon #cubieboard there are ppl with 512 still
22:42.36hnoor second actually. But first "production" batch.
22:42.50buZzyeah, ok
22:43.00buZzso 1GB it is :)
22:43.31buZzbut if i discovered that odroid board just a couple hourse earlier, things would have been different ;)
22:44.38damo22hno: i wish to buy a board that has the following requirements: arm cpu, 2 or 3 500mA usb 1.1 (or 2) ports, open source GPL drivers, trying to think of others....
22:45.42damo22and allows me to sell the hardware with software in a commercial project
22:46.25Turlwhy would any vendor oppose to such use?
22:46.50TurlI mean, you will be buying them large qty of boards right? :)
22:47.25damo22well hopefully, if my idea works
22:48.06damo22so far it sounds like the A10 is a better choice at the moment
22:48.15hnoCubieboard, Olimex boards (both A13 and IMX233, and some others.
22:49.14damo22ideally i would like to choose a board that will eventually be approved by FSF
22:49.41damo22because i am all for freedom
22:50.10damo22even though i still want to make money
22:50.40hnoNone of the boards available today are likely to get FSF approval during their commercial lifetime.
22:51.26damo22sad day
22:51.35hnobut still your product might, depending on what your application is.
22:52.49hnoYes. An A10 board without hdmi/lcd/vga/video out could probably pass.
22:53.32damo22id like to share my idea with you guys because you have shared so much of your knowledge of the boards
22:54.35damo22but perhaps another day when i am closer to having it working
22:54.58hnowhenever you feel ready to discuss it.
22:56.55damo221 clue: decentralizing servers for the average common user
22:58.27damo22opposite of cloud computing
23:04.36damo22someone told me "everything on A13 is working under linux"
23:04.51damo22must be wrong
23:08.35rmsooo you mean like FreedomBox then
23:09.13Turldamo22: linux is a kernel, so you kind of could say that I guess
23:09.35rmand here's an A10-related post
23:12.42hnodamo22, what on A13 is not working under Linux?
23:12.59damo22hno: GPL drivers
23:13.15hnoall drivers is GPL. And core support is also GPL.
23:13.57damo22hno: but you told me earlier that mach-sun5i is a binary blob
23:14.37hnoNo, that the official A13 SDK has it as a binary blob.
23:15.06hnoall drivers are available with full source even in the SDK.
23:15.28hnoand we have working sources for mach-sun5i
23:15.30damo22hno: then why would the FSF not approve it if i used it for this kind of project?
23:15.35Turlhno: I got it booting :)
23:15.55damo22hno: considering it is a more powerful device
23:16.13Turlhno: any thoughts why is it dying after [    0.430000] turn off boot console earlycon0?
23:16.21hnodamo22, because with it having MALI and CedarX which both requires userspace proprietary libraries users would be too tempted to use said proprietary software.
23:16.45hnoeven if you do not include those libraries in the software shipped with the device.
23:16.52damo22hno: in that case i will use A10
23:17.13hnoA10 has the exact same problem wrt FSF.
23:17.49hnoThe only practical difference between A10 and A13 is that A10 is much more complex to design a board for, and A10 have HDMI and SATA which quite many wants to have.
23:18.15hnooh, and that A13 is crippled to only handle 512MB RAM.
23:18.36damo22thanks for that info
23:19.18hnoThe kernel GPL issue of A13 is only if you use the SDK supplied by Allwinner.
23:19.41damo22i understand now thanks
23:20.24damo22sata2 is a nice feature of A10
23:22.00hnoYes, very nce.
23:22.21*** join/#arm-netbook tinti_ (
23:23.13hnoActually I am not 100% sure A13 really is limited to 512MB. Can probably do 1GB with the right RAM chips like the ones used on Cubieboard. But specifications say 512.
23:24.09damo22is there anything lacking from the current boards based on A10 that could be fixed by inventing a new board?
23:24.44damo22like major ignored features?
23:25.14damo22sorry i just have no clue about hardware
23:25.23hnothere is some pins missing on cubieboard, and some poorly chosed control pins..
23:26.15hnoOlimex A10 board exposes a bit more, but is much bigger and costs a bit more.
23:26.23hnoplus not available yet.
23:26.55damo22do any of the A10 boards have tactile buttons like a keyboard input?
23:27.13damo22for example i know the A13 olimex has 5 buttons
23:27.58hnocubieboard have none. But trivial to add such buttons, you only need buttons and some resistors.
23:28.23damo22it would be gpio based?
23:28.33hnoThere is also a full keyboard controller in the A10, but Cubieboard do not expose those pins.
23:29.03hnothe "android" keys are not GPIO based, its based on a low frequency ADC designed for the purpose.
23:29.24damo22wow ok
23:29.28hnoYou can also to GPIO based keys, but you then need to poll the GPIO pins frequendly.
23:29.30penguin42hno: ADC? With resistor values for each key?
23:29.56hnoYes. Or actually a resistor chain with buttons between each.
23:30.06hnosame thing.
23:30.13penguin42I guess if you've only got 3-5 buttons then gpio is overkill
23:30.44damo22rm: freedombox looks like a good project
23:30.44hnoyes, and too many wires. A resistor chain is just one trace.
23:31.18lkcl_damo22: freedombox is a software project, you're aware of that?
23:31.34hnoor two, if including the GND trace needed for the buttons.
23:32.16damo22lkcl_: yes, i would like to create a project that is both hardware and software where the software is GPL and the hardware + software combination has the potential to be approved by FSF
23:32.42penguin42lkcl_: Hmm so your board is totally silent?
23:33.01lkcl_damo22: that's one of my goals.  it's actually really really hard to do, because the processors that are FSF-Endorseable are... well... they're shit, basically.
23:33.09lkcl_embedded ones, anyway
23:33.11lkcl_penguin42: yep.
23:33.35penguin42lkcl_: Hmm, have you checked all the volts are right, and can you see clocks on anything?
23:33.39hnolkcl_, so no sign of life at all now? But it worked with livesuit once?
23:33.46lkcl_ok i have a FT232, its LEDs go off when the power's on
23:34.09lkcl_i need to get my digital oscilloscope out.....
23:34.31lkcl_hno: maybe.  wits-tech were a bit quiet as to answering questions
23:35.16lkcl_hno: what happened to  arch/arm/cpu/armv7/sunxi/gpio.c
23:35.21hnowell, they are chineese. no answes other that everything is allright.
23:35.39hnolkcl_, what about it?
23:35.50lkcl_it seems to have moved to sunxi_gpio.c
23:35.59lkcl_but i've got  undefined reference to `gpio_set_value'
23:36.58hnoundefined reference from where?
23:37.09hnoand using what config?
23:37.11lkcl_link phase
23:37.17lkcl_cubieboard (slightly modified)
23:37.24lkcl_not much
23:37.39lkcl_i want to set PI19 as a) an output b) set it to 1
23:37.55lkcl_that's for pull-up of USB0-DRV (PI19 has been tasked as USB0-DRV)
23:39.05Turllkcl_: I built hno's sunxi-current cubieboard config an hour or so ago, built fine
23:39.22lkcl_Turl: are you using gpio_set_value?
23:39.35hnocmd_gpio are.
23:39.58lkcl_hmmm... cmd_gpio - tag not found
23:40.00TurlI didn't touch any of the code, just make cubieboard_config; make
23:40.25lkcl_i've got the right git thingy, right?         url =
23:40.31lkcl_[branch "sunxi-current"]
23:41.14lkcl_COBJS-$(CONFIG_SUNXI_GPIO)  += sunxi_gpio.o
23:41.50lkcl_#define CONFIG_SUNXI_GPIO
23:41.58lkcl_looks like it's set
23:42.29lkcl_ahh it's u-boot-spl which is failing to build
23:42.46hnoYou need GPIO settings in SPL?
23:43.03lkcl_well.... probably not.
23:43.13lkcl_but i put a set_gpio call into board.c :)
23:43.25lkcl_in gpio_init
23:45.51hnolkcl_, there is a CONFIG_SPL_GPIO_SUPPORT define to enable GPIO support in SPL.
23:47.19hnoor you can guard the code with an #ifndef
23:49.01hno#ifndef CONFIG_SPL_BUILD
23:49.13hnoaround the parts you don't want to build in SPL.
23:49.13lkcl_actually it'd be good to have it in the SPL
23:49.57damo22hno: i noticed you have a few cool github projects :), can you describe in a nutshell the main difference between linux-allwinner and linux-sunxi, or why you decided to fork this, i am quite curious.
23:50.27hnolinux-allwinner is the old name.
23:50.30lkcl_because if the USB0-DRV is enabled i can test a known pin
23:50.53lkcl_i don't even know if this thing's reading from the SDcard yet
23:50.58penguin42lkcl_: Should you see USB clocks, maybe SD card clocks?
23:51.20lkcl_i need to get my digital scope don't i.... *sigh*
23:51.28hnolkcl_, if you get FEL mode working then you can play with all GPIO pins without any sofotware loaded.
23:51.50hnoI would start there.
23:52.16damo22hno: but it says "forked from linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi" does that not imply that the project allwinner was made after sunxi?  sorry I'm confused with terminology
23:53.20hnodamo22, no, because what is today linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi was originally amery/linux-allwinner
23:53.29hnowhich I forked from.
23:53.55hnojust as linux-allwinner/uboot-sunxi was originally hno/uboot-allwinner
23:54.21damo22thanks for the clarification
23:55.26hnolkcl_, do FEL mode work?
23:55.54hnolkcl_, to the level that the device shows up in lsusb if you jumper it for fel boot.
23:57.54hnolkcl_, if it does then you can use fel-gpio from sunxi-tools to play with GPIO settings.
23:58.32damo22hno: would it be clearer if it said "linux-allwinner: forked into linux-sunxi" ?
23:59.26hnodamo22, there is very good reasons why we renamed the repositories and forked back to our personal.
23:59.44damo22ohhh ok
23:59.59hnothis was to update all forked repositories to point to the linux-sunxi repositiories instead of our personal ones.

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