IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121128

00:01.45*** join/#arm-netbook lerc (
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00:30.20GumbootWhat the world clearly needs is a CPU on a board with a wee bit of flash and half a dozen properly-powered USB ports.  No display.  No audio.  No GPIO.  Just attach what you need via USB at extra cost.
00:31.06xenoxaosuntil you run out of bandwidth
00:31.23GumbootAttach more bandwidth!
00:32.22xenoxaoswith duct tape and hot glue
00:32.24GumbootActually, you probably could.  You could daisy-chain them so that you get more CPUs with more bandwidth communicating back just the essentials.
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00:32.46xenoxaosthe programming logistics on that would be hell
00:32.55GumbootIt's for education!
00:33.17xenoxaosBut I don't want to go to sodomy school.
00:34.05GumbootYou could even connect them in a ring.
00:34.25GumbootI would like to disassociate that last comment from the sodomy reference, if possible.
00:35.20GumbootFine.  I think there's a word for it, but I'm not going to google it.
00:36.21xenoxaos!g ring of sodomy
00:36.38xenoxaosoh...there's a picture....
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01:22.53hnowill likely to token ring/bus networking in the near future. Thought that was dead.
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01:34.39Marexhno: token ring is splendid ... one ring to rule them all (tm) ;-)
01:34.46Marexbtw. is down? nice ;-)
01:36.03Marexnot anymore ... weird
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02:25.41MehhhDoes anyone here have a lapdock?
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02:44.37xxiaohow can I avoid the fxxx windows all together
02:45.04xxiaocan't recall how to get its env variable, echo $VAR1?
02:51.35xxiaouses windows 10 hours per year
03:25.01Marexxxiao: to do taxes ? ;-)
03:25.15Marexwasnt it %VAR ?
03:42.01xxiaoMarex: that's right
03:42.45xxiaoit's something like %VAR%? anyway i managed to get it working, JAVA_HOME and PATH both need to be set manually
04:07.26*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
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07:01.15hnoxxiao, boot Linux in a full screen VM and forget there is a Windows bootloader.
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07:24.24hnoUpdated mainlining wiki page with a little more realistic order.
07:25.33libvlet me add to the mali bit.
07:32.07libvhno: so the nand situation really is that bad huh?
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07:39.36Turllibv: ping
07:43.43Turllibv: any idea what might be causing this error?
07:43.53Turlesp. the EGL-ERROR
07:44.20Turllibv: we're hitting that on android 4.2
07:44.26Turllibv: it's interesting because the only affected platform is Mali GPU
07:45.00TurlPowerVR, Adreno work without issues
07:45.52libvwhy 720x1280?
07:45.59libvwhat device are you using?
07:46.05libvwhile being rotated
07:46.33libvprintf your way out of this one, check where that calloc return -ENOMEM is
07:47.27Turlthat log is not from an A10 but from some samsung device
07:47.38TurlI don't have my A10 log handy but it's the same problem
07:49.16libvstill, printf your way out of it
07:49.58libvthis smells like allocating an intermediate buffer failing
07:51.49Turllibv: this is the code that prints that btw
07:54.08Turlerr, sorry,
07:55.06libvmAllocDev->alloc(mAllocDev, w, h, format, usage, handle, stride);
07:55.18libvthat's probably from the libhw gralloc module
07:55.37Turlyeah that's the gralloc module
07:55.52Turlwhich is unchanged from android 4.1
07:55.57libvwhere is the code for that?
07:56.02libvfor mali
07:56.36Turllibv: too
07:56.50Turlit's mostly the same source
07:56.50libvso the currently public mali gralloc code is broken for jelly bean
07:57.24Turl4.2 jellybean
07:57.30Turlit works fine on 4.1 jellybean
07:57.47Turlall other vendors have no issues on either version with the same graphic stack
07:59.04libvyour last statement makes no sense to me
07:59.35libvdo you mean that pvr/adreno/etc are ok with the changes to surface flinger and gralloc for jelly bean?
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08:01.18Turlhope the ascii table cleans up any confusion
08:01.47Turlgralloc didn't change 4.1 JB -> 4.2 JB
08:02.56libvdifferent drivers == different graphics stacks imho
08:03.10libvbut that's probably my pov
08:03.29libvit could be that you ran out of buffers.
08:04.14Turlthe same libMali, libEGL*Mali*, libUMP, gralloc* were used on both android versions
08:04.34Turlsame applies to pvr & adreno, using their corresponding libs, daemons and stuffs
08:04.40libvyes, i would think that you just ran out of buffers
08:05.35libvsprinkle some LOGE's in gralloc_alloc_framebuffer_locked in
08:05.58libvyou have a -ENOMEM there
08:06.37libvinit_frame_buffer_locked is unlikely to return -ENOMEM
08:08.39Turlbuffermask is an uint32, so we have 32 buffers I'm guessing?
08:08.57libv1 << (1 << 32) is a rather big number
08:09.48Turlm->bufferMask |= (1LU<<i);
08:10.02libvah, yes, you are right
08:10.37libvso yes, only up to 32 framebuffers available apparently
08:10.57libvagain though, LOGE your way out of it, make sure that this codepath is actually hit
08:11.06libvand where it is actually throwing back -ENOMEM
08:14.32TurlE/        ( 6888): void __egl_platform_dequeue_buffer(egl_surface*):1188 [EGL-ERROR] failed to dequeue buffer from native window (0x40421990); err = -12, buf = 0x40819ff0
08:14.32TurlE/gralloc ( 6888): ENOMEM OVER HERE static int gralloc_alloc_framebuffer_locked
08:14.33TurlW/GraphicBufferAllocator( 6888): alloc(1024, 768, 5, 00001e02, ...) failed -12 (Out of memory)
08:17.38Turlwohoo it works libv :D
08:17.48TurlI killed the buffer limit checker
08:17.48libvwell, check what numBuffers and bufferMask are doing
08:17.57libverm, you do want to fix things properly
08:18.03Turlyeah I know
08:18.07Turlwas just a PoC :)
08:20.42Turllibv: numBuffers is 2
08:21.14libvsomething has changed
08:21.22libvin surfaceflinger or gralloc
08:22.31libvbut do review the life of numBuffers and bufferMask
08:22.40libvthrough logging
08:22.50Turlother platforms have supported triple buffering for a while I think
08:23.37libvwell, it could be a bug in the handling of numBuffers/bufferMask between allocs and frees
08:23.44libvor it could be an actual shortage of memory
08:23.51libvmemory assigned to the mali
08:24.07hnolibv, the Allwinner logical nand driver is not submittable without anyone understanding the logical layer and stepping up to document it and accept being a maintainer.
08:24.12Turlhardcoding numBuffers to 3 on gralloc seems to work
08:24.23hnolibv, but we will likely have a well functioning MTD driver.
08:24.25TurlI need to check where does numBuffers come from
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08:25.37libv#define NUM_BUFFERS 2
08:26.42libvbut the fb driver might not give back more
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08:27.41libvso find out why we need a third
08:28.21libvbut we only requested 2
08:29.45Turl I think this is it
08:30.35libvsmells like it
08:30.50libvfirst bump the define up to 3
08:31.00libvi do not know how fb responds to that though
08:31.07libvmight be driver dependant
08:31.28libvif both the samsung and your allwinner return that, then you might get away with it
08:32.01libvthe change to services/surfaceflinger/Layer.cpp is rather scary
08:32.31Turlif they made a makefile define switch to change it it must be not that scary
08:33.00libvyou would expect the hw framebuffer module to feed that back
08:33.18libvand not be hardcoded somewhere up top
08:34.03libvit's clearly dynamic for surfaceflinger, but these defines make it semi-hardcoded
08:34.09libvand the hw has no say in it
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08:36.06Turlthey also have a NUM_FRAMEBUFFER_SURFACE_BUFFERS
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09:33.33GumbootIt really is tempting to set up an rpi hate site and fill it full of adverts and a couple of unkind remarks.  Can you make money on adverts just being displayed, or do they have to be clicked?
09:34.24mnemocat least google ads pays for both, obviusly differently
09:34.45GumbootMaybe I really should, then.  I wonder how much I can make.
09:35.02GumbootAnd if I did, what should I do with the money?
09:35.27mnemocbuy rpis
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09:35.43GumbootIf the DSP toolchain makes any progress I'd be tempted.
09:35.57GumbootIt's only the ARM which is completely useless.
09:39.49GumbootWithout bothering to read the actual changes, the commit messages seem promising:
09:42.31RaYmAnuseful commit messages there ;)
09:44.13libvyeah :(
09:44.24GumbootNevermind the commit messages.... does it work?
09:45.44GumbootI probably shouldn't look.  It'll drive me mental knowing that they've got little mistakes here and there which I can't correct.
09:47.11GumbootDoes the bootloader include the GPU driver, or is that uploaded at a later stage?
09:47.11mnemoci've seen commit messages about needing to go for coffee or to the grocery store :|
09:48.42libvGumboot: the 2mb blob which is later contains that i guess
09:48.48libvloaded later even
09:51.33GumbootWell that's only the same size as the startup elf file.
09:54.45GumbootI hope these binutils use the same elf metadata as is already used in the existing elfs.  It would be easy to just start from scratch and forget about compatibility.
10:04.30*** join/#arm-netbook focus_well (
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14:24.18slapindo anybody knows how I can link custom section to .rodata without using linker script? this is userspace program, so I don't want to mess with linker scripts for it
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14:48.55oliv3rif i have a 4 Byte variable, and  i do 3 << 30; that can't be right, correct?
14:50.38mnemocit's fine
14:50.48oliv3rwon't it overflow?
14:50.54oliv3roh wait, no
14:50.56oliv3ri'm stupid
14:50.58mnemoc3 is 0b11
14:51.11oliv3ri'm stupid :)
14:51.15mnemocyes :)
14:51.44oliv3r... thanks :p
14:51.54oliv3ri was thinking of 3 being 0b111
14:52.18oliv3ri had that still in my calculator, from an earlier 7 << 0
14:54.03mnemocanyhow, unsigneds don't overflow in C
14:54.45mnemoc7<<30 == 3<<30
14:55.10oliv3rwhat about chip registers :p
14:57.22mnemocshould be the same
14:57.53oliv3rstill, it COULD cause bugs!
14:58.13oliv3rcrashes, fires, skynet's self awareness!
14:58.22mnemoctake the ref guide and see the shift instruction you are using
14:58.44mnemocthe excess could be sent to another register
14:58.53mnemocbut i'm not an asm guy
14:59.25oliv3roh, nah, i just thought i found a bug in a header file :p
14:59.32mnemocnope :)
14:59.33oliv3ri'm wikiing things :p
14:59.41mnemocwhich controller?
14:59.43oliv3ryeah, cause I was being stupid
14:59.48oliv3rsec, i'll save my intermediate work
15:04.41mnemocafaik the NFC is identical in all sunxi socs
15:05.04oliv3rthen we need a better naming convention, since we started with A10/registers
15:05.07oliv3ri just went from there!
15:05.28mnemocthat's fine, but I believe A10/NFC should redirect to just NFC
15:05.46mnemocbut it can be moved later
15:06.51oliv3rI think a lof of devices and controllers are identical
15:07.06mnemocdo you want to learn SVG? :)
15:07.16mnemoctables to describe registers suck badly :<
15:07.21oliv3rer, not really :( why
15:07.30oliv3rok, NOW you say this?
15:07.46oliv3ryou have any clue how much time i've spent writing register tables?
15:07.54mnemoca lot
15:08.02oliv3rwhat did you have in mind?
15:08.50mnemocan image :)
15:09.07oliv3robviously :p how much would it be different though?
15:09.11oliv3rI know a table isn't ideal
15:09.19oliv3rI wonder how an image would be more usefull
15:09.28mnemocadds visual meaning to the bit ranges
15:09.48oliv3rdo you have an example of such an image?
15:10.20oliv3r'interactive' memory map would be way cooler :p
15:13.52mnemocslapin's .tex document about the NFC has such diagrams
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15:17.59oliv3rslapin has a document? where is that at?
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15:18.20oliv3rspeaking of slaping and hno it would be awesome if they could fill in their knowlege into http:/
15:18.33oliv3ri'm done for today :) and put in the registers/bits I could find so far
15:19.05mnemoclearning svg would let use make a wiki template to generate the diagrams
15:20.46oliv3ryou do realize I wanna strangle you right now
15:20.54oliv3rI talked about templates when I started doing this
15:20.57oliv3ryou where opposed!
15:21.05oliv3rso i went with a table, as you thought that was best
15:21.27oliv3rI guess there could be an easy way to 'transform' the code from wiki to svg
15:21.35oliv3ri tried to be consistent with the tables :)
15:21.46mnemocoliv3r: i opposed full page templates, not diagram templates or infoboxes :)
15:22.21mnemocthe tables are good.... they just miss a diagram on top :)
15:22.33oliv3rthose grahpics do look nice
15:22.56oliv3rif the tables where  a template, like i suggested! we could have generated the diagrams from that
15:23.31mnemoc+1 to per-register template :)
15:23.39mnemocnot per-controller
15:23.42oliv3ryeah yeah yeah, you say all this now!
15:23.49oliv3ri ment per register template!
15:23.58oliv3rback then
15:24.02mnemoci understood full-page templates :<
15:24.18oliv3rmiss communication fail!
15:24.32oliv3rhow many days would it take to get it from a table to a template
15:24.42oliv3rI guess it can be automated with some bash/perl magic
15:24.50oliv3rbut that's beyond my skills!
15:24.53oliv3ror desires :p
15:24.58bfreeyou mean the images like ?
15:25.04oliv3rI can try to do it for the next controller
15:25.27oliv3rbfree: exactly that
15:25.59oliv3rmnemoc: in either case, we'd need a good template for the registers to begin with
15:27.49mnemochopefully a bit larger so the text can be read :p
15:28.36mnemocoliv3r: yes, next controller, always forward
15:28.52oliv3rwell the older stuff will have to be adapted at some point
15:28.56bfreethat could be doable on the fly in javascript from the html tables in the wiki output ;)   but if you have a lot of bits in there where is all the text going to go and is it really going to be much of an improvement?
15:29.04oliv3rif you can whip up a template + example, i'll use it on the next controller :)
15:29.19oliv3ryou'd only have bit + name
15:30.04oliv3ror even just bitnumber, as you can look up the bit number in the table (from template) below
15:30.20slapinoliv3r: is postscript version
15:30.35oliv3ri'll hope to find that page tomorrow :p
15:30.45oliv3ri'll try to work in your findings into the draft wiki page
15:30.49oliv3rbut gotta go home now :)
15:30.50slapinwants to put that somewhere on public with source, where it can be edited
15:30.51oliv3rbb :)
15:31.03oliv3rslapin: well i just put up
15:31.17oliv3rtry to look at that and see :D
15:31.22slapinoliv3r: no nice pictures there
15:31.34oliv3ri'll put some boobies pics up :p
15:31.42slapinoliv3r: ok
15:31.54slapinoliv3r: I will check then
15:32.21slapinthere is no such thing as too many boobs
15:32.35mnemocmripard: hi, did you already start with the pinctrl stuff?
15:34.41mripardmnemoc: yep, a bit
15:36.27mnemocmripard: i pushed some stuff to ... but still kind of lost
15:37.56mnemocthere is a wip/sunxi-next/i2c there too, but cleanup only, no porting yet
15:38.14mripardyes, I'm having a hard time too to get how to map those completely random pins supported in A10, A10s and A13, and how to map them usefuly to pinctrl
15:41.09mripardthe Pio IPs are different from A10 to A13 ?
15:41.40mnemocno, they are the same
15:41.51mnemoci have separated .c for the statics
15:42.16mnemocbecause groups and features difer between socs... obviusly
15:42.45mripardbut what about the aw1626 and aw1623
15:43.00mnemocaw1623 is the so called A10
15:43.06mnemocaw1626 is A13
15:43.09mripardaaah, I see
15:43.22mnemoc"chip-id" vs. marketing name
15:43.53mnemocthe chip-id lives inside the header of the BROM
15:44.46mnemocI was doing it detection based in 3.4... until I realized modern arm-linux hates detection, and everything needs to be hardcoded in the .dts
15:45.35xxiaohopefully u-boot etc will be able to generate dts automatically
15:46.11mnemoceventually we will be able to turn an script.bin into dts
15:46.20xxiaoactually for usb, pci or most probe-able bus it's still detected dynamically
15:46.22mnemocbut we need to model it manually first :p
15:46.51xxiaodts just assign interrupts and some basic resources for those buses
15:47.17xxiaobut for misc bus/interfaces you have to hand-code them
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16:22.43slapinhno: ping
16:23.10slapinhno: hi!
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16:36.02L84Supperwho was looking for the PCB breakout for the a10 bga?
16:43.12mnemocthose are from the hackberry, right? can you upload them to the wiki?
16:43.38L84Supperfrom some other board
16:44.51L84SupperI don't post to that old wiki anymore
16:46.05mnemoc ?
16:46.16L84Supperthen again if you really need help with the BGA breakout I highly doubt you'll be able to design a board that works well
16:46.41focus_wellL84Supper: yum yum! that be me looking for those bga tracks!!!
16:46.52mnemoci have zero intention in designing a board, ever
16:47.27mnemocjust want to be sure no sunxi related knowledge gets lost
16:50.32focus_wellL84Supper: a couple of questions
16:51.05focus_well1. The inner BGA pads and some of the other bga pads have thick tracks.
16:51.05focus_well2. What is the bga pad size?
16:51.05focus_well3. What is the min track width used in the design between the bga pads?
16:51.06focus_well4. What is the hole size for vias used in the design between bga rows of
16:51.10focus_well5. What is the overall via size used in the design for vias between the
16:51.12focus_wellbga rows of pads?
16:51.14focus_wellFrom some other conversation I remember
16:51.16focus_wellthe tracks the engineers used were 5 mils with 5 mil clearance.
16:51.18focus_wellThe vias are 16 mils.
16:51.20focus_wellThe drills were around 5 or 6 mils.
16:51.22focus_wellThe companies I know makes PCB with these limits
16:51.26focus_wellmin track width 0.075mm
16:51.28focus_wellmin hole size 0.15mm.
16:52.42L84SupperI'd suggest that you spend a few more years learning high speed PCB design
16:52.59L84Supperthere is no way around it
16:53.26L84Supperor you end up with the usual junk
16:53.26focus_wellL84Supper: I design lots of PCBs these days
16:53.37focus_wellAll working :)
16:54.04L84Supperthen you should be able to answer this yourself :)
16:54.04focus_wellThe info request is specific to the A10 bga
16:54.37focus_wellL84Supper: those diagrams were very good - thanks!
16:54.44slapinlooks at working board, and smiles, very, very evilly, and puts it into junk bin for parts
16:56.44slapinwants to learn BGA PCB design a cheap way - any pointers?
16:56.53focus_wellL84Supper: I have info here and there, but rather I use 100% certain data. But I have allow 2-3 redesigns to get it right - so I'm not in a hurry to get it right first time.
16:57.42L84Supperthose pics are from a magic board, that just happens to work due to good luck
16:57.43focus_wellThe board i want is ideally torture tested and still working
16:58.44drachensunmy last bga design had to be 4 mil clearance, there was no way to route it at 5 mils, the pads had something close to 12 mils between them, so 4 on each side and 4 for the track and that was it
16:59.06drachensunthere are places that can do tighter design clearances, you just have to find them
16:59.27focus_welldranchensun: keep talking I pick up conversation in a few hours.. bye
17:00.22drachensunheh I think that was all I had to say about it.  I ran into the same thing, I wanted to keep it at 5 mil because I can get cheap prototypes at that size
17:00.59drachensunbut it just wasn't possible and that was an Atmel with a lot fewer pins than an A10
17:02.16slapindrachensun: any pointers on cheap BGA prototypes (6-8 layers)>
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17:08.06L84Suppersometimes you can use 5/5mil for most of the board and only go down to 4/4 or even 3 just between BGA pads
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17:14.31jquipis the cdc-acm driver a part of the kernel defconfig??
17:41.20drachensunslapin: not really, we found one place with good pricing for tight tolerances but I think they are gone now
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18:38.39slapinwhich safe resistor nominals should be for 3.3 SPI pull-ups?
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19:34.15techndrachensun: how did you enabled ft5x_ts on linaro?
19:34.41technts works but log says that:
19:35.15techn[  1366.144] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
19:35.15techn[  1366.144] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
19:35.30technand I apt-get'd utouch
19:36.29technon other tabled (with gt811) everything worked without hasle.. even without utouch
19:39.41drachensunlet me check my Xorg log
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19:41.13drachensunMy Xorg log says that too
19:41.15drachensunbut it works
19:42.26drachensunwell let me check another system real quick
19:42.45drachensunI've got a bunch of these running under different rootfs
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19:49.34mnemocmaybe ranting about a different input device?
19:51.44drachensunok, I got a little mixed up, on my system with the mali drivers and my screwed up xorg conf from trying to get xrandr to rotate the screen, I have the same message and currently the touch doesn't work
19:51.56drachensunon my other system it works
19:52.25drachensunand the Xorg.0.log looks like you would expect "using input driver 'evdev' for 'ft5x_ts'
19:53.49techndrachensun: thanks.. now to track why that doesn't happen :p
19:54.12drachensungive me a sec and I'll post what logs and conf files I can from the working system
19:56.13drachensunOk, the only difference in the conf files seems to be that 99-mali400.conf from the mali driver and my additions to it
20:02.39drachensunthere is my xorg.0.log file
20:03.16drachensunand the xorg.conf files are just the stock linaro ones in this case
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20:04.28technft5x_ts: Applying InputClass "evdev touchscreen catchall", thats seems to be first missing print
20:06.49drachensunthats coming from /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
20:07.13drachensunoff for a bit
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21:17.00atari2600awhen do you guys think you'll get to that whole unified bootloader standard thing
21:17.09atari2600ait has to be one of the biggest setbacks with ARM
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21:19.40Turlisn't uboot that?
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21:29.56hnooliv3r & mnemoc, I am not pouring any original material into wiki until the data can be managed reasonably and there is backups.
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21:46.09CaCtus491...this talk about qty 100 for a small A10 board with WiFi, 3G, Ethernet...
21:46.44CaCtus491I'm also looking for something very similar (qty 100, 3G, Ethernet), WiFi may be handy, but not required
21:47.42focus_itCaCtus491: for you?
21:47.52CaCtus491I also need 3 or 4 uarts, but can easily add that via USB via an FTDI chip or similar
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21:52.34libvCaCtus491: or olinuxino
21:56.17CaCtus491hmm, re: cubieboard, I don't see any obvious pins on the 48 pin 2mm headers that would allow me to connect a 3G module to a base board
21:56.35CaCtus491(ie, I'd need to use the USB connector to the edge of the board
21:58.23focus_itCaCtus491: 3G you can use a MyFi or similar device ?
21:59.13focus_itUse the wifi to connect to the MiFi.
22:01.17libvCaCtus491: look at the olinuxino
22:01.36libvCaCtus491: if you get the ones without wifi, you can use that usb connection to connect a 3g module
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22:06.34libvCaCtus491: feel free to contact olimex or tom cubie to find out how much they charge for adapting their designs to your needs and for providing the limited run you need
22:08.21focus_itCaCtus491: olimex IRC channel is #olimex on freenode
22:08.54libvbut i personally consider them quite on-topic in here too :)
22:09.08libvin as far as linux-sunxi is on-topic in the eoma channel ;)
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22:10.22libvolinuxino has two uarts exposed directly
22:11.05libvolimex will not be adverse to designing a 3g submodule if the revenue is there
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22:15.41CaCtus491the A13 OLinuXino looks pretty close to what I need
22:16.24CaCtus491...the 3G stuff will need to be 'integrated' in that I need to have the solution in a single extruded aluminium case
22:17.15CaCtus491hmm, Olimex...
22:17.44CaCtus491interesting, this project is to replace an older LPC2148 based design from a few years back
22:18.02CaCtus491I seem to remember purchasing some LPC2148 stuff from them :)
22:23.36libvlike this one?
22:24.32libvis a cortex a8 really what you need for your project?
22:26.15CaCtus491heh, yeah, new revision will have many new additional features that simply aren't possible witht the existing hardware, including a LCD for UI
22:29.10TurlCaCtus491: btw, Ethernet is 100Mbit
22:31.41CaCtus491yeah, 100Mbit is heaps, even 10Mbit would do ;)
22:32.26CaCtus491I wonder when the Olimex A13 mini board will be ready
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