IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121127

00:15.20*** join/#arm-netbook captainigloo (
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03:12.59atari2600aI've heard the new chromebook has a DIMM slot on it but I'm also hearing the memory's onboard
03:13.02atari2600acan someone clear that up?
03:13.46xenoxaoswhich chromebook
03:13.57xenoxaosthe arm one....hell no
03:14.01xenoxaosit's all soldered on
03:14.58atari2600abut the samsung website's technical specs says there's a DIMM slot...
03:17.14atari2600awell look at fucking that
03:17.16atari2600athey fixed it
03:17.21atari2600amy hopes & dreams are all shattered
03:17.26atari2600aso, what's this channel for?
03:17.30xenoxaos2G is plenty for arm
03:17.43atari2600axenoxaos, 2G is bare-minimum for Ubuntu w/ Unity
03:17.45xenoxaosi sit around 150M
03:17.54xenoxaosfuck ubuntu
03:17.57xenoxaosloves arch
03:18.16atari2600aoh, right, arch
03:18.33xenoxaosjust pushed a rootfs yesterday
03:19.05atari2600aI'd be more interested in sudo apt-get installing xubuntu-desktop than installing arch though
03:19.30atari2600athough, for shits & giggles I installed gentoo on a 1GB netbook years ago
03:19.39atari2600aso, how are YOU guys dealing w/ the death of the netbook?
03:19.43xenoxaosi'm probably going to also release a image with x already set up
03:19.55atari2600a(& remergance of the concept through the chromebook)
03:20.12xenoxaosi've had ultraportables for years
03:20.38xenoxaosbought a hp with a 1024x600 screen..
03:20.55xenoxaossaid fuck that and got a differnt one with 1366x768
03:21.06xenoxaos11" is the best size imo
03:21.19atari2600aI prefer 9"
03:21.28atari2600aI loved my eeePC 900A
03:21.49atari2600ait would fit in my pocket, hold it on one hand & type w/ another
03:22.06*** join/#arm-netbook rmull (
03:22.13atari2600a& once you pulled all the keys off & re-arranged into Dvorak it was total computer mindcum everywhere
03:22.19xenoxaosthats what the fujitsu lifebooks were for
03:22.56atari2600aoh, I had a Fugitsu Livebook 735dx when I was 9
03:23.53atari2600ait's the laptop that taught me (through failure, the best kind of learning!) I needed to ORGANIZE my screws when doing a pointless teardown
03:24.20atari2600awell, BRB
03:24.30atari2600aI'm gonna go watch a movie over skype w/ my girlfriend
03:24.43atari2600a(we both download the same film & manually stay in sync w/ eachother
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06:42.06hnoslapin, CMD_TYPE_1 seems to be ECC fetch.
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08:06.08hnoslapin, it always fetches the ECC size amount of data, and no trace of the data anywhere except that maybe user_data[0] gets updated.
08:07.29hnoNeed to find a page with some ECC errors to test if it also does ECC processing.
08:07.40hnobut I hope it does.
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08:26.15rz2kinteresting, glmemperf shows 11fps on x11 mali libs
08:26.34rz2kand crashes on one of the tests.
08:27.34oliv3rso anybody excited about the POSSIBLE powerVR drop?
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08:31.38rz2kyou seriously wait something from imagination tec.?
08:36.12Svwhat about powevr
08:42.23oliv3ryou guys don't read phoronix?
08:42.37oliv3rappearantly there may be some oss support or a source drop coming from powerVR during the holidays
08:42.41oliv3rincluding 3D userspace
08:42.49oliv3rbut nothing set in stone yet of course
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09:12.25hnooliv3r, not holding my breath waiting for something useful to fall out there. But who knows what it means.
09:14.40slapindoes have 2 pandaboards, it might benefit them
09:17.39Svthat sounds pretty awesome ol1ver1
09:21.37oliv3rwell we won't know till the holidays
09:21.50oliv3rand we probably get nothing usefull, but hey, who knows
09:23.04mnemocthe bigger the hopes, the bigger the disappointment
09:23.17oliv3ri'm trying to get all your hopes down!
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09:23.33libvoliv3r: not me, there were rumours before that intel was going to do an open source driver, but that never materialized
09:23.47oliv3rthe G500 you mean?
09:23.51oliv3rthe 'poulsbo'?
09:23.53libvplus, i doubt imagination is doing all the work necessary
09:24.30libvand i would really really recommend people to sink their time into sane designs which can actually fly in the current highly competitive market
09:25.07libvand let imagination do the work of cleaning up their heap of... themselves
09:25.55libvmali, adreno, tegra, vivante, all are sane gpus
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10:14.01slapinlibv: what is so wrong about powervr, comparing to e.g. mali?
10:14.54libvslapin: hw <-> huge bit of microcode <-> kernel <-> userspace
10:15.08libvall are highly interdependent and have no clean or clear interfaces
10:15.51slapinlibv: where does microcode executes? on CPU?
10:16.09libvwhere is microcode usually executed?
10:16.33slapinlibv: that depends on how you use the term
10:17.08libvin this case, on one of the pvrs processors
10:17.22libvit is highly pvr hw revision dependant
10:17.51libvthen, the microcode and the kernel share structs, there is an abi between them which is highly fragile
10:17.52slapinlibv: and every SoC contains their own hw revision?
10:18.22slapinhates that since that dlink wicked router
10:18.36libvthen the interface to userspace is such that you never ever know what the f is going on
10:18.45libvbecause they go for max confusion there
10:19.12libvso whatever userspace they are going to make available, if at all, it's going to be pretty pointless
10:19.34slapinso all design goal is to make it as hard to understand as possible?
10:19.39libvthe whole thing is way too fragile and too dense
10:19.54libvi don't know, i still do not understand the reasoning behind this mess
10:20.42slapinlibv: too many developers per line of code?
10:21.17libvi just know that time is better spent cleaning up sunxi or other crap chinese vendors soc code
10:21.36libvi rank that as way more useful than pvr, so go figure
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10:38.17jquipyay! i got logs coming from usb to ttl  :D Thanks a lot hno, slapin, libv, oliv3r !
10:39.16libvjquip: cool, congrats
10:40.03oliv3rjquip: what did you change to make it happen?
10:40.06jquiphahah I wouldn't even have figured out the pin configuration is it weren't for you guys!
10:40.13libvjquip: now you can go hack uboot into submission, there is code on the ml for getting the dram timing needed for uboot
10:40.24libvjquip: thank hno for that one
10:40.48jquiphno : THANKS for the pin config :D
10:41.06jquipoliv3r: so here's my pin config
10:41.24libvjquip: make a wiki page for your tablet
10:41.32libvjquip: add pictures of the board, and how to wire up serial
10:41.49jquipYES will do that..
10:41.49oliv3rping3 isn't VCC?
10:41.57jquipIt is ...
10:42.25jquipbut you dont need to connect it, because ttl device has power, and a10 device has power...
10:42.45jquipso need to... libv said that earlier yesterday
10:42.55jquips/need/no need/
10:43.21jquippin3 is 3.3V
10:43.57oliv3rjquip: it is ttrue, just wondering IF the A10 outputs VCC on pin3 at all :) and i guess you only need one of those GND pins ;)
10:44.15jquipminicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -L -C u-boot_ttl.log
10:44.24jquipthis also helps :)
10:44.40jquipyes it does. checked with multimeter
10:45.07jquipyes we can do with one of the GND pins, I haven't tested to be sure.. but should work
10:45.36jquip"Pin3 is 3.3 V"   -Multimeter
10:48.54jquiplibv: Any link for how to hack uboot ??
10:51.07libvjquip: when you follow first steps howto, two things will be missing
10:51.43libvjquip: the .fex for your device, and the board specific uboot
10:52.32libvjquip: you can look at the uboot commits to see how to add device specific uboot, and, as i said earlier, there is a tool on the ml for the dram info
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11:48.13hnojquip, the VCC is only needed if you have an UART that takes a reference voltage input. Should be left unconnected with most UARTs.
11:49.32jquiphello hno :)   oh so on most boards we will never need to connect the VCC of the ttl..
11:50.30hnojquip, it's a matter of what UART dongle you have, not the board. Fixed 3.3v dongles MUST NOT have VCC connected.
11:51.15jquipahhh i see..
11:51.39hnowhich covers practically all basic UART dongles you find on the market.
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11:52.14jquipmine has a 5V and 3.3V pin as well...
11:52.24jquipthat makes it an exception?
11:52.34hnoThere is some more advanced dongles that can operate at a wide range of voltage ranges and those wants a reference voltage input indicating the target board voltage.
11:53.10hnoUsually labelled Vio or Vref.
11:53.39jquip* nods... * need to read more to match hno's insane level of knowledge
11:54.13jquipSo here is the scene: I'm trying to get linux onto the flash...
11:54.27jquipwhich Filesystem is possible now?
11:54.38jquipwhich filesystem is best?
11:55.16jquipI hear ext4 is possible right now... drivers for that exist..
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11:56.09jquipbut the thing with ext4 is that multiple writes to the NAND will wear it out quickly..
11:57.13jquipcan we do another filesystem as of now??
11:58.02jquipyaffs2 perhaps?
11:58.40jquipif I remember properly the default android kernel log shows that yaffs2 filesystem was loaded ..
11:59.37jquipso we might have support for it since we have  forked from the lichee kernel sources already right?
11:59.50mnemocjquip: not until we have an mtd driver
12:00.31mnemocand hno and slapin are having a bad time trying to deal with the nfc directly
12:00.33jquipslapin and hno were working on mtd I think? some ML thread
12:00.41mnemocyes, working on it
12:00.45mnemocbut not ready for use
12:01.10mnemoconly "understanding" it
12:01.44mnemocas there is no documentation beside the current drivers
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12:04.30jquipI still just want to see it booting from the memory.. I might as well get it running using the ext4 for now.. just want it to boot it faster and more reliably... the SD card boot is very erratic...
12:07.45hnomnemoc, not really bad. Just many unknowns
12:09.05slapinwe can really read pages, but full page read is still fails
12:11.25mnemocjquip: you can boot from nand today using u-boot-sunxi's lichee-dev branch
12:12.10jquipreally? :D
12:12.32jquipI'm going to give it a shot...
12:12.57mnemocjquip: it's intended as a drop-in replacement to nanda's linux/u-boot.bin
12:13.23jquipno params to be changed?
12:13.33mnemoconly if you want it
12:14.21mnemocbut it's fully open and well behaved (passing proper ATAG info)
12:14.57mnemocdoesn't match the goal of mainling, but helps people who wants a mostly-free boot chain on nand
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12:18.59jquipmnemoc: that's really nice :)  I'm cloning ... I think you meant lichee/  branch, there is no lichee-dev/ branch
12:19.37mnemocthere is
12:19.45mnemoclichee/* are historic
12:20.25hnohi slapin
12:20.26jquipoh sorry yes i see it... I was reading the wiki page..
12:21.38mnemochno: slapin: maybe what you see as "page size" is a "real page size + metadata" and that's why you can read the whole?
12:28.10mnemocmasking something our or similar
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12:35.49hnoI don't know whats wrong with the oob part. Seems to be read correctly from the nand.
12:36.14hnobut really need hardware randomizer & ecc enabled to make sense of nand contents.
12:36.43hnoarg, one cable loose on my olimex jtag hack. soldering time again.
12:37.39hnowould like to spy a little on BROM NAND operations. Seems I am missing some small detail in how it reads boot0.
12:55.47hnoInfo : JTAG tap: sun4i.dap tap/device found: 0x4ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b, part: 0xba00, ver: 0x4)   B-)
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12:56.56hnoand now encapsulated in glue so the cables should stay in shape.
12:57.21xenoxaoshot glue guns are a necessity for all hackers!
13:01.17jquip:D hno iz keepin it cool!
13:28.19hnohot glue is seriously underestimated.
13:30.49hnoAnd NAND controller trace of BROM loading boot0 collected.
13:33.33hnoHm... probably should have traced DMA operations as well, or at least amount of data transferred using DMA.
13:43.25oliv3rso success? :D
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13:54.28hnooliv3r, progress.
14:06.09oliv3rpotatoes tomatoes
14:09.17slapinhno: hi!
14:09.22slapinhno: any news?
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14:35.09slapintoo much cola in my head :(
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14:56.10oliv3rhmm, there's something I don't understand. I see in the docs, that there's some SRAM's, one of which, SRAM C1, C2, C3. Also there's a dedicated SRAM for USB usage. Yet I see SRAMC used all over USB bits in sun4i header files
14:56.32oliv3rthe thing is, I also see wemac using SRAM C a lot
14:56.41oliv3rwon't that conflict at all?
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14:58.00oliv3ralso, is it good practise to redefine these memory ranges through several header files? Isn't that supposed to be more central somewhere in march?
14:59.16hnoAha. boot0 have different ECC layout and random seed than normal NAND access.
14:59.35hnoslapin, yes. But nothing conclusive yet.
14:59.36oliv3rprogress! :p
15:01.05hnoDid manage to read the MBR in descrambled form by fiddling with registers. Not sure if it did ECC processing.
15:02.05hnoSEQ bit changes the ECC layout to sequencial. <data> <ecc> <data> <ecc> .... instead of the more normal <data> <data> <data> ... <ecc> <ecc> <ecc> ...
15:03.17hnonow trying to read & descramble the boot block, but only get random data.
15:03.49oliv3rdo we know if that could possibly be encrypted? or do we know what should/could be on the boot block?
15:04.29hnoIt's not encrypted. Only randomized.
15:05.22hnocontent is known, just not fully known how to get that content in readable form without using DMA.
15:08.35hnoor how to make use of the ECC function without using DMA.
15:08.58hnoAll reference code we have uses DMA.
15:09.22hnoEven including BROM.
15:12.35oliv3rthere, SRAM registry mapping added to the wiki :)
15:12.52oliv3rhomeitme :)
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15:40.13slapinhno: we need to know the cpu ECC layout too, to make bootable NAND.
15:42.01slapinhno: how did you manage to read partition table?
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16:10.36hnoslapin, bu replaying the address & random set by NAND u-boot.
16:20.20hnoslapin, it's pretty obvious how to read/write ECC+RANDOM data using DMA.
16:21.03hnobut not obvious how to do the same without DMA or by using the CPU for ECC+RANDOM.
16:21.34mnemocso just use DMA :p
16:22.13hnopage oriented commands do all the magic automatically, but seems that command type only work using DMA.
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16:23.07hnomnemoc, will quite likely end up there.
16:24.41hnocommand type 1 is obviously ECC access, but still some doubts on how that really works.
16:28.09slapinhno: probably other bit settings make sence?
16:28.20hnoslapin, what?
16:29.54slapinhno: e.g. RAM_METHOD
16:31.20hnoThat switches who sees the SRAM. But have no effect on page commands. After a page command SRAM is always locked out from the CPU, and NAND controller waiting for DMA. Have to reset it to return to useful state, which also reveals the expected content in SRAM.
16:32.45slapinhno: have you tried to read IO_DATA with md.b/md.l after that?
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17:24.15technhno: I tried those higher voltages for a10 tablet.. was no help
17:25.48technwith newer kernel it crashes in different place.. but reason is same.. Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address bf00079c
17:27.23technand dram params are same as what a10-meminfo gives
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18:00.29hnoslapin, yes, it returns nothing. Or to be exact value of last other register read.
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18:12.48hnotechn, do you have the right scrip.bin?
18:17.00technhno: yes
18:21.43techndram params are as with a10-meminfo
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19:34.55technhno:, register 12h.. I'm wondering why you didn't enable those bits?
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19:58.28technsetting those didn't help eighter
20:02.00technI tried with SD card from Mini-x and it didn't crash
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20:08.07techn[   15.570000] sw_ahci sw_ahci.0: AHCI is disable
20:08.07techn<4>sw_ahci: probe of sw_ahci.0 failed with error -22
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20:08.31technthat could be the actual reason.. which corrupts memory :/
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21:00.05Jef91Any suggestions for getting Ubuntu/Debian booting on the MK802? all the .img files I've tried just leave me with a blank screen
21:04.44drachensunyou probably need the script.bin from Android for the image
21:05.33Jef91script.bin drachensun?
21:06.00drachensunits the settings for your device
21:06.36drachensunyou'll need to get a copy from the Android image and use to replace whatever script.bin came with the image you downloaded
21:07.02Jef91where does script.bin go in the image?
21:07.35drachensunthe boot partition, if you insert the sd card in your PC you should see too partitions
21:07.51Jef91Yea - so the vfat one with uboot
21:07.59drachensunthats it
21:08.15Jef91This image has a "evb.bin" and "uImage" in the vfat partition by default
21:08.15drachensunshould already be a script.bin file in there
21:08.51Jef91could evb.bin be the script.bin drachensun?
21:08.56drachensunok, evb.bin is the same thing
21:09.10drachensunso when you pull from your device, rename it to script.bin
21:09.40drachensunits also possible your device uses evb.bin
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21:14.49Jef91drachensun: Please forgive my ignorance - what does "adb access" mean? How do I get that?
21:15.39drachensunAndroid debug bridge,
21:15.59technhno: ok.. solved.. atleast partially.. solution was to change "sata_used = 0" to "sata_used = 1"
21:16.03drachensunbasically you need the android sdk
21:18.38libvJef91: i think you should be able to get away with running through our first steps guide
21:18.59Jef91link libv?
21:19.18libvJef91: this means building filesystems, uboot and the kernel from scratch, and using a rootfs of your choice
21:19.52Jef91Urg that is a ton of work for something that may end up getting me nil.
21:20.13libvJef91: i believe that we support the mk802 quite well at this point
21:20.16Jef91there are images posted on none of which worked for me
21:20.43Jef91(side note are you the same libv that posted on my blog? )
21:20.49libvJef91: 512 or 1GB ram?
21:20.51libvJef91: yes
21:21.00Jef911gig of RAM libv
21:21.12libvso it is the mk802ii if i am not mistaking
21:21.22Jef91I *think* this is just a plus
21:21.36libvmnemoc? ^
21:21.51Jef91this is the device I have libv ->
21:22.22mnemocthe ii has more USBs and stuff
21:22.26libvah, i see
21:22.34mnemocthe + and the ii both have 1GB
21:22.42mnemocalso both have AXP209
21:22.43libvso we would need a dram config dump?
21:23.03libvor should Jef91 just use the mk802ii config?
21:23.17mnemocin the worst case,
21:23.50mnemocmaxnet made an installer than patches the SPL of the uSD :p
21:25.29libvmnemoc: what do you suggest for Jef91?
21:25.51mnemoci don't know, have my brain in gdb :<
21:26.11mnemocdamn TZ diff between life and work
21:27.20mnemocdepends a lot on how confortable he is cross-compiling
21:27.44Jef91I've crossed compiled stuff before and I have a native ARM build machine I use for some packaging work
21:27.48libvthat's dealt with in the first steps howto
21:28.01Jef91I'd just been hoping to at least try a pre-built image for the device before diving in to making my own.
21:28.18Jef91So the only way to get up and running on MK802 devices currently is to do all the heavy lifting yourself?
21:28.49libvi wouldn't exactly call that heavy lifting
21:29.47mnemocif you want the trivial path, try maxnet's installer for android
21:30.27mnemocif you want to decide what you want and what not, build your own
21:30.53Jef91I just want _any_ functional Linux system on the Mk802 that boots from SD
21:31.59libv could use some fleshing out
21:33.56mnemocalso he mele page
21:35.34Jef91alrighty - thanks for the first steps link libv
21:35.35libvin that there is no mention of how to wire up serial, and that there is no mention that First Steps just works
21:35.39Jef91I'll have to dive into all that later on
21:35.50mnemoclibv: the firststeps page could also be simplified by using sunxi-bsp
21:36.22Jef91am I going to need to break one of my mk802s out of it's case to build the image?
21:36.34libvi believe that that's techn's area, right?
21:39.03hnoHeh... was wondering why JTAG hat lost connection again and then remembered that I had powered off the board to change logic probe connection to a better signal order.
21:39.30libvJef91: nope, but our standard kernel config and the usual rootfses do not always get you a working system, with working display and networking as is
21:40.01libvi should probably link the fb setup for fb console from first steps as well
21:40.18libvbut first i am continuing the clean-up of my lima code
21:42.03hnoJef91, you don't need to open up the mk802 to build & test an image, but if something fails booting you are pretty much blindfolded without serial console.
21:42.19Jef91fair enough hno
21:43.17hnoJef91, so order yourself an 3.3v UART dongle if you don't have one already, then get going on making the image you want to have while the dongle is being delivered.
21:44.02hnoI don't remember. Do MK802 have Ethernet or only USB?
21:44.21Jef91USB only hno
21:44.56hnoOk, then as above..
21:45.43Jef91Yep yep.
21:46.08Jef91I guess all the posts on the miniand forums gave me hope I wasn't going to have to do all this for another device. ARM hardware is so much fun /sarcasm
21:46.13hnotechn, sata driver corrupts memory if not enabled in script.bin?
21:47.10technhno: yes.. or enabling it causes some idle time on boot :/
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21:51.46technhno: could this be related to clocks? :/
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22:20.23techn updated
22:25.44libvtechn: your configure assumes that boards in sunxi-boards are also in uboot-sunxi
22:26.06mnemocthe happy path :)
22:27.27libvwell, build failure later on tells the whole story anyway
22:27.30libvso no big worry
22:28.09Jef91how do I connect to a device via adb?
22:28.18Jef91Can I do it over a network or does it require a hard connection?
22:28.58libvadbd should be installed on your device
22:29.10libvyou might need to enable it under developer options somewhere in setup
22:29.37libvusb is preferred
22:29.46libvnetwork usually requires some command line or init stuff
22:30.00Jef91I see a "use debugging" option under developer
22:30.03Jef91in my android settings
22:30.06Jef91that is all I should need?
22:30.10drachensunyup check that
22:30.11Jef91then just hook it into my PC?
22:30.24libvJef91: url.
22:30.24drachensunand plug it in, yup
22:33.34Jef91adb shell
22:33.38Jef91is giving me "Device not found"
22:34.10libvand now as root?
22:34.44Jef91running adb shell as root gives: error: device not found
22:34.45Jef91the same
22:35.16drachensuntry, adb kill-server then adb devices as root, it will restart the daemon as root
22:36.32libvis it showing up in lsusb?
22:37.14Jef91Wow thats really odd - it isn't libv
22:37.20Jef91But the power light is coming on on the device
22:37.24Jef91so it is getting juice from the port
22:38.15libvif not, use
22:38.35libvthen check dmesg
22:42.41libvJef91: you claim that you've been using this device for a month already
22:42.41libvJef91: with android on it?
22:42.41Jef91Yea libv
22:42.41Jef91The first mk802 I picked up had a broken SD card slot
22:42.47Jef91I just got a second one in the main
22:42.51Jef91hoping to play with Debian on it
22:44.03Jef91Huh all the "can't find adb device" posts related to ubuntu are going back to 9.10 and older it seems
22:45.25drachensundo you have the udev rules in?
22:46.12Jef91udev rules for what drachensun?
22:46.17Jef91All I did was download and extract the SDK
22:46.22Jef91and try to run the adb command
22:46.53drachensunok, check the instructions on that last link I sent
22:50.06Jef91who makes the mk802?
22:50.14Jef91aka what vendor ID should I be using
22:50.42libvlsusb should show something there
22:51.12Jef91lsusb does not show the device
22:51.14Jef91I said that already
22:51.22libvthen udev is not going to help
22:52.29Jef91any other suggestions besides googling more?
22:54.00libv23:38 < libv> then check dmesg
22:55.49Jef91dmesg doesn't report anything new when I attach the device to my system
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22:57.13Jef91tail end of dmesg ->
22:57.59libvis that you replugging the thing?
22:58.04focus_itI was using my Genesi arm netbook today. Whatever happened to that company? Nothing available to buy in their EU stores and not much news anywhere. It was a very decent netbook but Ubuntu stopped their support for that particular arm and since then its stuck at Ubuntu 10.10.
22:58.16Jef91Seems to be
22:58.23Jef91It is the only device I've been attaching
22:58.38libvJef91: is that you doing it, or is it doing that on its own?
22:58.41Jef91focus_it: I've actually done some work with the Genesi folks
22:58.42steevfocus_it: we're still around, no consumer facing product currently
22:58.44Jef91thats me libv
22:58.56mnemocfocus_it: steev works there
22:58.57libvok, so then it must be there in lsusb as well
22:58.59steevJef91: i work as a genesi folk :P
22:59.04mnemocsteev: didn't see you :)
22:59.11Jef91focus_it: if you need a current OS for the Genesi check out my Bodhi image
22:59.17Jef91haha yes steev - the best kind of folks ;)
22:59.20steevmnemoc: i highlight on genesi, efika, and a few others :)
22:59.47focus_itJef91: thanks!
23:00.07steevfocus_it: fyi, i'm presently working on getting device tree working so we can get a mainline kernel going.  part of the issue has been that the arm kernel hasn't been kind to us (lots of flux with different things we needed)
23:00.08focus_itso why they 'still around' and not shining bright say with A10 CPU?
23:00.19Jef91libv: my lsusb outputs this regardless of if it is attached or not ->
23:00.35steevfocus_it: because the a10 is cortex-a8, we're using a9 now, but as i said, no consumer facing product at the moment
23:01.46focus_itso they planning new smartbook? I want one just like the genesi with a sata SSD slot - pleheese!! :-)
23:02.27libvJef91: does your dmesg tell you the stick is disconnected?
23:02.28steevfocus_it: you could always license a design, or have us build one... it will cost about a mil though
23:02.28focus_itJef91: link for Bodhi image?
23:02.44Jef91focus_it: ->
23:03.07steevi like the bodhi linux image.  more partial to gentoo myself
23:03.13focus_itJef91: thanks :)
23:03.49Jef91the last line in my dmesg is telling me a USB disconnect
23:04.07Jef91and actually, it keeps adding device numbers
23:04.12Jef91without me plugging/unplugging it
23:04.39steevJef91: not enough power for the device
23:04.42steevwould be my guess
23:05.39Jef91power was the issue
23:05.42Jef91I was reaching for the adapter as you said that steev
23:05.48Jef91I thought it could power from just USB
23:05.50Jef91guess Iw as wrong
23:06.21focus_itsteev: mil a bit much
23:06.40Jef91Got it.
23:06.59Jef91thanks for putting up with me libv - I'm not always this slow I promise
23:09.30steevfocus_it: initial runs aren't cheap :)
23:09.43Jef91and I have lift off I believe....
23:10.06Jef91my USB hub came to life at least... still no picture on the TV though
23:13.03focus_itsteev: if stuff I working on make me a spare mil, I be there for mi netbook with ssd :-)
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23:49.57GumbootJef91: I hope you've learnt not to speak ill of the pi, now...  Everyone who does gets flooded with vacuous "it's for education" comments.
23:50.43Jef91haha Gumboot if I can get Debian rolling on the MK802 I will continue pushing it over the Pi.
23:50.51Jef91Having used both the mk802 is just a better device.
23:51.21Jef91Pff not to mention the most recent raspbian update seems to have massively f***ed my TV setting
23:51.47Jef91Nice of the devices are truly open source - so I'm confused as to why everyone flocked to the pi so much
23:53.22GumbootSince you have to attach USB everything to the pi to make it in any way useful (looking at mpd people attaching USB audio, even), you might as well counter that you could attach phidgets to the mk802.
23:53.26GumbootI don't know if you actually can.
23:53.30GumbootI don't think that's important, though.

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