IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121124

00:08.16Marexslapin: poke scottwood
00:27.56slapinMarex: we'll see
00:30.56*** join/#arm-netbook LKK (
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00:40.53slapinhno: pushed samsung support + init_size in the same patch, reverted yours.
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01:02.37slapinhno: please test if nothing is broken
01:06.03Marexslapin: hrm
01:12.09*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro1 (
01:27.43slapinMarex: hrm?
01:28.37*** join/#arm-netbook vinifm (~vinix@
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02:03.38Marexslapin: nothing ... I'm frustrated
02:03.46Marexslapin: discuss technical stuff
03:46.57*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
04:07.43*** join/#arm-netbook FreddyAV (
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05:23.02Marexcoolness ... we have MX23 USB loader operational now
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10:05.19slapinMarex: any link on USB loader?
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10:08.40slapinhno: ping
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11:17.48galex-713Do CubieBoard support wifi?
11:19.35mnemocconnected over usb, yes
11:20.09galex-713Great :) perfect
11:23.23galex-713More usefull quick and simpler: Where can I find a comparaison table of all those differents mini-computer board (CubieBoard, Mele, MK802, Goosberry, RaspberryPi, Trimslice, nytrogen6x etc.)?
11:31.57galex-713*computers boards
12:11.11hnoslapin, yes?
12:17.04hnoslapin, hynix datasheet did not match code at all in the higher bits. Why I wrote a hynix section.
12:40.38galex-713Somebody have an answer to my question? no?
12:41.56hnogalex-713, they are all quite different.
12:43.19galex-713Yes… But I'm quite a newbie ^^ and It's a bit difficult to chose for me… ^^"
12:50.50*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
12:51.29mnemocgalex-713: if you describe what you want we can help you narrowing the options
12:54.51galex-713I would like a device under 50€ with Ethernet and Wifi support, able to support mail, ftp, web, sql, irc, jabber, sip, ssh, dhcp and dns servers in same time, low-consume, power with micro-usb, storage with SATA or USB and the most powerfull (always under 50€)…
12:58.38galex-713I would like know a thing: Seeing the pins on RPi picture I would like know what is their usage? It is possible to plug differents ports (USB, Ethernet, HDMI, SD…) to these pins?
12:58.58hnogalex-713, so you want a small server?
13:02.45galex-713But I wondered if I could add a touchscreen and a keyboard and wifi support to get a personnal smartphone (Made with adhesive tape)
13:03.49hnoIP phone yes. Smartphone not really.
13:05.18galex-713Not with usual smartphone network
13:05.47hnoYou wouldn need battery as well I would think.
13:06.18galex-713Oh! I forgot battery!
13:07.01hnoFrom your description Cubieboard comes closest, but it do not have battery connector in current revision, maybe future.
13:07.40hnoalso LCD+touch shield is not available yet. Not too hard to build your own if you are a little experienced with building electronics.
13:08.43galex-713I've never experimented in electronic… But I would like it…
13:11.28galex-713Is there a such (or maybe more expansive or without some connectors) computer with touch-shield and battery connector?
13:17.08hnoslapin, why did you move generic chip detection to sunxi_nand.c?
13:18.44hnochip page size is not controller dependent in any way.
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15:28.09penguin42lkcl: What happened to your 1st batch of PCBs?
15:30.28vgradeis the other small board a cubie?
15:30.42vgradesry wrong window
15:30.54galex-713hno: Is is possible to connect to micro USB an adaptater with battery?
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15:39.27bsdfoxgalex-713, buy a smartphone if you want a smartphone
15:39.32bsdfoxor a tablet
15:40.16bsdfoxwhat you describe can't be pieced together (especially not by you, judging by your questions) for anywhere near the price range you indicate
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16:41.22galex-713bsdfox: But I want a device 100% free/open-source/open-hardware
16:41.42galex-713AND I want a keyboard AND a camera
16:42.00galex-713AND I've just 50€
16:43.59bsdfoxgalex-713, but you're going to need more money
16:45.05rmsurprised you didn't add "and a pony"
16:47.43galex-713AND a dogtupus (or a p0nyyyyyy)
16:48.44galex-713Does Lemote sell little arm device ?
16:54.16bsdfoxstop trolling
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16:59.05galex-713stop trolling
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17:33.25slapinhno: I hope mtd will be updated and this code will not be needed
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17:36.30lkclpenguin42: don't know.  some design fault, don't know what it is, we're leaving it up to wits-tech to fix it.
17:36.44gohd260I have an allwinner A13 tablet. It's running Debian from the sd card. Can't get the touchscreen working right. Using the gt811_ts driver
17:37.13penguin42lkcl: Hmm so you've payed for boards, but they're saying there's a design fault and they won't tell you what?
17:37.20lkclpenguin42: correct!
17:37.36penguin42lkcl: Bizarre!
17:37.37lkclluckily we agreed with them that they'd pay for a rework if there was a fault
17:37.52gohd260Can anybody help me out?
17:37.56lkclbeing philosophical about it, we don't care - we trust them that they'll fix it!
17:38.15penguin42lkcl: Well it's not very open is it
17:40.54lkclpenguin42: if you can think of a sentence to write which will convince people of a chinese culture disposition to respond then i will quite happily send it on to them.
17:41.56lkclfrom what i can gather it's just a cultural thing - "face-saving".  we're working on them.  *gently*.
17:42.09penguin42lkcl: I don't know enough Chinese to be able to, but something like 'We find openness about problems more respectful than hiding errors@
17:44.49L84Suppersheesh there are enough working examples of a10 boards
17:45.26lkclL84Supper: the space here is very very tight.
17:45.53lkclwe had one PCB manufacturer actually say that it's impossible to get the components onto the PCB
17:45.56L84SupperI tried to warn you
17:46.16lkclit's ok: i knew it was tight.
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17:48.38L84SupperUSB is just a differential pair and power detect
17:55.22*** join/#arm-netbook vinifm (~vinix@
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18:10.00gohd260I have an allwinner A13 tablet. It's running Debian from the sd card. Can't get the touchscreen working right. Using the gt811_ts driver
18:10.36gohd260Can anybody help out?
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18:14.44gohd260No matter where I touch the click is in the upper left corner.
18:17.07penguin42L84Supper: Well the Pi guys screwed up their USB as well - it's amazing how hard it is to get 4 wires right....
18:21.59hnogohd260, sounds like the triver have lost all calibration.
18:22.29hnopenguin42, it's a bit more than 4 wires. The power control is easy to get wrong.
18:22.43penguin42hno: Yeh I knowm
18:22.45hnoesp on an OTG port.
18:23.20penguin42working OTG ports seem to be pretty damn rare
18:23.55L84Supperpenguin42: I recall the USB driver issues and the poly-fuses
18:24.18hnopenguin42, there is more working OTG ports than there is working OTG drivers.
18:26.43hnoslapin, why not just update nand_base.c instead and send for review?
18:27.02hnoabout to submit the u-boot changes anyway.
18:27.15hnowell not the mtd part yet.
18:28.55broochno, Hi, I was here a couple of days ago.
18:29.36broocIs there really no way to start developing without an actual board?
18:34.58vinifmhow you will test?
18:35.36broocSome sort of emulator?
18:38.28vinifmi never tried this, emulator are not good
18:39.12L84SupperHi-802, i.MX6 Quad HDMI Stick ($89 incl worldwide shipping, but suddenly actually not available
18:39.57L84Supper" DELAYED AGAIN. SORRY Freescale only started shipping the i.MX6 Quad-core CPU very recently and that has delayed the supplier, also under pressure from some big customers"
18:41.33L84Supperi.mx6 and the Qualcomm MSM8225 tablets are also delayed....
18:43.17vinifmbrooc, but you can cross compile
18:43.47broocBut will I do with the compiled binary?
18:43.59broocWho will test it for me?
18:44.59vinifmit is possible to test in cell phones or tablets
18:45.31vinifmi already did
18:47.24broocHow is that done?
18:48.01broocWhat OS do those run?
18:48.57vinifmyou cross compile, transfer the file, and run it
18:49.41vinifmbut you must a android rooted
18:51.08broocLet me check which processor I have on my phone
18:52.04vinifmmine is arm11
18:52.17vinifmandroid 2.3
18:52.25brooccortex a9
18:52.34broocI have the Galaxy Nexus
18:52.37vinifmgood :)
18:52.45broocAndroid 4.3
18:53.02broocWill this work?
18:53.23vinifmyes, just rooted it
18:53.40broocAlready rooted
18:54.10vinifmok, i can upload a file for you to test
18:54.24broocHow do I place the compiled binaries in the right place?
18:54.38broocWhat will it do?
18:55.08vinifmprintf("Hello ARM!")
18:55.33broocWhere do I place it?
18:56.05vinifmyou can place in sdcard
18:56.18vinifmjust 1 minute
18:56.21broocIn the file system I mean
18:59.08broocWhat's the difference between A9 and A10?
18:59.20vinifmyou also must a terminal emulator + busybox
18:59.50broocI have both
18:59.55*** join/#arm-netbook ibrah (~chatzilla@
19:00.04broocWhat's the difference between A9 and A10?
19:00.05penguin42brooc: Be careful, they're different things
19:00.25penguin42brooc: There are a series of cores from ARM called Cortex-A8,A9,A15 (in order of performance)
19:00.38penguin42brooc: The Allwinner A10 is a chip that uses a Cortex-A8 core - confused yet?
19:01.35broocSo the A10 is not in the same series ans the Cortex-Ax?
19:01.39hnobrooc, sure you can do a lot of development without actually running the code.  And I can arrange for remote access to a device to test things on if interested.
19:01.40penguin42brooc: Correct
19:02.01broocI am interested
19:02.18penguin42brooc: It's just someone else decided to use 'A' as a naming; in the same way the Apple A4 and A5 chips are a different naming series from the Cortex-A series that they use (and there is a Cortex A5 I think that's not an Apple A5)
19:02.47broocSo what vinifm has now uploaded will not run on my phone?
19:03.08broocBecause he has cross-compiled it for A10
19:03.17penguin42brooc: Not necessarily
19:03.22broocAllwinner A10 and not the Cortex-A9
19:03.29penguin42brooc: The A10 uses an A8 core
19:03.46vinifmi used arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
19:03.49penguin42brooc: The A8 core has almost the same instruction set as an A9 (there is an extra SMP prefetch instruction rarely used on a9)
19:04.02vinifmit is generic
19:04.02penguin42brooc: There are also some options that may or may not be on some chips that you get into trouble with
19:04.29broocIt sounds like there is very little risk here
19:04.33broocAm I correct?
19:04.37penguin42brooc: Generally if you compile something for ARMv7 without NEON you're safe for stuff to run on any Cortex-A8,A9
19:04.55penguin42brooc: Oh it shouldn't break anything if it's just a userland program
19:05.25broocright, but kernel stuff might?
19:05.36broocvinifm, what do I do with the file?
19:05.43penguin42brooc: SO there are 3 naming systems here; the ARM cortex chip numbering (A8, A9, A15 etc), ALlwinners chip name (A10, A13), and the ARM instruction set versions (ARMv7, ARMv7M and the option of NEON)
19:06.13penguin42brooc: Kernel building is much more random - generally on ARM you'll need something built for at least the specific chip and possibly the speciific board you're using (although that's trying to be fixed)
19:07.07vinifmtransfer to sdcard, chmod u+x test, ./test
19:09.34vinifmactually you can place anywhere, but the sdcard is better
19:11.03vinifmI just could not test drivers
19:11.27hnobrooc, then if you want to make a sky dive I would suggest adding sunxi i2c driver to arm-soc/for-next tree as a reasonable goal.
19:14.01broocI keep getting bad mode
19:16.34broocwhen I chmod 777 test I get operation not permitted
19:17.16vinifmtype: su and try again
19:17.51broocI did but I doesn't ask for root permission for some reason
19:18.59broochno, do I do that by getting the i2c driver from the main linux kernel and start trying to compile in the sunxi branch?
19:19.15broocthat is of course after I get my toolchain set u[
19:25.04vinifmhum, i got: sh: ./test: Permission denied
19:26.15vinifmI remembered, for work I installed linux for android
19:27.25vinifmbut just need to remount the partition w+r
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20:07.09broochno, can you please direct me to where I can start reading on porting this driver
20:07.31broocI have not done anything like this before so I have some reading to do
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20:29.45mnemocmripard: beside $work$ been eating me soul the main reason why I didn't move forward with the pinctrl driver is because I still don't fully understand how to represent them in DT in a decent manner. if you can add the basic infrastructure and some part of the A13 (chip id AW1626)'s pinctrl/gpiolib I can follow you with A10 (AW1623) and A10S (chipid still unknown, until someone gets access to a device)
20:32.46mripardmnemoc: it's quite messy at the moment, but I kind of like the representation the freescale's guy have chosen
20:32.55mripardit's basically a number
20:33.09mripardwhich is 0x<bankid><pinid><function>
20:33.37mripardso if you want to mux pin 10 of the first bank to the third function
20:33.49mripardyou'll end up with 0x10a3
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20:34.33mripardand the extra informations, like pullups, drive strength and so on, are regular dt properties
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20:36.06mnemocbtw we have 11 banks with up to 32 pins each
20:36.14mriparddo we ?
20:36.35mripardon the A10 datasheet, it looks like there is only 9 of them
20:36.45mripardwith completely random number of pins
20:37.08mripardit's a good thing if it's that simple :)
20:38.26slapinhno: better path is to make them update mtd from Linux, as they do it from time to time
20:38.50mnemocmripard: right, 9
20:39.04slapinhno: Marex says we need to poke scottwood for that
20:39.38mripardmnemoc: and do you know what the functions 0 and 1 are for the pins ?
20:39.49mnemoc0 is input, 1 is output
20:39.50mripardit's present sometimes on the FEX documentation
20:40.10mripardoh, so GPIOs, ok.
20:40.38mnemocmripard: and the max per bank in A10 are { 18, 24, 25, 28, 12,  6, 12, 28, 22 }, A13 are {  0, 10, 17, 22, 12,  6,  9 } and A10S { 18, 21, 20, 28, 12,  6, 14 }.
20:41.21mnemocwith "P%c%u",'A'+i, j   as the traditional name
20:41.35mripardI see
20:42.38slapinhno: ping
20:43.19mripardmnemoc: also, do you happen to know the register layout of the PIO stuff
20:43.42mripardthe PIO_REG_CFG and all macros in pin_ops.c are supposed to give me an hint
20:44.01mripardbut the results collides between banks and pins
20:44.12mripardso I'm not quite sure about it.
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20:47.29empat0I'm happy. I just got lincedarv to decode ALL MPEG4's! Those two or three which do not work also fail on the android reference player!
20:48.25mnemocmripard: I have that stuff, but I had to move my stuff out of the $work$ server and having a hard time to find it
20:49.40mripardmnemoc: that's not urgent to the minute, don't worry :)
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21:18.37mripardmnemoc: thanks :)
21:20.35mnemocmripard: hope that helps :)
21:21.32mripardin the time being, I wrote a small python script that generates the register layout from the allwinner's magic macros :)
21:21.33vinifmmnemoc: sw-uart.c to be ported to A13?
21:22.23mripardI guess I'll write a wiki page for that
21:22.31mripardjust to keep track of this.
21:23.02mripardwith your code, now I know what are the offsets and what size have the values
21:25.34vinifmi mean, sw-uart.c can be ported to A13?
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21:26.40mnemocvinifm: nothing to port, the contorller is the same
21:27.29mnemocmripard: we have incomplete and pages
21:27.47mnemocbut a generic [[PIO]] for the controller itself would be good
21:28.46mripardaaaah, interesting, thanks.
21:29.36mnemocmripard: also, I just uploaded the A10S datasheet to
21:29.43mnemocmripard: it's a sun5i
21:30.22vinifmbut why sw-uart is not into linux-sunxi 3.0?
21:30.40mripardmnemoc: what's the difference with A13 then ?
21:31.18mripardah, supports more RAM from the wiki, ok.
21:32.16mripardthe datasheet contains more stuff though
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22:01.39Marexslapin: see my google+ ...
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22:15.47Marexmripard: smile :D
22:24.44mnemocmripard: different pins, and has ethernet and hdmi
22:29.42mnemocvinifm: we have a 8250 driver in 3.0 and 3.4
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22:39.07mripardmnemoc: I see, so it's a sun4i without SATA basically?
22:48.12RaYmAnwithout sata,hdmi, Ethernet and with fewer pins. and supposedlya more manageable package
22:48.21MarexRaYmAn: A13 ?
22:49.02RaYmAnImight have missed the conch and it was really about a10s?
22:55.03mripardRaYmAn: yes, it was about A10s :)
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23:06.37MarexRaYmAn: I keep pondering how that CM10 was built for the MK802
23:06.57MarexRaYmAn: I'd like to try and build one myself (since i need some additional features) ... but I can't find any understandable howto
23:14.48mnemocmripard: it also has less of each thing, 4 uarts instead of 8, etc.
23:17.53slapinwhat is all ravings and screaming about 0x202e? I hate when I can't understand trends :(
23:18.01slapinis frustrated
23:18.02Marexslapin: :D
23:18.08mripardmnemoc: ok
23:18.27Marexslapin: you mean ‮ this  ?
23:18.50Marexslapin: U+202e is force right-to-left unicode character
23:18.56Marexslapin: it was in one of the latest xkcd
23:19.27slapinah, I remember that, but I didn't understand it too
23:19.43slapinfeels ignorant
23:19.49Marexslapin: run 'kcharselect' or the like, search the character, copy to clipboard ... paste it to google
23:19.56Marexcheck the firefox window name :D
23:22.21Marexslapin: laugh, it's supposed to be funny ;-)
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23:26.06slapinMarex: it prints backwards
23:26.13slapinMarex: some of messages
23:26.22slapinMarex: and window title
23:26.37slapinsorta google humour
23:28.23slapinin gtk you just have to shift-ctrl-u then type hex numbers (output is very confusing, just like with Japanese input methods), then after pressing ender it disappears
23:29.02Turl‮hello dudes :D
23:29.42Turlyou can right click -> insert an unicode control char too :P
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23:31.51slapinTurl: not in my iceweasel though
23:32.26Turlyou can on pidgin or any other gtk app
23:33.17slapinTurl: but not in firefox, since they use some custom menus
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