IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121117

00:11.32*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@
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00:31.28focus_ityeeea! I got me a Gemei G2 working with Lubuntu following the instructions from here lubuntu 12.04 gemei g2
00:50.17slapinhno: I have dumped lots of NAND work, but I still nof fully understand how LA works, so the data are crappy. I will try to configure it for state mode - I might be able to store proper data then
01:03.22Marexslapin: hello
01:03.22MarexLA ?
01:04.39slapinMarex: hi, LA = Logic Analyser
01:05.12Marexslapin: hm ... you're sniffing data on the nand bus ?
01:05.19slapinMarex: I got myself HP 16500C chassis with 16555A logic analyser board and accessories
01:05.27slapinMarex: yeah
01:06.18slapinMarex: looking at sniffed data with tail -f is so much fun!
01:07.44rz2kwhere did you find it in Russia
01:09.28rz2kI wanted to ship myself some HP-Agilents, but shipping is total crap if weight of the package is more than 10KG
01:11.49slapinrz2k: it was shipped from US, then sold here for 25000RUR, then added accessories, and then it was sold to me for 33000RUR. or something.
01:12.12rz2kholy shit
01:12.16Marexhow much is RUR ~ USD ratio ?
01:12.24slapinremembers when he accidentally ordered a trunk full of keyboards from Australia
01:12.43slapin30 rur is very rough approximation
01:13.00rz2kit works :p
01:13.04slapinactually something like 33-1 or something
01:14.04slapinwell, if you care, I still have these keyboards and can sell them for $20...
01:14.22slapinI have about 50 of them left
01:14.41rz2ksell them on some hardware forum full of mechanic keyboards lovers
01:15.08slapinshipment cost was so big customs were very annoyed by my package
01:15.56slapinthey seen the price $14 for the lot, and shipment of $1000+ something (but less than $2000)
01:16.33slapinI was going to customs office for 3 weeks to settle things
01:17.26slapinas the result I paid no fees, but got a lot of frustration and trouble ecplaining why I need these for personal purposes... :)
01:18.28slapinthen checks shipping costs of every package he orders
01:22.17slapinthis LA is very cool with everything except for handling files. it is SLOW! Saving 55MB trace file to internal hard drive is so slow, can take half an hour approximately
01:26.10slapinneeds to configure stateful analyser, or else I will analyse data for ages
01:30.01Marexslapin: do you plan to go to ELC ?
01:30.04Marex(the one in SF)
01:30.25slapinI still have no passport
01:30.47slapinand I think I will have troubles with US visa
01:33.00slapinand I am attached to duties at the moment
01:35.37slapinneeds some sleep, but these files are still saving :( and fans are too loud to leave the damn thing for the night...
01:36.25*** join/#arm-netbook stefanro (
01:37.36Marexslapin: pull the plug :)
01:37.58slapinMarex: and waste last 4 hours of work :(
01:38.30Marexslapin: yes please
01:38.39MarexI _do_ feel like shit :/
01:38.57MarexI've been spending last few days digging in primitive recursive functions etc.
01:39.33Marexwhere the fuck is my "student life" ... I have none, I either hack on u-boot, hack on u-boot for university project or study this shit
01:40.30*** join/#arm-netbook jquip (~johnny@
01:42.53slapinMarex: MUHAHAHA!!!!!11 Last 2 weeks at work I was digging in 5 python scripts og 200 lines each, which had all sorts of stupid bugs from memleaks to algorithmic errors.  I had to stay for a night even, for two days. And on friday I was able to talk manager into rewriting, when target is Monday, and finished it in 2 hours. Tests passed. Bingo!
01:44.05slapinand who will return me these 2 weeks, for which I could drink vodka and fondle tits of various sizes?
01:52.16rz2kMarex: go to your university and say everything you have on it. when I did that I got the 'half-time job' in the lab the second day. now I'm writing challenges for younger guys. we've moved from 8051 and some local clones from that era to ARM and MSP430.
01:52.55rz2konly if this job was payed not $150 :/
01:52.56slapinrz2k: local clones?!
01:53.53rz2khow do you like creating program for some USSR microcontroller that was designed in ~75 in 2012?
01:54.30Svsounds awesome
01:54.46slapinrz2k: which microcontroller? 8051 on discrete logic?
01:56.36rz2kNo, USSR's clones of MCUs of that era. I dont clearly remember, but if you were in 90s as a computer guy, you saw that in Electronica school computers, Mikrosha and various other applications.
01:56.47Marexslapin: it's much worse over here
01:57.08Marexrz2k: I've been teaching some classes already, but it's poorly paid (I didn't do it for money) ... now I focus on my DENX job
01:57.19slapinrz2k: 8080 clone?
01:57.22Marexrz2k: DENX is awesome place to work
01:58.21rz2kslapin: yeah, probably. I didnt dig it too much because all documentation was clearly wrote by a guy who didnt want to teach somebody something meaningful.
02:00.20rz2kSv: that sounds awesome if you know what to do and you are mature enough to understand it. If you are fresh meat from the street that wants to know how computers work, this will be the pain of searching for documentation and trying to understand wtf is going on.
02:00.55rz2kby mature I mean computer science mature :p
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02:01.38slapinrz2k: this is a way to go. If you really want to know that, it is better to either learn it yourself or go to MIT or other appropriate institution.
02:02.00rz2kthis is a way to go for 1 guy out of 100
02:02.29slapinor really you don't want it that badly
02:02.35slapinso you don't
02:04.54MarexMIT would be cool
02:04.59Marexbut it's in the US
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02:52.42TurlMarex: primitive recursive functions, yay
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12:27.25technlibv: this disp code is terrible.. I started to go trough enums
12:28.06technit seems that you cant trust enum values since they are mapped wrong or not mapped at all
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14:41.01libvtechn: turning the typedefs into real enums also reveals some uses of those enums
14:41.10libvtechn: and then suddenly, other uses pop up
14:41.35libvtechn: and after 10-15 minutes, suddenly things are a lot saner all over the tree
14:41.52libvat least this is my experience with the two enums that i touched already
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15:34.56libvtechn: proper typing is a real mess all over the place, whenever i touched code, i,j became ints, functions which only returned 0 became voids, etc
15:35.24libvtechn: this code really is written by people who have no serious experience in C
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15:44.16*** join/#arm-netbook MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:6f:23:e9ad:90ac:9fcd:96d3)
15:51.05*** join/#arm-netbook Curtman (
15:56.11CurtmanHello..  I'm doing some hacking on my Mele A3700.  I don't see much related to it on the web so far.  It seems very similar to the A1000.  Who maintains and how can I contribute a mele_a3700.fex?
16:00.13CurtmanI pulled it from my device with adb, and copied /dev/block/nanda to an image.  It's the script.bin run through bin2fex.
16:00.48libvCurtman: you'll have to create a dram.c for uboot
16:01.08libvCurtman: for this, you need this fex, but as usual some important data is missing from it
16:01.48libvCurtman: i trust that you already have the uart wired up?
16:03.16CurtmanOk.  I'm very new to these devices.  I mostly played with Realtek boxes like the OPlay before.  Yeah I have UART.  I tried USB device, but its not working.  I got adb through IP:5555 and launched a shell.  I wasn't able to interrupt U-Boot with my uart console for some reason.
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16:10.00libvCurtman: one of my first mistakes was to use a standard usb to serial adapter
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16:10.20libvCurtman: i ended up having to order a special usb to ttl uart device
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16:11.15libvhno: is there not enough known about the memory controller to be able to gather the unknown bits in the fex from a10 register space?
16:12.26libvCurtman: what ram chips are on the board, and how many?
16:13.32libvCurtman: hno is the main sunxi uboot man, he can quickly provide an educated guess for the missing dram parameters
16:14.51libvCurtman: starting a wiki page on your device, and including some high resolution board pictures is always helpful too
16:18.05*** join/#arm-netbook vinifm (~vinix@
16:21.39CurtmanThere's 4.  Hynix H5TQ2G83CFA
16:27.29CurtmanHere's what dmesg looks like on its factory firmware..
16:27.45CurtmanI'm working on pictures of the board.  :)
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16:55.35CurtmanHow's that?  Top:  Bottom:
16:56.51libvCurtman: looks like broken plastic near the antenna connector
16:57.29libvCurtman: are you sure you are not getting anything useful out of the uart?
16:57.55libvCurtman: also, stick this in a wiki page on
16:58.08*** part/#arm-netbook vanner (
16:59.21CurtmanIt had melted plastic sticking the antenna on to the connector, I scraped enough away to free it but not all I guess.
16:59.38CurtmanI've never edited a wiki before.  I'll give it a try.
17:00.31libvit is pretty straightforward, and only mildly more work than just writing plain text :)
17:02.41CurtmanI get useful data out of the uart.  I see u-boot, but the press any key countdown, pressing keys doesnt interrupt it.  I get no shell once its booted though.  It's possible this ttl converter isn't working.  Or rx on the board isn't enabled somehow.
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17:07.02rz2kI had same on my old a10 tablet, standard u-boot didnt respond to anything
17:07.07rz2kmmc one did.
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17:22.03*** join/#arm-netbook SouL_ (~SouL_@
17:22.59Curtmanlibv, I must be doing something wrong.  I go to click the edit tab, and how do I create a Mele A3700 category? Or where should I add it if not there?
17:23.49SouL_I'm here because the guys from #mer
17:23.57SouL_I own a Hyundai A7 tablet
17:24.12SouL_The specifications:
17:24.28SouL_They said me that I have to writte a Kernel or something if I want to install Mer in it
17:25.03SouL_I'm not a programmer or something related of computing
17:25.22SouL_Any understand me? I'm a bit lost
17:29.37libvCurtman: i just went to the page by navigating the frontpage, then edited the url, and the wiki then offers the possibility to create a new page
17:29.57libvthe category thing will be solved later
17:30.09mnemocas they all use the same PCB it might be good to keep all models in the same page
17:30.29libvthis is a different pcb, although similar
17:30.58libvCurtman: you add a [[Category:A10 HTPC]] tag into the page and it will automatically appear there
17:31.49libvSouL_: get uart, get script.bin, add code to uboot, then run through first steps
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17:32.30libvmnemoc: the different mele versions do deserve separate entries in the categories
17:32.33SouL_libv: What? Do you know if there's a guide for that? I'm a simple user :S
17:33.07libvSouL_: open up the device, attach a ttl uart to usb device so you can get a serial console
17:33.37libvbecause working without serial is working blind and deaf
17:34.08mnemoclibv: true
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17:34.27SouL_libv: Thank you but I don't know what is a ttl uart and how to attach it
17:34.38mnemoclibv: redirect pages can be categorized too ;-)
17:35.02libvmakes sense :)
17:39.13Curtmanlibv, Awesome, thanks.
17:39.36libvSouL_: there is sadly no magic incantations that we can give you that will solve all your problems in a few minutes.
17:39.50libvsomeone with the hw will need to go seriously poke at it
17:40.09libvthere is no way around it that will generate dependable results
17:41.01SouL_I'm not
17:41.22SouL_Hey, I'm saying that I'm not a computer programmer and I don't know what you are saying
17:41.45SouL_But I can follow steps from a guide or something
17:41.48SouL_I don't know what is ttl
17:41.55SouL_what is uboot
17:42.03SouL_and etc
17:42.17SouL_It's not necessary in a few minutes
17:42.22chengtry google around for all the terms..
17:42.57SouL_ttl = ?
17:43.11libvSouL_: please, no more.
17:43.28libvSouL_: get an already supported device.
17:43.38chengttl - 5v uart use by standard processor/mcu, usually require a max232 chip to convert it to RS232(serial port)
17:46.41libvSouL_: is this device white btw?
17:47.48libvSouL_: if so, i have tracked a few on ebay before, when one is available cheaply i might grab one at one point or another, but before someone with a problem-solving mentality and the hw comes by, this device will not get support automagically
17:48.05libvyes, i have seen these offered secondhand in .de before
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17:50.23SouL_Ok, so at the moment I can't replace Android, isn't it?
17:52.31libvas far as i can tell from here, indeed.
17:55.17SouL_I can help in any way or is impossible to achieve?
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18:24.34vgradeSouL_: the 4 pads at the bottom left look promissing, also there are other pics here showing chip versions which may help
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18:35.12libvvgrade: this is not the same device
18:35.37libvit at least has more memory and a different display
18:41.50bsdfoxSouL_, if you can find the uart pins you can help
18:42.18bsdfoxreasonable chance it's in that pic vgrade posted
18:42.40vgradelibv: ah ok
18:43.20libvbsdfox: _different_ hw.
18:43.43bsdfoxas in not A10?
18:43.52libvbsdfox: check the second link that vgrade posted
18:44.20libvbsdfox: _i_ threw that wiki page together, and iirc slapin provided the picture with the uart
18:44.37libvbsdfox: as in different board.
18:45.19bsdfoxlibv, gotta start somewhere.. uart is normally broken out so easy to find
18:45.36libvbsdfox: please handhold SouL_ through every single step then
18:45.54bsdfoxloses interest
18:46.05libvbsdfox: if only you had done so earlier.
18:51.27libvvgrade: i have the post-fosdem lima running on sunxi kernel and linaro userspace
18:52.00libvvgrade: i had spent a day autotooling it, but there are simply too many disadvantages with autotools in the current lima usecase
18:52.19vgradeX11 or framebuffer
18:52.38libvlima egl tests use pbuffer
18:52.45libvso that no windowing system is involved
18:53.02libvand so that REing is not needlessly encumbered
18:53.36libvso they should work under both framebuffer and X11, but they will not show anything on screen on their own
18:53.55libvthe actual lima versions of those tests dump the result straight to /dev/fb0
18:54.21libvvgrade: remember, this is REing groundwork and not a driver yet
18:54.56vgradenot been following closely
18:55.37libvlinuxtag was the last big advancement, but that ran on r2p1 and r2p0
18:55.44libvkernelside that
18:55.47libvthat is :)
18:56.18libvnow it also runs on our r3p0 kernel driver, and has a workaround for broken threading on our kernel
18:59.15vgradeare you still on #lima
18:59.38libvof course :)
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20:35.53MMloshHi!   Anyone knows what happened to  (sry if I'm the 1000th who asks)
20:40.45libvMMlosh: dns expired
20:41.17MMloshah indeed
20:42.41xxiaomust be too busy on eoma
20:43.13MMloshI wonder how many people remember that they have a preorder in there....
20:43.43MMlosh*still remember
20:45.19xxiaokick-starter startup money :)
20:45.58*** part/#arm-netbook SouL_ (~SouL_@
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21:12.12Curtmanlibv, Yay! my ttl converter is working.  I had hardware flow control enabled in minicom.
21:14.06CurtmanI made a wiki page.  It doesn't show up unless I click on the A10 HTPC category though.
21:16.38libvCurtman: check the mele_a1000 page
21:17.50libvah, you did :)
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21:53.30mnemocwonders why no one has made a dual/quad ethernet usb dongle
21:53.54mnemocall are single port
21:53.59RaYmAntoo low performance? I guess it would make sense with USB 3.0
21:54.48mnemocusb2 > 4x100Mbps...
21:55.06technmnemoc: I think there is routers with usb interface
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21:55.59mnemocsure, usually to connect a 3g dongle or storage
21:56.14technI had one with usb tethering
21:57.21mnemocbut I'm talking about adding a 2+ ethernet ports to a device
21:57.29mnemocthere are 4xNIC PCI cards
21:58.28technthat 44b model
21:59.18mnemocbut that's a dedicated router
21:59.49mnemocthe 4xNIC PCI cards are to turn normal computers into routers
22:01.37mnemocbeauties like
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22:12.55Turlmnemoc: expecting 480Mb/s on USB is a bit unrealistic I guess
22:14.13Turlmnemoc: in my experience with USB storage, half that would be a more realistic expectation
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22:15.57mnemocTurl: having an "uplink" < 20Mbps the usb bandwidth is not the limiting part
22:18.13mnemocbut it's pretty annoying to need an extra device (switch/router) ... specially if it needs an extra crappy PSU
22:19.52mnemocusb/hub + 2 usb/nic works fine... but it's a mess
22:20.21mnemoc+ rj45 cross-over adapters!
22:20.42Turlmnemoc: why even bother when you can buy a decent linux-able GbE router for 40$
22:21.57mnemocspace and portability
22:22.28Turlthe 40$ router will beat whatever homemade solution you can come up with on both areas
22:22.30mnemocand they need their own PSU
22:22.52mnemocTurl: when in a fixed location, sure
22:23.12Turlif you're on the go, what do you need a router for? :)
22:23.25mnemocportable "lab" ;-)
22:23.42Turlyou can make a wifi ap/adhoc network
22:23.55mnemoclaptop + couple of toys
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22:30.19mnemoc1 port.... and expresscard... I don't have such thing :)
22:30.44Turlall modern-ish laptops have expresscard o.O
22:31.20mnemocthe most decent i've found are 4xRJ45 switches using 5V/USB for power
22:31.36mnemocTurl: maybe 14" beasts
22:32.47Turl>=14" for sure
22:33.31mnemoclaptop for me are in the 11-13" range... after that they are desktop computers with built-in UPS ;-)
22:34.18Turlanything <14" are unusable toys for me :<
22:35.01TurlI cannot comfortably fit both hands over the keyboard
22:35.15t0dbld1than you haven't tried the right ones
22:35.26Turland the screen is too small, I cannot do any useful work on it :<
22:35.39t0dbld1than resolution was to poor
22:37.14t0dbld1a full size keyboard is 10 7/8 "   with out numbpad
22:37.21Turlnot being able to fit more than 1 window while still maintaining readability without having to stick my face to 10cm of the screen is a deal breaker
22:37.57Turlno numpad itself is a deal breaker :<
22:38.14t0dbld1I agree that i like having numbpad
22:38.40t0dbld1how ever was jsut proving the error in your falicy about hands cant fit on keyboard of a smaller laptop
22:38.41TurlI end up hitting the table when I need to type numbers without one :P
22:38.53mnemocat home you can plug a larger display and real keyboard to the laptop
22:39.16Turlmnemoc: what's the point then? :P
22:39.52Turlt0dbld1: my full kbrd with full size keys is 16" screen size
22:39.55mnemocthat you can suspend, unplug and take the laptop with you
22:40.10mnemoc16" isn't portable
22:40.30Turlit's 'carryable' :)
22:40.35mnemoc24" + 11-13" beats 16" 100x times
22:41.15Turl11-13 might be good on an usecase similar to a tablet, or a bit more
22:41.24Turlie, carry anywhere, read email, do light work
22:41.55Turl16" is more of a "I need to go to X place and do Y, and I need a computer to do it"
22:42.07mnemocgood 11-13 with good keyboards let you program full speed without issues
22:42.36mnemocnote I'm not talking about "netbooks" with bending keyboards
22:42.40*** join/#arm-netbook hg_5 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/hg-5/x-8664886)
22:42.45t0dbld1Turl: screen size is irelevant
22:42.49t0dbld1to the size of the keyboard
22:43.07t0dbld1a full size keyboard is 10 7/8"
22:43.13t0dbld1with out numbpad
22:43.36Turla full size keyboard without a numpad is not a full size keyboard :)
22:43.49t0dbld1yes it is
22:43.56mnemocnumpads are for accountants :p
22:44.07t0dbld1nah i like them i prefer them to be honest
22:44.32t0dbld1but has nothing to do with his hands fitting on keys as if they are smalle
22:44.39t0dbld1ssmaller **
22:44.57t0dbld1hangs his head in shame
22:45.08t0dbld1and has a fullkeyboiard
22:45.25mnemocgood night t0dbld1 ;-)
22:45.54t0dbld1wish i could goto bed
22:46.13t0dbld1be at work for another 9 hours still
22:46.15Turlmy modem lost sync :< meh
22:46.24Turlmnemoc: nah, I use a lot of numbers on code :)
22:46.48Turland passwords with numbers
22:46.51Turland IP addresses
22:47.07Turland PINs
22:47.08mnemocTurl: but you are claiming the keyboard of a 16" is a good keyboard, and that is not true
22:47.28mnemocit can be full + numpad
22:47.39Turlmnemoc: the keyboard of a 16" has the same size as a desktop one
22:47.53mnemocbut they have the same crappy feedback of most laptops, and irradiate heat
22:48.06mnemoc <--- good keyboard
22:48.16Turlif your keyboard irradiates heat you'd better look for a new laptop :)
22:48.24mnemocmine doesn't
22:48.55Turlmine doesn't either
22:49.29Turlmy battery lasts half an hour (need to replace it.. if only they sold spare ones >.<) but it's irrelevant to the case :)
22:49.52mnemocbecause your device is a 16" desktop with built-in ups
22:49.56mnemocnot a laptop
22:51.23mnemocwhich is a fail as desktop and fail as portable ;-)
22:52.18Turlbut I can take it when I travel and work on all the things, no compromises :)
22:54.46Turlmnemoc: with a 11-13 I'd end up blind and with CTS :P
22:55.23mnemoccleans hes glasses
22:56.04slapinhi, all!
22:56.10slapinhno: are you here?
22:56.18t0dbld1lol a laptop is always a compramise
22:56.25Turlshould visit his ophthalmologist one of these days
22:56.29t0dbld1i cant believe you said that Turl
22:57.08t0dbld1you jsut built your self a new beast desktop .. lol find a laptop on the market that competes with it
22:57.17Turlt0dbld1: well, of course compared to our desktop PCs it's a compromise :) but other than the raw power, there's no other compromise imo
22:58.01t0dbld1battery time and portability > power in laptop
22:58.17mnemoccheaper to rent a server on a DC for that raw power than buying your own at home
22:58.22t0dbld1as some one that loves ssh as much as you do i thought wed agree on that
23:13.47slapinhno: LA dumps of NAND transfers (dam*.txt - original NAND u-boot and kernel).
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