IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121101

00:23.47hnomnemoc, please use the "stable" branch (sunxi) for any released binaries. -current is really -current and can have any amount of upstream + our breakage in it.
00:25.27hnoIt's fine for testing, but it's not something I would like random users to try installing.
00:26.29mnemochno: those are intended for testing only...
00:27.23mnemockernel is also build from the test branch
00:29.37mnemocI'll rename the dir from stage-3.0 to testing-3.0
00:32.22mnemochno: the purpose is to make easier for people to test changes before they go to the "stable" branches
00:45.15hp__darn should i or shouldn't i pre order an ouya.. tegra 3 - quad core.. hmmm
00:45.24Turltegra 3 yuck
00:45.37hp__maybe you are right :)
00:45.50Turls/maybe //
00:46.11lundmanI'll get one i think, can't be worse than broadcom :)
00:46.30Turllundman: broadcom has open source userspace components :)
00:46.39lundmanyes, bare minimum
00:46.47lundmanslightly less than allwinner
00:46.54lundmanso, everyone is about the same, woo
00:47.01Turllundman: well they released their gpu stuff the other day right? :)
00:47.11Turllundman: tegra has 0 userspace source - literally
00:47.40lundmanjust the binary blobs yep
00:48.05Turlreinstalls his MIPS vm after breaking it
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01:02.15WarheadsSETurl: saw my message
01:07.39TurlWarheadsSE: about xbmc? yep
01:08.22TurlWarheadsSE: how fresh are the rootfs's these days?
01:09.51lundman2, maybe a 3
01:12.05WarheadsSETurl: I need to build a new kernel, otherwise I can get you a systemd converted rootfs tomorrow.
01:12.29WarheadsSEAny tidbits wanted on the kernel never hurts to do a pull request :p
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01:30.03GumbootI guess that on an SoC one could just as easily veil the drivers by calling into a hypervisor.
01:31.39lundmandoes ARM have the MMU calls to allow a hypervisor
01:32.37GumbootUmm... they're instructions I never had to bother with so I don't really remember them.  There's an alternate SWI (which has changed its name to something I can't remember) to get into trustzone-managed space.
01:34.23lundmanits possible.. wasnt that long ago ARM didnt have an MMU at all :)
01:34.29lundmanRE was real easy back then
01:43.50GumbootSVC is standard, SMC is the security thing.
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01:46.10GumbootWhat have allwinner opened up, by the way?  I'm a bit confused on that.
01:46.38GumbootI downloaded a "datasheet" from their site a day or two ago, but that was no use.
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02:00.16ZaEarlGumboot, lots of the drivers for the components on the A10.
02:28.13Marexhp__: tegra 3 is icky and crap
02:28.20Marexand it often misbehaves
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04:55.17rm> could make the board a pretty good native ARM build machine under Ubuntu
04:55.24rmwhat's with everyone's obsession with Ubuntu
04:55.42rmespecially as he later says "e.g. for Debian packages"
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07:44.06oliv3rGumboot: look at the a10 manual, its on the wiki and on the interwebs
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10:25.38oliv3rhipboi is alive! he just responded to an e-mail on the ML :)
10:25.52Gumbootoliv3r: The datasheets are strictly electrical data.  Is there more?
10:30.07oliv3rGumboot: the manual has register information
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10:44.41GumbootWhat's this "DECRYPTED" business?  Should I even be looking at that?
10:46.43jelly-homeGumboot: well it's not tegra!
10:48.45oliv3rGumboot: the original leaked pdf was 'encrypted' as in, you couldn't print it nor copy paste it
10:48.57oliv3rit was simply annoing to work with or to select text from it
10:49.10oliv3rbut it is pure A10 stuff, nothing related to tegra :p
10:49.42GumbootI think it's best if I restrict myself to looking at public documentation.  Not leaks.
10:50.55Gumboot(and, obviously, private documentation which I'm fully entitled to view)
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10:58.19ZaEarl_Gumboot, the pdf includes a "For WITS only" watermark, so if you have any concerns you best not download it.
10:59.25GumbootNoted.  Thank you.
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11:33.08mnemocsomeone leaked it to the cubieboard ML a while ago
11:36.43stefanro1mnemoc: is there a reason why we don't squash/combine the two u-boot images while compiling/generating into one single image?
11:37.10stefanro1mnemoc: thats how its usually done for platforms needing those two images - less error prone etc
11:38.33mnemoci guess it's because we have spl-less boards too
11:38.40mnemocbut don't now
11:39.36stefanro1perhaps hno knows for sure
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11:40.05stefanro1mnemoc: we don't need to combine those images for all sunxi boards - it can be configurable on a board-per-board basis
11:40.06mnemocit might just be legacy from the initial port hipboi did
11:40.30stefanro1perhaps i'll just give it a try on the cubieboard and send an initial patch...
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12:06.37slapinrehi, all
12:07.17mnemocwb slapin
12:07.26slapinthat pdf contains only some information. No NAND nor MMC controller information there
12:08.29mnemocyou might find something more in the datasheet of it's predecessor (the F20) but basically the only documentation we have is the code
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12:21.41slapinah, yeah, I remember, I just can't get rid of frustration
12:22.26slapinby the way, any AW A10 device with CAN? Is there any industrial version?
12:25.13merbananyey, working console on the mini-x
12:25.37andomamerbanan: !
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12:35.37mnemocslapin: we don't have any knowledge about the can controller. they might use it on their RTOS, but for linux we have nothing
12:36.17mnemocslapin: if you have a $project$ allwinner might be willing to give you registers info to write one
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12:42.14slapinmnemoc: too bad for them, since I better use expernal CAN in such case. Since I prefer doing planning stage before all other stages. I have lots and lots of $projects$ and only 1-2% of them end up being real production devices. But to gain money as developer I need to make platform choice to start develop on, I like AW SoCs and I'd like to be able to convince people to use them. But to make such choice I need to see datasheet.
12:42.53slapinbut this non-disclosure stuff prevents me from doing research on market, which frustrates me
12:43.44slapinthen I'll go to fsc or ti or atmel or whatever and will get information I need without such weird stuff
12:45.16slapinand without promises about buying 1000s of devices - my generic volume is 100 devices per project. I have really low chance to interest AllWinner or any other high-volume supplier.
12:45.28slapinblah-blah-blah, etc.
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13:08.57libv533Mhz mali-400?
13:10.48mnemocthe odroid2 thingy?
13:11.19libv~60Mtriangles, 2.132Gpixels
13:11.41libvpretty respectable for mobile hw
13:11.45libvand yes :)
13:12.44atefpandora PI
13:24.23oliv3rGumboot: you should however be able to look at
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13:41.22libvdoes sunxi-tools/bootinfo provide anything needed for uboot?
13:41.45libvbecause i appear not to be allknowing enough to find out how to use it :)
13:42.29mnemocboot from nand, get into u-boot, and dump boot1
13:42.38libvah, it uses the first 2058 sectors
13:42.53libv2048 even
13:43.18mnemocit will be more useful after slapin gets us a fel-able raw nand extractor :)
13:43.31libvslapin: what's keeping you :p
13:43.52mnemocbecause we currently can only get the rests of boot1 left on memory
13:44.52RaYmAnyou can dump boot0 (and 1) with jtag quite easily, but yeah - doesn't really help users much :P
13:45.45mnemocneeding people to get a serial console or jtag on each device we want to liberate doesn't scale well
13:46.23libvmnemoc: does sunxi-boards just need the raw dumped .fex, or is more work needed before that is accepted in?
13:47.07mnemocwe currently only have use for .fex
13:47.15mnemocnot sure what else can be useful
13:47.51mnemocboot1 lets us "fix" the dram_para sections in the .fex, then used to generate u-boot's dram initialization data
13:51.21libvi get some errors with dram generation
13:54.51mnemoclibv: can you show me the [dram_para] section of .fex?
13:55.59mnemocthose 5 fields giving you errors are the fields probed by livesuit when generating boot1
13:56.15mnemocthey are usually NULL.... but that shouldn't give you that error
13:57.05libvoh, yes, nulled indeed
13:57.18mnemocbut with strings.... yuck
13:57.21libvwell, empty-stringed
13:57.41libvemail the .fex to the list?
13:57.58mnemocnot yet
13:58.09mnemocfirst we need to get those fixed
13:58.35mnemocoption 1) steal those values from another 1GB board. cubie/hackberry ?
13:59.04mnemocoption 2) try to get the boot1 dump from nand's u-boot
13:59.21libvwhat needs to be fixed? these dram params?
13:59.28mnemocthose ""
13:59.33mnemocwe need real numbers
14:00.01mnemoc`md.b 0x42400000 0x82d0` on nand's u-boot should do the trick
14:00.22libvok, then i first have to find out how to make it into u-boot :)
14:00.59mnemocafter fixing the .fex, and testing the dram.c actually boots, the .fex is welcomed :)
14:02.18mnemocoption 3) is guessing the value from the pictures you took
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14:41.21oliv3rPLL6 up on the wiki
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14:53.04libvi have too many toys
14:53.18slapinlibv: same here, and work
14:53.29libvthe hyundai has been on my desk for quite a while now, and my gf still hasn't noticed that this is a new device
14:53.37libvi still had no fingerwagging yet
14:56.59slapinlibv: I have stack of ~20 tablets on my table, my wife hates them, my kid played with them a bit and have not managed to wreck any. I still fali to beleive what happens these days. $50 tablets with $100 screens.
15:01.42L84Supperlibv: have a favorite hackable phone yet?
15:02.15slapinah damn
15:02.31slapinstill fails to figure out NAND init sequence
15:03.23slapinL84Supper: is there any except n900?
15:04.06slapinL84Supper: phones from China are too closed, without kernel source anywhere :(
15:04.39L84Supperslapin, I have a collection of arm11 and older tablets. I only bought two a8 tablets on closeout that are post close/lock the bootloader
15:06.06slapinL84Supper: tablets are different thing, I've got only one with closed u-boot (protected by password)... and some with somewhat b0rked (never stops booting)
15:06.15L84Supperslapin, I have associates there with the source since they work for the handset makers. They have done some pretty fancy reprogramming of their phone features
15:07.14L84Supperstill have to see what can make it out into the wild
15:07.26slapinL84Supper: I've got 4 different 2/4 SIM card Android-based phones, all on the same processor, without any documentation found anywhere
15:08.48slapinL84Supper: I'd make these into personal trackers, or special vdr, or as motion capture devices (one have 3 cameras), if I had access to kernel/boot loader source code
15:09.50slapinas android phones they are very poor, due to lack of RAM, but with normal Linux I could make them into specialized but very powerful beasts
15:10.22L84SupperI haven't been following the secure bootloader and unlock vectors in tablets and phones too closely the past year
15:11.19L84Suppersomebody had reversed the omap's in the Milestones
15:11.20slapinthese doesn't contain any seen secure booting, at least I see u-boot and Linux kernel booting on soldered serial port
15:11.57L84Supperoh nice, ca you hare the make and models, I'd like to look at them
15:12.06L84Suppercan you share
15:14.07slapinL84Supper: these are not here, probably can dig them out from trash pile on weekend
15:14.22L84Supperslapin: heh, what cpu/soc?
15:14.27libvmy feeling is that nanda/boot.ini is the key to entering uboot, right?
15:16.37slapinL84Supper: MTKsomething, don't remember...
15:17.52oliv3rDid I say pll7 was up? PLL7 is up, time for home now :)
15:19.50slapinL84Supper: MT6573
15:20.17libvaha... hold '1' while pressing board reset
15:21.09mnemocstill waiting for his JiaYu G3 (mtk6577, 720p, 4.3")
15:22.21L84Supperslapin, mediatek is going after the $100 and lower smartphone market in China, not many of these are sold outside of China
15:24.58L84Supperslapin: there are very few devs there that could unlock them or dare to share how, unless it becomes common to make $
15:26.34jelly-homemnemoc: sounds vaporwarish :-|
15:26.47arete74mnemoc:who you buy JiaYu G3?
15:28.17mnemocbut i think i'll cancel it and look for other mtk6577 720p device
15:28.22libvmnemoc: actually, are there no full images available for these devices, full images that can be pried apart with some tools?
15:28.39libvmnemoc: could the necessary information be found from those?
15:28.58libvanother route would be to get this information out of registerspace after boot
15:29.18mnemocdon't know.... i only want a cheap but good phone for my daugher
15:29.32hnostefanro1, you mean combinind SPL and the main u-boot image? Sure we can combine them, but there is people who use SPL with other versions of u-boot.
15:30.16libvhno: as our main u-booter, would the register route be feasible?
15:30.27libvfinding out ram setup from registers?
15:30.33hnosteev, and when moving to nand they are most likely going to be flashed separately.
15:30.36hnolibv, what?
15:31.52libvcrap, it lost it already
15:32.05jelly-homehaste indeed
15:32.28hnolibv, are we talking about A10 DRAM conifiguraiton, or something else?
15:32.47mnemoclibv: these guys seem to have images and tools,
15:33.17L84Suppermtk = mediatek
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15:33.21libvmnemoc: i am talking about the a7hd here, not some mediatek thing
15:33.29hnoDon't really trust script.bin any longer. But the missing fields can easily be determined by looking at the board.
15:33.48libvhno: ok, just the make and model of the ramchips?
15:33.53mnemoclibv: :)
15:34.16hnolibv, the missing parameters are basically: How much DRAM, and in how many chips?
15:35.10libv1GB, looking up hynix partnrs right now
15:35.21hnoio_width is the I/O data bus width of each chip.
15:35.52lkclhynix have a good web site which allows you to decode the info off their ICs
15:36.05hnobus_width is the total data bus width. Generally 32 for A10 devices. It also supports running with crippled 16-bit memory bus but haven't seen any of those.
15:36.09libv4 chips, as 2Gb each
15:36.31hno8 or 16 data bits each?
15:36.59lkcllibv: is it the H5TQ2G863BFR
15:37.06lkclyep then it's the x8
15:37.30t0dbld|workidentify t0dbld toddpatrick
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15:38.04libvsticks his head in the mele and curses
15:38.05lkclthat's the same as in the A10 CPU Card, and also wits-tech's EVB.
15:38.15libvsame as in the mele :p
15:38.34L84Suppermnemoc, yeah, looks like somebody has access to docs there
15:39.25hnolibv, then rank=1, io_width=8, bus_width=32, density=2048, size=1024
15:39.43libvhno: smashing, thanks
15:42.15hnoIt's silly that DRAM have no auto-identification.
15:43.36libvon standard pc simms, there is a special chip for that, go figure :)
15:43.45libvit's i2c to a separate chip
15:44.04libvcheaper than doing i2c to each individual chip
15:44.06mnemocbut somehow livesuit knows to probe them
15:44.21libvbecause even that will not tell you the complete pictuer of the simm
15:44.25L84Supperquad core MT6589 ships in Q1, mt6573 is EOLed Q1
15:44.50libvin any case, cool, i have a .fex and i have a dram.c
15:44.59libvseems like i should now be able to get uboot going on this device
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15:45.46mnemoclibv: \o/
15:46.10hnolibv, maybe. But yours have a battery... have ignored anything related to batteries so far.
15:48.24libvslapin: how are you running your kernel on a7hd anyway?
15:48.41libvhno: would that change things for uboot then?
15:50.54L84Supperon DRAM ID would never work since the vendors would never cooperate, dimm/simm ID's aren't even trustworthy and they actually have to be programmed by the vendor that makes the module
15:51.11hnoI hope not, but the Allwinner bootloader messes a bit with battery settings.
15:52.37L84SupperRAM init in x86 always requires probing and verifying what RAM is actually there even if you read the modules ID and info
15:52.59hnoBut I think the kernel also resets all of the battery settings.
15:53.38L84Supperit will have to be the same with ARM mainboards that use dimm/simm, if they ever appear
15:55.15hnoL84Supper, ARM mainboards that use dimm modules is already here.
15:55.54hnoobviously not in tablets, but on the server side.
15:59.04L84Supperyeah, nothing mainstream yet, it will be interesting to see what the major players decide to do with ARM 64b
16:02.39L84Supper  but a year too late
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16:08.35libvnow let's see whether it wants to boot this sd card
16:09.15specingL84Supper: just forget it, AMD will fail to deliver again
16:09.44libvnope, choses android :(
16:11.46libvah, but i now have found how to get into uboot
16:11.55L84Supperspecing: unfortunately that has been the pattern, I'm wondering what we are actually going to see for ARM server boards. All the nice parts are currently kept out of the hands of mere mortals
16:17.58L84Supperis any vendor shipping ARM servers systems besides Dell and Calxeda?
16:18.00libvhah, the kernel boot halts exactly where my mele halts
16:18.42libvwatchdog keeps hitting the same bit
16:27.02Turlmnemoc: get a nexus 4 for yourself and hand her over your gnex :P
16:28.47L84Supperlibv: is the watchdog not getting reset? or?
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16:30.33libvwait a second, could it be that just the serial vanishes?
16:31.05libvlast line: <6>serial8250.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1c28000 (irq = 1) is a U6_16550A
16:31.35Turlyeah I've seen it doing that
16:31.45Turlusually on reboot though, not on first boot :<
16:32.00Turllibv: 3.0 or .4?
16:32.25libvfirst time round, the watchdog kicks in, and you get the same "lock" next round, and then nothing anymore until the powerbutton is held for a while
16:32.56Turlunplug serial from PC, unplug power, plug power, plug serial
16:33.20libvok, a bit tough on a tablet
16:33.43Turls/unplug power/halt using ~10s power button press/
16:34.01Turls/plug power/boot tablet/
16:34.18Turlha, unboot tablet :P
16:34.42libvheh, got alip in front of me now, seems to have worked
16:34.51libvand it seems that now the sd card is being booted from
16:35.14libvslapin: i have panel.
16:35.42libvspends a minute doing happy dance
16:36.06mnemoclibv: now your fixed .fex and u-boot board patches are welcomed :p
16:36.21libvmnemoc: gee :p
16:37.22libvTurl: that kernel halting issue is quite irritating though
16:37.35Turlyeah it is :<
16:37.41libvbut it happens on the mele as well
16:37.43Turlthere's a worse one though
16:38.04mnemocmine halts much earlier
16:38.07Turlif you leave serial connected while you powercycle uSD slot doesn't get power
16:38.15Turlor something
16:38.19Turland it boots from nand :<
16:38.54mnemochaven't seen that one in a while
16:39.28TurlI get it every single time the device hard locks and needs to be powercycled
16:39.44Turland if you don't unplug serial before, it'll boot from nand
16:40.02Turlnormal reboots are unaffected
16:40.50libvattaches a working a7hd picture to the wiki
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16:44.33slapinrehi, all!
16:45.08Gumbootoliv3r: Yeah, that's cool.  I was just trying to figure out what level of support was coming out of them, right now.
16:45.13slapinhow am I supposed to use bootinfo from sunxi-tools?
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16:50.19L84Supper"if you don't unplug serial before, it'll boot from nand" whats the point of hardware with this design? is this some intended boot order checker?
16:51.11TurlL84Supper: sounds like a hardware bug to me
16:52.02L84Supperweird stuff
16:52.22mnemocthey didn't expect users to connect to the uart
16:52.38L84Supperthe load on the serial port is next to nothing
16:54.08L84SupperI see so much bad design these days, I really don't know what they teach EE's anymore or where they get some ideas
16:55.02mnemocto deliver "something" fast and cheap
16:55.15Turlboots? SHIPIT
16:56.06libvwifi works :)
16:56.11Turlnice pic libv :)
16:56.26Turllibv: what chip does that one have, realtek?
16:57.14Turlwhat driver did you use?
16:57.26Turlrtlwifi or the softwinnerized one?
16:57.32libvthe one built as standard sun4i defconfig
16:57.43Turlthe softwinnerized one then
16:57.58libvsame one in the mele i guess
16:58.07libvso this really is a bit of a mele with a panel
16:59.19Turlhm new driver release from realtek, gotta update it :)
17:00.12libvdriver ain't half noisy though
17:02.16hnoslapin, bootinfo /path/to/binary/with/bootheader
17:03.31L84Supperalmost works™
17:04.07RaYmAnwoo, my chromebook just shipped :D 10 days early :D
17:04.15RaYmAn<3 amazon
17:04.16t0dbld|worknice RaYmAn
17:04.21t0dbld|workhaha me too
17:04.26t0dbld|workmy laptop no ship though
17:04.41t0dbld|workill have to go on my vacation iwth out a new laptop its looking like
17:06.01t0dbld|workhmm well i can get a 8gb stick for like $30 so if thats true not bad and get 10gb mem in it lol
17:06.08t0dbld|workupps worng window
17:06.21slapinmanaged to execute fel on stick
17:06.43slapina problem is there's nothing to talk with it
17:08.26hnoslapin, there is our little test1.
17:08.59slapindamns people who designed cheap cp2102 cables and managed to ignore common ground requrement
17:09.04hnoslapin, you can also upload u-boot-spl I think.
17:09.58slapinhad to extract board from compound "enclosure" with solder fan and fix it
17:10.38slapinhno: I need some small app which I could quickly build and use it to read/write nand regs
17:11.02slapinhno: is there something to dump memory locations?
17:11.53slapinanything with text output?
17:13.27mnemoclook at fel-pio.c and fel-gpio
17:13.55*** join/#arm-netbook specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
17:15.45slapinhno: is NAND on dedicated pins or these have to be configured for function?
17:15.59hnofel can read/write anything accepting byte accesses. Most I/O only accepts word aligned I/O.
17:16.26hnoslapin, pins ned to be configured, clocks enabled.
17:16.33technlibv: nice.. you got trace of my problem with tablets! :)
17:16.49hnoand nand controller configured
17:17.20libvtechn: not sure that your sentence parses correctly?
17:17.38libvtechn: are you talking about the reboot issue with mmc with serial attached?
17:18.00technlibv: to get it boot you need to press 7 seconds power and then press power again twice :p
17:18.16hnoslapin, for an easier ride I would recommend using u-boot mr/mw commands. Boot nand u-boot and you'll get clocks and pins configured already.
17:18.22slapinhno: so to configure nand from fel helper program is needed?
17:18.52technlibv: I'm talking about boot problem with tablets with hno's u-boot
17:19.07slapinhno: my nand u-boot disallows entering command prompt
17:19.24techn.. or let me read to end.. did you get it solved
17:19.47libvtechn: it booted
17:19.58hnoslapin, yes.
17:20.15slapinhno: so I can't do it
17:20.19hnoslapin, build your own and drop in nanda
17:20.31libvtechn: so what boot problems are you having then?
17:20.48slapinhno: do not want
17:21.42slapinhno: too complex task for my current mood, I'd better have fun with sources and numbers
17:22.30technlibv: I have two tablets(a10/a13) and both of them has problem that they wont start on first power cycle.. I need to do that 7second reset
17:23.11technlibv: or did you solve that problem already?
17:24.27slapinhno: awwww!!! I remember, I have almost configured u-boot, showing me nice NAND device id, might be ok with values.
17:25.04libvit refuses to boot on simply pressing power after a full powerdown, yes
17:25.50slapinhmmm, it'd be interesting to use NAND using u-boot scripting...
17:25.54technlibv: and that is same problem as with mele?
17:26.05libvnot sure
17:26.23libvi guess it might be due to how the power management chip is wired up
17:26.49libvsimply pressing power on android also did not immediately give me a booting android
17:27.25libvtechn: do you have data points for the opposite?
17:32.52*** join/#arm-netbook Turl (~Turl@cyanogenmod/committer/Turl)
17:37.30rz2ktechn: you have #error reset the board# or just panic at random point?
17:37.37rz2kon A10 tablet
17:38.06rz2kbecause random panic was fixed with I2C initialization of AXP209
17:38.19rz2katleast on mele/cubieboard
17:38.25Maqsdoes the sunxi-uboot stuff have menu support?
17:39.12Turllibv: how do you kill the ultimate "<3>[  126.470000] disp: process 321 (mScreenBrightne) has skipped the version handshake." spam? :)
17:39.35libvTurl: ?
17:39.51libvwhere does that thing live?
17:39.55Turl# dmesg|grep handshake -c
17:40.05libvagain, where does that thing live?
17:40.21Turlit's userspace, probably liblights
17:40.31libvwhat userspace?
17:40.59Turlmore /dev/disp usage for your collection
17:41.09hnoslapin, u-boot scripting is quite nice for banging I/O registers. But is missing a read into variable.
17:41.49libvTurl: does liblights open/close /dev/disp constantly?
17:42.10libvbecause this message comes only once normally.
17:42.38slapinhno: there were some mem to variable thing IIRC...
17:42.49slapinor was it was
17:42.52libvanyway, currently setting up git send-email for the hyundai stuff
17:43.03libvthen i am splitting out the disp reload fixes, and pushing that out
17:43.08libvthen i am fixing the version.c
17:43.41Turllibv: possibly, it opens one per lights hal instance
17:43.53libvseems like we need a sysfs entry for this btw
17:44.50libvbut debugfs, sysfs and all other sane kernely things were a bit alien to vito and whonot
17:46.09hnoslapin, I don't remember any.
17:46.14Turlyeah, usually lcd brightness is exposed on the leds thingy on sysfs
18:01.23Turllibv: can you test the top 3 commits from and see if wifi still works?
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18:01.53technrz2k: libv: I dont have serial cable
18:02.43libvTurl: unless it is burning hard, please give me a few h still, will do so before i update version.c :)
18:03.28Turllibv: sure, no hurry :)
18:04.01libvtechn: serial is pretty crucial imho :)
18:04.30libvtechn: well worth the destruction of at least the looks of a device :)
18:05.09technlibv: true.. but I have mini-x which works.. so no need to break things :p
18:05.54technI can wait that someone fixes that problem.. During that time I can whine ;)
18:10.33*** join/#arm-netbook specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
18:17.12libvsomeone please foster the allwinner usb stack...
18:17.30libvjust got a nice kernel panic with otg and a mouse
18:18.27libvhrm, my laptops system time is off :(
18:19.40Turllibv: a bug report on the issue tracker with the panic output would be good I guess
18:19.46Turlruns ntp on all the things
18:20.29libvyeah, fixed now
18:20.49libvwhy desktop distros do not come with ntp pre-installed and enabled, i do not know
18:21.09jelly-homeperhaps they prefer chrony
18:21.27jelly-homeperhaps ntpd still fails to work well when a machine isn't up 24/7
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18:44.45slapindo anybody remembers latex markup? I try to make datasheet-style nand registers description
18:45.59Turl\LaTeX FTW :)
18:48.01RaYmAnlatex ftw indeed
18:48.02mnemocslapin: oliv3r uses latex in our wiki pages about the PLLs :)
18:58.08mnemocslapin: problem with that is we are still learning about the A10 registers, the data we have is not set in stop
18:58.17*** join/#arm-netbook arete (
18:59.15mnemoceven info in the official datasheets and user manual contradicts the reality we see on the code
19:07.34RaYmAnmnemoc: chromebook arrives tomorrow! :D
19:07.57mnemocRaYmAn: what? *arrives*?
19:08.08mnemocto .dk?
19:08.09RaYmAnaccording to UPS
19:08.26RaYmAnThey say delivery is tomorrow
19:08.43RaYmAnit's awesome :D
19:08.52mnemocwhen I tried didn't want to ship it to .es
19:09.07RaYmAnfirst amazon ships it ~9 days early, then UPS expedites the shipment so it's 1 day delivery :D
19:09.27mnemoclucky bast*
19:09.37RaYmAn(I only paid for the next step up from free shipping - so like 7GBP)
19:10.01RaYmAntoo bad they didn't ship there
19:10.12RaYmAnbut you can get n4, n7 and n10 directly from play store :(
19:10.15RaYmAnI have to order by proxy
19:10.22hnomnemoc, it is not OK to copy material from the leaked user manual to linux-sunxi wiki.
19:10.34mnemochno: afaik he is not copying
19:11.12mnemocbut using it together with the sources to get better understanding and then document
19:12.02hno can not have any other source.
19:14.10hnoIt is not OK to use the user manual as base for what is written in the wiki. Using it to clarify one or two values is ok, but not copying noticeable amounts.
19:14.37mnemocoliv3r: ---^
19:15.05hnoIf there is no other good source, then document the differences found relateive to the user manual.
19:19.03mnemoctechn: does that solve the purple screen problem?
19:19.40technmnemoc: That's still solution proposal.
19:20.18technI dont have hdmi-dvi dongle cant test. But hdmi-hdmi seems to work.. but blacklevel's seems to be bit wrong :/
19:21.29techn.. atleast YUV had better black levels imho :/
19:21.34mnemoctechn: tell the guy of the ticket to try it :)
19:26.27technmnemoc: Will NB activate automaticly for new boards?
19:28.49WarheadsSESo, anyone got a particuluar commit that would be good for the tag on the kernel build?
19:30.36mnemoctechn: could make it so.... but we aren't ready to deprecte cnxsoft's nightly builds yet
19:31.09mnemocneed to add support for variants first
19:33.25technstarts to study livesuit
19:34.14mnemocbeen able to make livesuit image from any rootfs will be nice
19:34.17WarheadsSEmnemoc, Turl any point of suggestion, or just pull current master?
19:35.53mnemocWarheadsSE: i planned to merge the stage branches tomorrow. you could test that (stage/sunxi-3.0)
19:36.20technhopefully that merge can be tagged :p
19:36.31WarheadsSEMkay.. but I was looking for best *stable*
19:37.02WarheadsSEso i was about to try the last patch to v3.0 android v2
19:37.30mnemoci personally consider stage/sunxi-3.0 more stableish than sunxi-3.0  at the moment
19:37.52WarheadsSEand we're looking at amery/linux-allwinner/?
19:37.54mnemoctechn: depends on the fix for your regression :)
19:38.09mnemocWarheadsSE: no, linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi
19:38.24WarheadsSEyay wiki out of date.
19:38.24mnemocsame for u-boot
19:38.49WarheadsSEyeah I have word I should be using a newer uboot :p
19:38.54WarheadsSEsata clock and other jazz
19:39.06mnemocif you go to amery/linux-allwinner/ you'll see some notes about the move
19:39.17WarheadsSEI didnt read down far enouch :p
19:39.31mnemoc .... not down at all :)
19:39.45mnemocthe default branch is empty :)
19:40.24WarheadsSEmy browser has settings svaed to not-default :p
19:40.44WarheadsSEstage3.0 tou say
19:41.28mnemocafter a pending fix from techn that will be tagged the last 3.0.42-rN and then jump forward to 3.0.50
19:41.52WarheadsSEgoing to have to redo my config :po
19:58.31mnemocis it me or it looks awfully thick?
19:58.44libvvivante :(((
20:04.53technwhich .fex file is this?
20:05.17mnemoccubieboard's I would guess
20:05.46mnemoctechn: ah, no. that's the partitioning info
20:06.10mnemoctechn: it's pretty much generic
20:07.34hnolibv, the article writer pretty much have the same opinion there.
20:08.37libvhno: well, if anyone comes around to me again in future and wants to RE the pvr again, i will point him to vivante
20:08.47libvbut there is currently noone working on vivante
20:09.07technmnemoc: verified :)
20:09.09*** join/#arm-netbook jgay (~jgay@fsf/staff/jgay)
20:09.35libvas for performance, the odroid-x2 with its 533 mali-400 is pretty top range
20:09.54hnolibv, is there anyone noticeable using vivante?
20:09.56mnemoctechn: have a url for me?
20:10.14libvhno: some previous gen ainols also used vivante
20:10.24libvthey are reasonably common
20:10.34libvbut not as common as pvr or mali
20:12.40hnoslapin, any progress?
20:13.49mnemoctechn: it would be nice to have so text to add to the body of that commit
20:14.19jgayI have a vivante in my ainol novo 7 (paladin)
20:14.54technmnemoc: Ok. Next time then :)
20:15.17mnemoctechn: give me one here
20:15.24mnemoctechn: text
20:15.40hnojgay, thats one of the MIPS based ones, right?
20:16.14jgayhno, yeah
20:16.37jgaythe processor is made by ingenic
20:16.49libvbomb :)
20:17.07*** join/#arm-netbook Turl (~Turl@cyanogenmod/maintainer/Turl)
20:17.48jgaysame processor that is used in the Ben NanoNote
20:17.58mnemoclibv: ow
20:18.13jgayo wait, i lied
20:18.20jgayjust checking now ... i thought it was but it is a differnt one
20:18.32mnemoclibv: i wanted to merge the stage tomorrow :)
20:18.54libvnow you can merge with unloadable disp modules
20:19.05jgaythe ben nanonote uses the JZ4720 the novo7 paladin uses JZ4770
20:19.07libvall these codepaths only get used during unloading
20:20.25hnojgay, same processor series, but the ben nanonote one is much older and do not have GPU.
20:21.25*** join/#arm-netbook Scepterr (~Scepterr@cyanogenmod/maintainer/Scepterr)
20:22.51WarheadsSEmnemoc: off goes that
20:24.08libvthere's going to be quite a few more patches tonight
20:24.24libvnow that i am not attaching turbo switches to tablets, i have to do something with my evening
20:24.50mnemocok, i'll forget about 3.0.50
20:25.56mnemoclibv: keep them coming :)
20:27.18WarheadsSEheh, steev freescales response to me looking for X11/video stuff on the iMX6 .. links to 1 day trainings! hah!
20:28.31mnemocfree? :)
20:28.50WarheadsSEsadaly, $99 for the day, but comes with lunch and a coupon for a sabrelight.
20:29.20WarheadsSEglares at Nitrogen6x on desk
20:30.13Turlhow much worth of a coupon? a 99$ lunch is pretty expensive ;)
20:30.25WarheadsSE50% off coupon
20:31.11mnemocdoesn't look bad
20:31.14mnemocwhere is it?
20:31.20Turlhow much does the board cost?
20:31.24WarheadsSEthis one? Rockville MD
20:32.04WarheadsSEin the end, your paying for "training", lunch, and a half a sabre
20:32.25Turlso basically
20:32.30Turlif you were to buy a board
20:32.38WarheadsSEthat would all come free
20:32.41Turlyou can either buy the board, or buy the board and get a free lunch and training
20:32.42Turlyeah :P
20:33.58hnoA bit far to travel for a free lunch.
20:35.29*** join/#arm-netbook ddanila (d5db561a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:38.15WarheadsSEand a whole bunch of gcc: error: directory": No such file or directory
20:42.16Turldid you download using git or a zip?
20:42.32Turlrecalls an issue with people downloading zips and missing symlinks
20:43.49mnemocyes, mali has a symlink inside, and zip doesn't support that
20:45.13*** join/#arm-netbook gsilvis (~almostsix@
20:47.46mnemocwonders what happened to cat_x301
20:48.17jelly-homemaybe the packaging tool didn't use InfoZIP's      -y / --symlinks              For  UNIX and VMS (V8.3 and later), store symbolic links as such in the zip archive, instead of compressing and storing the file referred to
20:50.58WarheadsSETurl: the tarball from github
20:51.18WarheadsSEits a tar.gz
20:51.24TurlWarheadsSE: no idea then
20:53.12libvWarheadsSE: git clone then
20:53.50WarheadsSEthinking I may have to
21:05.00mnemocinvite him to join us :)
21:06.17technlibv: I have that tablet :)
21:06.30techna13_mid :)
21:06.48libvtechn: ah, but you did not bother to expose serial yet i guess
21:07.11technlibv: no :p
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21:10.05hnomnemoc, is that sufficient? (lichee-dev)
21:10.49mnemochno: machine type registers and proper atags mem info? yes, should be. I can test
21:12.38mnemocoh, ticket closed :)
21:12.57mnemochno: will test and let you know
21:14.34hnoShould probably merge sun5i support as well. Not much.
21:14.56hnobut not tonight.
21:16.06hnotechn, just do it.
21:18.39hnotechn, and please also post hires pictores of the board on wiki.
21:23.57*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
21:27.51mnemocTurl: have you noticed mali rebuilds itself every single time you make uImage or modules? :(
21:28.09mnemocTurl: any chance you can take a look on that?
21:28.19andomamnemoc: yeahs, that's anoying :/
21:29.55mnemocandoma: even more when you do it for every board we have a .fex, every time you add a change to the tree :<
21:29.58libvrz2k: yikes, that seems like some painful soldering on the q88
21:30.37libvtechn: same
21:30.58libvdevice as rz2k has? ?
21:32.01technmnemoc: that rebuilding problem is propably becouse ump and mali components uses same binaries.. and builds them twice
21:32.24techn*binaries => objects
21:32.51libvooh, disp_version.c is really quite a broken pos.
21:33.00libvfixes will come soon.
21:37.39libvwhat idiot wrote this crap.
21:39.48mnemoctechn: but it's not just twice, it's always
21:42.46mnemoclibv: you? :)
21:44.41libvmnemoc: never!
21:46.39libvmust've been my crap code writing evil twin
21:53.42mnemocfresh new set of hwpacks out of the oven. stage/sunxi-3.0 + latest u-boot-sunxi
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22:07.48hnomnemoc, I can reproduce the reboot problem on my cubieboard.
22:08.49mnemochno: but without jtag it sounds kind of impossible to fix :<
22:09.20hnowell, console works.
22:10.33hnoand there really isn't much besides the PMU that isn't reset on a reboot.
22:11.34mnemoci see
22:18.53libvTurl: after this latest patchset disp_version.c is actually a useful guide on what to do
22:19.47libvTurl: for the brightness thing, where /dev/disp seems to be opened/closed all the time, you should add the versioning handshake and ignore the return value if it is -1
22:20.19libvthis way, the brightness code will not spam the logs when an older kernel is used
22:20.55libvhrm... htitp://
22:21.09libvnew protocol for ... special websites?
22:21.23libvor maybe i didn't press ESC in time in vi
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22:41.04libvthere seems to be no place in the .fex where the available connectors is listed...
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22:41.41libvnamely: mele: lcd, hdmi, vga, cvbs. hyundai a7hd: lcd, hdmi, olinuxino: vga, lcd
22:47.50jelly-homeso mele wins if you want to make a STB with SCART for poor europeans
22:47.52libvmost of the other entries are quite useless though, except for the lcd panel timing
22:52.00libvjelly-home: anything with a vga connector really, you just need to have the syncs embedded in R/G/B instead of pushed out over the separate lines
22:53.21jelly-homeoh, didn't know that (and, I guess, not all cards can push out pixels as slowly as PAL wants them)
22:53.48libvusually they can, but not all cards support interlacing these days
23:00.49mnemoclibv: btw, anything to say about adrien tetar's last patch to fix copyright notes with capital C and killing poor danling?
23:01.21libvjust typing up the connector email
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23:12.41Turlmnemoc: how big is cubieboard? /me wonders if it would fit inside wrt54g
23:13.24libvmnemoc: when did he send it?
23:14.08mnemoctoday at 12:14
23:16.22libvi have a pair of empty emails from him
23:16.31libvah, before that
23:17.10libvbig C is wrong anyway for (c)
23:18.00libvas it is supposed to mimic ©
23:19.31mnemocif the rest is fine I can fix that detail with sed
23:19.53libvlet him do that
23:20.08libvi think he likes being kept busy :p
23:20.58libvit's amazing that he did not spot the copy paste <tab>->spaces issue in disp_version.c
23:22.49mnemocand `git am` doesn't trigger pre-commit so my checkpatch hook was ignored :|
23:23.38libvwell, seems that this pedanticness is quite selective
23:24.19libvin actual good news, the lcd module will vanish soon.
23:24.30WarheadsSEmnemoc: staging you said, yes?
23:27.01mnemocWarheadsSE: stage/sunxi-3.0 includes only fixes and cleanup, and unless someone finds something weird beofre tomorrow night, it will get merged and taged
23:27.31WarheadsSEK, so I will just go ahead and use sunxi-3.0
23:27.36WarheadsSEthen rebuild tomorrow
23:28.19libvi will not be around tomorrow evening in case something turns up, and over the weekend i will only have access to the a7hd
23:32.47mnemoci'm pretty confident nothing wrong will be found and i'll be able to merge, tag and upgrade to 3.0.50 during this weekend
23:44.33libvok :)
23:47.43mnemoci wish i had more time... i've not been able to touch the pinctrl drive in like a month :<
23:48.33mnemocbut my brain is on strike anyway... so I better go to sleep
23:48.38libvok, goodnight :)
23:49.03mnemocgood night

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