IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121023

14:07.25*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
14:07.25*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs or -
14:35.00*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
14:47.47*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
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15:47.10*** join/#arm-netbook t0dbld|work (~t0dbld@unaffiliated/t0dbld)
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16:28.44*** join/#arm-netbook zeug (
16:45.35Turlmnemoc: pm?
16:46.05techn_hmm.. how I can debug what is causing "si" to 95% on top
16:46.14techn_si: software irq (or) % CPU time spent servicing/handling software interrupts
16:46.50mnemocTurl: sure
16:47.07mnemoctechn_: what's your current cpufreq?
16:50.34*** join/#arm-netbook rsalveti (~rsalveti@linaro/rsalveti)
16:53.56*** join/#arm-netbook muki (
17:05.43*** join/#arm-netbook Brandon15811 (
17:09.44*** join/#arm-netbook vanner (~vanner@
17:15.01rzkdid you know that ondemand sampling process actually eats all cpu on that frequency? :p
17:15.17techn_ok.. wemac driver is in crash loop
17:15.44rzkanother race condition?
17:17.04techn_dev_watchdog, wemac_timeout, wemac_init_wemac, wemac_phy_read, mutex_lock, ... , crash
17:21.36techn_and device is mini-x.. earlier I had wemac disabled.. but now I tried default .fex file where wemac is enabled
17:25.13techn_ok.. sleep in interrupt? :(
17:35.08rzklooks like enabling wemac in fex causes kernel to search for PHY ic, on mele and cubieboard it is realtek one.
17:35.48rzkwe should probably find where that happens and remove the loop
17:41.06mnemocor make it not inifinite
17:42.24specingrzk: do you know how much is 60MHz?
17:42.41specingThat is a minimum of 60000000 cycles/s
17:42.58specingprobably a lot more
17:43.33mnemocbut linux isn't exactly a lightweight OS
17:44.27specingStill 60 000 000 cycles is a lot of cycles
17:48.46mnemocfunny... the itunes movies trailer site requires flash.... i thought apple was anti-flash
17:59.31*** join/#arm-netbook A2Sheds (
18:16.02*** join/#arm-netbook rsalveti (~rsalveti@linaro/rsalveti)
18:22.59*** join/#arm-netbook arokux (
18:30.09ManoftheSea10G Ethernet, to a single EOMA card?
18:31.18ManoftheSeaWhy do you need 10G Eth to a 1 G processor?
18:32.57mnemocof course that's not aimed at A10-based cards
18:33.52*** join/#arm-netbook alcides (~alcides@
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19:09.45*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (
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19:22.26*** join/#arm-netbook Almamuetya (~almamuety@
19:23.56mnemoclkcl: why do we need to waste so many ground pins? can't they... share? :<
19:25.32*** join/#arm-netbook merbzt (
19:25.42Turlouch, a lot of patches got stuck on my spambox :<
19:26.33mnemoceven google groups decided to not show them.... no idea why
19:26.43mnemocmaybe blacklisted sender?
19:28.04Turlis that the disp branch you merged already?
19:28.19mnemoci'll delete it. 1m
19:29.02mnemocTurl: it was included in the stage branch
19:29.33*** join/#arm-netbook Almamuetya (~almamuety@
19:32.15rzkmnemoc: each power input\output will need own gnd for better perfomance in highspeed applications, that is the matter of signal integrity
19:32.37mnemocrzk: ouch
19:32.50rzkalso each power io will need own decoupling capacitor, that is why there is so many capacitors around CPUs these days
19:33.27Turlmnemoc: the cpufreq branch can be cleaned as well, it's out of date anyways
19:34.12mnemocTurl: gone
19:34.39mnemocrzk: that's probably what makes A10-based boards so nice to look at :)
19:37.06mnemoci suppose they added the capacitors within the soc
19:37.49*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
19:38.09WarheadsSEhopes to have a clean/stablish kernel to build for distro soon
19:38.40mnemocWarheadsSE: sunxi-3.0 isn't that bad...
19:40.20WarheadsSEYeah, it's just been going faster than I can keep up with for Arch with as many things as I have on my plate at this point
19:40.44WarheadsSEmy last build was something like 3.0.38 or .39
19:42.18mnemocwe are at .42 .... hope to have time to jump forward to .48 during the week, and then make a new stage branch with the patches on the list
19:42.39mnemoc3.4 is also quite behind the latest 3.4.x
19:44.06*** join/#arm-netbook TheLarch (
19:44.18techn_mnemoc: I'll hope makes to next stagin branch :)
19:45.01mnemoctechn_: sure there is nothing there that can harm sun4i?
19:45.36techn_Couple ifdef's needed.. I'll push them
19:46.17mnemoctechn_: can you rebase it on top of our current sunxi-3.0, and then add the missing ifdef's?
19:46.20libvwhat is iep?
19:46.32hnomnemoc, isn't everyone ant-flash these days, including Adobe?
19:46.47techn_mnemoc: ok
19:47.01mnemochno: that's what I thought.... but I couldn't watch the trailer of ironman 3 :<
19:47.27techn_libv: dunno.. could it be "image enchartment processor"? :)
19:47.51libvwhere does this code come from?
19:48.04techn_from allwinner
19:48.10mnemoclibv: the a13-sdk
19:48.37xxiaospent the day fighting with gitlab/postgresql/rake/rail and it sucks
19:48.50xxiaoeverything should be written in C
19:48.59techn_mnemoc: should I rebase whole sun5i branch?
19:48.59mnemocxxiao: anything that involes ruby is a pain
19:49.09mnemoctechn_: if you can...
19:49.17xxiaoimpossible to debug indeed
19:49.30techn_usb stuff feels pretty hard now :(
19:50.59mnemoctechn_: we need to merge that stuff soon.... or it will be harder every day
19:51.43libvsticks his sparseable disp code up github and hobbles off to another sandpit.
19:52.07mnemoclibv: eh?
19:52.38libvapt-get info sparse :)
19:54.15mnemocSemantic Parser for C ? /me scratches his head
19:54.24libvmnemoc: _really_?
19:54.38libvmnemoc: you've never used make C=1 on your kernel?
19:54.53mnemoci'm not masochist :p
19:55.15libvgood luck upstreaming.
19:55.33mnemocwe are no where near dreaming about that yet
19:57.08mnemocprobably not even 1% of the lines of our kernel have proper style.... from there to pass a static testing or similar...
19:58.42mnemoclibv: but thanks for the hint. i didn't know it. I'll make a test run just for curiosity
20:03.03Turl"Sparse is a static type-checking program written specifically for the Linux kernel, written by Linus Torvalds. Support for running sparse is in the kernel build system. "
20:03.11TurlLinus wrote a lot of stuff :P
20:03.20libvit is quite useful
20:03.45libvand will catch quite a few trivial things that gcc will not tell you about
20:03.55mnemocarch/arm/mach-sun4i/dma/dma.c:186:2: error: constant 0b10101 is not a valid number
20:04.14mnemocnice nice, /me likes it
20:04.22*** join/#arm-netbook alcides` (~alcides@
20:04.50TurlC really needs binary notation :P
20:11.56mnemoclibv: if you already cleaned the disp driver to pass the sparse checks, can you send it to the list? :)
20:12.59*** join/#arm-netbook alcides (~alcides@unaffiliated/alcides)
20:13.52libvno, i cannot.
20:14.06libvyou will find why out in about half an hour.
20:14.37mnemocuh... ok
20:17.05libvi do hope that you guys run checkpatch on fresh code, right?
20:18.32TurlI run it on files
20:18.41Turlthen fix all the allwinner crap :<
20:19.22Turlwemac is now kind of readable thanks to checkpatch :p
20:19.48mnemocjust be sure to not mix code changes with style fixes
20:20.31Turlgit send-email should have a --flag to run chechpatch
20:24.19Turlgoes and buys facturas to celebrate
20:26.15Turlfor the uninitiated,
20:26.16t0dbld|workTurl: buy a HD instead
20:26.42Turlt0dbld|work: hard disks cost 50x-100x :P
20:27.14mnemocbut last longer :p
20:27.22t0dbld|workok new plan buy a factura than go wave infront of HD sellers and maybe work a trade
20:27.31Turlt0dbld|work: lol
20:27.37t0dbld|workmnemoc: +1
20:27.42Turlt0dbld|work: I'm still waiting for that cheap ssd ;)
20:28.03t0dbld|workhaha i need to buy myself a new one than i will
20:28.17t0dbld|workbut thats still small you will still wnat another one
20:28.25*** join/#arm-netbook tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
20:28.53t0dbld|workhaha i got some HD with bad sectors i can send ya for free in mean time :-P
20:28.57Turlyeah, I'll use it as a fusion drive </applehype>
20:29.11t0dbld|workfrom everyone that has me rescue there data
20:29.19t0dbld|workLOL YA i need fusion drive
20:29.44TurlI heard USPS uses fusion drives
20:30.41t0dbld|worki need hip_boi to send me cubieboard already so i can finsh door lock than i can start on something else
20:30.58t0dbld|workill prob get board and buy more computer parts so its better case for you Turl
20:31.11t0dbld|worklol bored
20:32.03t0dbld|workunless i spend all my money on phones at end of the month which i might do as well :_P
20:33.17t0dbld|workTurl: considering buying Optimus G and Lg Nexus to see if they can become interchangeable software and more importantly bnary wise
20:33.34Turldoubt it
20:33.43t0dbld|worksuppose to be same phone basically
20:33.50TurlI heard LG was locking stuff though
20:33.56Turlkeep an eye on that
20:34.12t0dbld|workya well they have not been to good at the "locking" part in the past
20:35.14t0dbld|workbut basically all depends on the nexus announcement .. if it no haz the 4gs and shit than id like to hack it
20:35.30t0dbld|workcause id buy optimus G hopefully can use binaries
20:35.36t0dbld|workand make my own nexus
20:36.03mnemoctechn_: is pre-commit used on cherrypicks?
20:36.13t0dbld|workthing log will run a -diff for me if i tweet them :-P
20:36.19t0dbld|worklog = LG
20:36.26techn_mnemoc: dunno
20:36.29mnemoctechn_: and git am?
20:36.43mnemocwill have to play with that
20:37.01mnemocdoing it manually is.... annoying
20:37.05Turlyou could also hack up an script and use it as $EDITOR together with --annotate when sending email
20:38.46t0dbld|workTurl: get 2 facturas !!!!
20:38.52t0dbld|workI want one :-)
20:39.27mnemocso "factura" is the name of the lot?
20:39.59t0dbld|worklol i have no idea i think its spanish traslation for a danish
20:40.01t0dbld|workpr [astery
20:40.04t0dbld|workor something
20:40.29t0dbld|worki remember using it in HS
20:40.35t0dbld|workbut that was 13 years ago
20:40.56mnemocdanish = danés... not ... invoice
20:42.05mnemoci assumed it was lunfardo
20:43.50mnemoc/usr/include/signal.h:90:6: error: attribute '__leaf__': unknown attribute   .... suddenly using sparse isn't that useful :<
20:47.33t0dbld|work"It is referred to as facturas in some Spanish speaking countries."
20:47.53Turlyeah but ours are better than those :P
20:48.02Turlthey have dulce de leche
20:48.14Turlfactura = 1 thingy
20:48.15Turlfacturas = many
20:48.40t0dbld|workthan show us a picture of what you got ?
20:48.50Turlfactura = invoice too
20:48.51t0dbld|workthat way we can end this bickering :-P
20:49.21t0dbld|workdid you get an invoice for the danishes ?
20:50.03Turlno, it's under 20ARS
20:50.23mnemocso it's basically a rounded croissant with "dulce de leche"
20:51.25mnemoccalled "facturas" in some spanish speaking country.... .ar/.uy only?
20:51.56mnemocstill smells to lunfardo
20:53.36Turlmnemoc: t0dbld|work check google+
20:54.04*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
20:54.24mnemocTurl: ?
20:54.43TurlI shared a photo of them mnemoc
20:55.57mnemocand i'm supposed to be following you? :p url?
20:57.02mnemocTurl: so the term "factura" is used for pastry in general?
20:58.17mnemocgoes to start boiling a can of condensed milk
20:58.58Turlmnemoc: pastry is 'panificación' I think
20:59.01mnemocor whatever verb is proper for that
20:59.08mnemocTurl: ah, ok
20:59.27Turlfor example I wouldn't consider these as facturas
20:59.29mnemocTurl: i got hungry anyway
20:59.39Turlmnemoc: :P
20:59.43t0dbld|workahh so thats what i figured on it
20:59.50t0dbld|workbut yes now i want one
21:00.13Turlt0dbld|work: you got a store and employees that can make them :P
21:00.31t0dbld|workdont have the things nessesarry will have to settle for pumpkin cookie
21:08.35mnemoc/usr/include/signal.h:90:6: error: attribute '__leaf__': unknown attribute
21:08.45mnemoceven using their git/master :<
21:11.08mnemoctechn_: only the disp?
21:11.24techn_mnemoc: usb patch is too large to be done quicly :(
21:11.58t0dbld|workbbiab gotta get paint for mural
21:12.27techn_good night
21:12.50mnemoctechn_: and.... why private?
21:19.50mnemocweee... now `sparse` works for $work$ ... and doesn't dislike my code :)
21:38.03Turlis it that good? I should try it for my uni projects :P
21:43.34*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@
21:47.45mnemocTurl: it has a nice wrapper (cgcc) so it's a free extra test :)
21:48.08TurlI usually CC=gcc on my makefiles and then $(CC) ...
21:48.17Turlso it should be trivial to implement :)
21:51.46Turlcommit.c:67:30: warning: incorrect type in initializer (different modifiers)
21:51.46Turlcommit.c:67:30:    expected char **z
21:51.47Turlcommit.c:67:30:    got char const **
21:51.48Turlwha? :P
21:52.25Turljust two errors from what I can see
21:54.03Turlah, that code is from an ugly piece I hacked up together to test stuff :P
21:58.54Turlmnemoc: it's hard to test your commit tree diffing algorythm when you can't commit yet because you don't have a tree diffing algorythm working :<
22:09.09libvmnemoc: in the kernel, add C=1 to the commandline of make
22:09.31libvjust like V=1 for upping verbosity
22:10.45Turllibv: that half an hour was pretty long, took 2 hours already :P
22:11.08mnemoclibv: yes, thank you. already tried it. nice stuff.... but for here for anything beside a single .c it's suicidal
22:11.27mnemocs/for //
22:13.08mnemoclibv: also tried it against $work$ ... it was happy :) .... after I patched it __leaf__ support used by glibc headers :<
22:23.13mnemoctechn_: the guy who unified the usb drivers also made one related to the usb patch in import-sun5i.
22:33.32*** join/#arm-netbook alcides (~alcides@
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22:44.19mnemoctechn_: did you see the 10 patches against disp sent by "Leith Bade"?
23:06.19*** join/#arm-netbook mysteryname (

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