IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121020

00:06.17*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
00:06.30bsdfox_anyone got a recent mele-a1000_hwpack_2012.09.18.7z ?
00:06.56bsdfox_I read that SATA is working lately but I can't find any to dl or get my cross compiler going
00:15.55rz2klogs are saying that u-boot compilation dying with u-boot cant be compiled with hard-float abi
00:34.13*** join/#arm-netbook metric (
00:44.25bsdfox_yeah I see one from 10/9 but all the posts I see about sata working are from the last 3 days
01:08.48*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
02:37.54ZaEarlanyone try to build Chrome OS for A10? :)
02:38.59RaYmAnit'll probably run quite badly without properly accelerated X11 drivers
02:39.32ZaEarlI guess it's called Chromium OS now.
02:39.59ZaEarlIs it using an X11 stack?
02:41.16RaYmAnafaik, yes
02:41.40RaYmAnI spent some time trying to get it running on my transformer prime, but lost interest before it worked =P lol
02:43.50ZaEarlThey recommend running it in VMs, so it can probably get by without much acceleration ok.
02:44.40RaYmAnI imagine it should be possible to get it booting with fbdev X11 driver
02:44.41RaYmAnas a start
02:50.29ZaEarlok, the retail product is Google Chrome OS. The open source edition is Chromium OS.
03:07.35*** join/#arm-netbook Liesanda_Ripoff (
03:13.12*** join/#arm-netbook tekzilla (
03:18.54*** join/#arm-netbook L84Supper (~ly@unaffiliated/l84supper)
04:09.28*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl_ (
05:32.11*** join/#arm-netbook oliv3r (
05:39.52*** join/#arm-netbook ol1ver (
05:43.29*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
07:01.39*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
07:18.21*** join/#arm-netbook gsilvis (~almostsix@
07:30.01*** join/#arm-netbook cat_x301 (
07:52.20*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~Instantbi@
08:08.42*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
08:48.20*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
08:48.45techn_how come our wiki guides points to some other persons repo instead of linux-sunxi
08:49.40techn_ah.. it's for cubieboard
09:26.57mnemocthose tutorials need serious cleanup
09:27.15mnemocit's absurd them all include info about how to install a toolchain for example
09:29.10mnemoctechn_: i totally agree tutorials should all point to the main repos, not people of board specific forks
09:29.23mnemocbut also be properly splitted by topic
09:29.32mnemocmaking buildroot is not cubieboard-only
09:29.42mnemocusing livesuit is not buildroot only
09:30.40mnemocmain problem with livesuit support at the momemnt is that we don't have a u-boot branch that hooks correctly between boot0/boot1 and our kernel
09:31.18mnemocas we require (optional in 3.0, but default) the bootloader to pass proper machine type and mem info
09:33.24mnemoci was wondering if we should fork (and maintain) the allwinner-tools repo
09:33.53mnemocthere is a patch for fixing the kernel driver livesuit for linux needs lingering around
10:19.59lkcltechn_: oh.  that's funny.  everyone complained when i insisted that people be a bit more rigorous about the rhombus tech wiki.
10:22.25lkclthey didn't like that, so moved to linux-suni instead.  now you're saying that linux-sunxi is disorganised.  funny that.
10:25.29*** join/#arm-netbook Svet (~Sv@unaffiliated/sv)
10:26.16mnemoclkcl: the reason was not organization, was scope. for RT the A10 is merely the SoC to use in the first EOMA card, linux-sunxi is 100% decided to these chips in particular
10:27.55mnemoclkcl: and as you did with A10-specific info we are now suffering a flood of interest bound to the cubieboard
10:28.45mnemoclkcl: having pages about the hackberry in RT's wiki is kind of.... weird
10:30.14*** join/#arm-netbook mysteryname (
10:30.15mnemocminiand can't have less in common with RT
10:32.34mnemoclkcl: the split was intended to keep eoma's wiki/mailing list from been taken over by A10 fans
10:34.29mnemoclkcl: btw,
10:35.18mnemocbut it's ruby :|
10:44.08mnemoclkcl: any realistic timeframe for us to be able to fund the mini engineering eoma68 board, and open hardware a10/imx6/exynos5 card?
10:55.18*** join/#arm-netbook cat_x301 (
11:18.30*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
11:22.48*** join/#arm-netbook mnemoc (
11:34.47*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
11:36.00*** join/#arm-netbook cat_x301 (
11:40.23*** join/#arm-netbook WarheadsSE (
11:59.45*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (
12:11.11*** join/#arm-netbook IEF (
12:16.34*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (

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