IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121012

00:12.50*** join/#arm-netbook gzamboni (
00:19.24hnowe really should get spl data for the suypported boards.
00:21.51*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (~malmrose@
00:23.49ManoftheSeahno what?  What is spl?
00:24.25lundmansolaris porting layer
00:24.32lundmanbut then I'm working with zfs right now :)
00:24.42ManoftheSeathat sounds... incorrect
00:25.08lundmanspl is the thing with uboot and early code
00:25.30mnemocstands for Second Program Loader
00:25.45mnemocdoes dram and pmu initialization
00:25.59mnemocand then jumps to the fat u-boot
00:26.36mnemocgoing to sleep now. good night
00:27.03ManoftheSeathanks mnemoc, night
00:32.26hnook, mail sent to arm-netbook.
00:39.37*** join/#arm-netbook luka (
00:46.32Turldidn't get any email
00:48.24Turlthere it is :)
00:49.39lundmandont read it, he7s just calling you names!
01:06.33CaCtus491so, what's this talk about a 3G option for the EOMA-68 cards? :)
01:09.13ManoftheSeaCaCtus491: not really sure.  You're not gonna put an antenna inside the metal sheath.
01:09.21ManoftheSeaAlso, antenna design is hard.
01:18.24*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@
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06:41.14lundmanhey neat, so you can compile zfs into the kernel very easy
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06:54.09lundmanzfs create -V 1G -o compression=on -o dedup=on pool/swap  :)
06:54.31Turlswap dedupe? o.O
06:54.57lundmanyou know you'll be the cool kid!
06:55.24Turllundman: how stable is that thing for everyday usage?
06:55.34Turlwith IO heavy loads?
06:55.38lundmanI fixed the ARM port 2 days ago
06:55.50lundmanso, since then I've compiled the kernel 9 times :)
06:55.58Turlamd64, nothing too fancy
06:56.02lundmanso, about '9 time kernel compile' stable
06:56.13lundmanif you are talking the 64bit? yeah its stable
06:56.24lundmanmost of my colleagues have changed home NAS to use ZOL
06:57.00lundmanlargest computer in the world run ZOL, of course, they ported zfs because ext4 can't go that large:)
06:57.11Turllundman: my 'unit of load' is equivalent to ~30 kernel recompilations though :)
06:57.40lundmanyeah on intel 64, i wouldnt hesitate to use it
06:57.51lundmanon ARM, I only just got it running smooth
06:58.11lundmanactually, a lot of distros have it now, you can apt-get
06:58.38Turlis it a FUSE fs or "native"?
06:59.36lundmanthey made SPL (solaris porting layer) first, then the zfs are the same as Suns
06:59.37jelly-homeit'd have to be distributed as source, built by dkms on similar on the fly
06:59.37Turlmight need to move my OS to it when I move disks then
06:59.40lundmanreally really good way to do it
06:59.43Turlshouldn't be too far in the future
06:59.50lundmanjelly: nah
07:00.27jelly-homelundman: which distro has the opinion that licensing is not an issue?
07:00.39TurlThe result of this will be two source rpm packages...  Yes, source rpm packages.  Currently, deb style packages are built by first creating rpm packages and then converting them to deb packages using alien.
07:00.46Turlseriously? :|
07:00.50lundmanyou can't ship the kernel with it, true. but as extra module? none of them have issues
07:01.04Turllicensing issue? what's it?
07:01.12lundmanCDDL vs GNU
07:01.28lundmani love how many people go "oh zfs, licensing issues" and then run binary puke from nvidia
07:01.46TurlI don't :P all my stuff is intel
07:01.53jelly-homerun is less important than distribute
07:02.07jelly-homelundman: and nvidia explicitely allows redistribution
07:02.37lundmanaaanyhoo, its there, its native, it runs very well, and debian ubuntu etc has it in repo
07:02.47jelly-homelundman: debian does not
07:02.55jelly-homejust looked
07:03.08lundmanbrian mentioned it in the zfsday speech
07:03.23lundmanah, ok debian users just need to point the repo to them and say install
07:03.25lundmanok, not quite the same
07:03.32lundmanbut just as easy
07:04.28Turllundman: slow? :P
07:04.53lundmanit wasnt even out in 2010?
07:05.11lundmanalso, that is fuse version
07:05.12Turlyeah, phoronix :P doesn't mean much really
07:05.14lundmanof course that is slow
07:05.24Turllundman: nah, it's the native one
07:05.31Turllundman: fuse one is benchmarked too and obviously slow
07:05.41Turl20 vs 100MB/s
07:06.31lundmanodd, the posix layer was ported to zfs in feb 2011
07:07.07jelly-homeTurl: kq zfs was a different kernel port
07:07.08lundmanbut either way, it wouldnt surprise me if it is still slower than ext4. only just been ported, tweaking is next
07:08.28lundmanmaybe that one>
07:09.42Turlmaybe I'll install Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
07:10.53lundmananyway, I'm still aiming for my target of Android on mele running on ZFS :)
07:10.59lundmanbe nice if it was JB
07:22.41Turllundman: so much hype but it doesn't even build :x
07:24.27lundmanhah sucks to be you ;)
07:24.45lundmanalthough, who turned on Werror
07:25.56Turllundman: apparently it broke on .39
07:26.02Turlstill unfixed
07:26.31lundmanwhats .39?
07:27.37lundmanyou run 3.6.1
07:27.50Turlthe build error happened first on .39
07:29.23lundmannever tried with package system, I get kernel sources to build my kernel, then download and build spl/zfs myself
07:29.29lundmanactually from github, since I do patches
07:30.06lundmanI have 3.4.6 3.0.36 kernels
07:31.20lundmandid i write down how to replace the kernel for mele android
07:32.22lundmanI did, woo, current lundman thanks past lundman
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08:49.27oliv3rfeck; i think i broke my new toy :(
08:49.58lundmandang, kernel dont build due to sun4i-hdmiaudio.c
08:50.27oliv3rI installed the wrong touchscreen driver (i think) and adb hasn't started yet. so it boots fine, i just can't use the touch screen. Also means i cannot reboot into CWM! bah
08:50.41oliv3rguess i'll have to make an CWM/u-boot enabled uSD card I guess
09:03.23oliv3rshutdown by keeping power button pressed for ~10 seconds still works at least
09:29.48oliv3rluckly, yarvik offers livesuit images so i flashed that back; lets try that again :(
09:29.51relllaanybody interested in a ready to use armel rootfs.tar.bz2 debian/unstable with the prerequisites to do native compiling, xbmca10 dev-files and ready compiled xbmc?
09:30.15oliv3rsounds cool enough :)
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09:30.48relllawhich i have done for my mele a2000
09:32.02rmY U NO ARMHF
09:34.25relllano armhf cedar-libs?!
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11:40.54rmand they use that totally awesome uboot-allwinner, which hno loves :)
11:41.25rmbut what irked me most is using "apt-get install gcc-4.6-arm-linux-gnueabi" without any mention that this is only on Ubuntu
11:46.46ZaEarlWhat an awesome day. The new Allwinner chip is coming soon!
11:47.07mnemocZaEarl: reference?
11:47.17ZaEarlseveral factories
11:47.39mnemocnothing url-able?
11:47.46ZaEarlnot yet
11:48.31lundmanany kind of details? model? name? cores?
11:48.38mnemocsun6i :p
11:48.45ZaEarlvery few details, but it sounds like it will put Allwinner back on top.
11:49.05ZaEarl4 cpu/8 gpu
11:49.18mnemocthe previous rumor I saw pointed to a quad core cortex-a7
11:49.22lundmanthat would be enough for mediaplayer
11:49.39ZaEarlyes quad a7
11:50.02mnemocstill mali?
11:50.15ZaEarldidnt see
11:50.24mnemocit would suck if they switch
11:50.30ZaEarlis there an 8 core mali?
11:50.36lundmanit would suck if they stayed :)
11:51.25mnemocmali is currently the less closed GPU
11:51.43mnemociirc in the mali600 family there are such beasts
11:53.08mnemocalso there was a sightly related post in arm's blog about their collaboration while the mali600s were been announced
11:53.23mnemocnot explicit connection but the same week
11:54.02lundman1-8 cores
11:54.10ZaEarlor t628
11:54.40lundmanyep, we'll wait for more info from you :)
11:54.46mnemocif they pick cortex-a7 they'll also go for a more mobile/less power consumption gpu
11:55.20lundmanI'm hoping for JB so we can get real audio
11:55.27lundmanotherwise its not a mediaplayer :)
11:55.40ZaEarlthey said eta end of the month, but that's probably optimistic.
11:55.41mnemoctried Turl's CM10?
11:55.51lundmanhave not, he's not sharing
11:56.27mnemocnot sharing?
11:56.43lundmanyeah . he didnt come to my door with a silver platter
11:57.03lundmanonly sources, no binaries?
11:59.10*** join/#arm-netbook ozone (~ozone@
11:59.23ZaEarlthey'll definitely come with JB
11:59.50lundmanmaybe it'll have a slightly better nic too
12:00.23ozoneI wrote Allwinner to know about progress on VPU / CedarX
12:00.32ozonetheir answers :
12:00.34ozoneWe are communicating and supporting gimli who is one of the major contributor to xbmc all winner A10 project.
12:00.36mnemocuntil tom left AW I hoped I would be able to buy a sun6i devkit eventually :<
12:00.49ozoneIt takes a little bit more time than expected.  We are not familiar with xbmc and the community is not familiar with our chipset. Please kindly wait and you shall be satisfied one day.  Sorry for keeping the community wait.
12:00.58mnemoca major contributor who doesn't care to share
12:01.05mnemocor work in public
12:01.19ozoneand why cedarX is so closed :
12:01.29ozoneCedarx is one of the most outstanding self-developed technology of Allwinner and we prefer to open it in lib but not source code due to commercial reason.
12:01.33mnemoci understand AW, I don't understnad gimli
12:01.53ozoneso wait and (hope) see !
12:02.12mnemocf* it. I prefer to wait for empat0
12:18.50mnemocso you can't have "pride" working on public, sharing and allowing others to participate?
12:19.35mnemoci suppose there are two meanings for that word
12:19.45specingtom left AW?
12:20.01mnemoclike a month ago
12:20.13mnemoche posted it on the u-boot list
12:20.26mnemocso i assume it true
12:20.41oliv3rpride in the negative sense :p
12:20.48mnemocoliv3r: :)
12:20.49oliv3rwanting to claim victory all by yourself
12:21.11oliv3rstupid device keeps refusing to boot into recovery mode :S
12:21.53mnemocyes, that seems to be. but it's a very anti free software way of doing free software
12:25.41mnemocZaEarl: it seems charbax is also in .hk
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12:28.14oliv3ryeah, it kinda really sucks. maybe he had to sign an nda and keep quiet :)
12:28.46hnospecing, yes Tom left Allwinner, to build family at another more family friendly location.
12:28.55oliv3rrebooting the A10 using button+power, is that an android thing or an A10 thing
12:28.56specingWhich is?
12:29.05oliv3r'build' family
12:30.07lundmanapm tells kernel to reboot
12:30.31mnemocoliv3r: he is expecting an baby for next month
12:30.59oliv3roh, that is amazing, but I guess the 'building' part is almost done then
12:31.10mnemocthe second would cost 100k rmb so unlike to build it farther :p
12:32.01oliv3rffs, stupid device won't boot into CWM :S
12:32.36mnemocbe sure to use the right u-boot/spl and right script.bin
12:33.09oliv3ri flashed a recovery.img into nang. the thing is, sometimes it appears to work, sometimes not
12:33.10ZaEarlbooting to recovery is dependant on the right script.bin
12:33.16oliv3rit just refuses to boot CWM and boots normally
12:33.34oliv3rbut then other times, it just boots fine
12:33.38oliv3r(into CWM)*
12:34.57hnooliv3r, the "button at boot for recovery" is Allwinner u-boot.
12:35.00ZaEarlI'd say make sure no cables/charger are attached
12:35.41oliv3rnow that is a golden tip
12:35.57oliv3ri think that may be it
12:36.11oliv3rbut, adb reboot recovery fails the same way (but has worked fine earlier today)
12:36.22hnoactually there is something in allwinner boot1 as well, but only used for older android.
12:36.46oliv3rzaearl you are my hero :p
12:38.02oliv3ri do press volume+ and - cause i dont' know which one it is :p its supposed to be volume-; but they swapped volume keys. when I use the original stock firmware 4.0.3, vol- is vol-, but in 4.0.4 it is swapped. (they supply livesuit images as 'updates');
12:39.56ZaEarlfind the script.bin you like, and keep it around for when the new livesuit image has a bad one.
12:41.01ZaEarlwhoever builds those script.bins is pretty sloppy.
12:42.41oliv3ri'm not that far into a10 hacking yet
12:42.54oliv3rideally, i should make my own! :p
12:43.30ZaEarleasy to do
12:44.16oliv3rwhat's the big difference between script.bin and script0.bin?
12:44.32mnemocone is the backup of the other
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12:45.14oliv3rso identical
12:45.39mnemocbut you can turn them into .fex and compare
12:45.56mnemocsha1sum should be the same anyway
12:46.00oliv3ri need to setup my dev evniroment for sunxi yet :)
12:46.21oliv3rbut keys + power over usb is the combo that makes it fail :)
12:46.31oliv3rcould that cause flash troubles/failures?
12:46.53oliv3ri installed CM10 rom on it, and while i could log in via adb shell, the bootscreen kept running and that's it
12:47.39lundmanheh wrote my new kernel to nandc, but uhm,. mele is at work
12:47.46lundmanso Iguess I'll try it onmonday
12:51.44oliv3rcan't wait to setup my own build env and build my own software for this crapblet
12:51.54oliv3rjust no time now to learn all that too :p
12:52.21lundmanalthough... it skips SD boot every second boot
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12:54.16mnemoclundman: with the latest uboot i don't have that problem
12:54.33lundmandamnit, its not doing it
12:54.35mnemocbut mmc's spl dies detecting the mmc :<
12:56.14lundmanbah monday it is
12:56.26lundmanshame uboot dont have chainloader
12:58.15mnemocshould be brave and start learning to use jtag
13:03.46zubbtw. anybody here played with kgbd? I'm about to give it a try...
13:04.14zubso far tried on qemu :) but I still don't know how to multiplex console and kgdb on single serial line... but I read it should be possible
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13:14.45oliv3rstupid tablet cost me all day (and will more) so haven't done anything on the wiki ;(
13:14.50oliv3ranyway, gotta reboot my vm :) bbl
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13:23.31Yakuzzidoes anyone use bluetooth on his mele through a dongle ?
13:28.19oliv3rwhat does/could a reset button do on my tablet? reset the CPU entirely? and where does the 'battery charging' animation come from? when the tablet is so called powered off?
13:28.32ZaEarlmnemoc, ah, yes, charbax is at the other show. Maybe I'll head over there tomorrow.
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14:07.03oliv3rcrapalicious :S i broke it for real now :S
14:08.12rz2koliv3r: battery charging is boot1
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14:08.16oliv3ri flashed it using a livesuit image (supplied by manufacturer) and after it said 'flash successful' ... nothing. When I push the reset button, i get an empty battery indicator first, then the 'charging' battery indicator (whilst no charger is connected) and that's it. it fades out and doesn't do anything anymore. Only pressing the reset does anything
14:08.33oliv3rwhich is bringing the battery charging animation :S
14:08.38rz2kpress power for 15 seconds
14:08.51rz2kthis will force axp209 to turn off cpu
14:08.55mnemocsometimes when they seem dead they are actually on FEL
14:08.55rz2kthen press power again
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14:10.09oliv3rso 15 seconds of power will 'always' force the axp209 to turn off the CPU? no matter what?
14:10.18oliv3rFEL = DFU?
14:10.41oliv3rjust wondering cause the pc didn't recoginze the PC
14:11.01mnemocFEL is a low level usb recovery mode. if you plug it to a computer you'll see a device listed
14:11.28oliv3rhmm, livesuit didn't detect it
14:12.25oliv3ranyway, lots to learn even still :D
14:13.44oliv3rso FEL is used to write live images right?
14:14.06oliv3ri did try to put it into livesuite writ emode (vol- + power button smashing), but only got some device error USB errors
14:14.08mnemocto read, write and call memory
14:14.24oliv3rah, so FEL is even lower then livesuit image writing?
14:14.47mnemoclivesuit uses it to push it's install and the data for it
14:15.03oliv3rah, strange that livesuit didn't detect it
14:16.24mnemoctry with `./fel ver`
14:16.49mnemocor most usually `sudo ./fel ver`
14:24.01oliv3rthis is a work pc :( it's the wrong OS
14:26.28oliv3rtell me about it :p
14:32.29hipboiflash a livesuite image under 64 bit linux
14:37.48Turlheh livesuite for linux
14:37.56Turlno more windows vms :)
14:40.08ZaEarlhipboi, for real???
14:40.58mnemochipboi: can you move that to [[LiveSuit]]? :)
14:42.00mnemocit's not a buildroot-only thing
14:43.32xxiaoubuntu, debian, oe, now buildroot, really good
14:43.53hipboii was confused of [[livesuite]] [[livesuite image]]
14:44.20mnemocthe first is about the app the second about the image format
14:44.22xxiaoonly missing one is openwrt
14:44.36mnemocxxiao: oe? can you update the wiki?
14:45.18xxiaomnemoc: ?
14:45.43mnemocyes, sorry. forgot
14:46.27xxiaoandroid-debian-ubuntu-buildroot-oe, openwrt is nice but i don't think A10 is for network appliance anyway
14:46.39xxiaousing oe daily is a pain, build is still very slow
14:46.51xxiaoeven slower than android
14:48.05xxiaohipboi: will next allwinner chip carry pcie?
14:48.12mnemocxxiao: can you try to convince cnxsoft to give us access to the monster build server he got for building the nightlies? we can then automate buildroot and oe images too
14:48.45hipboixxiao: i don't know
14:48.50hipboixxiao: but i don't think so
14:48.59hipboixxiao: since it's for talets
14:49.02mnemocZaEarl claims it will be announced today
14:49.03Turlhipboi: doesn't sun4i have pcie?
14:49.26mnemocTurl: no, it doesn't
14:49.48xxiaomnemoc: i'm not familiar with cnxsoft, but i may try linaro
14:49.58TurlI saw some option on the sun4i defconfigs, made me think it had it
14:50.30mnemocxxiao: cnxsoft made the scripts to produce hwpacks for a10
14:50.42xxiaowhich we should be able to reuse
14:50.47Turlmnemoc: I can probably run random nightlies of stuff for you guys after I get a new hard disk for my desktop
14:51.15mnemocTurl: that's an idling 4x8 xeon iirc
14:51.46mnemocTurl: no need to abuse someone desktop's
14:51.59Turlmnemoc: this is an idling 4x2 i7
14:52.33mnemocTurl: then start making CM10/sunxi images! :D
14:52.38Turlbut it's booting off a USB hard disk :x
14:52.50xxiaoget a 256G SSD
14:52.54Turlmnemoc: need a proper hard disk first :P
14:53.03Turlxxiao: I need a money tree first
14:53.32xxiaoyou have an idle i7 but need money tree for a disk, hmmm
14:54.13Turlxxiao: yeah, i7s cost quite a while :x wallet is now dry-ish :p
14:54.40mnemochas a humble amd e350 and doesn't need more
14:54.44xxiaoactually if someone can estimate the montly build cost on aws i can try to set up a build machine
14:54.55xxiaoif it's not too expensive, my free tier ends this month
14:55.12Turlxxiao: it costs quite a bit from what I heard
14:56.00Turlit was discussed once for CM, but it ended being a huge bill nobody was going to be able to pay
14:56.04xxiaoit's easy for me to build on my i7 actually, but push the binaries upstream is slow, cable modem, 200kbps-ish
14:56.22TurlI can up at .75Mb/s
14:57.03ZaEarlthat's plenty for a nightly
14:57.36Turl(notice the period)
14:57.46mnemocTurl: for sharing the images you can also use's server
14:57.48ZaEarlas long as you have somewhere to push them to
14:57.56mnemocTurl: but build them somewhere else
14:58.03Turlmnemoc: yeah
14:59.06xxiaotested again, 100KB, 800kbps
14:59.25mnemocxxiao: rsync rules :p
14:59.49xxiaobut if you push a few new binaries nightly, i don't think rsync helps
14:59.51ZaEarlthat's what, a 20 minute upload?
15:00.30TurlZaEarl: for android? yeah (130 MB) / (0.75 (Mb / s)) = 23.1111111 minutes
15:00.43mnemocsounds affordable ;-)
15:01.13xxiaolet me explore it
15:01.49xxiaokick it off before going to bed, init 0 after the upload is done, should be fine
15:02.11mnemochaving now livesuit for linux the idea of having JB images is even more interesting
15:02.17specingecho mem > /sys/power/state
15:02.52ZaEarlhow's acceleration for JB? is cedar working?
15:03.50mnemocdecoding yes, encoding no
15:03.58mnemocthanks to Quarx
15:04.24ZaEarlexcellent, decoding is by far more important
15:04.39mnemocno encoding means no camera
15:04.47mnemocbut who cares about crappy cameras anywya
15:05.41ZaEarlcedar does the encoding even for still photos?
15:06.03xxiaomnemoc: just curious if cnxsoft is doing nightly build, what else do we need other than its stuff?
15:06.03mnemocdon't know
15:06.35ZaEarlI would like to take photos.
15:06.43mnemocZaEarl: Turl knows
15:07.17mnemocxxiao: problem is cnxsoft isn't active here so he doesn't know when to fix his scripts. and also doesn't use the donated machine "enough" :)
15:07.49mnemocxxiao: currently all "nightly"s are broken, but of outdated generation scripts
15:08.16xxiaomnemoc: i see
15:08.36mnemocwe need someone active here to take control over that
15:08.53xxiaothat is you :)
15:08.55mnemocor at least someone to take care of updating the scripts and sending pull requests
15:09.29mnemocI'm already overwelmed by my current sunxi "responsibilities" to add more :<
15:10.07mnemocbut it would be nice to use a not-$work$ server to do my test kernel builds :p
15:10.38xxiaolinaro has a huge buildfarm which i had access, have not used it for a while, need check
15:10.56mnemocxxiao: eh? so you are @linaro?
15:11.18xxiaonot really but i know their tech leader
15:12.59TurlZaEarl: still shots should be fine
15:13.16ZaEarlthat's good
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17:13.50cromois there a way to control the framebuffer overlay for a10?
17:15.45cromoI have my plasma connected via hdmi, but the overlay is too big and goes outside the visible area of the display
17:16.32techncromo: check your script.bin's scaler property is set off
17:16.49mnemocusing ioctrl()s you can pick different known resolutions
17:17.03technif it's ok.. check that your tv has overscan off
17:21.10cromomnemoc: I did try that already, switched from default 720 to 1080p, the resolution has changed, but the overlay is still too big
17:21.54mnemoccromo: check what techn said
17:23.34Turlmnemoc: new A10?
17:23.41cromomnemoc: yeah, doing that now
17:24.26mnemocTurl: uh
17:24.37cromofb0_scaler_mode_enable = 1
17:24.40cromofb1_scaler_mode_enable = 1
17:24.51cromoso I assume I should switch off?
17:24.56cromoor is that correct?
17:25.04mnemocTurl: please comment it on the list
17:25.17mnemocBGA336 ... it has less pins
17:25.26techncromo: I think that could be solution.. but first check that overscan setting to be sure
17:25.39mnemocthe normal A10 has 441
17:25.59technmnemoc: I noticed that there is no CSI
17:26.27technand no video DAC's :/
17:26.49mnemocwiki is starting to need a comparison table :<
17:26.53technoh.. there is CSI.. but no DAC's
17:29.53cromotechn: it was overscan... I thought I tried all of the options before, but found another one in the menus. thanks
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17:30.36techncromo: np :)
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17:56.57mnemoc13.3" a10 laptop, by charbax
17:57.51mnemochahaha.... he started to sell "premium" access to scanned business cards :)
17:58.07mnemocand specs documents
18:00.24jelly-homehey, it has 16:10 instead of 16:9 screen, gotta respect it somewhat
18:03.54jelly-home"4G NAND flash"
18:04.11traeakgeez, the absolute best feature of the a10 blown off
18:04.39mnemocwhere the hell is my eoma68 laptop?! :<
18:05.49traeakugh internal fixed battery makes this a pain for full reset
18:06.11traeakoccasionally have to do that to my netbooks, every once in a while the wireless honks up really good
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18:21.48Turlmnemoc: is it me or does that laptop have a Intel sticker? :P
18:23.29mnemocyeah :p
18:23.41mnemocthe land of BS marketing
18:23.43hnoquite funny.
18:26.03rz2k - livesuit is developed by allwinner?
18:26.50mnemocrz2k: hipboi wrote it... so I suppose it is
18:26.58mnemocwrote the page i mean
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18:38.39hnoFunny not even Tom can spell LiveSuit correctly.
18:39.17jelly-homewaitwhat, the page name is misspelled
18:39.37jelly-homeor is the application name misspelled Livesuit.rar
18:40.13mnemocno 'e'
18:41.20mnemocthe page with 'e' redirects to the 'e'-less
18:42.48Turlmnemoc: I fixed all the e-ful references on the wiki
18:42.56mnemocthanks :)
18:42.56Turlleft the redirects alone though
18:43.58mnemoci was doubtful when I saw his edits
18:44.04mnemocbut$ unzip
18:44.17mnemocconfirmed it e-less-ness
18:45.35Turlmnemoc: looking at the future, what's the priority stuff to get done so we can get stuff mainlined later on?
18:45.36hnoLinux version?
18:45.50Turlhno: yes
18:46.10mnemochaven't tried it yet
18:46.24hnoThe ones published by Toms friend?
18:46.37mnemoccubieboard branch
18:47.56mnemochno: same repo has packing tool
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18:49.15hno7 hours old.
18:52.55hnoInteresting, but only a diversion from our path.
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18:53.37mnemoci have no plan to use it... but sure it will be handy if i need to reflash one of the devices
18:53.48Turlmnemoc: question up there? ^ :P
18:54.12mnemocTurl: uh
18:54.20oliv3ranybody have an usefull to put on an uSD card precompiled to test on my tablet :)
18:54.41mnemocTurl: pinctrl and common clock comes first
18:54.47mnemocTurl: then DT
18:55.11oliv3ralso, the livesuit-linux, i tried to find it, but the tools repo in the post was empty, and couldn't find it any of the other repo's
18:55.19mnemocTurl: and then multiplatform
18:55.29mnemocoliv3r: cubieboard branch
18:56.12mnemocTurl: there is a 3.6+multiplatform in arm-soc's repo we can use as base... or wait until 3.7
18:56.33mnemocbut i doubt we will have pinctrl, clocks, and DT before 3.7 anyway
18:56.59mnemocTurl: in the drivers side, we need to unify the sun*i drivers
18:57.29mnemocTurl: 1 driver for all is simpler to move forward than everything*3
18:57.43mnemocand simpler to fix
18:58.16mnemocas of brokenness. we need to refactor usb gadget integration and get it working in 3.4
18:59.07mnemocTurl: makes snese?
19:01.55Turlmnemoc: kinda sorta :)
19:02.06Turlneeds to learn more stuff for sure :P
19:04.28mnemocthe broken usb gadget integration is a serious problem even without thinking in future and mainline
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19:13.04hnomnemoc, you started a linux-sunxi github organisation?
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19:13.33mnemochno: yes... but only the "verified" .fex repo there
19:14.17mnemoci didn't want to keep adding repos aimed to the community to my personal github
19:14.26mnemocyou are admin too
19:14.51hnoI noticed.
19:14.58oliv3rnice ione, good place to have everything organized together :)
19:14.59mnemoci would move the linux repo there too.... but github doesn't do redirects :-/
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19:16.53oliv3rcan someone help  me understand this?
19:16.59hnooliv3r, what?
19:17.05oliv3ri have 2 livesuit images, one for 4.0.3 and one for 4.0.4; both from manufacturer
19:17.20oliv3rboth work fine
19:17.42hnomnemoc, a default branch with only a README telling the repository have moved ought to get most peoples attention.
19:18.06mnemochno: good idea
19:18.24oliv3ri've downloaded christian troy's CM10 (and 9 too) archives
19:18.50mnemocoliv3r: prefer Turl's repo
19:18.56oliv3r4and installed them. both work fine when using 4.0.3 as 'base' (but wiping everything in CWM), but not in 4.0.4
19:19.11oliv3rdeff gonna try that
19:19.30hnodont's understand a squat of what oliv3r is doing.
19:19.49oliv3ri flashed the 4.0.4 full image
19:20.00oliv3rthen installed CWM and CM10
19:20.25oliv3rbut it won't 'boot', bootanimation keeps looping, i can login, but the rom doesn't have root at that stage, so can't even do a dmesg to debug
19:20.47Turlforgot to wipe data? :P
19:20.55oliv3rwhat I don't get, even though i use the stock images as base, then format and reinstall CM10 (or 9) what can be IN the stock image to cause errors
19:20.58oliv3rlol i'll double check
19:21.33hnomnemoc, I should probably push stable u-boot version there, when there is one..
19:21.34oliv3ri wipe data, cache, dalvik cache
19:22.02Turl"wipe data/factory reset" does all that on one hit :)
19:22.30oliv3rthen i deffo didi that
19:22.42hnoSlighlty disappointed howver. Not a single board submission response to my arm-netbook mail.
19:22.44oliv3rcan you link me your repo/zip?
19:22.47Turloliv3r: tried 'adb logcat' to see why isn't it booting?
19:23.03mnemochno: :-(
19:23.17Turleh, wrong link
19:23.29Turl that one :P
19:23.41oliv3rstill, when wiping /system /data and the caches, install CWM; what could else cause boot failures?
19:23.48mnemocat least you didn't paste one of your tabs with pr0n
19:24.01Turlmnemoc: :P
19:24.31Turloliv3r: partition derpage causing data to be mounted read only
19:24.47oliv3rthey DID change partition sizes
19:24.53Turlit's pretty obvious to see what's wrong when running logcat
19:25.00oliv3roh yeah
19:25.44hnomnemoc, didn't you have some A10 tablet?
19:26.31mnemochno: 3. but none is "mine" and I kind of forgot about them
19:27.11hnoand they are sufficiently old so script.bin should have the data we need.
19:27.30mnemocyes, very likely
19:28.06hnothe change came with release of a13.
19:29.08mnemocgetting boot1 from a tablet is not a trivial thing
19:29.21mnemoci suppose it scares people
19:29.33mnemoc(it scares me)
19:29.35technhno: MID A10 tablet .fex config dram params are same as for mele_a1000.. MID A13 tablet's .fex file showed sligtly different params that olinuxo_a13.. I applied them and A13 tablet is booting with quite good success rate
19:29.35oliv3r123what about etxracting it from a liveimage?
19:30.10hnool1ver, livesuit detects the parameters while flashing the NAND.
19:30.48mnemochno: having u-boot stable for the "supported devices" it might be a good idea to get a `fel` based tool to extract it
19:30.55mnemocor fel+uboot
19:31.02technhno: but cold boot doesnt seem to work.. even with a13 tablet :(
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19:33.18hnotechn, and no UART on that one I suppose.
19:33.36technhno: Still waiting that cable :(
19:34.37hnoBut I have to admit, tablets is not really targeted by SPL yet. Competely ignoring anything related to batteries or charging.
19:36.13hnobut it should work anyway unless I have overlooked something.
19:36.19technhno, it seems that when tablet has been without power..  I need to do 15sek reset first to get it boot correctly
19:36.51hnoeven for the built-in nand?
19:37.20technThat MID A10 tablet has somekind grounding problem.. so it drams capasitors empty really fast??? and problem is more visible??
19:37.20hnoHow is a tablet without power? Do you remove the battery?
19:37.48mnemocjust let it dry :p
19:37.53mnemocmy daughters do it all the time :<
19:38.07hnomnemoc, it still have plenty of power.
19:38.26technhno: Power off for a while seems to do the trick.. no need to remove battery
19:38.53hnoPower off with power button is not power off. It only powers off  the CPU.
19:39.10hnoand not even all of it either.
19:39.39hnothe PMU is still running, and keeps lots of settings.
19:39.43technyeah.. but you got the point
19:40.24hnotechn, not really. I get what you are doing, but not what might be the cause to your problems.
19:41.26hnoanywayl, don't experiement with u-boot SPL on an empty battery.
19:41.56hnodon't wamt to be blaimed for destroying your battery.
19:41.56Turlmnemoc: my tablet dries by itself even if I shut it off
19:42.01Turllikes to boot randomly :P
19:42.07technhno: Yep.. Can't tell more without that cable
19:42.13mnemocTurl: Za's?
19:43.05Turland there's some insulation issue too, when charging and stuff the back metal cover gets voltage :P
19:43.11hnoTurl, are you sure you don't have an RTC alarm going off?
19:43.51Turlhno: I'm betting it's that
19:44.31hnogets voltage relative to what?
19:45.36Turlhno: it gets connected to some powered circuit, I'm assuming the charger itself
19:46.23Turlit=the back aluminium? cover
19:46.39hnoIt's quite common for chargers to not have 0V on the "gnd" polarity.
19:47.36Turlhno: it does the same for USB
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19:48.38hnoWhat do you measure voltage against?
19:49.18hnowhere is your 0V reference / GND?
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19:51.10hnoTurl, it is easy to check if there is an RTC alarm armed using sunxi u-boot.
19:51.18Turlhno: I measure voltage as "f*ck, I got shocked when I touched it"
19:51.24hnoif you have console.
19:51.34TurlI don't :(
19:52.26hnoI guess it should be possible to automate dumping the RTC registers to SD with a little boot.scr.
19:53.56drachensunwow turl, thats pretty bad
19:54.02drachensunI sold some of that tablets
19:54.17drachensunthey kept arriving with loose internal sd cards so I stopped getting them
19:54.47drachensunthat was how they upgraded the rom, just stuck in an sd to an internal slot, the tape they used was sh*t though
19:55.05Turl(of course if you have proper footwear when you touch them its barely noticeable)
19:55.22Turlmine has nand inside
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19:56.42drachensunthats good
19:57.46Turlnot really, it's slow :P
19:58.10Turla cheap SD card can probably outperform it easily
19:58.51mnemoci'm not sure if that's because of the driver or because they use really crappy nands
19:59.23hnonands are generally crappy.
20:00.11Turlgot used to eMMC speeds
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20:14.05mnemocxxiao: sad they decided to skip the sata connector
20:14.33mnemoci'll pass until they do the quad version WITH sata :)
20:15.16xxiaoit's unsolder-ed, which means the holes are there
20:15.34xxiaoi'm asking the imx guys on what that is
20:15.48xxiaolooks like it's made in Europe and no distributor in US?
20:15.59mnemocit doesn't exist yet
20:16.06mnemocit can't have distributors
20:16.08xxiaofrom the site
20:16.23xxiaopre-order that is
20:16.32mnemocsure... but distributors will come after it goes on mass production
20:16.53xxiaoyocto will be officially supported by FSL
20:17.16mnemocyocto is LF's fork of oe
20:17.55mnemocsomehow i don't like their attitude
20:18.11xxiaoyou're right, LF is a puppet for big guys
20:21.39oliv3rturl, the log, reveals all!; can't find 'tombstone' dalvikvm can't start, unable to process classpath element /system/framework/apache-xml.jar and no valid entries found in bootclasspath /system/framework/core.jar etc etc etc
20:21.48oliv3rand cannot stat dex dir
20:22.06oliv3ri'll look more into the logs to see if i can spot what really causes it, as the rom 'should' be fine in theory
20:22.29oliv3rohh /cache might be really broke
20:22.37xxiaomnemoc: how is SATA performance on A10, do you know
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20:23.47mnemocxxiao: variable... here on a humble 2.5" goes 40-60MB/s .... when using my 2x3.5 raid1 device with esata it can go up to 80-90
20:24.17mnemochaven't tried ssd
20:24.26xxiaonot bad
20:24.38mnemocbut i find it quite good for such a little device
20:25.24xxiaoi have been thinking if it's feasible to use A10 instead of marvell to do home NAS devices
20:25.56xxiaomid-range NAS then powerpc 101x is pretty decent
20:36.30rmmay seem bizzare due to all the mali/cedar/audio/touchscreen/whatnot crap it has built in
20:38.27rmbut for the price and the specs that you get, it's certainly awesome
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20:41.56*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs or -
20:42.07xxiaoafter mele1000 been here for 1+ month i should finally have some time to play with it...
20:48.15mnemocrm: and all that stuff can get disabled :)
20:49.24rmbut "you're still paying for it"
20:50.03mnemocthe new A10s removed LCD and DAC... but it seems they removed SATA too :<
20:59.54oliv3rturl, it looks like it could really be a permission issue, /data and the /cache dir could all wrong permissions, and the 4.0.4 stock will boot, as it all runs in root anyway ... should be fixable then :)
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21:06.45xxiaoA10, A13, what's the new A10?
21:07.02xxiaoif LCD/DAC/SATA all gone, what's for?
21:07.46mnemochdmi dongles and settop things
21:10.03xxiaois this one out yet?
21:10.14xxiaothey should all be the same die i believe
21:11.26xxiaomnemoc: trying to build the A10 images, what's the new script you mentioned
21:11.35xxiaoother than the one on cnxsoft
21:12.07mnemocxxiao: cnxsoft script is to make hwpacks. i don't know other for that
21:13.33xxiaook, let me check around to pull in all pieces
21:24.55mnemochno: sunxi-tools moved to linux-sunxi orga.
21:40.43mnemoclinux-allwinner will follow
21:40.53mnemocand then the notification mail
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21:54.49technmnemoc: these too, or related/similar :)
21:56.00mnemoctechn: if cnxsoft wants
21:56.05technbins == mali libs, cedarx libs etc..
21:57.22technconfigs == .fex files, u-boot cfg files etc..
21:58.48mnemocproblem with those .fex files is that they don't have verified dram params
21:59.09mnemoclivesuit ignores what's on script.bin and probes itself
21:59.50mnemoctechn: can you talk with cnxsoft about transfering those and the nightly builds stuff to someone more... active?
22:01.24technTry to kick me tomorrow :)
22:02.55mnemocit's already tomorrow :p
22:03.03jelly-homeonly in EU
22:03.51mnemoctechn: I added you to a team called "developers"... can you see if you can still do things in the linux-sunxi orga?
22:05.01mnemocthe teams page implies teams need a list of repos
22:05.53technmnemoc: I can add my self to public member.. bu I don't have write access to repos
22:07.51technmnemoc: got access
22:31.50technwhee.. edid starts to be on proof of concept stage ;)
22:37.32techn720p<->1080p, ok.. but V:1024x768p-60 didn't work :(
22:38.14technV:800x600p-60, ok
22:38.52technV:800x600p-75, ok
22:39.27mnemoclinux-allwinner moved to linux-sunxi
22:39.37mnemocshould I keep the branch name?
22:40.14mnemocor rename it to..... sunxi-3.0 ? linux-sunxi-3.0 ? linux-3.0-sunxi ? ....
22:46.51technimho shorter better
22:47.18mnemocsunxi-3.0 ? or better suggestion?
22:53.49mnemoci stink at naming :|
22:54.55mnemoctechn: 1024x768p-60 didn't work because bad info provided by the displat?
22:56.41technmnemoc: dunno.. gotta sleep now :D
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23:20.13cromoI compiled the newest xbmca10 to try out how it works under 1080p, but it actually looks like it still runs in 720 despite the overlay being bigger
23:20.20cromoanyone tested it yet?
23:21.09cromothe picture seems properly scaled to 1080, but is cropped to 720
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23:35.55lundmani tried it 2 days ago, didnt start in 1080
23:35.59lundmanruns the same in 720p
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23:47.49mnemoclkcl: please let my mail about the rename of the repos pass moderation :|
23:47.53mnemocgood night

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