IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121002

00:22.40*** join/#arm-netbook alcides (~alcides@
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07:11.44mnemocwhat? 1GB??
07:14.46RaYmAnthats cool, although a tad expensive
07:14.59mnemocand a "recover" button under the SD...
07:15.13mnemocthose remopes are heavily overpriced
07:17.13mnemocaha!, tom has the white variant on his shop
07:19.56*** join/#arm-netbook arete74 (
07:20.20RaYmAnwe really need to convince someone to push for CEC access :P would mostly make those remotes useless
07:22.06mnemocwhich is bad for business :p
07:31.59hnoRaYmAn, most devices are wired for CEC access, but the only known documentation is which pin CEC connects to on the A10, nothing about registers or driver.
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07:52.25*** join/#arm-netbook The-Compiler (~compiler@ubuntuusers/supporter/the-compiler)
08:07.22Gumbootsteev the iMX expert: Do you know the situation with SATA support on iMX6?  How's it wired in?
08:08.00RaYmAnhno: indeed, hence the need for an allwinner customer (ok, I was unclear) to push for it =P
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09:47.03TomNLguys, r3p0 and r3p1 are only armhf right?
09:50.08TomNLare these: the lastest armel libs?
10:00.19mnemocTomNL: yes, but also we don't have real 3d hw acceleration in r3 yet (next_mali branch)
10:00.28mnemoconly with r2p4
10:01.05TomNLah ok :) thnx I managed to build rootfs..and building xbmc now..just wanted to make sure i use all latest files :)
10:01.08mnemochopefully hipboi will get us armhf cedarx libs after the holidays
10:01.27TomNLthat would be great for sure :)
10:04.48rz2k...and fixed r3p0, again >.<
10:07.29*** join/#arm-netbook orly_owl (~david@unaffiliated/orly-owl/x-3167833)
10:13.18mnemocrz2k: the missing symbol can't be workarounded with a dummy LD_PRELOAD?
10:13.40TomNLlundman: your wemac kernel fix, is it available somewhere?
10:14.08mnemocit's in Turl's repo
10:14.46lundmanyes github
10:15.20mnemocit would uber-awesome if you can split it and resubmit :<
10:15.52mnemocback in 30m
10:15.58lundmanthats the one
10:22.14TomNLthnx lundman
10:22.41TomNLlet see if i can get it compiled against new kernel
10:23.12lundmani remove "illegal" comments "//" and changed the delay timing
10:23.23lundmanie, just removed the CPU busy loops
10:24.25TomNLok :) i just finished compiling xbmc
10:24.42TomNLif you want i can compile a 1080p version for you...i saw you asked for this?
10:24.48lundmanthat is sure to make you exhausted :)
10:25.08lundmanyeah been told GPu can not do 1080p, but I must admit I'd be curious to see
10:25.41TomNLhehe i will do it later today, and upload the .deb file somewhere and let you know
10:38.40RaYmAnlundman: that would suck :/ even RPI can do 1080p, albeit at like 80% cpu :P
10:38.58lundmanhold on
10:39.24lundmanGPU to render 1080p polygons, is not the same as the VPU video processing 1080p, or even 2160p
10:39.27RaYmAn(talking interface, not video decoding, right?)
10:39.42RaYmAnmy rpi runs xbmc at 1080p
10:39.45lundmanbut yes, admitedly, if mali was dual core... :)
10:39.51lundmanor if we had vpu sources... :)
10:40.29RaYmAnyeah - and CEC documentation would be a nice addition too :P
10:41.05jljis it possible to force an A10 board to activate usb OTG mode through software?
10:41.08lundmanand cash to lundman!"
10:42.09jljlike without using a proper OTG cable (just a normal mini usb cable without the otg)
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11:10.11hnojlj, yes via /sys files or script.bin changes, assuming you ask forcing to device or host mode, not dynamic OTG.
11:15.57jljhno: I meant forcing it into host mode. Do you know which sys file that controlls it?
11:21.52jljalso do you know if the otg cable has to be plugged in at boot time for host mode to be availible (if using a real otg cable)
11:23.42hnoOTG is dynamic, based on voltage level of id pin.
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11:23.57hnobut many devices have the port forced as host or client.
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11:24.47hnoI don't remember the sys file for runtime override. But I do know you can hardcode the port as either in script.bin.
11:26.05jljhno: okay, thanks. I'll go see if I can look it up
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11:49.41mnemoclundman: <---- did I miss something?
11:50.51lundmanlooks good, dummy read, use msleep() instead
11:52.43mnemoclundman: so the original code was correct? beside s/udelay/msleep/
11:54.43lundmanonly changed I did, was remove the udelay from receive, replace with dummy read from dm9000 sources, then change the other udleys with msleep
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12:09.04mnemoclundman: so you are ok if I commit as fix in your name?
12:09.25lundmanyeah please do
12:09.32lundmanI thought amery was upstream to us?
12:10.31RaYmAngithub has this neat cherry pick webbased feature - cherry pick from projects forked from you (or they can do pull request of course.)
12:10.41lundmansent upstream pull request to amery at the start, I assumed that was the right thing to do
12:10.53mnemoclundman: sure
12:11.07mnemoclundman: problem was mixing code changes and style changes
12:11.17mnemoci'm splitting it now
12:11.40lundmanah, one would argue "//" comments should not have made it into kernel to start with :)
12:11.54mnemoclundman: of course that patch is welcomed too
12:11.59mnemoclundman: just not mixed
12:12.46mnemocit makes harder to what are the real code fixes
12:12.51mnemocto see*
12:13.08lundmansorry yeah, i did one that was just code changes
12:13.26mnemoclundman: do you still have it?
12:13.28lundmanthen some more minor fixes, and started replacing the hard coded numbers with defines
12:13.42mnemocmeh, back in 30m
12:13.53TurlRaYmAn: there's git add interactive iirc, but I could never use it :P
12:14.59RaYmAnTurl: yeah, that works..sometimes :P
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12:25.32cat1oh! got wireless somewhat working with mainline rtlwifi driver. Though some hiccups are still happening, like this ones:
12:25.33cat164 bytes from icmp_req=79 ttl=64 time=2169 ms
12:25.33cat164 bytes from icmp_req=80 ttl=64 time=1170 ms
12:25.33cat1From icmp_seq=202 Destination Host Unreachable
12:25.33cat1From icmp_seq=203 Destination Host Unreachable
12:25.33cat1in other words connection is not stable..
12:25.54mnemoc3.4 or 3.6?
12:26.20cat_x301_awaynow for 3.6, but same should be true for 3.4. will check when come back.
12:26.33mnemochow did you solve the fw problem?
12:28.47cat_x301_awayin a very dirty way :) now really have to run!
12:29.54Turlwhat fw problem? :O
12:30.11TurlI ran that driver some time ago, didn't have any issues I noticed
12:30.46mnemocin 3.6 the available firmware isn't accepted
12:31.31Turlah, I ran it on 3.0
12:31.51mnemoccat_x301_away: o_O
12:39.04mnemoclundman: any idea why they commented out wemac_get_eeprom/wemac_set_eeprom ?
12:40.00lundmanyeah it doesnt work, like, at all
12:40.19lundmanbasically, it uses byte access to read/write, but has to all be 32bit
12:40.42lundmanthere is code that reads mac address elsewhere, so the source can probably be figured out
12:41.18mnemocbut there is an "eeprom" we can eventually use, right?
12:41.41mnemoc(a block of reserved persistant memory)
12:41.46lundmanhmm that is a good question.. we never found any docs for the wemac
12:42.30lundmanits sufficiently stripped down it might not have it, since it uses scripts
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13:12.29TomNLis there any good and simple file transfer site left?
13:13.35mnemocTomNL: it's secure, anon and non-storing
13:15.08TomNLhehe cool, so when i close browser it's gone?
13:17.53hnomnemoc, there is no MAC eeprom in the A10.
13:18.23mnemocso that dead code can safely be removed
13:18.38hnothe only programmable bits in the A10 is the security id bits.
13:18.44hno(one time fuses)
13:19.35hnoNot entirely sure where mele etc stores the MAC.
13:19.51mnemocI bet it's together with boot0/boot1
13:20.09hnodon't think so.
13:20.41hnomaybe in the u-boot environment? Have never actually looked at what they do there.
13:21.27mnemocso nandb?
13:21.33hnodo you have access to yours? If so boot nand u-boot and issue "printenv"
13:21.45mnemocyes, give me some minutes to connect the stuff
13:22.37hnoDid Tom get any MACs for Cubieboard?
13:22.55mnemoci doubt it
13:24.20mnemochno: yes, it's there
13:24.29mnemocsetargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=${nand_root} init=${init} loglevel=${loglevel} mac_addr=${mac}
13:25.18hnoThat pretty much explains why there is an UART header mounted.
13:25.59mnemocto manually modify the env of each unit?
13:26.17hnoto modify the env during production yes.
13:26.26hnodoubt they do it manually.
13:26.53hnobut maybe they do.
13:27.21hnosomeone is manually putting the MAC sticker there.
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13:54.09steevGumboot: how is it wired on?  schematics are available
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14:03.35mnemoclundman: 3 months late, but merged :)
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14:05.17mnemocTomNL: btw, means "cut me in steaks" in spanish... and the author/owner is from spain :p
14:05.46mnemocnot sure what was his original intention for the domain
14:08.33drachensundont post any files with your home address I guess, unless your in to that kind of thing
14:08.52TomNLhehe no worries ;-)
14:11.15jellymnemoc: filing tea _was_ weird
14:13.57mnemocit's pretty clear the domain wasn't bought for sharing files
14:14.34mnemocthe most gory part is that the author/owner is from my town
14:15.12mnemocbut i really like it for sharing files
14:20.24oliv3rthe A10 SPL, is it opensource? or a binary blob from allwinner?
14:21.17oliv3r(I am browsing the SPL subdir on hno's allwinner tree)
14:21.21mnemocoliv3r: there is one open and one closed
14:21.24oliv3ruboot-allwiner tree*
14:21.26mnemocuboot's is open
14:21.38oliv3rbut uboot requires SPL to chainloot it?
14:22.07mnemocfrom NAND they use boot0/boot1 for that
14:22.17mnemocwhich are closed
14:22.23oliv3roh :(
14:22.30mnemocfrom mmc we use u-boot's spl
14:22.38mnemocfrom hno's
14:22.41oliv3rAh, u-boot offers SPL, nice
14:23.00oliv3rso why is boot0 and boot1 closed? And why can't SPL work from nand? (I have no technical background in this, just am curious)
14:23.10mnemoceventually one day we will get rid of boot0/boot1
14:23.49mnemocboot0/boot1 are closed because allwinner decided so
14:24.16oliv3rduh :p but is there any technical reason to keep those closed? Would u-boot's nand-SPL replace them?
14:24.37mnemoceventually, it will
14:24.45mnemoconce it matures enough
14:25.23oliv3rSo nand-SPL isn't as stable as the regular SPL (both from u-boot)?
14:25.40oliv3rso in an opensource sense, mmc boot is prefered to nand boot?
14:25.56mnemocit's more about lack of time and documentation
14:26.13mnemocbut yes, if you want to boot free, boot from mmc
14:26.55oliv3rdocumentation from allwinner? or u-boot? (I assume lack of documentation of allwiner)
14:27.01mnemocthere are other priorities at the moment than integrating sunxi-nand into out main uboot branch
14:27.23mnemoclike proper dram and pmu initialization
14:27.40oliv3rthe leaked datasheet going to help with that?
14:28.13mnemocit has some info, but it's very incomplete in most areas
14:29.10oliv3rsad :(
14:29.22oliv3ryou'd wonder, who they did it; if their own documentation isn't up to snuff
14:30.15mnemocletting others do software for their chips is not interesting for their business model
14:30.52oliv3ryet! :)
14:31.08oliv3rtime to go home :) tomorrow i'll try to wikify some more of the datasheet :)
14:32.14mnemoclundman: really bothers me
14:33.54mnemoclundman: does the first always fail?
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14:57.55Turlmnemoc: what's the cmdline parameter to pass mac address?
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14:58.54TurlI was trying macaddr, no wonder it didn't work :)
14:59.52Turlmnemoc: hm with this kernel built into archlinux I can reboot fine and serial doesn't break
15:00.28mnemocTurl: old uboot :)
15:00.48mnemocwith the world hardcoded
15:01.10Turlmnemoc: but it broke on linux, not uboot
15:01.22TurlI'll try upgrading the kernel later and will let you know if it breaks
15:01.49mnemocTurl: we are clearly talking about different problems
15:01.54hnois using quite different clock settings in later u-boot versions.
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15:03.57mnemochno: have you tested `sunxi` in your mele? does it survive reboot?
15:04.07mnemoci can try later today
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15:16.05TurlWarheadsSE: so far so good, arch hasn't exploded my mele yet :P
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15:16.55WarheadsSEwell good Turl
15:17.09TurlWarheadsSE: apparently it's using the interactive governor though
15:17.23WarheadsSEby default, that may be
15:17.30WarheadsSEshould be simple to change :)
15:17.30Turlwhich prints a kernel warning every once in a while because some kthread is stuck :|
15:17.46WarheadsSEThats whats causing that annoyance.
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15:22.27TurlWarheadsSE: what's 'the arch way' to handle kernels?
15:22.34Turl(is there any?)
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15:25.43WarheadsSETurl: simply put, see the github for the package.
15:26.37WarheadsSEthere is the config file as I have it, I have personally buil 3.0.42, but havent gotten a lot of testing time into it yet
15:26.59WarheadsSERight now, Ihave it grabbing the tarball @ the commit target, and building from there.
15:28.19TurlWarheadsSE: btw I noticed updating the kernel with pacman doesn't update it, I had to cp it manually to the other partition
15:28.32Turlnot sure if that's intended or not
15:28.37WarheadsSEYeah, it's as simple as an fstab entry
15:28.44WarheadsSEIt is semi-intended.
15:29.01WarheadsSEOtherwise we'd have to make a zillion filesystem packages just to cover teh fstab entries.
15:30.20TurlI guess I'll just scp my kernel to the first partition and skip arch for now :P
15:30.46WarheadsSEYou mean the in-the-repo kernels
15:31.13TurlI can't make much sense of the scripts
15:31.15WarheadsSEYeah, you can always use your own kernels in the normal way. They just won't be tracked unless you make a package of it.
15:31.38TurlI mean, in debian 'the right way' is using make-kpkg and installing the generated .deb
15:31.42Turlto keep stuff clean
15:31.53WarheadsSEthats the same way with Arch
15:31.56WarheadsSEjust makepkg
15:32.02WarheadsSEand pkg.tar.xz
15:32.44Turlhm interesting Last login: Thu Dec 31 18:51:17 2009 from laptop.lan
15:32.55TurlI logged into my mele two years ago :P
15:33.06Turlinstalls ntpd
15:33.59Turl$ sudo pacman -S ntpd
15:34.01Turlerror: target not found: ntpd
15:34.01Turl$ sudo pacman -S ntpd/openntpd
15:34.01Turlerror: database not found: ntpd
15:34.28WarheadsSEntpd/openntpd .. was meant to be an either or.
15:34.51Turl'ntpd' doesn't exist apparently :P
15:34.55Turlopenntpd installed fine
15:34.57WarheadsSEalways have -Ss
15:35.05WarheadsSEand search for what you ae looking for
15:35.38WarheadsSEthat might be helpful
15:36.30cat_x301mnemoc: 3.4 crashed when i enabled rtlwifi, look
15:36.49WarheadsSEah, Turl ntpd is in the ntp package
15:37.04mnemocwhat the...
15:38.09TurlWarheadsSE: does arch automatically set it up on start for me?
15:38.33WarheadsSEYou'll have to add it to the start config
15:38.38WarheadsSEsystemd or sysvinit ..
15:38.49Turlsystemctl enable ntpd.service according to the wiki
15:38.50WarheadsSEls /etc/rc.d/
15:39.12WarheadsSEif that isnt found, systemd * might be in the image. I can't remember if I uploaded a new one.
15:39.36Turlwhen I pacman -Syu it asked me if I wanted systemd I think
15:39.53WarheadsSEThen you probably not that far along
15:40.01WarheadsSEI need to clean /update that image
15:40.32Turlhow do you run it though?
15:40.36Turl$ systemctl start ntpd
15:40.37TurlFailed to get D-Bus connection: No connection to service manager.
15:41.38WarheadsSEadd it to the DAEMONS line after network
15:41.54WarheadsSEThe systemd conversion needs to be done on that rootfs
15:43.28hnomnemoc, regarding
15:43.59hnothe DM9000 register names should not be there. It is not a DM9000 MAC.
15:44.52hnoAnd the specific line looks safe to me.  But if you are worried then keep the if(!Rxcount) part.
15:47.09mnemochno: the part that bothers me is the removal of the delay in the second try
15:49.28Turlmnemoc: I've been using the patch on my repo for quite a bit on my mele
15:49.39Turldoing heavy networking (torrents, nfs)
15:49.42Turland it's been fine
15:50.21Turlmnemoc: and I have just built with yours and I can still ssh to it
15:53.26mnemoc"it's good because it didn't crash" :)
15:53.44mnemoci did that test too
15:54.22Turlmnemoc: you forgot the "and it performs better" bit :P
15:57.15mnemocand why do we need a dummy read at all if the second happens only some microseconds later
15:57.42mnemoci have no clue, but it feels wrong
15:59.01traeakahh nice, i sold off my rpi (whee!)  one thing, at least they haven't lost value (hehe)
16:03.22hnomnemoc, It's not a big deal if RxCount is missed there.
16:03.45hnobut a delay is unlikely to help when it is.
16:05.39TurlWarheadsSE: hm, I cannot ping
16:05.47TurlI need to run ping as root
16:05.47hnoI think I know what that is about. The second read is not needed either. Instead it should check the rx count ater enabling interrupts again in the if(!Rxcount) block further down.
16:05.53mnemocTurl: android kernel on linux?
16:06.06Turlmnemoc: I have paranoid network disabled, so it's not that
16:06.13WarheadsSEmight be something in the setopts turl
16:07.17Turlhm WarheadsSE
16:07.27Turlapparently getcap should show some stuff
16:07.39hnomnemoc, there is race window between reading the rx count register and enabling interrupts.
16:07.42Turlbut all I get is 'Failed to get capabilities of file `/usr/bin/ping' (Operation not supported)'
16:08.04mnemochno: :(
16:08.22hnomnemoc, why so sad?
16:08.28WarheadsSETurl: looks like an upstream issue :p
16:08.34hnocode is easy to follow.
16:08.57hnoRxcount = readl(db->emac_vbase + EMAC_RX_FBC_REG);
16:08.57mnemochno: haven't looked at it yet. only the diff
16:08.59WarheadsSEHmm.. looks like maybe caps arent set on the fs you as using/
16:09.26mnemochno: no EINTR in this world?
16:09.29TurlI followed the alarm instructions WarheadsSE
16:09.32hnoand then if(!Rxcount){ [..] writel(reg_val, db->emac_vbase + EMAC_INT_CTL_REG);
16:09.38mnemochno: meh, ignore that
16:09.45WarheadsSETurl: I'll check my config
16:09.55Turl/dev/root on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,user_xattr,barrier=1,data=ordered)
16:10.07Turlmight be my kernel config though, do I need anything special?
16:10.23TurlI reused my old mele-as-server config
16:10.43hnomnemoc, and in wemac_interrupt,         writel(0, db->emac_vbase + EMAC_INT_CTL_REG);                                   /* Disable all interrupt */
16:11.01WarheadsSEAh, if your kernel config doesn't have ext4 filled out, then yes
16:11.15WarheadsSEfill out for xattr/acl/security
16:11.31hnoThe sleep (and retried read) most likely only changes timing so that one test pattern do not catch this race window.
16:11.55mnemochno: shouldn't it solve itself in the next loop?
16:12.10hnoThere is no next loop. It solves itself on next packet.
16:12.21hnothe loop is terminated on !Rxcount
16:12.34mnemocah, got it
16:13.06hnothere is a receive queue of some (10+) KB of packets.
16:13.24hnoRxcount is the number of packets in queue.
16:14.56mnemocright. so we remove the second readl() and let the second packet release the first
16:15.48hnoyes, but on a quiet network you never know when that is.
16:17.50hnoBetter to close the race window, making sure the rxcount is checked again after enabling interrupts.
16:18.54TurlWarheadsSE: yep that was it :) reinstalled ping and it works now
16:19.00Turlwonder how many other tools I broke though :P
16:19.35WarheadsSEthe set/getopt are kernel level, not FS level.
16:19.50WarheadsSESo, the data should still be in the file
16:20.09TurlWarheadsSE: maybe my desktop didn't have it either when I made the image? idk
16:20.48Turlping on my desktop has +s
16:23.23Turl9/499MB of RAM used :)
16:23.51hnoTurl, how did you make the image?
16:24.32WarheadsSEpretty much my base rootfs, plus his kernel
16:24.46Turlhno: followed the guide on
16:25.00Turlthen upgraded it with pacman -Syu to be on the latest
16:25.21Turlthen built a kernel with mali & all the others disabled and copied it on the boot partition as uImage
16:25.40Turland I disabled all the ttyX too
16:25.49Turlleft just the one on ttyS0
16:26.09WarheadsSEMakes sense, there are several things we don't change from upstream Arch, such as that.
16:27.21mnemochno: ?
16:28.15*** join/#arm-netbook TomNL (
16:28.25TomNLlundman: still there?
16:28.28hnomnemoc, plus adding code in the if (!RxCount) block to check again after enabling interrupts.
16:28.51mnemochno: read + goto?
16:29.46*** part/#arm-netbook aaribaud (~aaribaud@2a01:e35:2eb9:20:250:43ff:fe01:dc73)
16:30.05hnoread and no return if not zero.
16:30.53WarheadsSETurl: looks good
16:31.13WarheadsSEi know it is zippy as hell to boot on systemd
16:31.28*** join/#arm-netbook jquip (~johnny@
16:33.41TomNLmnemoc is the nic patch already commited to allwinner-android-v2?
16:33.53mnemocTomNL: yes
16:34.00mnemocsince ~1h ago
16:34.35TomNLhehe cool, i will try normally nic is really slow...also i saw fbconsole for the first time today
16:35.08mnemoci don't know why I don't get a penguin :<   LOGO is enabled...
16:35.35TomNLi dont know...but i kept seeing the cursur through xbmc ;-)
16:37.43hnomnemoc, yes, should do it.
16:39.14hnothe sleep that was there only shrinks the race window by sacrifying general system performance under network load
16:40.19hnonow there is another race that may cause repeated interrupt on an already processed packet, but that should be harmless.
16:41.31hnoprotected by skb_last=NULL in start of wemac_rx
16:44.43drachensunI'm trying to up my kernel to the pull 1G of ram, is there a suggested way to do this?
16:45.02drachensunI was reading the open issue about it but it looks like it still relied on the kernel hack
16:47.03mnemocruns xubuntu on his cubieboard with 1GB with no hacks and a fully open bootchain
16:47.56drachensunI'm using the hno uboot and the allwinner-v3.0-android-v2 kernel
16:48.00*** join/#arm-netbook lerc_ (
16:48.22drachensunso you are using those and it sees the whole memory?
16:48.34t0dbld|workmnemoc: Did you come up with kind of case for it ? I am about to build one for NFC enabled electric door strikes but need to look at houseing
16:48.47*** join/#arm-netbook Almamuetya (~almamuety@
16:48.54mnemocdrachensun: and a little patch to uboot to use dram params generated from my script.fex
16:49.00WarheadsSEdrachensun: ^
16:49.09WarheadsSEthe uboot patch + kernel are needed.
16:49.09*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
16:49.49drachensunexcellent, can you point me toward the patch?
16:50.00drachensunI think I see where to fix the fex
16:50.12mnemocwhat device?
16:50.23drachensunIts an OEM A10 Tablet
16:51.34mnemocthe patch WarheadsSE is refering to won't apply to a recent uboot
16:52.38WarheadsSEmnemoc: so I should update the uboot I have, just to be sure?
16:53.15drachensunI can always try to modify it, better than what i've got now
16:53.25mnemocWarheadsSE: it's safer to keep what you have, until all the new PMU setup matures a bit
16:54.00mnemocdrachensun: get a recent copy of sunxi-tools, from amery's github
16:54.01hnodrachensun, disable the kernel hack overriding memory configuration. Update u-boot arc/arm/cpu/armv7/sunxi/dram.c with your board details (thiss will move elsewhere shortly).
16:54.38hnotrouble is finding the right board details.
16:54.43drachensunok, so this all in the kernel not uboot?
16:54.55hnoit's both.
16:55.17mnemochno: I started with those I have...   cubieboard NULLs got replaced by real values
16:55.41hnouboot needs to configure the memory controller correctly for your dram.
16:55.53mnemochno: but there are a couple hundred devices from which we don't have .fex files
16:56.39drachensunI'm going to submit a few later today
16:56.53hnomnemoc, i know.
16:57.31hnowe have a couple options there, nothing unsolvable.
16:59.26hnoone is using livesuite, another figuring out how to read the nand. a third is replicating the probing done by livesuit
17:00.03hnoa fourth is guessing. It's not rocket science.
17:00.50hnoif you know how many chips, what chips and the data which is available in the fex then you have all data needed.
17:01.41drachensunI can see I've got 4 ram chips, so do I need to set for DCR_TWO_RANKS?
17:02.38hnoif those are 16 bit chips yes.
17:03.00hnowhat device do you have?
17:03.35drachensunoem A10 tablet, let me search the chip part numbers
17:03.44jquipmnemoc, hno:  There are a couple of fex files at     if you need em
17:03.54mnemocdrachensun: the [dram_para] section of your script.bin has the data. and `fexc` from sunxi-tools can generate the struct for you
17:04.00hnojquip, mnemoc ^^
17:04.28jquipwe can always ask everyone here to submit their fex files... we should have a lot more then :)
17:04.40mnemocjquip: thanks
17:04.56jquipawww shucks
17:05.39hnojquip, problem is that dram parameters in script.bin is optional and many new devices leave it blank.
17:05.42drachensunthe density, rank num, io width and bus width are all blank
17:05.50drachensunyup like mine
17:06.29drachensunok, I found the chip, 2Gb
17:06.59hnodrachensun, if you have u-boot console then it's possible to dump them.
17:07.21drachensunI have a console
17:07.35drachensunhno: how can I do that?
17:07.36jquiphno:  so we need to have default params for them ?  how are they being filled in by the android system?
17:07.40mnemocdrachensun: that's why we don't only need to collect .fex files, but to fix them to be reliable :<
17:07.54hnothen boot to nand u-boot, and then dump the memory region where boot1 was loaded.
17:08.10mnemocjquip: livesuit (their NAND flashing too) detects the values
17:09.06jquiphrmm... we need our own then..
17:09.33hnomd.b 0x42400000 0x82d0
17:09.50jquipi mean some probe of sorts...
17:09.50hnoconvert the dump to a binary file and use bootinfo from sunxitools to decode.
17:10.30hnoor visually inspect. dram_para is at offset 0x4c.
17:10.44mnemocand don't forget to write down your new knowledge in :)
17:11.56drachensunat 0x4c I've got 00 00 00 40
17:11.57hno is example data from an Olinuxino A13.
17:12.09hnoyes, that.s fine.
17:12.16hnomd.l might be easier to read actually.
17:13.25drachensunI never figured out how to paste from Gtkterm
17:13.32drachensunoh wait, I'll just save the log, hold on
17:13.33mnemocdrachensun: but bootinfo from sunxi-tools can show it nicer
17:14.03hnoit maps 1-1 to the offsets shown in my paste.
17:14.08drachensunhow do I dump this data to file?
17:14.51drachensunok, your paste is perfect, I'll compare
17:19.49drachensunok, so my bus width is 32
17:20.40drachensunwell the kernel is already set for that
17:26.33drachensunhere is mine
17:27.37drachensunhow does bootinfo expect the file to formatted
17:28.02mnemocbin only
17:35.56drachensunwell I've gone through all the values manually and figured out what they were
17:36.56mnemocthose values go in uboot's dram.c
17:36.57hnokernel config?
17:37.01drachensunbut yeah, I didn't know xxd could do a 'reverse dump' I guess you would call it
17:37.02mnemocnothing to do with the kernel
17:37.34mnemocyou can also use them to fix your [dram_para] in script.fex
17:37.35drachensunI've got too many windows open, give me a sec
17:37.49drachensunyeah, I did that while I was converting the numbers
17:38.07hnoputting the hex in dram.c is fine.
17:38.54hnoeven if some are normally seen as decimal numbers.
17:39.09drachensunI am in the sunxi branch, not the sun4i branch, does that make a differnce?  because the file I have is dram-sun4i.c
17:39.59hnothere is no dram-sun4i.c file since some days.
17:40.09drachensunso thats not good, let me switch branches
17:40.18hnosunxi is the right branch.
17:40.37hnowhen did you last pull from github?
17:41.17drachensunI'm actually in sun4i
17:41.52hnothere is no dram-sun4i.c in sun4i either. Only oldish sunxi.
17:42.29drachensunI've only been at this for 2 weeks or so, I think I pulled originally on the 18th of sept
17:42.40drachensunok, let met just get it all caught up real quick
17:42.42hnomuch happened since then.
17:42.49drachensunfair enough
17:46.25hnoDate:   Fri Sep 28 12:56:22 2012 +0200
17:48.29TurlWarheadsSE: no eatmydata on arch? dealbreaker!
17:48.46hnobefore sun4i had parameters coded at register format, not so easily changed
17:48.54WarheadsSETurl: que?
17:49.29WarheadsSEmore specifically
17:50.43TurlWarheadsSE: I suck at using the search then on pacman hm
17:50.49Turlpacman -Qs was it?
17:51.23Turlhm nope, Ss, but still no results
17:52.12WarheadsSE-Q is local
17:52.15WarheadsSE-S is repo
17:52.22WarheadsSEthats an AUR package though
17:53.25Turlnot on pacman? :/
17:53.35drachensunok its freezing at 'jumping to U-boot'
17:53.49drachensunweird, let me see if I didn't copy something right
17:54.01TurlWarheadsSE: what does ' aur is up to date' on -Syu mean then?
17:54.54drachensunhno: should I build for target sun4i or sunxi now?
17:55.14hnosun4i for a10, sun5i for a13
17:55.23drachensunok, its an a10
17:56.19drachensundid the default jump addresses change or anything?
17:57.26WarheadsSEwe have some packages from the AUR that are pulled from AUR into our Github and built, because of large changes that need made for arm, or because we have enough people trying to build a very large package
18:00.51Turlinstalls compilers on mele :P
18:01.05TurlWarheadsSE: is there anything to be notified of updates to stuff on aur?
18:01.33WarheadsSEI am not sure
18:03.22drachensundid maybe the terminal output settings change?
18:03.24WarheadsSETurl: base-devel :)
18:03.37Turlyeah that's what I'm installing :)
18:03.52Turltakes a lot to install on my slow sdcard though :p
18:05.36hnodrachensun, much change, but if you see SPL output then the UART settings are right.
18:06.55hnoand I don't think I have broken sun4i after it was last tested.
18:07.31drachensunok, if I let my onboard system boot then reset I get a boot loop after spl, if I just hard reset with the card in it tries one and freezes after spl
18:08.23hnonot nice.
18:08.34drachensunI mean the boot loop happens by putting in the sd card then resetting
18:08.38drachensunif that gives any clues
18:08.44hnoi understood that.
18:10.37hnosorry, not much ideas to try assuming you got the dram parameters right.
18:11.08drachensundoes u-boot try to do that setup before it post any messages?
18:11.43hnoyes, but SPL is running from SRAM mostly, while full u-boot is loaded into DRAM and executed from there.
18:12.22hnoSPL surives most DRAM configuration errors.
18:12.38hnofull u-boot some.
18:12.44hnolinux kernel very few.
18:12.57drachensunsomething to start with then, ok
18:13.22hnodoes it surive on the default parameters?
18:13.48hnothose should be the same as used in sun4i branch.
18:14.25drachensunwell at first I tried it before copying my new script.bin back
18:14.48drachensunso with the factory script.bin it had the same behavior as my new one with the dram values filled in
18:15.38drachensunis there another way to try and run with the default values?
18:22.42hnodo the sun4i branch work?
18:22.52hnoexcept for dram size
18:24.19drachensunbuilding now
18:28.08drachensunhmmm no it doesn't and I see you have no new commits since before my previous work
18:28.31hnoHm.. the dram clock in your boot1 data is very high. 432MHz.
18:28.45hnoAnd io_width also looks wrong. Should most likely be 8.
18:29.27hnosun4i branch is only kept as reference.
18:30.02hnohave not settled 100% on style of dram.c yet. Might switch to the style in sun4i later. But first need to get stuff working right.
18:30.07mnemochno: the cubies is 480
18:30.18hnoit is?
18:30.48mnemocinitially it was 408, but they changed it to 480
18:32.57hnodata sheet says it supports up to 400. (400 DDR is 800)
18:33.55drachensunwell this make no sense, I reverted to sun4i which hasn't had updates and I reverted by bin file and still it wont start
18:34.37drachensunheh and I just booted from nand to make nothing is fried, it boots right up
18:35.36rmtry pulling and reinserting the SD card
18:35.47rmthe card/slot can be ugh'y that's for sure
18:35.56*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
18:36.29drachensunits been in and out and bunch of times for all these versions I've been testing
18:39.44drachensunmy fork works
18:41.41drachensunmy fork doesn't seem to make since though, the branch is sun4i but if I look at the commits its looks like hno:sunxi splitting on sept 12
18:41.55drachensunso I was really in sunxi from then
18:42.16*** join/#arm-netbook revident (
18:42.32drachensunI guess I will inch up the sunxi branch and see which commit it is
18:53.50hnodrachensun, "git config" shows which branch you are default pulling from.
18:54.25hnogit config -l
18:56.56hnosun4i was pretty much unchanged in sunxi until Sep 29.
19:05.01drachensunI was using sunxi, it just got mislabeled in my fork so yeah, the unify dram commit is when it stopped working
19:05.15drachensunand something since fixed spl for me
19:09.27drachensunso its looks like most of these values are still hardcoded, in sunxi_dram_init, are they changed later?
19:10.57drachensunor wait, or is that where I need to put my custom settings?
19:12.02hnoIt will move to a configurable header later on.
19:12.39hnohopefully will have just one binary for sunxi with different parameters.
19:12.56hnobut at least just one binary for each cpu.
19:13.59mnemoccan you read the brom early enough from u-boot to get the chip-id?
19:14.21hnoYes, but still need the right DRAM parameters.
19:15.11hnowill not look into magic probing until we have everything working with configured parameters.
19:15.19mnemocyes, I was only thinking about branching sun4i vs sun5i before trying dram params
19:15.26hnoand not all parameters can be probed.
19:15.59mnemocif it doesn't work perfect with the blessed struct of parameters...
19:16.00hnoif we use the allwinner headers then brom based switch is needed. If using custom header no.
19:16.25hnoif having a single binary for both CPUs.
19:16.44mnemocthat would be ideal
19:17.06hnobut as I said, not venturing into that before having things working well with.
19:17.09mnemocbut then you still face the door with script.bin/.dts
19:19.27hnoWell, converting script.bin to dts is only little modification to your tool.
19:19.43mnemocno no
19:19.58mnemocI mean, the limit of the universal booting card
19:20.39hnoI wonder what phoenixcard is doing nowdays.
19:20.51mnemoceven if u-boot and the kernel are multi-platform, one will still need to provide the right board config file
19:21.23hnoit's also using boot0/boot1. But if DRAM parameters is no longer in the firmware image, how do phoenixcard know how to configure dram?
19:21.31mnemocmaybe the probing code isn't in livesuit but in the image
19:21.52hnoI don't think so. boot0/boot1 stored in nand have the parameters set.
19:22.32hnoand a phoenixcard created image boots via boot0 setting up DRAM and boot1 setting up the PMU & CPU clock like usual.
19:22.40hnowith boot1 running from DRAM.
19:22.49mnemocbtw, has recent tools
19:23.16hnotom published new tools?
19:23.40mnemocyes. they use that one to produce buildroot livesuit images for the cubie
19:24.05mnemocwell... not tom, his friend "matson hall"
19:24.28mnemocbin/ is the trigger
19:25.16drachensunI've been wanting something like that, i tried building an image for livesuite and it was a disaster
19:25.48hnothe sdk have always had buildroot support.
19:25.56hnofor a10,
19:26.40mnemocallwinner-pack-tools, allwinner-buildroot and linux-allwinner in the same dir, and then ./allwinner-pack-tools/bin/ to make it run
19:26.43drachensunI didn't realize buildroot would put out an image livesuite could use
19:26.55mnemochno: his allwinner-buildroot is actually a fork of yours
19:27.15mnemocdrachensun: buildroot can't, their packing tool does
19:28.02hnomine is just an import of the sdk.
19:28.53hnohaven't touched it at all.
19:29.14mnemoche made some fixes, in the cubieboard branch
19:34.25hnomnemoc, also several kernel fixes.
19:34.45mnemochno: the sata fix I sent to me ML was from there
19:35.10mnemocthe other is a DMA related fix to the NAND I need to push
19:35.36mnemocthe fixes to the core are already included
19:35.50mnemocthe 8250 "fix" is... uhm
19:36.06mnemocI have a 3.0 branch named cubie built with those
19:37.06hnoany idea who it is?
19:37.38mnemoca friend of tom
19:38.51drachensunare there any hardcodes outside of sunxi_dram_init I should check?
19:38.55hnoYes, but the NAND & PLL6 changes can not be done without information from Allwinner.
19:39.26hnodrachensun, not really. The clock is still hardcoded in clock.c, but should be safe.
19:40.08hnoonly a bit slow compared to before. Need the PMU working before increasing clock frequency.
19:40.29hnothat's the CPU clock, not the DRAM clock.
19:41.46drachensunLooks like you dropped the N factor to 16 right?
19:42.12drachensunoh wait, thats the nand clock
19:44.46hnoThe PLL1 config is quite raw at the moment.
19:47.14hno"stolen" from boot0.
19:48.20hnoall temporary until PMU code is in place.
19:49.03mnemoctechn_: what do you mean by "Expect"?
19:49.49techn_ah :)
19:50.43techn_except :)
19:51.30techn_anyway I changed that gt818 commit and removed duplicate driver which came with
19:52.21techn_and disp commit is not there.. and I'm not sure if you want that debconfig change ?
19:53.50mnemoctechn_: so first I need to remove some hashes from my branch. which?
19:54.22drachensunalright well I'm not even sure how to debug this so I'm just going to revert and
19:54.36drachensunwait and see if maybe something comes up
19:56.05*** join/#arm-netbook NAiL (~repvik@nslu2-linux/repvik)
19:56.14techn_mnemoc: what you mean? :/
19:56.35mnemoctechn_: I have to remove those 3 hashes from my branch, right?
19:57.29NAiLI've been away for a couple of weeks. Anyone mind giving me a /really/ quick update on A10?
19:57.44techn_no.. what I'm missing..
19:58.42mnemoctechn_: ok, lets rephrase. I have a branch you have a branch, which of mine conflict with yours?
19:59.57techn_If you'll rebase You'll  need to drop ffed85e52b9cee6f35992982ca68a1b65882167e and take this instead e691ffe.. then cherry pick 35ab609
20:00.20hnoNAiL, what happened in last three weeks? ̈́
20:00.27techn_or just trash that sun5i branch and take pull request :p
20:04.01NAiLhno: That's the shortest summary I've seen in a while ;)
20:04.18mnemoctechn_: problem is yours isn't not properly rebased :)
20:05.20Turlhmmm techn_
20:05.34Turlwill this help with devices waking up by themselves? :)
20:05.41mnemoctechn_: I'm confused by include/linux/drv_display_sun4i.h -> include/linux/drv_display_sunxi.h
20:06.00mnemoctechn_: I don't see any #ifdef to deal with the diff between include/linux/drv_display_sun4i.h and include/linux/drv_display_sun5i.h
20:06.07hnoNAiL, lots happened in last weeks, or not much depending on who you ask and what you look for.
20:06.56mnemocgets pissed off by people treating the community as their secretary
20:08.06NAiLhno: Well, anything on A10 VPU stuff? I'm guessing I'll get no response if I ask gimli :-P
20:08.46hnoThe biggest change for me (apart from u-boot stuff) is that there is now 3 channels and 3.5 lists to keep track of.
20:09.01Turla guy named empat0 came one day out of nowhere with xbmc with cedar support :P
20:09.03mnemochno: :D
20:09.12Turlhno: 3 channels and 3.5 lists? o.O
20:09.35hno3 irc channels, 3 mailinglists and one forum.
20:09.39TurlI'm missing a list and two channels
20:09.52drachensunyeah me too, fill us in
20:10.07mnemoc#arm-netbook, #cubieboard, #olimex
20:10.08hnomaybe it's only two lists. It's a little diffuse.
20:10.21NAiLoh great
20:10.26TurlI do keep track of ~10-15 channels and ~5-6 mailinglists a day
20:10.30mnemocand arm-netbook@ cubieboard@ linux-sunxi@
20:10.40hnoright, 3 lists.
20:10.45mnemocolimex switched to forum
20:10.50Turloh, didn't know of #cubieboard / cubieboard@
20:10.52hnowhich is the .5
20:11.07mnemocdoesn't follow forums
20:11.09hnoand I round down.
20:11.38Turlmnemoc: any important emails on cubieboard@ or is it customer support or the like?
20:11.52hnoThere was one majorly important one at least.
20:11.59mnemocarm-netbook is talk about everything... while it should be eoma
20:12.09mnemoccubieboard, about the board
20:12.27mnemocolimex, the a13/a10 olinuxino boards
20:12.30Turlgot a link handy to it then?
20:12.43Turljust set up autojoin on #cubieboard
20:12.48hnoTurl, but apart from that one message it's mostly questions about when cubieboard gets delivered.
20:12.51mnemocand linux-sunxi... hopefully for developers and patch reviews
20:13.12Turlhno: I'll join but autotag and check once in a while then
20:13.32mnemocTurl: cubieboard@ and linux-sunxi are in google groups
20:13.40mnemocbut you can subscribe sending an email too I'm guessing
20:14.37techn_mnemoc: ok.. I'll rebase that tomorrow
20:14.57mnemoctechn_: I'm almost done
20:15.04mnemoctechn_: just wondering about that header
20:15.31techn_Thats from sun5i branch.. abit improved :p
20:15.53mnemocso I just git rm include/linux/drv_display_sun5i.h ? (got a conflict)
20:16.34techn_in sun5i-import branch they just started to use sun4i header.. I changed sun4i to sunxi and removed sun5i
20:17.14mnemoctechn_: ok...
20:18.19mnemoctechn_: and what about the rest of "touchscreen: import gt818, sw-ts and fixes from sun5i-import branch" ?
20:18.33mnemocyour replacement only seems to include gt818
20:19.25hnoTurl,!topic/cubieboard/4i-Dchs4o4Q if you haven't seen already.
20:19.50techn_sw-ts was duplicate for driver which we had.. but there is still other ts improvements left
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20:21.51mnemoctechn_: wip/linux-sunxi-3.0/sun5i updated
20:22.06mnemoctechn_: but there are several parts that seem harmful for sun4i
20:22.24Turlare the emails prefixed with "[cubieboard]" or something on subject line?
20:22.38mnemocTurl: yes
20:22.51techn_mnemoc: thanks.. yep.. + c++ comments, tabs, .. :)
20:23.10mnemoctechn_: it would be awesome if you could confirm all of yours is there and then start working upon that one
20:23.12Turlmnemoc: what is it exactly? :)
20:23.16TurlI'm making a filder
20:23.26techn_mnemoc: but I think thats good start to get stuff into mainline
20:23.27mnemocTurl: what is what?
20:23.30Turlthe prefix
20:23.52mnemocTurl: but for the filter you can use mailing list headers
20:23.54RaYmAngoogle lists also inserts a header with the listurl or soemthing like that
20:24.23mnemocList-ID: <>
20:30.19hnohave dropped most mailing list filters and filter manually, after forgetting he was subscribed to some important lists...
20:37.33TurlI'm subscribed to alsa-devel
20:37.40TurlI should probably unsubscribe one day :P
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22:18.19lundmanTomNL: sup?
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23:45.56*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (

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