IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20121001

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00:43.25drachensunDoes anyone know how to make the screen rotate?
00:43.51drachensunI've managed to get the frame buffer to rotate on the terminal login
00:44.10drachensunbut I'm been looking at X guides and can't seem to get it to rotate
00:46.08ccssnetgood question
00:46.16ccssneti was thinking of doing that recently
00:46.32ejstaceydoes it use xrandr?
00:46.39drachensunthats what I tried
00:46.42ejstaceyshould be able to use the xrandr command to rotate things using it
00:46.51drachensunxrandr --output LCD --rotate left
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00:47.20ejstaceyassuming LCD is the proper output
00:47.21drachensun"output LCD cannot use rotation "left" relflection "none"
00:47.35ejstaceynot sure then, sorry
00:47.47drachensunI've got a tablet
00:47.57drachensunand xrandr --verbose -q only list the LCD
00:48.38drachensunit only shows the mode 1024x600, so I am trying to figure out how to add more, or if the driver just doesn't support it
00:49.51ccssnetmaybe a module missing in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf
00:50.49drachensunwell on my desktop xrandr works to rotate the screen of course and I noticed in the -q I see a lot of modes listed
00:51.07drachensunbut only the one mode on the A10, so that seems like the most likely thing to change
00:51.56drachensunweird thing, on my mint pc here I can't find the xorg.conf file
00:52.04drachensunI was hoping to look at it for an example
00:52.22ccssnetdrachensun: look for a xorg folder in its plac
00:53.00ccssnetalso, newer xorg is supposed to auto detect so the file is still usable for backwards reasons
00:53.47drachensunI found a page about it, I guess mint doesn't have it by default but you can generate one
00:53.50drachensunI'm trying it now
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00:55.02ccssnettake a look at this one i wrote for someone else:
00:55.26ccssnetwas for a 14.1" screen netbook/laptop
00:59.11ccssnetyoull need to change driver, and video card bus id
00:59.18ccssnetplus resolutions
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01:07.27drachensunno luck, couldn't make the file
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01:10.59drachensunok, I found you response in the chat log
01:11.06drachensunI tried adding those modes and I'm rebooting now
01:12.18drachensunhmmm the new modes still dont show when I run the xrandr query
01:15.08drachensunoh well, thats all the time I have for now.  Its a real shame too, the gsensor fires right up and I found a x script to autorotate the screen
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01:28.16ccssnetdid you check the link i pasted?
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14:44.09WarheadsSEso, who wants to point me in the right direction on iMX video drivers?
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14:46.26mnemocsteev is our local iMX expert
14:46.48WarheadsSEtrying to figure out the configuration for xorg
14:46.54WarheadsSEhdmi hates me :p
14:47.09steevhdmi hates everyone
14:47.11WarheadsSEandhaving problems finding decent docs on the deriver/xorg
14:47.15steevshe's a spiteful mistress
14:47.16WarheadsSElol ..
14:47.26WarheadsSEthis HDMI works perfect on the A10 SoC so, go figure.
14:47.39steevfirstly, what chip, secondly, what kernel/driver(s)
14:47.52steevthirdly, does it work with fbdev
14:47.54WarheadsSEimx6q, on a nitrogen6x
14:48.09WarheadsSE3.0.35 from git w/ freescale & boundary patches
14:48.19WarheadsSEI'm not getting decent configuration with fbdev.
14:48.30WarheadsSEdecent meaning, im fucking it up
14:48.42steevyou shouldn't need to "configure" anything
14:49.08steevhowever I bet the bootloader has (unless you modified it) specified to use 1920x1080
14:49.22WarheadsSEwhich would be nice .. let me get the cmdline
14:49.33WarheadsSEvideo=mxcfb0:dev=lcd,CLAA-WVGA,if=RGB666 video=mxcfb1:dev=hdmi,1280x720M@60,if=RGB24
14:49.47steevokay then it's defaulting to 1280x720
14:50.03WarheadsSElooks like it is jumping to fb0, coming up virtual 800x480
14:50.29steevif mxcfb0 is not connected it's ignored
14:50.44steevfb0 will always be the first framebuffer device regardless of connection
14:50.46WarheadsSEno /dev/mxcfb*
14:50.55steevdoesn't matter
14:51.05steevit won't create /dev/mxcfb*
14:51.15steevthat is/was a udev rule and was/is stupid to do
14:51.37WarheadsSEanything in particular I should be looking to ensure is in place?
14:51.58steevif you have an xorg.conf, move it out of the way.  second, post up that Xorg.0.log somewhere
14:52.11steevthe current one, as well as after moving .conf
14:52.13TomNLguys i am trying to crosscompile xbmc on debian squeeze. but i keep getting
14:52.14TomNLerror: impossible constraint in âasmâ
14:52.18TomNLany suggestions?
14:52.34steevTomNL: post up more of the error somewhere?
14:55.39steevWarheadsSE: interesting, and if you use the bsp... oh wait, you probably don't have access to it
14:55.46steevor is it realeased
14:55.52steevi just got back from a week's vacation
14:56.19WarheadsSEsteev: I have access to a lot ;) I am not on bsp though.
14:56.37steevokay - so have you tried the fsl xorg driver instead of fbdev
14:56.47steevi don't have a nit6
14:57.01steevi have sabresd, and sabrelite, and our own board
14:57.13WarheadsSEEric sent this one over for me to get Arch up on. Have most of it sorted, except wierd sata behavior & testing video
14:57.43steevyeah, they have some minor issues
14:57.56steevmy lite likes to lock up when using sata
14:58.00WarheadsSELike, it doesnt see the attached drive :p
14:58.04steevthe SD has been pretty solid
14:58.20WarheadsSEyeah, I get the occasional hiccup on sd, but just the write delay
14:58.25steevbut you gotta be all lovey dovey with fsl to get it  - should be available soon since it's now october
14:59.12steevbut yeah - if you have access to their driver, give it a shot, i'm not sure why it would bust out a virtual.  alternatively, remove the mxcfb0 portion from the bootargs in uboot
14:59.26steevsee if that helps, i normally don't put stuff in that could remotely cause an issue
15:00.25WarheadsSEre-reads bootscript
15:00.31WarheadsSEremme reboot with the hdmi in.
15:01.42WarheadsSEappears its got an hdmidetect in uboot w/ a switch on teh args.
15:01.52WarheadsSEoh look, fbconsole..
15:02.40steevoh wait, you were plugging in hdmi after?
15:02.59WarheadsSEhence it was thinking LCD came up 0
15:03.02steevin that case it was likely using 800x600 or whatever as a placeholder, and doesn't do hotplug support
15:03.16WarheadsSEnot very well, no
15:03.26steevhotplug is notoriously difficult
15:03.39WarheadsSEshould work with the edid/dcc but, meh
15:03.45WarheadsSEI know the troublesome that it is.
15:03.47steevit's not about edid/dcc
15:04.44steevit's about every monitor manufacturer doing different shit with their monitors, so you get weird stuff like the monitor turning off, going into standby, sending the edid twice, not re-sending it at all, so on and so forth
15:05.24WarheadsSEpoints at second line :)
15:05.32WarheadsSE"I know how troublesome that is"
15:06.03WarheadsSEattempting xfce4 ..
15:06.34steevare you keeping the claa stuff in for a reason?
15:06.54WarheadsSEnah, its just part of the bootscript I had
15:07.06WarheadsSEfigured, OHAI, i'll give it quick whirl
15:07.12WarheadsSEI'll gank later
15:07.16steevas a gentoo dev i prefer to get rid of cruft :P
15:07.28steevas a bonus i get paid to do it :P
15:07.51WarheadsSEsteev: as an Arch dev I gernally agree. Sadly, I don't yet get paid to do it :p
15:08.13steevi was a gentoo dev for 5 years or so before it netted me this job :)
15:08.30WarheadsSEI'm working on beating that goal by 3 years;)
15:08.42WarheadsSEfew months to go yet :p
15:09.53traeakxfce4 meets wife's approval
15:10.37WarheadsSEOMF really? unplug USB mouse it doesnt recognize.. unmounts / ...
15:10.38traeakfor a lightweight productivity desktop for casual users IMHO xfce4 is the best
15:10.52traeakno stupid extraneous crap
15:11.06traeaki don't give a rip about the desktop, its the applications that matter
15:13.08WarheadsSEthats a problem.
15:13.22WarheadsSEPlug in root-hub powered usb device.. SD go poof.
15:15.14WarheadsSEsteev: anyone seen issues with USB?
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15:58.11steevWarheadsSE: i haven't yet
15:59.54WarheadsSEsomething must be broken in my system then :p
16:00.25mnemocyes, it's running Arch
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16:02.20WarheadsSEmnemoc: ...
16:02.40WarheadsSEconsidering I've been futzing around with the kernel config I can't rule out botching something
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18:33.19Turlhno: are you around?
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18:38.17techn_less than 0.5W 16 mele with SSD :p
18:40.11jinzoyou have waay too much money :)
18:40.37drachensunhey techn, got any thoughts on how the make the screen rotate?
18:41.27jinzotechn_, an impressive feat tho.
18:42.10jinzowith the 1GB A10 versions popping out, it'll be even more interesting
18:42.30techn_no.. thats not mine.. guillames cluster
18:43.32rm> Ethernet relay board
18:43.44rmback in my day we were using Ethernet switches
18:43.59rm(and that's the way we liked it)
18:44.17Turlmnemoc: hmm, are you around?
18:44.21jinzorm, it's not what you think it is
18:44.30jinzoit's just 16 relays controllable via Ethernet
18:44.34rmah right
18:44.52jinzo(I had the same tought, had to check :D)
18:45.27rm280 mA @ 220V is how much in W
18:48.50traeak62W :-p
18:49.44Turlmnemoc: I'm having trouble getting uboot to use tne cmdline I provide
18:49.45techn_drachensun: No idea :(
18:51.39Turlit's line it's not reading the boot.scr mnemoc
18:52.15techn_rm: ah.. It was too good to be true (0.5W) :)
18:53.37mnemocTurl: sure you are using a uboot that supports boot.scr?
18:53.54mnemocTurl: also note boot.scr is binary, uEnv.txt is text
18:54.09Turlmnemoc: yeah I made boot.cmd then compiled it as indicated on the wiki mnemoc
18:54.16TurlI used hno's precompiled uboot
18:54.23mnemochow old?
18:54.41Turlu-boot-mmc-hno-v2011.09-sun4i-20120808.img08-Aug-2012 02:40  162K 
18:55.13mnemocTurl: also, you may need to clear your old uboot env.... you may have one stored that doesn't load boot.scr
18:55.31mnemocTurl: check if `printenv` talks about the .scr file
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18:57.13TurlI now added a uEnv.txt with extraargs=[stuff] and it loaded it
18:58.05mnemocwithout a `printenv` and uboot's output it's hard to tell anything
18:58.47Turlmnemoc: also, I noticed the kernel serial output stalls after a panic
18:59.07Turlnot right after, but after it reboots and then when it attempts to set up serial again or something, it stalls
19:02.15Turlmnemoc: printenv
19:02.41Turlmnemoc: hm well it stalls on normal reboots too
19:02.43Turl<6>Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 8 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
19:02.43Turl<6>serial8250.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1c28000 (irq = 1) is a U6_16550A
19:02.50Turland it's dead after that :(
19:07.03Turlyeah mnemoc
19:08.14mnemoc3.4 has kind of broken sunxi-8250, but 3.0 should do fine
19:10.46Turlthe kernel doesn't like kexec :P
19:12.10mnemocno comment
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20:08.26vinixcan i to change "#undef DEBUG_SUN4I" by "#define DEBUG_SUN4I" into sun4i-gpio?
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20:32.20rmeBay Listing Removed:   Smart Mini A10 Android 4.0 ROM 4GB Google TV Box + Companion Logitech Keyboard
20:32.34rmeBay nuked that one for some reason
20:32.48rmI wonder why, was that a scam or what
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20:36.44plan_brm: did you try to get one?
20:38.15rmyes, I ordered one
20:38.38rmand the seller marked it as shipped, but with no tracking number despite promising one
20:38.50ccssnetanyone need anything on my 4sale list?
20:40.11plan_brm: hope you will get it ... it would be a really good deal
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20:41.00rmat this point I'd be okay with just getting my money back :)
20:41.20rmrather than wait for a month for something w/o even a tracking number
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20:47.35plan_brm: did you use paypal?
20:47.55rmalready opened a case on ebay
20:52.32plan_brm: the seller was: on-topfaith?
20:56.16rmthere was this label on the pics
20:56.30rmbut the actual username is xiaosomething101
20:57.01ManoftheSearm: I didn't think the A10 did 4 gb
20:57.19ManoftheSeaor, was that the storage?
20:57.22rm4GB ROM, it means the NAND size
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21:49.54mmichalhave you got any experience with A1000 and arm arch or debian
21:51.06mmichali found some old post that it work unstable but i can't find if now they work properly
21:52.04mnemocmmichal: WarheadsSE is the Arch guy here
21:52.42mnemocthat always work :p
21:52.54WarheadsSEUh, is pretty straight forward
21:53.35WarheadsSEbtw mnemoc went to a newer kernel, still no worky on x11 in my repos..
21:53.43WarheadsSEmight need to try a clean image though
21:54.09WarheadsSEthat SD is all kinds of screwed up because it was the development one.
21:54.33mnemocwith r2p4 mali?
21:54.47WarheadsSEYeah, like I said though, it could just be screwy
21:55.37mmichalWarheadsSE:  so make little nas isn't problem
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21:57.15WarheadsSEnope. as a no-display server it works great.
21:59.24mnemocbe sure to disable fb, ve and mali in the kernel to save some memory
21:59.51WarheadsSEI'd have to bundle up a non-gpu kernel
22:00.04WarheadsSEdoesnt that work best with a tweaked uboot to?
22:01.04mnemocit's the mach's core who makes the reserves
22:01.19WarheadsSEYeah, it's been a while since I dug into all that :p
22:01.54mnemocshould be the drivers, but as the addresses are hardcoded we still need to reserve them even before the MMU is init'ed
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22:03.10mnemochope that will change soon
22:03.18mnemocbut now I'm going to sleep
22:03.20mnemocgood night!
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22:06.13mmichalsorry i lost my connection
22:07.37WarheadsSEI'm just watching a kernel build anyways ..
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22:08.36mmichalso there are problems only with X.
22:09.36WarheadsSEyeah. I've had no other platform issues.
22:11.17mmichaland how many time can take make X, month year.
22:13.45WarheadsSEthats a question for the guys working on that driver
22:14.01WarheadsSEOnce it is working, I can have it running in Arch quickly
22:17.53WarheadsSEI just havent had time to focus on the platform recently
22:19.39mmichalok now i know that i can by it as my first arm board
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22:23.29mmichaland i hope it will be robust for my mistake
22:23.37WarheadsSEwe also make sshd stock, so not a mssive problem
22:27.14mmichali saw some "tutorials" how to install Linux on it and always system was no sd card
22:27.51WarheadsSEYou could install to nand. If this is your first ARM though, I'd stay with the SD
22:28.38mmichalok and then i always have android running when i eject sa card
22:29.11WarheadsSESee 'installation' here
22:38.27mmichalthx for help and have a nice day/night or what ever what is behind the window. bye
22:41.01TurlWarheadsSE: how usable is arch linux arm?
22:41.11WarheadsSEfor what
22:41.28WarheadsSEThe X11 drivers a a pain in my ass, but otherwise, its all linux
22:41.35Turlfor stuff :P
22:41.44Turlyeah I don't care about X11
22:41.54Turlmy question was more aimed at software availability
22:42.15WarheadsSEthats the upstream versus us %
22:42.32Turlupstream what, packages?
22:42.46Turlyeah but 4170 what? :)
22:42.50WarheadsSEArch Linux ARM is not Arch :)
22:42.58WarheadsSEsource PKGBUILDs
22:43.12WarheadsSEmany of those become multiple packages
22:44.56TurlI have 1977 packages installed on my debian desktop heh :P
22:45.15WarheadsSEOk, well, ask me the package and I'll tell you if it is live :p
22:45.37Turlhtop? :P
22:45.39Turlthat's a must
22:45.54TurlCentOS doesn't even have it on x86/86_64 :P
22:45.55WarheadsSEand tree, strace, gdb, etc
22:46.03Turliotop, iftop?
22:46.36WarheadsSE[armv7] iotop (0.4.4-3|0.4.4-3): repo=>community, src=>abs, state=>done
22:46.44WarheadsSE[armv7] iftop (0.17-10|0.17-10): repo=>community, src=>abs, state=>done
22:46.56WarheadsSEi had that on my pi
22:47.01WarheadsSEand tested it on the A10
22:47.04Turlnfs support stuff?
22:47.26WarheadsSEthose a pretty core packages
22:47.41WarheadsSEour kernel configs are on github
22:48.48Turlthat's pretty much all I use on it :)
22:50.14WarheadsSEthen you're covered :p
22:51.17Turlthe one time I tried arch on PC I had a bad experience
22:51.28Turlbut I have a friend who uses it and insists on how awesome it is
22:51.33Turlso I figured I'd try it again
22:51.46WarheadsSEwell I've heard it referred to as binary gentoo
22:52.04Turlnone of the speed, all of the headaches :P
22:52.49WarheadsSEWe've not had any speed issues. And I certainly cant say that its _that_much more efficient these days
22:52.59WarheadsSEEspecially @ the ARM level.
22:54.00Turlyeah, just saying that you don't get the "gentoo speed" because it's binary :P
22:55.04TurlI know a couple of gentooers too, and they always claim their stuff is so much faster because they choose what's in and what's out
22:55.19TurlI don't think they gain so much speed as they claim though
22:55.41WarheadsSEwell, knowing what you're doing on ARM, that's the way we work generally on Arch, then there is the cpu optimization
22:58.42WarheadsSEbut we're not going to drop an ubuntu size roots on you
22:59.38TurlI usually just debootstrap testing then install whatever I need
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