IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120923

00:28.40*** join/#arm-netbook pwhalen (
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03:46.17*** join/#arm-netbook ZeroJ (~lz@
03:49.12*** join/#arm-netbook RITRedbeard_ (
03:59.04rz2ksuccessfully built mali r3p1 for A10 using config.h's and pmu stuff from r3p0
03:59.14rz2kwe probably can push r3p1 to next_mali
04:26.53*** join/#arm-netbook alcides (~alcides@unaffiliated/alcides)
05:00.33*** join/#arm-netbook sky770 (~sky770@
05:00.59sky770hey mnemoc :D
05:01.06sky770hi all ^_^
05:02.06sky770hey alcides, ssup
05:31.27sky770Is there anyone who is updated on reverse engineering the Allwinner a10's VPU ?
05:31.37sky770any updates regarding the project?
05:37.35orly_owlmali 400? or is that the gpu?
05:38.34sky770inside the A10 allwinner SoC we got the Mali400M the GPU; inside the whole package we got the CedarX VPU
05:40.04sky770am talking abt the CedarX VPU :D
05:40.24sky770a deal breaker :/ IMO
05:46.16rz2kwe just dont have enough people capable of reversing vpu stuff.
05:46.27rz2kand people interest in allwinner seem to fade.
05:53.44sky770All were* hanging on allwinner until it became a reality..
05:54.16sky770well, Amlogic certainly has good prospects in this area :D
05:55.23rz2konly if they would support opensource and help, afaik people still dont have u-boot sources or something basic like that
05:55.43rz2kalso they have gpl-violating NDA, but thats another story.
05:55.57sky770I am clinging onto Tom cubie :D
05:59.37orly_owlare there any satellite/terrestrial stb using allwinner soc?
05:59.42orly_owl*is there
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07:08.17sky770will BRB
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09:52.37GumbootAnyone got any juicy A6 gossip?
09:53.01GumbootThat question may force me into full disclosure mode.
09:55.49lundmanIhave A4,lots of them
09:56.49GumbootApple A6.  I hadn't anticipated that they'd skip the Cortex A15, but it sounds like they have.
09:56.54GumbootBut I don't know if that's confirmed.
09:57.57hnoIs A6 relevant to open?
09:58.19GumbootNot directly, but it's a point of reference.
09:59.21*** join/#arm-netbook tzafrir_laptop (
10:00.05VarmVaffelIf the datasheet for my ARM mcu says that the EMI starts at 0x40000000, wouldn't that be the most logical starting point for the DRAM?
10:00.52hnoGumboot, From the little I know it's not a Cortex neither in design or instruction set.
10:01.21GumbootI'm pretty sure the instruction set will be consistent with Cortex.
10:01.31GumbootARM would probably freak out, otherwise.
10:01.51Gumboot(that being entirely my own opinion, and all that shit)
10:04.17GumbootCortex A series, I mean.
10:04.48GumbootI don't know if the Cortex branding will continue to non-ARMv7 IP.
10:08.22GumbootHm.  Looks like the big delay at the start of building Android is a shell script... ?
10:10.36hnoGumboot, it's a custom ARMv7 based instruction set, dubbed armv7s by Apple, implememented in a custom core design.
10:10.53akaizensky770: rz2k: I'm interested in the CedarX and MALI400. Working on re-doing the interface to libve and implementing the VBV and FBM into a proper driver/module
10:11.17GumbootThat's going to cause some distress.
10:11.25rm$53 capacitive A13
10:11.27Gumboothno: Got a reference?
10:12.38*** join/#arm-netbook von_fritz (
10:13.31akaizenI saw empat_zero got it working, so maybe the VBV, FBM and adapter from the sdk will work. But some specific init_data for the decoder for specific codecs is missing from the documentation
10:15.25GumbootI guess it's one more thing that works out just like Intel.  The eventual arms race of ill-conceived instruction set extensions.  It'll be just like AMD versus Intel and IE versus Netscape.
10:17.45Gumbootfinds a reference but suspects it might be bullshit.
10:27.57akaizenoff to sleep
10:28.11hnoGumboot, only whata anandtech reported
10:29.19hnoand have no reason to distrust. Apple certainly have both resources and the right people to pull that off.
10:31.05hnoand speculations immediately started on Apple switching to ARM for Macbook in future.. guess that's still pretty far off the map however.
10:32.18GumbootIt seems unlikely that they'd implement non-ARM-sanctioned extensions.
10:33.09GumbootWhat I'm seeing suggests that it's just A15-class instructions, though.  Not their own extensions.
10:33.58GumbootOh.  Good.  xcode is dropping ARMv6 support.
10:35.41technmnemoc: Dunno if that patch is needed for r2p4 libraries.. but anyway I got gles acceleration working(with es2gears and glmark2-es) with r2p4, but ie xbmc crashes.
10:36.17technbut I'm currently trying to make that patch work with r3p0/1
10:36.38*** join/#arm-netbook MrWHO (5e270d27@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:37.03MrWHOI was wondering if there was anyone in the channel... it seems really busy! :)
10:40.28hnoMrWHO, yes it's a quite active channel.
10:42.45MrWHOI have an image for my MiniX - Mele_HTPC_120907_V1.2.img - and I'm on linux. I tried to use the depacker from, and it complains that it's not a Phoenix image. Funnily enough it ships with the PhoenixCard application... it possible that the format of the image has changed? There is no "PHOENIX_CARD_IMG" in the image... so it would seem of a different kind of family
10:47.55cat1: allwinner added cpufreq_governor with rather funny name "fantasy" :D
10:51.49hnoMrWHO, that tool is for dissecting SD images written by phoenixcard.
10:52.48hnoThe actual firmware image format is encrypted & obfuscated, and to my best knowledge there is only Windows tools for unpacking them.
10:52.50MrWHOI see...
10:53.26hnothe ones who know the format do not want to talk about it.
10:54.39hnobut there is two known tools developed outside Allwinner that can unpack the image format.
10:54.51hnoplus that Allwinner also have a tool somewhere.
10:55.23hnoin addition to Livesuit and Phoenixcard which both obviously also know how to unpack the firmware image.
10:57.20MrWHODo you know where I can find the tools?
10:59.49techn , if anyone wants to test
11:00.03hno has one.
11:25.43*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
12:09.33VarmVaffelI'm still looking for an answer for the question I wrote here a while ago btw
12:09.40VarmVaffelif anyone knows
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13:05.22popolonwhat is this computer ? I believe the link was wrong on the page I found it
13:06.10popolon(by clicking on the Soc scheme on this page)
13:07.46penguin42oh wacky
13:09.08penguin42popolon: I'd assume that's an ARM versatile express development board loaded with a few processor modules
13:10.17penguin42popolon: compare to the picture you get
13:10.30penguin42popolon: Click ont he click for larger image on there
13:12.06popolonok, thanks penguin42
13:12.30*** join/#arm-netbook madmalkav (~Hamlet@
13:12.56penguin42popolon: The versatile express is basically a motherboard that you then choose a CPU module for, it's what ARM seem to release there new cores on first as their internal test board
13:13.52popolonis ARM the manufacturer of versatile express ?
13:14.32penguin42popolon: I think so
13:15.06popolonoh, thanks
13:15.58penguin42popolon: the board is built so you can build test boards for whatever hardware you're going to build into a SoC
14:30.35*** join/#arm-netbook vgrade2 (
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16:54.43*** join/#arm-netbook merbzt (
16:54.56mnemoctechn: so x11/gl working? :)
16:56.16rz2kmnemoc: still no luck for obvious same libs/x11dr2i/drivers setup
16:56.40rz2ksomehow you can make r2p4 work with r3p0 drivers but I didnt get how to do that, I have kernel oopsing with that
16:57.04rz2kwith r3p0/1 any gl app dies with 12288 or 12296
16:59.18rz2kmost weird stuff is that 12288 is egl_success error
16:59.55mnemocwho oopses? disp or mali?
17:00.01mnemocor drm? or ump?
17:00.35rz2kapply this patch and test
17:03.27technrz2k: I managed to get gles acceleration with r2p4 user and kernelspace
17:04.05rz2kwhat patch did you apply for r2p4? there is not buf1/2 there
17:04.11rz2konly get_secure_id
17:04.31technget_secure_id ioctl is same as buf1 ioctl
17:05.18technbut not sure if that patch is even needed with r2p4.. only difference is that memory lenght is halfed
17:07.56*** join/#arm-netbook RITRedbeard_ (
17:08.34rz2kI cant reproduce it unfortunately :( I'm only getting with r2p4 kernelside, r2p4 libs and your patch
17:10.30technrz2k: you'll need to chmod /dev/ump
17:10.56rz2kI have udev rule for that
17:11.01mnemocrz2k: disp-ump loaded?
17:11.15rz2kmnemoc: see modules list
17:11.29technalso.. have you updated latest version of that patch
17:11.50rz2kno, thats with the old one, today I've only tested r3p0
17:12.34rz2kI will try again ofcourse. isn't very phone friendly
17:13.40*** join/#arm-netbook vgrade (
17:21.09cat1mnemoc: what about
17:22.21mnemocI'm more of a fan of sprunge
17:23.13mnemoceasy to paste from command line, and the result is plain text unless you ?lang
17:24.28cat1mnemoc: yeah, looks very good
17:24.35technany suggestions what to run top of gles2?
17:24.55*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@
17:25.05technxbmc and es2ri crashes
17:25.48technbut anything else in linaro's ALIP repos?
17:28.11merbztis there a console port on the H24 (minix) =
17:38.22*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
18:34.31mnemocoh. someone just published the A10 user manual on the cubieboard list...
18:35.33RaYmAnthat's fun
18:36.30*** join/#arm-netbook alcides (~alcides@
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18:36.44RaYmAnis that newer than what some people already had?
18:49.52*** join/#arm-netbook Gujs (
18:58.19rmhow to open U-host? :S
18:58.29rmunscrewed the 2 screws, that's all?
18:58.53mnemocrm: pictures for please :)
19:01.12hnohope Tom don't get in trouble on that.
19:02.46hnoSame MD5 even, so the PDF is not watermarked.
19:03.07cdenon-WITS, beware!
19:03.44mnemocgood to know it's not traceable
19:05.01rmapparently someone decided screws weren't enough
19:05.12rmand it also has those horrible plastic clamps at 4 points
19:06.23hnomnemoc, it's troublesome regardless from a license perspective, but what the heck.
19:09.19*** join/#arm-netbook Yaku (
19:09.40rmthis one does not have pins
19:09.47rmat least it has holes
19:10.05rmwhich are not labeled
19:10.34Yakudoes someone know if there is a special channel for allwinner a10 devices ? i am looking for an option to thether not my mobile connection but my ethernet on my mele a2000 with 2nd mele ICS stockrom
19:11.23mnemocrm: :'(
19:11.40mnemocYaku: this one is fine
19:12.39hnorm, uart?
19:12.52*** join/#arm-netbook Gujs (
19:13.33rmor... hm
19:13.38rm^ ...what?
19:14.11mnemocnot nice
19:14.21rm"Ok, spoke with the factory and the 4 pins are not UART. There is a flymouse that is an optional add-on. The receiver for the fly mouse uses these pins for the connection."
19:15.41Yakuthx, just didn´t know exactly where to look, i just opened the mobile ap option and it opened the accesspoint and could connect to my mele from my sgs+, but i do not seem to be able to get to the internet, the box got a connection while under status it says it doesn´t i still can access the web from the box itself
19:16.12Yakureally seems to be the right channel since ur also working with an a10 device rm :)
19:16.29hnorm, so it's USB then.
19:16.47hnomost likely.
19:18.45rmYaku, people discuss the A10 devices here 90% of the time
19:19.07rmso it is indeed the most suitable channel in all of freenode for your question
19:19.09hnoand not so much the EOMA68 A10.
19:19.24rmnaturally, people tend to discuss things which exist
19:19.29Yakuwas thinking of buying an ug802
19:19.48Yakubut that´s rk3066 and no sources :/
19:20.06hnodo the mele firmware have tethering support?
19:20.30Yakui could put a 3g stick in there and it would thether
19:21.10Yakubut i want to share the ethernet rather then the 3g connection to have a mobile ap in a hotel
19:21.33hnothat's more of an Android question than A10.
19:22.17Yakuwhat´s the best channel for android network related subjects ?
19:23.04rmI guess there has to be #android
19:24.35hnoif not someone there should know.
19:25.13Yakuguess i have to register in irc to get rights for the channel
19:25.47CIA-15rhombus-tech:  master * r2992d4f136d0 /allwinner_a10/orders/olex.mdwn:
19:26.15hnoYaku, being registered with nickserv is always a good idea.
19:30.03cat1anyone, why do we have CONFIG_BCM4330=m? is there any a1X based device with it?
19:39.26hnoprobably some.
19:45.02*** join/#arm-netbook Yakuzzi (
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19:54.05mnemoctechn: now with the user manual leaked into the CB list you can look into the g2d details a little better
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20:00.32Yakuzzithx everyone
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21:14.40rmsomehow I am a bit fed up with these A10 devices
21:15.00rmunlike x86, when it fails to boot you can't see any debug output
21:15.19rmand those ass clowns put USB pins instead of UART
21:15.23rmbecause yay fly mouse
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21:18.41rmalso the U-host has only one USB host port externally
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21:18.57rmand it seems to have a hard time powering a passive hub + 3-4 devices on it
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21:23.27merbzt4*0.5A = 2A
21:24.08merbztso you need quite a beefy power supply for that use case
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21:25.32specingmerbzt: usb keys and keyboard usually don't drain 0.5A :)
21:27.56merbzttrue, but if it is a small device with one usb port then it usually only have power enough for that also'
21:31.47technrm: put disp modules inside kernel, then you'll see whats the problem
21:32.11technunless problem is earlier than disp is inited
21:32.31technbut atleast userspace problem are easily debugable now
21:34.30technmnemoc: yes.. manual seems to have g2d registers described
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