IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120909

01:14.36*** join/#arm-netbook exuvo (
01:14.54*** part/#arm-netbook exuvo (
01:52.02*** join/#arm-netbook gsilvis (~almostsix@
04:21.18furanargh is linux-sunxi down?
04:53.06furanit's back
05:08.50*** join/#arm-netbook hp_ (~kvirc@
05:33.31*** join/#arm-netbook jquip_2124 (dfb40aca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:34.39*** join/#arm-netbook jquip (dfb40aca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:38.42jquipHallo, question: I have  a tab running linux with an RTL8188 not RTL8192 wifi chip...  when i run iwlist scanning , i get my some of the wifi points.. but cant connect to them...  anybody?
05:44.02*** join/#arm-netbook cat1 (
06:41.03*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
06:54.14*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
06:56.55*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
07:02.09*** join/#arm-netbook Jef91 (~jeff@bodhilinux/team/Jef91)
07:02.27*** join/#arm-netbook Omni-Max__ (
07:02.48Jef91Is the all winner a8 for purchase anywhere yet?
07:15.22hipboiJef91: you mean the eoma68 a10?
07:15.35Jef91Yea that thing
07:15.44Jef91The website isn't super clear on the details
07:15.51Jef91Just found a link to it from PCWorld
07:32.50*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (~popolon@2a01:e35:2e1e:a6c0:e96b:1ed:21eb:670c)
07:47.06*** join/#arm-netbook tzafrir (
08:14.25*** join/#arm-netbook dstyle (5fa8d19c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:22.21dstylehi there, thank you for your efforts, I have two questions. Is the initial fbcon actually working on a10 tablets - like fancy dmesg output while booting? Are there any new news about VPU? If i understand the VPU is Allwinners (not Mali) and Allwinner got really quiet the last month and reverse engineering stuck? Is there any 3D accelerated X for a10 linux? Thanks for response of any kind!
08:27.03*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
08:30.58techn_dstyle: depends on your distro, dunno VPU status , I havent got 3D working on X.. but there is actions to get new mali drivers ( ..
08:33.50dstylenext_mali looks promising. Thank you for telling.
08:35.51*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (
09:18.36*** join/#arm-netbook eFfeM (
09:22.58hipboidstyle: fbcon work now
09:54.33*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
09:59.56lkclhipboi: yay! superb!  thank goodness for that.  makes early-stage debugging a bit hellish otherwise.  and harder to do those lovely 1st boot screenshots
10:05.03*** join/#arm-netbook Marex (~Marex@2a01:430:d:0:2cc:6ff:fefc:db16)
10:06.35*** join/#arm-netbook Kraln (~kraln@
10:18.24*** join/#arm-netbook Kraln (~kraln@
10:44.00*** join/#arm-netbook jlj (
10:51.27*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (
11:19.18CIA-14rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r2293f57abb67 /allwinner_a10/news.html: update
11:24.33*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
11:55.48*** join/#arm-netbook RITRedbeard_ (
12:31.34*** join/#arm-netbook dstyle (5fa8d19c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:39.29CIA-14rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r2e7f6edc1b16 /allwinner_a10/news.html: update
12:51.25*** join/#arm-netbook chz_ (~chz@
12:53.57*** join/#arm-netbook chz__ (~chz@
13:18.02*** join/#arm-netbook xxiao (
13:19.50xxiaoopenjdk 7u6 is added to armv6/v7, i though we had java on armv6/v7 already?
13:21.02xxiaoic this is for desktop and server
13:25.22*** join/#arm-netbook lundman (~Accident@
13:31.57blaheeat least openjdk is compiled for armv7hl, but don't know the optimization leves there
13:41.21*** join/#arm-netbook cheng (~cheng@
13:45.56xxiaothe news here is that java is for desktop-server ARM apps
13:46.10xxiaowe had Java SE on ARM for a long while indeed
13:46.13blaheei saw the news few days ago
13:47.23xxiaonot sure how much you need pay to orcale when you ship java SE jre on the device
13:50.46blaheeas it's oracle, it's likely "all you got + two goats and you first born" :)
13:51.08xxiaoright, damn oracle
13:54.14penguin42openblocks ships JavaSE I think
13:56.35penguin42pity they're so pricey
13:57.19xxiaopenguin42: which openblocks you're talking about, the mit one?
13:57.31penguin42xxiao: No,
13:57.50penguin42(translates usefully with chrome's translator plugin)
13:57.59xxiaobroken url...any short cut url?
13:58.06penguin42it's full of japanese
13:58.14xxiao ?
13:58.29penguin42oh that's easier :-)
13:59.01penguin42xxiao: See the .jp one - the ax3 family is nice
13:59.20xxiaoright somehow the non-jp site only has one product
13:59.27xxiaoand it's based on powerpc
13:59.43blaheethat openblocks 600 seems to be powerpc ... too late
13:59.55penguin42xxiao: The ax3 is marvell armada xp, quad gig E, upto 3GB RAM, esata
14:00.02blaheeOpenBlocks A is arm
14:00.27penguin42pity it's ~550 GBP at cheapest
14:00.55xxiaoclose to 980 USD, plus tax/shipping
14:01.14xxiaowho says japan's econoly was in a slump
14:01.31xxiaothis is way high
14:01.57penguin42yeh - although I don't know anyone else who does a quad ether ARM board
14:13.41chengi'm having mele a1000, if i  screw the nand flash, can i flash back recover back using pheonixCard through sd-card?
14:23.52rz2kcheng: yes, or using USB-OTG, it is unsoldered connector near SD card slot
14:29.23chengrz2k: the USB-OTG is using livesuit recover, am i right?
14:31.59chengrz2k: note, thanks.
14:37.17*** join/#arm-netbook hp_ (
14:41.14*** part/#arm-netbook cheng (~cheng@
15:01.58*** part/#arm-netbook e-ndy (
15:02.12*** join/#arm-netbook e-ndy (
15:23.03*** join/#arm-netbook ssalevan (
15:26.15Marexlundman: hey
15:26.20Marexhno: hey
15:26.52Marexguys, looks like calris has some trouble ... so, if there's gonna be some upstream push, channel the patches through me in the meantime please
15:49.10*** join/#arm-netbook startling (
15:51.58*** join/#arm-netbook hp_|2 (
15:58.58startlingwhat do you folks recommend for someone who wants to play with a cheap chinese tablet?
16:13.20Marexto play with expensive chineese tablet :p
16:13.51rz2kstartling: ly-f1, runs android 4 and linaro.
16:13.54rz2ka10 tablet.
16:17.10startlingrz2k: any specific one ya'll buy, or does that not matter?
16:24.42*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
16:26.44markvandenborreany a10 device with an easy way to flash Debian to the nand?
16:27.24markvandenborreI guess it's more or less the same for all of them, but asking never hurts...
16:40.43rmwhat for
16:53.33hnoMarex, what kind of trouble is calris in?
17:08.17*** join/#arm-netbook revident (
17:10.11revidentWarheadsSE or xenoxaos with the recent kernel code release and reports of working video (Fedora 13) for the VIA APC. How long do you think it will be until your Arch support is community ready? Is there a alpha or beta release that can be tested?
17:11.12xenoxaoswe've both been incredibly busy as of late....
17:12.24xenoxaosi have a list of things a mile long it seems
17:14.54revidentxenoxaos, acknowledged. The reason I'm asking is that two of my colleagues at my local hackerspace have been using a Raspberry Pi I provided to setup a dedicated machine for on of our 3D printers. Having thought about it this weekend, and knowing that vidoe is now possible, the APC would actually be the better choice with the VGA and extra USB ports. They are already using Arch on the Pi, hence why I was following up with you.
17:15.20xenoxaosI should probably refork and modify the kernel again and start working on it...
17:16.49revidentIn case it's information you don't have already, but there are some Raspbian Images converted for the APC now.
17:17.08xenoxaosI saw that
17:19.12revidentIt sadly hasn't been updated for new video driver code. But it's still early. Since I should expect Arch in the near future I'll have my colleagues stay the course with their project. Best wishes.
17:20.05xenoxaoslemme finish up my homework for my cs class this afternoon, then i'll poke around some more
17:20.43rmhow does the APC's CPU compare to the A10?
17:20.53xenoxaos800MHz iirc...
17:21.07revidentit's also ARMv6, the A10 is ARMv7
17:21.23xenoxaosboth have fpu though
17:21.38rmso the A10 will run debian armhf
17:21.45rmbut the APC will only run Raspbian etc
17:22.55xenoxaosor any armv5 compiled os
17:23.21rmright, I mean debian-based with hardfloat
17:23.44xenoxaosi'm not sure if thats compiled armv7h or armv6h
17:24.08xenoxaosthere's only two consumer available chips with v6h so not many to target for
17:24.54xenoxaoswe were actually going to pass on the v6h repo until someone gave us a donation asking us to work on another repo
17:29.06rmstill, the APC is neat
17:29.44Marexxenoxaos: cs class ? :D
17:30.00rmwish they wouldn't fixate on Android 2.3
17:30.41xenoxaosi started out in CS when i started college in 01....switch to psychology because i was a lazy slacker and the department was jerking me around with red tape
17:30.48xenoxaosgraduated 5 years ago with psych
17:31.03xenoxaosnow i work at a i'm taking a few free classes
17:31.31xenoxaoslearn some more structure to what is mostly haphazard programming
17:32.10Marexdamn, and I thought I can be the bully here and tell you how easy it all is :p
17:32.43xenoxaosmost of this class now is easy
17:32.54xenoxaospicked up about where i stopped caring in college
17:33.28xenoxaosadd onto that some of the little side projects i've worked on over the years and it's a lot easier to learn now
17:36.49furanI need a good udev tutorial. trying to figure out how to take a usb device that has a driver it normally gets binded to or whatever, and cause that not to happen so I can write my own driver for it
17:38.00xxiaonever enjoyed udev here
17:38.20xxiaothe future is systemd?
17:38.45furanlooks like
17:41.30penguin42furan: I'm not sure that's a udev problem
17:44.51furanhmm ok
17:44.53revidentfuran, penguin42, udev is for defining the device nodes in /dev and doesn't deal with driver allocation at all. You'll want to look at modprobe and module handling in general
17:45.26furanI have a displayport device that I want to control myself from userspace, rather than the displayport driver picking it up
17:45.45furanI guess I could modify the displayport driver to ignore devices with the usb identifier for this particular display
17:45.55furanbut I figured there might be a cleaner route
17:46.21revidentI've not dealt directly with what your trying to do. Yes that is one option, you could also black-list the driver completely and write your own that binds to the USB ID
17:47.10furanhmm I see
17:47.13penguin42some modules you can add id bindings via /sys
17:47.19penguin42not sure you can remove them
17:47.27furancan you blacklist drivers that are linked into the kernel rather than being kernel modules?
17:48.30revidentfuran, not sure about built-ins, you'll have to research.
17:48.35furanok, thanks much
17:49.56*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
17:58.15Marexfuran: ohoho :)
17:58.31Marexfuran: I was solving the same problem ... if it's a driver that's used only for that device, blacklisting is your choice
17:58.52Marexif the driver is -- like in my case -- HID driver, I didn't want to blacklist them all, but on a per-device basis
17:59.57*** join/#arm-netbook drynish (
18:00.08drynishHi everyone ! :)
18:01.36Marexhello everypony
18:02.06drynishI spoke with gimli long times ago... I didn't tought I was speaking with someone that active on the xbmc team
18:06.25*** join/#arm-netbook ssalevan (
18:20.04*** join/#arm-netbook jlj (
18:37.12xenoxaosrevident, as it stands right now....that kernel cannot be compiled hardfloat without the source for the provided binaries
18:38.36revidentxenoxaos, joy........
18:39.21xenoxaosand you can't do any 'make clean's on the source because you'd blow away the objects
19:09.41*** join/#arm-netbook startling (
19:11.31*** part/#arm-netbook startling (
19:23.20hnofuran, if it's a USB device then it's very easy to take over the device from userspace.  See libusb_detach_kernel_driver() function.
19:24.06hnoand for pretty much any device (not only PCI) you can detach them from any kernel driver via /sys
19:29.45*** join/#arm-netbook tinker-f595 (
20:08.07rz2koh hell
20:08.13rz2kI've compiled mali r3p1
20:08.32rz2kseems like ARM does not test their own releases
20:09.06Turlrz2k: why is that?
20:09.20rz2kit is total heap of crap starting from bogous, ending with umplock_*.h defines from DDK
20:09.30Turlrz2k: we don't have r3p1 libs anyway
20:09.44rz2kI know, I'm just experimenting
20:09.54*** join/#arm-netbook tzafrir (
20:26.05*** join/#arm-netbook hp_ (~kvirc@
20:55.53*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (
21:10.33*** join/#arm-netbook lundman (~Accident@
21:12.43CIA-14rhombus-tech: F master * rc03bfcb0bf14 /allwinner_a10/orders/Lukasz.mdwn:
22:15.28*** join/#arm-netbook itamarjp (~itamar@fedora/itamarjp)
22:25.05CIA-14rhombus-tech: john master * re23557186cfc /allwinner_a10/orders/a10eoma.mdwn:
22:28.54CIA-14rhombus-tech: john master * r5edf52262e68 /allwinner_a10/orders/a10eoma.mdwn:
22:29.14The-Compilergah, it seems confirmed, nobody seems to have a kernel which runs stable on the 1.7 hardware revision of the Mele.
22:29.34CIA-14rhombus-tech: Randall master * rd14d11baa818 /allwinner_a10/orders/Fuzzymup.mdwn:
22:30.59The-Compilerguillaume from ordered 12 Meles to build a cluster (?!) and he somehow managed to get it kinda-running but not really stable :(
22:32.19*** join/#arm-netbook Mazon (~Mazon@
22:50.48CIA-14rhombus-tech: ballew master * rb7de23aa9b95 /allwinner_a10/orders/Ballew.mdwn:
23:15.35*** join/#arm-netbook tzafrir (
23:15.35*** join/#arm-netbook CIA-14 (
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23:15.35*** join/#arm-netbook ManoftheSea (~ManoftheS@
23:33.20*** join/#arm-netbook ssalevan (
23:49.57*** join/#arm-netbook Gumboot (

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