IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120906

00:14.01mnemocTurl: as long as they include a usb cable in the box the device can use anything
00:14.39Turlbtw, cubieboard on engadget and make :P
00:17.38mnemoc22:39:28 < lerc> Turl:  Slashdot will eventually  link to the engadget article that links to the MAKE article that links to the Liliputing article which links to the cnxSoft article which links to the linux-sunxi page.
00:17.46mnemoc4h ago :p
00:19.01mnemocthe post in MAKE surprised me. the others always repost cnx stuff
00:19.07TurlI thought that was just irony :P
00:19.48mnemocgood sign that i should probably got to sleep
00:20.12Turlserver load is on 2.x now :)
00:20.37mnemocbeside setting the CDN to handle, what did you change?
00:21.54Turlmnemoc: I set up cloudflare and moved the NS servers to theirs
00:22.36mnemocjust that?
00:23.16Turlif you dig +trace NS
00:23.20Turlyou can see the change
00:33.19mnemocgood night
00:43.48*** join/#arm-netbook lerc (
00:52.49*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom_ (~tuliom@
01:15.04WarheadsSEso what have I missed while on vacation, other than the apparent fbcon patch?
01:15.24WarheadsSEis not going to read back 4000 lines
01:22.22TurlWarheadsSE: fbcon, hno progressed on sun5i
01:22.41Turlcubieboard has been 'slashdotted'
01:22.47Turlr3p0 mali libs
01:23.23Turlunified nand driver
01:23.42*** join/#arm-netbook pwhalen (
01:24.03WarheadsSEi had seen the r3p0
01:24.10WarheadsSEi tried those, remember
01:24.30WarheadsSEbut ill need to move up to 39 et al
01:24.46WarheadsSEyeah, i saw the cubieboard
01:25.13WarheadsSEfinished up a paid arm project, so I can get back to the mele this week i think
01:27.55WarheadsSEbut, I also need o get the n6x up to 100%
01:28.04WarheadsSEand that kinda takes some precident
01:28.13WarheadsSE:/ So many boards, so little time
01:29.44lundmanbah sound in IOS isn't as simple as all the examples say :)
01:30.46*** join/#arm-netbook ssalevan (
01:37.06WarheadsSEyeah, most routers are hard to get sound working right.
01:38.04steevi want a cubieboard :(
01:38.14TurlWarheadsSE: apple phones route nowadays? o.O
01:38.15steevthen i won't have to take apart my tablets!
01:38.16*** join/#arm-netbook hammer (~quassel@
01:38.22Turlsteev: :P
01:41.24WarheadsSETurl: hes said IOS not iOS
01:42.10Turlthe only "IOS" I know of is iOS :P
01:42.13Turland sound there makes sense
01:42.28steevyeah, sound doesn't make much sense on a router
01:51.40WarheadsSEwhich cisco owns the IOS moniker at ths point
01:52.06lundmanping sound on routers can be handy :()
01:52.25Turluntil they ping flood you lundman
01:52.32orly_owlapple couldnt make cisco stop calling their voip phones 'iPhone'
01:53.27*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom__ (~tuliom@
02:01.33WarheadsSEjust have it translate traffic flow to white noise
02:01.46WarheadsSEyou then know immediately if something is wrong.
02:06.44Marexsteev: fix your goddamned efika aleady
02:06.50Marexsteev: and ... fix Matt ... ;-)
02:08.51Marexwheee ... looks like all necessary work is cleared for today
02:27.43steevmy efikas all work fine
02:30.14Marexsteev: with upstream kernel, yes ? :)
02:35.44steevsmarttops sure, smartbook no.  but still no graphics, but that's not on us, we're still waiting to figure out wtf is going on with the drm camp
02:35.58steevbut you know this as well as i do, so not even sure why you're bringing it up
02:36.16*** join/#arm-netbook JordonWu (~JordonWu@
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08:32.52lundmanHmm so, if I understand it correctly (and I probably don't);
08:32.57lundman"To support DD+ and DTS-HD HR ; your audio card must support stereo output at 192kHz."
08:33.01lundmanstatic struct snd_pcm_hardware sun4i_pcm_playback_hardware = SNDRV_PCM_RATE_44100| SNDRV_PCM_RATE_48000 |SNDRV_PCM_RATE_96000 | SNDRV_PCM_RATE_192000 |\
08:33.34lundmanSo, in theory, I should be able to cook together a example program to open the hdmi sound, and force out HD audio bitstream
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08:40.42Marexlundman: won't it be enough to route the audio using pulseaudio ?
08:41.08Marexoh, android
08:43.43mnemocafaik DTS and fancy friends are supported, but they were disabled due to legal issues
08:44.12mnemocif the code isn't merely commented out you can probably still find it in the 3.0-v1 branch (forwarded from 2.6.36)
08:45.03lundmanmnemoc: no, you refer to decoding of DTS etc, ie, mixing to stereo
08:45.05RaYmAnmnemoc: that should only really cover actually decoding them - which hdmi passthrough doesn't
08:45.18lundmanI care not for that, I want to bitstream the audio to the amp (so the license is in the amp)
08:46.04lundmanbut i think I should be able to find a DTS-MA sample file, open the hdmiaudio driver (stereo/192) and playing it, and the amp should see DTS-MA
08:46.12lundmanwhich mean we should be able to add bitstreaming on mele
08:47.43lundmanthe next level is
08:47.44lundman"For your audio card to support loss-less HD audio passthrough (TrueHD and DTS-HD MA), your audio card has to support HBR."
08:48.55mnemoci see
08:49.00lundmanwhat the hell is HBR
08:49.11RaYmAnhigh bit rate? guess
08:49.44mnemoclundman: unification of audio drivers is HIGHLY welcomed
08:50.31*** join/#arm-netbook calris (
08:54.42lundmanhmm interesting
08:55.05lundmanDTS-MA is 2 streams, one is the regular DTS lossy stream, then 2nd is the "difference" stream of data needed to make it lossless.
08:55.25lundmanso simple amps just use first stream. better amps can merge them to make the audio lossless
08:55.48lundman192khz 24bit audio streams needed, not sure where the HBR comes in
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09:03.32mnemocTurl: the video drivers were unified too
09:04.48calrislundman: did you get my email?
09:07.57Marexcalris: hello, PFF :)
09:10.37mnemoccalris: about your question yesterday about android keyboards, these are my favorite:
09:11.14Marexcalris: pony friend forever :D
09:11.27calrismnemoc: thanks - using hacker's keyboard... good so far
09:12.17Marexcalris: +1 ... hacker's keyboard is good
09:12.26Marexjust too tiny on gnex
09:14.27mnemochacker's keyboard + connectionbot FORCED me to buy a N7
09:19.19mnemoci really didn't want to, but ....
09:22.48mnemocall I really want is an arm device like the thinkpad x220 :<   (eoma68 preferred)
09:26.25Marexmnemoc: what about getting a decent laptop (or maybe the TF700 would be close enough if it could be rebooted into a reasonable OS)
09:37.37lundmancalris: yeah, got the mail
09:43.13calrislundman: sound like a plan?
09:47.38Marexcalris: was there some continuation ?
09:48.28calrisMarex: of what?
09:48.59Marexcalris: of the email
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09:50.44calrisMarex: I'm sure there will be
09:50.58calrisMarex: details...
09:54.46RaYmAnmnemoc: n7 isn't really too bad though :P
09:56.07Marexcalris: that was quick :)
09:59.56mnemocRaYmAn: love it's rubber back
10:00.20RaYmAnand it's actually quite a nice size (I was surprised!)
10:06.36mnemocthe lack of uSD and HDMI hurts, but it's sweet anyway
10:15.40popolonTF700 => tegra3, closed
10:16.00popolontoshiba and archos do some arm smartbook
10:16.35popolon <= this one probably us Rockchip 3066
10:17.42mnemoci'm waiting for an arm laptop (i.e 11-13") with real keyboard and good display
10:17.47popolonI would like to test it :)
10:18.04popolon <= archos one
10:18.49popolonelse there are 13' tablets, you can add soft pocket including keyboard, but you lose one usb port
10:18.59mnemoc10" (too small for my tired eyes)  and useless skinny keys
10:19.08popolonso, yes, probably better to wait for that
10:19.54mnemocthose skinny keys might be cool for designers and managers, but not for programmers
10:21.01RaYmAnI did actually use a TF201 with keyboard for programming recently..Worked pretty decently actually
10:21.27RaYmAna little bit small, but after half an hour it's not really an issue (ok, it is if you switch constantly between it and other stuff)
10:21.28popolonI like it, faster to type (shorter movment), if they are goodly build
10:21.43Marexpopolon: yea ... tegra3 ... not so closed
10:21.48Marexpopolon: you can get the datasheet
10:22.08popolonwith NDA ?
10:22.13RaYmAnMarex: the datasheet laves a LOT of stuff completely undocumented
10:22.17Marexpopolon: yea ...
10:22.32Marexpopolon: but it's still better than A10, since there's apparently no datasheet at all for that
10:22.39MarexRaYmAn: T20 one?
10:22.50MarexRaYmAn: or did you get your hands on T30 one already ?
10:22.53RaYmAnboth T20 and T30 ones
10:23.14MarexRaYmAn: they rolled out T30 one too ?
10:23.20mnemoc <-- sad picture, x220 vs x230 :<
10:23.24Marexhm, I need to check
10:23.25RaYmAnit was up for a few weeks until their site got hacked
10:24.12RaYmAnMarex: a lot of it is actually just copied from t20 ;) The rrors and such make it clear
10:24.53MarexRaYmAn: no surprise, they didn't change much /wrt companion IPs
10:25.07RaYmAnYeah - huge parts of it is the same
10:25.40popolonmnemoc, on the right : thiner, larger red cursor, larger upper surface key
10:26.02popolonbut less keys
10:26.46popolonno more windows logo is a good step
10:26.52hno_Marex, there is a 500p datasheet with register information for A10. But several key IP parts is not included at all.
10:27.13RaYmAnhno_: it's not exactly easy to get legally though, is it? :P
10:27.58mnemocRaYmAn: you only need to seduce Eva
10:28.04hno_It's not that hard, but involves an NDA kind of..
10:28.26hno_that NDA was the funniest document I have read in a long time.
10:28.33Marexhno_: yea ... now you know my email, so dump it in there ... I can give you GPG key if you're afraid of google ;-)
10:29.22RaYmAneven if he were to do that, it seems a bit silly to ask in a publicly logged channel :P
10:30.33MarexRaYmAn: I'd be at the receiving end of the leak, not my problem :p
10:31.16Marexok but anyway ... calris was right, we should focus towards the mainline
10:32.21Marexmnemoc: that's horrible ... I saw how they totally screwed up W530 :-C
10:32.58RaYmAnmnemoc: is there a basically functioning 3.4 branch?
10:33.16RaYmAnnot for daily usage, just booting to e.g. a console
10:33.25mnemocRaYmAn: sure, works fine
10:33.33RaYmAnmnemoc: which branch?
10:33.41RaYmAnoh, right
10:33.43RaYmAnI guess
10:34.08hno_Marex, I need to check first.
10:34.34calrishas a code cleanup mission :)
10:34.47calriscan be useful
10:34.48Marexhno_: check what ?
10:34.57Marexcalris: you have a kconfig mission :)
10:35.14calrisMarex: :P
10:35.23hno_have my hands a bit tied on that document.
10:35.40Marexhno_: you take my random babble too seriously
10:35.44mnemochno_: so the sun5i branch can be tried as one would normally do with sun4i's?
10:35.59hno_is always serious.
10:36.10Marexhno_: don't be ... you won't survive anyway
10:36.42hno_mnemoc, yes. Haven't even bothered making a sun5i profile in it yet.
10:37.09hno_a bit cleanup remaining so to say.
10:37.21mnemocand then merge?
10:38.06hno_do not plan on having two trees for long.
10:38.15Marexhno_: ain't you also planning to start porting over to DT and pushing upstream ?
10:38.43hno_not planning on doing DT all on my own.
10:38.56Marexhno_: it's surprisingly easy
10:39.05mnemocplease let's unify sun4i/sun5i first
10:39.38hno_yes it's easy, and there is many others who can do it.
10:39.47Marexlooks at calris
10:47.03calrisdoes not have an A13 to test
10:48.04calrisIf the code differences are obvious, i have no problem doing the merge
10:48.26calrisSomeone else will need to test
10:49.38hno_calris, we talked about DT.
10:50.23mnemoccalris: for DT please focus in the 3.4 branch
10:50.41calrisU-boot first...
10:50.56calrisThat is my specialty
10:51.17*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
10:51.20Marexmnemoc: for DT you usually focus on linux-next, which is now 36-rc3
10:51.39calrisHi hipboi :)
10:51.50Marexcalris: yea ... especially memory management, right ?
10:52.44calrisMarex: um, yeah... sure... if you say so
10:54.48calrishipboi: I hear you are expecting a small arrival (that is not a cubieboard)
10:55.44hipboiwhat do you mean by small arrival
10:55.53hipboisorry for my English
10:55.54mnemocwb hipboi. can you update to not say "buy now"? :)
10:56.12mnemochipboi: he means your offspring
10:56.23calrisa baby :)
10:56.26hipboicalris: oh, yes
10:56.41hipboicalris: thanks
10:56.57calrishipboi: congrats (and good luck) :)
10:56.59mnemochipboi: also, if you can enabling caching options within wordpress it would be awesome. you were slashdotted yesterday
10:56.59hipboimnemoc: ok, i will update the website
10:57.33Marexhipboi: congrats :)
10:58.03Marexcalris: yea ... I do say so, mr. dm_malloc
10:59.01RaYmAnMarex: imo, tracking latest release constantly is only going to make things harder. Sticking with 3.4 and getting it cleaned up & implemented right is imo the right way. And then forward porting to 3.6 or whatever should be easy. Else we can keep updating constantly - tracking latest makes sense for something that e.g. takes a few days or a weeks (realtime)
10:59.29hipboiMarex: thanks
11:00.16MarexRaYmAn: oh man ... I hate to say so, but you're _so_ wrong there
11:00.27hipboimnemoc: i am still with my wife in Wuhan, at the schoolyard.
11:00.29MarexRaYmAn: that's what FSL did for example and it ended with such a mess
11:00.50MarexRaYmAn: actually ... lot of chipmakers do
11:01.06RaYmAnMarex: I just think it's unrealistic to track latest while everything is still so much WIP.
11:01.09MarexRaYmAn: usually, the better approach is to push upstream asap, then wait for a good version
11:01.15mnemocMarex: there are still broken drivers in 3.4 to fix, unification to do, gpiolib to implement and most of the code is androidized. doing the cleanup at 3.4 for a while has far more value imho than struggling to keep the pace of linux-next
11:01.19MarexRaYmAn: not at all
11:01.50Marexmnemoc: so once you have it fixed, you'll rewrite it one more time to align it with mainline ... wasted effort
11:02.50Marexmnemoc: I was there with HnD/ ... it didn't turn out well
11:02.53mnemocMarex: not rewrite, forward port already clean code
11:02.59Marexwe had 2.6.21 kernel while mainline was reaching .30
11:03.10mnemoc3.4 is not that far away from master
11:03.13Marexforward porting was basically a flat rewrite
11:03.14RaYmAnobviously it would be "best" if we were able to constantly tracking linux-next and implement all drivers fast and nicely.
11:03.21Marexmnemoc: it's getting further
11:03.24RaYmAnBut I just don't see that as realistic.
11:04.03MarexRaYmAn: why not ?
11:04.26RaYmAnbecause this is volounteer work with a limited number of people working on various parts at their own pace.
11:05.15RaYmAnMarex: also, you have no real idea whether it would have turned out better for HnD/ if they had tracking linux-next constantly ;)
11:05.49RaYmAntracking upstream makes sense once we have a basic cleanup device tree & minimal set of drivers
11:06.01RaYmAne.g. one that can be submitted/accepted
11:06.05MarexRaYmAn: I do ... we broke into mainline somewhere after .30
11:06.30Marexbut it was basically rewrite, to align it all with mainline was insane
11:06.46RaYmAn...after you had most device tree, drivers etc at a state where it was manageable.
11:06.52MarexRaYmAn: we managed to push most of the HnD code up, but loads of the code ended lost
11:07.08MarexRaYmAn: they were never managable (and DT was far from there)
11:07.27MarexRaYmAn: they became managable because we got feedback from upstream maintainers, that really helped
11:07.58MarexRaYmAn: you've got a point about pushing a minimal set of drivers upstream ... but that's better done earlier than later
11:08.16RaYmAnsure, but we still need that minimal set of drivers & device tree.
11:09.26MarexRaYmAn: didn't you say you have 3.4 kernel already basically running ?
11:09.58RaYmAnthere's a huge difference between running abd in a submittable state.
11:11.16MarexRaYmAn: it boots and you have UART output ... what else's there to it ?
11:12.29RaYmAnMarex: script.bin, device tree, gpio needs gpiolib based driver, pinmuxing needs to be done properly etc
11:14.56MarexRaYmAn: you uboot -> you have all you need for the bootloader part ; for kernel ^ hno_ is right
11:15.13MarexRaYmAn: and yes, there're unpleasant parts in the kernel /wrt DT
11:15.50mnemocmaybe reimplementing the basic core upon 3.6 isn't such a crazy idea...
11:15.59hno_u-boot tree is reasonably clean and maintainable compared to kernel.
11:17.04hno_mnemoc, have a vague memory of them hacking something in the uart support?
11:17.26Marexhno_: do they use their own uart IP or is it some standard thing? like pl011 ?
11:17.53mnemochipboi: is it possible to get a low-price basic sun3i/f20 devkit?
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11:18.47mnemochno_: they did some very dirty hacks in 8250 which I couldn't port entirely. and from time to time I get trapped in an infinite loop in it's irq handling
11:19.15hno_mnemoc, check with the guy who were playing with F20. Apparently some devie sold in France?
11:20.06mnemoca polaroid tablet iirc
11:20.30mnemocbut I'm not cool enough to solder my way into an uart and hack bootloaders
11:20.46mnemocbut many others here are ;-)
11:20.51calriscracks his knuckles
11:20.56calristime to get to work :)
11:21.40calrisfor the record - DokuWiki sucks
11:21.57Marexcalris: yea ... so very true
11:23.32calrisI tried to add some more content and it gave me a 404: Permission Denied :(
11:23.40calrisSwitching to MediaWiki
11:23.47Marexcalris: if that wasn't PEBKAC though :)
11:26.12hno_mnemoc, fel booting & SD breakout for UART & JTAG should be quite sufficient.
11:27.28calrisMarex: No, it depended on the content - some would add fine, others gave 404
11:27.48calrisMarex: Tried all sorts of work-arounds - nothing worked
11:28.08calrisMarex: I've ruled out PEBKAC and ID10T
11:34.05hno_wiki sucks in general. That's why I have a static page not maintained since 1996..
11:34.43rmI edit my static pages
11:34.47rmusing a wiki engine :)
11:42.01Marexuses vim engine :)
11:42.29lundmanI'm ok with media
11:42.34lundmanbut a lot of spammers
11:45.22MarexNov 2008 ... initial PalmLD support
11:45.47Marexso long ago
12:09.00hipboimnemoc: i am not sure
12:09.26hipboimaybe we can find a f20 product
12:10.29calrishas 120kB of sun4i patch goodness to play with :)
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12:55.42calrislundman: hipboi: Marex: hno: I've flattened the sun4i patches and re-split it into SoC / MMC Driver / Board / mksuniboot / misc - Open to suggestions for further breakdown (particularly the SoC patch)
12:58.36calrisbut for now, time for sleep :)
12:58.42calris'night all
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13:33.08xxiaowho is making cubieboard
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13:37.12cat1: if anyone is still interested to play with 3.6 port, it is here master branch. System boots up to console at least on mk802.
13:50.23Mazonxxiao, no one knows, but Tom, aka hipboi is the head man for it
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13:55.13cheng_how can I  load ubuntu(or similar OS) into internal nand flash of A10 board??
13:56.20mnemoccheng_: sunxi-tools has a tool to repartition the nand
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13:57.33xxiaoMazon: wonder what's the difference between that and the forthcoming OlimexA10
13:59.15cheng_should i partition it to exactly follow the layout on sd-card?
14:01.21mnemoconly nanda as vfat is mandatory. the rest is up to you
14:04.44cheng_possible to show me some guides/link in internet i can refer?
14:04.47mnemocxxiao: hipboi's is much smaller and more hobbiest oriented, olimex's is larger and industrialish
14:05.06mnemoccheng_: i don't think there is any
14:05.24hipboiolimex has bought 1k a10 chips
14:05.47hipboithey had to make the board
14:06.29mnemocwants both :p
14:08.16mnemochipboi: thanks for the "coming soon", that will avoid confusing people
14:08.23cheng_i read in internet current u-boot does not support nand flash, anyway to work this out?
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14:08.58mnemoccheng_: there is a branch for mmc, another for nand, and an experimental supporting both
14:09.12hipboimnemoc: about the wp caching
14:12.04mnemochipboi: Turl mentioned something has to be enabled in wordpress to allow caching
14:12.49mnemocno idea what
14:12.52hipboii installed a plugin
14:13.16hipboito enable wp caching
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14:21.55hno_cheng_, there is a couple of administative reasons to why the nand driver is not in the sun4i u-boot tree, nothing technical.
14:22.20hno_the driver can be found in the lichee-dev tree.
14:23.14cheng_i should have no problem getting uboot running in nand flash?
14:27.02hno_lichee-dev is the version you have in nand flash.
14:34.04hno_Marex, Allwinner have their own UART IP, but it's 16550A compatible with some extras for easier FIFO status control & DMA support.
14:36.24*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~Instantbi@
14:38.32hno_there is no special code for the Allwinner UART in u-boot, only register base configuration + clock module configuraiton to enable clocking to the UART module.
14:39.08hno_and gpio pinmux settings to enable UART function on the relevant pins.
14:39.26cheng_is my understanding correct: 1. cross-compile sunxi-tools to reparition nand into nanda/b/c
14:40.03cheng_2. load nanda with u-boot, 3.load nandb with kernel/script.bin 4. load nandc with file system
14:40.34hno_1. backup nanda file contents. You need it all.
14:41.27hno_2. Repartition the nand. I would recomment partitioning nanda sufficiently large so you can store kernel there instead of having a "kernel" partition.
14:41.54hno_3. Create FAT filesystem on nanda and restore files.
14:42.38hno_The nand u-boot also need a partition for the environment.
14:43.25hno_Step 2 is done by booting some Linux from SD to run the partitioning tool.
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14:44.45hno_Alternatively use the SDK tools to prepare a Linux firmware image and flash that using livesuit.
14:45.24hno_(or phoenixcard if on a Mele without special USB device cable)
14:45.39hno_cheng_, ^^
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14:47.21cheng_what do u mean by " The nand u-boot also need a partition for the environment"
14:48.42hno_cheng_, exactly that. There is a partition used by nand u-boot for storing the u-boot environment.
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14:48.55hno_if you repartition then you need to make sure to have a such partition.
14:49.48hno_I think the partition is called ENV, but not sure. Should be obvious when you look at the partition table.
14:50.52cheng_it is possible like maintain nand parition (on u-boot) and replace my kernel and OS only?
14:52.02hnoyes, but gets a little messy as android have the nand split in many more partitions than you want.
14:52.10CIA-14rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r1df0d583d8e7 /allwinner_a10/news/a10.eoma68.pcb.png: add pcb image
14:54.03cheng_how can i backup the nanda file contents? just mount in linux and copy will do?
14:54.47hnoYes. Even easier if you have console + usb cable. Then just press 2 during bootup and nanda will be visible to the computer as a USB disk.
14:57.05cheng_yes, i believe i have the console, UART connect to PC
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14:59.46cheng_"Should be obvious when you look at the partition table" - how to see the partition table?
15:03.06mnemoccheng_: with the same tool
15:06.07cheng_ok, got the idea on first method. on method 2:SDK tools to prepare Linux, where to get the SDK?
15:14.15hnoI have them on github.
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15:30.43cheng_ok, thank you very much.
15:34.06CIA-14rhombus-tech: Jordi master * r7871939e6641 /allwinner_a10/orders/socjordi.mdwn:
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15:46.43[1]jmhas anyone tried ? How it is related to hno work ?
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17:47.44rm    Part 1: Headless Server: Raspberry Pi VS MK802 - Initial Impressions
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17:55.14traeakthe rpi really isn't that good a deal
17:58.52xxiaotraeak: and its tricky marketing strategy worked
18:03.05WarheadsSEremember what it was meant to be used for...
18:03.15rmwell, back when it was first announced, there was nothing close to it
18:04.01rmbeagleboards for 5x more money don't count
18:04.20rmMK802 is the first true alternative, I think
18:06.13RaYmAna13olinuxino/a10olinuxino & cubieboard are much better alternatives imo :P
18:06.29rmlinuxinos are overpriced
18:06.49rmwe'll see about cubieboard, if it's $49 free shipping, then bingo we have a winner
18:06.58traeakyou could say the rpi created a new market and that would be correct
18:07.29traeakif allwinner had wanted it they could have beat the rpi easily to market with something like the cubieboard
18:07.59traeakso although the rpi tech kind of sucks they had the guts to carve out a new market
18:08.56xxiaotoday's news saying rpi is moving back to UK for manufacturing
18:09.17rmwere they ever made there?:)
18:09.25traeakvery interesting
18:09.57xxiaoi thought they're made in asia? never really looked into it, but recall they used to have issues on that
18:10.15rmthey were made in China, so to say "moving back to UK" is mildly incorrect
18:10.19traeaktotally off topic, i'm still pissed no one has released a 20+" eink based monitor.  I would prefer that for writing code (just noticing all the kindle releases)
18:10.26hnorm, MK802 is not an alternative to R Pi. MK802 completely lacks any GPIO making it close to worhless in training hacking.
18:10.28rmnot "moving back", just moving
18:10.45hnocubieboard and olinuxino is alternatives to rpi.
18:10.59rmnot everyone uses these for GPIO related hacking
18:11.13rmI'd say even with RPi that'd be a minority of owners
18:11.18RaYmAnno, most people use rpi for xmbc.
18:11.22rmif you don't count the actual schools that is
18:11.30WarheadsSEpeople never seem to remember whats it was intendid for, and even Eben will tell you 90K users of the thing forget it all the time.
18:11.38rmWarheadsSE, no one CARES
18:11.40hnothe fact that most people use rpi for xmbc is a failure of rpi.
18:11.40rmNO ONE
18:11.47rmit's this device with these specs for this price
18:11.53WarheadsSErm im flippin well aware.
18:11.56rm"intended" does not matter
18:11.59traeakheh :-p
18:12.12WarheadsSEhow many goddamn rpi users come into my irc channel
18:12.12traeakbut cambridge is issueing rpis to every CS student
18:12.19WarheadsSE"my usb wifi doesnt work, YYYYYYY
18:12.24WarheadsSErpi huh?
18:12.27traeakso that means teh rpi is on its way to realizing what they wanted with it
18:12.44hnowhen you are a non-profit with set goal it actually does matter, but..
18:13.17traeakWarheadsSE: stupid mistakes on component choice and they seem to keep manufacturing with the poor choice components
18:13.22rm"oh but it's an educational device" is being used as an easy out from all sorts of aspects in which the RPi is plain crappy
18:13.46xxiaothere used to that little mini2440 sold to many schools
18:13.48RaYmAnI suspect only buyers are to blame for trying to use it for stuff it's not designed for
18:13.57xxiaoarm9 though
18:14.05rmExample discussion: "the video decoder is proprietary" -- "oh but it's only $35, what else did you expect"
18:14.10rm...excuse me what?....
18:14.27RaYmAnyeah, that's a poor argument.
18:14.34RaYmAnThey should just have removed all licenses for playing video.
18:14.47traeakarmv6 straight out of 2002 :-p
18:15.10traeakit seems to do not muchw ell but that doesn't matter, they were first to market and created a new market
18:15.16traeakso take it for what it is
18:15.45traeakrpi is probably fine for an appliance except the lack of a freaking case (yuk)
18:16.25WarheadsSEtrust me, i've got a now ever growing pile of on market & not-yet-on-market devices at my desk
18:16.30WarheadsSErpi is comparative shit.
18:16.36WarheadsSEim fully aware
18:16.58xxiaonever bought any board that has broadcom cpu
18:16.59rmha, the 2nd part suggests pairing MK802 with MSP430 from TI
18:17.01WarheadsSEthe nitrogen6x make that thing look like a vespa next to a lambourgini
18:17.02rmfor GPIO
18:17.13RaYmAnWarheadsSE: but at what cost? :P
18:17.29xxiao200USD i think?
18:17.30xxiaoor more
18:17.35WarheadsSERaYmAn: ~ < $200 when production runs up
18:18.19xxiaoimx535 is actually pretty good, something it never catches on
18:19.06xxiaohas a 535 QSB on the table collecting dust
18:19.31traeakmy suspicion with the imx series would be the gpu
18:19.38RaYmAna lot of ereaders has imx5xx
18:19.54xxiaoRaYmAn: not any more
18:19.56RaYmAnprobably because one of them has built-in e-ink controller :)
18:20.21xxiaokindle fire etc are killing e-readers
18:20.39RaYmAnyou really can't compare IPS screens with eink.
18:20.42traeaki want my 20+" eink monitor for writing code damnit!
18:21.34WarheadsSEIs there a color eInk?
18:22.04RaYmAnnot really released in any devices afaik
18:23.03traeakas for "color eink" there's pixel qi, mirasol, what's the other ones?  anyways
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18:23.37RaYmAnit's not really eInk quality though
18:23.57xxiao1looks like weechat is fancier than irssi ...
18:25.52Marexonly the mx50 has eink controller ... then pxa16x has one
18:28.25RaYmAnyeah - mx508
18:30.22Marexthat's the only one from mx5 series I dont have :-(
18:31.48RaYmAnhas a kobo touch with that chip
18:43.23Marexthat doesnt count as it's not a devkit :)
18:43.50hnotraeak, E Ink Triton?
18:44.17RaYmAnMarex: meh - It's fairly open though :) U-boot, can boot from SD and stuff
19:00.32destinalhno: ooh cubieboard looks quite decent
19:00.40xxiaoused minicom most of the time, can you somehow scroll up using screen /dev/ttyUSB0?
19:00.52xxiaoit's a mess for me
19:01.09RaYmAnI've been wondering that too..I think it should be possible to scroll in screen, but not sure how.
19:01.34GumbootWarheadsSE: How did that SATA interface turn out?
19:01.44xxiaoscreen+irssi can scroll always, but serial port does not work the same for me
19:02.03xxiaogoes back to minicom for now
19:02.11RaYmAnthat's irssi scrolling though
19:02.34RaYmAnbut screen does seem to have a backlog, just need to find the magic key
19:02.53RaYmAn"There is a scrollback history buffer for each virtual terminal"
19:04.24Marexscreen ... press "C-A Esc"
19:04.29Marexthen use arrows ?
19:04.37Marex(PgDn/PgUp works too)
19:05.19mnemocscreen is demode... tmux is what cool people uses these days
19:05.32RaYmAnI can't get used to tmux at all
19:05.39mnemocneither do I :p
19:05.43RaYmAnalso, does tmux actually have ability to connect to a serial port?
19:06.26xxiaosame here, too stupid to use tmux, forgot just about everything on it once a while
19:08.12mnemocRaYmAn: don't know, I use microcom so screen doesn't mess up the buffer and I can always just copy&paste several pages of output or even `microcom | tee session.out`
19:08.29RaYmAnyeh, me too
19:10.01mnemocnetcat should have serial support
19:11.33mnemocstty + nc -U :p
19:11.57RaYmAnthat seems...silly :P
19:18.41Turlmnemoc: wp super cache + rewrite rules on webserver :P
19:20.57mnemocwhat rewrite rules?
19:24.01Turlmnemoc: has the rules
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19:25.08j1nx_Turl + mnemoc :
19:25.08GumbootWarheadsSE: Also, are you able to compare nit6x with any Samsung kit?
19:25.35j1nx_replace WP with Joomla
19:25.49mnemocj1nx_: it's hipboi's site
19:26.22j1nx_Oh, thought you guys, tried to keep it online now is has become viral
19:26.59mnemocit survived :)
19:27.12Turlj1nx_: joomla is likely way more heavier too :P
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19:27.49j1nx_don't know, WP with a shit load of plugins will be harsh as well
19:28.04Gumbootxxiao: You can also use socat within whatever terminal-like-thing you prefer.
19:28.25mnemocnext attack will be when the cubieboard starts accepting orders
19:28.30GumbootThe commandline's a bit hair, though.  Something like socat -,raw,noecho,escape=0x0f /dev/ttyUSB0,b115200
19:30.06GumbootSo I guess socat is netcat with serial support.  I haven't looked but it may actually be able to behave like netcat as well.
19:31.14mnemocGumboot: afaik socat is netcat with ssl...
19:32.43mnemocbut if it also supports serial, it's time to ban microcom and nc from my toolbox
19:33.56xxiaouses drupal
19:37.24Turlmnemoc: I use screen :P
19:37.47technmnemoc: weird colors propably traced to "4, modify hdmi avi packet for hd;" it changes color space from 601(SD) to 709(HD)
19:39.18technif it's the same problem.. those changes caused green screen.. like somekind macrovision effect
19:39.31technblack was green
19:39.48xxiaoseems like nobody uses kermit
19:40.45xxiaobasically for PC I will just use minicom for now. for light-weight boxes i use microcom from busybox as minicom is too large in size there
19:42.07WarheadsSEGumboot: 1) i dont have one with sata sooo.... 2) we have odroid-x & nitrogen6x, comparisons to come.
19:42.41GumbootIf you do use socat, the escape=xxx argument is the ascii value of the key you hit to quit.
19:42.42WarheadsSEi can tell you right now, the network & disk throughput will be higher on the imx6.
19:42.56GumbootWhy's that?
19:43.25GumbootHow do you measure disk throughput without SATA?
19:43.42GumbootMaybe I just want to buy nit6x anyway.
19:44.10traeakhdparm bonnie, etc ?
19:44.19GumbootBut on what media?
19:45.47traeakthe mx6 supports sata2 ?
19:45.52traeakprobably not sata3
19:46.35GumbootYeah, but the big question is how it's attached.  I heard it was via USB, so there's not a lot of point buying it for its SATA support if it's going to perform no better than any other USB mass storage crap.
19:46.46traeakoh yeah that
19:46.55traeakthe a10's sata throuhgput is damn good
19:47.17traeakwithin 90% of an x86 xeon desktop with intel chipset
19:47.31GumbootKind of hanging out for cubie, now.
19:47.39GumbootShame about the ethernet.
19:47.51traeakon the a10? yeah, that sux
19:49.06GumbootDual gigabit and SATA on an appropriate bus and I'll buy half a dozen.
19:53.40traeakdoesn't marvell have those ?
19:53.49traeakgigabit + sata arm stuff?
19:53.51GumbootCan that communicate through my cack-handed solderwork?
19:53.57traeakand in fact the pogos may have that
19:54.55traeakhmm...any number of nas cases :-p
19:55.17GumbootWhat's a pogo?
19:55.59MarexWarheadsSE: certainly
19:56.12GumbootWhat I'd really like is a powerful SoC which simply has no video support.  Then nobody can get their knickers in a twist about not being able to get specs.
19:56.38xxiaospent 2 weeks trying to get 10G Rx to wire speed, still it's just 5Gbps, sigh
19:56.38GumbootMaybe that's Marvell.
19:57.03GumbootHow close can you get 1G to 1G?
19:57.50xxiaowhich the hardware is partially to blame, the kernel itself has worse performance on recent release, esp the tcp/ip stack
19:58.09rmxxiao, disable BQL
19:58.51xxiaoi have 2 10G port, 5 1G port
19:58.59xxiaoall 1G are doing wire-speed
19:59.11xxiao10G port does 10G Tx, the Rx side just 5.2G
19:59.31WarheadsSEoh, are you talking over the pcie bus?
19:59.42xxiaothat's after all those jumbo-frame/buffering/affinity/taskset tricks
19:59.53WarheadsSEAnd yes, there are marvell boards that are dual GbE + pcie + sata
20:01.22xxiaoWarheadsSE: no it's SoC
20:01.50xxiaoit's 2.5Gbps per lane, sort of like pcie though
20:02.05xxiao4 lanes for each 10G port, which is 10G
20:03.14xxiaoperformance tuning is really a time sink, sigh
20:03.29traeakxxiao: correction, work is really a time sink :-p
20:05.33traeakahh rpi version 2.0 board
20:07.15xxiaoWarheadsSE: imx6 only has one pcie x1 correct?
20:07.49xxiaoif there is more pcie then a sata-cardd could be added for more sata ports
20:08.44xxiaofor storage/nas marvell barely any competition in low to mid-ranage price range
20:08.46WarheadsSExxiao: i have to go look again
20:08.49WarheadsSEnot in front of me
20:09.00xxiaos/barely/barely has/
20:09.39xxiaoi can't type today, the fan noise from those machines made my brain cells mis-wired now
20:10.36xxiaograbs his 3M Optime 95
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20:34.25popolonI hope there will be another method than paypal to buy it
20:35.05popolon <= does someone know that  ?
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20:37.27GumbootOh.  Paypal.  Oh dear.
20:37.34GumbootI was all excited and everything.
20:44.41popolonchanged from [buy now], to [coming soon]
20:45.11popolonstill at least one or to day to wait :p
20:45.33popolonoops remaintenance
20:46.26Turlpopolon: (c) 2010 on footer
20:46.29Turlsounds dead
20:47.33popolonoh, freesmartphone
20:47.40popolonthere was updates in 2011
20:48.02popolon2011-08-20 -- Release of Aurora 0.1
20:48.05popolonon the wiki page
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20:48.31popolonFunded by OpenMoko
20:50.14popolonoops funded not founded
20:53.24hnoRaYmAn & xxiao to scroll back in screen you use Ctrl-]  maybe there is other ways as well.
20:54.10mnemocpopolon: the change to coming soon was made this morning
20:57.20popolonok, thanks mnemoc
21:00.11Marexhno: why not C-a Esc ?
21:03.00hnoMarex, because Ctrl-] is what I know...
21:08.10hnoAnd appears I don't even know that. manpage says it's Ctrl-[
21:08.46hnoor Ctrl-A [ even.
21:09.25hnosomehow I manage to type it when needed. no idea how.
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21:32.57xxiaohno: thanks.
21:38.52mnemocas with vi, fingers know
21:46.21xxiaodiff pogo-P21 pogoplug-pro?
21:46.30xxiaoP21 is selling for $18.50
21:46.54xxiaowhile i'm obsessed by the broken Rx pin on my pogo-pro
21:49.57hnomnemoc, do you remember where we found AXP datasheets? but it was killed
21:51.45mnemocI still have AXP202 Datasheet_v1.0_en.pdf and AXP209 Datasheet v1.0_cn.pdf, both 1MB
21:53.07mnemocuploading to the wiki
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21:59.25xxiaowow amazon kindle fire HD with 4G looks very interesting
22:05.54mnemocnot interested in nazi devices, regardless how cheap or cool featured they are
22:06.12xxiaowhy is it a nazi device
22:06.19traeakamazon isn't that bad :-p
22:06.23xxiaoi don't see + sign on it
22:06.28mnemocbecause amazon keeps full control of them
22:07.16xxiaoi c
22:08.09xxiaoin fact i barely spotted android in this new device's press release
22:08.41xxiaomaybe it's running webos :)
22:09.03hnomnemoc, keeping control is not nazi.
22:09.17xxiaobut...i have been waiting for a 7" 4G/3G non-apple tablet
22:10.29mnemochno: how would you define a company that considers it's up to them to decide what you can or can't have on your property?
22:11.20mnemocor what you can do with it. (not only talking about amazon)
22:12.36mnemochno: i know the "nazi" term envolves a lot more than control and abuse of power, but I fail to find a better term
22:13.08hnothere is another more suitable term, but it escapes me right now.
22:18.20mnemocxxiao: doesn't samsung have models of their tabs with 3g modems?
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22:47.34KnownChopstickfascist ?
23:13.03Marexhno: hi, did you get anywhere with the upstream uboot please?
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