IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120905

00:04.21Marexinsanekane: TF700 looks fine
00:12.37*** join/#arm-netbook ssalevan (
00:17.18*** join/#arm-netbook narizdedoze (narizdedoz@
00:31.43*** part/#arm-netbook narizdedoze (narizdedoz@
00:49.55lundmanSo if one was to add ISO support (say, dvd/bluray) to android, I would guess one should use ContentProvider() API
01:25.49Marexlundman: is android really suited to be used as a DVD player ?
01:27.26lundmanISO file support, but sure, it could have an attached DVD player too, why not
01:28.22WarheadsSEWhy not, its only MPEG2 for DVDs
01:28.32WarheadsSEdecss isn't that heavy Marex
01:30.32lundmanand trivial, already re-written the libdvdcss/libdvdnav libraries a few times, mostly to add bluray support (udf2.60)
01:30.44lundmanso, I just need to android specific magic that adds another mediatype
01:30.53lundmanpretty sure i saw mele do just that for iso files
01:31.00lundmanwonder if that source is available
01:31.46WarheadsSEmaybe, somewhere
01:31.57WarheadsSEhasn't booted his Mele A100 in too long
01:32.14lundmani booted mine, but didnt attach console :)
01:32.18Marexlundman: that's the shitty part about BSD/MIT licensing ... GPL is much better at that
01:32.41lundmanalas, i dont give a rats arse about licenses
01:33.40lundmansource to start from speed up work true, but doing it yourself increases understanding
01:33.45MarexWarheadsSE: it's not about the media decoding ... I think the part that handles the DVD drive might be missing ... and it's still a touch interface, it's annoying to control with <mouse/rc>
01:34.09lundmanthe dvd drive is standard usb storage, should be fine
01:34.25lundmanas for the dvd menu triggers, should work with touch screen, if someone writes it
01:34.40Marexlundman: I actually do care about these ... basically because I did hack on both OpenBSD and Linux kernels and figured the difference the hard way
01:35.09lundmansure, but if I can get it, I'll boot IDA. it'd be nice if I didnt have to, this is true
01:35.18Marexlundman: dvd drive isn't a standard usb storage, at least not in the way of "sd" driver
01:35.26Marexlundman: it's I think sg or something ... something a bit different
01:35.35Marexyou need to push the atapi command through, no ?
01:38.18Marex"sr" even
01:53.17lundmansure, if you mean CSS, it has something like 3 extra atapi commands, after that, it is regular work
02:07.10lerc_EOMA-68 by convergant evolution?
02:10.55CIA-14rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r2fc08daae1c8 /allwinner_a10/orders/ (13 files in 2 dirs): order processing cleanup
02:22.21*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (
03:05.53*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~Instantbi@
03:47.03CIA-14rhombus-tech: Jeremiah master * r1bb2f0d31208 /allwinner_a10/orders/jeremiahyong.mdwn:
03:56.30*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (
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05:43.01Marexshit :/
05:43.10Marexjust detected a bug in uboot
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07:09.48insanekanejust looked at the chat logs ... thanks very much hno
07:11.11RaYmAnturl: did you check that nand was actually enabled in your tests?
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07:24.30*** join/#arm-netbook CaCtus491 (
07:47.20furanmarex: I think turl was merging it but I was going to look at the amount of work required
07:52.07Marexfuran: ok ... back to my beloved hobby then :)
07:52.27Marexwaves at calris :p
08:25.07*** join/#arm-netbook XenGi (~XenGi@
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09:04.24*** join/#arm-netbook calris (
09:09.22*** join/#arm-netbook calris (
09:14.00calrismornin' all
09:19.37lundmanhmm no, should be evening
09:21.37calrisI heard it was always morning on entry, evening on exit....
09:21.46calrisis confused
09:22.00lundmanits morning when the sun comes up here, but you australians
09:22.30*** join/#arm-netbook specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
09:22.41calrisWell then, let me fix this...
09:23.04calrisG,Day everyone, how's yous all doing
09:25.20rz2kdamn, this a13-tab doesnt have sd broken out on board as a10 ly-f1 had.
09:26.01rz2kand I'm sorta not that kind of pro to solder up jtag right to A13.
09:26.19rz2kgoing to murder some SD cards or etch out a breakout.
09:26.49RaYmAnreminds me I need to test jtag with that dealextreme makeshift "breakout"
09:30.50*** join/#arm-netbook jas-hacks (
09:51.17Marexcalris: hello everypony! ;-)
09:54.51*** join/#arm-netbook hno_ (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
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09:57.04cat1does anypony here already have this one in possession:
09:57.33cat1Marex: ;)
09:57.55Marexcat1: nay, I dont
09:58.11Marexis fine with having almost every FSL arm chip in possession :S
09:58.53hno_cat1, no. had hoped to but not sure where mr cubieboard is..
09:59.16cat1looks qute chip and looks to be better equipped that paspberry pi.
10:16.39mnemoctalking about mr cubie... he seems alive
10:17.50calrisWhy would you think he wasn't?
10:20.02*** join/#arm-netbook jlj (
10:20.28mnemocthere is no life outside irc
10:20.52Marexmnemoc: life is overrated ;-)
10:24.28*** join/#arm-netbook gsilvis (~almostsix@
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10:44.12calrisboing boing
10:45.57Marexcalris: you're too alive ;-)
10:46.31Marexcalris: how's the mele ?
10:46.44Marexoh ... but wait
10:46.54Marexcalris: does that mean you're starting on uboot/arm hacking ?!
10:46.56calrisStill sitting on the bench
10:47.27calrisHousework taking priority :(
10:47.43Marexcalris: I'm sure you're a good housewife :-)
10:48.05Marexcalris: who's gonna maintain x86 then? You ain't gonna give up on it, are you ?
10:48.35calrisIt's running on idle atm
10:49.11calrisIf someone needs some x86 development done
10:49.17calrisI can restart
10:52.45Marexcalris: we still need x86-bios machine, you know ...
10:52.53Marexcalris: I have some sample code for that, but it needs cleanup
10:52.57*** join/#arm-netbook kocka (~kocka@2a01:270:0:ffff:ffff:200c:0:2)
10:53.12Marexactually ... why is x86 init done in 3 stages (f f_r r) ?!
10:56.39calrisTo get cache enabled super early
10:56.46calrisFaster boot
10:59.12calrisMares: BIOS....Blech !!!
11:08.44hno_The A10 have ~20KB "BIOS" ROM.
11:10.04*** join/#arm-netbook walrus_ (d570ee06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:15.02mnemoc"BOOT" ROM sounds better :p
11:16.15hno_That's 9 KB.
11:16.31mnemocuh.. I thought they were the same
11:17.05hno_FEL and BROM is two completely separate programs.
11:17.43mnemocso FEL is stored in a place called "BIOS" or "BOOT" ROM?
11:18.33mnemocI'm clear FEL is a separated app... only trying to get the terms right
11:18.42hno_There is no right, only left.
11:20.00hno_neither is a BIOS in the PC sense, but the term BIOS is used outside PC as well.
11:20.20hno_however, would not say the A10 ROM qualifies as a BIOS.
11:20.46calrisBios is a set of real-mode interrupt handlers to perform low leave I/o like disk and video access
11:23.19*** join/#arm-netbook MISHU (503b9941@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:23.37MISHUhi there!
11:23.49hno_hi MISHU
11:24.14MISHUany updates on the project?
11:24.38*** join/#arm-netbook Nu7s (
11:24.48MISHUahow much is shipping to Spain is gonna cost?
11:25.03mnemocMISHU: what project in particular?
11:25.04hno_nothing at that level yet.
11:25.29MISHUthe cubieboard
11:26.28mnemocafaik the first batch went on production last friday, but that's presold to an investor
11:26.56*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
11:27.13Nu7smnemoc, are you involved in the cubieboard?
11:27.34specing0.o We have reached 100 users!
11:27.41MISHUand to the general public?
11:27.47mnemocnope. that's what Tom told me
11:27.54mnemocMISHU: end of the month probably
11:27.57Nu7soh ok
11:28.17specingTom (aka hipboi, aka Mr. Cubie, aka Tom Cubie) is the one in charge
11:28.22MISHUis it going to be a discount for buying more than one ? 10 - 20 for example?
11:28.24specingand he is not here at the moment
11:28.55MISHUhow many are you going to make?
11:29.06Nu7sI bought a raspberry PI, but it lacks in certain areas I think the cubieboard will not lack.
11:29.08mnemocagain. it's a one man project, and that man is not here
11:29.14specingMISHU: ask tom when he comes by
11:29.27MISHUsorry for he question rampage. I'm excited
11:29.42MISHUone man? really?
11:29.51mnemocyes. one man
11:30.30mnemocaka hipboi, aka Mr. Cubie, aka Tom Cubie
11:32.55mnemocthat also means he is overwhelmed. beside been very busy at work getting sun6i out and preparing his life for his offspring who is supposed to arrive in 2 months
11:34.24Nu7sand don't forget his Aliexpress store ;-)
11:34.30mnemoctrue :)
11:35.02calrishas a penny drop moment
11:35.32Nu7spicks up the penny
11:35.32calrisdidn't realise Tom == Cubieboard
11:35.43calrisfeels stupid
11:35.57RaYmAnmnemoc: the site talks about a team :> lol
11:36.35calrisCubieboard just got 1000% more awesome :)
11:36.59mtdcubieboard looks cool!
11:37.14mnemocRaYmAn: well... he has a friend doing the EE design and i'm sure he isn't doing the factory work :p
11:37.21calrisA real community member, a SoC manufacturer employee, an online store owner
11:37.26mtd...especially in the "shipping" part.
11:37.34Nu7sNow if only XBMC had Allwinner support...
11:37.56Marexcalris: that x86 crap only complicates the DM effort though ;-)
11:38.00calrisNu7s: I think it will get there
11:38.12Nu7sI hope so, it would be awesome
11:38.40mnemocthe a10-olinuxino looks awesome too. /me wants both :p
11:39.13calrisMares: do not be afraid to break x86... between you, me, Wolfgang and everyone here, x86 has officially entered bit-rot mode
11:39.42mnemoccalris: tab is your friend
11:40.18mnemoca key, next to the Q in keyboards, used to auto-complete nicknames
11:40.44mnemocdo you think people actually types RaYmAn ?
11:40.46calrisI'm on a HP TouchPad
11:41.02calrisNo auto-complete :(
11:41.28calrisUsing AndChat
11:41.28RaYmAnjust need a suitable softkeyboard that supports it :P
11:41.35RaYmAnmnemoc: surprisingly, a lot do :P
11:41.41mnemocRaYmAn: :D
11:42.06mnemoccalris: there are virtual keyboards for android with tab key too
11:42.32calrisFor CM10?
11:43.17calrisTell me more....
11:43.33Marexcalris: tab key ... two keys below the VIM key (also often called escape key) ;-)
11:44.02RaYmAneven swype has tab ;P (long press space)
11:45.23hno_misses his N900...
11:45.54mnemochno_: not happy with your new lumia? *cough*
11:47.15calrisAny good keyboard suggestions?
11:49.06hno_haven't bought a new phone yet. Borrowing an android crap thing while tryig to figure out what I want..
11:49.45calrisGet an iPowne
11:53.44orly_owlwait for the iphone 25
11:58.50mnemocit's sad there are so few phones with sliding keyboard
12:01.18calrisIt's sad that some brain dead jury thinks Samsung owe crapple $1B
12:02.13*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (~popolon@2a01:e35:2e1e:a6c0:e469:bfef:59c5:ce82)
12:02.56calrispopolon: nice IP :)
12:03.09popoloncalris, sorry :D
12:03.16*** join/#arm-netbook calris1 (
12:04.45cat1hno: what did you do to your n900? i was working in integration team at the time it was about to release.. good old days..
12:05.07calristhat feels better :)
12:08.45mnemoccat1: it seems it wasn't waterproof enough :p
12:09.28cat1ah, i see :D
12:10.02mnemoci know people who lost their n900 on water and people who wasn't able to charge it anymore
12:10.18mnemocnot sure what's hno's case
12:11.50cat1confused n900 with n770, in n900 times he joined harmattan team..
12:12.14cat1cat1: you need to take your omega3 stuff.
12:15.55cat1anyway both times were good /me thinks..
12:17.21mnemocwishes a painful death to Elop and those in the board who let him destroy nokia
12:19.11popoloncalris, about complete keyboard on android, you can try 'hacker's keyboard', a free (as GPL) applcation, an be downloaded on GNU market and perhaps on google market (don't know, don't use it)
12:24.28calrispopolon: thanks - looking now :)
12:25.38*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~Instantbi@
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12:38.39mnemocconsidering the new picture at it seems the first batch was built successfully :)
12:40.28The-CompilerMarex: actually on the keyboard vi was invented ( ) the esc key was where tab is now :P
12:41.03The-CompilerMarex: otherwise they probably would've used something more easy to reach thane sc
12:41.05The-Compilerthan esc*
12:41.43The-Compilerpopolon: well, it all depends on if the application actually takes Tab as an input for "complete nickname". If it doesn't, having a Tab key doesn't help much
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12:43.09hno_mnemoc, that picture do not look like it's a production run. Too much hand job. But maybe they do that much bu hand..
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12:50.15MarexThe-Compiler: I'd say calris_touchpad has more or less standard ... touchpad :p
12:52.49The-CompilerMarex: talking about AndChat.
12:53.51calrisMarex: Not so standard - No WebOS for starters :)
12:55.04lundmanany news
12:59.31*** join/#arm-netbook Almamuetya (~almamuety@
13:12.37*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
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13:45.09cat1Just found out that compilation of sun3i on 3.6 kernel is broken because of missing sun3i_pm.h. Cannot find it in other branches as well. Anybody, any hint where to find this file?
13:46.32cat1actually does not have any sun3i board so it is not critical for him, but he just wants to keep things tidy
13:46.41*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
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14:43.22mnemochno: right. the board has 2012-08-08 written on it. the previous picture had 2012-07-01. so it's just a newer prototype
14:54.06mnemocspecing: btw, my problem yesterday with atxmega128a3 was solved by upgrading the firmware of the programmer :|
14:56.34*** join/#arm-netbook hno_ (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
15:04.13hno_cat1, are you sure it's sun3i_pm.h?
15:05.31cat1hno_: this is what i see
15:05.31cat1arch/arm/mach-sun3i/pm/sun3i-pm.c:36:34: fatal error: linux/power/sun3i_pm.h: No such file or directory
15:05.31cat1compilation terminated.
15:05.31cat1make[2]: *** [arch/arm/mach-sun3i/pm/sun3i-pm.o] Error 1
15:05.54mnemocalso drivers/power/sun3i_power/regulator/{consumer,machine}.h
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15:07.08mnemocthe sun3i were incomplete in 2.6.36 already
15:08.13mnemocimo it's far more important to merge the different sunxi drivers and mach than to try to keep up with upstream versions
15:08.34hno_cat1, try using linux/power/aw_pm.h instead.
15:09.14cat1mnemoc: but there is a big mess with all allwinner drivers -- no way to bring it into any order imho..
15:09.22cat1hno_: i will
15:09.37mnemoccat1: we already got nand and video drivers unified
15:09.49cat1hmm, in which branch?
15:10.09rz2khno_: any news on kernel loading with uboot-mmc on A13?
15:10.13hno_standby can quite likely be unified between sun4i and sun5i also, alsmost the same.
15:10.15mnemoc3.0-v2. will merge that to 3.4 tonight
15:10.27*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
15:10.49hno_waves at hipboi
15:11.14cat1mnemoc: well, will wait: i wanted to take mali stuff from here
15:11.58cat1it looks somewhat appealing to me.
15:12.29hipboihi guys
15:13.33mnemoccat1: we have a tested r3p0 (from Turl) to pull in
15:13.49hno_hipboi, can you answer specific questions regarding A13 registers or is that secret?
15:13.50cat1great, what about 3p1? :)
15:13.56mnemoccat1: no libs
15:14.17hipboihno_: you can ask
15:14.36mnemoccat1: but also, we need to integrate mali/sun5i before that
15:14.36hipboilet's see if it's secret
15:14.58mnemoccat1: it doesn't help to let sun4i escape farther
15:15.16mnemoccat1: or it becomes unmaintainable
15:16.05cat1mnemoc: agreed, though i started fork with 3.6 + linux-sunxi-3.4 merge
15:16.33cat1mnemoc: sun4-5 are compilable, sun4i is bootable, tested it with mk802
15:17.42cat1mnemoc: some hacks had to be done though..
15:17.50mnemoccat1: we can't move forward without fixing the broken windows first. 3.4 has broken usb gadget and incomplete serial driver
15:18.20cat1mnemoc: i understand, i will keep merging as long as fixes are coming into 3.4
15:18.27hno_hipboi, ok, here is two questions for you. What is the MBUS clock? and what is DRAM controller register  0x23c?
15:18.40cat1mnemoc: besides, i just wanted to play around with 3.6
15:18.48mnemoccat1: fair enough
15:19.08mnemoccat1: but help fixing 3.4 troubles is more welcomed ;-)
15:19.38hipboihno_: this is very specfic, i need to look at the data sheet
15:19.38RaYmAnmnemoc: slave driver ;)
15:19.39cat1mnemoc: sure, as soon as i start using this heavily :) btw, any plans to get it allwinner upstream? the code demands a lot cosmetics!
15:19.57mnemocRaYmAn: :)
15:20.05hipboihno_: i am not at zhuhai these days
15:20.39hno_hipboi, changed job=
15:21.12mnemoccat1: it's not merely about cosmetics. we need to have devicetree and mtd support before even dreaming about mainlining
15:21.50cat1mnemoc: right.. but we'd rather keep code in shape anyway
15:21.53hno_We don't need mtd support to mainline. Obviously we can't mainline the existing NAND driver, but..
15:22.28mnemocok, devicetree and gpiolib to mainline the core
15:23.06*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi_ (~hipboi@
15:23.10cat1mnemoc: do you have any mailing list dedicated for patch review? it would be easier to track issues.
15:23.10RaYmAnaxp209 also needs some love esp. for a13
15:23.34RaYmAnthough, should be relatively simple
15:23.37mnemoccat1: we currently use github's crap tracker
15:23.47hipboi_hno_: can you email the question so i can reply you when i go back to the office
15:24.00hno_Sure. @allwinner or @gmail?
15:24.31hipboi_hno_: yes
15:24.53mnemochipboi_: when do you return from wuhan?
15:25.22hno_hipboi_, which address you prefer, or does not matter?
15:25.28hipboi_mnemoc: i think tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow
15:25.42hipboi_hno_:gmail, please
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15:30.08hno_hipboi_, ok, sent.
15:30.22hipboi_hno_: ok. thanks
15:31.53cat1mnemoc: /me ponders that it could be possible to think of manilining mach-sun?i already; of course some polishing must be done before, still might be good starting point.. well, never mind :)
15:32.29RaYmAnmnemoc: does it make sense without a usable gpio implementation?
15:33.16cat1RaYmAn: well, it depends on how much one wants to do with device.
15:33.31cat1s/how much/how many things/
15:34.06RaYmAnyeah, but it wouldn't even partially boot then...
15:34.52cat1RaYmAn: hmm, how come it boots now?
15:35.37mnemoccat1: using a gpio implementation which upstream won't ever accept
15:35.58cat1mnemoc: oh-oh..
15:37.29cat1mnemoc: well, then minimalistic goal is set: we need to improve just this.
15:38.14RaYmAnnominates cat1 for rewriting gpio implementation
15:38.41RaYmAnpinmux will most likely also need some serious changes to be somewhat in line with everything else
15:38.47cat1is not a master though
15:39.11hno_rz2k, no news yet. But have a feeling it's very close.
15:41.39rz2khno_: thanks, it just seems like I will need to etch out a board for my JTAG connection, this will take time and I can do this only on weekend.. so I cant even check whats going on.
15:42.17mnemoccat1: the most early bit of allwinner hackery we need to get rid of is in arch/arm/kernel/head.S
15:42.43hno_rz2k, u-boot starts just fine. But Linux crashes.
15:42.57mnemoccat1: the map for script.bin and another 3MB map for io space
15:43.04cat1mnemoc: btw, i removed this part from head.S in my tree -- nothing is broken afterwards
15:43.47hno_mnemoc, the head.S crap can be killed without any pain.
15:44.06mnemochno_: the r0/r1 sure... but the memory maps?
15:44.27hno_the script.bin map is for script.bin. Will die with device tree.
15:44.45hno_the i/o map is only for probing the dram controller, which also should not be done.
15:45.16cat1hno_: btw, anyone who is working on device tree for allwinner?
15:45.22hno_not yet
15:45.51hno_but there is nothing strange about it.
15:46.11cat1hno_: yeah, but one must be really in details about hardware
15:47.02cat1hno_: or you mean that there is nothing strange that none is working on it?
15:47.25hno_the hardware is not complex, and the data we need in devicetree is almost all in script.bin + platform.h
15:47.34RaYmAncat1: script.bin is essentially a custom device tree... So all the details are pretty much there - just needs to be done right
15:47.54*** join/#arm-netbook _hipboi_ (~hipboi@
15:48.47cat1RaYmAn: good
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15:50.12mnemoccat1: code to play with the pins can be found in sunxi-tools' pio.c
15:50.17cat1thinks of learning how to create dt
15:52.39cat1mnemoc: is this part of kernel source tree? can't recall seeing such file.
15:53.01mnemocsunxi-tools has it's own repo, also in github
15:53.21cat1mnemoc: ah, riiight, thanks!
15:53.55cat1mnemoc: btw, i can't wait your mali merge. any estimate?
15:54.41cat1tries to run mer+nemo on mk802, gpu support is badly needed.
15:55.32mnemocr3p0? I want to merge the nand and video unification into 3.4 first. then update to the latest 3.0.x, and r3p0 comes next
15:57.55cat1mnemoc: can i see this unification changes already somewhere, just to get the idea or it is in your local repo?
16:03.40mnemoccat1: they are in the default branch of linux-allwinner....
16:04.07mnemoccat1: skip the commits that say "restore .config compatiblity"
16:05.01mnemocthose are only relevant to our "stable" branch, 3.0
16:06.24*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi_ (~hipboi@
16:07.23cat1mnemoc: ok, thanks, will take a look.
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16:08.50mnemocyou may also want to look to the plat and plat-gpio wip branches of 3.4. the first explores the merge of mach-sun?i and the second explores gpiolib upon the other
16:22.29hno_hipboi_, you tried to ping me some time ago (23 aug). Do you remember what it was about?
16:39.26*** join/#arm-netbook j1nx_ (
16:39.41mnemocwb j1nx_
16:41.21j1nx_Do I quickly saw correctly the u-boot sun5i branche of hno has proper memory detection support?
16:43.46hno_not that I know.
16:44.00j1nx_then I guess not :D
16:44.27hno_it has parameterized dram setup so you can feed it what dram you have. But boot info is still hardcoded.
16:44.44j1nx_before I ran home, I quickly saw some stuff changed in dram.c
16:44.51j1nx_but did not read it
16:45.02hno_all of dram.c changed.
16:45.39j1nx_Will look into it later then, plans to push it to sun4i as well?
16:45.45hno_this dram.c is based on pm/standby/ and observation of what boot0 does.
16:45.53hno_first need to get it working proper.
16:46.21j1nx_you are deving on olixino A13 at the moment?
16:49.28*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
16:51.31j1nx_Am looking at the new pictures of the Cubieboard. K1ck A$$
16:51.42j1nx_Any dates from Tom?
16:56.44*** join/#arm-netbook hno_ (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
16:57.27hno_j1nx_, none yet, but he was here some minutes ago.
16:57.52j1nx_propbably to bed already
17:00.41mnemoche is in wuhan because of family matters, but he said he will be returning to work (in zhuhai) in 2/3 days.
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17:24.21cat1hno_: tried to use linux/power/aw_pm.h as you suggested, now compilation fails like this:
17:24.21cat1arch/arm/mach-sun3i/pm/sun3i-pm.c:37:69: fatal error: ../../../../drivers/power/sun3i_power/regulator/machine.h: No such file or directory
17:24.21cat1compilation terminated.
17:24.21cat1make[2]: *** [arch/arm/mach-sun3i/pm/sun3i-pm.o] Error 1
17:24.21cat1thinking of using linux/regulator/machine.h, do you think it is fits?
17:26.07cat1hno_: actually it does not. I will probably give up trying to resurrect sun3i.
17:32.56*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
17:33.28CIA-14rhombus-tech:  master * r17f3da21cda5 /allwinner_a10/orders/.mdwn:
17:46.09mnemoccat1: if it was that simple we would have fixed it already ;-)
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18:03.53hno_Found a little error in the dram code, had forgot to change 5 to n in code copied from standby. Any bets on if it makes a difference?
18:04.58technmnemoc: so what's next? :)
18:07.00RaYmAntechn: rewrite gpio implementation? :>
18:08.16techninfact.. I have minix.. and I was thinking to write IR receiver to work.. but after video/sound etc work :)
18:08.37*** join/#arm-netbook hno_ (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
18:11.59mnemoctechn: video related we have two patches (one originally part of the other). and
18:12.00cat1mnemoc: indeed :)
18:12.18cat1mnemoc: related to easy fix
18:13.59mnemoctechn: unfortunatelly the "full thing" gives Quarx very ugly colors. but we probably can integrate the lcd_spi part first, and get the rest of the patch in a branch for further analysis
18:14.05mnemoccat1: :)
18:14.44mnemocRaYmAn: techn is who fixed fbcon and unified the video drivers
18:15.48RaYmAnmnemoc: I know
18:18.31techn4, modify hdmi avi packet for hd;
18:18.32techn5, support deinterlace;
18:18.53technthose I can do.. is there separate patches for those?
18:19.01technor just that blob?
18:19.08mnemoctechn: just that blob
18:19.30mnemoctechn: the pull request take the spi part out
18:20.25technyep.. I don't have device to test those 3 first :(
18:21.33techn.. but I'll hope that I'll have in couple days.. since I bid for a10 and a13 tablets (partly broken) :)
18:22.02mnemocthe color problem comes out of hdmi, not lcd
18:22.26mnemoclcd seems to work fine
18:23.21technon that full or single patch?
18:23.36hno_no, the A13 is still irritated over something.
18:23.45technah.. just re-read
18:24.41mnemoctechn: both. the patch from the pull request is a unification of the lcd_spi support in that large patch
18:25.37mnemoctechn: it seems that in some part of the large patch they changed the default color system to something weird
18:26.06mnemoctechn: but I'm sure some safe improvements can be taken out of it
18:27.59cat1wonders if that would be possible to run before applying any patch. Lindent would please eyes too :)
18:30.02mnemoccat1: the dirty commits come from the internal gpl-violating git repos of allwinner
18:30.41cat1mnemoc: what can i say.. nice! :D
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18:31.27mnemocat this point commits fixing whitespace and "style" only harm history
18:31.48mnemocso we fix it slowly on the parts where we fix/improve actual code
18:32.08The-Compileranyone in here interested about a broken pandaboard? Connected it to 12V, RS232 voltage IC started to smoke, but I guess something else (maybe even the CPU) is also damaged because it doesn't boot anymore
18:32.28cat1mnemoc: right.. sorry for whining..
18:32.45mnemoccat1: I share your feeling
18:32.55The-Compilerjust pay me the shipping (or if it's not that much, nevermind) and it's yours.
18:33.14mnemoccat1: and my vim actually sets the background color of bad whitespacing to red. hurts even mroe
18:33.27cat1mnemoc: same here
18:34.12The-Compilermnemoc: that sounds interesting, how do you do that?
18:34.49mnemochighlight WrongWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
18:34.59mnemocand some patterns to define WrongWhitespace
18:35.11*** join/#arm-netbook cat_n9 (
18:35.35cat1mnemoc: however cannot stop thinking of somewhat more collaborative way with allwinner guys: e.g. having one common malining list for patch review/exchange..
18:37.00RaYmAnI don't think allwinner is in any way comitted to being part of anything community. afaik tom does it out of interest and stuff, with just barely permission for it?
18:38.37mnemoccat1: i wish... but their management seems to prefer the oposite direction. afaik they changed the copyright notes in their tree to some random third company (probably to reduce liability), and newer SDKs get .git dirs removed and key parts (like mach-* and cedarx kernel drivers) shared as bin only
18:39.26mnemoccat1: that commit above was gracefully shared by Tom to fix ainol aurora support
18:40.32mnemocon the bright side our code was all GPLed and it actually works :)
18:41.13cat1mnemoc: yeah, this rocks! :)
18:43.43*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (~popolon@2a01:e35:2e1e:a6c0:6488:6603:5da1:4a46)
18:50.12The-Compilermnemoc: nice, thanks! (although I like to ignore tabs and indent with four spaces :P)
18:51.23mnemocThe-Compiler: i prefer to stick to linux style ;-)
18:51.46mnemocI use 4 spaces in python and lua
18:51.55traeaktabstop=3 :-p
18:51.57mnemocless than 4, I can't read :<
18:52.09cat1The-Compiler: just in case you want to try, this is what i have in my .vimrc:
18:52.10cat1highlight RedundantWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
18:52.10cat1match     RedundantWhitespace /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/
18:52.57The-Compileractually.. not sure if I should four spaces or a tab displayed as for spaces in languages other than python...
18:53.07The-Compilers/should/should use/
18:53.19The-Compilercat1: what does  \+\ze\t match?
18:53.23traeakcat1: how do you trigger this condition?
18:54.04cat1just put it into .vimrc. I also made shortcut that forces it.
18:54.32traeaki think my way of using vim may not typically force this (I'm trying to see what it does)
18:55.04mnemoctraeak: turns the bg color of evil spaces to red
18:55.31traeakyeah, i guess one way: space followed by tab then code
18:55.37traeaknot lighting up for me, using standard xterms
18:56.38cat1The-Compiler: do not remember anymore, besides, it is not my-hand-made :)
18:57.26hno_Ok, some progress.  It's something boot0 does after DRAM setup that makes it stable.
18:58.07mnemochow many bytes to decode about DRAM setup? :p
18:58.16The-Compilertraeak: hmm, same here with urxvt
18:58.26hno_The while DRAM setup in boot0 is decoded.
19:05.19hno_now this is confusing.. still unstable after boot0 attempted loading boot1 from nand.
19:15.22hno_Hmm... disable instruction cache, that should not make this difference.
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19:18.57hno_or maybe it's just openocd that dislikes instruction cache.
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19:48.14hno_Hmm... maybe it actually works and only console settings are wrong?
19:48.33hno_cpu still running now.
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19:57.40mnemoccall something...
19:58.15The-Compilerhmm.. is it possible to use android to modify the NAND uboot so it boots from SD?
19:58.37The-Compiler(or maybe even boot the kernel from NAND and have the rootfs on the SD?)
19:58.41hno_The-Compiler, sure, just replace it with an MMC capable u-boot.
19:59.02The-CompilerI want to try the stock uboot because of the weird issues I'm having
19:59.13hno_does it have the mmc command?
19:59.32mnemochno_: if only console is not printing you should be able to jump to a function that does something you can then verify reading memory... or not?
20:01.09hno_easier to just fix the console. A bit of confusion between uart0/uart1 in my setup.
20:02.15The-Compilerhno_: nope. Can I put the kernel on the NAND and the rootfs somewhere else then?
20:03.26The-Compilerany guide on what I should do? I really don't want to render it unbootable by some stupid mistake so I'd have to fire up a VM to get livesuit
20:04.13hno_The-Compiler, isn't there several FAT partitions in Android? If there is then just dump the kernel in one of them and use fatload to load it from u-boot.
20:09.54The-Compilerhmm, can't see any fat partition I could use
20:11.47Turlthe last partition is vfat
20:11.54Turlthe one labeled "UDISK"
20:13.17The-CompilerTurl: last one where? I only see /dev/block/nandi on /mnt/private but I can't access that it seems
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20:13.52TurlThe-Compiler: on android it's mounted on /mnt/sdcard
20:13.58Turlusually it's nandi1 I think
20:14.38The-Compileroh right, I just saw sdcard and assumed it was the external sd
20:15.57hno_The-Compiler, that's android idea of consistent naming.
20:16.20Turlhno_: it's more like legacy baggage I'd say
20:16.25Turlmany stuff has /sdcard hardcoded
20:16.35The-Compilerso where on earth is the device for the external sd
20:16.59The-Compilerah, /dev/block
20:17.00hno_The-Compiler, that's a mmc block device somewhere..
20:17.06Turlnot sure where a10 devices have it, but it should be somewhere in /mnt/ too
20:17.16Turlthe device itself is /dev/block/mmcblk0pX
20:17.19RaYmAnat least they didn't make their own custom mmc stuff
20:17.40TurlRaYmAn: they did do custom nand stuff => no yaffs :(
20:17.48RaYmAnI know
20:17.50RaYmAnit annoys me :P
20:18.03TurlI was like hmm I'm gonna try yaffs
20:18.06The-Compilersh: cp: not found
20:18.13The-Compilerpfff, okay, cat then.
20:18.24RaYmAnIt's one of the things I'll certainly put effort towards when/if I have time and no one else do it before (going nand -> mtd)
20:18.27Turlthen noticed it depended on mtd
20:18.39hno_you may have busybox even if cp is not found
20:18.46TurlThe-Compiler: yeah android has no cp, use busybox cp if you need it
20:18.49Turlor just cat/dd
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20:19.06The-Compilerso I have /mnt/sdcard/uImage now... let's see if I manage to get it to boot that
20:19.31The-Compilerroot@android:/mnt/sdcard # reboot
20:19.33The-Compiler[  449.152624] SysRq : Emergency Remount R/O
20:19.43The-Compilerhuh, that's a rude way of rebooting :D
20:22.02lercdid get slashdotted?
20:22.14The-Compilerheh, fatls just gives me "** Invalid boot device **"
20:22.43hno_fatls mmc 9
20:22.51mnemoclerc: not nice.... that took down too :<
20:22.53hno_or something like that. not sure on the partition number
20:23.05The-Compilerhno_: same thing (and it doesn't have mmc)
20:23.24hno_sorry, fatls nand 9
20:23.47hno_or maybe the nand driver wants named partitions, don't remember.
20:24.10The-Compilerfatls nand a
20:24.45lercmnemoc: Probably speaks to demand thouugh.
20:24.57The-Compilerhmm, and from where would I load the script.bin?
20:25.08hno_mnemoc, which pin is pin 1 on the UART connector?
20:25.14The-Compileror should that already be loaded?
20:25.15hno_The-Compiler, that's in nanda
20:25.23hno_and most likely already loaded.
20:25.35hno_but do not hurt loading it again.
20:25.41mnemoclerc: ~15.6 of load but no process using more thn 5% of CPU :<
20:26.02TurlI don't see it on slashdot
20:26.06Turlmnemoc: IO wait?
20:26.34pawel58701The-Compiler: try this branch if you use ICS and add mmc support
20:26.53The-Compilerokay, fatload nand a 0x48000000 uimage; bootm 0x48000000   seems to work
20:27.06The-Compilerbut I get the same issues I've already had before and it does not boot :(
20:27.09hno_pawel58701, the ICS tree is slightly behind lichee-dev actually.
20:27.14lercTurl:   The term slashdotted comes from slashdot.  but the traffic now comes from other sites.
20:27.24pawel58701but it's works form me
20:27.28mnemochno_: in the a13 olinuxino? placing the board vertically with VGA on top. 4 is on top, 1 on the bottom
20:27.54pawel58701now I have mmc support in nand uboot
20:28.00lercTurl: see
20:28.11hno_mnemoc, so GND is the outermost pin?
20:28.21The-CompilerI don't need mmc support, I need a kernel which boots :(
20:28.34pawel58701and I have bootcmd which check if SD card is inserted and then load linaro kernel otherwise android kernel
20:28.35mnemochno_: yes
20:29.00mnemochno_: it's explained :)
20:29.32pawel58701The-Compiler: I'm using kernel from nightly build
20:30.09pawel58701but booting doesn't work from SD u-boot
20:30.25The-CompilerI have random crashes and funny paging exceptions no matter what I do.
20:30.59*** part/#arm-netbook tombola (~tombola@
20:31.13Turllerc: yeah, just saying I don't see the cubieboard on slashdot
20:31.14pawel58701It's possible to change linaro resolution at runtime ? I changed output resolution to 1600x1024 but linaro resolution is still 1200x...
20:31.33mnemocpawel58701: script.bin
20:31.38mnemocor ioctl
20:32.23The-Compilerhno_: booting via stock uboot doesn't fix my issues so it's not uboot-mmc's fault
20:33.12mnemocTurl: how do you check for io wait stuff?
20:33.29Turltop shows a % of io wait mnemoc
20:35.38The-Compilerrunning mtest now in uboot which also looks good... what the heck could be wrong with my board then
20:35.42pawel58701mnemoc: I used ioctl (vga_on.c) but I have black border. xrandr shows 1280x720 and ioctl was set to 1680x1050
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20:36.31j1nx_does anybody already have pictures of the inside of the Mele A3600 ?
20:36.44j1nx_Propbably the same, but just to be sure.
20:37.27mnemocwants to see it's guts too
20:38.03j1nx_All outputs are positioned at the exact same location, so I guess no real suprises
20:39.06lercTurl:  Slashdot will eventually  link to the engadget article that links to the MAKE article that links to the Liliputing article which links to the cnxSoft article which links to the linux-sunxi page.
20:42.56Turlmnemoc: hm doesn't look like io wait
20:43.08Turlbut php is using quite a bit of cpu, wonder what is it doing :P
20:43.16mnemocTurl: I just stopped php-fpm
20:43.33mnemocand letting it rest a bit
20:43.45mnemocload down to 3 now
20:44.25mnemocphp started
20:46.00hno_Yes! it boots!
20:46.01mnemocTurl: suggestions to improve the php-fpm pools config is highly welcomed
20:46.02Turlmnemoc: cubieboard is a drupal right?
20:46.06mnemocTurl: yes
20:46.15Turlmnemoc: did you enable the caches?
20:46.27mnemocTurl: I didn't set it up...
20:46.51The-CompilerI guess I'll just post on the mailinglist to see if anyone can help me.. and if not I spent $100 on hardware I can't use :(
20:46.53j1nx_hno_ : Congratz
20:46.55Turlwell getting slashdotted *and* not caching is a combination set up for disaster
20:47.02mnemochno_: kudos!
20:47.07Turlhno_: great!
20:47.18j1nx_The-Compiler : wassup?
20:48.02mnemocTurl: congratulations, you have become sudoer :p
20:48.10Turlmnemoc: :)
20:48.20lercThrow open the switches on the sonic oscillator... and step up the reactor power three more points!
20:48.32mnemocTurl: but please keep me posted of changes :p
20:48.37Turlmnemoc: sure
20:48.48Turlmnemoc: we could set cloudflare up for cubieboard
20:48.53Turlso it doesn't kill the rest :P
20:49.27The-Compilerj1nx_: spend like three evenings getting my Mele A2000 to boot anything apart of the stock android, no luck. I get random lockups and memory paging kernel exceptions, but memtest in uboot and the stock android run fine
20:50.52mnemocTurl: if you know how to do that without hipboi's drupal credentials...
20:50.54j1nx_v1.7 ?
20:51.20mnemocThe-Compiler: tried rm's kernel? stock script.bin?
20:51.38Turlmnemoc: it works over drupal, it's like a transparent proxy
20:51.44Turlover anything really
20:51.52mnemocTurl: so it's nginx setup?
20:52.08Turlit's server independent
20:52.19Turlyou move the NS records to point to them
20:52.24The-Compilermnemoc: yes, yes
20:52.29mnemocThe-Compiler: :<
20:52.38The-Compilermnemoc: even tried booting the kernel with the stock uboot
20:52.42mnemocTurl: in that case we need hipboi
20:53.57mnemocTurl: do you use them somewhere?
20:55.12Turlmnemoc: I own, so I can change the NS at will
20:55.22mnemocTurl: setting up nginx's reverse proxy's caching sounds like a good idea
20:55.27mnemocTurl: oh, didn't know that
20:55.45mnemocmessy world
20:55.58Turlmnemoc: CM uses it on some pages to offload quite a bit of stuff
20:58.03hno_u-boot changes pushed to sun5i branch if someone wants to play with them.
20:58.39steevboo i missed the announce for the cubieboard :(
20:58.53mnemocsteev: it hasn't been announced... has it
20:59.04Turlmnemoc: if you agree with it I'll enable it for
20:59.11mnemocTurl: +1
20:59.30hno_will clean things up a bit in the next days.
20:59.54mnemocsteev: it got known from the irc logs when tom mentioned his project here some months ago
21:00.04mnemocsteev: then he added some specs to the wiki
21:00.11steevmnemoc: ah, so it's technically not available yet
21:00.15steevnot even preorders
21:00.21steevreally wants one
21:00.22mnemocsteev: and cnx-soft found it there some days ago....
21:01.12steevthere was a comment on the HN site with the link to the board, and the guy is basically saying it's a scam because Tom's nickname is hipboi
21:01.44steevi mean seriously, that's what you're gonna complain about? someone's nickname?
21:01.52hno_What wonderful background research on who is who.
21:03.04ccssnetya seems is getting hammered. takes a while for pages to load for me
21:03.45mnemocccssnet: load of the server is over 18 again :<
21:04.12mnemocdamn php
21:04.45ccssnetlol. ya php is not super fast, but i do use it myself here:
21:04.57traeakcubieboard is toast
21:05.11traeaki probably just helped DOS him
21:05.39ccssnetwell i closed my browser. no longer taking part myself
21:05.48Turlmnemoc: DNS moved, hopefully it'll propagate soonish :)
21:06.46steevit's on the front page of
21:07.08hno_It still answers fine, only a bit slow.
21:07.08ccssnetthats cause for a hammering also
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21:08.38hno_And mentioning the R-Pi. ofcourse it gets hammered.
21:09.04hno_Watch out raspberry pi - 1ghz 1gb ram 4gb flash 96 gpio - $49 (
21:09.23steevyep they plan on mass manufacturing these after all?
21:09.44mnemocwonders why no one compares it with the beaglebone
21:09.56traeakif cubieboard would have come out in april/may ....
21:10.00hno_sweclockers also have it..
21:10.24traeakthe beagle* stuff never had as much marketing as the rpi did
21:12.18hno_and wikipedia. and slashgear. and techspot, and makezine, ang geeky-gadgets and .....
21:12.40RaYmAnI doubt rpi would have gotten anywhere near the attention it did, if it wasn't because RPI is a foundation with a fairly noble public goal, heh
21:13.03RaYmAnIt's kind of a pity it has mostly turned into an xmbc board.
21:13.16RaYmAn</minor rant>
21:13.43Turlmnemoc: can you reset my pw on the server? :< I forgot it
21:13.57RaYmAnTurl: public key auth! :P
21:13.58steevRaYmAn: oh i agree
21:14.07TurlRaYmAn: yeah that's why I forgot it :P
21:14.12steevit was supposed to get into the hands of school kids... i've not heard of any kids using them
21:14.14TurlRaYmAn: sudo doesn't use my key though
21:14.46mnemocTurl: same as login
21:14.57RaYmAnTurl: good point, lol
21:15.17RaYmAnsteev: rpi foundation actually posts almost daily about kids doing cool stuff with them :)
21:15.20RaYmAnsteev: on twitter
21:15.20Turlthx mnemoc
21:15.40mnemocTurl: I'm setting up nginx's cache too
21:17.10steevRaYmAn: i'm far to busy to watch people twatting all day
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21:39.20mnemocTurl: not sure if it's the CDN or nginx's cache but load is falling now
21:40.01mnemocspoke too soon... up at 11 again
21:40.41mnemocdamn drupal sending everything with no-cache
21:42.34mnemocmost of the IO comes from pg
21:42.52mnemocwhich is kind of expectable... if nothing is been cached
21:48.37mnemocTurl: it seems you killed the drupal :p
21:49.02mnemocTurl: nevermind, 500 is gone
21:52.47RaYmAnwow, scammers/spammers are getting really lazy
21:52.48RaYmAn"I will want to discuss something with you about your family and it has some
21:52.51RaYmAnform of relationship with you going by the similarity in the name."
21:53.23RaYmAnIt's like they aren't even trying anymore :(
21:54.08Turlit's a wordpress mnemoc :P
21:54.50mnemocRaYmAn: not nice that even them lost the hope...
21:54.53mnemocTurl: uhm
21:56.06Turlmnemoc: in any case, all of the images and css and stuff is now being served by cloudflare
21:56.29mnemocTurl: that's the easy part
21:56.56mnemocTurl: even when the load was over 18 I got static content in less than a second
21:57.08Turlyeah, but as long as the site keeps sending a 1980 exp date it won't be cached :P
21:57.32TurlI would set up wp super cache but I need the wp credentials
21:58.00Turlload is ~3 now and going down
21:58.19mnemocyes, looks pretty decent now
21:58.35mnemocor maybe the "attack" finished
21:59.21Turlthe wiki works normally
21:59.52Turlit's still on ycombinator home mnemoc
22:00.48mnemocdidn't even know that site
22:00.56mnemocI guess it's popular
22:01.20TurlI thought ycombinator was one of those  'angel investors'
22:34.56*** join/#arm-netbook tzafrir (
23:15.40*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@
23:33.02Turldidn't EU rule everyone should use USB to charge or something like that?

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