IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120825

00:00.43lercRighty I'm gonna run on my aurora,  see how it goes.
00:03.26ZaEarl says 1 pixel per clock per core
00:04.47popolonon mli 200
00:04.53popolonon Mali 200
00:05.15GumbootI'm not sure there's anybody who cites fill rates who actually takes them seriously enough to have a use case that can actually do them.
00:05.39popolonok while the fill rate remains the same
00:05.46ZaEarlsure, fill rate is a sort of upper-bound. best case senario.
00:05.57GumbootWell, not even.
00:06.14GumbootDo all of these pixels have to land in memory?
00:06.20GumbootBecause you can cull at a nearly unlimited rate.
00:06.31GumbootBut some people count culled pixels.
00:06.43GumbootAnd then make up an arbitrary "reasonable" cull rate.
00:08.02GumbootThen they all stand around talking about how all their competitors are probably using much more optimistic values.
00:10.01GumbootThen there are the triangles whose area rounds to zero, but technically is not zero.
00:11.41GumbootBut to make that fly you have to run it on an infinitely fast CPU with infinite memory bandwidth.  But since that's somebody else's problem we just assume they've solved that part and make projections accordingly.
00:12.16Gumboot(actually, I've never seen that done)
00:12.30Turlthe CIA has 'em
00:12.49GumbootYeah, if they'd just dedicate more of their resource to GLES benchmarks....
00:12.59GumbootMaybe they do.
00:14.44popolonraspberry, as far I know, only demoed a teapot in opengl on their board
00:15.07GumbootDid it have video on it?
00:18.28popolon <= a torus
00:19.27popolon <=  Raspberry Pi, Qt 5, QML, Shaders
00:19.53popolonlooks like some webGL demo
00:20.06GumbootIt's actually coloured a bit like a doughnut.
00:20.14GumbootBut there's no video!
00:20.51popolonwhich kind of video
00:20.56GumbootVideo like on a teapot.
00:21.22popolonah, do you mean the version of teapot with video mapped on ?
00:21.29GumbootI've disturbed myself a little, now.  I can imagine a day in the future when you really can have video on your doughnuts.... and it'll be advertising.
00:22.01popolonthat was only a teapot with some texture
00:22.06popoloncan't find it again
00:22.09GumbootIt's possible that only teapots can have video mapped onto them.  Maybe it's impossible on other shapes.
00:23.00popolonat they then can map 1080p on a rectangle
00:24.41popolongood night
00:44.00penguin42Gumboot: Hmm video on donuts could be hard; stills on the top would be easy; perhaps something zoetrope like?
00:52.22L84Supperlooks like the R-Pi has been having USB problems due to the poorly handled USB power
00:53.39Dandel_L84Supper: not that entirely... it's more that the power sources cannot give the R-Pi enough power often times
00:55.30L84SupperI haven't looked at the schematics yet but somebody posted that it's the polyfuses
01:00.23Dandel_L84Supper: The problem appears to be more often then not related to driver bugs.
01:01.55Dandel_i know of those mods.
01:02.17L84Supperare there further issues?
01:02.30Dandel_Yes, the issue even happens on Powered hubs
01:02.55Dandel_it's somewhat improving, but that's what I would suggest to most end users anyways... mainly to go get a powered usb hub.
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10:49.52orly_owlhmm a200 for 82 aud
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11:55.48w00pHi, do you know what resolution the A10 Linux image on uses by default?
12:00.39zenitraMi think 720p
12:05.33w00pIs there a way to change the resolution?
12:06.04w00pTo 1080p or a 4:3 resolution like 800x600
12:12.32lundmanedit the script.bin i think
12:18.21w00pThanks, I'll try
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12:28.47rz2kvideo review of that archos 101xs tablet with qwerty dock.
12:31.50orly_owla10 soc?
12:53.05popolonoh, charbas has a gnagnacat tshirt :D
12:54.56popolonthe little motherboard look like odroid-X
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13:04.55orly_owlx86 pc, but what is this connector called?
13:22.30hnoorly_owl, looks identical to the UART connector in Mele. It is a standard type connector, but have not seen this used for SATA Power before.
13:23.11orly_owlyep, its a dell thin client/net top
13:23.20orly_owldell optiplex fx160
13:27.41orly_owlpic here
13:30.30simonckenyonorly_owl: that is a floppy drive power connector
13:30.53orly_owlpc has no room for floppy drive
13:33.04hnoIt's not a floppy drive power connector. Those are 2.54mm raster width and much higher and closed above the hole in the side.
13:33.29hnoA data sheet I found from JST is titled PH Connector.
13:35.09hnoJST Crimp 2.0mm (0.79") pitch, PH Connector, Disconnectable Crimp style connector.
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13:37.43hno<hno> It's not a floppy drive power connector. Those are 2.54mm raster width and much higher and closed above the hole in the side.
13:37.43hno<hno> A data sheet I found from JST is titled PH Connector.
13:37.43hno<hno> JST Crimp 2.0mm (0.79") pitch, PH Connector, Disconnectable Crimp style connector.
13:44.40hnopart number of the JST connector.
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17:31.34popolonCortex A7 is more energy efficient than Cortex A15, and serveral SoC builder mix 1 Cortex A7 core with several Cortex  A15 cores to better manage energy efficiency, the CCI-400 used for this big.Little technique is already supported by Linux :)
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18:49.33xxiaowonders why married ones eager to show their pets instead of raising some real stuff, the kids
18:50.37Marexxxiao: fucking is fun
18:50.46Marexxxiao: you can always get rid of a pet fast ... not so much of a kit
18:51.22xxiaoMarex: this is someone keep sending me their pig pet video
18:53.38Marexxxiao: you can always filter emails ;-)
19:06.14hnoonly have fishes as pets, not much to show off.
19:08.26specingis the cortex-a7 64-bit too?
19:09.00specingOr are they still 32?
19:09.57specingAh, still v7
19:13.40hnoA15 & A7 is v7a,
19:15.44hnodon't know what the reoadmap for cores implementin v8 is.
19:17.02popolonI've some flies and mosquitos at home
19:17.50popolonall with 6 legs and 2 wings
19:19.06hnopopolon, what CPU do they run?
19:20.33popolonsmall one with 1 core to fly and one core to detect blood or fructs depending on unit (fly or mosquito
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19:32.15Turlpopolon: where's the core to do damage control?
19:41.17Marexspecing: aarch64
19:41.29Marexspecing: that's the name of the 64bit arm ... it won't be arm anymore
19:41.35Marexit iwll be aarch64
19:41.46Marexsuch a sexy name :)
19:42.43specingwhy not arm64? Is it too similar to amd64?
19:43.06specingIt could be simply a64 :)
19:43.32Turlaarch64hf distros are gonna kick ass! :P
19:43.58rmI believe someone has beat some sense into them
19:44.08specingIntel is going to get its ass kicked sooner or later
19:44.46specingAMD is going to go bankrupt soon after aarch64 takes over the low-mid end market
19:44.58Marexrm: into guys who underwent gender changes and such ? :)
19:45.05rm   Kernel port directory and related functions renamed to "arm64".
19:45.10Marexxxiao: aarch64
19:45.18Turlspecing: doubt it, AMD is the goto cheap x86
19:45.48MarexTurl: now that there's market for it
19:46.50specingTurl: aarch64 is going to be cheaper
19:46.53xxiaoaarch64, ouch, i think ARM starts to lose its head
19:47.13specingas the cpus will be integrated into the motherboard and wont require *bridges and stuff
19:48.04TurlMarex: the market will still be there, windows home PCs aren't going anywhere
19:49.16xxiaohates udev
19:50.30specingWhats wrong with udev?
19:52.53xxiaospecing: it's a mess when i have 8 SSDs on two HBAs and 3 ethernet ports
19:53.22xxiaodevtmpfs worked fine without issues, but it took me a few hours to remove udev from rootfs
20:04.23specingWhat is a mess?
20:05.32specingxxiao: use LVM
20:05.49specingxxiao: add those into LVM and make it manage that
20:06.29specingLVM can do striping, mirroring or anything else
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20:11.22xxiaospecing: i need benchmark a system, just doing basic mdadm ATM
20:12.27xxiaofor a 10G link the best I can do is about 6Gbps RAID5, which is not good enough
20:12.41xxiaoi mean iscsi
20:13.07xxiaoexcluding overheads i think the best i can get should be around 8Gbps
20:14.30specinghardware or software raid?
20:14.46specingI think you should go hardware raid in your case...
20:15.08xxiaothe issue is that, i'm trying to be _the_ hardware raid
20:15.36specingyou are doing it wrong
20:15.37xxiaothe stuff i work on is shooting for a possible hardware RAID
20:16.10xxiaowhile running software RAID but with accel-raid-engine in hardware
20:16.54xxiaospecing: how so?
20:18.43xxiaocomparing to ASCI-hw-raid this will be fully open source
20:19.22specingThere should be no firmware on an ASIC
20:19.52specingAlso, the firmware running on the disks is not opensource
20:22.18MarexTurl: I dunno ... we don't have a windows PC at home nor at work
20:23.26xxiaoi think for hardware RAID cards you do need binary firmware?
20:23.36xxiaoyeah the firmware on SSD is another story
20:24.48TurlMarex: yeah I don't either, but I still use x86
20:25.05Turlwhat I meant is 'typical x86 box' :P
20:55.47popolonno need to access to firmware to use hw raid
20:56.06popolonperhaps on some desktop motherboard with integrated half harware raid
20:56.47popolonmost raid hardware is well managed on linux as far I know
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21:24.21hnopopolon, hardware raid controllers have their firmware in a flash chip.
21:25.15popolonas most controllers isn't it ?
21:25.54hnoSATA controllers do not have much firmware.
21:26.00popolonbut I don't understand why to change it, well, on some cards that have problems and where support is discontinued
21:27.04hnopopolon, xxiao is not trying to change, he is building one.
21:27.10popolonoh ?
21:27.46popolonan open raid controller ?
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