IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120824

00:09.49*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@ measures me at 669 down, 256 up
01:05.15furan(real speed)
02:19.03*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
02:29.15*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl__ (
02:43.59*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~Instantbi@
02:46.08*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~Instantbi@
04:22.55*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
05:23.33*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
05:34.24*** join/#arm-netbook Holo_ (u6962@gateway/web/
05:56.29lundmandid we got new files from allwinner today?
06:12.32*** join/#arm-netbook RITRedbeard (
06:21.14*** join/#arm-netbook bsdfox (
06:21.15*** join/#arm-netbook bsdfox (~Bob@unaffiliated/bsdfox)
06:57.37*** join/#arm-netbook piezo (~piezo@pdpc/supporter/active/piezo)
07:06.05CIA-16rhombus-tech: Brian master * rcc895b37a9a8 /allwinner_a10/orders/Cluster___40__now_cloud__41___in_a_Box.mdwn:
07:14.33*** join/#arm-netbook Holo_ (u6962@gateway/web/
07:18.46hipboilundman: there are still bug of the lib
07:21.21TomNLhipboi: they are still working on it?
07:21.34hipboibut slowly with complaining
07:21.47hipboiat a lower priority
07:22.01TomNLah ok :) hehe
07:23.04TomNLat least it's still progressing
07:39.30*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
07:42.04hipboianyone knows barebox?
07:53.29*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (~popolon@2a01:e35:2e1e:a6c0:b05b:3ee0:b9d3:6bad)
07:57.13*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
08:00.30*** join/#arm-netbook n6pfk (
08:36.51CIA-16rhombus-tech: Jean-Yves master * ra0b901682740 /allwinner_a10/orders/elsavais.html:
08:43.16CIA-16rhombus-tech: Vohme master * r701f15bafca3 /allwinner_a10/orders/benjamin-singapore.mdwn:
08:50.34popolon <= wtf ???
08:53.59popolon <= some spams here :D
08:56.49CIA-16rhombus-tech: Michael master * r2b9972d51156 /allwinner_a10/orders/
09:00.39Mazonlol, impending spam bomb? :
09:01.28*** join/#arm-netbook Dandel_ (
09:01.28*** join/#arm-netbook Dandel_ (~Dandel@unaffiliated/dandel)
09:14.06hipboipopolon: D
09:23.39*** join/#arm-netbook tavish (~tavish@unaffiliated/tavish)
09:25.41*** join/#arm-netbook Vayu_ (
09:33.00*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
10:17.34CIA-16rhombus-tech: Padmakar master * rd575b66e9d04 /allwinner_a10/orders/.mdwn:
10:20.16CIA-16rhombus-tech: julien master * r20138709680e /allwinner_a10/orders/media__95__center.mdwn: I want to help testing ;)
10:20.16CIA-16rhombus-tech: julien master * r3a1be7681924 /allwinner_a10/orders/media__95__center.mdwn:
10:25.25CIA-16rhombus-tech: hipboi master * r7640726f1771 /allwinner_a10/a10_boot_process.mdwn:
10:25.25CIA-16rhombus-tech: Rohit master * rc35e3e3ccfd6 /allwinner_a10/orders/
10:26.17*** join/#arm-netbook _whitelogger (
11:06.40*** join/#arm-netbook Gujs (
11:08.36zenitraMTurl: didn't bring my Mele, definetly should have
11:09.02zenitraMnow i'm waiting for a workshop by @dcuartielles with Arduino and some sort of new GSM module they're giving out
11:13.05*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (~popolon@2a01:e35:2e1e:a6c0:11e:d1d7:9942:451d)
11:24.22*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
11:39.16*** join/#arm-netbook blahee (
11:56.47*** join/#arm-netbook andi2342346 (
12:21.21*** join/#arm-netbook Gujs_ (~Gujs@
22:20.48*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
22:20.48*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs or -
22:23.36*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
22:23.36*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs or -
23:06.42lercAnyone got to doing any gpu benchmarks on the R-Pi?  I'm interested to see how it really compares to mali.
23:07.25Dandel_lerc: got the benchark?
23:08.33lercNot on hand.  but I assume they exist :-)
23:11.14popolonwhich gpu is there on rPi => ok videocore IV
23:12.37lercIt gets talked up a lot, but I han't seen any decent tests of it.   If it is good as touted it may make up for the Arm11
23:15.24TurlzenitraM: pi+arduino+GSM? sounds like a deal :P
23:16.27zenitraMTurl: this thingy
23:17.11zenitraMwe played with them this morning, and being able to http GET with a few lines of code is pretty cool
23:19.44zenitraMthey will sell them with SIMs with not so expensive international roaming which is pretty cool
23:22.45Dandel_lerc: speed wise, the cpu is definitely slow... a basic graph test shows that it's easily 3 to 10 times slower than a desktop.
23:23.14Turlfree data sims for life too? :)
23:23.28penguin42Turl: Yeh like that deal will last long!
23:23.44lercYeah,  but I remember what the Archimedes could do without a GPU.
23:24.24penguin42lerc: Not through a full modern GUI stack
23:24.53penguin42lerc: (i.e. bloated and slow...)
23:26.49GumbootDandel_: It appears to be open to an awful lot of overclocking.
23:27.22lercit's a gumboot!
23:27.24GumbootAlthough I couldn't say for sure that that's the same geometry as used in the pi.
23:27.37zenitraMTurl: I hope so :P
23:27.39GumbootNo it's not.
23:27.43Dandel_Gumboot: if you have good opengl es demos, I'll gladly try em
23:28.00GumbootOK, I'm not wearing a neck tie, so I guess it is.
23:28.07lercWhere do you live now Gumboot?
23:31.03GumbootHere's _almost_ a reference:
23:32.13GumbootOK, if I kept searching I'd probably find someone writing down all on the same page that there's an 1176 in the 808, and that it's running at 1.3GHz.
23:32.51GumbootThere's some debate over whether or not that's the same ARM1176 as is present in the BCM2763, which I might find mentioned on the same page as well if I search hard enough.
23:33.10GumbootIf it could do 1.3GHz then it probably wouldn't suck.
23:33.28GumbootExcept on the power rails.
23:33.38Gumbootapologies.  That was uncalledfor.
23:34.00Gumbootlerc: Cambridge UK, that is.  I missed the boat for the valley this year.  Will take another shot next year.
23:34.22popolonBCM2835 not 2735
23:34.36popolon <= here
23:34.47popolonbut still videocore IV inisde
23:35.10GumbootOh.  Oh well.
23:35.38GumbootBroadcom might tabulate the differences on their site.  I wouldn't want to be caught discussing things at that level, myself.
23:38.51lercI'm still in Christchurch,  such that it is these days.
23:41.19lundmanits identical to before :)
23:46.16popolonOpenGL-ES® 1.1/2.0 VideoCore GPU. 1 Gigapixel per second fill rate.
23:46.20popolonnot too bad
23:46.40popolonfar less (1/3.2) than a mali 400
23:47.06popolonprobably the level of some ATOM GPU
23:48.04Dandel_popolon: it's about on the same as the mali400 using 1 pixel processor.
23:48.45popolondon't understand
23:49.07lercok That's a lot less than I thought it would be givent the way people talk about it.
23:49.20popolonon low end SoC, with Mali 400MP, the fill rate is about 3,2 Gpixel/s
23:50.05popolonbut the intel HD3000 included in my core i7 is less than the mali 400MP in low end ARM SoC
23:50.21popolonalread able to trace lot of 3d stuff
23:50.33ZaEarlpopolon, isn't that the rate for a 4-core mali? Most mali soc's aren't 4-core.
23:50.36Turlat what resolution?
23:50.46popolonfor a 2 core Mali on armlogic
23:51.36popolonAmlogic (not armlogic)
23:52.08popolonand that's only about pixel fill rate
23:52.26popolonshould look at global capacities
23:52.42popolonshould be about the same with allwinner A10
23:53.25popolonblender should run fluently on a raspberry Pi or a allwinner A10 :)
23:53.36popolonat list for simple to medium models
23:54.00lercI thought the A10 was a single core Mali400
23:54.09popolondon't know at all
23:54.11Turlit is afaik
23:54.30popolonMP doesn't mean multicore ?
23:54.33ZaEarl seems to correct those figures quite a bit
23:54.51ZaEarl800 MPixel/s.
23:55.18ZaEarla10 is single-core mali
23:55.27popolonwhere do you see 800 mp/s ?
23:55.47popolonI clicked on picture to fast
23:55.51ZaEarlthe mali design is designed for 4-core, that's why it's called mp, even when it isn't implemented that way
23:56.22Turlif 4core@200Mhz is 3.2GP, shouldn't 2 core @400Mhz be 3.2GP too?
23:56.51popolonhéhé not wrong
23:57.09popolonperhaps little less, perhaps little more
23:57.48ZaEarlI'd love to see some real-world tests
23:58.27popolonallwinner Mali 400MP is at 300MHz

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