IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120823

15:09.07*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
15:09.07*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs or -
15:09.38WarheadsSEGumboot: been busy, sorry. havent booted it yet.
15:09.51WarheadsSEWhat can I say, paid projects come first :)
15:10.35GumbootYour priorities are all wrong.  Toys first!
15:10.58WarheadsSEheh. It was a paid project for repurposing the ZyXEL NSA-320
15:11.01*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
15:11.03WarheadsSEI'd say thats a toy.
15:11.30WarheadsSEPLus, they paid for the device & the SSD that is in it.
15:11.43WarheadsSE^ had priority
15:13.09*** join/#arm-netbook jelly (
15:25.56*** join/#arm-netbook pucko (
15:48.14*** join/#arm-netbook Gujs (
15:53.50puckohave Allwinner published their patches for the kernel?
15:56.22puckoI know, but is that the official one from allwinner?
16:06.21RaYmAnpucko: does it matter? :P
16:06.44RaYmAnthe main branch on there is uhm..based on the "released" sources. It has some changes though.
16:06.59RaYmAniirc there is a lichee branch thats the unmodified allwinner source
16:07.38*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
16:22.17*** join/#arm-netbook traeak (
16:24.23puckoRaYmAn: mostly curiosity. I recon when you write "released", it's not given out with allwinners approval?
16:24.49RaYmAnit wasn't originally - I think they blessed the current variant though
16:29.02traeakhmm nice, just bootted up the my ancient laptop and verified my pegasus 10/100 usb device actually does work....just a non working kernel driver
16:39.19*** join/#arm-netbook n6pfk (
16:39.40*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
16:41.43*** join/#arm-netbook Gujs (
16:56.33*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
17:06.13*** join/#arm-netbook Gujs (
17:06.50*** join/#arm-netbook Gujs (
17:08.13*** join/#arm-netbook popolon (~popolon@2a01:e35:2e1e:a6c0:709b:d22a:f1b:e932)
17:17.46*** join/#arm-netbook robws (~robws1@
17:47.23traeaki wonder if gmane knows its broken
17:47.35traeakwhat else can be used to browse usenet?
17:47.44RaYmAna usenet client? :P
17:48.16traeaknow i have to go dig one out
17:53.38traeakand worse find a usenet server that has the group i'm interested in
17:54.28*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
17:54.50*** join/#arm-netbook n6pfk (
17:57.57*** join/#arm-netbook n6pfk (
17:59.34*** join/#arm-netbook n6pfk (
18:00.20*** join/#arm-netbook n6pfk (
18:18.27*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
18:18.49*** join/#arm-netbook n6pfk (
18:25.39*** join/#arm-netbook Vayu (~yundin@
19:03.25*** join/#arm-netbook hste (
19:17.04*** join/#arm-netbook Vayun (
19:19.36hnoI don't know if I am nuts..
19:24.46RaYmAnyou probably are :)
19:24.50RaYmAnbut why in particular? :P
19:28.12hno<hipboi_> i remember when hno said he has 6 kids
19:28.12hno<hipboi_> some one said "are you nuts"
19:29.23*** join/#arm-netbook seo (~seo@unaffiliated/seo)
19:31.12specingThat was probably me
19:31.17specinghno: you are nuts.
19:33.15jelly-homeworking condition
19:34.01specingyup, and a bolt
19:34.04hnoMaybe I am. Our oldest turned 8 this summer.
19:57.33*** join/#arm-netbook Vayu_ (~yundin@
20:29.15*** join/#arm-netbook tzafrir_laptop (
20:50.24furanhno a house full of teenagers sounds scary
21:03.14traeak6 kids? youch
21:03.31traeaki guess they keep each other occupied
21:07.40zenitraMwaves from Campus Party Europe @ Berlin
21:22.28*** join/#arm-netbook Almamuerta (b51d6f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:27.19*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom_ (~tuliom@
21:54.40TurlzenitraM: enjoy your uberfast interwebz :)
21:55.28*** join/#arm-netbook rsalveti (~rsalveti@
21:58.39zenitraMTurl: :P
22:01.26TurlzenitraM: :(
22:01.59ajmitchTurl: luxury!
22:02.02zenitraMTurl: that's still faster that what I have at home
22:02.15Turlthat's not my real speed
22:02.22Turlthat's my ISP's 'boost' thingy
22:02.30Turlgoes down to 6Mb/s after the burst
22:13.12*** join/#arm-netbook ssspiff (~quassel@unaffiliated/yukito)
22:16.55zenitraMjust noticed the guy behind me
22:17.00zenitraMhas a raspberry pi integrated on his monitor
22:53.43TurlzenitraM: show your a10 device off :P
23:04.16*** join/#arm-netbook gr0kr (

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