IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120805

00:24.03*** join/#arm-netbook MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:6f:23:c1e6:68eb:872d:f0ce)
01:48.43*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi_ (~hipboi@
02:12.50Scepterrphh i got h24 too :)
02:12.54ScepterrTurl: where are the props ?
02:19.32TurlScepterr: on your device :P
02:19.59Scepterrput em up for the lazy folk :p
02:21.17Turland run the extract files to make the makefiles :P
02:22.46Scepterrbacon sizzling :)
02:23.23TurlScepterr: you might need to rebase frameworks/base against CM if shit explodes :P
02:23.38Turlthat's like a 99.99% chance of happening, I haven't rebased ics in ages :D
02:24.18Turlhates/d rom manager when that happened :)
02:24.50Scepterrhavent used compiled ics in ages, everything outdated :p
02:26.00Scepterrrecovery is fubar
02:26.17Scepterrwhen did you last compile ? :p
02:26.35Turla while ago :P fails with something related to ui level or some shit?
02:26.39Turl(and blame koush btw)
02:28.03TurlScepterr: probably
02:28.19Turland blame koush once again :P
02:28.40Scepterryah thats it
02:43.15*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~kaspter@
02:47.30rz2kanyone had experience with fighting bcm4329 drivers? I dont get how to get it work right without wifi power management system that my kernel seems to miss.
02:48.48Turlthe new 4329 driver is called bcmdhd I think
02:48.56rz2kwhere I can get it?
02:49.15rz2kI have bcm4329 in linux/drivers/net/wireless/
02:49.20rz2kand usi-bcm4329 package
02:49.25Turltuna kernel would be a good place I suppose
03:03.52TurlScepterr: once you got a tree for your device set up let me know, I can give you a repo @ the org for you to push your stuff
03:56.14*** join/#arm-netbook Korey (
04:26.50Scepterrphh: any luck with h24 ?
04:51.34*** join/#arm-netbook xxiao (
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05:03.37rz2koh god.
05:03.44rz2kI think I'm gonna give up on dhd
05:04.11rz2kthat kernel oops kills UART, then total lockup.
05:14.26destinalwhat is h24?
05:14.48destinalibot: ~h24
05:15.58destinalahhh mini-x
05:17.07destinalnot really sure why anyone would want one instead of Mele box except I guess it's a little smaller
05:27.15rz2ksomeone who have mini-x, please modify this page according to template
05:27.26rz2kdescribe UART and etc.
06:26.49hnorz2k, what do you mean by infinite output?
06:27.21hnoand what do the failing code look like?
06:50.00*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
07:07.10*** join/#arm-netbook nibb_ (
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08:10.49*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
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08:35.29tzafrir_laptopHas there been any work on getting the kernel support of A10 into upstream kernel?
08:35.48tzafrir_laptop(IIRC there was a thread about it in the list, and the answer is: no)
08:36.14tzafrir_laptopFrom what I was told it would require rewriting the drivers to use device-tree
08:36.26*** join/#arm-netbook nibb_ (
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08:47.15hnotzafrir_laptop, nothing at this time.
09:35.41*** join/#arm-netbook lundman (~Accident@
10:55.07hnoSummer everywhere today?
11:07.13RaYmAnit's certainly a bit gray here :(
11:09.32*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
11:11.18*** join/#arm-netbook Solexid (b2cce7d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:21.15SolexidHi!What part of the boot file initializes the bin?
11:21.35Solexidevb ,script etc
11:22.03SolexidUimage or Uboot loader?
11:38.41*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (
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12:03.17phh[06:26:50] <Scepterr> phh: any luck with h24 ? <---- still not, i could install connectbot and "original" android term app through lubuntu and tf card
12:03.22phh(which boots one every 10 tries ...)
12:03.39phhbut both apps are FCing at start. i'll try ab over tcp
12:13.39phhi lowered ddr3 clock, perhaps it will boot easier
12:17.17phhgot adb over tcp \o/
12:31.11phhand fixed that bitch.
12:43.55*** join/#arm-netbook madmalkav (~Hamlet@
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16:00.56Turllundman: ping
16:06.40Turlhno: summer? pff, I'm freezing :)
16:39.00*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
16:39.00*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs or -
16:39.15Scepterrits sufficient for 1080p
16:39.16ManoftheSeaonly gets 3Mbps from Cox
16:39.39Scepterrhas 100/15 cable line and 150/70 fiber optic :)
16:40.09ManoftheSeadoesn't know what he'd do with it
16:40.24Scepterrbuy hdds
16:40.53Scepterrexpand storage once you get that much bw :)
16:41.11ManoftheSeaI can buy hdds over 3Mbps
16:41.27TurlRaYmAn: yeah N
16:42.11ScepterrManoftheSea: lol thought you were talking about the 150
16:42.41Scepterrmy fiber line
16:43.03Turlany crap HD can cope with 150Mb/s
16:43.21Scepterryah im talking about filling them :p
16:43.31ManoftheSeaWhat?  I said I don't know what I'd use faster internet for, and you said buy hard drives
16:43.36ManoftheSeaFill them with what?
16:43.45Scepterrif you dont know that...
16:43.47TurlManoftheSea: downloaded stuffs of course
16:43.50ManoftheSeain b4 "But that's illegal"
16:43.56*** join/#arm-netbook nibb_ (
16:43.59RaYmAnTurl: on a quick test on my fairly crappy router, I get 7-8MB/s over wireless (from device on gigabit ethernet)
16:44.00ManoftheSeaI can only use so many Linux mirrors
16:44.15TurlRaYmAn: arm device on GbE?
16:44.16Scepterri can repo sync like a bawse :p
16:44.25Turlor is it like a dual core intel? :)
16:44.26RaYmAnManoftheSea: you clearly arne't building android
16:44.38RaYmAnTurl: yeah - your question was pretty vague :P
16:44.44RaYmAnTurl: so yeah, dual core intel ;)
16:45.03ManoftheSeaandroid builds require gigs and gigs?
16:45.10Turlmy router has some cool toggleables regarding ethernet
16:45.15Turlwonder if they'll improve perf
16:45.24ScepterrManoftheSea: simple answer, yes
16:45.33RaYmAnManoftheSea: yes..a single repo sync from scratch is like 10-15gb
16:45.44Turl'enable learning and aging' for the ethernet switch
16:45.50TurlI always wondered wtf was that :D
16:45.52ManoftheSeaRaYmAn: how often does that happen?
16:45.52Turlany ideas?
16:46.01RaYmAnManoftheSea: more often than you'd think :D
16:46.06RaYmAnTurl: figure out what you want to test
16:46.30ManoftheSeaRaYmAn: ok.
16:46.31TurlManoftheSea: around 6 months? :P
16:46.33RaYmAnEither test ethernet to ethernet or wireless to ethernet, not randomly switching between both :P (e.g. verify whether it's wireless or ethernet that's having issues)
16:46.42Scepterrlooks at repos; cmics, cmjb, cafics, cafjb, aospjb
16:46.50RaYmAnif you're dealing wiht multiple versions of android it easily runs up
16:47.19TurlScepterr: caf has full repos?
16:47.24*** join/#arm-netbook tuliom (~tuliom@
16:47.41TurlI thougt they just were the kings of cherrypicking :P
16:47.45Scepterryou can build any android rls off cafs tree
16:48.05Scepterrand they have their full qcom builds
16:51.52CIA-121rhombus-tech: Pawe master * rb54fbebe5c3f /allwinner_a10/orders/FreeSky.mdwn:
16:52.54CIA-121rhombus-tech: Pawe master * r9411f189ebe0 /allwinner_a10/orders/FreeSky.mdwn:
16:53.13Turl cool stuff
16:53.19Turlexplains learning and aging for noobs
16:53.25Turl(<- aka)
16:56.44RaYmAnthat shouldn't really affect transfer speed unless you have a really crappy switch and a ton of devices
16:59.58Turlshouldn't indeed
17:00.26RaYmAnis there any reason you think it's even remotely related? :P
17:00.34TurlRaYmAn: yet I just enabled it and get 3.6/3.7MB/s now :D
17:02.02RaYmAnI hardly think an increase of 4-500KB/s can be considered evidence :P
17:02.24TurlI also killed ntfs with fire earlier today, it shouldn't have affected speeds either, there was a ton of cpu idle time, yet it doubled the speeds when I did
17:02.52TurlRaYmAn: 500KB/s is like my full internet pipe, enough difference for me :D
17:03.24RaYmAnMy point is that it's a small enough gain that it's not even anecdotal evidence that your change had ANYTHING to do with it
17:03.44TurlRaYmAn: might have to do, I keep a shitton of connections to random IPs open too :)
17:03.54TurlI guess learning & aging helps
17:04.11RaYmAnonly if those ips are local
17:04.26RaYmAnalso, did the router restart when making that change? :P
17:04.27WarheadsSETurl: what was that tar.gz for ?
17:04.29Turlnot precisely :P
17:04.41TurlRaYmAn: no :P but I 'applied' the change on OpenWRT
17:05.07RaYmAnI'm not that familiar with openwrt, but dd-wrt at least reboots (at least partially) when doing that
17:06.00Turlthis restarts the networking services I think
17:06.15TurlWarheadsSE: which tar?
17:06.41WarheadsSEin re: h24 via Scepterr
17:06.45TurlRaYmAn: my ARM device also plays music :P
17:06.58TurlWarheadsSE: ah, that's just the mali libs, as Scepterr was lazy :)
17:07.02Turls/was/is/ :P
17:07.14*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi_ (~hipboi@
17:07.54RaYmAnTurl: do you have around 1000 devices at home? :P
17:09.03Turlnope not so many :P
17:09.09TurlRaYmAn: let me count :P
17:09.35Turlmore like 6
17:10.06RaYmAnso what you're suggesting with that change, is that your switch/router would have trouble keeping a constant list of ~6 mac address in a table? :P
17:10.25TurlI think that with it disabled, it doesn't keep a list
17:10.32Turland just pumps all packages to all ports
17:10.32RaYmAnwell, that's funky, lol
17:10.48RaYmAnso it reverts to a hub? :/
17:10.54TurlI suppose so
17:10.57WarheadsSETurl: I just didn't recognize liballwinner
17:11.01Turlas learning is off
17:11.12TurlWarheadsSE: ah, that's part of allwinner's stuff to use 3g modems
17:11.29Turlnever killed the file on my vendor folder :P
17:11.33WarheadsSEdeletes tar
17:12.08WarheadsSE6 devices on top of my desk..
17:12.29WarheadsSE3 under, one over on the futon
17:12.43WarheadsSEand thats whats in my office..
17:13.40Turlone of my ARM devices will handle 220V sooner of later
17:13.42WarheadsSEPLus I gave 2 away..
17:13.56WarheadsSEscratch head...
17:14.13WarheadsSERight, and I have a Zyxel NSA-320 on order for a paid project
17:14.21WarheadsSEbut thats just a kirkwood variant
17:15.10Turltries to figure out what's needed for a minimal cups installation and his printer
17:19.29WarheadsSEon... ?
17:19.58Turlon Mele \o/
17:21.31xxiao_Turl: r u running openwrt on Mele?
17:21.34WarheadsSEshakes head
17:21.38WarheadsSEwhich distro
17:21.51Turlxxiao_: no, OpenWRT on my router
17:21.56TurlWarheadsSE: debian
17:22.34WarheadsSEah, don't ask me then ;)
17:22.52Turlbasic cups + foomatic should do then right?
17:23.02xxiao_Turl: i see, same here, also i'm waiting for wn730N
17:23.31Turlmy router has a thumb drive attached with the overlay there
17:24.10xxiao_WN703N that is
17:24.59Turltl-wr1043nd here
17:49.23*** join/#arm-netbook rz2k (
17:56.53Scepterrcounting phones,tablets, boxes ive got 15 arm devices <2 yrs old within 5ft of me :p
17:57.08WarheadsSEI havent counted phones and tablets.
17:57.25Scepterrive only got 2 arm boxes :p
17:57.26WarheadsSE+ 5 more
17:57.29Scepterrrpi and h24
17:59.17WarheadsSE4 pogoplug oxnas',1 goflex net,1 goflex home,1 pogoplug v4,1 iomega home media network drice cloude edition,1 Mele A100,1 Topkick,
17:59.23WarheadsSEi have a feeling im missing something
17:59.28WarheadsSEthen the phones/tablets
18:01.39Scepterroh and my nas is arm
18:01.47Scepterrmarvell 1.6ghz
18:01.57WarheadsSE6283 then
18:02.12WarheadsSEkirkwood variant, at the top of the heap
18:02.21Scepterrhavent figured out what i can do with it yet
18:02.30Scepterrdunno if i can push anything other than stock
18:02.36WarheadsSEwhats the model ?
18:02.50Scepterrnetgear readynas duo v2
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18:04.00WarheadsSE that
18:04.27Scepterrthe one on the right
18:04.38WarheadsSEah, much like the NSA-325 but with less ram
18:05.08WarheadsSEI dont think there is an issue with >2TB drives.. their software just doesnt know how to deal
18:05.36WarheadsSEbut, has a decent set of features OOB
18:05.37Scepterrill never want to put in >2 :)
18:05.50Scepterryah i got it cause i need a nas :)
18:06.11Scepterrdlna works great off it
18:07.18WarheadsSEyeah the 7283's have nice performance
18:07.23WarheadsSEmy Topkick has that in it
18:07.30WarheadsSEw/ same 256
18:07.53WarheadsSEthe NSA-320 i am buying for a project has 512M in it, which should be sweet, although its only a 6281 so 1.2
18:08.58Scepterrmy original purpose for buying the rpi was seeing how well it works as a vm terminal
18:09.16Scepterrand now im just buying random arm stuff
18:10.02WarheadsSEvm terminal .. ?
18:10.21Scepterrim opening an internet cafe and was thinking how cheaply i can expand in the future
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18:11.04Scepterror if i need to quickly deploy additional terminals
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18:11.22Scepterrwithout having just more pcs laying in the back
18:13.34WarheadsSEScepterr: Ah, that kinda vm terminal
18:13.38WarheadsSEa thin-client
18:13.47WarheadsSENX-server on the backend, and nx-client out there
18:14.17Scepterrworks reasonably well for office tasks
18:14.18WarheadsSEvideo would suck
18:15.07Scepterrhmm if anything ide prefer it all to be some kinda video stream with an overlay
18:15.13Scepterrcan hw decode the video :p
18:27.13WarheadsSEThe 6283 doesnt have hardware decoding
18:28.04Scepterrtoo bad the h24 doesnt have composite out
18:28.24WarheadsSEah, topic switch
18:28.44*** join/#arm-netbook nibb_ (
18:28.56Scepterri wanna build a robot with my rpi :p
18:29.15Scepterrsoldered up servo control board already
18:29.29Scepterrnow to get ultrasonic rangefinder working
18:31.52WarheadsSEdoing that over spi?
18:33.27WarheadsSEyeah, was just wondering :P
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