IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120721

00:23.21ka6soxhow did a 6 get all the way into 4 land....
01:07.55*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~kaspter@
01:11.51hnofuran, cmp is sub where the result is thrown away, only keeping the flags.
01:12.22ZaEarlAwesome. Dead Trigger is now free to play. Runs great on the A10.
01:16.31*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
01:22.28hnofuran, carry_out == '1' if unsigned borrow did not occur during the subtraction, that is, if x >= y
01:32.49*** join/#arm-netbook n6pfk (
02:14.51furanhno yeah i worked it out, thank you
02:15.31furanso what's this generalplus cortex a8
02:43.42lkclManoftheSea: allo sah.  powercut 2 days ago, had to transport computer: forgot to restart xchat.... ops
02:45.09ManoftheSeawas just saying hi.  Now saying g'night.
03:22.16*** join/#arm-netbook Schnabel1ier (
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04:26.39rz2kI have some serious karma issues, my other ft232 died. :/
04:26.57furanI have so many of those now from different projects
04:27.11furanusb serial duders tend to die a lot anyway
04:27.19rz2kuploaded USB-CDC example to lpc1343 devboard
04:27.28rz2kthats my new usbserial.
04:27.34furanhey it works
05:12.58furancan't seem to focus
05:13.12furanI've been reversing this driver back to source for almost a week
05:13.18furanand now my brain's like...I'm done
05:13.25furanbut I'm not done
05:17.35*** join/#arm-netbook Quarx (~Quarx@
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05:42.48CIA-122rhombus-tech: chat master * r16cc04b02f4c /allwinner_a10/orders/chatmar.mdwn:
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06:15.15*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
07:14.41hackandfabI've problems with a PL2303 and the mele. I changed the cable and the serial port is configured 115200 8N1 without flow control but the only thing I see when booting is "HELLO! BOOT0 i" (it boots ok)
07:35.31*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~kaspter@
07:47.40hackandfabNow it gets to "HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!" (it boots fine but I don't see anything else at the serial terminal)
07:48.21*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
08:07.21rz2kcheck voltages on rx/tx on both ends. 3.3v is low, 0 is high.
08:07.54rz2kmy old ft232 died with constant 0 on rx
08:42.58lundmansure its not your terminal program
08:45.26specinghackandfab: what do you have between the pl2303 and the mele?
08:45.58hackandfaba CDrom audio cable with RX and TX pins inverted and GND to GND
08:46.40hackandfabI had the 4 colour cable from cubie but CD cable seems better
08:48.13*** join/#arm-netbook ibrah (~chatzilla@
08:48.55specingI wonder what these weird pl2303 out there are ... the one I bought in a retail store 5 years ago is a line driver with +- 13V on its outputs...
08:51.18hackandfabmy PL2303 doesn't have any capacitor in it (I searched arm-netbook irc log and found mnemoc had problems long time ago with another pl2303)
08:53.02hackandfabThere is a very similar PCB but with a capacitor and a jumper on dealextreme. I've got the one Cubie sells at aliexpress
08:53.55specingI have nfi how my PL2303's circuitry looks like, it is covered in black plastics
08:54.11specingit seems so rugged that it would survive a 10m drop
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10:52.49libvit only works with a usb->ttl uart module.
10:53.47libvyou know the serial issues i have been having...
10:54.15mnemocmissed that part of the story
10:54.17libvand the max2232 module thingie i also bought
10:54.26libvover the last two weeks
10:54.49libvlevel shifter and serial to usb thing: broken.
10:55.21libvactual cp21012 3.3V uart: works.
10:55.28mnemocah, now I remeber. you wanted to drill the black cover of your mele to get a DB9 serial port
10:55.43libvyeah, which i can forget now :)
10:55.55libvat least the board is not broken :)
10:56.03libvso my worst fear didn't come true.
10:56.03mnemocgut :)
10:56.19libvsadly though, i spend 6d a week at the customer now
10:56.39libvand that probably will not change until september :(
10:56.59mnemocno summer vacations with your mele then?
10:57.14libvnope :(
10:58.19libvthe original image on the thing has a noisy wifi driver
10:58.37mnemocbtw, do you know any good reference/sample to port the sunxi-disp dirvers to KMS?
10:59.03libvyou probably want to look into rob clark's code
10:59.10libveverything else will be too big a mess
10:59.17mnemoceasy solution, build 3.4, wifi is broken there so it won't bother you :)
10:59.59libvdid it use to run at all with any kernel?
11:00.59libvany buildable kernel that is
11:01.33mnemocwifi? yes
11:02.00mnemocbeware there are two drivers, the mainline rtlwifi one which neeeds a hack to be usable
11:02.11mnemocand the allwinnerized noisy driver everyone uses
11:03.49mnemocif you modify the usbc and usb_wifi section of your script.bin you can get the usb controller enabled since boot and then the mainline driver will take over
11:06.51mnemoclibv: "rob clark's code" means omap kms driver?
11:08.10*** join/#arm-netbook ibrah (~chatzilla@
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18:36.40WarheadsSEmnemoc or anyone, familiar with any issues with the g2d driver?
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18:42.57mnemocWarheadsSE: i don't think anyone has ever tried it before
18:43.35mnemocWarheadsSE: there is a directfb driver in the buildroot in the SDK hacked on top of vmware's driver
18:44.16WarheadsSEK, it just looks like it is often coming up, or instatiating when my boots shits.
18:44.47WarheadsSEIs that what the g2d is?
18:44.53WarheadsSEa hacked up graphics pit?
18:44.56mnemoc2d hw accelerator
18:45.23WarheadsSEHavent tried *hard* to get that working
18:45.32WarheadsSEAll the base systems seem to work fine
18:45.56WarheadsSEshould have pictures of the A100 for you later
18:46.00mnemocit would be great to make a exa driver using that 2d acceleration
18:46.20mnemocnice :)
18:46.25mnemocback in 20m
18:46.34WarheadsSEhacks up the arch pkgbuild
19:15.07WarheadsSEis still hacking
19:26.09rmnow, what the f*ck.
19:26.30rmif the machine hostname is not resolvable, build process of kernel modules fails
19:27.12WarheadsSEecho " gofuckyourselfkernel.local" >> /etc/hosts
19:27.13rmokay, I fixed this, restarted the build.. gonna take another 10 minutes to get to that point again
19:27.24rmbut... WHY
19:27.30WarheadsSEfor uname a
19:27.51rmcould've just used the hostname
19:27.57rmnot trying to resolve it
19:28.17rmand certaintly not failing the whole build if it doesn't resolve
19:28.25WarheadsSEI am trying to avoid doing a clone --depth 1 .. github is barking at me about dling @ the commit :/
19:43.08*** join/#arm-netbook nibb (
19:48.13*** join/#arm-netbook rm (rm@fsf/member/rm)
20:00.46rmso I booted my newly built kernel, but don't have /dev/fb*
20:00.55rmwhich module is responsible for these?
20:02.21furanare you loading the fb .ko's?
20:06.01rmwhat are they named?
20:06.42mnemocmodprobe hdmi  or modprobe lcd
20:06.53rmdid hdmi, I have no lcd
20:07.07*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
20:07.22mnemocthat should have brought disp and ump too
20:08.15rmyes, those are loaded
20:08.35mnemocthen you should have /dev/fb
20:09.16rmI don't :)
20:09.51furanwhat did dmesg have to say about it
20:10.33rmhere it is :
20:11.28WarheadsSEthat what I kick in the patns when I want to use X
20:12.27rmI tried unloading hdmi now
20:12.29rmto reload it
20:12.39rmand that doesn't seem to have gone well
20:12.46WarheadsSEno.. it never does.
20:13.39rmprobably my mistake is building FB as =y
20:14.12*** join/#arm-netbook nibb (
20:16.18rmnope, your list did not help
20:16.37mnemocrm: FB can be 'y', LYCHEE_.... can't.   if you want mali/x11
20:17.32mnemocrm: but in .36 you had /dev/fb and in .38 you don't?
20:19.00rmI had /dev/fb in 3.0.8
20:19.16mnemocrm: i think you may need to load lcd even if you don't want to use an LCD panel
20:19.19rmbuilt by who-knows-whom with dunno which config
20:19.25rmyes, selected lcd as =m now too
20:20.18WarheadsSEYeah, I havent goten hdmi without loading lcd :/
20:21.21rmalso I noticed that I have 317MB out of 512
20:21.29rmis there a way to have more, and still have working X?
20:29.36libvthat sounds like a really bad mess
20:31.04WarheadsSEgithub export of a tree @ specific commit:$user/$repo/tarball/$commit
20:33.05rmWTF, doesn't wemac support multicast??
20:36.37mnemocwemac = dm9000
20:38.08specingWait, it is not over 9000? :(
20:42.00rmwemac doesn't seem to receive IPv6 RA
20:42.07rmanyone uses it with IPv6?
20:45.13*** join/#arm-netbook nibb (
20:48.38rmyeah, it's got problems with multicast
20:49.37rmincoming ping6 to the Mele from another host doesn't work, until that host is ping6'ed by the Mele first
20:49.39WarheadsSEI havent tried it with ipv6 yet
21:11.39*** join/#arm-netbook lerc (~quassel@
21:20.37DonkeyHoteiso i finally got a usb device cable hooked up to the mele, but adb doesn't see it. what gives?
21:21.11RaYmAnmake sure you're using a fully-featured cable
21:21.26RaYmAnLike, the one that came with my mk802 was power-only
21:27.17DonkeyHoteii cut the micro usb connector off the data cable that came with my phone and attached that
21:28.08DonkeyHoteii used the color codes described on
21:28.19DonkeyHoteiit shows up in lsusb
21:28.21xenoxaosya....but the micro/mini jack has 5 pins
21:29.07xenoxaosso you need to see if it's forcing OTG or not
21:29.58xenoxaosnm....if it shows up in lsusb, it should be good
21:30.01DonkeyHoteithe cable has only 4 wires
21:30.29DonkeyHoteiadb does not see it
21:30.38DonkeyHoteiusb debugging is enabled
21:31.11xenoxaosany errors or anythnig in dmesg?
21:31.33DonkeyHoteidmesg on the laptop, or on the mele?
21:32.28rmWarheadsSE, mnemoc - so on a rebuilt kernel /dev/fb* appear instanly after "modprobe lcd"
21:32.39rmwhich i did not even have (=n) on previous iteration
21:34.46WarheadsSEso my list *does help
21:47.25rmthe problem was that lcd wasn't built
22:10.36*** join/#arm-netbook nibb (
22:13.34DonkeyHotei[ 6464.690000] WRN:L2161(drivers/usb/sun4i_usb/udc/sw_udc.c):ERR: ep3-bulk not enabled
22:13.34DonkeyHotei[ 6464.690000] WRN:L2161(drivers/usb/sun4i_usb/udc/sw_udc.c):ERR: ep4-bulk not enabled
22:13.58DonkeyHoteii'm guessing that's what keeps adb from working
22:14.23*** join/#arm-netbook nibb (
22:16.55DonkeyHoteino one around? hipboi_? hno? mnemoc? rm? specing? steev? traeak? Turl?
22:17.29WarheadsSEwell, it begins:  plugbuild | [PKGBUILDs] <WarheadsSE> core/linux-sun4i : initial commit for Allwinner A10 SoC kernel
22:17.31rmwhat :S
22:18.13DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-07-21 02:20:37 PM PDT] <DonkeyHotei> so i finally got a usb device cable hooked up to the mele, but adb doesn't see it. what gives?
22:18.13DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-07-21 02:31:11 PM PDT] <= xenoxaos> any errors or anythnig in dmesg?
22:18.13DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-07-21 03:13:34 PM PDT] <DonkeyHotei> [ 6464.690000] WRN:L2161(drivers/usb/sun4i_usb/udc/sw_udc.c):ERR: ep3-bulk not enabled
22:18.13DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-07-21 03:13:34 PM PDT] <DonkeyHotei> [ 6464.690000] WRN:L2161(drivers/usb/sun4i_usb/udc/sw_udc.c):ERR: ep4-bulk not enabled
22:18.15DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-07-21 03:13:58 PM PDT] <DonkeyHotei> i'm guessing that's what keeps adb from working
22:18.26WarheadsSEZOMG reall?
22:18.26rmwhat's adb? :D
22:18.44DonkeyHoteiandroid debug bridge
22:19.09steevtechnically i'm around, however, i'm trying to catch up on Downton Abbey
22:19.18xenoxaosgod show
22:19.25rmI do not do android
22:24.44*** join/#arm-netbook nibb_ (

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