IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120717

00:02.09*** join/#arm-netbook hp_ (
01:28.12Turlmnemoc: better patch
01:49.03furandoes  assume I've installed a cm recovery?
01:54.50Turlfuran: no, you don't need a recovery for that
01:54.58Turlfuran: unless not until the install part
01:55.07Turland by then the build system will have built one for you
01:55.12furanright I'm talking about the install part
01:55.23furanit just says copy these zip files to the sd card and boot recovery
01:55.27Turlwell yeah, you need cwm to install it
01:55.45furanis there a special a10 cwm?
01:56.10Turlif you did all the other steps you'll have a recovery.img on out/target/product/xxxx/recovery.img
01:56.42furanok, what do I do with that?
01:56.55Turldd or cat it to /dev/block/nandg
02:29.32steevTurl: wow, that's a great wiki page, thanks for that
02:30.27steevZaEarl: which are you using? VMW or VB?
02:31.01ZaEarlunimg.exe recognizes the VM and refuses to run.
02:31.09steevah, interesting
02:31.13ZaEarlso I ran it in WINE. everything output fine.
02:31.27ZaEarlthen repack the img, install it, but it doesn't boot.
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02:32.57steevTurl: how does one discover the recovery keys correct numbers?
02:32.57ZaEarlIf I simply unpack and repack, it still doesn't boot.
02:44.01Turlsteev: on the recovery, go to advanced -> key test and grab the keycodes
02:44.14steevTurl: that works on the stock recovery?
02:44.19Turldoubt it
02:44.28steevkinda my point :P
02:44.37Turlyou could 'getevent' on android too if you know how to read it :P
02:44.48steevgetevent is so chatty
02:44.58Turlyou can limit it to your key input device
02:45.06Turlgetevent /dev/../whatever
02:45.21Turlyou can see them on on the first lines of getevent output
02:46.53steevyeah i know, but it's still chatty
02:47.16Turlnot *that* chatty, it's like 3 lines per press only
03:14.36furanspecing: are you around?
03:14.43furanwondering how to create a defconfig
03:19.23ZaEarlfuran, grab a good existing one and tweak it.
03:22.17*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~kaspter@
03:27.24furanis it possible to make kernel modifications in an overlay?
03:29.04furanI want to modify the a10 nand tabes
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05:01.20steevfuran: sure, just make the changes
05:01.34steevfuran: wait... from stardock?
05:02.25steevfuran: oh wait, i misread, what you'd actually do is just make the changes to the kernel sources
05:03.00lundmanor binary edit your kernel :)
05:03.13lundmanor open /dev/kmem and go wild!
05:03.14steevlet's not get crazy!
05:03.42lundmanin the long run, just recompile the kernel and boot
05:04.01steevin the long run, i'd have much more free time and could help with the kernel more
05:04.56furanthere is no furan
05:04.59steevTurl: i need to double check but i think there is an issue with your instructions
05:04.59furanthere is only zuul
05:05.13steev<3 ghostbusters
05:05.34lundmanfuryan can take zuul!
05:05.56lundmanare we not mixing scifi universes now?
05:06.18steevi don't even know where a furyan is from :(
05:06.23furanwtf is a furyan
05:06.25lundmanpitchback, riddick
05:06.50steevoh wait, you said scifi, not good scifi
05:07.08lundmanghostbusters is terrible scifi, great movie though :)
05:07.21steevyou shut your mouth!
05:07.47steevriddick barely even registers on the scifi scale
05:08.02lundmanI'm not arguing it is good, never said that!
05:08.10steevmore of a, action flick you can convince your girlfriend to go to
05:08.57steevfuran: i might have known you, once upon a time
05:09.27furanprobably. I am doing a bad job of trying to stay anonymous :(
05:09.40lundmanstop trying to be vin diesel!
05:09.53furangod you're a strange one
05:10.13lundmanprobably because I'm swedish
05:10.17steevheh, well assuming you were at sd, i was supposed to interview there, and it was snowing, and i got hit by a big rig and never got to
05:10.46furanthat stinks
05:10.49DonkeyHoteidolph lundgren in swedish AND was in bad scifi
05:10.55furanit was a great place to work
05:11.00lundmanI think you mean dolph lundman
05:11.09steevDonkeyHotei: was he ever in a good (any)fi
05:11.43lundmanhe also has a phd is chemistry and speaks 5 languages
05:13.36furanhave you built something that took pictures of the edge of the earth's atmosphere, including the blackness of space?
05:13.43furanor thrown a party on a missile base?
05:13.50furanno? no? ok then.
05:14.04DonkeyHoteiyes, he got bored of working as a chemical engineer so he decided to go to hollywood to become an actor
05:14.58furangenius hollywood actors scare me
05:15.04furanit's like they know something I don't
05:15.19lundmanhow to make metric asslode of cash with no effort?
05:15.58DonkeyHoteiof course the assload has to be metric, being from continental europe
05:16.28lundmanimpreial assload has too many variants.. UK, US, Canadian.. all slightly different ass sizes
05:17.15DonkeyHoteii prefer the latin american variant, thank you very much
05:21.01Turlsteev: I'm gonna play a mnemoc and say -v?
05:22.22Turlre: (02:04:59) steev: Turl: i need to double check but i think there is an issue with your instructions
05:23.34furanhrm. I closed my android development environment and now brunch has forgotten the device I am targetting
05:23.38furanhow do I set that up?
05:23.56furanI followed and it worked fine the first time through
05:23.56steevTurl: oh, well, i did the init, and then the local_manifest, but when attempting to sync, it complains that refs/heads/master isn't available
05:23.57Turlbrunch again
05:24.09furanbrunch again just gives me a huge list of options that does not include my device
05:24.15steevfuran: . build/
05:24.25furanI'm doing . build/ && brunch
05:24.34Turlfuran: it's brunch <device>
05:24.37Turlto build that device
05:24.56Turlor breakfast <device> if you just want to set the env up and use mm/mmm/make
05:25.15Turl/mka/eat/etc :P
05:25.56Turlsteev: that might be github failing
05:25.58steevmake bacon!
05:26.12Turlmka bacon for auto-j + schedtool and ionice
05:26.21steevah right, mka
05:26.24steevi always forget that
05:26.28Turlmake bacon will work too
05:27.03steevTurl: how goes the jb work? or you stuck while waiting on new cedarx?
05:27.42steevi'd say try a linaro base, except the cortex strings that they replaced are optimized for a9, and not really tested on a8
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05:28.14Turlsteev: well, audio works, wifi works ok if you disable the new 'weak wifi' thing (idk why but my driver likes to report a crap signal while authenticating and android doesn't like it), and graphics work
05:28.29Turlcedar is not yet there, nor is camera which depends on cedar
05:28.44Turland that's pretty much it for an a10 tab, not that much hw :P
05:28.48Turlsensors work too
05:29.02Turlso does brightness
05:29.04steevswitch ics to jellybean?
05:29.19steevor not public yet so as people can't shoot themselves in the foot
05:29.40Turlyeah I've pushed most if not all of what I have now
05:29.54Turlbut idk, not having cedar and camera is kinda dealbreaker for some
05:30.19steevi can count on one hand the number of time i use the camera on my tablet
05:30.35Turlmy tablet is mostly a reading device, and I check out one or two videos while reading tech news and such, so it's kinda a bummer not to have cedar
05:30.42furanhm. I did something silly. I ran the script to grab propriety files and it grabbed but the build isn't finding it
05:30.43Turlyeah I don't miss the cameras at all
05:30.46steev(which is usually, <did it work? yep, cool> or <did it work? nope... oh well>
05:31.22steevyeah, that's about the only thing, lack of TED would make be a bit sad, but my Nexus 7 arrives tomorrow so... i get to go to town on the LY-F1
05:31.46Turlfuran: check the lib is where it's wanting it
05:31.59TurlI might have foobar'd a path or two making the example repo
05:32.28furanyeah lookin
05:33.44steevnight all
05:33.53Turlnight steev
05:35.41furanfiles are in vendor/allwinner/ydpg18/proprietary/lib
05:39.25furanI copied the proprietary files into my out obj dir. I know I'm not supposed to do that, heh
05:39.33furanwant to see if it finishes building
05:41.16furanguessing it's just the name for the vendor library path is wrong
05:41.42furanhow do you deal with a closed-source .ko without reverse engineering it?
05:42.15lundmanI RE it
05:46.06furanI am pretty good with ida and arm assembler, have a small driver to move
05:46.21lundmanyeah IDA would be my choice
05:49.18furanit's silly. for the yinlips gamepad they took the 4xi ir driver and just modified it for the gamepad io, which appears to be a parallel to serial shift register that is attached to the ir i/o signals
05:49.32furanbut then they read some different gpio as well
05:49.43furannot a huge driver, lot of shared code with the ir driver
05:49.46furanso shouldn't be too bad
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05:51.56lundmanyou are doing RE for a gamepad?
05:52.40furanyinlips ydpg18
05:52.46furanit's an a10 psp clone
05:53.19furanthe gamepad driver sucks (it has an analog stick, read as analog i/o, but then they gave up in the driver and just send dpad input with it)
05:53.38furanplus to do my own rom (since I want to use larger nand) I have to reimplement it
05:54.00furanbrunch compiles llvm and clang twice :(
05:58.46furanhmm, now it's failing to find RomManager.apk
05:59.48furannevermind, running get-prebuilds
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06:12.25Turlfuran: brunch is a full build
06:12.48Turland no, you're not supposed to copy stuff manually to out
06:13.34Turlcheck the imports on device/allwinner/whatever/* that calls the and make sure it's ok
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06:18.24furanI got a recovery.img and dd'd it to /dev/block/nandg
06:18.42furanbut when I try to enter recovery boot (home+power+down on the yinlips) it doesn't enter it
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06:19.52Turlboots android? try again
06:20.33Turlotherwise plug to your pc and adb shell
06:22.19furanI also got no love from adb reboot recovery
06:22.48Turlmaybe it's booted but just no screen
06:23.23TurlI suppose you have the LYCHEE LCD/DISP/HDMI stuff built in on your kernel? you should if you don't
06:23.32furanit keeps booting into android
06:23.43furanId be happy if I got black :)
06:23.53Turlyeah it's possible adb reboot recovery doesn't work on stock rom
06:23.58TurlI think I didn't on mine either
06:24.01Turlyou can try this though
06:26.37Turlfuran: download and push this binary to your device
06:27.16Turl"setrecovery recovery" (as root possibly) will set the reboot to recovery flag, then you can reboot and it should boot recovery
06:28.12Turlsource @ if you want to build it yourself, maybe you even built it already :P
06:29.11furanhrm, it segfaulted
06:29.24Turlmaybe because of permissions
06:29.28Turlit writes to a block device
06:29.34Turlrun it as root
06:30.24Turlyour device came with ics right?
06:30.48furanI flashed it to ics
06:31.26furanso it's running ics now. thinking about flashing it back to 2.3 as I might get recovery from adb
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06:31.47TurlI'm asking because gb and ics partitions seem to be different
06:31.47furanyou sure i dd'd to the right nand block?
06:32.12furanused nandg
06:32.25lundmannandc for regular kernel
06:32.25Turlics has recovery on nandg, gb apparently has it on nande
06:32.34Turlnandc is regular kernel on ics
06:35.26furanso, being that it's impossible to brick an a10, since livesuite + a10 brom work together to do the flash
06:35.36furanit'd be fine if I wrote the recovery to nandc to see if it even works right?
06:35.47furan(good thing the kernel's not paged)
06:37.42furanok well the good-ish news is when I put recovery on nandc, it boots and displays just dandy
06:37.43lundmanI wrote my test kernel to nandc (using the original initrd) and when it failed, booted miniand to dd the original nandc
06:49.57furanok I went about it in an extra foolish way. I booted to nandc recovery, and then flashed from there
06:50.12furannow when I boot I get a black screen
06:50.16furanwhich I am not surprised about
06:50.48furanadb shell works
06:53.01furanno root
06:53.47furanstrange that it works fine w/recovery
06:56.49furannothing interesting in dmesg
06:57.13Turldid you include disp/hdmi/lcd lychee stuff as =y on your defconfig?
06:57.33furanyeah. I assume if it works in recovery it'll work in real boot
06:57.40furanmaybe I assume wrong?
06:57.55Turlcheck you have the mali stuff in place too
06:58.02Turlrun logcat and see if there's all the stuff dying
06:58.10Turl(adb logcat)
06:58.25furanlots of death
06:59.25furanI did get a warning that I was using the wrong java to compile
06:59.31furan(java 6 but not java 6 se)
06:59.31Turlcheck that you have the mali libs on system/lib/ and system/lib/egl/
06:59.37Turlyeah that's a non issue
06:59.46TurlOpenJDK works just as good
07:00.04furanwow no mali
07:00.10furanwhy did recovery work? it just use straight fb?
07:00.20furanlet me push and see what happens
07:00.24Turlyeah recovery just writes to fb
07:01.24furanhrm. I guess I need to fix that whole path issue then
07:02.14furanfor some reason I don't have root (my fault?)
07:02.23Turlfuran: 'adb root'
07:02.25furanso I can't remount and write the files
07:02.32Turlthen 'adb remount'
07:02.34furandisabled by system setting
07:02.54Turlhm yeah not much use if you can't get to the system :D
07:03.02Turlfuran: boot recovery and push the files there
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07:03.25furanif I can get into recovery :P
07:03.40furanI will likely reflash using livesuite and rebuild
07:04.08Turlwith the issues linking you mentioned earlier, and now the fact that the files didn't get copied at all
07:04.16rz2kwhats the best way to handle chinese symbols in C? I mean I have binary with mess of standard readable ASCII and some chinese codepage, need to store that info somehow
07:04.17Turlsounds like it's not importing the vendor makefile
07:04.33Turlrz2k: use utf8?
07:04.40furanhow could I tell if that's happening?
07:04.44Turlthere's iconv and stuff
07:04.48Turlrz2k: ^
07:05.01Turlfuran: can you go to your device tree
07:05.07Turland grep 'vendor/' *
07:06.08furanI have no
07:07.25Turllink doesn't work
07:07.35furanhaving copy/paste issues between VMs
07:08.12Turlthe file should be on vendor/allwinner/ydpg18/
07:08.19Turlnotice vendor vs device
07:08.21Turlon the front
07:09.43furanit references which has the mali stuff
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07:10.02furanand when I check that path the files are there
07:10.23furanI originally started brunch before I ran the extract script
07:10.27furancould that have messed me up?
07:10.44furanI had to run it again several times while fixing things and I assume copying propietary stuff is a late step
07:11.02Turlit's at whatever step make feels like doing it really
07:11.15furanis there an easy way to just do the stage/copy files part?
07:11.20furanas opposed to a total clean build
07:11.33Turlwell, you could do an installclean build
07:11.43Turlmka installclean && brunch device
07:12.19Turlshould be way faster than a complete rebuild, installclean just cleans the 'installed' files
07:12.53Turlif you want to make sure it's including the files
07:13.04Turljust edit the vendor files and put random garbage make won't like on them
07:13.08Turleasy way to check :P
07:13.25furanI occasionally do that at work
07:14.40furanaaand flsahing back to original
07:14.50furanI love the a10 BROM flash stuff
07:15.50TurlI hate having to boot my windows vm for it
07:16.26furanmaybe someone should reverse it
07:16.34Turlhno was working on it
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07:16.57Turlit'd be awesome to be able to boot linux over that stuff :)
07:17.12Turlthen you can boot a recovery and fix whatever you messed up with adb
07:25.05furanwhich file do I use? the zip with the unofficial in it or the ota?
07:25.19furanthe ota is bigger
07:25.22Turlfor what?
07:25.33furanflashing from recovery
07:25.47Turlflashing cm? the cm zip
07:26.00Turlthe one that's printed when finishing the build
07:26.23Turlyou'll see sth like
07:26.24TurlPackage complete: /root/jb/out/target/product/zatab/
07:26.31Turlthat's the right zip
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07:41.18Turlwell good night :)
07:41.30furangnight, thanks for all your help :)
07:41.53Turlyou're welcome
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09:01.12mnemocTurl: the point of wip/3.0/mem is not to reduce the size allocated by mali but to reserve it correctly
09:01.51mnemocTurl: modifying the meminfo is simply wrong
09:02.41mnemocTurl: also (512 - CONFIG_SUNXI_MALI_SIZE) alters the start address for every value
09:02.58mnemocTurl: which again will break the libraries for anything different than 64
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10:27.10gnexusmnemoc: tried playing with thumb2 kernel again just for fun.
10:30.20mnemockilled your pets?
10:30.58gnexusmnemoc: dead. dead. dead!
10:31.33gnexusmodule directory loses the + in thumb2
10:32.08gnexuskernel loads but it doesn't like the suni stuff. . .
10:32.43gnexusUnhandled fault: alignment exception (0x801) at 0xf1c13041
10:33.08gnexushcd controller kills it
10:33.39gnexusi would hate to attempt to fix all that!
10:33.57gnexusnot worth it for 10% smaller kernel size. . .
10:34.19mnemocdon't you prefer to invest that energy in finding how to fix mali/memblock_reserve() support ? :)
10:34.31mnemocwip/3.0/mem branch
10:35.20gnexusmnemoc: yes. i was just compiling anyway so i let it run overnight on the mele w/ thumb2 config
10:37.17gnexusdo still need to get the kernel smaller though
10:37.30mnemocwhy "need"?
10:37.31gnexus2.2MB is still way too big
10:38.00gnexusmnemoc: smaller kernel size = faster system
10:38.30gnexuswouldnt matter so much if there was 2GB+ memory
10:38.31mnemochave you profiled that claim?
10:39.10gnexusmnemoc: linaro and cnx have some articles on it
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10:39.41gnexusmost kernels are ~1.5MB
10:40.04mnemocabout relevant performance improvements for moving key components to .ko?
10:40.42gnexusmore about kernel size itself  - i need to try some benchmarks to verify what they say
10:41.13gnexusmoving drivers to .ko is what gets the smaller kernel
10:42.00gnexusi just know i've seen much improvement in "responsiveness" w smaller kernel
10:42.40gnexuswhether that corresponds to actual perfomance gains is yet to see. . .
10:43.21mnemocmoving random most-probably-unused drivers to .ko is one thing, moving essential drivers used in *all* A10-based devices is another
10:43.40gnexusmnemoc: quick small easy kernel benchmark?
10:44.04gnexusno you don't want to move them *all* ;)
10:45.35mnemocyou were ranting about not been able to move the usb controller to .ko....
10:46.40gnexususb does need to be moved
10:47.08mnemocI disagree
10:47.19gnexusnp ;)
10:47.48gnexusthe work that it would take would be too much anyway. . .
10:48.40gnexusone thing that does need to be in defconfig, however, is lzma compression instead of gz
10:49.47gnexusno drawbacks - much benefit!
10:52.37mnemocdoes uImage support lzma?
10:56.47gnexussure it does
10:57.35RaYmAnWhy would uImage care? iirc it's purely a bootloader format and decompression code is in kernel :)
10:58.09mnemocI wasn't sure if the tool that makes the uImage looks inside or not
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11:02.51mnemocgnexus: beside CONFIG_KERNEL_LZMA, what else?
11:03.38mnemoci mean, what other "no drawbacks" and ready to run config changes you suggest?
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11:18.29gnexusmnemoc: no other changes - no drawbacks
11:21.11gnexusthey must have inherited that gz crap from a VERY old kernel
11:24.52rmI'd say check what x86_defconfig does
11:25.01rmif it's not A10-specific, absolutely no reason to deviate
11:25.25rme.g. if x86 uses gz, then use gz even if LZMA is "better"
11:50.42mnemocthe immediate impact is shrinking default uImage from ~4M to 2.8
11:58.20mnemocbut aligning with common distribution choices is a good idea imo, patches welcomed ;-)
11:59.39mnemocmore considering providing apt/yum compatible binary repos is one of the goals
12:01.59rmsince this is a kernel it should align to vanilla Linus sources
12:02.20rmat first I thought "let's copy Debian choices or whatever other distro"
12:02.25rmbut that's not really the best way
12:02.40mnemocthere is a middle point
12:03.25mnemocwe are far far away from having anything remotely ready to try mainlining
12:05.03mnemocthe main use of this tree is people using it drop-in in debian, ubuntu and android systems.... not sure about the adoption in other distros
12:07.06mnemocobviusly we won't include all the random patches distros use, but imo defconfig should provide all the basic components to run a real system.. just not going too fancy as we aren't *that* general purpose
12:08.46mnemocthe 3.4 branch is another story... "users" are sort of happy with 3.0 so 3.4 can aim more at mainlinging and make heavier cleaning
12:09.40mnemociirc debian/ structure includes it's own defconfig, separated from arch/arm/configs/...
12:10.12mnemocso taking care of distro-support there lets arch/arm/configs/sun4i_defconfig align better with Linus tree
12:10.24mnemocno idea about the rpm world
12:12.55hnomnemoc, most distributions work fine with current mainline kernel. Patching is only needed in those that insist on running some old kernel.
12:13.12hnoor for hardware not yet mainlined, such as A10..
12:13.29mnemocah, great :)
12:15.09mnemocback in 20m
12:37.50Turllzma is slow to decompress afaik
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12:40.54Turlmnemoc: beside it's not supposed to be other than 0 or 64, that's why I also suggested moving it to #if inside the code
12:51.09mnemocTurl: the important part is to move mali allocation to a memblock_reserve()
12:52.21mnemocTurl: playing around the current hack is not an option
12:53.07Turlwell, apparently mali didn't like the fact that linux knew about the ram much :|
12:54.24mnemocyes, an the cause needs to be debugged and solved.
12:55.08Turldid you see the kpanic?
12:55.39mnemoccouldn't continue, but it's because mmu->core is NULL
12:55.56mnemocI mean, I couldn't continue debugging. will resume that tonight
13:00.28mnemoc[    0.000000] sun4i: core: G2D: disabled
13:00.28mnemoc[    0.000000] sun4i: core: LCD: disabled
13:00.37mnemoc^--- that is also bothering me
13:01.14mnemocthose memory blocks are not been reserved on my mele
13:04.50TurlI disabled g2d on my defconfig as I don't use it
13:04.55Turlbut it doesn't print disabled
13:05.00Turlit just doesn't print
13:05.06mnemocnah, that's a test pr_debug
13:05.20mnemocin in the reserve_foo() function
13:05.55mnemocwhen sys_config tells to not use the thing
13:06.27Turlsys_config controls that stuff? :P
13:06.36mnemocfor those, yes
13:06.49Turlprefers to kill them with fire on defconfig
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14:12.59hackandfabHi all, I've time to play/debug with the mele again
14:18.30mnemochackandfab: hi, can you upload the mk802 photos you linked directly to the wiki?
14:19.26WarheadsSEHmm, in that cse mnemoc would you want insides of the A100 too ?
14:19.35WarheadsSEI can arrange that in about 2 days
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14:20.14mnemocWarheadsSE: sure, and content in the device page is welcomed too ;-)
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14:35.14WarheadsSEmnemoc: we'll have pictures done up when the arrive at the farm in a few days
14:35.32mnemocawesome :D
14:36.55WarheadsSEWe'll get picrues of the gooseberry and the A100
14:37.17WarheadsSEStill have to sort out if the different locations change the gpios for the IR/switch/LED
14:37.44hackandfabmnemoc, I can shot better photos (those I linked aren't mine, thats why I linked them instead of uploading them)
14:54.55hackandfabmnemoc, ok I've sent you 4 mk802 photos I've just made.
14:56.19mnemochackandfab: it's a wiki, be bold, upload the stuff and make the device page shine ;-)
14:57.16RaYmAnmnemoc: but it's so much easier to just make you do it ;)
14:58.26hackandfabxDDD ok ok
14:59.07mnemocRaYmAn: :(
15:09.55hackandfabok done
15:21.07rmyaay mk802
15:21.12rmmine is an old model
15:21.23rmwith no holes in the case and no RAM amount on the sticker
15:25.32mnemochackandfab: now the content ;-)
15:26.42furanugh, stayed up too late
15:29.29TurlRaYmAn: +9000 :P
15:31.22CIA-122rhombus-tech: S master * rfb65f345a193 /allwinner_a10/orders/luckylinux.mdwn:
15:31.34hackandfabmnemoc, that mk802 was bought by my roommate, I'm still trying to use my mele2000
15:32.58Turlhm I fail at this stuff :P
15:33.15TurlI'm trying to expose the full nand
15:34.37Turlmnemoc: how was that gdb magic you said earlier? :)
15:34.38Turl[    1.030000] [<c031090c>] (mbr2disks+0x178/0x1a4) from [<c030f968>] (nand_blk_register+0xf4/0x1d8)
15:35.24mnemoclist *(symbol+offset)
15:35.45mnemoce.g.: list *(mbr2disks+0x178)
15:35.56CIA-122rhombus-tech: S master * rc3f46d445ce4 /allwinner_a10/orders/luckylinux.mdwn:
15:38.51hackandfabI'm reading A10 boot process at rhrombus and It says tablets have a RECV button, where is the equivalent on the meleX000?
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15:39.53WarheadsSEmnemoc: whenI make the page for the A100 .. MeleA100 ?
15:40.43mnemocWarheadsSE: as it's the same board I think the better is to have it all in the A1000 page, and add redirects for the flavours
15:41.12WarheadsSEIn the end, almost identical
15:42.33mnemocright.... no value in diluting the effort in separated pages
15:43.23WarheadsSEMy kernel & alarm.bin ought to run all of them
15:43.43WarheadsSEThere may be some teensy changes though, and I'll sort those out later
15:52.54gnexuswhere are the "load*=" env variables coded into uboot?
15:54.17WarheadsSEdropped this in mnemoc : real basic until I have more time.
15:54.59rmA1X sounds like it's about A13 and A15
15:55.40WarheadsSEOk, got a better suggestion?
15:55.57WarheadsSEA100/A1000/A2000 lord knows what else might come on the A10 based line
15:56.25traeaka1000 looks like its toast now
15:56.28furanhrm. when adding a device to the wiki is it okay to include tips for various hardware modifications to the device or is it strictly device specs
15:56.47WarheadsSEThats a hell of a url Turl
15:57.06TurlWarheadsSE: what about "Mele"
15:57.18WarheadsSEmnemoc: btw, the 3.0.36 fixed the ntp problems :)
15:57.34mnemocuh, I didn't know there were ntp problems
15:58.00WarheadsSE3.0.8 that I was running from someone would crap on an odd message with ntpd/openntpd trying to set time
15:58.23furanok I'll assume it's fine
15:58.56WarheadsSEfuran: if not, it cal always be moved to DEVICE-mods
15:59.19furanwhere are those?
15:59.28mnemocwhat about sticking the hole mele A100/A1000/A2000 in the page of the first of them?
15:59.45mnemocand making redirects from the others to a section about the differences
16:00.27WarheadsSEThats fine with me, just trying to sort the proper "landing" page
16:00.30mnemocWarheadsSE: good to know our 3.0.36 doesn't have that ugly problem :)
16:00.52hackandfabI've uploaded an image of the bottom part of the A2000 to the meleA1000 page since it already has the rest of the models
16:01.11Turlhipboi_: do you know if the nand mbr the kernel uses is a standard mbr?
16:01.15mnemocMeleA1X sounds kind of confusing to me because the "A1X" alias is already ised to refere to the socs
16:01.32mnemocTurl: doesn't
16:02.34mnemocvery ugly legacy proprietary stuff.... someone should try to get a mtd_sunxi
16:02.44rmwhat is wrong with just "Mele"?
16:02.46Turlmnemoc: I exposed the full nand as a block device but fdisk doesn't like it
16:03.36rmalso keep in mind that A LOT of stuff is generic between Mele/MK802/MiniX/god knows what else
16:03.44mnemocMele can be a nice landing page listing different devices made by the company
16:04.05rmI kind of tired seeing "hey get our ubuntu image for Mele A1000"
16:04.23rmwhere in fact it would work perfectly not only on A2000 (d'uh!), but also on the MK802
16:05.17WarheadsSEhackandfab: I must have missed that page.
16:07.07mnemocjust realized an extension is needed to have references on mediawiki :<
16:07.14WarheadsSEmeh, dont see where to hit delet
16:07.23WarheadsSEdoh mnemoc
16:07.33mnemocWarheadsSE: which do you want to delete?
16:07.50WarheadsSEthat MeleA1X
16:07.52Turlmnemoc: doubt it
16:07.54Turl[[Stuff]] ?
16:08.04mnemocTurl: <ref>...</ref>
16:09.22mnemocWarheadsSE: ?
16:09.29hackandfabBut where is the equivalent recovery button on the mele2000 (I'm reading the boot process at rhombus-tech) and it says there is a specific button on the tablets.
16:09.30mnemocWarheadsSE: or it's a permissions thing?
16:10.14mnemochackandfab: not a button, a test point you have to short
16:10.36mnemochackandfab: look for "FEL" in the wiki in RT's wiki
16:10.46hackandfabok thx
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16:11.14mnemochackandfab: it would be awesome if you can bring that knowledge to our wiki too ;-)
16:11.32traeakmele a10 based products :-p
16:12.07mnemocwe know 3 products using the same A10-based board... that doesn't mean it's the only
16:12.14mnemocthey are just... variants
16:13.02mnemocTurl: I wanted to make more wikipedia-ish
16:13.34DonkeyHoteithat's not really a good thing
16:14.36furanwhat do I disassemble to figure out the combos for getting into recovery mode on a device?
16:14.55furanI cannot for the life of me get this device into recovery boot
16:15.00Turlfuran: you press combos until you get to it :P
16:15.06Turlusually it's power + volume
16:15.07furantried adb, tried different combos
16:16.17mnemocWarheadsSE: I just deleted it
16:18.38hackandfabmnemoc, I'll
16:19.51mnemochackandfab: great :)
16:22.25furanweird. power + voldown gets me into the same situation where holding the reboot button and plugging in usb does (boots from brom I think)
16:22.49furanlsusb shows me the same device, anyway
16:23.16zenitraMfuran: that "reboot button" is actually a button to get into FEL, which is what you're seeing.
16:23.30zenitraMtry pressing the other side of the volume button
16:23.38furanFEL? doesn't it just boot from BROM in the a10?
16:27.04furaninteresting. livesuite doesn't like that mode.
16:27.08furanso what's FEL?
16:39.57TurlZaEarl: does zatab have a microphone?
16:43.51Turlnvm answered my own question :)
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17:03.20furanTurl: hardcodes the example tablet as an include instead of
17:03.32furanthat's why it wasn't picking up proprietary files, I'm pretty sure
17:03.34furanbuilding now
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17:07.47poociferanyone have a mele a1000/a2000 with a sata connected?
17:09.17poociferandroid or linux?
17:10.09poociferi'm using android. my sata gets mounted to where only root can write to it.
17:10.33poociferi can't figure out how to remount to so an ftp server app can write to it.
17:11.02mnemoci would have assumed it used media_rw group for that as with the SD
17:11.44poociferit does, but the sd card uses sdcard_rw
17:13.05mnemociirc there is a trick to set the media_rw group to apps asking for permission only to use sdcard_rw
17:13.16mnemocadding a line in permissions.xml or something like that
17:14.02mnemocbut i don't look often inside android systems.... it makes me sick
17:15.06poociferthat's worth looking into
17:15.32poociferit's a ntfs drive and it gets mounted with the default_permissions option
17:16.02poociferapparently if I can change that to defer_permissions, I'm golden, but I can't get it to change
17:17.05mnemocno clue, too deep into android's jungle for me
17:17.52poociferdamn.  yeah it seems like hardly anyone's actually running android on these things
17:18.08rmand that's great :)
17:18.44mnemocand android + sata + NTFS! is even more fancy
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17:20.13poocifershould i just reformat it to fat32?
17:21.14mnemocthat would be easier
17:21.24Turlpoocifer: the stock roms of these things use ntfs-3g from what I saw
17:21.24Turland fuse
17:21.24Turlweird stuff :P
17:21.30mnemocbut you'll have file size limits
17:21.33WarheadsSEperformance hell
17:21.40WarheadsSEand partition size limits.
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17:22.25poociferthat's doesn't sound ideal...
17:23.38rmwhy even run your FTP server on Android
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17:23.57mnemocwhy even run an FTP server at all
17:24.04mnemocit's so... 90s
17:24.57poociferit doesn't have to be ftp, i just want a way to remotely drop shows new shows on the hard drive
17:25.06traeakftp is also the most efficient protocol as well
17:25.18traeaki prefer ftp for local network transfers
17:25.33traeakbut that's usually for 100's of gigabytes
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17:28.41poociferwhat if i hooked up the sata drive via usb?
17:30.18mnemocnot a nice idea
17:30.35rmwhy not use the sane way instead
17:30.39rmand google for DLNA
17:30.44rmspecifically minidlna
17:30.56rmor whatever kids use to mount SMB shares on android
17:31.04rmI heard there's even an app for that!
17:34.04poociferi set up a shared folder on my win7 pc and successfully mounted it from android
17:34.35poociferbut I would have to be sitting in front of my mele to get any shows on it
17:34.59poociferhence I would like a server so that I can put shows on it remotely
17:35.10ManoftheSeaftp is efficient?
17:35.17ManoftheSeahow about rsync?
17:35.53poociferrsync?  on android?
17:36.34rmpoocifer, you're missing the point
17:36.35ManoftheSeawait, you're downloading a show on android?
17:36.41rmwtf with "putting new shows on it"
17:36.53rmjust play them from the shared folder, no?
17:37.04ManoftheSeaWhy wouldn't you drop the torrent link to the server in the first place?
17:37.48poociferrm, I already bought the hard drive for it, so just playing from a shared folder would be waste
17:38.11poociferand I don't want the mele to have to rely on the PC at all
17:38.44poocifermanofthesea, i get my shows through IRC while remotely connected to my arch machine over ssh
17:38.57ManoftheSeaCan we restat the problem?  There's an android phone, a mele, and we want to watch shows?
17:39.04poociferonce i have them d/l'ed, I want to just plop them on the mele and have them ready to go
17:39.31poociferstarting over...
17:39.35ManoftheSeaYeah, that's a problem that DLNA solves.
17:39.45WarheadsSEhe wants to STORE them on the MELE
17:39.46ManoftheSeaSorry, my posts are slow.
17:39.52poociferMy mele runs android and I'm going to use it as a media center.
17:39.56WarheadsSEmele running Android
17:40.35ManoftheSeaThe Mele should be a MediaRenderer, the Arch-box a MediaServer, and you can have a ControlPoint in there somewhere.
17:41.26ManoftheSeaBut, you want shows to be stored on the android?
17:41.47ManoftheSeayeah...  I know very little about android.
17:42.33poociferi can get shows to the mele now, but I have to be a root user
17:42.45poociferso adb is the only thing working at the moment
17:45.35traeakhehe, you'll have to find some app store program that allows you to drop files onto the mele then
17:45.44traeakor somethign like that
17:46.01traeakie: it's not a mele specific problem
17:46.19traeakbut for small shows ethernet whatever should be sufficient
17:47.01ManoftheSeaethernet should be faster than your display rate.
17:47.05ManoftheSeaCompare: Netflix.
17:47.44poociferyou're right, it's not a specific mele problem, it's an android problem
17:47.59poociferthing is, who has a ntfs sata hooked up to android besides meles?
17:48.12WarheadsSEother androids with sata :p
17:48.23poocifergood point
17:48.55ManoftheSeadidn't xbmc get something on the mele?
17:49.02ManoftheSeait's a MediaRenderer
17:49.05mnemocusing neon
17:49.18mnemoci.e. sucks
17:49.24poociferthere's an early build of xbmc for android in the wild
17:49.35poocifergood start, but nowhere near ready for prime time
17:49.39ManoftheSeause the master ball and catch it.
17:50.03ManoftheSea(btw, master ball is a regular poke ball wearing wario's thong.  CAN'T UNSEE)
17:50.12traeakxbmc was released for android proper
17:50.44poociferthe source yes, but no official builds yet
17:50.44traeakSOCs with sata are pretty rare
17:50.45mnemocno cedarx support, no hd
17:50.50traeakeven rarer for the sata to be broken out
17:51.07traeakmnemoc: so nobody's android builds have cedarx on them ?
17:51.17traeakor that's just xbmc i gather?
17:52.24mnemoctraeak: cedarx support currently only works for players embedding allwinner's player
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17:52.47mnemoctraeak: fine for me, but forget about xbmc working that way
17:53.03mnemocsame for vlc
17:53.40poociferi gotta run. i might try converting the ftp server to a system app using titanium backup...  thanks for the help.
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17:54.06traeakmnemoc: although xbmc has access to the cedarx libs...if they work that is
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17:55.50mnemoctraeak: afaik gimli's work to support cedarx libs directly in xmbc has nothing to do with xmbc-for-android
17:57.46WarheadsSEI plan on trying xbmc on my A100 once i get the x11 driver to compile
17:57.56WarheadsSEseems its being stupid finding drm.h ..
17:58.01WarheadsSEhavent had time to focus on it.
17:58.18WarheadsSEUMP, done, Mali, done, opengles for mali, done
17:58.19mnemocdrm.h comes from the kernel headers
17:58.21WarheadsSEx11, asshat
17:58.31WarheadsSEYeah, and it's in the lib path!
17:58.37WarheadsSElike I said, didnt have time to focus
17:58.41WarheadsSEmeds made me sleepy last night
18:04.50WarheadsSE[2012-07-17 09:40] ==> Kernel modules are now only read from /usr/lib/modules, all custom
18:05.04WarheadsSEdamn left click
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18:06.43traeakdoes the a100 have the sata header on the board?
18:20.58WarheadsSEjust need to solder it on, the pads are there
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18:32.08traeakwhat a shame, requiring soldering
18:36.14mnemoctraeak: that saves them $10
18:37.03mnemocand for those who can solder and have easy access to the components, it's a good deal
18:38.09mnemoc(not my case)
18:38.19traeaksaves them 10usd?  licensing costs or what?
18:38.36traeakoh you mean for the entire product
18:38.43mnemocA100 is sold $10 cheaper
18:38.44traeakjust leaving on the sata header would be nice
18:38.59traeaki'm sure that header is even just pennies if that
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18:40.45specingSATA hdr is proly 0.2$
18:41.11mnemocconsidering the price difference between A1k and A2k I'm sure they don't base the prices in cost
18:41.28poociferI figured out how to fix my sata mounting issue with android, if anyone cares
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18:41.40traeak.20usd?  that much?
18:42.05WarheadsSEbascially, it allows tehm to skip a step in mfc
18:42.14mnemocpoocifer: how?
18:42.16poociferFirst I unmounted /mnt/sata, then remounted it using ntfs-3g, which removed the permission setting
18:42.23WarheadsSEthat times 100K + time saved?
18:42.25specing0.3 $ on mouser in mass
18:42.31mnemocpoocifer: so no persistent way?
18:42.31specingprobably 0.1$ in china
18:42.40specingor even less at 100k
18:42.41poociferI used this line specifically "ntfs-3g /dev/block/vold/8:1 /mnt/sata"
18:42.45specing5 cents?
18:42.54mnemocand $1.5+shipping for a normal person? :)
18:42.56specingewww ntfs
18:43.04poociferI already have a startup script to remount /system RO, so I'll just add this to it.
18:43.11specingmnemoc: mouser is $40 shipping if you buy <150$
18:43.14rmif they would mount the header, then could as well wire it up to the back panel
18:43.18rmas an eSATA socket
18:43.48WarheadsSEbut the A100 really doesnt have the room
18:43.49specingthere must be something else missing on the A100
18:43.55mnemocspecing: ouch
18:44.00traeakrm: that would be ideal...but if no competitors are doing that, why shoudl they?  who cares about value added? :-p
18:44.00rmbut probably that doesn't fit the 'product vision', marketing etc
18:44.08WarheadsSEThere is nothin different that I have found
18:44.22WarheadsSEthe A1000 has to pay for the USM dock licensing
18:44.29rmalso, has anyone even confirmed that A10's SATA is hotplug-ok?
18:44.44poociferShould I be using relatime or noatime with the sata drive?
18:44.53furanTurl: got mali working. still don't have root ;(
18:44.57WarheadsSEpoocifer: realtime should be ok.
18:45.06mnemocpoocifer: relatime
18:45.08specingpoocifer: first you should stop using ntfs
18:45.22mnemoc+1 specing :)
18:45.35specingthat is why is doesent mount :P
18:45.48poocifera lot of ntfs hate round these parts
18:46.31xenoxaosbecause it's slow on linux
18:46.34mnemocpoocifer: it's rare to find irc channels where people likes windows stuf... unless it's a "warez" channel
18:46.38poociferRelatime for sd and the internal memory as well?
18:47.03mnemocyes, everywhere
18:47.13rmmnemoc, afaik there's #windows :)
18:47.45mnemochere on freenode?? uh
18:47.57poociferI do use linux a lot, but I run it in a VM, so I figured it'd just be easier to go ntfs.
18:47.58specingafaik that is the channel unix sysadmins converge to help eachother when they are told to administer that crap
18:48.02Turlfuran: you can echo persist.adb.root=1 >> /system/build.prop too as a temporary measure
18:48.15mnemocspecing: :D
18:48.16poociferof course, i've spent half the day just trying to get ntfs and android to cooperate.
18:48.22TurlI think that was the right property
18:48.31rm516 people
18:48.36rmand it's a ##, naturally
18:48.38mnemocpoor guys
18:48.48specings/people/poor sysadmins/
18:49.00rmsysadmins are not people? :<
18:49.00furanok. I have a driver I want to build and get in there. I know how to modify the .rc file to get it modprobe'd but I am not sure how to get it in the rom image
18:49.06furanit's the ft5x_ts driver
18:49.16furando I need to ask for it in the arch file?
18:49.18specingrm: sysadmins are strange creatures
18:51.31DonkeyHoteithe seagate freeagent goflex 1.5TB is 14.8mm, won't fit in the mele even as a bare drive
18:51.45DonkeyHoteinow idk what to do with it
18:52.00xenoxaosyou could give it to me
18:52.07WarheadsSEor me :p
18:52.15xenoxaoscalled dibbs first
18:52.31DonkeyHoteibah, you're both on the east coast
18:52.53xenoxaosi'll give you shipping :P
18:52.58furanturl: any ideas?
18:53.06DonkeyHoteishipping + what it cost me?
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18:53.28xenoxaoshas enough storage atm
18:53.44DonkeyHoteithat doesn't help
18:54.11Turlfuran: enable it on your defconfig
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18:56.34furangot it
18:57.56poociferdonkeyhotei, I thought the mele only supported up to 1 TB
18:57.59furanTurl: can I just do brunch again after modifying a defconfig or do I have to make clean?
18:58.34furantrying make mrproper and then brunch
18:58.35Turlyeah you can
18:58.40DonkeyHoteipoocifer: well, no one told me that
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19:00.14furanhot brunch is super fast for small changes
19:00.36poociferdonkey, you have a mele right?
19:01.49furanwhat does it mean when it says safe mod ein the bottom left of the screen?
19:02.04furan(how did I get into safe mode?)
19:02.04WarheadsSEone windows?
19:02.12furanno, on my android build
19:03.59WarheadsSEidk how the hell you did that :p
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19:20.13CIA-122rhombus-tech: Matthias master * r87042f7984b6 /allwinner_a10/orders/
19:20.18j1nxSorry guys, I normally not spamming my site everywhere, but this is important!!!
19:23.06rmit's not sended, but "sent"
19:23.18mnemocwhy do you focus the need in xbmc?
19:24.18j1nxrm: thx
19:24.43j1nxmnemoc: Because we need to have better CedarX libraries for Linux. I step at a time
19:26.27WarheadsSEright, but.. why specifically xbmc named?
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19:26.46WarheadsSEdecent cedarx for *everyting* linux would be nice.
19:31.16thefrogis CedarX the name of the protocol that supports their hw accel part for the codecs or is it the name of the hw accel part in the A10 chip?
19:32.16zenitraMi hope they don't discover who actually gave out that service@... email address
19:33.03thefrogIt is on their website
19:33.29zenitraMah, nevermind then.
19:33.36j1nxI mentioned XBMC, because the email communication from within official xbmc email address to allwinner support kind of came to a dead end
19:34.00j1nxand that service address is already out on the internet
19:34.01thefrogI mentioned XBMC when I ordered my A100 (A1000)
19:35.55furanturl: it built the ft5x driver, but didn't put it in the rom - it's only in the obj dir in the device out directory, but not proped to 'system'
19:43.35Turlare you sure you're using the right defconfig?
19:43.50Turlcheck the build log
19:45.31furanyeah it said it built it, and it didn't do that before
19:45.38furanand it couldn't find that defconfig before i added it
19:50.58furanall I've done is CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_FT5X_TS=y
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20:04.45Turlfuran: =y makes it built in
20:04.49Turl=m makes a .ko
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20:06.43furandoes that make a difference?
20:06.56Turlwell if you intend to load a .ko you need =m
20:06.58furane.g. if it's built in shouldn't it still work?
20:07.07furanas I am getting no touch
20:07.14Turlyeah it should
20:07.35Turlbut these modules on the kernel tree don't always work as advertised :)
20:13.15furanok, building module :)
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20:29.52WarheadsSEtheres X11 on arch :)
20:29.57WarheadsSEdamn thing...
20:30.28traeakarch pulled a nasty with their switch
20:30.37WarheadsSEppft, tell me about it
20:30.50WarheadsSEwe got about ? "oops" warning
20:31.04WarheadsSEyeah, should be kmod and glibc at the same time! (uh..thanks)
20:31.29WarheadsSEthankfully upstream is helping us get it all sorted asap, and the build system will crank the shit out of it soon
20:31.37WarheadsSE<3 PlugBuild
20:31.48traeaki feel the pain because my arch systems are some years old
20:31.56traeaki have /usr on an lvm
20:32.10traeakon several systems
20:32.57WarheadsSEYeah, that upstream move, we didnt see coming
20:33.11WarheadsSEkmod updated before glibc, .. massive pissed of kernels.
20:33.49WarheadsSE"no boot!!!1!!111" *le sigh* "mv /lib/modules /usr/lib/modules"
20:34.07WarheadsSEthen they can update, and all is well because the kernel packages have been updated..
20:34.22WarheadsSEout for a bit
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21:19.52Pere_anybody has a mele a1000/2000 working with a joystick? thanks. I've have a ics, but joystick aren't detected
21:20.16traeakugh ics
21:20.23traeakis it supposed to detect joysticks?
21:21.51Pere_mmm when i pluged in linux mint dmeg say usb conected and i can play, but in mele working android, in terminal ide, dmeg, only says usb conected, but no the input usb
21:23.02WarheadsSE(xfwm4:670): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_str_has_prefix: assertion `prefix != NULL' failed
21:27.16rz2kPere_: I believe defconfig for mele has joystick framework enabled but no actually joysticks selected to built in kernel. there are bunch of them (common protocol, xbox 360 joystick etc.). you should recompile kernel with desired joystick support.
21:31.15traeaki do recall plugging a joystick into the mele running linux
21:31.20traeakthat was fine :-p
21:31.39traeakotherwise your question is a more general android one
21:33.20zenitraMprobably a standard HID joystick
21:35.02zenitraMother nonstandard joysticks (i.e the original xbox one) aren't HID-compatible and so they require kernel support
21:36.07hnohackandfab, The correct name for RECV is uboot / FEL (uboot in pinout / schematics, FEL in the rom software that gets activated in the CPU)
21:36.32hnolocation of that button in the mele is listed in the wiki.,
21:36.40steevthe nexus 7 is entirely worth it.
21:36.47traeakyou got one?
21:36.52hnothe "old" one (rhombus-tech)
21:36.56steevand if i could have sex with it, i would
21:36.59steevit's that good
21:37.16traeakthere's probably an audio jack that should work fine for you :-p
21:37.25RaYmAnis still waiting on his to ship :(
21:37.30steevRaYmAn: sorry :(
21:37.37steevi got the 8gb, and no case or anything, just the tablet
21:37.38RaYmAnmnemoc: more and more devices pushing back adam in the queue ;)
21:37.44RaYmAnyeah, same
21:37.53traeakmy parents want a 10" though
21:38.06traeakit's hard 199 for the nexus?
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21:38.56RaYmAnEU prices are slightly higher...taxes, VAT and shit has to be included in price here
21:38.58steevyeah 199 for 8gb
21:39.05steev249 for the 16gb
21:39.08RaYmAnbut still cheap for quad core tegra3 :)
21:39.14steevi may end up getting the 249 one later
21:39.21steevand passing this one on to a family member
21:39.24traeakmicrosd baby
21:39.25RaYmAnand high-ppi screen
21:39.29RaYmAnno microsd :(
21:39.33traeakwth ?
21:39.52RaYmAnIt can't safe that much money, so it has to be an explicit decision to not include it
21:40.01traeakamazon copycat
21:40.18RaYmAngnexus doesn't have sd either afaik?
21:40.50hnoTurl, the "MBR" used by Allwinner is not a "DOS MBR". The format is detailed in drivers/block/sun4i_nand/nfd/mbr.h
21:41.48hnoyou can access it from u-boot by using partition 0 ("raw" block disk), but not sure how to from Linux.
21:51.18Pere_traeak, zenitraM, rz2k, in my workin linux mint this is the output
21:51.51Turlhno: I added an entry to see it from linux
21:52.14Turlbut fdisk didn't like it
21:52.45hnoTurl, an entry where?
21:52.58Pere_and now, im going to put a image, from my ics output with terminal ide, what do you think?
22:00.57Pere_and this is my output from terminal ide ics,
22:01.13Pere_device is not detected, sorry
22:07.56traeakjust plugged an axispad into my mele and it was dtected fine :-p
22:08.07traeaki don't care about ics though
22:15.02Pere_thanks traeak
22:15.16Pere_what version do you have?
22:15.24hnoTurl, interesting. Why did I not think about adding a partition that spans the whole disk?
22:15.58hnoprobably because what I am really trying to get at is the raw flash where boot0/boot1 resides.
22:16.31hnowhich is outside the block emulated layer.
22:25.04ZaEarlhno, how does boot0/1 relate to boot.axf?
22:29.00hnoZaEarl, boot0 configured DRAM and loads boot1, boot1 then loads boot.axf from the FAT boot partition.
22:30.33hnoFor u-boot NAND SPL I need to change boot0 to u-boot SPL, and boot1 to u-boot.
22:30.47ZaEarlso boot.axf is the first thing bootable from a normal partition.
22:30.54hnoplus somehow strip down the A10 nand driver so it fits in SPL.
22:31.01hnoZaEarl, yes.
22:31.28hnoboth boot0 and boot1 lives outside the virtual block device layer.
22:32.18ZaEarlis there some source for boot0/1/afx?
22:33.11hnowell, allwinner naturally have some source, but it's not open not even to allwinner customers.
22:33.54hnoseems historically boot.axf source was open to customers, but no longer.
22:34.14hnoi.e. in some earlier chip generation.
22:39.04ZaEarlI'm guessing FEL mode is before boot.axf.
22:40.56hnoLong before. It replaces boot0
22:41.19hnoOr actually it replaces the code which loads boot0.
22:41.32ZaEarlso if you trash boot0/1, you can still recover using LiveSuit?
22:41.59hnoor by using a phoenixcard.
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22:42.14Turlhno: so pretty much the only way to brick an a10 is by burning the cpu right? :P
22:42.35hnoTurl, yes, only way to brick an A10 device is to actually crash the hardware.
22:43.24hnoand as long as the CPU & USB OTG port works then FEL mode works, even if both NAND and DRAM is broken.
22:45.20hnonot that you would be able to do very much with the device is DRAM is broken. But there is about 256KB internal SRAM so should be possible to use a almost raw A10 CPU as a fancy USB connected GPIO controller even without any DRAM.
22:47.42hnonot all of that is immediately addressible however, most needs configuration to give the ARM CPU access to it.
22:47.46WarheadsSE:) xfce running.. odd behavior from display ..
22:50.16Turlhno: otg port?
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22:54.00ZaEarlI use LiveSuit with the non-host port.
22:55.52djdonkeyhi all, now I'm sure you get a 1000 of these a day, but i'm trying to rev-engineer my own android ICS image onto a known working A10 tablet. I use ICS 4.0.4 and Kernel 3.0.8. It actually boots up, but I can't for the life of me get the goodix touchscreen driver to be recognised!?
22:56.59djdonkeyhas anyone hacked into this process? the known working image runs 4.0.3 and kernel 3.0.8, and loads goodix_touch.ko
22:57.10markvandenborrehas two cameras running from a Mele A2000; thanks all!
22:57.41djdonkeyi know i'm missing something simple... my fex is identical i believe too
22:57.44ZaEarldjdonkey, are you compiling Android from source?
22:57.55djdonkeyhi, ZaEarl and yes
22:58.16djdonkeyi have access to official allwinner
22:58.19djdonkeyand using that
22:58.48ZaEarlthere are a lot of goodix models, you need to have the source to one that matches your hardware
22:58.59djdonkeygot it
22:59.16djdonkeyget this
22:59.29djdonkeyi even build the gt801 module from my github
22:59.40djdonkeyand i copy it over to the known working A10 tablet
22:59.51djdonkeyover writing its goodix_touch.ko
23:00.04djdonkeyi even put debug statements in to make sure it is "my built" module
23:00.07djdonkeyand it works!
23:00.26djdonkeywhich is why i think in my build i'm doing something fundamentally wrong
23:01.02djdonkeyits like i have the fex wrong, specified the wrong pins...
23:01.07ZaEarlyes, it does sound like something else is wrong
23:01.19djdonkeyi keep coming back to the fex
23:01.27djdonkeymaybe i dont have it copied 100%
23:01.32djdonkeyfrom known working tablet
23:01.52ZaEarlhow are you installing Android, recovery or LiveSuit?
23:02.44ZaEarlYou'll want to make sure the [ctp_para] section is correct.
23:03.09djdonkeyi've gone blind trying to find the differences
23:03.16djdonkeyi believe it to be EXACT
23:03.51djdonkeyi mean goodix chip is hardwired to 0x55 bus addr
23:04.02djdonkeyi know the tablet is wired to twi int 2
23:04.08djdonkeyand id is 1
23:05.06ZaEarlyou can just grab a known-working script.bin and drop it into place after you install to verify if that is the problem..
23:05.21djdonkeynow thats something i haven't done
23:05.38djdonkeyis it a dumb question to ask what is script.bin
23:05.53ZaEarlthe binary form of the fex
23:07.04djdonkeyZaEarl, champion
23:07.07djdonkeyi will try this
23:07.10djdonkeysomething new to try
23:07.14djdonkeypulling my hair out!
23:08.08ZaEarlscript.bin is in nanda, which is easily mounted as a vfat partition
23:08.43djdonkeywhy didn't i just join this channel 3 days ago
23:08.55djdonkeyand sit here waiting for wits-tech to answer my QQ requests.... :(
23:10.49djdonkeywe have pulled the script.bin from the known working tablet, and decoded
23:10.58djdonkeybut never copied back into our image
23:11.02djdonkeyin binary...
23:11.12djdonkeyso maybe we left something off...
23:11.23djdonkeyi suppose this way we'll be 100% sure
23:11.30djdonkeyif this doesn't work, what else?
23:11.49djdonkeyi'm thinking that perhaps the gt801 is not even awake? like no power or something?
23:12.08djdonkeyand this would lead me to look at the axp902?
23:14.59hnoTurl, A10 USB0 controller is an OTG controller, capable of both HOST and DEVICE modes.
23:16.01djdonkeyZaEarl, just booted up with known working script.bin, still same issue
23:16.01hnoUSB1 & USB2 is HOST-only controllers and is now usable for FEL booting.
23:16.32hnoZaEarl, there is no non-host ports on A10.
23:18.12ZaEarldjdonkey, well, you've eliminated one potential problem area.
23:18.31Turlhno: my tablet has a 'host' (OTG) and then the typical 'client' port
23:18.36djdonkeyok for this i am grateful
23:18.41djdonkeyideas for next step...
23:19.13ZaEarlthrow some more logging into your module and see where it's failing
23:19.28djdonkeyits right at the i2c probing
23:19.30hnoTurl, The OTG port is usually a mini-USB connetor.
23:19.39hnonot sure what you mean by "client" port.
23:19.51djdonkeysending a simple i2c device probe on twi 2 bus addr 0x55
23:22.19Turlhno: they're both miniusb
23:22.28Turlhno: one port to connect to pc only
23:22.42Turlhno: and another port to connect client devices (eg a keyboard or memory stick)
23:22.44ZaEarlhno, one usb port can power keyboard/mouse, the other port can handle LiveSuit.
23:23.39ZaEarlcharging the tablet only works on the same port LiveSuit works on.
23:24.23hnoThe OTG port can be wired to support both charging and powering of devices.
23:25.23ZaEarlI've tested a lot of tablets, never found any that were wired that way.
23:25.53ZaEarlalthough I suppose it might just need some script.bin tweaks to make work.
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23:28.32djdonkeywill i upset ppl if i cut and paste logs in here?
23:29.00djdonkeyi have i2c debugs turned on
23:29.03djdonkeyand dmesg is....
23:29.23djdonkey<7>[    6.050942] Goodix-TS 2-0055: probe
23:29.23djdonkey<6>[    6.050942] ===========================GT801 Probe===========================
23:29.23djdonkey<6>[    6.062271] Begin goodix i2c test
23:29.23djdonkey<7>[    6.062271] i2c i2c-2: master_xfer[0] W, addr=0x55, len=1
23:29.23djdonkey<7>[    6.071156] sunxi_i2c->bus_num = 2, sunxi_i2c->msg->addr = (0x55) state = (0x8)
23:29.23djdonkey<7>[    6.071156] i2c->msg->addr = 0xaa.
23:29.23djdonkey<7>[    6.082134] sunxi_i2c->bus_num = 2, sunxi_i2c->msg->addr = (0x55) state = (0x20)
23:29.24djdonkey<7>[    6.082134] incomplete xfer (0x20)
23:29.25djdonkey<7>[    6.110038] i2c i2c-2: master_xfer[0] W, addr=0x55, len=1
23:29.26djdonkey<7>[    6.120034] sunxi_i2c->bus_num = 2, sunxi_i2c->msg->addr = (0x55) state = (0x8)
23:29.26djdonkey<7>[    6.120034] i2c->msg->addr = 0xaa.
23:29.26djdonkey<7>[    6.132747] sunxi_i2c->bus_num = 2, sunxi_i2c->msg->addr = (0x55) state = (0x20)
23:29.31djdonkeybasically tries 5 times
23:29.36djdonkeyand then
23:29.36ZaEarluse a paste service
23:29.41djdonkeyoops sorry
23:29.52djdonkey<6>[    6.320037] Warnning: I2C connection might be something wrong!
23:30.08Turlyeah probably not the driver for your device
23:30.24djdonkeyso heres the funny thing
23:30.45djdonkeyin our source we build goodix_touch.ko
23:30.58djdonkeyand we side load this into the known working tablet that we are trying to rev-engineer
23:31.04djdonkeyand our module works!
23:31.18djdonkeywe even put debugs in our module to be 100% sure that it is our built module
23:31.51djdonkeyso doesn't this mean our code for the module is correct?
23:31.56Turlthe chinese never build two batches the same, ZaEarl can tell you that
23:32.07Turlyour other tablet probably has some other goodix model or something
23:32.21djdonkeybut we use the same image on both of them
23:32.32djdonkeyand both work with our driver
23:32.36djdonkeybut not our AOSP
23:32.52Turlso you're saying
23:32.58Turlyou build a kernel+module
23:33.08Turlput it on both tablets replacing the stock kernel and modules
23:33.12Turland touch works on both?
23:33.16djdonkey100% correct
23:33.23Turlthen where's the issue?
23:33.30djdonkeyhang on
23:33.33djdonkeynot 100% correct
23:33.42djdonkeywe have two tablets
23:33.50djdonkeyboth built by same manufacturer
23:33.57djdonkeyclaim to be the 'same' HW
23:34.06Turlyeah, 'claim' is keyword there
23:34.09djdonkey(you made me now aware)
23:34.14djdonkeybut, built at the same time ok
23:34.22djdonkeyboth came with an image 100% working
23:34.26djdonkeytheir kernel, their module
23:34.27Turlsame image?
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23:34.46djdonkeyyes same image, as they gave us the updated ICS to run on them
23:34.54djdonkeyso we used LiveSuit to install same image on both
23:35.12djdonkeynow, we have gone to wits-tech and bought the dev board in attempt to rev-engineer
23:35.20djdonkeyand run OUR AOSP onto these tablets
23:35.29djdonkeythis is where we have come stuck
23:35.45djdonkeybecause in our environment we cant get gt801 to be recognised
23:35.58djdonkeyso then we build our own goodix_touch.ko module
23:36.06Turlbut are you sure both tablets have a gt801?
23:36.07djdonkeyand side load this onto the known working image
23:36.12Turlthe stock images load several modules
23:36.14djdonkeyyes, both hav gt801's
23:36.21Turlone might be using gt801 and the other some other
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23:36.30djdonkeyyes... both have same lsmod results
23:36.38Turldjdonkey: do this to confirm
23:36.43Turlload the working image on both
23:36.48Turlthen rmmod the same module on both
23:36.57Turlthen confirm or deny both lost touch sensitivity
23:37.28furanhrm. apparently touch is working but the screen isn't updating. every time I touch the screen logcat spits out "surface::lock failed, already locked"
23:37.54furanand mail got some unknown symbols when it loaded, such as ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id
23:38.07djdonkeyTurl, on it, will report back
23:38.16djdonkeyi appreciate anything you guys can give
23:38.21Turlfuran: maybe your mali libs are too old
23:38.30Turlfuran: let me zip mine up
23:39.56hnofuran, that symbol is in the mali UMP driver
23:40.27furansorry mali, not mail
23:40.53hnodid not even notice the typo
23:41.47hnofuran, have you loaded the ump driver?
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23:42.34furan1 sec
23:42.41ZaEarldjdonkey, are you loading goodix_touch in your init.rc?
23:42.42furanlsmod shows it anyway
23:42.57djdonkeyZaEarl yep!
23:44.08furanhere's my module load list:
23:45.33ZaEarlI don't see goodix
23:45.37furantouch works for a little bit after the device wakes up
23:45.43ZaEarloh, wrong person
23:46.43Turlfuran: any reason you keep your ump module separate btw?
23:48.27djdonkeyZaEarl hahaha
23:49.20furanturl: it was that way on my stock rom
23:49.26furanI couldn't find ump in the defconfig
23:49.30furanso I assumed it's just separate
23:50.14furangetting things like this as well:
23:50.15furanE/libEGL  (   77): validate_display:188 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
23:55.32ZaEarldjdonkey, what if you copy the stock module to your build?
23:57.36djdonkeyplot is thickening guys
23:59.41furangetting rid of mali/ump module and just compiling mali into kernel

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