IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120626

00:58.00*** join/#arm-netbook nibb (
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01:45.58CIA-121rhombus-tech: Moussa master * r13b795ec35d6 /allwinner_a10/orders/abhi2.mdwn:
01:49.07lundmanmorning asia
01:52.53*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~kaspter@
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02:28.54hipboilundman: morning
02:42.02*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (
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02:45.55Turlhey hno :)
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07:58.00hnohi Turl.
07:58.56lundmanok all zfs modules load into android kernel. but can't compile anything for android with gcc yet
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10:59.47zenitraMlundman: android needs to be compiled against bionic, not glibc
11:00.01zenitraMso you need either to use bionic (android NDK), or compile staticly
11:13.59lundmanyeah, i did the apt-get etc, but getting some weird error 44, so need to go deeper
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14:37.39Turlhno: I cannot seem to get the watchdog to actually watch
14:56.07fjfalconCan someone tell me in wich exactly file in linux kernel keeps mach id, that i can edit it, recompile with new mach id easly?
14:56.43Turlthere's a text file with machine names and ids
14:56.47Turlarm distributes it I think
14:57.22Turlfjfalcon: arch/arm/tools/mach-types is the file
14:57.42fjfalconTurl so if i edit it, just write make -j32 i will have new kernel with new file, right?
14:58.00fjfalcon(without recompile else kernel parts)
14:58.13Turl# Up to date versions of this file can be obtained from:##
14:58.17TurlI guess
14:58.34Turlthis file is parsed and converted to a bunch of macros and stuff to use on C later on
14:58.43fjfalconCause i have device on qualcomm, i know machine id, but don't know magic number... will try to brute it..
14:59.16fjfalcon(Also don't have kernel sources, only know that it uses aurora project sources)
14:59.50Turlmagic number?
15:01.48fjfalconTurl field number in mach-types file
15:01.58fjfalconfield "number"
15:02.17Turlfjfalcon: what's your machine name?
15:02.30Turl/proc/cpuinfo has it
15:04.06fjfalconQCT MSM8X60 SURF
15:11.18fjfalconTurl: yea, with that number kernel not works.. =(
15:11.31fjfalconAnd mine uart don't working =(
15:11.36Turlfjfalcon: and how do you know it's the number and not the kernel? :)
15:12.36fjfalconTurl: don't know.. but i need to find something..
15:12.48fjfalconWithout kernel i can't have normal ics =(
15:13.03Turlis it a developer board?
15:13.10Turlwhat is it then?
15:13.36fjfalconTurl: sk w-s170
15:13.44fjfalconalso know as Fly IQ285 Turbo
15:13.56fjfalconSK Telecom won't give sources for kernel.
15:14.56traeakwierd, yesterday my 16GB flash card (comes up as 14.8?) all the mkv's got deleted and the card was having prolbems getting read
15:14.58Turlusually CAF kernel doesn't work "as is" for commercially released devices
15:15.03traeakdunno if android or the card or what
15:15.10traeakconsidering i had copied all the mkv's over
15:15.11Quarxanyway, if machine id is right..  it is very hard to check work kernel
15:15.38Turltraeak: blamevfat :P
15:15.39fjfalconTurl: so, what can i do.. =(
15:15.46fjfalconUsers really need working phone
15:15.49Turlfjfalcon: get uart working on stock kernel
15:15.54Turlthen try to debug new one
15:16.28fjfalconTurl: btw, maybe you explain me - i understand right that uart should be connected to phone only with 2 wires?
15:16.44fjfalconrx and ground from uart to tx and ground from phone?
15:17.20Turlpersonally I've never used uart (yet) but as far as I know it's 3 wires
15:17.26RaYmAnthat's usually enough if you use something like a ttl to usb
15:17.37Turlphone's tx to the other side's rx, viceversa, and ground
15:17.44RaYmAnyou don't need to connect both rx and tx necessarily =P
15:17.54traeakTurl: probably supportrs something *other* than vfat ?
15:18.00TurlRaYmAn: yeah but it's nice to have it both ways :p
15:18.11traeaksince i dont' run windows anywhere i don't give a rip about vfat
15:18.19Turltraeak: for sd cards? no
15:18.37traeakTurl: i guess the easy answer is to test
15:18.44RaYmAnTurl: sure, but not exactly required for debugging non-booting kernels ;)
15:18.48traeakclass 2 16GB old one
15:19.01Turltraeak: you could use ext, but you'd need to hack vold
15:19.29Turlvold is android's mount manager daemon
15:19.34traeakahh okay
15:19.52traeaki think both tablets are running some form of cm7
15:20.13Turlcm's vold supports read only ntfs and I think ext too
15:20.37traeakntfs on flash? ugh
15:20.51Turltraeak: use case is USB HDDs
15:21.00Turlover USB OTG
15:55.39traeaki'm guessing one of these should work as well
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17:55.37CIA-121rhombus-tech: lkcl master * rf65e252d4a27 /allwinner_a10/orders/ (gedesu.mdwn kackmail.mdwn): order processing cleanup
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18:23.15*** part/#arm-netbook _vaevictus (~vaevictus@
18:26.58rmsooo, didn't manage to get NFS to work on my Mele
18:27.07rmwill now compile a kernel on a CIFS mount :)
18:27.45specingrm: How so?
18:27.58specingI run NFS from the stock android kernel
18:29.52rmmount.nfs: Protocol not supported
18:30.07rmeven tried adding statd and nobody to the aid_inet group
18:30.15specingmount.nfs -o vers=3 host:/dir mnt/
18:31.44specing*shrug* that fixed mine
18:32.03specingI was using nfs-tools in a Gentoo chroot though
18:37.10traeakmy problem is that i seem to reboot our nas server about once a year
18:37.20traeakso that's asking for trouble about once a year
18:37.35specingsolution: dont touch it while it works
18:40.18traeakeven worse..the bios on my desktop machine likes to randomly reset the fans to full speed on reboot
18:40.46specingLet me guess: Asus?
18:40.51traeakeven worse
18:41.47specingsupermicro is overpriced
18:41.48traeakworst junk, worst support known to man
18:42.18traeakone customer stupidly used a 4 socket supermicro amd board
18:43.09traeakthe bus occasionally goes unstable
18:43.19Turltraeak: all machines I've ever seen full throttle the fans on boot
18:43.25Turl(and therefore reboots)
18:43.53traeakTurl: this uasually turns them down after initialization but for some reason the bios resets it and turns just that off, happens randomly
18:44.23traeakTurl: if i could contorl that from user space i would
18:44.27Turltraeak: maybe your fan middle wire is faulty
18:44.46traeakTurl: you mean both fans? :-p
18:44.50specingConclusion: never buy a x86 board again :P
18:44.59Turltraeak: I can on my laptop :D poke a register and full throttle or autocontrol at desired speeds ;)
18:45.00traeakTurl: xeons
18:45.11Turltraeak: ah, you mean cpu fans?
18:45.29specingXeons would cook if the fan isnt on at 100%
18:47.49traeakthese are slow ones
18:48.16traeak2.33GHz ones, c2q
18:48.45traeakrunning under 70C, riht now doing transcoding
18:48.55Turlput these
18:49.27traeakgot a link to buy them?
18:50.06Turl70C? that's cool
18:50.21Turlmy lappy runs ~50C on idle
18:50.29traeaklaptops are crap for cooling
18:50.35Turlhits the 80s on full load unless I crank up the fan :P
18:50.37traeakan axe i have to grind with intel, they don't make lappy chips
18:56.02traeakthat's why i'm really interested in that super wide HT (probably mips) processor lcluke posted
18:57.03rmokay, my server kernel for mk802 is compiling :)
18:58.23specingIs there serial on the mk802?
18:58.45rmafaik someone found only the TX pin
18:59.42rmoh, and there was something about a bizzare SD-to-rs232 dongle
19:00.31specingI've spent three hours two days ago probing my tablet's motherboard with a scope...nothing
19:03.11hnoTurl, how are you accessing the watchdog?
19:04.49TurlI posted a patch here
19:04.54Turllet me reupload it
19:05.40hnofjfalcon, the A10 Allwinner kernel hardcodes machineid, ignoring what the bootloader says.
19:06.59Turlhno: he was working on a qcom chip though
19:08.56hnofjfalcon, UART is tree wires. common GND and then TX/RX switched between the two enpoints (computer TX -> device RX, device TX -> computer RX)
19:13.30Turlhno: I noticed that with some set of big values, the tablet reboots instantly when the watchdog arms
19:13.37Turlwith others it doesn't do anything
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19:17.33hnoTurl, that's an odd watchdog implementation. Usually you need to pet it from userspace to reset the timer. This one continously resets itself until you stop it.
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19:18.40Turlhno: yeah, the idea is to catch device lockups
19:19.23Turlhno: the implementation is based on one of a samsung chip (that's why it's got (c) google)
19:27.09hnoTurl, better to use it proper. There is too many soft lockups where basic kernel functions keeps running but everything is dead..
19:32.31Turlhno: in any case, it didn't reboot the device after forcing a kernel panic
19:32.49*** part/#arm-netbook tomekgno (
19:54.57hnoTurl, an you are sure you did not force the panic while the watchdog was being rearmed?
19:57.38Turlhno: I tried several times even
20:04.37*** join/#arm-netbook CiHO (
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21:08.14rmlooks like the fbdev driver can't do DPMS on A10
21:08.21rmor can it even do it at all
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21:30.08mnemocrm: the A10's fb driver does only what's essential to run android, nothing else
21:30.29hnoscreen save isn't essential for android?
21:30.39Turlthere's an ioctl for brightness
21:30.43Turlset to 0 => screen off
21:31.13mnemocI have to assume android doesn't use dpms for changing brightness on inactivity
21:32.15hnoDPMS is the hardware handshake mechanism for putting monitors in various powersave modes.
21:33.58mnemocused by LCD panels too?
21:34.26mnemocwell.. probably yes
21:34.33hnoAndroid is not only LCD panels.
21:35.17mnemocstill, before dreaming on extending that driver we need to clean it up
21:35.23mnemoca lot
21:36.36hnoany driver not needing a lot of cleanup?
21:37.26mnemocthe uglygpio driver is quite decent
21:37.30Turlcpufreq was rather clean
21:39.09mnemocdisp is kind of the worst
21:39.25hnoworse than USB?
21:39.52hnohave not really looked at disp yet.
21:39.59mnemochaven't looked in detail into the usb driver
21:40.35mnemocdisp is implemented above 2 mutilated platform-agnostic-wannabe ugly libraries
21:41.23mnemocand with backdoors to be abused by the lcd and hdmi drivers
21:42.57hnousb is also layered ontop of several platform agnostic drivers. Have not really figured out their relations to say if there is any layering violations.
21:44.57mnemocas I doubt upstream will ever accept that anyway, i suppose we should slowly peel them off to remove the platform agnostic drivers
21:46.13hnoso update the register guide please.
21:47.43mnemoci don't plan to touch the disp driver anytime soon. but sure, I'll update the guide with any magic number I find
21:48.35traeakTurl: any hint on how to change the output resolution ?
21:49.11mnemoceasiest is to modify your script.bin
21:49.26mnemocassuming you won't need to change it often
22:00.09*** join/#arm-netbook trouble (
22:07.32hnoOdd.. watchdog reloading works fine using u-boot nm command. But not in my code.
22:07.37hnocache issues?
22:08.10Turlhno: busybox devmem was no use either on my testing
22:08.17mnemocmy wife's a10 tablet totally ignores the uSD on boot :<
22:09.20Turlmnemoc: too fast uSD?
22:09.41mnemocTurl: does it matter? yes, class 10
22:09.42Turlmnemoc: try turning tablet on, then shut it down/reboot
22:13.48troubleIs anybody familiar with dropbear? I'm trying to set up an embedded system to use scp to copy logfiles to a central server. I can get the script working under cron after I've initially connected, and have answered the known_hosts question, but the version of dropbear installed on these systems doesn't seem to support any of the arguments I have tried to use to not use strict host key checking. -y doesn't work. creating a ~/.ssh/config fi
22:13.49troublele with 'StrictHostKeychecking no' doesn't work. So, I was wondering if I could use the same known_hosts file on multiple systems, and expect it to work?
22:14.44mnemocafaik dropbear doesn't support .ssh/config
22:15.05mnemocthat stuff is configured on build time
22:15.14hnoTurl, busybox devmem tries to use /dev/mem I think. Seems the I/O region is not reachable there.
22:15.39Turlhno: it reads zeroes without failing though
22:15.59troubleThat seems to be the case. :( Do you know if multiple hosts can use the same known_hosts file, and establish a connection?
22:17.43hnoknown_hosts is just fingeprints of known hosts. Should work fine to copy between systems to preseed the trust.
22:21.29troubleOk. That should work, then. I was worried that maybe the local host address might be used in generating that thumbprint, or something similar. I wasn't finding much about how known_hosts was being created in my searches. Thanks for the help. I'll give it a try.
22:28.41mnemoctrouble: but why do you need StrictHostKeychecking to a central server?? those are expected to have dedicated addresses
22:30.22mnemochno: is the fel address really supposed to be cross-device?
22:31.30traeakman in the middle attack?
22:32.17mnemochno: trying fel-boot but it seems to just halt the device. no enumeration on the usb at all
22:37.18troublemnemoc: I won't always be using the same server. There will be a different central server at each site. Multiple systems at each site. Or do you mean, why do I need StrictHostKeychecking turned on? I simply can't find a way to disable it. this version of dropbear is ignoring ssh_config, and it ignores the -y option, and "-o StrictHostKeychecking=no" and "-o StrictHostKeychecking no" both aren't working.
22:37.47mnemocStrictHostKeychecking is only needed if you run different ssh servers behind the same ip
22:38.09mnemoclike when DNATing different ports to different virtual servers
22:38.12troubleI'd be happy if I could turn it off. We are just copying logfiles over scp
22:38.14CIA-121rhombus-tech: bodoriediger master * r369bc52b7b8e /allwinner_a10/orders/BodoRiediger.mdwn:
22:39.25troublenot much sensitive data in those logs... Watering timings, mostly. when valves are turned on or off...
22:41.33troubleBut the reason I need to be able to turn it off StrictHostKeychecking  is that I won't be able to easily connect a console to each system, to answer 'yes' to the request to add the host.
22:41.33mnemoctrouble: btw, https POSTing is nicer ;-)
22:41.34mnemocthat way you can preprocess the logs or add them to a db
22:41.34troubleAgreed. Not an option. :(
22:41.39mnemocjust a curl-based script
22:42.34mnemocyou can also use the same client key in ssh and https
22:42.44mnemocand so identify the peer
22:42.46troubleI can still do quite a bit of preprocessing... I've got busybox, so I've awk and grep and sed... I don't have curl. Maybe wget?
22:43.01mnemocwget doesn't validate https certs
22:44.57troubleYeah. I've already modified the system by adding a newer version of busybox with crond support turned on. But you can download an appropriate binary straight from busybox website for my architecture, so that was simple...
22:45.43troubleI'm not sure if I've the time available to set up a build environment to compile curl in.
22:45.45mnemoctrouble: btw, you are better talking this stuff in #elinux
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22:49.35troubleFair enough. :) You guys have been very helpful, though... If I can share the same known_hosts file on multiple systems, then my problems just go away. I can generate the file with one system I set up the first device, then copy that file to the other devices on the network. Maybe document the procedure for updating, so the local system administrator can update and pass around the file if they need to change their log server in the futur
22:49.35troublee, or something.
22:50.31troubleThanks for your help!
23:03.20mnemochno: using the boot1 way to access fel I got this `fel ver` AWUSBFEX 2300 0016 00000001 ver=0001 0844 7e00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ... no idea if it's the same you all get
23:03.36mnemochno: but fel-boot simply halts it
23:14.10CIA-121rhombus-tech: manny master * r432f63da3f8f /allwinner_a10/orders/mok.mdwn:
23:37.19hnomnemoc, fel-boot?
23:37.44hnoyou are trying to enter fel from fel?
23:38.08hnothat do not work.
23:39.21hnofel-boot is only for entering FEL from sd-card.
23:40.00hnoor maybe that's what you are doing
23:55.54lundmanyay, hello.c runs! :)

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