IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120620

00:01.14lundmanmaybe lichee-3.0.8-sun4i is what I need
00:02.21Turlif you have the 'inetsoftware' kernel then it's not the same
00:03.11lundmanamery git branch I was looking at
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01:21.23lundmanwicked, my kernel appears the same as the boot.img, so we are good to go
01:21.30A0Sheds  Google, Asustek expected to unveil 7-inch Nexus tablet PC at Google I/O
01:21.41A0Shedsanyone hear which CPU it uses?  6^
01:22.09hipboi_tegra 3
01:30.02CIA-121rhombus-tech: hipboi master * rc1f0a0394812 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/Compile_X11_driver_for_A10.mdwn:
01:44.23CIA-121rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r782ddb9ec0de /allwinner_a10/orders/ (6 files): order processing cleanup
01:47.01CIA-121rhombus-tech: lkcl master * rc3c6d3c6784b /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/android_ics.mdwn: whitespace cleanup
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02:04.48lerc_The real question is does the Tegra 3 also have a sucky fill rate?  (time will tell I guess)
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02:19.04Turllerc_: fill rate?
02:33.43lerc_Tegra 2 has a very poor fill rate.  Would't surprise me if Tegra 3 isn't enough better.    They can do a lot of triangles, but not many pixels.
02:34.01Turlah, you're talking about gpu
02:40.08CIA-121rhombus-tech: Benj master * rb2af191720f3 /allwinner_a10/orders/bjs.mdwn:
02:43.31CIA-121rhombus-tech: hipboi master * r42a9b1d76b3d /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/Compile_X11_driver_for_A10.mdwn:
02:44.44steevlerc_: at least they added neon this time around
02:50.35lundmanhmm the size of the kernel does not bode well :)
02:50.43lundman-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8410564 Jun 19 23:45 ../nandc-kernel
02:50.45lundman-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3829960 Jun 20 02:49 arch/arm/boot/zImage
02:50.53lundmanthat's like half size
02:51.58steevhow much have you built in? you can turn a lot of junk off
02:53.44lundmanI used defsun4i so I assume the kernel would be close to theirs
02:56.04lundmanah yes, there are some non-compressed things after the kernel
03:00.42Turlbesides they might be using bImages
03:00.48Turlaka arch/arm/boot/Image
03:01.40lundman-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7636436 Jun 20 02:49 arch/arm/boot/Image
03:01.43lundmanlooks closer
03:02.18lundmanidentical header start
03:02.38lundmanso, changes of my kernel booting?
03:03.32lundmanI like those odds
03:03.54lundmanshame I can't tell it to boot just my kernel from uboot, then have it start the rest of android normally
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03:16.30CIA-121rhombus-tech: hipboi master * r613e597216c3 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/Compile_X11_driver_for_A10.mdwn:
03:18.26hipboi_i have created a page of mali x11 driver
03:20.01CIA-121rhombus-tech: hipboi master * r4ebfe0788924 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/Compile_X11_driver_for_A10.mdwn:
03:26.25lundmanbah damnit, my kernel has a "+" on the vermagic.. no idea where that is set
03:29.59lundmanah scripts/setlocalversion
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04:04.58Hexxehanyone in here familiar with the eee transformer pad?
04:07.23DonkeyHoteiit's a tegra i think
04:08.33Hexxehsure, i was thinking the x11 hw accel more specifically
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04:30.17t0dbldwhat you want to know Hexxeh  (about transformer
04:30.38Hexxehwhat's the state of hw support?
04:30.41Hexxehwhat's not supported?
04:30.42Hexxehknown issues etc
04:30.55t0dbldtf101 right ?
04:31.19Hexxehwell both, but tf101 initially
04:31.51t0dbldwell assuming  thanks to a a bit lucky on the sbk nvflash is open so sky is limit
04:32.00t0dbldwell that and nvidia normal issues
04:32.40Hexxehnormal nvidia issues?
04:32.46Hexxehlast time i looked at tegra was almost a year ago
04:32.51Hexxehthings kicked sucked then
04:32.54HexxehX ABI issues etc
04:32.56t0dbldthere lack of support for there shit in linux
04:33.16t0dbldorg tf101 is on ICS so right now its not to much of an issue
04:34.03Hexxehso X accel works? sound? wifi?
04:34.11t0dbldon ICS yes
04:34.23Hexxehon ICS?
04:34.24t0dbldi have not ran linux on it since android 4.0
04:34.31t0dbldIce cream sandwhich
04:34.33HexxehX on ICS? whut
04:34.52t0dbldharware acceleration
04:34.57t0dbldon X i dont know
04:35.04t0dbldi have not used linux on it it a while
04:35.09t0dbldi loaned it to mom ATM
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04:36.16steevlundman: you'll get a + if you've got stuff committed to git, easy way around it is to rename .git to something different
04:36.21Hexxehhmm, there'll be someone in here who knows
04:36.49t0dbldif there is HW accel on x serv ?
04:36.53t0dbldmy guess is no way
04:37.07t0dbldtf101 expert is in my channel but afk
04:37.24t0dbldill ask him when he comes on and leave you a message if your not here
04:37.37t0dbldbut hes the transformer expert
04:37.42Hexxehwho's that?
04:37.52Hexxehi know RaYmAn is pretty well up
04:37.53Hexxehah yeah
04:37.59Hexxehlilstevie too iic?
04:38.07t0dbldyeah he did alot
04:38.24t0dbldsteve dont hang around in my channel though so i see him less :-)
04:39.35t0dbldanyhow if i had to guess if there was hw accel on X i would say no
04:40.08Hexxehthere was X accel like a year ago but it was poor/buggy
04:40.11t0dbldi mean linus himself a few days ago gave nvidia the middle finger for not helping and supporting linux even while they were pusing android so heavily
04:40.13Hexxehand only for old X ABI
04:40.20Hexxehsure but that was in response to optimus?
04:40.32t0dbldoptimus ?
04:41.13Hexxehsome GPU switching thing
04:42.03t0dbldoh right anyhow , i cant say for sure the state of it because i have not tried in a few months and i dont have my device handy to check
04:42.16t0dbldi will ask around and if i find out state of it ill elt you know
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04:49.38t0dbldis currently playing Diablo 3 only to get his $ spent per game hour played to an acceptable level after buying it .... beat twice in under 25 hours played is not very good for so a huge promised game
04:49.57tallnerd1985Yeah, such a let down
04:53.17t0dbldstarted selling items on $$ auction today i figured every $ i get back is some time i dont have to play to make me feel better :-P
04:53.35tallnerd1985I went back to Eve
04:54.13t0dbldi dont really play games any more i dont have time
04:54.21t0dbldthat is why i am so mad i decided to try it
04:54.36t0dbldsjut cause i never played it since Diablo 1 in like what 1999 ?
04:55.12tallnerd1985I think Blizzard played off our nostalgia of the originals to sell this one
04:56.15t0dbldtbo is was not the advertising or ny thing it was al lthe peole playing it the first week and reporting on G+ and twitter tha got me
04:56.48t0dbldi dont know how they could have been so posititve when i beat it first time after not playing a diablo since 1999 in 19 hours with out trying to go fast and exploring all of all the maps
04:57.02tallnerd1985Yeah, all my coworkers suckered me into it
05:05.48lundmansteev: ahh interesting
05:05.59lundmancurrently fighting module_layout
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05:08.42lundmanmaybe the answer is to build a insmod that ignores module_layout
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05:19.33lundmanugh, seem unable to get past the "module_layout" check
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05:33.03rzklundman: I've tried to build a module for 3.0.8+ when sources wasnt available public. stuck at same point, theres no way to load a module if your "donor" kernel isnt close enough to "target" on device.
05:34.36lundmanvermagic was annoying enough, and then they made it worse. linus needs to diiieee
05:35.05lundmanI guess I just try to boot my kernel and hope its close enough (without modversioning)
05:36.59rzkI wonder why there is no tools for this. for example, analyzing kernel for needed module layout.
05:39.32lundmanit doesn't even give any hints as to what needs to fixed
05:39.48lundmanjust "make it the same as kernel". Assuming everyone complies with GPL
06:01.10hipboi_i found a x log of ux500
06:01.57hipboi_which is almost the same as my log on A10
06:10.22hipboi_this is my x log on A10 -->
06:13.57specinglundman: Linus never made it mandatory, you can easily turn it off in Kconfig
06:14.58lundmanI can blame him if i want!
06:17.48lundmanhmm it's as if I have too many modinfo in my .ko compared to working ones
06:23.03lundmanah MY modules have srcversion, theirs dont
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06:41.38lundmanone step further
06:41.40lundman[101436.445167] spl: version magic '3.0.8 preempt mod_unload ARMv7 ' should be '3.0.8 preempt mod_unload modversions ARMv7 '
06:55.26specingthere is modprobe -f
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07:04.34lundmanalas the modprobe with ICS4 does not have -f
07:05.17specingcrosscompile your own version
07:05.26lundmansure, that is an option too
07:06.21lundmanI'm wondering if setting up a VM might be worth it, rather than compiling on the cubox for the mele
07:11.12Mazonlundman, how is the cubox compared to mele ? - was thinking of getting one  because of the sata (though sata is shared with usb, I think?)
07:11.56specinglundman: qemu-chroot (binfmt wrapper) + distcc is quite fast
07:12.21Mazonhm, no - I was thinking about snowball that has sata over usb
07:12.38Mazonproblem with cubox was the price :)
07:14.07specingI cross-compiled glibc on a 2.4GHz dual-core in about 4 hours
07:14.29specingwith configure taking about an hour as I remember
07:20.08lundmanbah, I might have to admit defeat
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07:36.11hnohipboi_, thanks for providing armhf mali libraries!
07:36.41hipboi_hno: i think the mali x11 driver is working
07:37.14hipboi_according to the irc chat log
07:37.29CIA-121rhombus-tech: oodudeoo master * r1435b3d9fadc /allwinner_a10/orders/____Quantity:_1_____Max_Unit_Price:___36__50_____Max_Budget:___36__50_____Contact:_ben_period_james_dot_smith_at_gmail_____Purpose:_tinkering_____Stage:_beta_or_stable_____Status:_preorder.mdwn:
07:37.48hipboi_this is my log:
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07:39.14hnohipboi_, can you run glxgears with reasonable full-screen performance?
07:39.37hipboi_i can not find the glxgears package
07:39.47hipboi_i am looking for it now
07:40.26hnoEuhm... [   200.749] (II) MALI(0): Setting screen physical size to 270 x 158???
07:40.46hnoAh, it resizes just after.
07:40.59hipboi_yes, the log of ux500
07:41.47hnohipboi_, on Fedora glxgears is in the glx-utils package.
07:42.09mnemocarmhf mali libraries? where? where?
07:42.16hipboi_maybe it's the problem of my source list
07:42.25hnomnemoc, see wiki page hipboi_ created
07:44.28RaYmAnthat's awesome :)
07:44.31mnemocshould I just import that patch into github?
07:44.42hipboi_i am not sure
07:44.44mnemocor there are reasons to not do so?
07:44.45hnoDoes it touch anything else?
07:45.00mnemoc1m, haven't looked at it yet :p
07:46.24RaYmAnit looks relatively clean (though, not sure why it removes .config-based #ifdef's for DRM_MALI)
07:46.25mnemocit only messes with sun4i-disp
07:46.45CIA-121rhombus-tech: Latheef master * r6e402ef48e72 /allwinner_a10/orders/latheefmalikayil.mdwn:
07:46.57hipboi_if i don't remove the ifdef DRM_MALI
07:47.12mnemocRaYmAn: I was wondering the same, but a unused platform-device stub like that doesn't hurt
07:47.15hipboi_the mali_dri will not register
07:47.21hnolooks reasonable to me.
07:47.47hipboi_DRM_MALI can only be m
07:48.50CIA-121rhombus-tech: Latheef master * r4a7273dd8483 /allwinner_a10/orders/latheefmalikayil.mdwn:
07:49.32hnohipboi_, right.. that should be #if defined(CONFIG_MALI_DRM) || defined(CONFIG_MALI_DRM_MODULE)
07:52.20hnoor we need to rework the kernel config to separate platform from driver, which I thing we should.. there is many reasons why one would want to enable the platform device but rather build the driver out-of-tree.
07:52.49mnemoc"[the mele a1000] kicks Raspberry PI in the ass so hard it's not even funny." <--- love this :D
07:52.58hnomnemoc, where?
07:53.17hipboi_: D
07:54.43mnemochipboi_: do you push the patch (with the device-platform thing corrected) or I do it in your name?
07:55.01hipboi_you can do it, please
07:55.46hnoand update wiki ;)
07:58.01TomNLguys does this mean we now have hw accellaration in x11?
07:58.53zenitraMwoo, great news to wake up to \o/
07:59.06zenitraMhipboi_, hno: glxgears seems to be at the mesa-utils package
07:59.14lundmanahh I'm learning something
07:59.20lundman# modprobe --dump-modversions sun4i-ir.ko
07:59.21lundman0x0b11e775      module_layout
07:59.24zenitraM...only compiled for amd64 and i386
08:00.10zenitraMalthough the debian one is in armhf:
08:00.13zenitraMit might work
08:06.11mnemochipboi_: hno:
08:07.17hipboi_thanks, mnemoc
08:08.42lundmanok, finally I fooled the kernel to load the module
08:09.02lundmanbut I suspect the "lichee-3.0.8-sun4i" git branch is not at all the kernel used for ICS4
08:10.11mnemoclundman: that's what we got in Qware's release
08:10.19mnemoc+ minor fixes
08:10.55lundmanyeah but the missing symbols are concerning
08:11.13RaYmAnzenitraM: you really need an opengl ES 'glxgears' to test it though
08:11.13lundmanso the kernels are vastly different
08:11.25mnemocsure it's not just a .config issue?
08:11.37lundmani used the defsun4i or whatever the wiki said
08:11.49mnemocfor android use sun4i_crane_defconfig
08:12.34zenitraMlundman: sometimes if the kernel hasn't been compiled with that module enabled, it will throw a missing symbols error even if it's the same kernel
08:13.26mnemocRaYmAn: going to post your breakout boards (and picking up my new usb book!) now :)
08:13.30mnemocback in 30m
08:14.24lundmanUnknown symbol kmalloc_caches register_sysctl_table inode_permission vfs_fsync proc_mkdir
08:14.28lundmansome concerning ones :)
08:14.37lundmansun4i_crane_defconfig ? sigh, ok, trying that
08:14.38RaYmAnmnemoc: woo :D
08:15.07mnemocfits perfectly in a CF box
08:15.11RaYmAnwith this X11 development, it's even more important to get a damn custom kernel running on this mk802 :>
08:15.14RaYmAnheh, cool
08:17.05hipboi_the mesa-utils package needs libglew
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08:23.53RaYmAnhipboi_: you could try something like this: (Simple OpenGL ES demo)
08:24.15TomNLwill the A10 chip support wmv/divx/xvid besides h264?
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08:25.40lundmanDepending on which player I use in ICS4, I can watch .avi
08:26.01TomNLthnx lundman
08:26.17lundmanlemme check
08:26.19hipboi_the default 2160p player can play any video
08:27.33lundmanRobot.Chicken.S05E02.HDTV.XviD-2HD/robot.chicken.s05e02.hdtv.xvid-2hd.avi plays with MX Player OK
08:27.59lundmanhipboi: the default 2160p only works for localStorage. never shows for any upnp/http playback
08:28.04lundmanso its in fact, useless for me :)
08:28.24TomNLlundman: but is show the HW can decode the various formats
08:29.07lundmandont know if the hardware handles the transport stream container. however, it plays at full framerate, so "it works" :)
08:29.24CIA-121rhombus-tech: Yann master * r114e5ee83da3 /allwinner_a10/orders/Yann27.mdwn:
08:29.47lundmanand that is from inside .rar, llink will stream rar on the fly. but thats more of a host-side operation
08:29.54lundmanI should compile llink for mele, why not
08:30.43zenitraMmxplayer supports hw playback at least on ICS
08:30.57zenitraMincluding http streaming
08:31.29zenitraMi've seen HDTV (DVB-T passed as-is over HTTP) with it and it plays fine and with HW accel
08:38.45lundmanI have tried BSplayer, Dice, Mobo, MX, Tvd, some play avi, all play MKV
08:39.00lundmanNone play 10bit at full fps :)
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08:39.53hipboi_glx runs at 27 fps
08:40.00hipboi_what does that mean?
08:40.10lundmanframes per second.
08:40.29hipboi_i mean the performance
08:42.12RaYmAnit sounds pretty bad tbh.
08:42.22hipboi_i think it's software
08:42.28hipboi_the mali is not running
08:42.39RaYmAnyeah. You probably need something made for OpenGL ES and not desktop OpenGL :)
09:00.36mnemocRaYmAn: sent, I trust you'll make better use of it than what I did :)
09:01.05RaYmAnmnemoc: I'll do my best! :P
09:02.09captainiglooguys did you have OpenGLES acceleration working on mele a1000 ?
09:02.20mnemocRaYmAn: great :)
09:05.04mnemoccaptainigloo: seems so
09:10.49captainiglooi mean mali opengl es acceleration :)
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09:11.29captainiglooyesterday i built mali xorg driver but i need mali_drm in the kernel to start it
09:11.34captainiglooi'm rebuilding a kernel
09:11.48captainiglooi hope after that GL es acceleration will work in xorg
09:12.20mnemoccaptainigloo: Tom fixed that this morning, and published armhf drivers
09:12.35captainigloofixed what ?
09:13.24captainiglooand i'm using softfp :(
09:13.54CIA-121rhombus-tech: Alejandro master * re1ac82beb6f4 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/Compile_X11_driver_for_A10.mdwn: sun4i_fb_ump.patch applied
09:14.02mnemoccaptainigloo: the drm/mali integration
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09:14.20captainiglooah  fine :)
09:14.38hipboi_the glmark score is 0
09:15.12mnemocmeaning it doesn't work at all?
09:16.34hipboi_from the chatting log here:
09:16.52hipboi_that guy has the same problem with mali
09:17.19hipboi_but he got FPS ~50
09:17.35hipboi_when running glmark2
09:19.18captainigloohipboi_: what's the version of worg driver ? i build the one released by arm
09:21.04hipboi_yes, i build from arm
09:22.05captainiglooah directrly on the targer ok
09:25.31hipboi_i wrote the whole process i done on the wiki
09:27.07CIA-121rhombus-tech: hipboi master * r9a48f97e17b4 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/Compile_X11_driver_for_A10.mdwn:
09:28.25mnemochipboi_: OT: can you register sun3i and sun5i at too?
09:28.39hipboi_sun5i is registered
09:28.44hipboi_but sun3i not
09:28.54mnemocoh, sun6i too!
09:31.17mnemochipboi_: when you get a minute, please register sun3i too... to start reducing the diff
09:32.29hipboi_i am going to have dinner first and will do that when i am back
09:34.59mnemocawesome, bon appetit
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10:48.22hipboi_mnemoc: sun3i registered
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12:53.35hp_i think the pcb will cost them $25 a piece so they make $40 profit per board..
12:58.19cnxsoftThe things to increase memory available in Linux at do not work for me.
12:58.32cnxsoftfbmem=1 has no effect
12:59.23cnxsoftand it's not possible to set the reserved memory via make manuconfig anymore: "System Type -> All winner system configure -> Memory reserved size in KB" is not available for sun4i and it's hardcoded in the source
13:00.01cnxsoftKernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 loglevel=8 panic=10 rootwait fbmem=1
13:00.49cnxsoftMemory Reserved(in bytes):
13:00.49cnxsoft[    0.000000] SYS: 0x43000000, 0x00010000
13:00.49cnxsoft[    0.000000] LCD: 0x5a000000, 0x02000000
13:00.49cnxsoft[    0.000000] VE : 0x44000000, 0x05000000
13:02.47cnxsoftIt's possible to get rid of the LCD part (Franebuffer by settings disp_init_enable=0 in script.fex, but for VE it seems the source needs to be modified if we want to increase the Linux memory for server use.
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13:17.21CIA-121rhombus-tech: Jean-Luc_Aufranc master * rb9cfa6e6dc38 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000.mdwn: Update memory saving tips
13:25.41cnxsoftbtw, what's the AllWinner A12 ?
13:26.01cnxsoftIt's mentionned in the description in
13:26.34mnemoccnxsoft: disable CONFIG_VIDEO_DECODER_SUN4I
13:27.12mnemocA12 is chip in between of A10 and A13, which has hdmi but not ethernet or sata
13:27.50mnemoci've never seen it, but there a build scripts and defconfig-s for it
13:28.01mnemocs/ a / are /
13:28.49cnxsoftah yes, CONFIG_VIDEO_DECODER_SUN4I, I thought i disabled it already, but there is a pb with my script... That's why...
13:29.24Mazonfor all of those comparing gooseberry price with ali, remember british vat + import tax
13:32.15mnemocthat's one of the very few things that keeps me away of the island
13:34.40mnemocI'm just too used to buy online from outside the EU to tolerate the parcelforce mafia
13:35.11xenoxaosanyone know if the A10 sata port supports port multipliers?
13:35.34mnemocit hardly supports itself
13:39.35mnemocbut i'm sure it's a driver problem
13:41.24mnemocknown problems don't happen when using images made out of whatever closed repo mele uses
13:42.07rmgot my mk802 \o/
13:42.45rmthe 'initial' one from Ali
13:42.50rmordered a month ago
13:43.05rmw00t, an european adapter
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13:43.37rmand A2000 also came \o/
13:44.53rmbtw the MK802 seller stated the product name and full price on the package
13:45.09rmnot that it causes any problems for me, but it might for others
13:45.15rmand it's something I don't see often
13:46.39rmand a package from DX also came
13:46.43rmand another one from ali
13:47.02rmis like a kid with his gifts under the new year tree :p
13:47.54mnemocA10 + gps + fm.... first time I see that...
13:48.52mnemocrm: start flashing your new mele with the ics image hipboi released
13:48.58specingIt even has a FM transmitter!
13:48.59mnemocit works great
13:49.59rmI don't care for ICS
13:50.02rmI will want Debian
13:50.29mnemocrm: we got armhf xorg drivers today
13:51.21specingWeren't they released with Snowball?
13:57.14mnemocspecing: but illegal to use on any other device...
13:58.11mnemocspecing: Tom's release is not restricted, and it's also a channel to get upgrades
13:58.46mnemocnow we only miss cedarx armhf libraries
13:59.32mnemocthe igloo release has very strict license terms
14:04.20mnemocbut also their driver was modified and needed some extra /dev/ nodes we don't have
14:04.51Quarxmnemoc: hello, found a loop in hdmi driver:
14:06.26mnemocuhm... I remember a recent patch there
14:09.57mnemocQuarx: can you check reverting it? and please file a ticket
14:17.26Quarxmnemoc: ok, i will make ticket, revert is not make any changes.
14:20.32mnemocthat's the only change we have done there, so the bug is inherited
14:22.58mnemocunfortunatelly that code is pretty messy :(
14:34.00A0Shedsthe ST Ericsson A9500 & A9540 are actually shipping. Dual cortex a9 1.85GHz + Mali, no onchip sata or ethernet
14:35.50CIA-121rhombus-tech: Jean-Luc_Aufranc master * re59c63bdc90e /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000.mdwn:
14:42.26libvcnxsoft: stop editing the wiki!
14:42.37libvcnxsoft: it triggers my hilighter every time :)
14:43.12libvyeah :)
14:43.50libvthis is the first time in a decade or so that this happens with my first name :)
14:44.33rmmy 1680x1050 DVI display goes "Out of range" with MK802
14:44.37libvi should probably add some rules to irssi to filter that one out though
14:44.55mnemocLuc Luc Luc Luc
14:45.08libvmnemoc: now you have two people cursing :p
14:46.29libvlibva is also a troublesome one for me, i'm flattered that they named a video decoding acceleration library after me, but at some point the flattery becomes annoying ;)
14:49.37DonkeyHoteii am in a channel where occasionally people are addressed by first name, but that is troublesome since several people are named Paul, and another has the string "paul" within his nick and his name is not Paul
14:52.51libvDonkeyHotei: :)
14:56.16specingjoins forces with mnemoc: Luc Luc Luc :)
14:56.43libv/ignores mnemoc and specing
14:56.53rmmk802 is crazy hot
14:57.19mnemocin the factory video they show the new case, with ventilation holes
14:58.12rmAndroid 4.0 looks not too shabby at all
14:58.21rmcertainly better than 2.3
14:58.54zenitraMthe wizards on ICS no longer refer to the device as "your phone", but as "your tablet"...
14:59.10rmhere I have "About mini PC"
14:59.20rmnot the usual "About phone, herp derp"
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15:21.01cnxsoftrm: It's hot? That must be why the new casing for MK802 will have ventilation holes.
15:22.47mnemocpunch your own :p
15:24.09rmyes it is hot
15:24.26rmin some areas a finger almost can't tolerate the temperature
15:25.04rmunrelated: gosh, I wish we skipped HDMI and went straight to DisplayPort
15:25.27mnemocvery odd, my A10 devices tend to be pretty cold when connected to the tv
15:25.45mnemocfishy tv dongle wannabe
15:26.48mnemocrm: you can raise the topic on the ML list
15:27.24rmwhich one is the mail list for the computer industrly? :)
15:28.20mnemocit was just for the sake of an open discussion
15:28.28rmI am trying to utilize several HDMI inputs and one HDMI output via my Yamaha receiver
15:28.56rmsadly the PC (ATI Catalyst drivers) becomes a sad panda when it's not the one that is selected as the current source
15:29.14rmand starts to flash the second monitor every second, reinitializing the displays or something
15:51.30rmokay, now with the Mele...
15:51.48rmthe VGA output just did not work ("Analog - no signal")
15:52.04rmwith digital, the monitor says "Out of range - 183 Hz"
15:52.48libv183Hz vertical does seem very steep
15:53.15rmawesome cloud wallpaper thingie by default
15:53.29traeakto jump of the firmware configuration files has the resolution support?
15:53.37traeakby default i get 720p that's it
15:53.50mnemoccan you kidnap the .apk? I want to use it in my ICS/mele
15:54.27mnemocin android you can change the hdmi output in settings/screen
15:54.42rmat the moment it's all in Chinese
15:54.53mnemocwell... changed the language
15:54.54rmI'm trying to locate the language settings menu
15:55.11mnemocthe icon is [A...]
15:55.15mnemocthen the first option
15:55.15rmfound it
15:55.51mnemocchanging the language in 2.3 was VERY frustrating
15:56.18rmit was "gearbox -> Droid icon -> somethingsomething言something
15:56.45mnemocin ics is easier
15:56.56mnemocbut please backup the apk of the clouds before upgrading
15:56.59*** join/#arm-netbook t0dbld (~t0dbld@unaffiliated/t0dbld)
15:57.14rmand then the first option gives it away by having 中国
15:57.15t0dbldhay Hexxeh you around ?
15:57.22rmI only know a little bit of japanese
15:57.53mnemocthat's an advantage i didn't have
15:58.46rmtry opening an android Market
15:58.51rmand look for "Blue Skies Free"
15:58.59rmI think it's the thing
16:00.46mnemoc ... yes, nice
16:01.37mnemoci wouldn't try to use on a battery-based device, but on the mele it feels... perfect
16:03.49zenitraMthis launcher > everything
16:13.05rell01hi there
16:13.49rell01anybody else with wlan issues on the mele with tom's newest ics?
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16:20.02rmthis is what I am going to try, I think
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16:27.37mnemocIt's so annoying you can't buy apps (gift) for another account...
16:27.55mnemocI don't want to add my account to every single android device my family owns :<
16:28.21mnemocbut I'm the only with credit card :|
16:30.05mnemocI wanted to install the paid version of that blue skies, and the storm version... but can't without adding my account there :|
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16:38.44zenitraMcreate an account for the sole purpose of family app-buying linked to a prepaid credit card
16:39.32mnemocno name-validation on those?
16:40.02xenoxaosor link to CC, then report it lost/stolen
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16:40.27eFfeMhi all
16:41.53mnemocafaik online transactions need to get other info validated to get accepted beside the 3 digits thing
16:41.57rmI wonder if we're going to see an MK802-style device directly from Google
16:42.19mnemocgoogle io is comming
16:42.21rmor from some big name like I dunno ASUS or Toshiba or Lenovo
16:42.39mnemocbut I wouldn't expect any big brand to make a dongle computer
16:42.49zenitraMthen put your name
16:43.10mnemocI'll make a dummy account with my name
16:43.29zenitraMthe prepaid part is to avoid "accidental" hello-kitty-background-buying
16:43.48rmlinux is just wow
16:43.55rmdd if=image of=sdcard
16:44.02rm"whoops, made a mistake". Ctrl-C
16:44.19mnemocgot one of those on facebook.... when you use paypal there once the assume you authorize any future transaction blindly
16:44.25rm^C appears in the terminal. Nothing else happens
16:44.32rmSD card still being written to
16:44.40rmand it's like that for the past ~5 minutes
16:44.53mnemockill %1
16:45.07rmeducated guess: the whole 4GB image got submitted into the write buffers
16:45.12zenitraMyou have a slow card
16:45.16rmyes I do
16:45.17zenitraMyup that's probably what happened
16:45.37zenitraMi think there's a "sync" option on dd which skips buffers
16:45.39rmhelps that I have 16 GB of RAM here
16:45.44rmstill, one would expect ctrl-C to work
16:45.56mnemoc16GB and crappy SD, come on
16:46.12TomNLGus did anyone get the opengles running on ubuntu?
16:46.25zenitraMi have 8 gb and can count 5 class2-4 microSDs on top of my table
16:46.41rmI have class 4 of 4 and 8 GB
16:46.45rmand a 32GB microSD
16:46.55mnemocclass 2? :p
16:47.14rm*checked* no, class 4 too :)
16:47.15zenitraMwell, actually they have no class at all
16:47.50zenitraMand half of them i've actually found them on the street
16:48.04rmI figure I'll use what I have until a slowness inconveniences me and it can be traced down to SD card
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16:48.29rmbesides, I have a feeling that all those SD cards when used as a root FS of a GNU/Linux system
16:48.40rmare going to be something close to an expendable product
16:49.08zenitraMthat's what sata is for
16:49.13mnemoczenitraM: btw, did you receive the cards from ooferton?
16:49.24zenitraMmnemoc: not yet, and you?
16:49.44mnemocand just noticed it's another brand of the groupon scammers
16:52.22zenitraMgreat, i don't know what is my password and there's not any submit button on the "remember my password" page
16:53.17mnemocI get the POST sent, but back to the same page and no mail at all
16:53.37zenitraMi don't think i even set a password
16:54.00rmthe glossy parts of the Mele are a dust magnet :/
16:59.50traeakrm: you kept the case on?
17:00.52traeakfor now i have /home on a sata drive and all the distro packages there as well
17:01.00traeakthe mele's sata thorughput is really good
17:01.10traeaki tried a 1TB samsung drive but it didnt' have enough power to operate correctly
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17:01.27traeakthe samsung drive gets ~110MB/s sustained on my lappy
17:01.47zenitraMif you use external power it should work
17:02.43traeakhow to get external poer to the dock?
17:02.57traeaklooks like the last mele kernel dropped my sata (grr)
17:04.18zenitraMmmm using a proper sata cable to the motherboard
17:04.34traeakyou got one handy? :-p
17:04.54traeaki'm not that motivated since this is a side project, not my main one
17:05.30zenitraM this has everything you need, plus a bonus usb-to-ide adapter :P
17:06.16zenitraMsomeone in forocoches wonders if a sata dvd burner would work on linux...
17:06.24zenitraMi wouldn't waste dvds trying
17:07.56rmi wouldn't waste dvds, period
17:08.18rmor waste time, writing them (anymore)
17:11.53xenoxaoswho uses dvds anymore?
17:12.49zenitraMi use them for the sole purpose of booting linux on my macbook
17:13.00zenitraMwhich is nearly impossible to boot from usb due to the friggin' unstandard EFI
17:13.29traeakwhat are dvds?
17:14.09RaYmAnzenitraM: ?
17:14.13traeakzenitraM: all the other sata drives i tried worked fine in the mele
17:14.27traeakzenitraM: so i'm not going to kill myself just to benchmark my fastest 2.5" sata drive :-p
17:15.20zenitraMRaYmAn: yup, but grub on EFI has several problems, so i just use BIOS grub over BIOS emulation mode
17:15.30zenitraMand BIOS emulation mode won't boot from USB
17:17.26rmis there a way to install e.g. Debian to internal flash?
17:17.34rmor no one does that to not wear it out?
17:18.04traeakthis posting is pretty interesting
17:18.07traeakmore vaporware
17:21.16mnemoczenitraM: shared account worked. you can use a different card holder name and set a pin to protect from unexpected purchases... specially since they now allow you to rent movies at absurdly high prices
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17:58.37traeakmnemoc: which branch are you working on nowadays?
17:58.48traeakthe current branch seems to fail to build a few things
18:03.47mnemoctraeak: 3.0-v2 is sort of fixes-only while I work on 3.3
18:03.56mnemoctraeak: what fails to build?
18:05.01traeakcp: cannot stat ‘drivers/ata/sw_ahci_platform.ko’: No such file or directory
18:05.13traeakduring modules build a ton of stuff blows out
18:05.15traeakthat's just one sample
18:05.41traeakcould be modules_install is hosed
18:05.47traeakring a bell atall?
18:06.00RaYmAnthat sounds surprisingly non-arm like error :P
18:06.18traeakERROR: "ump_dd_secure_id_get" [drivers/video/sun4i/disp/disp.ko] undefined!
18:06.53mnemoctraeak: very strange, I build 3.0-v2 for every _defconfig we have after every commit
18:07.00mnemoctraeak: how are you building it?
18:07.10traeakmnemoc: well i had to disable the MALI part of the drivers
18:07.14traeakperhaps that's where my grief is
18:07.44traeakso a newer requirement is i have to download and drop the mali stuff somewhere?
18:08.05mnemocno... mali is built as part of the normal `make modules` cycle
18:08.29mnemocand it's perfectly fine to disable it
18:08.34traeakthat was failing as well
18:08.40traeakokay time to back up then i'll come back again :-p
18:09.03traeakarch/arm/configs/sun4i_defconfig  <- using that one
18:09.56mnemoccan you double check what branch you are using and that you are in sync with the repo?
18:10.09traeaki pulled the repo from scratch
18:10.14mnemocwhat repo?
18:11.45mnemocand how are you building it exactly?
18:12.07traeaki'm on this branch
18:12.15mnemocfrom what repo?
18:12.23traeakyeah...trying to figure out the git command to show that
18:12.32mnemocgit remote -v
18:12.47mnemocor cat .git/config
18:13.00mnemocok, that's good
18:13.04mnemocthen what do you do?
18:13.14traeakmind you, using gcc-4.7
18:13.26traeakcp arch/arm/configs/sun4i_defconfig .config
18:13.28traeaksomethign like that
18:13.40traeakmake -j8 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi- modules uImage
18:13.45traeakmy compiler is configured a bit different
18:14.55traeakand now..trying to figure out how to make the kernel makefiles be more verbose
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18:15.42traeakyuk that's too verbose ...wait one
18:16.01mnemocvery strange, looks fine. I normally build using O= .... I'll make a new build without O= just in case
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18:16.58mnemoctraeak: please make ... 2>&1 | tee build.out     and post it
18:17.20traeakmnemoc: looks like the path is getting clobbered or something...
18:21.49mnemoctraeak: just made a fresh: `make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- sun4i_defconfig` `make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- -j16 uImage modules` on 3.0-v2 and finished without any problem
18:22.18mnemocI thought it could be related to O= but isn't
18:23.19traeak-DSVN_REV=Unversioned directory -DSVN_REV_STRING=\"Unversioned directory\"
18:23.32traeakit's related to the quoting being screwed up
18:23.55mnemocaha! steev had the same problem
18:24.07mnemoche had something evil in his env
18:24.13mnemocsteev: ---^
18:25.50traeakoh nice...why did that pop up just recently?
18:25.57traeakie: building last week was no issue
18:26.19mnemocsomething changed in your env just recently
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18:26.33mnemoche had that problem over a month ago
18:26.51mnemocsame thing with -DSVN_REV yuck yuck
18:26.54traeaklovely...could be related to a reboot i did
18:27.04traeakis that even supposed to show up?
18:27.22mnemocnot that I'm aware
18:27.46mnemocyour env is making the build system do something naughty
18:27.56traeakcleaning up some old cruft ATM
18:28.08mnemocenv - make ... :)
18:28.11traeaki have to reboot anyways...kernel update caught me again
18:28.43traeakhehe, a bit extreme
18:31.11traeakinteresting the failures are pretty much local to the sun4i specific stuff
18:33.14mnemocdrivers/gpu/mali/mali/Kbuild:DEFINES += -DSVN_REV_STRING=\"$(SVN_REV)\"
18:33.46steevtraeak: move svnversion out of the way
18:34.15steevUnversioned directory
18:34.52mnemocI suppose we should patch that away...
18:35.25traeakwhere's svnversion?
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18:36.09traeakahh so /usr/bin/svnversion is causing fun...version collision, etc
18:37.08steevmnemoc: we really should, it should default to a version string, since we're not getting updates from svn
18:39.10mnemocSVN_REV := $(MALI_RELEASE_NAME) ?
18:39.31mnemocsee drivers/gpu/mali/mali/Makefile.common
18:40.13traeakwell it's in bad form to rely on subversion when using git for the repo
18:40.33mnemocARM is both amazing and retard :|
18:41.39mnemoctraeak: can you cut out from drivers/gpu/mali/mali/Makefile.common the SVN_REV := voodoo ?
18:41.53mnemocsame from drivers/gpu/mali/ump/Makefile.common
18:43.04mnemocand leave only SVN_REV := $(MALI_RELEASE_NAME)
18:44.50traeakahh much better
18:44.58traeakand then the fun of making a patch again (shoudl ahve documnted that b4)
18:45.01mnemocwhy are days this short? snif snif snif
18:47.44mnemoctraeak: I don't need a pull request, a ticket with a link to download files generated by `git-format-patch` is even better for me
18:48.34traeakahh good
18:48.41traeakso properly document it
18:51.26mnemocjust make the commit and call `git format-patch`
18:54.39rmthe ubuntu image boots on mk802, but it's armel and uses fbdev
18:54.45rmand it's ubuntu
18:56.59traeakarmel?  don't they have armv7 binaries?
18:57.37rm> mele_debian_armhf_minimal.cpio.gz
18:57.40rmthis sounds awesome
18:58.10rmtraeak, not sure how do I check for that, I looked up the architecture and it was armel
19:00.23traeakwhat's sad is that researching git it doesn't support our way of doing code development/product management
19:01.07mnemoc"our way" been?
19:02.36traeakheavy use of cvs ampersand modules
19:02.47traeakwe have multiple products spun from module subsets in the repository
19:03.00traeakour hierarchy is entirely flat
19:03.16mnemocgit submodules is one way, but the parent is linked to an exact commit for each child
19:03.24mnemocanother is `repo`
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19:03.39traeakwe tried subversion externals and taht was epic fail
19:03.51traeakit seems that git isn't much different
19:03.59mnemoctry repo, the manifests are quite powerful
19:05.55traeakand trying to figure out how to make a patch is fun
19:06.19traeakie i used -am on the commit and seems to be irritatin
19:06.26traeakgit show <hex id> works fine
19:08.44mnemoctraeak: git format-patch
19:09.14traeakshows nothing :-p
19:09.24mnemoctried the man page? :)
19:09.42traeakie: something is strange about what my current branch context is, etc
19:09.44mnemocit needs the "since"
19:10.36mnemocit will generate one .patch for each commit
19:11.05traeakseems liek "repo" might work but i really really dislike over engineered solutions
19:11.17traeakwhy didn't someone just take cvs and fix the file/directory rename stuff ?
19:11.25traeakand of course add a remote layer to it
19:11.36traeaktrying to figure out what "since" means is all
19:11.37mnemoctraeak: isnt' that `svn` ?
19:11.52traeakumm nop
19:12.04mnemoctry HEAD^
19:12.28traeaka nice keyword
19:12.40mnemoc^ means "one before"
19:12.53mnemocso you don't need to care about the hash
19:13.00traeaki'm not looking at the right internet pages
19:13.39mnemocI have it on paper, awesome book
19:13.46mnemocbut freely readable online
19:15.17traeaklooks like repo would have to be the solution
19:15.48steevmnemoc: ^ is one of my favorites
19:16.11steevgit format-patch -o patches committish^..committish = just the commitish you want as a patch
19:16.26traeakone bad problem...we have 106 library modules
19:16.49mnemoctraeak: repo doesn't have troubles managing 106 library modules
19:17.23steevrepo is just a git frontend
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19:18.34mnemocsad the git developers insist in not allowing submodules to be defined by branch instead of commit
19:22.39mnemocthey claim it doesn't make sense...
19:22.44seppthe ebook version of that book looks really good on my epaper device
19:23.35seppeink ...
19:25.09mnemocI didn't know they give away the ebooks too now
19:25.35mnemocbut I prefer to read from dead trees anyway
19:27.18mnemoctraeak: commit pushed
19:27.42seppthat git books looks readable on an 7" device unlike 99.9% of normal tech books
19:27.48specingkills a tree for the sake of git
19:28.14specingsepp: Do you have git installed on that "epaper device", too?
19:28.36seppnot yet :p
19:28.57specingI think I have it
19:29.34seppbut i guess with "books" you get no git installed either
19:29.39seppin the book ...
19:31.08specingyep I have it
19:32.17specingHehe ;)
19:32.30specingI also have GCC and everything else that comes with Gentoo :)
19:33.08seppi actually read a lot of novels on mine
19:33.49mnemoclibv: btw, this post might be interesting to you:
19:33.53specingWe'll I've had bad experience with reading on screens
19:34.12specingMy eyes start to hurt after half an hour
19:34.39specingMaybe it is the black-on-white that is bothering me
19:35.13specingMy terminal is set for grey on darker grey
19:39.46specingI really dislike having big contrast
19:40.35mnemocI can't see with low contrast, grey over black works great for me... on terminals.
19:41.29specingWell I guess I just have young eyes :)
19:42.25specingI've been working with computers for >10 years now and I still have perfect vision
19:47.59mnemocI started programming at 7. got glasses at 23, and now been 34 I have serious troubles with contrast :<
19:48.35mnemocbut I pass over 15h a day in front of two screens
19:50.45mnemocI think I'm lucky, I should have much worth sight than what I have
19:56.29seppthe molenoc :p
19:58.15zenitraMmmm, i remade from scratch an ubuntu armhf sd card
19:58.33zenitraMbut it's getting stuck at boot, with the last output being:
19:58.36zenitraM<6>Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 8 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
19:58.36zenitraM<6>serial8250.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1c28000 (irq = 1) is a U6_16550A
19:59.05mnemoczenitraM: console=ttyS0 and ubuntu configured to run getty on it?
20:00.02zenitraMyes to the first and i'd say yes to the second too.. but shouldn't there be more log messages after that one?
20:00.08zenitraMi.e i see nothing regardin mmc
20:00.20zenitraMi have loglevel=8
20:00.37traeakgit reset --hard should do it then i guess
20:01.13zenitraMi'm on last allwinner-v3.0-android-v2 i think... let's try
20:01.18traeakahh nice, fully working mele again
20:02.58traeakinteresting..any changes went off to the sata subsystem
20:03.06traeakseems like i lost quite a bit of throughput
20:05.20traeakrunning hdparm i notice the "cached reads" is down from ~250MB/s to 36MB/s
20:05.28traeakmeans the interface throughput may have dropped
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20:05.46libvmnemoc: thanks
20:07.41mnemoctraeak: i'm clueless, nothing has been done in the 3.0-v2 branch regarding sata, or ira handling or dma at all
20:08.11mnemoctraeak: but just for the sake of testing, try lichee-3.0.8-sun4i
20:09.53mnemoczenitraM: this is my cmdline, console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait init=/sbin/init loglevel=8 earlyprintk mac_addr=00:CE:39:B6:63:F8
20:10.16mnemoczenitraM: I'll test a fresh 3.0-v2 now, I usually only boot 3.3
20:10.48zenitraMmm let me try, just configured getty a different way
20:13.09mnemoc/etc/init/ttyS0.conf:10:exec /sbin/getty -L 115200 ttyS0 vt102
20:13.13mnemoczenitraM: ----^
20:13.32zenitraMi did that
20:16.56zenitraMokay, nvm
20:17.02zenitraMseems it was something with the script.bin
20:19.38mnemocI'm use the stock's mele one
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20:20.27RaYmAnanyone experienced broken colors on one of these a10 devices when using a hdmi->dvi passive converter? :P Like, everything is pink.
20:20.54eFfeMjust tried the 12.04 image, from sd it is slow
20:21.09eFfeMand the linaro background is outright ugly
20:21.32eFfeMguess it is time to add serial so I can tell u-boot to boot from hd
20:23.26traeakmnemoc: one more test
20:25.16traeakstupoid me i should have properly snapshotted
20:25.23traeakduhh...i have my backup sd card
20:25.37traeakIF it has the right stuff (grr)
20:28.16mnemoczenitraM: <--- my output of a fresh sun4i_defconfig on 3.0-v2
20:28.28Hexxeht0dbld: i am now
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20:36.53Mazonlundman: you have both mele and cubox, right ? - which do you prefer, and why ?
20:38.25t0dbldHexxeh, did you get the memo serv  message ?
20:38.32Hexxeht0dbld: no?
20:38.51Hexxehas it turns out
20:38.56Hexxehwhat i've actually gotten today is a transformer prime
20:39.01Hexxehwhich is a different kettle of fish
20:39.07t0dbldissue is same
20:39.13t0dbldfor both
20:39.17RaYmAnHexxeh: np, look at my 3.1 kernel for that ;)
20:39.23HexxehRaYmAn: oh hello
20:39.28t0dbldahh there he is
20:39.31Hexxehmind bringing me up to speed on where stuff is and what state we're in?
20:39.33RaYmAnit works with X11 drivers from nvidia, both normal and hardfp
20:39.42Hexxehi've got a week to kill on this thing :P
20:39.58t0dbldshould jsut suck it up and buy one
20:39.58Hexxehokay so, first things first, cflags and kernel sources
20:40.17Hexxehi've literally just got this thing and unboxed it, fuck android though
20:40.50Hexxehis there u-boot?
20:41.04Hexxehaww shit
20:41.08Hexxehjust fastboot?
20:41.17RaYmAnHexxeh: I'd love u-boot, but at this stage it's just not safe to test :/
20:41.23RaYmAnHexxeh: android-tegra-nv-3.1-asushacks branch
20:41.29Hexxehi have plenty of these things to test with
20:41.35Hexxehwhy isn't it safe?
20:41.38HexxehPM if you want btw
20:45.08Mazonis the mele's sata done using usb or is there a physical sata controller ?
20:49.16Mazonand ethernet ?
20:49.59MazonI've seen several SoCs where they mux ethernet and sata over usb, effectively halving the bandwidth if streaming
20:51.09specingMazon: real too
20:56.48traeakthe awesomeness of the a10 is they put good stuff on the SOC
20:57.09traeakalthough i did a bad and didn't keep around my older kernel builds
21:01.42mnemocboxchip and allwinner(s) names come from that idea, box tons of winners in the same chip
21:02.02zenitraMlittle winning chinese workers
21:02.40mnemocand avoid western whiners that talk about GPL
21:02.50traeakmnemoc: can you tell me when i did my previous build? :-p
21:03.49RaYmAnmnemoc: you really have to wonder why they try so hard to keep the sources closed. There can't be that much R&D involved
21:04.22mnemocRaYmAn: they sell the service of doing the software to *some* of their customers
21:04.44RaYmAnah, I suppose that kindof makes sense, ish
21:04.50mnemocRaYmAn: so by hiding the code they make the life of clonners harder
21:05.11RaYmAnI suppose
21:05.25RaYmAn(people clone SoC's?)
21:05.35mnemocnope, people clone devices
21:05.58RaYmAnyeah, but it seems like it's e.g. allwinner that's keeping the sources closed mostly
21:06.11mnemocthey give the sources under strict NDA
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21:06.52RaYmAnwe have an mk802 reseller pushing the factory hard to give out u-boot sources, but no luck so far, lol
21:06.55mnemocand they give it by drops, only after you convice "eva" there is a real need for it
21:07.07mnemocthe factory doesn't have the sources
21:07.10traeakyup, sign an NDA for sources that are legally open
21:07.24traeakyou could just sign the NDA and then treat it as garbage (hehe)
21:07.39mnemoctraeak: and then they stop selling you chips
21:07.45traeakwell that would be a side effect yeah
21:09.00mnemocalso your account to get updates will probably be revoked
21:09.10mnemocand your chances of getting any fix in future, lost
21:10.48A0Shedsthey are trying to control the buyers of their parts.....
21:11.05A0Shedsthey aren't just interested in selling as many parts as possible
21:11.58A0Shedsif they have side deals going on or kickbacks from sales of devices using their SOC they really try to control who uses their parts
21:12.20A0Shedsit's pretty much the same from all the ARM SOC vendors
21:12.38mnemocmost of their customers don't care about the software, they simply flash the given image
21:12.55A0Shedstoday ST asked for a whole list of info before giving us pricing
21:13.26A0Sheds" They are very sensitive to sharing price and would like distributors to do some due diligence with validating customers as production players. They have had many companies coming to them to scrub pricing (which may be driven from their competition). "
21:13.58A0ShedsI told them it doesn't make any sense since their pricing has to be on par with equivalent SPC's
21:14.24mnemocA0Sheds: I was talking about allwinner in particular, but yes. the big brands don't sell to anyone
21:14.25A0Shedsthey just want to know what OS, and who is going to build them
21:14.44A0Shedsmnemoc, sure, no problem
21:15.51A0Shedsat some point they treat some parts differently, they don't ask us for the OS for a 16 bit micro or who is going to build the device that 120 different passives are going into
21:16.10traeakwell i'm done for today...too much PITA to deal with ATM (ugh acronyms)
21:16.28A0ShedsFreescale seems to be the only vendor handing pricing to distis
21:16.54A0Shedspricing for the others is usually leaked
21:20.21mnemocA0Sheds: Q1 2012
21:20.52A0Shedsmnemoc, yeah, maybe 6-9 months to see cards
21:21.29mnemocwhile blessed customers will receive them now in july-august
21:21.40A0ShedsSODIMM sized processor module with Renesas EMEV2 (dual Cortex-A9) processor
21:21.45A0Shedswonder what the price is
21:22.14IEFohai mnemoc
21:22.34IEFbarges in
21:23.24IEFone more MK802 owner here
21:23.45IEFand quite annoyed at not being able to run my own kernels
21:24.55mnemoci've been told that dongle has test points to solder an uart
21:25.03mnemocthe pins I mean
21:25.04IEFwell yeah, maybe
21:25.22IEFnobody has taken the time to measure them yet
21:25.31IEFI'll probably do it tomorrow
21:26.06IEFbut, it's not either the kernel or u-boot that needs tweaking for MK802
21:26.14IEFkinda has to be both
21:26.23mnemoci doubt
21:26.31IEF(I tried replacing both seperately)
21:26.40IEFfrom the Mele image
21:26.47IEFso that's uh, weird.
21:27.04mnemocbe sure to use the right script.bin/evb.bin
21:27.12IEFyeah, I was
21:27.13mnemocthey aren't cross-board compatible
21:27.32RaYmAnmnemoc: surprisingly, the mk802 actually boots using the mele script.bin/evb.bin
21:27.40mnemocRaYmAn: :o
21:27.44IEFit does
21:27.46RaYmAnbut that's probably because it has so little extra hardware
21:28.00RaYmAnas in, practically none
21:28.10mnemocright, nothing conflicts
21:28.11IEFmnemoc: what's this memory= cmdline parameter?
21:28.22RaYmAnnand doesn't work on the mele image
21:28.37mnemocIEF: I don't know such thing
21:30.49mnemocI'm going to sleep now, good night, and happy hacking
21:30.55IEFnight :)
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21:48.45traeakRaYmAn: the images you download have pretty crummy kernels
21:48.55lundmanmazon: cubox is nice for hacking and general unix, but mele is better for mediaplayer and android
21:49.03RaYmAntraeak: yeah.
21:49.17lundmanI also have 6 NMTs, and 1 Dune
21:49.37RaYmAntraeak: I just got the thing, so figured I'd start out with plain android and plain ubuntu that others have confirmed working, just to get a feel for the device =P
21:50.06traeakRaYmAn: sure, that's reasonable
21:50.31RaYmAnI really want to get the 'usual' kernels going on this
21:51.17traeaki don't think one of those exists
21:52.36RaYmAnby usual I mean something like
21:53.46traeakyeah that's what i'm running
21:53.54RaYmAntbh, any custom kernel would be fine right now
21:53.59traeakalthough now i'm kicking myself because i didn't snapshot the kernels very well
21:54.03traeaki was but then trashed them
21:54.14traeakand now i'm seeing a regression i want to chase down
21:54.24Mazonlundman: yeah - I'm mostly looking at general unix (server) - so the gigabit + sata and 1GB ram is more of value ot me
21:54.30RaYmAnyeah, hard to bisect if you don't know when it last worked, lol
21:54.32traeaki would like to verify that the hardware isn't jacked though
21:54.44traeakgigabit you won't find on the mele
21:55.01Mazontraeak: idd, which is why the cubox is more interresting
21:55.07traeaki guess the mx6 or whatever will have it
21:55.26Mazonimx6 and omap5 looks very interresting - but they're not due for a while still
21:55.40Mazonimx were supposed to be out in 2011 -.-
21:56.59lundmanI'm using cubox to build the kernel for mele.. mostly because I'm lazy :)
21:57.12lundmanbut amusingly, the sata port wasn't as useful as I thoguht
21:57.20traeakMazon: sure you woudljnt' be happy with one of these from oldegg?
21:57.39lundmansince usb has power, you can plug in a ssd and be done. sata you need extra power
21:58.06Mazontraeak: atom = 20W+ :)
21:58.08traeakesata gives you options
21:58.25traeakMazon: some newer pogoplugs have gigabit and esata as well
21:58.32Mazonwell, I need some filestorage - so esata + port multiplier
21:58.39traeakMazon: i think atom idles far below 20W
21:59.12Mazonatom is usually fine - it's the accompanying chipset that tends to blow
22:00.16Mazontraeak: it actually has a fan ...
22:00.45traeakdunno about the 2600 series
22:00.50traeakother than it uses powervr technology
22:02.36Mazonseems like idle ~ 15W
22:02.47Mazonand has a fan
22:03.01Mazonand it's ginourmous compared to cubox :p
22:03.54Mazonthat said, I'd wish they get some more general purpose Arm SoCs out there
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22:12.13lundmannice, my kernel modules now have matching module_layout
22:13.42lundmancool, first module of zfs loaded
22:14.42lundmanthis means the kernel I built might just boot
22:15.29lundmanmnemoc: thanks, it was the right config file I was needing all along
22:19.36traeakugh not i'm struggling more with git
22:26.07traeakanyone familar with git ?
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22:52.38lundmanyes a little
22:52.43lundman<5>[159696.765968] SPL: Loaded module v0.6.0-rc8, using hostid 0x34333231
23:10.35steevtraeak: what are you trying to do? and the book that mnemoc pointed out earlier is quite excellent and will probably tell you 99% of what you're trying/wanting to do
23:21.26traeaksteev: heh, wanted something the opposite of HEAD^, too bad there isn't HEADv
23:21.34traeaksteev: got things mostly worked out
23:21.48steevtraeak: HEAD^ is just latest commit -1
23:21.50traeaksteev: trying to figure out why all of a sudden my SATA performance dropped
23:21.55steevso you just take that committish
23:21.57traeaklatest commit + 1 would be nice too
23:22.17traeaksteev: got it figured out
23:22.25steevlatest commit + 1 is impossible
23:22.34steevthere is no +1
23:22.40steevlatest commit is all git knows about
23:22.46steevhowever you may be wanting a git diff
23:22.47traeakbecause of the way the cursor is maintained
23:22.54steevwhich is all the differences from what's committed to now
23:23.06steevhowever it won't know about *new files* not in revision control yet
23:23.09traeakbasically i jumped back to may 24th
23:23.20traeakand then i needed to move the cursor around to find something that actually built
23:23.31steevyou want git bisect
23:23.41traeakit seems a few checkins resulted in unbuildable states
23:23.46traeakwell, more than a few
23:24.25steevthis is correct, and quite likely with a proprietary (for lack of better term) repository (what is dumped from whomever)
23:24.34steevrealistically, commits should only be done after it's been tested
23:24.46traeakyou must have never done software before :-p
23:24.57steevtraeak: uh, i'm a kernel developer as a job
23:25.04traeaksteev: note the :-p
23:25.06steevand i said should
23:25.18steevbelieve me, i get on the guys here about doing that shit
23:25.22steevthey also push stuff like
23:25.22traeakforgetting to do an "add" is a pretty common mistake
23:25.24steev"fix it"
23:25.38steevgit status tells you everything that may be missing
23:25.44steevgit status should never show red :)
23:26.14traeakthat can sometimes be difficult if there's debug files running around in the code area
23:26.22traeaki dont' do kernel stuff, algorithmic application stuff
23:26.47traeakbut i am perplexed by why my SATA performance all of a sudden isn't regular
23:27.26traeakand yeah i'm missing the ability to easily test the device
23:27.55traeakcould be the mele has marginal power to the sata port
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23:43.41steevany number of reasons
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