IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120610

00:18.15*** join/#arm-netbook tallnerd1985 (
00:29.22naobsdbkero: hi. if you have a spare time, could you try CWM on MK802?
00:30.57bkeroargh, I lifted a solder pad
00:31.41naobsdyou must be busy for soldering, sorry :)
00:32.10bkeronaobsd: I'm a bit busy for that, sorry.
00:32.22naobsdno problem.
00:34.39naobsdI'm thinking to make small standalone program which touches /dev/disp to (e.g.)change display mode etc... is anyone already doing?
00:36.51naobsdthere are a lot of parameters for ioctl() for /dev/disp... I'll try few params as like as screen0_output_{type,mode} at 1st
00:44.25Turlnaobsd: there is a document explaining the parameters and ioctl calls
00:46.10naobsdturl: no doc. I just read source codes both userland and driver
00:47.00naobsdprobably some(many) parameters are not clear
00:54.56naobsdTurl: thanks. it looks like doc in leaked source. I forgot it
00:55.26Turlyeah, same one
00:55.35naobsdand I'm still not sure relation/dependency/sequence/etc between parameters
00:55.58libvnaobsd: hi
00:56.12naobsdI hope I can understand individual params
00:56.18naobsdlibv: hi
00:56.41libvall looks like pretty straightforward display stuff
00:58.23naobsdyup, it looks like very primitive things
00:58.33libvnaobsd: so i take it you're mostly concentrating on A10 these days
01:00.42naobsd this is the code between java and driver for Android
01:01.22naobsdthere are some meta operation like as "how to use 2 fb and 2 display device?"
01:03.05naobsdI don't understand "a batch of operation" for them yet
01:03.06libvwhat is a display device?
01:03.35libvusually, when doing modesetting, you want to group things together, and have them execute at once
01:04.22libvnice, this code even uses the g2d stuff
01:05.00libvit is .cn fugly code though
01:05.03naobsdA10 support LCD/TV/HDMI/VGA output. (some of them may be same) and it should be able to operate some mode like as mirror/dual/etc fu
01:06.52libvso it has multiple CRTCs which can be wired to one or more encoders, which then hit the attached connectors?
01:07.13libvyes, much of it should be held in a table
01:07.35libvmuch less errorprone too
01:08.09naobsdsorry, I don't know detail :(
01:08.31naobsdI just guessing it might be
01:08.35naobsdfrom reading codes
01:10.21naobsdas far as I know, only mirror mode is used in Android. actually, only 1 screen can be used from Android. so I don't know about hardware capability and wiring
01:10.23libvCRTC is the serializer (CRT controller), tends to generate the actual pixels (or lack thereof), and the related timing signals, such as pixel clock and syncs
01:10.48libvnaobsd: i think there is something there though
01:11.14libvi think that gralloc/hw composer usage flags have a flag for external display or something
01:11.32libvbut yes, android multiple crtc support is pretty rudimentary
01:12.22libvall this A10 code needs so much work :)
01:13.55libvdualdiffmode, dualsamechangemode, ...
01:15.05naobsdI want to try DISPLAY_MODE_DUALDIFF
01:15.45naobsdto use internal LCD and external HDMI
01:16.03naobsdto show different picture
01:16.46naobsdthere is a code in allwinner android source. so it may be used in somewhere... I don't use stock rom well so I'm not sure how it works lol
01:18.26naobsdstandard procedure: buy new device -> try few hours -> disassemble or wipe stock rom -> try random things what I really want to do
01:19.07naobsd(sometimes disassemble before power on...)
01:19.38libvso are you using these hal bits on A10 devices?
01:20.55naobsdlibv: well, "hal bits"?
01:21.34naobsdioctls for /dev/disp?
01:22.16libvthese hardware/ bits are parts of the android Hardware Abstraction Layer for this device
01:22.55naobsdso far I used my A10 tablet to run CyanogenMod
01:23.19libvyes, but you should still someone have some gralloc support going on in there
01:23.22naobsdnot linux. CM uses Android HAL of course
01:24.10libvi am very definitely talking about android here
01:24.26naobsdI used binary blobs :)
01:24.42naobsdI played it before allwinner sources are leaked
01:24.47libvseems like there is code right here
01:24.57libvwhich might be reasonably generic
01:25.10naobsdthese codes were released after I started to my work
01:25.38naobsdthere are also gralloc code
01:25.54libvah, i see
01:26.11naobsdbut some codes like as libEGL for mali are still closed
01:26.18libvnaobsd: i know
01:26.20steevmnemoc: Turl: looks like the 10" tab is really close to zatab
01:26.29libvnaobsd: you really did not tie this nick to a name, did you
01:26.41libvnaobsd: how is your smartbook surfer doing? ;)
01:27.07Turlsteev: :)
01:27.21naobsdwell sorry smartbook is still sleeping on my desk ;)
01:27.44Turlwhat's a smartbook? :P
01:27.46naobsdI was busy for A10 and AML8726 and JZ4770 tablets :)
01:28.12libvTurl: crappy chinese telechips tablet from more than 2 years ago, marketed as such in germany
01:28.19naobsdno update for 6months or so for my telechips
01:29.07libvthe thing is, gralloc does try to abstract some things
01:29.50libvso i am not sure how much integration really is needed for egl/mali and an SoCs gralloc/hwcomposer stuff
01:30.20libvthis code is the first time that i do encounter DISPLAY_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID
01:30.47Turllibv: that's because the display dispatcher thing is allwinner only
01:30.51Turlnot standard android
01:31.33libvok :)
01:33.14naobsderr, no update for telechips and rockchips and... something I forgot it
01:34.30naobsdlibv: many people is working for A10 and there is working source for it. it's really nice
01:34.50naobsdcompared to other cheap chinese tablets
01:35.35naobsdI'm almost lazy for A10. just waiting output from others :)
04:20.58*** part/#arm-netbook malmrose (
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04:34.56naobsdhmm. maybe I need to write a code that get supported HDMI mode > set HDMI mode to supported one
04:36.28naobsdI got a report that nothing is displayed on TV with my CWM for MK802. (I guess his TV doesn't support 720p 50Hz)
04:39.18naobsdit should be easy
04:49.25naobsdbtw, I can't find interface to get raw EDID info :(
05:22.08steevnaobsd: it's a pita
06:30.19naobsdanother strange interface... we can specify 5 kinds of mode for disp_mode in [disp_init] section in script.bin
06:32.24naobsd0:screen0=fb0 1:screen1=fb0 2:screen0=fb0 + screen1=fb1 3:screen0=fb0(top half) + screen1=fb0(bottom half) 4:screen0=fb0 + screen1=fb0(same as screen0)
06:33.00naobsd(ah, top half and bottom half may be incorrect)
06:33.20naobsdbut only 4 modes, 0, 1, 3, and 4 can be specified via ioctl :(
06:33.59naobsd3 can be used as 2 but...
06:34.09naobsdanyway, we have source. no problem ;)
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06:59.18naobsdoops. current "get & parse EDID" code is only for HDMI lol
06:59.32lundmanheh yep
07:04.13naobsdchange type/mode sequence: check which screen(0 and/or 1, probably only 0 is used on tablets) are used via DISP_CMD_FB_GET_PARA
07:04.39naobsdcheck type for each screen via DISP_CMD_GET_OUTPUT_TYPE
07:05.09hnobkero, yes there is four. The two "bottom" ones (based on orientation of chip text, not pin numbering) should be UART I think.
07:05.13naobsdturn screen off (e.g. DISP_CMD_LCD_OFF)
07:05.50naobsdset screen mode (e.g. DISP_CMD_HDMI_SET_MODE)
07:06.05naobsdturn screen on (e.g. DISP_CMD_HDMI_ON)
07:07.23naobsdone more stupid interface: DISP_CMD_HDMI_SUPPORT_MODE
07:07.37naobsdonly 1 mode can be checked at one ioctl()
07:07.46*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~kaspter@
07:07.56naobsdwhy it's not bitmap ;)
07:08.12hnobkero, it's also possible those four are JTAG. pins for UART and JTAG is both in that area and very close together (uart , other, jtag, jtag, on the outer most two rows in that area of the chip, from "bottom" of chip))
07:09.19hnoTo the left of A10 marking.
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08:01.59*** join/#arm-netbook Triffid_Hunter (
08:03.26Triffid_Hunterhi all, just been trawling the wikis and mailing list for info on the Mele A1000, thought I'd pop in here and get the latest - where are we at with these things in terms of arbitrary linux distros?
08:11.16hnoTriffid_Hunter, there is still work pending on
08:11.24hno- framebuffer console
08:11.31hno- GPU support
08:11.41hno- Documentation
08:11.49hno- Preparing install images
08:12.28hno- 2D accereation for X11
08:19.48eebrahhno: the link to the image you provided, is that the MK802?
08:24.56Triffid_Hunterhno: thanks
08:25.35Triffid_Hunterso if I want to plug in some usb serial and a webcam and chat to them over network I should be all good?
08:26.08Triffid_HunterI've made arm rootfs before but have zero experience with uboot and the other crazy hardware stuff I'm seeing for the A10
08:26.41hnoeebrah, yes.
08:27.59hnoTriffid_Hunter, if you use a codec that the ARM CPU can handle without acceleration then yes.
08:32.16Triffid_Hunterhno: not really interested in the graphics output at this stage, planning on using it to send gcode to a CNC and simultaneously watch it with webcam over network.. adding a screen at some point may be nice but I figure that'll come in time
08:38.30eebrahhno: Will arm-netbook be working on it too? or was that just something personal?
08:38.35*** join/#arm-netbook hp_ (
08:40.36naobsdhmm, it seems small program is working...
08:42.34naobsdcan anyone test my program? A10 device with CWM, adb, and HDMI display are necessary
09:12.07*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
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09:25.04hnonaobsd, what is your program doing?
09:25.28hnodo not have CWM or HDMI, but interested anyway.
09:25.42hnoor adm..
09:34.48*** join/#arm-netbook gimli_ (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
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09:41.15naobsdhno: set display mode to HDMI
09:41.57naobsdhno: set display mode to HDMI and resolution which is supported by TV
09:42.22naobsdcurrently it's only for my CWM, it doesn't change display mode at all
10:56.09*** join/#arm-netbook Xlab1 (~Adium@
11:10.30CIA-126rhombus-tech: Craig master * r3369766e2006 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/mele_ubuntu_image.mdwn:
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14:20.52CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r659fcaaf342a /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/script_for_installing_debian_on_sdcard.mdwn: add blank script page
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14:28.42CIA-126rhombus-tech: Haakon master * rdf3c99c34df0 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/script_for_installing_debian_on_sdcard.mdwn:
14:32.44CIA-126rhombus-tech: Haakon master * r6dada6c58e04 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/script_for_installing_debian_on_sdcard.mdwn:
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15:28.39CIA-126rhombus-tech: guille master * r84fa4c63a281 /allwinner_a10/orders/guille.mdwn:
15:31.06CIA-126rhombus-tech: guille master * rc6bdc249050b /allwinner_a10/orders/guille1234567890.mdwn:
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16:13.55*** join/#arm-netbook toxicpsion (
16:16.21toxicpsionanyone made progress on FBCON? been away for a while... still playing catch-up on the ML, and ibot.
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16:21.16toxicpsion... or USB console for that matter?
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16:37.44mnemoctoxicpsion: not that I'm aware
16:39.33toxicpsionhno: how about anyone working on FES/Livesuite protocol? posted some .pcaps of a flash a while ago, but was away for work. kinda checking in now that i'm back :/
16:40.28toxicpsionmnemoc: ^^ any ideas either?
16:42.56toxicpsionmnemoc:  git:// is preferred branch?
16:42.56mnemocI know hno's prio was usb console on u-boot.... but recently he has been more worried about that broke sun4i support on upstream > 2011.9
16:43.15mnemoctoxicpsion: yes
16:43.35mnemoctoxicpsion: that's the most decent branch
16:43.49toxicpsionk... who's wip is fbcon branch?
16:43.59toxicpsionknown issues?
16:44.08mnemoci started that, but haven't been able to continue it
16:44.16toxicpsionnm.... found my issue tracker link :P
16:44.45mnemocdisp/fb has some missing callbacks which make fbcon trigger NULL calls
16:45.09toxicpsionmostly palette stuff as far as i recall?
16:45.19mnemoci tried to set those to some generic callbacks, but then they crashed because we don't have palette templates either
16:46.18toxicpsionah... k... cloning :P
16:46.54mnemocthe disp drivers is very ugly sa they implement it as a layer on top of other two ugly libraries
16:47.24toxicpsioni saw pieces of that in the sdk :(
16:47.42mnemocsomehow I believe we might be better reimplementing fb on top of the g2d driver...
16:48.45mnemocit's cleaner
16:49.21mnemochard to say as I haven't had much time to look deeper
16:49.33*** join/#arm-netbook tallnerd1985 (
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17:43.42hnotoxicpsion, I am slowly disassembling BROM with two goals, gain better understanding of simple USB device operation and reference fol FEL.
17:44.29hnoand building the A10 Register Guide to support that effort
17:45.46hnotoxicpsion, and
17:45.47penguin42hno: It might be worth keeping an eye on whether the layout happens to be coincidentally the same as any other ARM SoC
17:46.06penguin42or similar in places
17:47.47hnothere likely is similaries. but no traces of it in code. All Allwinner drivers there is layers of layers ending up in some os-independent layer..
17:49.18penguin42wishes chip guys wouldn't keep reinventing
17:50.46penguin42hmm 1st time I've seen code commented in Chinese
17:53.37specinghno: Have you tried a decompiler?
17:54.00specinghno: As I recall, one of them is named "boomerang"
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18:02.54mnemocafahs allwinner has been using the same FEL stuff since their oldest chips
18:03.38mnemocfound the handshake strings in a russian forum from like 5y ago
18:03.48hnospecing, haven't seen a good free one. I know IDA Pro is good, but it's not free.
18:04.35hnomnemoc, yes it's an old protocol. And so is most of the basic I/O blocks.
18:04.42CIA-126rhombus-tech: master * r459a4a2c200d /allwinner_a10/orders/Kail.mdwn:
18:04.49hnobut Allwinner is not 5 years old yet.
18:05.12mnemoccopyright patches from Tom date it at 2007
18:06.12*** join/#arm-netbook gimli__ (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
18:08.10mnemocI can't find the mail where someone posted the handshake strings :
18:08.43specingHow many people work for them (AW)?
18:09.36mnemocin an interview in linaro connect they said they have over 50 people working on software
18:10.23mnemocso let's assume that's a 2x or 3x?
18:10.34hnoright.. 2007 is 5 years ago now..
18:10.47hnois a bit behind his time...
18:11.43tallnerd1985Who is Linaro, I keep seeing their name pop up but don't understand what they do
18:12.37hnotallnerd1985, they are a non-profit organisation where almost whole Linux ARM industry is members.
18:13.13mnemocand linaro connect is a event, last happened in hongkong two? weeks ago
18:13.25tallnerd1985I see, anybody have a chance to compile a kernel using their new toolchain that's supposably faster
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18:16.48mnemoctallnerd1985: the key of their improvements in the armv7 optimized strings library
18:17.06mnemocwhich need to be mainlined into the different libc projects
18:18.34hnowhich will happen I am sure. Linaro is quite focused on mainlingn stuff to reduce maintenance costs.
18:18.55hnoand make life easier in general.
18:19.48CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r29ae6e8d39f6 /allwinner_a10/orders/ (guille.mdwn guille1234567890.mdwn): order processing cleanup
18:20.11tallnerd1985That's cool. The other project out where they port Android to C#, is that even a worthwhile thing for Google to consider?
18:20.16hnohmm... iMX53 is supported for Android only?
18:21.06hnoor.. not... Available for Android only but not supported.
18:21.29toxicpsionhno: is from me. have some protocol reversing done here too. i'll get it posted for you.
18:22.09Turltoxicpsion: what do you use to do the captures btw?
18:22.41toxicpsionlivesuite on win7 in Virtualbox. wireshark on debian under that.
18:23.16hnowireshark knows many kinds of wires..
18:23.16toxicpsionhave to do all my flashes from a vm... no win boxes left in the house :P
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18:29.22toxicpsionthat flash is: a Ly-F1 rom onto a gemei G2 -> up untill the point it loads FEL, and disconnects and reconnects with same VID/PID but rev FFFF instead of 02B3.
18:31.17hnowhich is the interesing part where BROM does it's thing
18:32.15toxicpsionya.. it seemed a logical break to not have a 250MB dump too.
18:38.48Turltoxicpsion: nice
18:38.52Turltoxicpsion: I flash on a VM too :P
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19:26.54hnotoxicpsion, want git access to dump you findings?
19:35.27tallnerd1985So what's your guys main goal of work here? I know it's based around the A10 chip but is there a particular device being worked on?
19:37.50tallnerd1985Does the same source code work on all A10 units?
19:38.03hnotallnerd1985, pretty much.
19:39.10hnothere is some differences in peripherials which is troubkesome for Android, but the same Linux works on all.
19:42.41hnospecing, boomerang seems a dead project and lacks arm support?
19:43.54tallnerd1985Last question, I just ordered the MK802 and from the specs, it's supposably a A10 device but the only thing that threw me off was under GPU it mention AMD instead of the Mali-400, is that correct?
19:44.46tallnerd1985I thought AMD sold off their arm production to PowerVR
19:46.56hnotallnerd1985, who says it's amd?
19:47.26tallnerd1985Couple different purchasing websites actually
19:51.48rmchinese would fubar their descriptions like that often
19:51.52rmpay no attention
19:52.29hnoaliexpress is aliexpress.
19:52.53tallnerd1985Okay, that puts me at ease
19:53.03mnemocthey rarely have any idea what they are selling
19:54.14rmalso that's a suboptimal place to order, another one had them for $78
19:54.55rm$74, even
19:57.47tallnerd1985I got mine for $54/unit but that was a bulk order
19:57.59hnoHeh. it's worse. rikumagic themselves don't have a clue.
19:58.59hnotallnerd1985, how many did you buy?
19:59.24tallnerd1985We bought 20, it was a group purchase
19:59.54rmcustoms would shoot that down in a blink
20:00.12tallnerd1985That blows
20:00.36Turlrm: here they'd even shoot 1 unit if it's on registered mail :P
20:00.59tallnerd1985Where do you guys live?
20:01.16Turltallnerd1985: Argentina here
20:01.43hnotallnerd1985, for 54 per unit you have plenty of margin for customs.
20:01.59rmhave no problems with single items or a lot of different items in one package; but from what I heard a lot of identical items in a package is a no-no
20:02.26tallnerd1985Never heard of that before, so strange
20:02.26Turlhere tax exemption max is 25US/calendar year
20:02.38rmhere, 1000 Euro per month
20:03.29hnohere it's 0 unless you bring the stuff yourself.
20:04.03Turlif you bring the stuff yourself I think the limit is higher
20:04.06mnemochno: were you taxed for your mele?
20:04.10Turlsomething ~200-300US
20:04.15hnomnemoc, no.
20:05.17hnoonly delayed for more than a week for customs processing.
20:06.04mnemocI have a $4 12V power adapter held since may 19th :-/
20:06.32tallnerd1985That's intense
20:06.48hnoTom (and most aliexpress sellers) shipped it as gift which is not taxed unless customs disagrees on it being a gift.
20:07.03hnoor it being above some limit which I don't remember.
20:07.51Turlmnemoc: ouch :)
20:08.05Turlmnemoc: I had my arduino held since ~ may 25
20:08.19Turlit arrived on friday
20:08.40mnemocnormally here (.es) if it's not big and not express they don't care
20:09.19Turlmnemoc: yeah, pretty much the same
20:09.25mnemocI think they just forgot my parcel in a dark and wet corner of their warehouse
20:09.39Turlmnemoc: give them a call :)
20:09.51Turlmnemoc: maybe the tracking just didnt get updated
20:11.19mnemocTurl: I would ave received something... the power adapter or a letter asking for an explaination of theof what's inside
20:12.24Turlmnemoc: yeah, it works the same way here
20:12.38Turlmnemoc: but sometimes they 'forget' to sell you the customs paper to go and pick it up :P
20:12.55Turlso you call and they tell you it's ready to be picked up
20:13.03mnemocgood point
20:13.06Turland you can go and pick it up with the tracking number and your ID
20:14.51mnemocI won't fly to madrid for a $4 power adapter :)
20:15.20Turlmnemoc: lol, they make you fly? :P
20:15.27Turlmnemoc: here I just go to the local post office
20:15.32Turlwhich has a customs office inside :)
20:15.51mnemocthe post office here doesn' know about packages until they get released
20:16.23Turlyou can see the customs people getting packages off those big 'jail' boxes and passing them through what I believe is an X-Ray machine or something
20:27.24CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r18de5c30e7e3 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/script_for_installing_debian_on_sdcard.mdwn: see what happens replace < and > with &lt; and &gt;
20:28.33zenitraMmnemoc: if you want me to go pick your $4 i can, although the transport will cost me more than that :P
20:28.48zenitraMs/4/4 adapter/
20:29.51CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r920ee10454fe /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/script_for_installing_debian_on_sdcard.mdwn: see what happens replace < and > with &lt; and &gt;
20:30.18mnemoczenitraM: thanks, I will take your offer if I get something worthy held there
20:30.44*** join/#arm-netbook leojrfs (
20:35.14TurlzenitraM: your transport is expensive :P
21:34.23steev the MID970 is the new tablet
21:42.01Turlsteev: congratz, it's better than a eeepc xD
21:44.23Turlsteev: you're better than amd brazos too
21:46.24steevyeah, i haven't really compared it
21:46.31steevjust ran the benchmark :)
21:46.43Turlthe middle one is a 4+1 tegra 3
21:46.45steevit works to read books, and play angry birds, and google chrome runs on it so
21:47.02Turlyeah reading is good, I use it for reading uni pdfs :P
21:47.28Turlthe kindle touch just couldn't do it right
21:47.57steevi use it for schematics and tech docs mostly
21:48.00steevted talks as well
21:49.17TurlI read algebra, calculus stuff
22:06.42zenitraMi've got a transformer prime lended for a few months from uni
22:07.12zenitraMit would be perfect if it had a real operating system...
22:07.31Turlthere's ubuntu for the transformers iirc
22:08.20*** join/#arm-netbook toxicpsion (
22:10.15zenitraMfor the prime only a chroot with an ugly x11-over-vnc-to-localhost
22:12.01*** join/#arm-netbook lerc (
22:26.54*** join/#arm-netbook tallnerd1985 (~tallnerd1@
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23:58.02*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (
23:59.38hnospecing, the only ARM decompiler that seems to exists is Hex-Rays IDA modujle.

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