IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120605

00:23.54naobsdit seems "Electron Beam Animation(Screen-off animation)" causes hard reset on recent CM9 on A10 :(
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00:48.21naobsdkillerkink: are you making CM9 instead of CM7 now?
00:48.40killerkinknaobsd: yes. i have stop for cm7. :)
00:49.11killerkinkbut cm7 is definite way more stable. :)
00:49.31killerkinkregarding the electron beam issue.
00:49.34naobsdI'm very exciting that a lot of people are working for A10 :)
00:49.48killerkinkdid you get a crash when putting a10 to sleep?
00:50.05naobsdI also got problem by beam animation on CM7 on rockchip ;)
00:50.28killerkinkits the same for a10 cm7. had to disable it
00:50.31naobsdscreen off -> boot animation
00:50.56killerkinkbut strangely, i only seem to experience it yesterday
00:51.06killerkinkdid they put in new changes?
00:51.18naobsdwell, you can see beam animation on some case?
00:51.29killerkinkno, 100% boot animation crash
00:51.32naobsdbeam animation was merged few days ago
00:51.51killerkinki see, maybe i didnt notice
00:52.11killerkinkhwcomposer does not like it
00:52.25naobsdI'll check it on aml8726-m
00:52.47killerkinkyou must be stretch! seeing that you are doing cm for many tablets
00:53.03naobsdand I'll add comment to that change...
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00:53.32killerkinkdoes it work for your aml8726?
00:53.49naobsdI didn't try recent cm9 on it yet
00:54.38naobsdI made CM7 for aml8726 but I forgot it ;)
00:55.29naobsdlately I enabled "Stay awake" so I didn't noticed this problem until now
00:55.47naobsdon CM9
00:55.57killerkinkit only happen for me yesterday
00:56.27killerkinkit also didnt work for a10 on cm7
00:56.34killerkinkcant wake from sleep i think
00:56.47naobsdit was merged into CM9 on Jun 3 :)
00:57.14killerkinkyeah. but i am using quarx git. :)
00:57.22naobsdah :)
00:57.25killerkinki think he merge the change yesterday
00:57.51killerkinki think it will be good if all of us using a common git and improve on it
00:58.03naobsdif you want to try to fix it on CM7,
00:58.17killerkinki am just trying to get  a stable version first
01:00.09killerkinki will get to get hdmi uevent out after i have a "stable" version
01:00.11naobsdmmm where is patch for CM7...
01:00.25killerkinkdid the electron beam work on cm7 for u?
01:04.58naobsddo you have /sys/{wait_for_fb_sleep,wait_for_fb_wake} on CM7 kernel?
01:05.30killerkinki am not sure as i am did not check
01:05.36killerkinkalso i am not running cm7 anymore. :)
01:06.16naobsdon my case on CM7, it depends on kernel configuration and how kernel chatty
01:06.48killerkinkso i should look this up for the cm9 kernel? that will help to solve the issue?
01:07.51naobsd this was fix for our CM7
01:08.46naobsdit was 'never turn on screen on resume' issue on CM7 on rockchip. on A10, it get hard reset when sleeping
01:09.37killerkinkhmm....i think mine didnt get reset but just didnt wake up on cm7
01:10.28naobsdhmm. I'm not sure same thing is happen
01:11.49naobsdI'm not sure I tried birdiebnl's fix because I found how to use hw video codecs at that time and I was busy for it ;)
01:11.52killerkinki notice crash on hwcomposer
01:12.09killerkinkfor cm9
01:12.11naobsd(probably I tried at some point...)
01:12.23naobsdI didn't check logcat/dmesg yet on CM9
01:12.29killerkinkyeah. its not worth fixing at the moment
01:12.38killerkinkjust disable the animation. :)
01:13.05killerkinkyesterday i was trying to figure out which changes cause the crash
01:13.22killerkinkthanks to your tip, it save me along of time
01:14.00naobsdI noticed this issue minutes ago and I tried to disable animation at 1st ;)
01:14.04naobsdno investigation is done yet
01:15.05naobsdmy CM7 experience is not funny at all so I can remember about it
01:15.08killerkinkinitially i thought it was the egl library that i updated
01:15.21naobsdwas not funny
01:15.22killerkinkyeah. experience help a lot
01:15.38killerkinki can understand. a lot of hardwork
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01:16.04Turlhi hipboi :)
01:16.06killerkinki am going to raise an issue on quarx git so that he is also aware
01:16.11killerkinkand probably others
01:16.14hipboiTrul: morning
01:17.22Turlhipboi: look
01:17.24naobsdI made CM7 image with hw video codec and beam animation issue. then some person start to attack me like "naobsd's CM7 is broken and he stole my hw video!"
01:18.02hipboiTurl: why there are two goodix chip?
01:18.03naobsdthen I closed that project. and now I don't make CM9 with animation issue, then I must be happy :)
01:18.18Turlhipboi: I don't know :P
01:18.27killerkinknaobsd: what? stole?
01:18.30Turlhipboi: but I suppose that's why it's called "2+1"
01:18.54killerkinknaobsd: allwinner source was already available
01:19.11ZaEarlsome touchscreens are 5 points, and some are 10. I wonder if it takes 2 chips to do the 10 points.
01:19.13naobsdkillerkink: no no. I said my CM7 for rockchip
01:19.38killerkinknaobsd: ignore them. yours is the public git and you share with all
01:19.52Turlhipboi: goodix hasn't answered my emails btw
01:20.06killerkinkturl: your touch is still not working?
01:20.40Turlkillerkink: I have it working, but I'm using the 3.0.8 .ko with ugly hacks to get it to load
01:20.40naobsdkillerkink: that guy couldn't understand dev work like as compiling source code so he didn't noticed my change in frameworks/base ;)
01:21.46killerkinki see. there is no such driver in the "leaked" source?
01:21.53Turlkillerkink: nope
01:22.15killerkinkweird. there is no issue selection in quarx framework base git
01:22.18ZaEarlthere is a driver, but as is it doesn't work
01:23.11tallnerd1985Kernel question for you guys, ain't 3.3 the cross kernel for both Android and Nux or did I read that wrong?
01:23.23Turlhipboi: unrelated question, do you know if there's any r2p4-02rel1 - [08 May 2012] mali android libs for A10
01:23.38killerkinkhmm.. i seem to notice two goodix message in dmesg but didnt look further
01:24.03hipboiTurl: no
01:24.17hipboiTurl: sorry, i need to work now
01:24.27naobsdkillerkink: issue can be disabled
01:24.28Turlok, no problem :)
01:24.32hipboiTurl: need to solve the license problem
01:24.36Turlthanks hipboi
01:24.42hipboiwrite a script to handle it
01:24.47Turlyeah, I saw we got proper GPL licenses for many stuff
01:25.08killerkinknaobsd: ok, thanks. it was there for his cedarx git though
01:25.57naobsdabout beam animation issue, I'll try on aml8726 and investigate it's common issue or not.
01:26.13naobsdif it's common issue, it should be fixed in CyanogenMod repo
01:26.22killerkinknaobsd: that will be good
01:30.39naobsdI'm reading comments on that change
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01:33.32killerkinkwish i understand opengl. :)
01:33.49killerkinkit always give me headache when i look at it
01:34.15killerkinkdo you know how font in cwm is structure?
01:34.30lundmani wrote a few games in OGL, its a bit low-level
01:34.36killerkinkbeen trying to figure it out
01:34.43Turlit's a .h killerkink
01:34.54killerkinkturl: yes, X bitmapped i think
01:35.15killerkinklundman: yeah. writing ogl app is a good start
01:35.41killerkinkturl: i am trying to do non-english font using the standard font file
01:35.52killerkinkbut i need to figure out the format
01:36.08lundmanin fact.. hmm, my free demo game is in android market, I should try it on mele
01:37.17killerkinkturl: but its not the same as kernel console font though
01:37.26naobsdI don't understand OpenGL ;)
01:37.51naobsdmmm there are some changes in hwcomposer on other platform... :(
01:37.52killerkinknaobsd: yeah, i think it help if we do understand it. :)
01:38.07lundmansetup screen, render your points/lines/polygons, then swap buffers :)
01:38.10naobsdand I guess tegra2 also get reboot :(
01:38.19naobsdI wonder why it was merged
01:38.33Turlnaobsd: behaviour doesn't change
01:38.42Turlnaobsd: off animation was already on
01:38.47killerkinknaobsd: sometimes commit get revert. :)
01:38.49Turland on animation is disabled by default
01:39.20killerkinkturl: the merge cause a10 to crash when turn screen off
01:40.03naobsdI did factory reset while installing latest CM9
01:41.11naobsdScreen-off animation is enabled by default, I got reset problem, then I disabled it
01:42.32Turlkillerkink: you can disable screen off animation too
01:42.36Turlit's a setting on overlay
01:42.47killerkinkturl: yeah i can
01:43.01killerkinkbefore that i didnt realise it was the electron beam
01:43.10killerkinkas it only occurred yesterday
01:43.22killerkinkuntil naobsd mentioned it in this xda thread
01:43.38killerkinki thought it was changes that i did
01:43.44naobsdoh where is overlay setting...
01:44.04killerkinknaobsd: you can put overlay in your device directory
01:44.17killerkinkso you do not need to edit the framework res directory
01:44.51killerkinki cant remember the setting in cm7. should be simliar in cm9
01:45.01killerkinklet me see
01:45.35naobsdah I see
01:45.48naobsdI'm sure how to add overlay :)
01:46.25killerkinkyeah. i realised it and you are asking for the exact settings. :)
01:46.49naobsdcurrently I don't make CM9 image for other people, so I just investigate issue :)
01:48.06killerkinki think its "<bool name="config_enableScreenAnimation">false</bool>"
01:48.10killerkinkin cm7.
01:48.20killerkinkin config.xml
01:49.05killerkinknaobsd: do you have a imx515 tablet?
01:49.22naobsdI have IMX515 from hiapad
01:49.38naobsdA8? not sure about name ;)
01:49.57killerkinkhave you try using self compiled kernel source?
01:50.12naobsdconfig_screenOnAnimation config_screenOffAnimation
01:50.40killerkinkyeah i think so
01:51.34naobsdnot tried. I didn't do the work so much
01:51.43naobsdnot tried. I didn't do the work so much on imx515
01:51.57naobsdhe is sleeping long time ;)
01:52.19lundmanis phoenixcard just a gui for dd or something else? today, VB isn't letting me forward USB to windows to run it :)
01:52.23naobsdmysteriously I can't login freescale's web site while I tried something
01:52.51naobsd(probably browser issue)
01:52.52killerkinknaobsd: :)
01:55.33naobsdkillerkink: "hmm...maybe its not. Mine is boot animation restarting when pressing the power button to sleep." what does it mean?
01:56.35killerkinknaobsd: just saying that when turning screen off(using power button), the hwcomposing crash happened and android restarted
01:56.51naobsdI also saw boot anim when pressing power button, or waiting a minute
01:57.08naobsdwell, "hard reset" may not be correct
01:57.11killerkinkthe crash for me was immediate...
01:57.35naobsdit happens immediately when pressing power
01:57.59killerkinkthats why after reading a second time, i thought u might have refer to another issue
01:58.09naobsdand also it happens immediately when going auto sleep by idle timer
01:58.59naobsdwell I just said same thing twice ;)
02:01.19naobsdI'll try to investigate it, but I may not have time ;) I hope someone on CyanogenMod notice it too
02:01.39naobsd(if it's common issue)
02:01.43killerkinknaobsd: they wont if it work on all the officially supported device
02:02.31killerkinki think now the official devices all have kernel sources
02:02.35naobsdthis is the reason that I can't upload some of my changes to gerrit
02:03.08killerkinknaobsd: guess that dont want unofficial stuff to bloat their source
02:04.41naobsdI upload my change only if it's really useful for others too :)
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02:07.09killerkinknaobsd: of course. I saw your change for the touch get accept?
02:07.35naobsdfor legacy TS driver?
02:08.21killerkinki think so. that time i was trying to do cm9 but it was too unstable
02:08.45killerkinkso i was thinking of doing cm7 and trying to understand cm10 changes
02:08.46naobsdactually it may not be necessary for devices which has kernel source ;) but I hope it will be useful on initial stage to port new device
02:11.05naobsdI need to go out soon
02:11.11lundmando you dare to?
02:11.12naobsdsee you
02:11.32lundmanok I'm trying the mele 1.6, I have nothing else to do
02:16.26killerkinknaobsd: bye
02:50.52steevbah, ram in my i7 laptop is bad
02:52.56steevexplains why gcc likes to randomly seg, as well as java, i may have to go back to 4g til i get new ones
03:08.48Turlmnemoc: when you wake up, have a look at and please
03:39.33steevTurl: so you were right, memtest over the weekend was fine, but it's failing for both sticks today :/
03:43.21Turlyeah, ram failing is a pain in the neck
03:43.28TurlI had bad ram on a buildbot
03:43.35Turland when I built it failed really random
03:43.39Turlwith typos on the code and weird stuff
03:43.49Turland when you went and read the code, the typo wasn't there
03:44.00Turlso you'd wtf, launch again, and it'd build ok
03:44.07Turlended up being the ram
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03:47.50steevyeah just annoying since it didn't fail this weekend but failing now, will attempt an rma, i still have the original ram
03:48.38steevi'll have to go back down to 4g til i find out, and even if they deny it (it's a little over a year old), it's only like 35 bucks for a new pack
03:49.16Turlwhen you have ddr3 it's cheap
03:49.25Turlif mine ever fails I need to cash out like 100US :P
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04:49.23CIA-126rhombus-tech: lim master * r09d34330b0bc /allwinner_a10/orders/test.mdwn:
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05:29.33lundmanI really should help more. So how are we looking for booting linux, and running xbmc on the mele?
06:00.32naobsdoh, screen-off beam can run on CM9 on aml8726... I don't have hwcomposer source for it...
06:19.07killerkinknaobsd: perhaps we may need to try the newer hwcomposer binary
06:44.47steever, sorry
06:58.18mnemocTurl: somehow both of the commits look ugly as hell
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07:39.20mnemocZaEarl: where should I point people looking for info about building ICS for A10?
07:45.38ZaEarlmnemoc, I just started a wiki entry for it at
07:47.40mnemochow zazaza specific is your manifest?
07:48.57ZaEarlnot very
07:49.22ZaEarlmost of it is straight CM9, with the ZaTab device tree
07:53.21ZaEarlI can probably add a branch that'll pull in Turl's repos instead. Those will be slightly more generic.
07:54.42mnemocis everyone working in CM instead of AOSP?
07:55.16ZaEarlI would think so.
07:56.11killerkinkmnemoc: dont think there is any value in staying with ASOP. CM continue to be improve by the cyanogen team which is a plus
07:57.02mnemoccan't digest the CM look
07:58.26mnemocand the now boot image really encourages me to not even try it once
07:59.37killerkinkmnemoc: whcih cm look?
07:59.44killerkinkthe Cid?
08:01.23mnemocdon't know the name, the CM that appears when searching cyanogenmod on google images
08:02.05killerkinkthe alien looking android?
08:02.34killerkinkcm new mascot
08:03.21mnemoci sort of found funny the skating android, the new one is more on the childish "I'm bad!" style I dislike
08:03.56mnemocbut it's the overcrowded and noisy look and feel CM has since the begining that I really hate
08:06.05mnemocso for me no technical improvement CM could ever have would compensate how sick I feel looking at it
08:06.08killerkinkafter reading the acticle, i realised the funny skating android that you spoke about is google own bugdroid
08:06.41killerkinkthats just your preference. the look and feel can always be changed. you are not required to follow the CM look and feel
08:10.45mnemocIf I find my nexus one I'll give it another try
08:11.40mnemocor maybe in my adam... most of the android 4.0 work they've done is also CM9-centric
08:11.54mnemocbut I doubt I'll ever get a taste for that
08:14.02CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r2c96642ac301 /allwinner_a10/ (4 files in 2 dirs): moving pages
08:15.02CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r2b1d7175ee6c /allwinner_a10/orders/ (92388.mdwn 923882.mdwn): order processing cleanup
08:35.10mnemocweee... disp drivers GPLed!
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08:47.34specingmnemoc: When? What?
08:48.11specinguserspace stuff got GPLed?
08:48.18mnemocnope, kernel drivers
08:48.35specingWeren't they open from the beginnning?
08:49.05mnemocthe source was available, yes, but not licensed as GPL
08:49.54mnemocthey were "all rights reserved"
08:51.37mnemoctoday allwinner (via Tom Cubie) has relicensed the USB and the disp drivers
08:58.37naobsdreally nice!
08:59.05mnemocyesterday it was most of arm/arm/mach-sun?i/ stuff, sata and other small drivers
09:05.39naobsdmnemoc: this change(sw_ahci_platform.h) may be a problem
09:05.51Turlmnemoc: yeah they're ugly, but ugly > broken. it's pretty major when you can't mrproper your tree :P
09:06.21naobsdit seems it came from 2.6.36 allwinner source. I'm not sure it's really written by RedHat/MontaVista
09:07.22mnemocnaobsd: good catch, we need to readd the original copyright lines
09:07.38mnemocnaobsd: can you send a patch?
09:08.20naobsdwell, I don't have enough time...
09:08.49naobsdand I don't see all updates. I just saw and noticed it
09:09.38mnemocnaobsd: a ticket then? I'll surely forget it before I have time to dive into that
09:09.58naobsdI see. I'll do it later
09:10.11naobsdprobably I can remember ;)
09:10.21mnemocthank you :)
09:11.15naobsdand I'll try to see all updates about license, but feel free to do it if someone can do it quickly :)
09:11.56mnemocnaobsd: I can do it tonight, if there is a ticket to remind me
09:12.44Turlmnemoc: how many names did allwinner have? I see All Winner Micro and All Winners on the old licences
09:13.28rmBoxchip? :)
09:13.46naobsdok. doing now for that 1 file quickly...
09:14.01mnemocboxchip, softwinner, xxxx electronics, krosspower, x-powers, .... and more
09:14.54Turlthey certainly couldn't agree on one ^^
09:18.25mnemocTurl: there must be a more decent way of fixing mali/mrproper
09:18.40mnemocifeq (1,1) is kind of.... wtf
09:19.01TurlI'll just drop the code
09:21.14Turlmnemoc: better?
09:21.15naobsdhmm? how to add labels to issue...?
09:21.23Turlneeds testing
09:21.31naobsdwell, it's ok for now;)
09:22.21mnemocnaobsd: probably it's a permissions problem, which do you want to add?
09:23.20naobsdI think 3.0-v2 branch name should be added
09:23.42mnemocnaobsd: I can do ape tasks without losing the focus in $work$, but I can't think
09:23.43naobsd(may not important, just my feeling)
09:24.26mnemocTurl: better
09:24.44naobsdmnemoc: thank you!
09:24.53naobsdI lost focus
09:25.09naobsdreturn to my work now ;)
09:26.23Turlis having breakfast, next to the gas heater :D
09:29.11zenitraMis having breakfast next to the fan :D
09:29.28Turlmnemoc: patch works for me, mrproper and builds fine using O=
09:30.19TurlzenitraM: 6C, I'd be dead with a fan :P
09:30.26CIA-126rhombus-tech: Parth master * r0cbb1db87e78 /allwinner_a10/orders/not_valid/Liminalbits.mdwn:
09:32.08mnemocTurl: merged
09:34.33Turlnice, thanks
10:17.33CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r5c8f5dce66ea /allwinner_a10/ (2 files in 2 dirs): add android mele link
10:17.43CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r585e785bffe5 /: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
10:31.26CIA-126rhombus-tech: Tobias master * r1c2de5262e82 /allwinner_a10/orders/twoflower.mdwn:
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12:28.26ADB_rebornHello, my name is Andre Derrick Balsa, just joined this channel following the advice of Alejandro Mery. I am interested in contributing to the development of the Android kernel for the AllWinner A1x SoC. I have setup a development environment on my home workstation based on Ubuntu 10.04. I have already managed to build the AOSP ICS (took 2h15 minutes) and also yesterday I built the allwinner kernel tree available on github. I now
12:30.32specinglol introduction
12:30.55specingmnemoc: I hold you responsible! :P
12:47.10ADB_rebornOk, so a question: I noticed the Mali driver in the allwinner kernel was moved from an external module to the driver subdir. I believe this is a good thing, but I just wanted to know why the move was made at this time. Also I think that now that the Mali driver was moved inside the kernel tree proper, the only remaining external modules are a few wifi drivers (ar6003, ar6302, bcm40181, usi-bcm4329 and nano-c047.12). Is it importan
12:54.29zenitraMADB_reborn: don't write such long sentences, they get cut
12:56.45zenitraMfirst one at "I now" and second one at "It is importan"
12:57.55killerkinkwelcome. :)
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13:09.29mnemocADB_reborn: send one sentence at the time. both paragraphs you sent got truncated
13:15.16ADB_rebornOops Sorry, my bad:P
13:16.24ADB_rebornRight, so the first paragraph was a long intro about myself. To make it short: old Linux kernel contributor wants to contribute to AllWinner A10 kernel source.
13:17.01mnemocsounds good :)
13:17.38ADB_rebornAnd 2nd paragraph: why was Mali code moved from external module to internal driver and should the others external modules be kept in the source tree?
13:18.14ADB_reborn(ar6003, ar6302, bcm40181, usi-bcm4329 and nano-c047.12) namely
13:19.01ADB_rebornThe information I have is that nobody uses, has used or ever intends to use the BCM40181 for example.
13:19.18ADB_rebornBut I may be wrong... :P
13:19.35mnemocin general those drivers are quite ugly and difficult to get in-tree correctly, but if you have hardware to test any of then, patches are highly welcomed to move them
13:20.33mnemocand update them if possible
13:21.09libvi personally do not believe in big monolithic trees, especially not for graphic
13:21.10ADB_rebornYep, from the old times hacking the Linux kernel I remember that external drivers were used for devices with large binary blobs (proprietary code).
13:22.01libvmesa is the worst one, actively resisting any attempt at modularization
13:22.26ADB_rebornThat's one of the reasons I was asking about the Mali GPU code
13:23.16libvbut i do not understand the reason for keeping all the drm modules in kernel. Even though mr airlie triumphantly claimed that he could do the same thing in 1500 lines, to RadeonHDs 15kloc at the time of the announcement. KMS code along is hitting 70kloc on radeon drm
13:23.32libvand the whole thing is massively unstable
13:24.18libvwith all bits having amazingly tiny window of compatibility with eachother
13:25.37libveffectively tying kernel drivers, libdrm (and the stupid monolithically built libdrm driver specific convenience libraries), and Mesa together on an almost 1-1 version basis
13:25.56libv"we do the compatibility bit at the GL level!"
13:26.40libvwhen a lima mesa driver happens, i will make sure it is external, i will also make sure that it builds and runs against multiple kernel versions
13:27.08libvthis means that it will happily run, runtime compatible, against both mali200 and mali400 kernel spaces
13:27.23libvwhich is what limare is already doing today
13:27.38mnemocwe did move mali in our tree within drivers/gpu, but it was to reduce it to one blessed version built during the normal kernel build.... we have the luxury of only needing to deal with mali400-1
13:28.42libvwhat will you do when i do get the time to start writing a mesa driver, and when i start cleaning up the kernel side?
13:28.50mnemoclibv: lima uses the mali kernel drivers, right? or you are also reimplementing kernel space?
13:28.54ADB_rebornRight, that sounds logical. :)
13:29.18libvmnemoc: cleaning up kernel side happens after real work has been done
13:29.26libvmnemoc: so it might not ever happen
13:30.00*** join/#arm-netbook kaspter (~kaspter@
13:32.17mnemoclibv: nice
13:33.21ADB_rebornlibv: yep, nice doc, thx.
13:34.06libvthe animation was lost with going to pdf though
13:34.16libvcompare slides 7 and slides 10
13:35.25libvthe dri sdk, and the related trees in my personal gits on fd.o, was done when someone said "sure, you can do it for the orphaned unichrome driver, and we should be able to do it for gallium as it is soo nice and clean, but you can never do it for all the old-school mesa drivers"
13:35.44libva good two months later, i came back with this doc and all the old school drivers building externally...
13:36.05libvand then someone said "sure, you can do this for the old school drivers, but there's no way you can do this for gallium"
13:36.58libvin any case, you can easily have half a dozen bits to any x86 graphics driver stack
13:37.17libvall tend to depend quite tightly on eachother
13:37.47libvin the SoC world, the drm guys have even bigger problems
13:38.24libvas those idiots just threw together modesetting, memorymanagement and the old school drm functionality into one big blob
13:39.18libvanyone who had been doing graphics drivers before keithp joined intel, would've taken a bit more caution there
13:41.43mnemocdo you see this really getting solved?
13:41.53libvthe issue has been avoided so far, as there are no 3d supporting bits for drm for arm devices at this point
13:42.17libvi have been whining about this for the last 4 years
13:43.07libvbut since unichrome is a dead end, and since radeonhd was killed, i have no way to change anything
13:44.24libvmy intel work doesn't even get me close to changing that
13:44.58mnemoca well made lima kernel driver would probably gain support
13:45.26libvand whatever i state or do, the community around keithp tends to do the opposite, or reinvent things a few months to years later
13:46.24libvwhich is why you find little reference to my groundbreaking work on modesetting, or to all the hard work i and the two other radeonhd guys did in figuring out the hw when they took the hard bits over from radeonhd to radeon
13:47.53libvlima might change that, but i am currently stuck on implementing hwcomposer for intel hw
13:47.58*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
13:52.46libvin any case, lima userspace will be as much runtime compatible as sanely possible, lima userspace will be fully build time compatible
13:53.25libvat least for mali200 and mali400, chances are that only little can be shared directly for t6xx
13:56.18mnemociirc linaro was starting a 2d xorg driver to support mali200, 400 and t6xx....
13:56.34libvit's a kms driver with hooks
13:56.50libvand iirc, it was a samsung guy
13:57.08libvand the hooks were probably there to use samsungs g2d
13:57.59mnemoc <--- ths?
13:58.49libvit's an xorg module, so no 3d stuff is supposed to happen apart from some mesa init
13:59.03libvit does list t6xx directly, strange
13:59.19libvdoes that mean that t6xx comes with a separate blitter?
14:02.31mnemocI'm a total analphabet on that area... I was only wondering if both efforts could join forces on something
14:03.43libvxorg provide[sd] modesetting, 2d acceleration, video acceleration (usually overlays, sometimes mpeg decoding)
14:03.46mnemocand been linaro sponsored by arm maybe they even have (NDA'ed) knowledge to be used to improve the kernel side to make lima's life easier
14:04.55libvxserver tends to also be the process that grabs the drm device, grabs part of the memory (does modesetting stuff with it) and therefor initialises mesa enough to be told what is going on and where
14:06.06libvkms is moving some of the modesetting to the kernel, but as i am noticing right now, they are not even trying to abstract away anything sensible
14:06.33mnemoclibv: btw, the disp drivers for sunxi (allwinner SoCs) got properly GPLed today
14:06.49libvgood work!
14:07.13libvare there any more bits which still have strange headers?
14:07.30libvanyway, that is fantastic
14:07.48libvnow work towards upstreaming some bits should really start in earnest
14:07.50mnemocyes, but Tom is going to "fix" them all
14:08.04libvnice :)
14:08.13mnemoctoday was the day of the disp and usb drivers
14:08.13libvTurl: well done!
14:08.41mnemocTurl != Tom :)
14:08.58libvto get back the graphics bits: mali200 and mali400 are pure 3d engines, so they have nothing to do with X
14:09.26libvright, hipboi isn't here
14:09.54mnemoccan eventually lima be used to abuse the mali engine for computing data?
14:10.12libvto the extent that you want to use the separate vertex and fragment shaders for that, yes
14:10.26libvthings will be much better with the unified shaders in t6xx
14:11.16libvbut i think an upstreamable kernel space is much more important than implementing (a subset of) opengl, or implementing androids renderscript directly
14:11.39libvand even the upstreamable kernel bit is out of the questions without a mostly full featured mesa driver
14:12.04*** join/#arm-netbook ssvb (
14:54.14traeakmy wifelikes the music library available on the mele's internal android
14:54.22traeakbut the stupid remote doesn't work well with it
14:54.34traeaki took it back afer i installed some chinese stuff on the viewsonic gtab
15:00.48*** join/#arm-netbook tom_say (
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16:12.32CIA-126rhombus-tech: Stephen master * rf8bdc35a2f2d /allwinner_a10/orders/09005891.mdwn:
16:32.08*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
16:54.18ManoftheSeasomeone pinged me.  Clearly, I need to convince IRSSI to save direct messages in a seperate window
16:54.34ManoftheSeaProbably a week ago, at least.
17:09.06*** join/#arm-netbook rell01 (
17:52.16hnoManoftheSea, this? 02-06-2012 17:18:51 <DonkeyHotei>: ManoftheSea: that makes no sense
18:07.12DonkeyHoteiprobably not, since he was in the middle of a convo at the time
18:08.55ManoftheSeano, that's too long ago.  It's not important.
18:13.08DonkeyHoteifor context:
18:13.08DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-06-02 07:51:17 AM PDT] <hp_> its like the VLC for windows :)
18:13.08DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-06-02 07:51:23 AM PDT] <Turl> VLC is an app
18:13.08DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-06-02 07:51:56 AM PDT] <Turl> maybe more like MS's "media foundation" thing? idk
18:13.08DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-06-02 07:52:13 AM PDT] <Turl> or directshow
18:13.09DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-06-02 07:56:55 AM PDT] <hp_> ahh ok i got you Turl
18:13.11DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-06-02 08:04:17 AM PDT] <ManoftheSea> "like VLC for windows"?
18:13.13DonkeyHotei[Sat 2012-06-02 08:04:44 AM PDT] <ManoftheSea> VLC on Win is like GStreamer on Lin?  Is that what you were saying?
18:14.46ManoftheSeaoh, I read your date wrong, hno.  Yeah, that was probably it.
18:14.55ManoftheSeabut like I said, not important.
18:29.29CIA-126rhombus-tech: Dr_David_Alan master * ra4b97db75bbc /allwinner_a10/orders/penguin42.mdwn: Well, if they're playing nice again....
18:40.42steevlibv: is your speech with the slides available somewhere?
19:03.11CIA-126rhombus-tech: Alexandru master * rf273a21f011f /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/android.mdwn:
19:16.06*** join/#arm-netbook ekimia (587a7c0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:19.48ekimiaI ami missing something
19:20.13ekimiaYes I meant Hi :-)
19:20.48ekimiaI guess I missed something about the update process of the mele A1000 with a SDcard
19:21.13ekimiaI have a 1Gb SDcard and tried to update using the phoenix utility
19:21.38ekimiaon Windows , it always fail at the end while writing the partition
19:22.00ekimiaI guess it's expecting a 2 GB card or even more
19:22.15mnemoctry it
19:22.28mnemocI have never used that tool myself, but it's supposed to work
19:22.42ekimiaon my side it doesn't
19:22.58mnemoctry a larger card
19:23.07ekimiathen I could try the linux tools from
19:23.24ekimiaI don't have a larger card as you might guess , Yes I could buy one
19:23.35mnemocthat's for a different kind of image
19:23.39CIA-126rhombus-tech: Alexandru master * r63dde70e6be1 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/android.mdwn:
19:24.02ekimiaok I though it could be used as a replacement for phoenix tool
19:24.27ekimiacan you point me to some details on alternative to this phoenix ?
19:24.47ekimiaI guess it's just some bootloader and dd the image on the card
19:25.05mnemocekimia: there are no alternatives to phoenixcard
19:25.25mnemocbut iirc there are different versions for different winblows versions
19:26.00mnemocthe stock images are actually quite complex
19:26.28ekimiathat's quite a problem
19:26.41ekimiaMele did not help us on this point ?
19:26.46CIA-126rhombus-tech: Alexandru master * r056c9b104372 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/android.mdwn:
19:27.03ekimiaI mean I usually ond't have windows and most of the hobbist don't
19:27.49mnemocand why mele care for hobbist who don't have windows?
19:28.24mnemocwe are an absolutely irrelevant segment for any chinese manufacturer
19:28.32CIA-126rhombus-tech: Alexandru master * rc77dc2aacbcb /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/android.mdwn:
19:29.33mnemocthey are already been "graceful" by providing updates at all
19:30.34ekimiamnemoc: the A10 are for burning  images it seems
19:30.46ekimiaBut maybe Firmware update image won't work ?
19:30.56ekimiawith this utility ?
19:30.58mnemocekimia: that's for dd images
19:31.01traeakapparently in china software defelopers make something like 12000USD/year
19:31.05ekimiaI am a bit confused
19:31.38ekimialet me reboot on linux ...
19:31.43mnemocekimia: if you want to use an "official" (or modded) image, phonixcard and livesuit are your only options
19:31.53CIA-126rhombus-tech: Alexandru master * r6e2f81fed321 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/android.mdwn:
19:32.11ekimiamnemoc: oups that's quite a bad news
19:32.18ekimiabut thanks for the clarification
19:34.35traeakapparently a small 2 bedroom flat on the outskirts of shanghai costs ~250k USD
19:35.11traeakabout 20 years of salary or so
19:35.37mnemocthat's why workers live in barracks in the factories
19:36.13mnemocand so can send their whole income to their family in the villages
19:36.56traeakwell line workers make even less than someone who's a programmer
19:37.04traeakanyways, it just means that china has huge problems ahead
19:37.26mnemocbut Tom seems to be well paid... he rents a real house in the city
19:38.07traeakthe numbers i mentioned could be off by some percentage
19:38.13traeakand frankly shanghai is pretty damn expensive
19:38.30traeakprobably a bit better down south
19:39.20mnemoche mentioned short ago a flat in shenzhen costs over 20000 yuan.... 2500E/m
19:40.07traeakwell the flat we have is about 1.8 million RMB
19:40.13traeakit used to be ~2.4
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19:40.22traeakpurchased at about 300k RMB
19:41.04specingRMB is yuan?
19:41.26traeakabout 6:1 rmb:usd
19:41.53traeakhard to gague the euro since it's gone to hell, and european cost of living sucks
19:42.49mnemocI don't even dream about buying something for my family anymore
19:42.55specingOk so 1 Euro is 8 Yuan
19:43.35mnemocspecing: use google: 1000 yuan to euro ..... and they convert it :p
19:43.58specingWolframAlpha :P
19:44.06specingThrough DuckDuckGo
19:55.45*** join/#arm-netbook polvo (
19:58.10libvsteev: which one?
19:58.29steevyou linked some slides earlier
19:58.42steevthe talk that goes with ^^
19:58.54libvthe mp3 is right next to that
19:59.32libvtype my name into youtube, second hit :)
19:59.42*** join/#arm-netbook vgrade2 (
20:01.01steevah, didn't look through the file listing, just read through the slides
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20:03.53DonkeyHoteii'm guessing RMB stands for Ren Min Bi
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20:16.12DonkeyHoteitraeak: ^
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20:24.24hnoInteresting. boot1 contains an USB device storage mode triggered by entering '1' while booting (just keep 1 pressed in the terminal program).
20:24.42hnoif pressing 2 then FEL is started.
20:25.20hno3 starts the key test program.
20:28.12*** join/#arm-netbook Tsvetan (5e488b19@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:28.28hnohi Tsvetan . Have the upload finished?
20:28.43Tsvetanlet me check
20:28.49TsvetanI'm at home now
20:29.00Tsvetanand just build sun5i linux 3.0
20:29.24Tsvetannow building the android 4,0
20:29.29hnoso you are staring a software carrier :)
20:29.32Tsvetanlinux build went without errs
20:29.55Tsvetanit's really made like for dummies
20:30.04hnoAndroid is for dummies.
20:30.16Tsvetanbut there is everything we need
20:30.26Tsvetanall peripherial code for a13
20:30.30Tsvetanddr nand etc
20:30.40Tsvetaneven hdmi
20:30.48Tsvetanwhich puzzles me as a13 have no hdmi
20:31.02hnoyes, if happy with using their closed bootloader.
20:31.04Tsvetanbut there are sun5i/hdmi drivers
20:32.00Tsvetanahh android build didn't went good
20:32.03TsvetanYour version is: java version "1.6.0_24". The correct version is: Java SE 1.6.
20:32.05hnoI suspect it's pretty much the same internals, just reduced pin count and slightly rearranged GPIO to fit the pin configuration.
20:33.00Tsvetanthe upload didn't finish
20:33.16hnoThere should be a bare linux alternative in the SDK. There is for A10.
20:33.41Tsvetanyes, both sun4i and sun5i are in this sdk
20:35.38ZaEarlTsvetan, are you using Sun JDK? I've had bettter luck with OpenJDK.
20:36.24TsvetanZaEarl yes I have Oracle/Sun Java installed
20:37.37mnemocTsvetan: a12 has hdmi
20:37.48hnoTsvetan, do you have a buildroot/scripts/ script?
20:37.49mnemocTsvetan: and it's sun5i too
20:37.58Tsvetanhno yes!
20:38.21Tsvetanmnemoc yes, I saw a12 files there too
20:38.33hnothen ./ sun5i-lite should build a small Linux system image.
20:39.03TsvetanI build ./ -p a13_nuclear -k 3.0
20:39.32Tsvetana13_nuclear is wits a13 tablet reference design I guess
20:39.50mnemocTsvetan: upload finished?
20:40.01Tsvetanmnemoc not yet
20:40.42Tsvetandon't worry tomorrow you will have your hands on it :)
20:41.53mnemocTsvetan: I would like to start downloading it before tomorrow :p
20:42.04Tsvetanhno there is no sun5i-lite I was confused with sun5i-lite
20:43.22hnoYou should be able to use a13 or sun5i
20:44.45mnemocsun5i builds fine in our tree (even in 3.3) .... but your sources are probably newer
20:44.56Tsvetanyes I have these: a13 sun5i a12_nuclear a13_nuclear a13-test android
20:45.21Tsvetanhow can I check how newer are they?
20:45.37hnoTsvetan, is there a .git folder?
20:45.47hnothen "git log"
20:47.41Tsvetani'm sure I saw .git when I was browsing the archive but can't see it now
20:48.23mnemocfind -name '.git'
20:49.11Tsvetanlot of these but in android 4.0 folder
20:49.49Tsvetanin uboot and tools there are too
20:50.22TurlTsvetan: is it a new OS release?
20:50.41Turlor not-so-OS? :P
20:50.52CIA-126rhombus-tech: Francesc master * r5617d807bdf6 /allwinner_a10/orders/shantak.mdwn:
20:51.20TurlTsvetan: if you can go to android/frameworks/base and run 'git log' and tell me the date on the commit on top it'd be great
20:51.34Tsvetangit log says it's not repository
20:51.44CIA-126rhombus-tech: Francesc master * r349548b95c59 /allwinner_a10/orders/shantak.mdwn:
20:52.03Tsvetanfeel kind dumb :)
20:52.59mnemocTsvetan: the a13 SDK
20:53.15mnemocTurl: the a13 SDK
20:53.34mnemocdamn, dealing with two Ts is complicated
20:54.14Turlmnemoc: :P
20:54.28TurlTsvetan: weird, it should be. unless they went and removed it, that is :P
20:55.02Turlwho's the one who was worried re. hwcomposer crashing?
20:55.37mnemoclibv maybe?
20:56.09Tsvetanolimex@ASUS-K53U:~/a13/lichee$ find -name '.git' ./u-boot/.git ./tools/.git ./linux-3.0/.git ./buildroot/.git
20:56.10hnoIn the "leaked" SDK there is a lichee/.repo folder with the actual  repository data in a strange layout.
20:56.41mnemocTsvetan: cd ./linux-3.0; git log
20:56.42Turlhno: yeah it's a repo :)
20:56.53Tsvetanmnemoc I did
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20:57.01Turlhno: but there's '.git' symlinks everywhere to it
20:57.02mnemocdate of the last commit?
20:57.31Tsvetanfatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
20:57.41hnoTurl, we are trying to talk about the A13 SDK that Tsvetan have, not the "leaked" A10 SDK.
20:58.14hnoTsvetan, is there a lichee/.repo folder?
20:58.37Turlhno: I was just explaining you what that "strange layout" was
20:58.44Tsvetanhno no
20:59.01hnoTsvetan, do "git log" work in tools?
20:59.21Tsvetansame message
20:59.33hnols -l .git
20:59.38TsvetanI actually made ls -R
20:59.49Tsvetanthe file is 1 MB and I can upload somewhere
21:00.07Tsvetanmnemoc how was the
21:00.22hnoBetter wth a "find -ls" in such case.
21:03.16Tsvetanhere is the output from find -ls
21:03.31mnemocTsvetan: find -ls > list.txt
21:03.49Tsvetanmnemoc yep I figured out
21:04.17mnemocTsvetan: isn't nice? :)
21:04.46hnoTsvetan, do you have a A13 development board? Or only the tablet?
21:05.33mnemocfunny thing it means "fillet me" in spanish, only recently repurposed by a guy of my town as file sharing service
21:10.55Turlmnemoc: lol @
21:12.40hnoSeems to be from 25 Apr based on file timestamps.
21:12.51mnemocTurl: nice name ;-)
21:13.17mnemochno: our current sun5i code is from 2011.12.30-31
21:14.11mnemocTurl: it's a very nice file sharing service where the server only coordinate between peers. no account, no index and nothing is stored on the servers.
21:14.12hnoand our sun4i code is from Jan.
21:14.33hnoexact date unknown as the git only have merges..
21:17.51hnoso we might have news for both sun4i and sun5i in there..
21:18.11hnoit's still the same tree in allwinner from what hipboi said the other day.
21:19.01mnemocI'll diff the kernel sources as soon as I get access to it
21:19.13*** join/#arm-netbook Tsvetan (5e488b19@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:19.30Tsvetanphew filetea screwed my internet
21:20.10Tsvetanhno mnemoc I sent you the find.list by email
21:20.31mnemocbtw, the file I as downloading was several MBs, the file you mailed only 1
21:21.06mnemoc22814077 12112 -rw-rw-r--   1 olimex   olimex   12402688 Jun  6 00:02 ./find.txt
21:21.25mnemocwhat's the diff?
21:21.42TsvetanI compressed
21:21.43mnemocmailed one is 11MB
21:21.51mnemocI mean extracted
21:21.57mnemoc22 vs. 11
21:22.09Tsvetanthe 1 MB was ls -R
21:22.15mnemocah, ok
21:22.19Tsvetanfind -ls made 12 MB
21:23.11mnemoccan you share the folder before the upload from your office is finished?
21:23.30Tsvetanit's single file not folder
21:26.41hnoNo MALI libraries in the SDK it seems? Odd..
21:26.47Tsvetancan't connect :(
21:27.47Tsvetanit's half past 12 my time
21:27.52Tsvetangood night guys :)
21:27.58Tsvetantalk to you tomorrow
21:27.58hnoNight Tsvetan
21:30.17Turlmnemoc: using websockets? :)
21:31.06Turlhmm xhr
21:31.11Turlserver is still on the middle? :P
21:31.22specingLooks like some kind of torrent
21:31.41Turlspecing: javascript torrent? doubt it :P
21:31.45hnospecing, what?
21:32.21Turlmnemoc: have your friend buy too :P
21:34.57hnomnemoc, the fins.txt file is 11M.  In find -ls output the first number is inode. size is between group & date as usual.
21:35.19mnemochno: ic
21:35.30mnemochno: pretty large inode id
21:39.47hnodamn, the A13 buildroot is stripped from all Linux packages. Only supports building kernel.
21:40.57mnemoc8015206 3092 -rw-r--r--   1 olimex   olimex    3164160 Apr  1 11:53 ./buildroot/package/mali-3d-r2p3/sun4i_mali-bin.tar
21:41.01mnemoc8015209  200 -rw-r--r--   1 olimex   olimex     204800 Apr  1 11:53 ./buildroot/package/mali-3d-r2p3/sun4i_mali-dev.tar
21:41.23hnooh? Can't find thise in the copy I downloaded.
21:41.37mnemochno: I'll forward you the file I got
21:42.00mnemochno: you were To: too
21:42.16hnoYes, I saw the mail now.
21:42.23Turlmnemoc: r2p3 :/
21:44.16mnemocnot compatible with the one on our kernel?
21:45.15hnor3p4 in kernel tree?
21:45.42hnomany kernel driver versions in the A13 linux-3.0 tree..
21:46.16mnemochno: we have only one right now
21:47.05mnemocliving in drivers/gpu/
21:51.41hnoin A13 SDK. But no libs for r2p4.
21:52.28mnemocmaybe r2p3 is compatible with r2p4
21:56.32mnemocgoing to sleep now, cu tmorrow!
21:56.58hnogrep MALI_API_VERSION driver/src/devicedrv/mali/common/mali_uk_types.h
21:57.16hnor2p3 is 9
21:57.25hnoI think r2p4 is 10.
21:57.37hnoin which case incompatible.
21:59.10libvthis is how it works with vendors throwing trees over the hedge
22:01.00hnor2p4 is 10.
22:01.19libvand the incompatibility is overrated
22:01.42libvcheck the actual differences in the ioctls, and the ioctl structures
22:01.49hnothis is how it works with blobs. Even more interesting if you have two blobs of different origins..
22:02.45libvyou don't have to tell me about that
22:03.00libvin any case, check the differences in the actual ioctls
22:03.18libvmy limare code only broke with version 7 of the api
22:03.30libvwhere the wait_for_notification stuff changed fundamentally
22:03.50hnowe have r2p4 libs as well.
22:04.03libvif they fit onto the same userspace bits, then fine
22:04.47hnobut not planning on looking into mali right now. busy with usb controller stuff.
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22:32.00CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * ra905726602cc /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide/A10_USB.mdwn:
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23:01.19CIA-126rhombus-tech: Ralph master * re720c6ac7c9c /allwinner_a10/orders/rf.mdwn:
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23:11.35CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * re60a8852683c /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide/A10_CCM.mdwn:
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23:44.22PhantomsDadHi, where is the u-boot environment stored on SD card?  I *think* it is stored somewhere after the u-boot.bin and before the first partitition?
23:46.21PhantomsDadI'm talking about this u-boot:
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23:51.52seppi put the "leaked" ics onto my mele, can someone tell me how to change the lang. to english?
23:53.16lundmanon the main screen, settings is the second choice, Appl / Settings / Favorites / File Browser / Web Browser
23:53.41lundmanIn settings, first 3 are Wifi/blutooth/Data usage
23:54.15lundmanthe second group is device, the 3rd is Personal
23:54.32lundmanin personal, you have Accounts / Location / Security / Language iinput and Backup.
23:54.53lundmanso enter 4th, and top option on right, is the lagnuage
23:55.36lundman3rd group, 4th option
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