IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120604

00:00.18lundmananything bootable at all?
00:00.33mikey_wI would prefer not to flash the a1000's nand.
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00:01.26hnofirst you say it's a boat anchor, then that the NAND have value?
00:01.45mikey_wIt plays netflix nice.
00:02.33hnomine flashes the power led occationally
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00:02.49mikey_wVery exciting.
00:03.25hnowell, now it gets further and actually boots so it's a happy night.
00:03.40mikey_wBoot into what?
00:05.12hnoyes, much nicer than sudden complete silence.
00:05.17mikey_wDinner time so later.
00:07.06jimyx17is flash supported by the latest u-boot version?
00:07.11naobsdhmm, I understand default display output can be changed via script.bin
00:07.41hnojimyx17, flash is supported in the andoid u-boot version, but not in the mmc version.
00:07.46naobsdnow I can use my NOVO7 Advanced(800x480 LCD) with 720p screen :)
00:08.17naobsdCWM can work with HDMI output without any special code
00:09.27naobsdI understand my CWM can run on A10 Android box w/o LCD
00:10.11jimyx17hno: and what about eth support?
00:10.35hnojimyx17, that's not supported in either version.
00:10.37naobsdoh, audio is not routed to HDMI...
00:10.53hnonaobsd, different settings in script.bin.
00:12.54jimyx17ouch.. it would be nice to be able to upgrade u-boot from a tftp server
00:13.50naobsdhmm, no idea where :(
00:15.03naobsdmaybe audio_pa_ctrl
00:15.43naobsdI think I need to know which pin is connected to HDMI audio ;)
00:16.16hnoHmm.. right. no it's not script.bin. That change is in software. Different audio controllers.
00:17.35hnonow I am annoyed.. why do all my attemts in unsilencing SPL crash, even crashing code executing before my change..
00:21.11naobsdhno: thanks
00:21.52naobsdI had no interest to HDMI output but my friend got MK802 so I need to setup similar environment
00:28.47naobsdoh, I noticed my CM9 with A10 ICS kernel is faster than CM9 with AML8726-M GB kernel :(
00:29.34naobsdAML8726-M is faster in Linpack(CPU) but 3D is slower
00:30.18naobsdI thought 1280x720 screen is too large but now I tested A10 with 1280x720
00:31.25naobsdI heard ICS kernel(3.0.8) is faster on same AML8726-M tablet.
00:31.34naobsdmaybe mali setting is different...
00:32.43TurlA10 has Mali 400MP I believe
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00:35.07Turlmaybe the # of mali cores is different
00:39.37naobsdand AML8726-M too
00:39.46naobsdboth should have single core
00:40.11naobsdas far as I know(but I don't know any official info)
00:43.37hnou-boot now updated to v2012.04.01.
00:47.32hnostill silent SPL, but it works and loads u-boot where console do work.
00:48.27hnoneed to solve the SPL console issue for another task.
00:48.47hnobut not tonight.
00:49.29lundmanI'm just waiting for someone to make an image I can try :)
00:49.48hnoHm... maybe the UART clock do not get initialized proper?
00:58.40hnono it's not that.. I think...
01:14.01hnobut it must be... or else why would the code banging directly on the uart also not display..
01:28.05jimyx17hno: have you got it? Can I help in someway?
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01:45.58hnojimyx17, got what?
01:47.06hnostill fighting with SPL output...
01:47.22jimyx17the spl output...
01:50.01lundmanwonder if I can put uboot+OS on a 2.5" SDD and boot something on mele
01:52.11hnolundman, A10 can not boot from SATA. You need to load u-boot & kernel from nand or sdcard.
01:52.33hnothere is no A10 SATA driver in u-boot (yet)
01:52.42lundmanok, so i can at least put a play OS on sdcard
01:53.14lundmanand sounds like if I felt like it, I could add a10 sata to uboot
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01:58.45hnolundman, yes. It's an AHCI controller with some minor tweaks. See
02:00.37lundmanlooks fairly straight forward
02:01.20lundmanwe'll see if my uboot patches ever get accepted first :)
02:04.55hnowell, sun4i sata is a sun4i patch so I'd accept that one ;)
02:05.48hnoexcept that there is a slight license question on the Linux driver code.. no license stated.
02:06.20lundmanheh yeah, I just assumed your uboot repo was like cubox, a terrible mess that would never go upstream ;)
02:06.42lundmani tried to clean their stuff up, but they even re-wrote the top makefiles etc, sigh
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02:16.28hipboihno: i am going to solve the license problem today
02:20.11DonkeyHoteimiracles do happen!
02:23.49ZaEarlthat's great news hipboi
02:25.03hnohipboi, hi! You got clearance?
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02:26.43hnolundman, hipboi did a great job of cleaning up the mmc uboot.
02:27.10lundmanoh yeah the a10 uboot is very clean
02:31.24CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r673562b9d637 /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide/A10_SATA.mdwn:
02:31.58hnohipboi ^^ that comment from lundman  is for you ;-)
02:32.44CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r39fcd9801407 /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide/A10_SATA.mdwn:
02:33.59hipboilundman: yes, because no historic code in u-boot
02:34.58hipboiwell, there are still some in the android u-boot code
02:35.17hipboithe nand driver and the usb
02:36.53lundmanI just know the code cubox did was a terrible hackjob, so it was a nice surprise to patch my code to a10's uboot :)
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02:43.03CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r90117967b17c /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide.mdwn:
02:55.31CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r18a484381cd0 /allwinner_a10/A10_EMAC.mdwn:
02:58.15CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * rd76eea1a3c8c /allwinner_a10/A10_USB.mdwn:
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05:36.39naobsd any comment about "I'm curious ..." part? ;)
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05:42.39naobsdhmm. android.permission.REBOOT is only for system app... then it should not be a real problem ;)
05:51.58killerkinknaobsd: are you using r2p4-02rel1?
05:52.46naobsdkillerkink: no. I'm still using stock kernel/modules.
05:54.06killerkinknaobsd: i wonder if there is any benefit to use r2p4-02rel1 over r2p4-02rel0.
05:54.39killerkinknaobsd: the 3.0.31 mali branch is usable
05:56.04naobsdI don't know any changelog/release notes about mali driver
05:58.28naobsdhmm I'm using r2p4-01dev0 on my NOVO7Adv. it's taken from official rom and probably works well
05:59.38killerkinkI am also using r2p4-01dev0 but running on 3.0.31
06:16.31*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
06:18.17killerkinkhipboi: will there be a linux-based livesuit?
06:20.53hnokillerkink, mostl iikely not.
06:21.14hnobut very likely there will be Linux tools for booting A10 over USB.
06:22.26killerkinkhno: hipboi did say yes. but the timeline he spoke off earlier has already past. :)
06:22.58killerkinkhno: booting over usb is good for development but not flashing firmware
06:24.02killerkinkhno: hmm... maybe some app to boot up and then flash firmware?
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06:35.59hipboikillerkink: i have no news of the linux livesuite
06:36.08hipboibut i think there will be
06:36.24killerkinkhipboi: ok, thanks. just interested to know.
06:36.25hipboibecause the growing mac os users
06:36.39hipboiso there will be multi platform tools
06:36.56hipboithanks to mac os, there will be linux version
06:37.01killerkinkhipboi: if there is, a livecd can be effective as not everyone has a license windows machine. :)
06:37.29killerkinkwow! what a twist!
06:38.01DonkeyHoteikillerkink: new macs can't boot linux livecd's
06:38.34killerkinkDonkeyhotei: i dont have a mac. :) more like x86-based machine
06:39.11DonkeyHoteiyes, but if macs are the impetus, they have no incentive for a livecd
06:39.43hipboii mean they will develop a mac os version of livesuite, so linux version is just by the way.
06:40.38killerkinkDonkeyhotei: if there is commandline tool, livecd can be diy
06:41.28killerkinkhipboi: i hope so. will there be comandline tool or pure graphical?
06:42.57DonkeyHoteihipboi: what would be ideal would be a unified mac/linux commandline version of livesuit released as source code under a gpl-compatible license (not necessarily gpl itself)
06:43.40lundmanI had to load VM to be able to run livesuite.. nobody should be force to run windows :)
06:44.45killerkinkdonkeyhotei: lets have something in linux first. :)
06:45.37DonkeyHoteikillerkink: the libusb api is the same on mac and linux, so only more minor #ifdef's would be needed
06:46.01lundmanif you use libusb on osx, it is close enough. only 2 functions missing
06:46.15lundmanif you use the osx's own, that's quite different
06:46.45DonkeyHoteithat's why i'm really hoping hipboi can influence that decision
06:47.22killerkinkdonkeyhotei: having source is definitely a plus.
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07:09.29naobsddoes anyone have MK802?
07:11.39mnemochipboi: :D got authorized?!
07:12.05mnemochipboi: or only sun3i for now?
07:13.03hnokillerkink, booting over USB is very good for flashing on any device but the mele.
07:13.48hnobut I don't care much about the flashing part at this stage. Focus is on booting. What the booted linux system then does is others headache.
07:14.04killerkinkhno: android have adb. :)
07:14.14killerkinkand cwm
07:15.21mnemochno: noted ? :D
07:15.22hnokillerkink, new windows boxes won't be able to boot Linux live CD:s...
07:15.33rmmy MK802 tracks as exported from china
07:16.47hnomnemoc, whoho! but.. sun3i?
07:17.04mnemochno: it's a begining :)
07:18.59hno5 hours ago: <hipboi> hno: i am going to solve the license problem today
07:19.31killerkinkhno: sigh. yeah. but i think ubuntu/redhat trying to do something about it
07:20.11mnemochno: any idea why there is an static uart0 in rch/arch/mach-sun4i/devices.c beside the 8 uarts in 8250_sunxi.c?
07:20.34hnokillerkink, yes, but that something relies on microsoft being willing to sign someone elses generic bootloader.
07:20.47mnemockillerkink: fedora gave up and they will buy a developer key from microsoft
07:21.10mnemochno: which is doubtful?
07:22.36mnemoceagerly waiting for someone to sue MS for extortion and antitrust for trying to use their advantage in x86 to destroy the future of high end arm
07:22.50hnomnemoc, i don't trust anything in that direction until it's done and accepted.
07:23.29hnomnemoc, microsoft plays the trusted boot path even harder on arm.
07:24.14mnemocin x86 vendors are allowed to have an option to disable trusted boot, in arm they are *forbidden* to allow such thing... that's abuse
07:25.30rmanother one arrived on dx
07:25.55mnemoceven if MS doesn't have any monopoly in the arm world today, they are in a position of power over the vendors who will make the arm-based desktop competitors
07:27.21mnemocnot counting the current extortion over android vendors with please-dont-sue-us agreements
07:28.26naobsdCWM can be used to put any files into files system on internal NAND and/or write image to partition. it's just a tool, not only for Android.
07:29.03naobsdu-boot has fastboot mode. it may be usable too.
07:29.13mnemocnaobsd: isn't it's source rely in CM's android?
07:29.52mnemocnaobsd: CWM I mean, to compile it
07:29.59naobsdmnemoc: ah, you need to get CM sources to *build* CWM, but
07:30.37naobsdmnemoc: you can use CWM w/o source if someone compile CWM for your device
07:38.16killerkinknaobsd: true. just like adb can also be use for generic linux
07:39.45naobsdCWM can act as USB mass storage device. usually it exports SD card but it can be changed e.g. export rootfs partition on internal NAND flash which is used for Linux
07:40.17hnonaobsd, u-boot do not have fastboot. The android hacked u-boot for A10 have fastboot, but it's quite a mess.
07:41.16naobsdhno: sorry, I mentioned uboot for A10. I only tried to send "reboot" command and I didn't know it's a mess
07:43.40naobsdCWM nor fastboot is not necessary for someone who knows u-boot ;)
07:44.14hnonaobsd, nothing to be sorry about.
07:44.22mnemocmost^most A10 ours don't know u-boot :p
07:44.39mnemocf*... coffee
07:44.43naobsdfor me it's useful because I don't have serial console yet on my NOVO7 :)
07:44.44hnotoo much?
07:45.02mnemochno: possibly
07:45.15hnoif I manage to get USB support in the shape I want then serial console is no longer needed for u-boot.
07:45.40mnemocthat will be huge
07:47.12hnoyes.. but need to document the allwinner USB interface a bit to figure out how to map it to what u-boot expects.  Plus get the license sorted out..
07:47.34naobsd(saying sorry too much, is japanese traditional style, sorry)
07:48.41hnowell, uboot side is also quite a mess with plenty of copy-paste instead of sharing common parts.
07:50.43mnemocOT: any quick hint about how to add the allwinner meta to a fresh checkout of openembedded?
07:55.37mnemocso "layer" is the word
07:58.28hnomnemoc, apparently you just drop it next to the other layers.. but somewhere you need to say which layers to use.
08:02.01hnocheck out the layers you neeed within the oe-core checkout. Then edit conf/bblayers.conf to list them.
08:02.45hnomnemoc, was the only description I could find in a 5 sec search.
08:03.20mnemochno: you G-fu is better than mine :)
08:05.16hnomnemoc: !!!
08:05.40mnemochipboi: I love you! :D
08:29.19hnomnemoc, !!
08:29.39mnemocnow that was unexpected
08:30.22hnobows to hipboi & Allwinner
08:31.41hnoforgets about kernel & u-boot for a while and digs into brom & fel.
08:32.16mnemocu266a go hipboi go    (add inspector gadget's music)
08:33.02mnemoc♪ go hipboi go ♫    (add inspector gadget's music)
08:33.13hnoand everyone: Please try to contribute to the A10 register guide at even if only mentioning what each controller is and linking to relevant kernel/uboot sources.
08:37.57CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r5f612c235652 /allwinner_a10/A10_USB.mdwn:
08:38.33CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r6bde30e3aa3d /allwinner_a10/A10_USB.mdwn:
08:40.49hnolkcl, can you please move the register guide pages down to their correct folder. A10 USB, A10 EMAC should both move from /allwinner_a10/ to /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide/
08:41.30CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r967b72849ae0 /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide/A10_SATA.mdwn:
08:43.15CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * rbd7c9b2173cf /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide.mdwn:
08:43.39CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r9d34e45d3b91 /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide.mdwn:
08:47.01CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r6dca72ffdfe8 /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide.mdwn:
08:47.01hipboimnemoc: )
08:47.20hipboii just found there are A LOT to clean
08:50.02mnemochipboi: you've made this my happiest day in a long time
08:53.03hnois double happy. First figuring out why u-boot crashes, then A10 kernel getting GPL liberated!
08:54.39mnemochno: what was the problem with the new uboot?
08:56.16hnomnemoc, CPU initialization code for OMAP that crashes several other ARMs..
08:56.54hnonot sure yet why it crashes the A10. It "should work"...
08:59.39hnoStill have not figured out why console output do not work in SPL however.
08:59.53hnodid work fine before u-boot update.
09:00.20hnoeven have problems with early (direct UART) output.
09:01.38hnoIf I output a little then it gets sent. If I output a bit more then nothing..
09:01.52hnovery confusing.
09:02.03mnemocirq related maybe?
09:02.23hnoor clock.
09:05.19hnoany idea how to control the mele power led?
09:06.24hnoas an easy alternative debug output signal. One bit is better than nothing.
09:09.01mnemocit's probably connected to that microcontroller they use for the remote
09:10.56hnohope not...
09:25.14hnoblue seems to be vcc powered. red I/O powered form somewhere.
09:27.40mnemocthe AXP and the microcontroller seem to have all pin connections exposed
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09:33.28sepphow do i get my mele to use vga out?
09:33.42seppi can not read the labels on the remote
09:34.26hnomnemoc, do you have the mele script.bin in fex format somewhere?
09:34.52hnosepp, second button below power button. Square with an arrow out.
09:35.04seppahh, thanks
09:35.21hnobut mine seems to suddenly autodetect VGA if connected at poweron.
09:36.03mnemochno: newer firmware?
09:36.06hnoyou need to press the button a numbre of times (at least twice). First press only brings up the feedback on which output is currently selected
09:38.24seppahh, 3 times did it
09:40.33hnoHmm where was that boot loader manual again?
09:42.57hnonothing useful there.
09:48.30mnemochno: you wanted the documented .fex ?
09:49.05mnemochno: is it from Tom's image
09:49.25mnemocbut compiling that one gets you broke ethernet iirc
09:49.55mnemocshould diff them....
09:50.18hnothat one is not the mele one I think.
09:51.24hnolooks quite broken to me. More like a template.
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10:12.00seppvga out looks like i took my glasses off
10:15.08seppi see ghosting effects
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10:26.55seppwhere can i find android 4 images for a2000?
10:27.25seppthe android updater does not even list any update >1.3
10:31.05lundmanzorzcebooga guy had android 4 image
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10:40.32seppconnection to is really slow
10:41.44seppthey must have ip over cargo ships
10:44.46mnemoc4.0 older than 1.6?
10:45.04lundmanyeah I never tried that 1.6
10:45.37mnemoc is sightly newer, 2012-05-11
10:53.12zenitraMyup, that 4.0 is a beta that popped out of somewhere
10:54.21seppi put such an image onto an sd card and boot?
10:55.09lundmanuse the phoenixcard program to put on ds card
10:55.15lundmanboot wait for led to stop blinking
10:56.14mnemoca windows app :-/
10:56.24sepphave wine
10:57.12mnemocsepp: it probably comes inside the .rar
10:58.18seppam getting the image only via torrent, has 10kb/s speed
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11:02.58seppand where do i get the phoenixcard thing from?
11:03.10seppall i can google is chinese
11:11.15seppahh, at the wuala link in an other dir
11:29.12Turlmnemoc: are these commits I'm seeing what I think? :D
11:34.05mnemocTurl: good part of it, yes
11:34.17mnemocWe passed from:
11:34.18mnemocGPL: 1329 (473+856)
11:34.19mnemocPROP: 1075 (307+768)
11:34.19mnemocNONE: 1533 (638+895)
11:34.26mnemocGPL: 1435 (579+856)
11:34.26mnemocPROP: 987 (219+768)
11:34.26mnemocNONE: 1515 (620+895)
11:34.42mnemocbut the critical parts are all cleared
11:35.08Turlis the prop stuff 'possibly to be GPL'd' or is it confirmed prop?
11:35.27mnemocpossibly to be GPL'ed
11:35.56mnemocit's an lsdiff + grep + wc    not very advanced
11:36.08mnemocGPL means it has the GNU word
11:36.26mnemocPROP means it doesn't have GNU and says "all rights reversed"
11:36.38Turlreversed? :P
11:36.59mnemocand none means, none of the above
11:37.10Turlwell, on the good side my changes to cpufreq are legitly GPL now :)
11:38.08mnemocthe lines read as $license: $total ($in_tree + $modules)   in_tree: grep -v ^modules/   modules: grep ^modules/
11:40.01Turlmnemoc: did you give them a try?
11:41.13mnemoccpufreq? no... I'm using my scarce a10-time in getting 3.3 booting
11:41.40Turloh ok :)
11:42.42killerkinkmnemoc: are u going to port android stuff to 3.3?
11:43.12Turlkillerkink: I believe some android stuff is on 3.3 already (from mainline)
11:43.31mnemockillerkink: android-3.3 is sort of abandoned... I think they are going to use 3.4 in 5.0
11:43.35killerkinkturl: a10 related stuff.)
11:43.54Turlkillerkink: example? :P
11:43.55mnemocTurl: some, the only missing file to patch I found was android gadget
11:44.15Turlyeah, android gadget usually has some hackery builtin
11:44.24killerkinkturl:  ics usable.  :)
11:44.29Turlthe one on 3.0 is kinda broken though
11:44.36Turlor at least not what I expected from it :P
11:44.43Turlit goes to sleep when usb is plugged haha
11:45.14mnemockillerkink: disabling gadget you probably will be able to use 3.3 in android... but still need to fix some NULL callbacks
11:45.21mnemockillerkink: help welcomed ;-)
11:45.40killerkinkmnemoc: i am know nut about kernel development. :)
11:45.49Turlmnemoc: so 3.3 is bootable? :)
11:46.00killerkinkand moreover, i dont have console setup
11:46.21mnemocTurl: there is good amount of output of the serial console, but not reaching userspace yet
11:46.53TurlI don't have a serial console :/
11:47.12mnemocthen no 3.3 for you yet
11:47.15Turlmnemoc: haha ibot fail
11:47.23Turlyeah :/
11:47.27killerkinkdoes the sdio console work on android?
11:47.42mnemocTurl: I didnd't notice the first 'of'
11:47.52TurlI heard ZaEarl used some uSD -> cable thing from dealextreme and got serial output
11:48.02Turlmaybe I can get one, but it'll be like a month before it arrives :P
11:48.14mnemocfrom DX??
11:49.10Turllet me see if I find it on my browser history, sec
11:49.17TurlI can find*
11:52.15killerkinkturl: did flash work for you in full screen?
11:52.21killerkinkflash  streaming
11:52.28Turlkillerkink: no
11:52.38Turlkillerkink: but then, I reverted to the stock rom and it didn't work either
11:52.50killerkinkok. :)
11:53.16killerkinknot only that. it get very unstable if you try full  screen
11:54.10killerkinkmnemoc: are you going to merge the new mali module in v2?
11:55.11mnemockillerkink: I will, after the "assigned team" agrees in something :p
11:55.13MazonTurl, if this is anything like zerodevices, I think you should stay away from them - missing hdmi protection stuff?
11:55.41rmwhat's with HDMI protection?
11:55.44killerkinkthe rel0 /rel1 thing?
11:55.53rmI believe these are 100% unbranded Zerodevices clones
11:56.29mnemockillerkink: when Turl and zenitraM produce a patchset that works fine for x11 and android
11:56.43Mazonafaik, there were issues with dropping display
11:57.35TurlMazon: protection wut? :)
11:57.36naobsd it seems nice to get serial console from microSD slot
11:57.54MazonTurl, hang on - trying to find info
11:58.12Turlmnemoc: well can't find the link now, I've asked ZaEarl
11:58.18Turlmnemoc: but he seems afk
11:58.23mnemocTurl: ok
11:58.29Turlmnemoc: it was like a fake uSD, which had like a flex cable out of it
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11:58.48Turland on the other end you had like contact points or a standard SD adaptor or something
11:58.55Turlput your serial stuff there and you're good to go
11:59.03mnemocTurl: I have one, but I was impressed to know there was a ready to use thing out there... and sold by DX
11:59.23Turlyeah I doubt it's 'ready to go' as in with the serial capabilities
11:59.31Turlbut it was handy and didn't require hacking the device :)
11:59.54Turland ZaEarl said he didn't require soldering either
12:00.41killerkinkturl: work out of the box?
12:01.10Mazon"Yes, not having protection on HDMI is gambling for sure."
12:01.12zenitraMmnemoc, killerkink: x11 is a no-go for now since we're missing the mali ddk. hipboi was trying to compile it
12:01.20Mazon"Aha, their engineer told me that they have the video jitter problem that they can not
12:01.20Mazonsolve. Maybe it's related with this. "
12:01.32Mazonimo, I would stay away from these
12:01.37mnemoczenitraM: then we have to set with the version we already have drivers
12:02.01zenitraMmnemoc: for android, yes. i don't know which ones android uses
12:02.09mnemocTurl: ---^
12:02.29zenitraMfor x11 i diffed two different x11 module sources and they were equal, so i suspect the versions don't have to match
12:02.30mnemocyou too come up with some agreement and I merge it
12:02.40Turlwell, the one I merged works. give me some time and I'll test the latest with the binaries I have
12:02.52TurlI heard there's newer ones on a home directory on some ubuntu image too
12:03.07mnemocplease note both speak spanish if you want to try a private discussion
12:03.10Turlif you have them, a zip with just the .so's would be nice too :)
12:03.27mnemocmight be more effective than in english
12:03.37killerkinkturl: there is a newer in the onda firmware
12:03.45Turlsame for me
12:03.48killerkinki am trying to test it
12:03.53Turlkillerkink: as in the latest out there?
12:04.22killerkinki believe so as the version is r2p4-rel instead -dev
12:04.24Turlkillerkink: r2p4-02rel1 - [08 May 2012] ?
12:04.38killerkinkrel0 i think
12:04.39TurlI already have r2p4-02rel0
12:04.44killerkinki see
12:05.08Turlbut someone said the last number might not matter
12:05.09mnemocTurl: btw, please produce a patch to put mali in drivers/gpu
12:05.16Turlso rel0 might work on rel1 etc
12:05.32Turlmnemoc: ok
12:05.43killerkinki think there is only 1 changes in the rel0/1 when i do a compare
12:05.55killerkinksome free mem stuff
12:06.03killerkinkthe open source mali driver
12:06.04Turlshould work then
12:06.21killerkinkthe changes is probably on the closed source
12:06.53Turlor maybe just a simple bugfix, as they just bumped the last #
12:06.58killerkinki think if you merge the opensource rel1, it should also work on the rel0 binary?
12:07.16killerkinkwe wont know what chan ges in the closed binary
12:07.21Turlyeah, that's the theory we need to confirm :)
12:07.24naobsdI'm curious what's changed in /system/lib/egl/lib*
12:08.27killerkinkthere is a post in mali forum asking for changelog
12:08.42killerkinkthen he was refered to the sdk(closed). :)
12:09.13naobsdI'm looking MK802 system dump, build on 20120524, it has r2p4-02rel0 too.
12:09.52naobsdI guess A10 roms build on May have 02rel0
12:09.54killerkinknaobsd: onda vi40 latest rom has the same
12:10.44killerkinkmaybe can try ployer rom but that one need username/password
12:14.59naobsdkillerkink: ?
12:18.07killerkinknaobsd: yes
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12:20.51naobsdhmm. it seems some v1.2 roms are released from some companies in May
12:21.10naobsdI'll try...
12:27.02CIA-126rhombus-tech: Meenakshisundaram master * r94f5d390e8ff /allwinner_a10/orders/.html: I Need one Mele A1000.
12:29.30lundmanif we are thinking of doing binaires, I can host them, if needed
12:32.03killerkinknaobsd: may have to wait for the jun release rom
12:32.15killerkinkor tom can share with us. :)
12:32.22Turlmnemoc: any idea how to make a makefile to make the mali stuff? :P
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12:33.46naobsdkillerkink: v1.4 is tagged so Jun release may be 1.4 (just my guess of course)
12:34.56killerkinkyeah. since it also take time for them to do testing
12:35.03killerkinkbefore rom release
12:35.32killerkinkwhat irc software are you guy using?
12:35.38killerkinkany good one to recommend?
12:36.33killerkinkany that can read archive without staying online?
12:39.19lundmanirssi? isnt everyone
12:39.47lundmanand proxy if you intent to reconnect, ie, if you cant handle 'screen'
12:42.30lundmanyou'd be better using screen
12:42.35lundmanunix or linux?
12:43.26lundman'screen' starts a new sceren, which lets you have lots of screens under it, then "screen -dr" will resume it, if you lose connect
12:43.41lundmanapt-get install irssi
12:43.51killerkinki wont just like a user friendly one. :)
12:44.00killerkinkno need reconnect feature
12:44.12killerkinkthanks, will  give it a try
12:44.17lundmanreconnecting is more for those with GUIs, or windows users
13:10.19mnemocTurl: don't they come already with proper Makefiles?
13:12.01zenitraMtmux > screen
13:12.09zenitraMalso, i use ZNC (a bouncer)
13:12.13mnemoctmux even got a book recently
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13:16.53Turlmnemoc: doesn't look like so
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13:21.50mnemocmodules/mali/DX910-SW-99002-r2p3-01rel0/src/devicedrv/ump/Makefile seems in-tree compatible
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13:55.32steevscreen > tmux
13:56.33steevi much prefer running screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 to configuring minicom and such
13:57.49mnemocloves bb's microcom :p
14:01.38steevoh busybox
14:02.36steevi use irccloud for my irc client, mostly because i'm too lazy to run console irc these days, plus it's a pain keeping my ssh keys around for $random_server
14:03.28mnemochave you tried mibbit?
14:03.58steevwiat, that's some web based right?
14:04.14steeviirc there were issues with it connecting to freenode
14:05.53mnemocirccloud seems to have offline support, that's nice
14:07.08mnemocI keep a tiny vserver only to run screen+irssi
14:08.33zenitraMseems to be the only using xchat
14:08.37steevyeah, i normally irc off the gentoo server, but like i said, i don't always have my ssh keys available :)
14:11.36DonkeyHoteifreenode banned mibbit
14:22.25mnemochates freenode
14:23.27mnemocoftc ftw!
14:27.54Turlmnemoc: haha, I'm on oftc too
14:28.09Turlbut most of the channels I talk in are in freenode
14:30.10Turlbeware: browser crashing potential
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14:32.28mnemocTurl: you might need to add a Kconfig and a couple of interim Makefiles
14:32.48Turlmnemoc: built for me like that ^ :P
14:33.09Turl(at least 'make modules')
14:33.19TurlI'll do a full build and test on device now
14:39.28CIA-126rhombus-tech: Kofi master * r8d9699b36bb7 /index.html: Original statement is ambiguous and confusing. The $15 refers to the cost of the populated PCB for the CPU card and NOT the completed assembly which would include a case
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14:43.46steevi kinda want moboot for the allwinner now
14:47.50traeakmoboot ?
14:48.05traeakis back from all the fun
14:49.39traeakseems like i missed all the gpl licensing issues
14:52.34Turlmnemoc: hm, it breaks with O= :P
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15:14.53specingmnemoc: freenode banned mibbit because there was uncontrollable spam coming from there
15:15.32mikey_wThis seems to indicate that what is happening on the A1 is too little, too late.
15:17.34traeaki dunno..seems the rpi is buggy...drops usb packets randomly
15:18.04traeakthe SD slot apparently has issues with very low throughput (maybe they can work those out)
15:18.13mnemoccan't care less about r-pi
15:20.08Turlthe A10 devices are specs-wise, better
15:20.14Turlbut the price is 4X of the pi's
15:21.10CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r943152d16e09 /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide/A10_UART.mdwn:
15:25.00traeakTurl: no case, no pwer supply?
15:25.14traeakhard to compare since you can't get an a10 system done the same way
15:25.35traeakdifferent class of devices
15:25.54Turltraeak: the 75$ A10 devices which hardly have a case (it's just a piece of plastic around)
15:26.06Turlsay the plastic costs 25$, it's still double the price
15:26.18traeakTurl: so for the rpi that same piece of plastic is free?  seriously doubt it
15:26.21Turl(pretty sure it costs way less to manufacture though :))
15:26.27Turltraeak: it doesn't bring a case
15:26.39mnemocthe a13-olinuxino is more of a closer contender for the r-pi
15:27.04traeakdefinitely, but likely not so interesting
15:27.16traeaki'll get a pi one of these days
15:27.30traeakseems everyone else has one but me even though i ordered one during launch fiasco
15:27.42traeakhave had a mele for a long time now
15:27.48traeakand then i havae to go back to work :(
15:28.02TurlI signed up repeatedly on RS loads of times, they haven't even let me order yet :P
15:28.11traeaknewark for me
15:28.30Turlnewark rips you off with the shipping
15:28.39Turldoubles the price pretty much :)
15:29.09TurlRS has fixed ~5US shipping
15:29.23mnemocTurl: where do you connect that?
15:29.38Turlmnemoc: on uSD slot
15:29.46mnemocand on the other side?
15:30.43mnemocTurl: try to ask hipboi to put his adapter on sale again
15:30.48traeaknewark is 35usd no matter what
15:30.51Turlmnemoc: your serial thingy :)
15:31.06Turltraeak: it's still cheap
15:31.16mnemocTurl: it has a solid microsd connector, jtag! and usb
15:31.17Turltraeak: I got an HDMI for like ~7 bucks
15:31.33Turlmnemoc: USB to uSD? :o
15:31.45mnemocTurl: yes
15:32.12mnemoclet me check my old orders
15:32.50traeakokay, jst under 6usd for 1m hdmi-hdmi cable and also a dvi-hdmi adapter.
15:35.29mnemocTurl: can you see ?
15:39.12mnemocTurl: if not, maybe the pictures:
15:40.25mnemocI have one of those, and he probably can sell you another
15:40.49Turlyep mnemoc
15:45.25mnemocTurl: possibly in the same shipment as a mele as you really need to have one ;-)
15:46.03Turlmnemoc: I shouldn't buy more devices really :P I'll go bankrupt :P
15:46.31mnemocisn't that normal in .ar? :p
15:49.02mnemocTurl: shipping the uSD adapter alone is awfully expensive, and the mele is both, the ultimate a10 devkit and a media center
15:50.14zenitraMmnemoc: shipping it alone isn't awfully expensive at all, especially if it is sent unregistered
15:50.58Turlmnemoc: my paypal account is pretty dry, I hardly have 40 bucks there :P
15:51.02mnemocfor a $1 product $5 of shipping is awful :p ..... maybe I've bought free-shipping for too long
15:52.03Turlfree shipping ftw :p
15:53.05zenitraM20rmb for 100gr... that's 2.5€
15:53.08mnemocTurl: but you really need such adapter
15:53.47mnemocok ok... not that awful ;-)
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16:15.55steevbah.  why does it always take so long for "processing" when you order chinese stuffs
16:16.22mnemocthat happens when they don't have stock
16:16.31steevwants everything to be immediate
16:16.52mnemocsometimes they need to reach certain quantity to buy from their supplier
16:17.54zenitraMif you ever had a long delay on something from DX tell me
16:18.03zenitraMthere's a spanish intern working in DX at forocoches
16:18.19zenitraMyou can tell him your order number and he'll.. well, give it a slight push
16:18.24mnemocDX has improved dramatically since last month
16:19.17mnemocI have had 6 orders shipped within 72h... and they even refunded me ~$40 of an order I received in aug. 2011 :p
16:20.02zenitraMi once had a 50$ flashlight sent instead of a 3$ watch
16:20.26zenitraMinstead of item.. it was like 19834, they sent to me 19384
16:21.27mnemocfreenode sucks
16:24.35Turlmnemoc: I'd have said the exact opposite, DX used to be good but last month they've gone downhill :P
16:24.51TurlI did 3 orders, took like 1 month to ship them
16:25.02mnemocDX was good like 4y ago, 2y ago they became impossible
16:26.32Turlso mnemoc, it boots, I've got a screen
16:27.58mnemocTurl: when buying from DX it important to look at the name of the supplier, search on each product page the string "Listed by Supplier" om and you'll know who is really selling it
16:28.26mnemocDX is a showcase for suppliers, not a real reseller
16:29.19traeakso next problem to solve: how to get my 22month old to stop stealing and hiding my cables
16:29.28Turlbut they ship the stuff themselves, and they have warehouses
16:29.47steevah, no, i bought from some random website
16:29.54steevandroid tablet bay or some such
16:30.04mnemocTurl: they collect the money and ship, yes, but warehouses include only an small % of the catalog
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16:51.24Turlmnemoc: can you checkout and do a build, see if anything breaks for you?
16:51.37TurlzenitraM: ^ too
16:53.15steevTurl: hrm, i'll give that a shot too
16:58.53mnemoctroyan? :p
17:01.02mnemocTurl: can we have a config option to enable/disable this? sun3i doesn't have mali
17:01.28mnemocsteev: Turl got a hack for his touchscreen hidden in the mali branch
17:01.37steevbad turl!
17:02.09steevthat said, cigarette time whilst this attempts to build
17:02.53steevthough there is a config option
17:02.58steevat least according to the commit
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17:03.37mnemocyes, that one has config option. mali itself doesn't
17:04.27mnemocand something in the Makefiles seems broken, as mali and ump get rebuilt every time I call make
17:04.59Turlmnemoc: the makefiles were broken as is with O= :P
17:05.13Turlsloppy ARM
17:05.16mnemocfix them correctly :)
17:05.39mnemocobj-$(CONFIG_.....) +=
17:06.45TurlCONFIG_GPU_MALI or what? :P
17:06.54mnemocsteev: ---^ ?
17:07.05steevgod damned mother..... ALAKJDSF
17:07.14steevgcc: error: directory: No such file or directory
17:07.21steevwtf is it looking for
17:07.49steevkernel compiling
17:08.08steevi'll redo after, it's currently make -j9, thought there were about 12 of those messages in a row
17:08.19steevprobably same as what i get when i try to build the kernel in android
17:08.28steevcan't find directory, missing a " somewhere
17:10.54mnemocsteev: any idea how to do this decently:
17:10.56mnemoc-ccflags-y = -Iinclude/drm
17:10.59mnemoc+ccflags-y = -Iinclude/drm -Larch/arm/mach-sun4i/devices.o
17:11.37Turlsteev: huh
17:11.39rz2ksteev: I have issue
17:11.41mnemocuhm, wtf
17:11.43Turlsteev: that file is OK
17:11.49Turlsteev: 487 is the last line
17:11.52Turlsteev: check your ram
17:12.01rz2ks/I have issue/I have same issue/
17:12.29steevTurl: i've checked my ram over and over (i ran memtest all weekend)
17:12.30rz2kmali driver has some weird greps that fail on archlinux latest.
17:13.04mnemocgcc 4.7
17:13.23TurlI use android toolchain, 4.3 I believe
17:13.33mnemocmine is 4.6
17:13.36Turl4.7 is not even released yet right?
17:13.39steevi'm using 4.6.3 here, but 4.4.3 of the andoird bsp
17:13.44steevalso gives the error
17:13.47steev4.7.0 is out
17:13.53mnemoccompiles fine.... except it only works for sun4i
17:14.14Turlsun3/5i have no mali?
17:14.29mnemoc3i doesn't, 5i does
17:14.43mnemocbut you only added logic for 4i
17:14.52Turl'logic' ?
17:15.07TurlI only added what the mali drivers on kernel had :P
17:15.19mnemocand dark magic in drivers/gpu/drm/mali/Makefile
17:15.57mnemocok, dark magic was added by Edward Nielsen, not you
17:15.57Turlblame Edward Nielsen for supporting only sun4i
17:16.30Turlthat's therrypicked from your branch
17:16.35steevthe hell.
17:16.36mnemocadd a config option so we can disable mali for sun3i and sun5i for now and I gladly merge it
17:16.57Turlk, doing
17:18.28steevwhat is this svn_rev
17:18.35Turlmnemoc: :)
17:19.05mnemocnot for drm?
17:19.14steevand wtf is wrong with using proper god damned version numbers.
17:19.36mnemocgod bless ARM :p
17:19.50Turlmnemoc: DRM has DRM_MALI already?
17:20.04steevif by god bless, you mean stab their developers in the eye with a rusty spork, then yes, god bless them
17:20.46steev90% of the time i think these companies use NDAs because their code is fucking horrible
17:21.40steev(apologies if the strong language isn't allowed in here)
17:21.45mnemocD would seriously ashame them
17:21.59mnemocand probably even affect their stocks
17:22.47Turlmnemoc: and maybe ?
17:24.17mnemocwarning: (ARCH_SUN4I) selects DRM_MALI which has unmet direct dependencies (HAS_IOMEM && DRM)
17:25.43mnemocok, enabled... but where is the other MALI? .oO
17:26.54mnemocSymbol: GPU_MALI [=GPU_MALI]
17:26.55mnemocType  : unknown Selected by: ARCH_SUN4I [=y] && <choice>
17:27.13mnemocTurl: something seems to be kind of broken with your GPU_MALI :)
17:29.00Turlmnemoc: nothing includes my Kconfig, that must be it ;)
17:34.00mnemocTurl: we probably want them as m instead of y
17:36.17Turlmnemoc: but they can't be builtin
17:36.20Turlso it'd be a lie
17:36.45mnemocyour select tries to make them built-in
17:37.19Turlmy select just lets make read under drivers/gpu/mali/ :P
17:37.46mnemocok, cheater
17:37.48Turlmnemoc: &
17:40.40Turlmnemoc: btw, what's sun3i, arm11?
17:41.11mnemocwith cedar
17:42.13Turlarm9 is "armv5" right?
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17:42.44Turlso they were even slower than G1s heh :)
17:43.26mnemocthey were focused on multimedia, not apps
17:44.07Turlyou need apps for multimedia though
17:44.39mnemocsure, and arm9 was enough for the app-part of the "mp5"
17:45.03Turlah, so they sold "mp5" with it
17:45.04mnemoceverything else is done by the dsp (cedar)
17:45.07TurlI thought they were tabs :P
17:45.28mnemoctablets for watching movies
17:46.22Turlmnemoc: so, where's this supposed ubuntu image with libs on the home dir? :P
17:46.40mnemocno idea :<
17:46.57mnemocTurl: isn't mali_drm supposed to be module too?
17:47.20TurlI didn't code the mali drm stuff, just cherrypicked from your mali branch for completeness
17:47.48mnemocright, but you set it to built in
17:48.18mnemocmaybe a depend on GPU_MALI with default m    instead of the select?
17:48.51Turllooking at the code, it looks pretty basic
17:49.03mnemocyes, it's just a backdoor
17:49.11Turlwon't hurt built in I guess
17:50.06Turlfuu realtek wifi
17:50.09Turly u so crappy
17:50.22Turlreminds me of marvell chips :(
17:52.59mnemocTurl: I'll clean some bits up and "merge" it tonight
17:54.58Turl20.7fps on nenamark2
17:55.20Turlanyone with a stock tablet who wants to test? :p
17:56.52CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * rb116050c461b /allwinner_a10/A10_USB.mdwn:
17:57.35traeaka10 based or ?
17:57.55traeakoops guess must be a10 based :-p
17:59.00Turlyeah :p
18:05.12Turlheh nice, finally the updated bootanimation :P
18:06.26traeaknah, kind of sux
18:06.29mnemocthat's a really annoying music
18:06.43traeakthat probably doesn't help with the suckage
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18:08.18TurlI liked both the music & animation haha
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18:08.59traeaki guess my headphones don't like it
18:09.04traeakreminds me i should get better ones
18:09.28mnemocanything is better than Turl's
18:09.43mnemocmissed the "i hate it" button
18:09.55TurlI use the ones that come with my gadgets, then el cheapo 10US pairs
18:10.20traeaki have these lame ones for now...i old ones fell apart
18:10.54ZaEarlI'm a big fan of noise isolating ear buds now.
18:11.10traeakonly noise i get here are the machines whining
18:12.24TurlI have these right now
18:12.43Turl(or at least they look like those, with samsung you never know :P)
18:12.48traeakcan't stand in ear ones
18:12.51traeaki'm too old i guess
18:13.11TurlI was a fan of the non in ear ones, but after a like I got to like them
18:15.06Turlthe isolation is better
18:15.07ZaEarlTurl, those look exactly like mine. very nice
18:15.14TurlZaEarl: they're the galaxy nexus ones
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18:15.43ZaEarlregular in-ears are hard, these are nice and soft and block noise
18:18.13Turland came with another set of tips to adjust to the ear
18:20.01traeakand blow your hearing when you're extra young :-p
18:20.06traeaki still hvae pretty good hearing
18:20.48ZaEarllol, just the opposite. with noise blocked, the volume can stay low and is more effective
18:20.57Turl :(
18:21.01TurlZaEarl: ++
18:21.54traeakmy last pair were enclosed domes
18:22.01traeakwhen i worked in a real office those helped a lot
18:26.11steevi have the razer moray+
18:26.27steevi like em enough, but they don't block quite enough outside noise
18:37.46traeaki also had lots of ear problems when i was a kid
18:38.10CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r373fe9d1c60e /allwinner_a10/A10_USB.mdwn:
18:41.40CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r53588939bf04 /allwinner_a10/orders/ (.html .mdwn): order processing cleanup
18:44.23CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r5c8b1b3fc58f /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide.mdwn:
18:44.55zenitraMwhat. the. hell
18:45.24zenitraMwho actually thought a 18'' android tablet was a nice idea?
18:45.44penguin4218"? That's more of a tray
18:45.45steevthe "bigger is better" crowd
18:45.57ZaEarlI am so tempted to go to Computex.
18:46.00steevpretty sure that's supposed to be a desktop machine
18:46.10CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r72c71332b1d5 /allwinner_a10/ (4 files in 3 dirs): bit of a cleanup, pages in the wrong place
18:46.11CIA-126rhombus-tech: lkcl master * rd27eb07e0e1c /: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
18:46.17mnemocZaEarl: isn't it kind of late for that?
18:46.25ZaEarlnah, it's on all week
18:46.28zenitraMa desktop machine whose screen you can undock and then.. take.. anywhere?
18:46.36TurlzenitraM: I'd have gladly taken a 13-14" one
18:46.39mnemocZaEarl: but airplace tickets and reservations?
18:46.39Turl18 is too much though
18:46.50Turlbigger than my 16" laptop :)
18:47.00zenitraMthere are 15" laptops, even 17" ones, but 18" and in a tablet...
18:47.20ZaEarlmnemoc, that's the only thing stopping me from going. :)
18:47.26mnemocrenamed it as portable monitor
18:47.44DonkeyHoteizenitraM: ^
18:47.54CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * ra55e30691104 /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide.mdwn:
18:48.09zenitraMthat one makes sense
18:48.26DonkeyHoteiit's the same thing, but even bigger
18:48.30hnolkcl or anyone else with wiki git access around?
18:48.45zenitraMbut it's not portable, that's the difference
18:49.25mnemoca 15+ notebook isn't portable either
18:49.47mnemocand people still finds a way to carry them
18:50.58CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * re99610bdb199 /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide.mdwn:
18:51.04DonkeyHoteii've seen people carry CRTs on a trail
18:52.02CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r6e81a9b38eb9 /allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide.mdwn:
18:53.23hnodid carry his CRT monitor on a train & bus trip a millin years ago.
18:53.37mnemoc10-12 is the perfect range for usable and portable
18:54.13zenitraMeven 13.
18:54.24mnemochad to carry a 21" CRT 1km+train+1.5km in berlin 6yo... wasn't fun
18:54.29traeak22" android is more like a POS type system
18:55.14traeaknot really a "computer"
18:55.55ZaEarlI'm giving up my 15.6" laptop for a hybrid setup...11.6" laptop with external display/mouse/keyboard.
18:56.00traeaki can imagine someone hauling a crt on a backpacking trail :-p
18:57.28ZaEarlthis was awesome
18:58.10DonkeyHoteitraeak: some typos are just crazy. i don't know where that one came from
18:58.11Turlmnemoc: I carry my 16" laptop on long trips
18:58.21Turlbut it's not a "carry anywhere" thing
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18:59.59mnemocZaEarl: that's what I do too. 11.6 + 24" + real keyboard + bt mouse
19:00.17Turl11" is too small
19:00.57termleechyea I have to agree with turl 13 is the smallest i go
19:01.05termleechthough i like my 15.6 Chronos 7
19:01.24termleechit's smaller than normal 15.6" because it's edge to edge screen
19:01.25DonkeyHoteii find 14 too small, personally
19:01.29termleechso it's about the size of a 14"
19:01.30Turl14" I'd say is a good compromise between "I don't wanna go blind" and "it's too huge"
19:01.52termleechmy macbook air is a 13" and works very well for a road machine
19:02.24DonkeyHoteifor a road machine, i'm looking into the idea of a tablet
19:02.27Turlbesides my hands barely fit all crammed on 10"
19:02.33Turl13" is not much different
19:02.41mnemoctablets only work on bed or couch
19:03.03Turlmnemoc: or on the bus
19:03.07Turl(long distance)
19:03.08termleechyea i had a 11" for a while
19:03.11termleechdidn't work out well
19:03.19DonkeyHoteii was originally thinking 10" but the zatab might sell me on 9.7
19:03.33termleechmy macbook air was the best money i ever spent for a road machine
19:03.34termleechbar none
19:03.58termleechi take my tablet with me but the macbook air is so thin and light it's easy to travel with
19:04.02termleechand battery is spectacular
19:04.05mnemocTurl: phone + laptop?
19:04.16Turlmnemoc: on the bus?
19:04.23traeaki'd like to try a stinkpad x120/130 or whatever
19:04.40Turlmnemoc: my laptop is 16", too huge to use sitting on a bus
19:05.04Turlbesides battery dies before I'm half way on the trip :)
19:05.05traeaka demo one for work i have is 16", intolerable
19:05.09traeakdamn toshiba, crap keybord
19:05.11mnemocTurl: that's not a laptop, it would BURN your lap
19:05.17Turlmnemoc: nah
19:05.29TurlI like 16"
19:05.35mnemocon a desk, sure
19:05.36Turlbut it's carry it somewhere
19:05.38Turlsit on a table
19:05.39Turland use it
19:05.40traeakhmm....stinkpad x220 is on sale
19:05.54traeakif only i oculd get a windows refund
19:06.01mnemoctotally loves his x120e
19:06.17Turlfor the life of me, I can't get the miniaturized keyboards on 14/13" and under
19:06.33TurlI keep hitting outside of the laptop or random keys when I want to type a numbr
19:06.36Turlthen I realize
19:06.44Turland take like half an hour to find the number keys
19:06.45zenitraMtraeak: on sale where?
19:06.52Turlwhich require you to press Fn and weird stuff
19:07.03Turland are skewed
19:07.05mnemocTurl: the trick is to keep real keyboard and real display to connect when at home/work
19:07.10traeakzenitraM:  $750 for base (not exactly cheap)
19:07.17termleechpersonally i'd spend the extra few dollars and get a dell 13.3 ultrabook than the thinkpad
19:07.27Turlmnemoc: I might as well use a desktop PC then
19:07.35traeaki always use a desktop
19:07.46Turland buy a tablet for on the go
19:07.50traeakand it keeps me from doing too much work at home
19:07.52zenitraMdamn, only on .com, not in .es
19:07.53traeakprobably a good thing
19:07.55mnemoctablets are a waste
19:08.04zenitraMi'm waiting for the ultrabook thinkpad :P
19:08.05Turlmnemoc: not really
19:08.08traeaktablets are fine for light consumption
19:08.15Turlmnemoc: on the bus you want to watch a decent movie
19:08.17Turlor browse
19:08.20Turlnot much more
19:08.20traeakbetter than a laptop/netbook for sitting in bed
19:08.31mnemocTurl: on the bus, I code :p
19:08.34Turlmnemoc: lol
19:08.45Turlmnemoc: my battery is more like a UPS
19:08.46ZaEarlmnemoc, that must be one log bus ride
19:08.53Turlit's beaten to death with 2+y of usage already
19:09.06TurlZaEarl: long distance
19:09.08mnemocZaEarl: if long enough for a movie, log enough for fixing some test cases
19:09.14Turl(coach on US?)
19:09.40specingTurl: UPS ftw ;)
19:09.47zenitraMZaEarl, mnemoc: i had a 7h bus travel last friday, and i coded, a lot in fact
19:09.49TurlI get like 20m tops :P
19:09.56zenitraMalso, the bus had outlets and wifi, which surely helped
19:09.57traeakthat's brutal
19:09.57mnemocTurl: that's what happens with 15+ notebooks, there are semi-portable desktop computers with built-in battery
19:10.01traeakahh yeah
19:10.10Turlmnemoc: originally it lasted 2+h
19:10.18Turland it was decent batt life for the time
19:10.26traeak721.65USD for x220 for today yet (still too much)
19:10.27Turl(2+ years ago, core2duo)
19:10.59TurlI can't find anyone who would take my money for a replacement battery :P
19:11.00mnemoctraeak: the x220 has an old-school thinkpad keyboard, not like the newer models or my x120
19:11.02zenitraMi wanted to buy the x220t just to take notes at class
19:11.26Turlacer doesn't even have an office over here
19:11.33specingMy laptop is 4 years old and its original battery still lasts 1.5h (2h when I bought it)
19:11.42traeakmnemoc: is that good or bad?  old skool i mean ?
19:11.50Turlspecing: awesome battery then :P
19:11.50zenitraMbut i only have a math-containing class remaining, so now it's too late
19:12.00mnemoctraeak: the best laptop keyboards ever
19:12.02Turlspecing: most lose their capacity on the 2y mark
19:12.10specingTurl: well...
19:12.23specingTurl: It did take some choosing before purchasing ;)
19:12.26traeakmnemoc: i do hate most lappy keyboards...i'm guessing the x130 isn't bad either
19:12.30mnemoctraeak: their new keyboard is nice, but can't compare
19:12.31DonkeyHoteithe laptop i am on is 2 years old, and i need a new battery for it
19:12.36traeakmnemoc: would have to make work buy me the lappy of course :-p
19:12.39TurlZaEarl: any chance you sell acer batteries on the cheap? :P
19:12.41mnemoctraeak: the x130 comes with a pillow
19:12.53ZaEarlTurl, nope :)
19:13.07DonkeyHoteiunfortunately, batteries for new laptops seem to get discontinued after 2 years
19:13.09traeakmnemoc: pillow?
19:13.11ZaEarlbet you could find it on aliexpress
19:13.21mnemoctraeak: look at the back of the display
19:13.23specingTurl: Just get a a 3-cell powerpack on ebay and mod it accordingly ;)
19:13.30TurlI don't trust high cap chinese batteries much
19:13.31traeakmnemoc: for now it's 70USD diff between i3 based x130 and x220
19:13.45Turlspecing: 3 cell? this is 9 cell :)
19:13.52Turlor 6, I don't remember now
19:13.54specingTurl: Where do you think the original battery was made?
19:13.55traeakTurl: carry a fire extinguisher with you
19:13.58mnemoctraeak: the x130 is nap-ready
19:14.17mnemoctraeak: I prefer the e450-based model, hate intel
19:14.52traeakmnemoc: interesting...i3 is pretty good and i don't really seriously game much anymore
19:15.07zenitraM! *this* is portability
19:15.20mnemoctraeak: the amd model has better battery life
19:15.38mnemoctraeak: WAVES CAR WASH
19:15.38mnemoc1680 VFW Parkway
19:15.38mnemocWest Roxbury, MA 02132
19:15.56traeakdamn you spammer!
19:15.57Turlthey rape you price-wise ha
19:16.03DonkeyHoteii found someone who seems to be selling the battery i need, slightly used, but on the portland craigslist, and i currently have no one to pick it up
19:16.11mnemoctraeak: ... see the pillow
19:16.30traeakmnemoc: it's a kidproof lappy
19:17.17traeakit's more for educational use than the x120 is
19:17.28traeaki guess that's their excuse for changing the model # and jacking the price
19:19.58Turlamazon sells them for 20$
19:20.50mnemoctraeak: the x121e is on sale on EU, x120 with upgraded processor
19:24.33traeaknot available here
19:25.35Turlcompletely shot :P
19:33.24Turlspecing: sure that's a battery and not a miniaturized nuclear reactor? :P
19:34.01Turltip me the batt brand haha
19:34.09specingSure, because carrying around 100kg of lead is a good idea
19:34.50DonkeyHoteiwhere are you guys pasting that from?
19:35.03TurlDonkeyHotei: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/
19:35.22Turlspecing: what tech is it? li-ion?
19:35.29specingslaps DonkeyHotei for not knowing about /sys ;D
19:35.31specingTurl: yeah
19:35.50specingNah, it says Nuk-ion :)
19:36.25DonkeyHoteiTurl: i don't see any file containing that text in that dir
19:36.47TurlDonkeyHotei: uevent :)
19:38.34Turlyou have the same batt as specing
19:38.50DonkeyHoteino, mine is 9-cell
19:39.23DonkeyHoteioh wait
19:39.27DonkeyHoteiyou mean the model
19:39.35DonkeyHoteii googled the model
19:39.45DonkeyHoteievery result is the wrong form factor
19:40.32specingIts the chinese
19:40.42DonkeyHoteimy best guess is that i need a battery that is meant for a dell inspiron 1425
19:40.48specingthe model name is probably what the generic controller reports
19:40.53DonkeyHoteispecing: yes
19:41.05zenitraMapple seems not to care about model name or manufacturer registers.
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20:04.02*** join/#arm-netbook Vaevictus_ (57423969@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:06.21hnorunejuhl, that's a good battery compared to some of mine.
20:08.25hnohopes hipboy missed the usb code and that there is no problem there. Still missing GPL headers.
20:09.30seppso what is the best way to get some linux running? the debian howto at says at top that it is not working anymore
20:09.32hnomnemoc, any other known in-tree drivers missing GPL license header?
20:09.43mnemochno: many
20:09.59hnomnemoc, not counting modules/... ?
20:10.14Vaevictus_sepp: you got a mele?
20:10.33Vaevictus_easiest way - get the ubuntu image
20:10.42Vaevictus_your main os windows or linux?
20:11.19seppok, thanks
20:11.19mnemochno: GPL: 1435 (579+856) PROP: 987 (219+768) NONE: 1515 (620+895)
20:11.33mnemochno: the first of the sum is in-tree
20:11.56Vaevictus_flashing for linux @
20:12.12seppwill i get vga out with these images? i have no tv here
20:12.35Vaevictus_no u gotta run a c program
20:12.44Vaevictus_there are other images tho
20:12.53hnoor modify script.bin to default vga out.
20:12.53Vaevictus_maybe they output to vga by default
20:12.57mnemochno: +
20:14.12seppok, getting that fat image
20:15.19mnemochno: I'll improve the script to skip Makefile and Kconfig
20:16.41hnoso pm, usb, video, nand, script, g2d, keypad, touchscreen, axp, and a little more.
20:17.43mnemochno: #33 should probably be rewritten to include them all
20:17.57mnemocnot limited to USB, but ordered by priority
20:18.07mnemoci think
20:18.31mnemocit's a LOT of files
20:18.43hnomaybe, or just more tickets.. It's not many drivers.
20:18.53mnemocup to you
20:21.06hnowith more tickets it is easier to give priority for hipboi which to work on first.
20:21.21mnemocgithub's issue tracker STINKS
20:21.37hnoany idea what he was accused of leaking?
20:21.51mnemocdon't know
20:22.32traeakwhat's the SDK ?
20:22.40mnemocdon't know who mentioned him when mailing allwinner
20:22.47hnolkcl apparently.
20:22.50mnemoctraeak: the stuff Qware released
20:23.34hnowhich is a lot which is not GPL.
20:27.54hnoThe statement from Eva is good as an indication of intention, but not good for clearing the license doubt without help of hipboi.
20:28.30hnoif that message had had an explicit list of files then different story.
20:29.12mnemochno: I sent the list to hipboi, he replied he will "fix" them in the near future
20:29.50mnemoci don't see the intention of excluding any part of it
20:30.25mnemocfixing arch/arm/mach-sun5i/ was a good sign on that regard
20:30.32Turlallwinner actually wins by GPLing the stuff
20:30.32hnoagreed. It's pretty clear allwinner kernel sources is meant to be GPL.
20:30.46Turlless maint burden
20:31.50mnemocTurl: they are paided by manufacturers for taking care of the software stuff. they "hide" them to protect the interests of their paying customers against cloners
20:32.28mnemocthe burden is part of their business
20:32.30hnoTurl, not really. maintenance burden is actually somewhat higher when playing nice.
20:33.02Turlhno: if all the stuff is mainlined, they don't have to ever port it again to a new kernel version
20:33.41mnemocTurl: to get mainlined they need far better quality than what they need to release products. that effort implies a huge extra cost
20:33.45hnoyes, but that's not going to happen. Far too much legacy crap which will not be accepted mainline.
20:34.29hnobasic system support so the SoC can boot might get mainline, but most drivers have no chance without rewrite.
20:34.59mnemoce.g. in the 2.6.36 to 3.0.8 migration, instead of adapting the dma power management to the new APIs they cut it out!
20:35.38Turltheir tabs and spaces usage is pretty bad too :p
20:35.39hnomnemoc, a ticker on that please, unless fixed already.
20:35.56hnoTurl, tabs & spaces can be fixed by a machine.
20:36.05mnemochno: ticket will be
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21:19.51CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r4baeef483674 /allwinner_a10/A10_USB.mdwn:
21:20.49CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r93cbc2fde104 /allwinner_a10/A10_USB.mdwn:
21:27.31Turlmele libs on ubuntu image are
21:27.46Turlthe android ones are
21:28.19Turlthe android libs also have GEOM=mali_gp_geometry_common
21:28.24Turlthe ubuntu ones have nothing
21:30.23zenitraMandroid-ics-rgb_is_xrgb sounds like some kind of ugly hac
21:30.51DonkeyHoteiugly hacks are awesome
21:34.22CIA-126rhombus-tech: hno master * r65eb5642baf4 /allwinner_a10/A10_USB.mdwn:
21:34.32*** join/#arm-netbook RITRedbeard (
21:35.04RITRedbeardAnyone here have their hands on what they're dubbing the MK802? The thumbstick-ish size A10 platform?
21:35.08mnemocanyone in the UK willing to buy a mistake?
21:35.21mnemocs/willing to/interesting in/
21:35.25RITRedbeardI want to know if the 5V @ 2A claim is true...
21:35.32hnoRITRedbeard, some poeple here have that device. I don't.
21:37.40hnoRITRedbeard, My mele which has lots of more I/O draws 5V@0.5A average. So you will need a 2A power supply if also powering an externa USB drive etc.
21:38.02hnogiving up to 1A for the device and 1A for powering the USB port.
21:38.21RITRedbeardCan you underclock core? wants to know my credit card details just for registering :<
21:38.48RITRedbeardI'm sick and tired of waiting for Raspberry Pi and reports of really crappy linear voltage regulation onboard to keep prices low... I'm trying to go for battery power.
21:38.52DonkeyHoteimnemoc: mistake?
21:39.02ZaEarlyeah, I've seen it underclock to 60mhz
21:39.08mnemoczenitraM: that product only ships to UK
21:39.13RITRedbeardand default clock is 1.2GHz?
21:39.19ZaEarlmore like 1.0
21:39.21Turl21.2FPS on NenaMark 2, anyone up to beat my score on an A10? :P
21:39.21mnemocDonkeyHotei: they missed two zeros
21:39.22hnoRITRedbeard, yes. It can be clocked all the way down to 32KHz.
21:39.27mnemocDonkeyHotei: in the price
21:39.42DonkeyHoteithey underpriced it?
21:39.45RITRedbeardAre there any MK802 or similar items in-stock that are shipping now? Or all back orders?
21:39.52mnemocDonkeyHotei: yes, 10E instead of 1000
21:40.10zenitraMuhh this seems like a more viable mistake
21:40.11hnoRITRedbeard, no idea. NOT SHOPPING FOR ONE.
21:40.30zenitraMclick on 36 new. 139gbp for a 256gb ssd....
21:40.36mnemocRITRedbeard: DX has the white one
21:40.37RITRedbeardhno, I love you. How is clocking the A10 down to 32KHz possible? Aren't there signal propigation problems?
21:40.37hnosays sorry for the shouting. Accidently hit caps-lock.
21:40.39Turlmnemoc: I see 1K british pounds
21:40.57RITRedbeardmnemoc, DX? Deal Extreme?
21:41.12zenitraMTurl: click on Eur on the top
21:41.19zenitraM(the europe flag)
21:41.29Turlah derp lol
21:41.31DonkeyHoteimnemoc: the url you pasted shows a price of £1041.99 not €10
21:41.31mnemocRITRedbeard: yes
21:41.32Turl10 eur
21:41.51mnemocDonkeyHotei: change the currency
21:42.08hnoRITRedbeard, good question. 32KHz is not a normal clock configuration, only used in suspend mode where all pheriperials (including DRAM) is sleeping.
21:42.34mnemocmy mele almost always stays at 60Mhz
21:42.51Turlmnemoc: it can go down to 30 too
21:42.53RITRedbeardI assume we've got Linux on the A10 so far, right? I'm sorry, I know I've researched this before but I'm on a lot of medications that do memory loss.
21:42.58Turlmin is set to 60 though
21:43.03DonkeyHoteimnemoc: then why did you ask about the UK?
21:43.18mnemocDonkeyHotei: seller only accepts shipping address in UK
21:43.23hnoRITRedbeard, yes. But not with accelerated X11 just yet.
21:43.31hnoor accelerated video..
21:43.33RITRedbeardFor the Mele GPU? Not a problem.
21:43.38RITRedbeardIt will come in due time.
21:43.55RITRedbeardI presume power consumption goes down with clock.
21:44.13hnodepends on what you are doing.
21:44.32RITRedbeardwe have a wiki on it?
21:44.36hnostuff needing CPU draws more power to complete their task at low clocks.
21:44.43RITRedbeardI'm now very interested in using this.
21:44.44mnemocDonkeyHotei: but didn't notice the price in pounds was correct
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21:46.39mnemoczenitraM: play is a very nice free-shipping site for branded stuff within eu
21:47.09zenitraMmnemoc: everytime i tried they didn't ship here what i wanted
21:47.21mnemoc:< has given me better results
21:47.30zenitraMfree shipping for >25gbp
21:47.38mnemocto spain too?
21:47.48zenitraMfor things shipped by amazon does similar for >25usd
21:48.28mnemocit's odd is usually more expensive than amazon.{de,fr,}
21:48.37zenitraMand for .es i got amazon premium... 15€/year for unlimited free shipping
21:48.46zenitraMit depends on what products you look at
21:48.57DonkeyHoteicalled amazon prime for .com
21:49.09zenitraMand awfully less expensive for .es :P
21:49.17ZaEarlyeah, but Prime is $79/yr!
21:49.48zenitraM15€ ~= $18
21:49.49mnemoczenitraM: so your "premium" is valid on other amazon sites too?
21:49.54zenitraMmnemoc: only on .es
21:49.54Turlbut prime gives you video and what not
21:50.06DonkeyHoteiZaEarl: it was convenient to live with someone who scored a complementary free one-year prime membership
21:50.24zenitraMbut i've ordered too many things from .es so far that i've already broke even
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21:52.01zenitraMi'm also too tempted to buy that 139gbp SSD.. argh
21:52.13tallnerd1985How much?
21:55.09tallnerd1985I might just do x2 128gb ssd on raid 0 instead
21:56.01zenitraMthat's a bit difficult to do in a laptop..
21:56.10tallnerd1985True :)
22:02.03DonkeyHoteimnemoc: i just asked someone in another channel to try buying it
22:02.22DonkeyHoteihe said: Items priced in euros can only be delivered to European addresses outside the UK.
22:03.22mnemocDonkeyHotei: :(
22:03.50DonkeyHoteimnemoc: you're outside the uk
22:04.00zenitraMmnemoc: are you sure about them not shipping outside uk?
22:04.46DonkeyHoteimaybe their site is just completely broken
22:05.48zenitraMThis item can only be delivered to a UK address.
22:06.18zenitraMElectronic items, gadgets and toys can only be delivered to UK addresses.
22:06.56mnemocthat explains it, I've only bought movies there
22:07.29mnemocand if the bad price is only for outside-uk and they only ship inside uk the mistake is irrelevant
22:15.59tallnerd1985Anybody know of compatible touchscreen monitors for a a10 device
22:20.34hnotallnerd1985, depends on what you mean. Most A10 devices come with a touchscreen (tablets)
22:20.57tallnerd1985For the mele1000 or mk802
22:21.47hnothen it depends on if you talk stock Android (then none) or custom Linux system (any supported by Linux).
22:22.12hnoWell.. a touchscreen that simulates USB mouse probably works.
22:23.28tallnerd1985Hmm, trying to piece together a carPC but that and a mic is the only difficulty I am facing besides a BT sink client
22:24.38mnemocbuilding your own kernel you should be able to use any linux supported touchscreen
22:26.00traeakhm...i guess my rpi order ewnt through...the emailed me a short while ago about mycredit card being "under"
22:26.49mnemocgreat, that saved you from wasting that money
22:27.32tallnerd1985mnemoc: Kernel for Android or mainstream *nux?
22:27.51hnotallnerd1985, either.
22:28.20tallnerd1985Good to know
22:29.20hnotallnerd1985, android runs ontop of a Linux kernel and uses Linux input subsystem where touchscreens, mice, keyboards etc register.
22:30.10tallnerd1985I kind of knew that but I am unfamiliar about arm based drivers opposed to x86 drivers
22:30.19tallnerd1985Still new to me
22:34.10mnemocthis has nothing to do with the architecture
22:35.02traeakmnemoc: :-p
22:36.37mnemocreally wanted that all-in-one lenovo for 10E shipping included. snif snif snif
22:41.19tallnerd1985mnemoc: Thanks, still learning how it all works
22:42.27RITRedbeardmnemoc, which lenovo?
22:42.46mnemocthe one on the link pasted earlier
22:46.47mnemocTurl: mali stuff merged
22:46.57mnemocgoing to sleep now, see you tomorrow
22:47.05mnemocgood night
22:49.11Turlgood night mnemoc
22:49.15Turlpatches look good :)
22:52.45mnemoctoo tired to fix some of the mistakes recorded in the history... will clean it when porting to 3.3
22:52.52mnemocnow to bed
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