IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120523

00:32.45hipboii just found a out-of-date news about the EOMA project
00:33.15hipboiwhich has picture of Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
00:39.01steev_ZaEarl: 3.0.8 i think (android-3.0-v2 or some such
00:39.45steev_the laptop is in my backpack at the moment
01:00.05t0dbld|workZaEarl: you still around ?
01:03.01Turlhi hipboi
01:03.49Turlhipboi: do you want me to check anything specifically regarding the touchscreen hardware?
01:04.12hipboifirst get the config in fex
01:05.48CIA-91rhombus-tech: Gary master * r1df06b90aadf /allwinner_a10/kernel_compile.mdwn: Added u-boot-tools. I needed this in order to get the mkimage tool on my Debian testing system.
01:06.18t0dbld|workhipboi: you want the android stript.bin you mean ?
01:06.21t0dbld|workin fex
01:06.30t0dbld|workok i got that
01:06.33t0dbld|workill link you
01:06.38Turlscript.bin -> fex
01:06.44ZaEarlt0dbld|work, i'm here
01:07.24t0dbld|workZaEarl: does your tab power hdmi if you boot linux from sd with out being plugged in ?
01:07.53t0dbld|worki swear every day the limitations and what the hardware will do changes
01:08.04t0dbld|workhow it boots when it boots what it needs
01:08.06hipboiTurl: are you sure your touch device is goodix?
01:08.13t0dbld|workim trying to figure out if im loosing my mind or not
01:08.20ZaEarlI have booted ubuntu without any cables attached. when I plug in the hdmi cable, the monitor turns on.
01:08.21t0dbld|workhipboi: yeah i can link you to exact model
01:08.29Turlhipboi: yes, "goodix_touch_3F.ko"
01:08.37t0dbld|workZaEarl: mine wont any more
01:08.44Turlif I rmmod it on stock android touch doesn't work anymore hipboi
01:08.57hipboiTurl: ok
01:09.43t0dbld|workits weird ZaEarl it seems like hw acts different every day ... I have not touched the tab software its self lol
01:10.05Turlhipboi: ctp6_used= 1 ctp6_name= "Goodix-TS" ctp6_twi_addr= 85
01:10.14hipboiTurl: yes
01:10.52hipboiTurl: can you change your goodix driver code, to get the correct driver config parsed?
01:11.24hipboiTurl: in the 3.0.8 tree
01:11.58hipboiTurl: the default fex parsing do not support multi devices
01:12.25hipboiTurl: ie, only ctp, no ctp1, ctp2...
01:12.35hipboiTurl: can you check that?
01:13.39Turlhipboi: where is script_parser_fetch defined?
01:14.20hipboiTurl: in the kernel source code and driver
01:19.48Turlhipboi: looks good?
01:24.35*** join/#arm-netbook NedScott (~NedScott@wikipedia/Ned-Scott)
01:25.52NedScottmmm, arm
01:26.04steev_ZaEarl: it was based on origin/allwinner-v3.0-android-v2
01:26.56ZaEarlah, ok
01:28.51Turlhipboi: didn't work :(
01:29.03hipboikernel log?
01:29.18Turlhipboi: yes, see the link
01:30.13t0dbld|workpick a paste site and stick with it Turl :-P
01:30.48hipboiTurl: come on
01:31.06hipboiTurl: you have two touch driver inserted
01:31.25hipboiTurl: one is ft5x the other is goodix
01:31.43Turlt0dbld|work: chroot uses ubuntu, I use debian :P
01:31.53t0dbld|worki was just teasing Turl
01:31.58Turlhipboi: do they conflict?
01:32.18TurlI will enable just goodix
01:32.19t0dbld|workandroid has both ^
01:32.24hipboiTurl: you inserted ft5x and it occupy the pins
01:32.39hipboiTurl: so goodix can not get the pins
01:34.48DonkeyHotei[Thu 2012-05-17 01:08:51 AM PDT] <hipboi> after i commit tonight, you can input in u-boot console <-------- still no commit
01:35.11TurlDonkeyHotei: are you in a hurry? :P
01:35.20hipboiDonkeyHotei: damn, i forgot
01:35.44hipboiDonkeyHotei: i will commit soon
01:35.53DonkeyHoteiTurl: the nand boot is kinda waiting on that
01:35.59hipboiDonkeyHotei: just too busy these days
01:36.39TurlDonkeyHotei: I nand boot my android kernel
01:36.50t0dbld|workyou can nand boot anything you want
01:37.31DonkeyHoteiTurl: android kernels don't quite work with ubuntu userspace
01:37.47DonkeyHoteithey have to be recompiled
01:38.29Turl暂离 -> brb
01:38.38Turl(according to google translate)
01:38.59ZaEarlbrb is 3 letters. I only see two chinese characters. :)
01:39.13DonkeyHoteibut since not all the pieces are there, some serial debugging will be needed, starting with the boot args
01:40.08t0dbld|workif it boots off of sdcard than whats difference ?
01:40.16t0dbld|workandroid boots of of the nand the same way
01:40.21t0dbld|workoff of **
01:41.20t0dbld|workonly thing you need to worry about is passing right parameters in u-boot
01:41.56DonkeyHoteithere is no serial with sd boot
01:42.14t0dbld|workim not talking about sdboot
01:42.21t0dbld|workim saying if you want to boot of nand than do so
01:42.30t0dbld|workthere is almost no difference
01:42.44*** part/#arm-netbook NedScott (~NedScott@wikipedia/Ned-Scott)
01:43.01t0dbld|worku-boot - script.bin  -kernel -fs
01:43.09DonkeyHoteithe difference is that we have no source to major components of the existing nand boot process
01:43.21t0dbld|workyou have a device do you not
01:43.33t0dbld|worki have nand mounted on my computer right now
01:43.38t0dbld|workim telling you its the same
01:44.32t0dbld|workagreed that you have no console for fails ... use dmsg or some thing till its done or till it boots
01:44.46t0dbld|worksame thing i did with sdcard builds i had no console
01:45.02DonkeyHoteithere is no dmesg in uboot
01:45.16t0dbld|workof course not
01:45.49t0dbld|workthere is in linux which you jsut said you wanted to boot off of nand
01:46.38DonkeyHoteiuboot cannot currently boot from nand without binary blobs. to eliminate them in the future, gotta take control of the boot process
01:47.26t0dbld|workwhat blobs ?
01:47.40t0dbld|worki see no blobs
01:48.16DonkeyHoteiboot0, boot1, boot.axf
01:49.12t0dbld|workdecompile them .... or use them and see where you get
01:49.27t0dbld|workwere not doing linux to windows . its linux to linux
01:49.53DonkeyHotei"use them and see where you get" implies interacting with uboot
01:51.36t0dbld|workleave the nandc partion the same write kernel to nanda , and fs to /system
01:51.56t0dbld|workcheck dmsg / and what ever else you can enable
01:52.00t0dbld|workgo from their
01:52.19DonkeyHoteistill needs uboot
01:52.24t0dbld|workthere already is one
01:52.30t0dbld|workthere is a u-boot
01:52.37t0dbld|workits how android is booting
01:52.53DonkeyHoteiyes, but it needs to be told where kern and root are
01:53.03t0dbld|workyour putting them in same spot
01:53.19*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
01:53.22t0dbld|workyou swappping kernels and fs
01:53.26t0dbld|workthats it for first run
01:55.13DonkeyHoteiuboot normally gets its env from nandb. the other option is to hardcode it. neither is good for dev work, so serial is still the way to go
01:56.07Turlhipboi: no luck still
01:58.08t0dbld|workthis is a circular arguement ... everything we need to make this happen we have ... yes would be nice to have source u-boot is in nandb
01:58.19t0dbld|worki mean a
01:59.22t0dbld|workonly unknowns in there are boot.axf, dre_dre.drv, sprite.axf
02:01.03DonkeyHoteii'm looking a little bit ahead
02:02.07t0dbld|workand what im saying is you act like everyone is holding you up for something ... I am saying if you want to boot linux from nand so bad it is entriely possible with a little time trail and error right now
02:03.33t0dbld|workjust be sure live suite ... and or CWM is working and you have backups and you will be fine
02:08.51Turlhipboi: disabling i2c transfer check creates the device but it doesn't do anything
02:17.04Turlhm there's no data for max-min of this touchscreen on the driver
02:32.00Turlnope no difference :(
02:32.54t0dbld|workI dont get what hipboi was saying about the 2 drivers .... when i cat /proc/modules i see both in use
02:35.49ZaEarlI think he's just playing it safe, without knowing for sure if the modules conflict or not.
02:37.14ZaEarlthe stock rom is obviously somewhat generic
02:40.16t0dbld|workyeah ... needs alot of tweaking
02:40.30t0dbld|worki cant figure out why mine is acting differnently from day to day though
02:40.42t0dbld|workbtw mine charges off of usb now as well lol
02:40.53ZaEarlyes, but only the top port
02:41.07t0dbld|workwell not that host obviously
02:41.20TurlZaEarl: hm? they're both on the same side :)
02:41.29Turlit charges on the middle one
02:41.44t0dbld|worki wonder what would happen if it got more than the usb draw
02:41.45ZaEarlthe one not-marked host
02:41.50t0dbld|workwonder if it got a full 5v
02:42.06t0dbld|workonly because the charger is a POS
02:42.21Turlt0dbld|work: I charged mine with motorola charger
02:42.26Turlit's sloooow
02:42.31t0dbld|workoh so it did work !!
02:42.35Turlthe wall charger did it way quicker
02:42.51t0dbld|workyou have convertor ?
02:42.56t0dbld|workyours came with US plug right
02:43.00t0dbld|worki was worried about that for you
02:43.47Turlt0dbld|work: used one of this borrowed from router :P
02:44.50t0dbld|workwell what every you gotta do
02:45.02t0dbld|workbtw dont let charge get low again
02:45.10t0dbld|workfull charge is like for ever :- 0
02:45.50t0dbld|workwell in about 20 min turl i ll get home and try screen on
02:45.53Turlwith all the testing on PC it's always topped up
02:45.59t0dbld|worksorry i dont know why it wont power it with out charger
02:46.01t0dbld|workit did before
02:46.15t0dbld|worki jsut leave mine plugged in all day normaly while i work
02:46.23Turlplugged in to PC
02:46.43Turlit's pretty much tricle charging :P
02:47.04t0dbld|workim at 81% from 66% a few hours ago
02:47.31Turllet me get my mice
02:47.35TurlI'll tell you batt stats
02:47.58t0dbld|workhaha you need my POS keyboard you keep making fun of in logs
02:48.05t0dbld|workkeyboard and touch pad in one
02:48.10t0dbld|workworks well on usb host
02:49.07Turlwas 93% a minute ago
02:49.15Turland it's plugged haha
02:49.30t0dbld|workyour using it faster than it can keep up
02:49.40t0dbld|worklol well recovery / flashing etc
02:59.44t0dbld|workok heading home
02:59.49t0dbld|workTurl:  ill brb to test
03:11.01t0dbldok back
03:12.12*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (
03:15.19steev_mnemoc: have you gone through and looked to see what (if any) changes are sun4i specific between 0.8 and 0.31 ?
03:44.43Turlhipboi: if you get get any news or other ideas regarding the touch driver, email me please :)
03:44.49Turlhipboi: and thanks for the help so far
03:44.54Turlgood night everybody!
03:46.59RITRedbeardwho had the link the other night about FSF candidates for open source hardware?
04:18.06RITRedbeardhow is Z802 so small with Allwinner A10?
04:22.49hipboiDonkeyHotei: i have committed
04:38.29RITRedbeardIs there something like an older version of the Allwinner A10 or similar that consumes 5VDC with low current draw?
04:44.27*** join/#arm-netbook RITRedbeard (
04:51.27t0dbldhay ZaEarl you around ?
04:51.48t0dbldi sent you a tweet and a g+
04:51.53t0dbldto zareason
04:53.05t0dbldgot access ?
04:54.45t0dbldstill alll kinds of issues with ubuntu 12.04 ... but its something :-)
04:55.01ZaEarlit's a lot!
04:55.02t0dbldmetacity crashes on me left and right
04:55.33t0dbldgentoo i think in the end will win for cutting edge / stable
04:55.42t0dbldubuntu im at there mercy
04:55.47t0dbldmaybe debian will be better
04:55.53t0dbldi need more sdcards :-P
04:56.13t0dbldill go for nand boot once i get more sdcards
04:56.18t0dbldso i can have backups
04:56.30t0dbldand i need ot understand livesuit to as i have not played iwth it yet
05:14.32ZaEarlAndroid doesn't like any of my sd cards anymore. It says they're all damaged. because I've been putting all sorts of weird builds on them.
05:15.32DonkeyHoteiuse the toshiba/panasonic utility under windows; sd cards really like it
05:16.28DonkeyHoteisd is ultimately a rather proprietary format, and the low-level wipe is a black box
05:17.32ZaEarlt0dbld, any luck on the touchscreen driver yet?
05:18.54DonkeyHoteii guess that's the most obvious missing piece now
05:20.00t0dbldTurl: went to bed
05:20.09t0dbldi have not even began to look at that
05:20.41t0dbldnot more than orgional day anyhow
05:23.04*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
05:23.26DonkeyHoteihipboi: thank you
05:26.52t0dbldhaha i dont seem to get hdmi now with it on screen
05:27.07t0dbldi think fb cant handle both in linux with what we got
05:27.28ZaEarlcould be
05:27.54DonkeyHoteithere's supposed to be a new fb driver now, i think
05:28.24t0dbldwould be nice
05:28.43t0dbldi offered lima guys help , main guy never responded back
05:28.50t0dbldother guy told me to talk to him
05:29.17DonkeyHoteihowever, i don't remember ever seeing multiheaded fb anywhere
05:32.30t0dbldok well now that i made it to nearly 2am and have not gone to gym yet i guess i might as well delay a little longer and get some things finished merging on gentoo
05:34.24t0dbldman neither appsumo nor newegg quit do they
05:34.30t0dbldi get atleast one email a day from them
05:36.22t0dbld   <-gentoo now getting some screen love
05:41.13t0dbldyeah hipboi im probably alone but i think in end it will be best fit on the tablet
05:42.04hipboiso what's the problem now?
05:42.19hipboithe fb does not work?
05:42.24t0dbldnothing i got to finsh some window managers etc on it
05:42.30t0dbldother than that we jsut need touch
05:42.44t0dbldim not sure if you read back logs and saw all Turl s comments to you
05:42.56hipboilet me see
05:43.15DonkeyHoteihipboi: we're missing the source to goodix_touch_3F.ko
05:43.36hipboii don't know where it come from either
05:44.08t0dbldive tried contacting goodix via email through website when i found out which sreen we had email was returned
05:44.17t0dbldso thats not a good sign for them being in business
05:47.59t0dbldshit i forgot to charge up transformer so i could atleast have 2 cores for compiles LOL
05:48.24t0dbldalmsot worth buying a prime :-P
06:45.37*** join/#arm-netbook rell01 (
07:30.49*** join/#arm-netbook cromo (
07:46.32*** join/#arm-netbook cnxsoft (
07:57.46cnxsoftIs it possible to run X with the kernel in allwinner-v3.0-android-v2 ?
07:58.01cnxsoftX has started but the screen remains black
07:58.59cnxsoftWhen I run fbset -i it shows a resolution of 800x480, but with the exact same rootfs and the kernel released in Ubuntu 10.04 image fbset -i shows 1280x720
08:01.58zenitraMcnxsoft: i think it worked for me.. let me try
08:02.35zenitraMdid you modprobe lcd?
08:02.53cnxsoftadded disp, hdmi and lcd to /etc/modules
08:03.02cnxsoftor X will fail to load
08:04.44cnxsoftI'm outputting to VGA btw
08:05.05cnxsoftI can see the VGA signal is detected, but the screen stays black
08:05.10zenitraMmmm you're right, it doesn't output anything :S
08:06.00mnemocsteev_: you mean changes in upstream (android's kernel-common 3.0 tree and 3.0.y) that could affect sun4i?
08:06.11cnxsoftArg.. I hope it was just a misconfiguration on my side...
08:06.42zenitraMoh, no
08:06.48zenitraMit works fine, forgot to modprobe hdmi too
08:07.25zenitraMdo lsmod and see if lcd, hdmi, disp are loaded
08:07.33zenitraMonce i loaded hdmi the resolution turned to 1280x720
08:07.42cnxsoftYes, I see the 3 modules
08:08.23cnxsoftI build the kernel with arm-linux-gnueabihf- , could that be an issue ?
08:08.46cnxsoftI suppose if it was it would just crash
08:09.20zenitraMidk, mine was built with gnueabi
08:12.24cnxsoftzenitraM: Thanks! you (unknowglinly) gave me the solution :)
08:12.45zenitraMwhat was it?
08:12.48cnxsoftLoading the modules in that order: disp hdmi lcd = fail
08:13.01cnxsoftLoading the modules as: disp lcd hdmi = Success !
08:14.05cnxsoftI suppose both modules set the framebuffer side and the last one loaded sets it
08:22.28mnemocwonders if having both running at the same time is possible
08:22.37mnemoc(two fb)
08:24.54cnxsoftTrying to have dual display now
08:25.00cnxsoftby changing evb.bin
08:25.04zenitraMi think so
08:25.27zenitraMthere were modes for it at that xls that was found yesterday iirc
08:25.49mnemocthe disp driver makes me dizzy
08:30.22lundmaninsmod --no-dizzy disp.ko
08:30.39lundmanhmm can allwinner a10 do 64bit
08:30.48cnxsoftIf I enable 2 screens (HDMI and VGA) sharing fb0 (disp_mode=4:two_diff_screen_same_contents), the disp module will crash
08:32.12zenitraMare they set both for the same resolution?
08:32.26cnxsoftI could not find a way to set the resolution for vga
08:32.41cnxsoftin evb.bin
08:33.36cnxsoftI can only find variables to set hdmo output and LCD resolution
08:35.07cnxsoftI might not work. It seems in the Mele A1000 Android firmware, they don't enable VGA immeditaly
08:35.24cnxsoftso it could be that they check if HDMI is connected, and only then switch to VGA
08:38.42zenitraMmmm mine went by default to composite output
09:00.57*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (
09:01.19eFfeM_workwhat is considered the best (simplest, but not overly expensive) way to get a Mele ? My experience with DX is that they are slow, haven't used aliexpress but they are fairly expensive wrt shipping (around USD 30 to NL)
09:01.57mnemoceFfeM_work: from hipboi (Tom Cubie)'s shop in aliexpress
09:02.08zenitraMeFfeM_work: what shipping method does it propose to you?
09:02.20mnemoceFfeM_work: pick china post
09:02.26eFfeM_workdhl and fedex iirc, will check
09:02.56zenitraMeFfeM_work: ask hipboi. it's something about aliexpress not letting him put china post for NL on the template
09:03.05zenitraMi think he told someone else to choose germany, the cost for all european countries is the same
09:04.17steev_mnemoc: yeah, sorry, internets crapped out, really wish zyxel would get back to me about the sources
09:04.34steev_i have to reboot my router at least twice a day
09:04.48eFfeM_worki found it on the cubies hacker shop, usd 35 fedex, usd 39 ups, usd 42 dhl
09:05.07eFfeM_workis that hipboi ?
09:05.08mnemoceFfeM_work: pick china post
09:05.22mnemoceFfeM_work: yes, Tom Cubie
09:06.29zenitraMthat logo is new
09:06.47mnemocit used to be called online shop 511685
09:06.58eFfeM_workmnemoc: NL doe snot have china post as zenitraM also said, germany has china post  $ 15
09:07.22zenitraMno, i mean the logo at top :P
09:07.23mnemoceFfeM_work: either set germany and add a note with the real address or mail Tom
09:07.38mnemoczenitraM: the gnu and tux, nice touch :)
09:08.11eFfeM_workmnemoc: ok, sounds good. anyone experience with shipping times to EU with china post option?
09:08.43mnemocexcept while Tom was getting married it usually takes 2w
09:12.50eFfeM_workah ok, guess for the additional $ 3 I'll settle for the 2000 and get twice the flash
09:13.12zenitraMeFfeM_work: they have the same flash
09:13.47eFfeM_workzenitraM: ? cubies web site says 1000 = 2GB, 2000 = 4 GB
09:14.38zenitraMeFfeM_work: that's what we all though. but my A1000 has 4gb.
09:14.40zenitraMand everyone's
09:14.48eFfeM_workah ok
09:16.02mnemocmaybe the newer A1000s come with less...
09:16.31zenitraMthey appear as 4gb everywhere
09:16.32zenitraMeven at mele's site
09:26.51*** join/#arm-netbook A0Sheds (~ly@unaffiliated/l84supper)
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10:10.10Mazonman I hate the shipping + customs on a mele - thats basically doubling the price :/
10:14.41lundmanmine was 75->85, no duty
10:22.26mnemocMazon: country?
10:45.15Mazonthey're pretty asshole in customs
10:50.40lundmanheh ilived in .dk for a while
10:53.48*** join/#arm-netbook cromo (
10:59.32CaCtus491Hi guys
10:59.55CaCtus491I see there is talk on the mailing list looking for a build machine
11:00.29CaCtus491We run our own small Xen cluster with only a handful of VMs on it, I'm sure we could arrange something
11:01.19*** join/#arm-netbook j1nx (023016b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:02.37CaCtus4912x nodes, each with 2x E5645 (6 core) and 48GB RAM, most of which is going to waste
11:06.05zenitraMmmm would six Tegra-3 powered Transformer Prime's be useful?
11:08.30*** join/#arm-netbook rm (rm@fsf/member/rm)
11:09.13zenitraM(i also have a non-booting 2U XSeries 346 with two Xeon's behind my living room couch, but that's another long story)
11:22.03*** join/#arm-netbook sysfwlab (
11:22.11sysfwlabhellos sirs
11:22.15sysfwlab& madams
11:28.07mnemocis not aware of any female here
11:29.29mnemochi sysfwlab
11:30.25zenitraMneither, so keeps on with the manly task of compiling the kernel with kexec enabled
11:31.20zenitraMoh, now this is interesting
11:31.47mnemocit was shown months ago on the ML
11:31.54*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
11:32.12mnemocproblem is that the sunxi kernel can't detect the ram, and relies in the bootloaders for that
11:32.13*** join/#arm-netbook mike_ (
11:32.30mnemocso if the bootloader itself is linux, who detects it?
11:33.01zenitraMi was thinking on chainloading u-boot->linux->(linux|android) for now
11:33.12CaCtus491I envy everyon who has found time to do something with their Mele boxes :(
11:33.29lundmani have bandwidth :)
11:34.25mnemochasn't powered up his mele in over a week
11:37.56CIA-91rhombus-tech: marcan master * r0e3445097b4b /allwinner_a10/orders/preorder-marcan.mdwn:
11:39.54CaCtus491Ahh, does Luke have a chance to approve messages to the mailing list that come from addresses that aren't subscribed?
11:40.07CaCtus491Looks like I sent a message from the wrong account
11:41.21lundmansure have been a challenge to get my uboot code changes into their repo :)
11:41.57lundmanso rhombus-tech has own github somewhere?
11:43.16mnemoclundman: the preferred repo for uboot-allwinner lives in hno's github
11:44.28mnemocCaCtus491: yes, he has forwarded not-subscriber mails before
11:44.51CaCtus491mmk, in that case I won't resend
11:46.10lundmanmnemoc: actually, i mean for the rhombus-tech: marcan master notify messages
11:46.55mnemocCaCtus491: you can poke lkcl here too.... even if he doesn't talk, he is watching..... (creepy)
11:47.39mnemoclundman: that's from the wiki,
11:47.59lundmanmust have missed it, I was just reading the wiki
11:48.38CaCtus491pokes lkcl - please approve my message to the list re: build machine hosting offer :)
11:50.49*** join/#arm-netbook frantisheq (
11:51.01TurlzenitraM: yup that would be nice
11:51.26MaDMaLKaVdoes someone casually have a link to the mail talking about hdmi refresh rates support on the kernel?
11:51.26Turlbtw allwinner could've used a bit of #ifdef on their android code :/
11:51.33mnemocwhat's so hard in hiting [compose] instead of stealing threads??! and not even caring to change the f* subject
11:52.12eFfeM_workanyone by any chance measured the power consumption of the mele ?
11:52.36CaCtus491see the very bottom of that page
11:52.37mnemoceFfeM_work: hno sent some figures to the mailing list some days ago
11:52.55eFfeM_workCaCtus491: thanks overlooked that
11:52.58eFfeM_workmnemoc: thanks
11:53.03Mazonlundman: you found the railway station ? (old Bottom joke :))
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11:55.19stapelanyone know if the puppy linux image will work with hdmi?
11:55.38zenitraMi think it outputs to hdmi by default
11:56.47stapelthen i wrote the sd card wrong.. it says video output not supported
11:58.31hp__zenitraM: are you using a pre-existing image or make your own?
11:59.54nikkTurl: which frameworks/base in repo better for build, yourth or quarx2k?
12:01.17hp__nikk do you use hdmi output or?
12:01.33nikkno, i don't use hdmi
12:02.00hp__nikk vga?
12:02.21hp__what that mean?:)
12:06.17hp__i removed the vga slot.. just want to use hdmi :)
12:07.24zenitraMhp__: i'm reusing the ubuntu image with linaro rootfs and then also have a rootfs at sata
12:08.05hp__zenitraM: what display output do you use?
12:11.02nikkTurl: i have error on yourth frameworks/base with ifdef: frameworks/base/services/camera/libcameraservice/ *** invalid syntax in conditional.
12:16.16hp__anyone know if uboot will display anything on screen?(hdmi)
12:19.05zenitraMhp__: vga
12:20.14hp__zenitraM: ahh ok
12:25.52Turlnikk: yeah it's not finished, I'm pushing as backup but I'm like half way ifdefing :)
12:27.12nikkTurl i have still no luch with EGL :)
12:27.50Turlnikk: what userspace  version are you using?
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12:29.46nikklast buld was with libs from Quarx2K A10 divice tree. Also tried stock ones from 4.0.3 (IconBit SKY fw)
12:32.41nikkTurl: so, i'll try onother bild with quarx frameworks. yourth not compiled yet ;-)
12:39.10hp__shows a hdmi mele thingy
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12:55.45nikkTurl: what about gapps, does it work for you? I have wrong SSL certificate messages on older build.
12:57.10TurlI still haven't built CM
12:57.17Turlbut I don't see why it'd fail with that
13:10.45CaCtus491hey, the other day I asked about where the A10 EOMA module was at, but got a 'when it's ready' response. I'm curious to know what stage it is at rather than when it will be ready.
13:11.54CaCtus491afaik, connectors have been found. Is the schematic complete yet? Are we waiting on PCB design?
13:12.48zenitraMnikk: check if the date is set correctly
13:15.53nikkzenitraM heh, i didnot set that, as i remember. i'll check later, yhx!
13:18.27nikkTurl but on which firmware you were tested kernel and EGL?
13:23.43Turlnikk: stock firmware that came on my tablet
13:24.06nikkah, i see. i thought it was cm
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13:55.30nikkTurl: why you choose r2p4-02rel0 as source for Mali? It's the same as in your tab libs? Current release is r2p4-02rel1
13:56.28nikkand gralloc in CM9 match r2p4-02rel1 also
14:00.25CIA-91rhombus-tech:  master * ra50e09545b8e /allwinner_a10/orders/dhlotter.mdwn:
14:04.29hp_hmm skeleton image from puppy isn't booting either on my A2000
14:04.48Turlnikk: yes, that's the libs my tab has
14:06.50hp_although.. maybee its booting .. but its not showing display
14:07.52mnemocserial console?
14:08.14hp_mnemoc: not hooked up yet
14:09.37Turlmnemoc: #ifdef'ing over 9000 lines of code is so much fun :P
14:09.41cnxsofthp_: if it's the 7MB skeleton image, it just contains the bootloader and kernel partition, but no rootfs
14:10.31hp_hi cnxsoft
14:10.33hp_cnxsoft: how about the puppy distro.. will that boot and show display via hdmi?
14:10.43mnemocTurl: uh, what driver?
14:10.46nikkTurl Quarx2k build runs fine with libs at r2p4-01dev0 and ump/mali driver r2p4-02rel1
14:10.47cnxsoftyes Puppy works for me
14:12.21hp_cnxsoft so just a dd .... and sync.. plug in to mele and boot.. voila?
14:12.33hp_my mele is just a mele out of the box nothing alterd on it
14:12.39traeakhot damn 'x' is running
14:12.49cnxsoftyes it should work
14:12.56traeakmodule loadign order does help
14:12.57cnxsoftI tried last week or before maybe
14:13.05cnxsoftI don't know if Barry made a new image
14:13.38hp_cnxsoft: maybee i screwed it up because i used after dd bs=1024 and count=3906249
14:14.06cnxsoftwhy did you specify count ?
14:14.12cnxsoftYou SD card is too small ?
14:14.25hp_cnxsoft: nope.. no reason really
14:14.52hp_i'll try the puppy image without the count and have another look :)
14:14.53traeakdoesn't seem to like 1080p
14:14.58traeakor 1920x1200
14:14.59cnxsoftmaybe retry with dd if=image of=/dev/sdb
14:15.25hp_cnxsoft: will do..
14:15.35traeakis there a max setting on the hdmi ?
14:17.13Turlmnemoc: display handling & cedar stuff for android
14:23.10nikkTurl which soft u r usin for that? ;-)
14:23.43mnemocdisabling the VPU doesn't sound like a great idea for a tablet :p
14:24.16nikkit wasn't there anyway
14:24.34Turlnikk: to edit code? nano
14:24.43Turlmnemoc: I'm enabling it :)
14:25.07mnemoceh? defconfig didn't come with cedar?
14:25.10nikkTurl cool ) I switched to Araxis merge ;-)
14:25.19Turlmnemoc: this is android userspace
14:25.30Turlnikk: it's merged already, I'm adding #ifdef's :P
14:26.19Turlmnemoc: to be able to upstream it needs to be isolated
14:26.55Turlhence I'm adding #ifdef everywhere :)
14:36.36mnemochno: mach-sun5i/pm/standby.S points to mach-sun4i's :< .... while mach-sun5i/pm/standby/dram talks about a different "chipset" AW1623 vs. AW1625 and does sightly different things
14:40.01nikkheh, some weird behaviour in cm9, time not synchronized automatically.
14:40.30Turloh your tablet?
14:40.44Turlit doesn't have a gsm radio does it :)
14:40.57nikkyup. wi-fi on, network works, time not synced and not set up
14:40.57mikey_wIs there a bootable sd card version of CM9 for the mele A1000?
14:41.18Turlnikk: time is set using NITZ on the cellular radios
14:41.20Turlnot using ntp
14:41.35nikkturl what about ntp?
14:41.56Turlnikk: android doesn't use it to set time
14:42.23nikkyeah? anyway, there is clocksync in the market, it do the job
14:44.14traeakwhat's the highest res available for the hdmi on the a10 ?
14:45.39mnemocit's supposed to be 4K
14:46.08Turlmnemoc: sure? I think I read it was 1080
14:46.23traeakperhaps the hdmi driver isn't handling that well enough
14:46.42traeakthe display i have it hooked up to is 1920x1200
14:47.03traeakthe x server dumps though...might be somethng about allocated framebuffer or something maybe
14:47.37nikkhdmi 1.4, but it's a driver side also?
14:47.41mnemoc"Super HD 2160P/3D Film video decoding"
14:47.54Turldecoding :)
14:48.10Turldoesn't mean it'll output that though
14:48.25mnemocbut it has to do something with what's decoded... isn't it? :\
14:48.38Turlmnemoc: it can downscale the content
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14:53.16nikkheh, gapps (PlayStore) woks after setting correct date. Thanks, zenitraM!
14:56.03mnemoc"Up to full HDTV timing for TV encoder and HDMI transmitter
14:56.13mnemocdatasheet :|
15:02.33CIA-91rhombus-tech: Vladislav master * r1607e1ef369a /allwinner_a10/orders/.mdwn:
15:03.15nikkfor full advantages we need LCD 3D TV ;-)
15:03.38nikkanyone have it? )
15:07.30nikki'm sad... on 3.0.31+, i still have the same issues as on 2.6.36. with enabled bluetooth, i can't access /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyACM0...
15:12.27nikkthe only hope to fix that is probably finded USB HOST on PCB. I 'll try to set GPS on this.
15:13.15traeaknikk: i was born such that i can't see in true 3d so no matter for me ;-p
15:13.31CIA-91rhombus-tech: Person master * r7ca8d883555b /allwinner_a10/orders/.mdwn:
15:13.38nikktraeak happy you! ;-)
15:13.51traeakactually android gives a full 1080p display option
15:13.59A0Shedsthis quad core is in production
15:14.00traeakso it's probably something with drivers i would think
15:14.24traeakgood lock
15:14.26traeakgood luck i mean
15:14.28nikkwonder does 1080p not enough? )))
15:14.46traeakwell considering i have 1920x1200 monitors :-p
15:14.49A0ShedsI'm waiting for register specs and status on their Linux tree from Renesas
15:15.16traeakpowervr is just above via on my list...just barely
15:15.34traeakimageon i guess
15:27.41nikkhm, on 3.0.31, on screen off, hub not powered off. It was powered off (leds off), and power on again
15:28.10traeaklooking at benchies it's interesting how well the mali performs comparatively...and apparently the design is very straightforward
15:28.17traeakoutperforms tegra3 even
15:31.34nikkits ARM ;-)
15:32.11traeakyeah, they can beat the pants off intel for a gpu
15:32.36traeaki guess if it's not totally obfuscated then intel can't do very well (or something like that)
15:39.38CIA-91rhombus-tech: Constantine master * r33ea939b43ca /allwinner_a10/orders/futu.mdwn:
15:40.15traeaknvidia can't build a gpu unless it sucks 400W of power
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15:41.00nikkmnemoc, something must to be done with USB part someday. My USB hub now looks like christmas tree. I removed all devices from it. On screen off (it must be off too) it blinks all leds with 1 second interval )
15:42.37nikkon stock 3.0.8 it was off. I cant test now
15:42.52nikkcan load old kernel for test.
15:43.24Turlnikk: I saw an option to hold wakelock when usb device connected
15:43.25mnemocnikk: you mean in the lichee-3.0.8-sun4i branch behaves well?
15:44.06nikkyup, lichee-3.0.8-sun4i, i'll check options of wakelocks
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15:55.19traeakthe sabre light on the maling list looks pretty good.  the price, well really bad.
15:55.44traeakprobably gpu is trash though
15:56.46nikkhm, USB_SUSPEND was not enabled by default in my 3.0.31 config
15:59.01nikkbut that option for control external devices. Does my HUB is external device also?
16:01.51nikkmnemoc: didn't find such option in USB section on 3.0.31
16:06.07mnemocDepends on: USB_SUPPORT [=y] && USB [=n] && PM_RUNTIME [=n]
16:06.24mnemoc(from / in make menuconfig)
16:06.48A0Shedslooks like there is kernel support for the Renesas R-Car H1 (R8A77790)
16:08.23mnemocnikk: ----^
16:08.42mnemocA0Sheds: the soc with SH?
16:09.18A0Shedsmnemoc, quad core a9 + 1 sh core
16:10.18mnemocit feels so.... impure having the sh instead of an armv7-m
16:10.46A0Shedschecking on getting 20 pcs for dev boards and register specs
16:11.02mnemocnice :)
16:11.29A0Shedsby when is the real question
16:12.05nikkmnemoc, khm.. Pro:linux-allwinner nikk$ cat .config|grep PM_RUNTIME
16:12.05A0Shedsit's actually in production for the auto industry in Japan
16:12.29mnemocnikk: try / USB_SUSPEND in make menuconfig
16:13.23nikkmnemoc: I enabled it in menuconfig, but that does not disable that options^^. Pro:linux-allwinner nikk$ cat .config|grep USB_SUSPEND
16:13.48nikkit's from new config. all Y
16:14.20mnemocand still blinking as crazy?
16:14.36nikkbut Depends on: PM_RUNTIME [=n] meand it must be not defined? not compiled yet, in process )
16:15.15mnemocmeans it needs it on, but on my .config was 'n'
16:17.50A0Shedslooks like Magnus Damm did much of the kernel work for the sh77790
16:20.41A0ShedsI'm waiting to see how they connected the SH to the SMP quad core ARM A9
16:21.05nikkI saw it was some changes in suspend / earlysuspend sun4i options, maybe it's related?
16:21.36nikksomething about reset / power control in usb host / otg driver
16:26.19nikkthis is my dmesg on suspend / resume
16:29.23CIA-91rhombus-tech:  master * r5487441e53f0 /allwinner_a10/orders/dobs.mdwn:
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16:47.22nikkhm, USB_SUSPEND doesn't resolved my issue. still blinks, not like crazy but...
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16:53.37nikkthis is a full log from boot, i just only taked off the screen, and wait about 20 blinks
16:54.38traeakhmm...qemu seems like a huge pita :(
17:03.42nikkmnemoc: in log, i see, i see something always waked up my system: [pm]platform wakeup, wakesource is:0x11. and that's why HUB not sleeping. Tab just not go to sleep, it always wake, but with screen off
17:17.18ManoftheSeahey guys.  What's required in a build-system?
17:18.12ManoftheSeaand what?  Shell access?
17:18.31ManoftheSeaI mean: it just runs builds continuously against git trunk?
17:18.52ManoftheSeaor it's for people that don't have so much processing to do their kernel builds?
17:19.12ManoftheSeaor it's for building an entire distro worth of packages?
17:19.41zenitraMyou'll need a script or something that handles the automated compiling, and then.. compile whatever you want
17:19.56mnemocnikk: please file a ticket
17:20.23ManoftheSeanono, The mailing list is asking for a build server.
17:20.39ManoftheSeaI have a desktop that's idle most of the time.  But I don't know what's needed.
17:20.56nikkmnemoc: i'll test it more first. is it possible debug pm? what that source mean: 0x11?
17:21.19zenitraMmm i think it's for the kernel. but not sure
17:21.34mnemocnikk: can't check right now
17:22.09mnemocthey want a build server to build whole distros, for all EOMA68 cards
17:22.32mnemocnot a task for a desktop on idling time
17:22.33nikkmnemoc: ok. i'll inspect the source. thx
17:22.38zenitraMwell, the only thing that is to build frequently now is.. the kernel
17:23.20nikkmnemoc: 4xxeon ? )
17:23.28ManoftheSeamnemoc: so, what do people usually use?  supercomputers?
17:23.36zenitraMservers, i guess
17:23.38ManoftheSeadistributed supercomputers?
17:23.55mnemocI can do the kernel builds without problems, but we need better sun4i_defconfig/sun4i_crane_defconfig
17:24.40mnemocManoftheSea: nah, but 8-16 cores, lots of disk space and ram
17:26.04ManoftheSeaah.  I just have a core2 duo.  So, I won't contribute.
17:28.32mnemoca fresh sun4i_defconfig build in 2m in my personal build server, just need better sun[345]i{,crane_}_defconfig
17:30.27ManoftheSeaI guess that's cool?
17:30.43traeaki'm using 2xE5410 (my slow machine)
17:31.06traeakkernel compiles aren't that stressful
17:31.14nikkmnemoc: yup, there are many cool input devices not enabled ;-) even usb uvc-compatible cam not included
17:31.20mnemocit's not "cool".... I just mean that for building and sharing kernels with don't need any extra hardware
17:31.31mnemocnikk: patches welcomed
17:32.19nikkmnemoc: i have my .config, but it's little overloaded with DVB support and USB debugging enabled
17:32.40mnemocnot sure how the policy on the mailing list ended up asking for a build server
17:32.46ManoftheSeamnemoc: so, that's what I was trying to understand
17:33.22nikkbut bluetooth usb drivers, pl2303 and usb audio must be included even in kernel, not there is even no modules for serial adapters
17:36.31mnemocnikk: can't think about that right now, discuss it with other please and decide what to y and what to m, ideally testing all sun4i bits and distinguishing between a linux and an adroid kernel
17:37.27mnemocand I can share daily builds of both
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18:03.03zenitraMmnemoc: github can be set to trigger an HTTP request whenever a commit is pushed :P
18:03.51mnemocthat more fancy that what I currently have time to setup :)
18:05.04zenitraMi'll see what i can do after exams
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18:58.36t0dbld|workman so quiet everywhere today
19:01.13traeakreal work beats on the door
19:01.35vgradestart of good weather today in the UK
19:02.23traeakwas ~32C here yesterday (yuk)
19:02.27t0dbld|workah hhyeah its very nice here in Michigan as well
19:02.54traeaksupposed to be 31 today :(
19:03.04traeak15C is a hot day IMHO
19:03.25ZaEarlexcellent! google wins oracle case!
19:04.01ZaEarlhonestly I can't believe the jury got it right.
19:04.38ZaEarlextremely technical issues.
19:04.44t0dbld|workhelped that it turned out that judge could code
19:05.12traeaki thought the judge had the say on whether or not api's were copyrightable
19:05.17traeaknever got to that ?
19:05.24t0dbld|workthat is not done yet
19:05.33t0dbld|workthat still ahs to be decided
19:05.36ZaEarljury found no infringement, so judge didn't need to rule
19:05.36traeakyeah, had to dig for that one
19:05.57traeakparagraph after the list of names
19:05.59t0dbld|workanother article
19:06.19ZaEarloops, I better read the whole thing. :)
19:06.34ZaEarlpremature celebration
19:07.12t0dbld|workno its not
19:07.14t0dbld|workthey are in clear
19:07.21traeakdamn, algorithmic complexity trumps constant time again :(
19:07.33traeaki mean overhead
19:07.35t0dbld|workat this point i would not expect any damages above 200k if any at all
19:08.31traeakdamages are almost irrelevant...the API question is the huge huge huge one
19:08.42ZaEarlok, so the patent issues are over, but the copyright issues are still in play.
19:08.59TurlI tried more goodix touchscreen drivers from quarx repo , disabled modversions and hexedited the modules, they cannot drive the touchscreen either
19:09.00ZaEarlcopyrighted apis scares me to death
19:11.05mnemocbut now there is "precendent" that APIs can't be copyrighted, right?
19:11.12ZaEarlnot yet
19:11.26ZaEarlit's the patents that were ruled not infringed
19:11.43ZaEarljunk software patents
19:13.04traeakinvalidated would be better
19:13.15traeakMS's friggin extortion over BS crap is another one that needs to go
19:13.28t0dbld|workTurl: get me God damn Touch screen !! :-P
19:13.29traeaknot to mention that damn shell company that extorts from small companies
19:14.05traeakif you haven't,read and get pissed
19:16.32Turl<6>[    8.070460] goodix_ts_init release by jicky 2012.02.06
19:16.41Turljust noticed that
19:18.44t0dbld|workso we need to find jicky :-P
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19:21.25t0dbld|worktop poster same guy ?
19:24.13nikkfuf, CM9 compiles and even run! yahoo
19:24.52nikkTurl does it have firmware (about ts)?
19:25.24nikkTurl check which module it drives on
19:25.31TurlI don't see it loading any
19:25.38Turlbut it sends a config apparently
19:25.44nikkTurl also, I need to modify script.bin for my goodix
19:26.03Turl<7>[    8.530503] Goodix TouchScreen Version:GT801NI_3R15_1AV
19:26.08Turlnikk: do you have that one?
19:29.24nikkas goodix.ko tried read params from [ctp_para] and my script have only [ctp0_para]:
19:30.10nikkbut it give me error on params loading in dmesg, so i find what it wants in previous 2.3 script
19:32.13t0dbld|workctp_used= 0
19:32.13t0dbld|work> ctp_used= 1
19:32.14t0dbld|work> ctp_twi_addr= 0x38
19:32.14t0dbld|work> ctp1_used= 0
19:32.15t0dbld|work> ctp1_name= "Goodix-TS"
19:32.17t0dbld|work> ctp1_twi_addr= 85
19:32.19t0dbld|work> ctp2_used= 0
19:32.21t0dbld|work> ctp2_name= "ssd253x-ts"
19:32.23t0dbld|work> ctp2_twi_addr= 72
19:32.28t0dbld|work> ctp3_used= 0
19:32.29t0dbld|work> ctp3_name= "novatek-ts"
19:32.31t0dbld|work> ctp3_twi_addr= 1
19:32.33t0dbld|work> ctp4_used= 0
19:32.35t0dbld|work> ctp4_name= "ssd253x-ts_1F.c"
19:32.37traeakholy crap
19:32.37t0dbld|work> ctp4_twi_addr=
19:32.39t0dbld|work> ctp5_used= 1
19:32.39traeakpastebin please
19:32.41t0dbld|work> ctp5_name= "ssd253x-ts"
19:32.43t0dbld|work> ctp5_twi_addr= 72
19:32.45t0dbld|work> ctp6_used= 1
19:32.47t0dbld|work> ctp6_name= "Goodix-TS"
19:32.49t0dbld|work> ctp6_twi_addr= 85
19:32.51t0dbld|work> key_val_mul= 2
19:32.57t0dbld|work< ctp_twi_addr= 0x70
19:32.59t0dbld|work< ctp_screen_max_x= 800
19:33.01t0dbld|work< ctp_screen_max_y= 480
19:33.05t0dbld|work> ctp_screen_max_x= 1024
19:33.07t0dbld|work> ctp_screen_max_y= 768
19:33.11t0dbld|work< ctp_exchange_x_y_flag= 0
19:33.15t0dbld|work> ctp_exchange_x_y_flag= 1
19:33.17t0dbld|work> ctp_havekey= 1
19:33.19t0dbld|work> ctp_io_port_i= port:PH21<0><default><default><default>
19:33.21t0dbld|work> ctp_io_port_o= port:PH21<1><default><default><default>
19:33.27t0dbld|work> ctp_en= port:PI16<1><default><default><0>
19:33.29t0dbld|worklol upps sorry
19:33.31t0dbld|workmy badz
19:34.03mnemoct0dbld|work: 1) don't ever paste more than 3 lines again, 2) use diff -u
19:34.25t0dbld|workjesus christ guys i think we can relax that i hit paste in wrong window
19:35.27Turl fwiw that's stock loading the ts driver
19:35.49mnemoct0dbld|work: in most irc channels you would be banned for that
19:36.18mnemocTurl: ticket? :)
19:36.31TurlI'd have kicked you t0dbld|work :P
19:36.39Turlmnemoc: ok
19:36.41t0dbld|workhaha yeah right
19:36.51zenitraMmmm speaking of which, there are no ops here?
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19:37.00nikkTurl so, your broblem not script.bin, driver reads params correctly
19:37.13mnemocTurl: now you can ;-)
19:37.26Turlmnemoc: :)
19:37.34Turlnikk: indedd, but i2c fails
19:37.53nikkTurl, and it even creates /devices/virtual/input/input2 as input
19:38.06nikkTurl, so, it's not problem of a driver
19:38.19Turlyeah it is
19:38.29Turlbecause it doesn't initialize touchscreen correctly
19:38.43Turlnikk: eh, I think you're getting confused
19:38.43nikkProbably, it must have correct idc to interpret input from touchscreen to android
19:39.00Turlnikk: that paste is from *stock* where it works fine
19:39.00nikkah i see
19:39.06nikkpaste wrong one
19:41.06nikkgt801_2plus1.ko <- that driver you need, it's not in source, yeah?
19:41.13Turlno, not that one
19:41.33nikkgt8110_2plus1.ko <- this?
19:42.12nikkmy stock doesn't have this even.
19:42.33t0dbld|workyou got different touch screen than :-)
19:42.41t0dbld|worklucky you :-)
19:48.37DonkeyHoteinikk: those two might work also; we don't know
19:50.58TurlDonkeyHotei: I tried them, they don't
19:54.57Turlmnemoc: I was thinking if it could be an i2c bug
19:55.11Turlmnemoc: but then on the other hand, sensors over i2c work just fine
19:56.07zenitraMthe most cheapest A10 with 512GB ram!
19:57.13TurlzenitraM: :D
19:57.31TurlI can finally get instaquick access to my files with that a10 as fileserver
19:59.05mnemocTurl: can't do tasks that require thinking at the moment. sorry :(
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19:59.39t0dbld|workouch zenitraM 4gb no sd
19:59.43t0dbld|workthats going to be tuff
19:59.55t0dbld|workeven for a digital picture frame :-P
20:00.04mnemoczenitraM: 85+20, i've seen better cheaper
20:01.56CIA-91rhombus-tech: Nigel master * rc20b9c1c5c85 /allwinner_a10/orders/harry1dog.mdwn:
20:03.01nikkhm, i have problem with sun4i_csi1.ko first camera sun4i_csi0.ko loads fine (not yet see the image) but second one doesn't ;-)
20:03.56Turlnikk: my tab actually has 2 cams
20:04.01Turland I only use csi0
20:04.10zenitraMmnemoc: sure, but they aren't the "most cheapest"!
20:04.30nikkin my tab, the on different csi
20:05.11mnemoczenitraM: :)
20:09.31Turlt0dbld|work: did you get any pouch for your zatab yet? :P
20:09.41t0dbld|workhaha no
20:09.57t0dbld|worki still need one for my gnex again since that delivery guy stole mine
20:10.15t0dbld|workfor the record screen scratches easily too
20:10.27frantisheqi'm running ubuntu on gemei g9 tablet but touchscreen doesn't work. any ide where can i get CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_GT801_2PLUS1_TS=m?
20:10.59Turlfrantisheq: you probably have the same touchscreen as us
20:11.45t0dbld|workturl   Touch Screen does not work == Same TS as us ?
20:11.56t0dbld|worklol is that where we are at now :-P
20:12.18frantisheq:) ah yes
20:12.23frantisheqthank you
20:13.09t0dbld|workfrantisheq: what version of ubuntu ?
20:13.43t0dbld|workwhat desktop
20:14.06frantisheqlxde/e17/unity/unity 2d
20:14.47t0dbld|workyou run into metacity crashing problems ?
20:15.03t0dbld|workand or   "x" in place of icons not appearing ?
20:15.27frantisheqno, everything is fine just slow
20:15.28DonkeyHoteiwell, metacity crashes even on x86
20:15.53frantisheqe17 runs pretty well
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20:16.50traeakwindowmaker is fine :-p
20:17.27frantisheq:) yes those icons were made for touchscreens
20:21.18zenitraMlxde works fine
20:21.24zenitraMat least it did for me
20:24.43nikk_it was the same on mine
20:25.00nikk_show me the script.bin contents
20:32.02traeakso no sound over hdmi ?
20:32.36nikk_Turl: very strange script. In it, you have ft5x_ts enabled, but goodix not used )))
20:32.44nikk_try ctp1_used= 1
20:33.43Turlnikk_: goodix is used on 6
20:35.19nikk_yup. also, you can try add full [ctp6_para] section with values from ctp6
20:38.54nikk_[ctp6_para]....[] just after [ctp_para]..[] or, remove all other entries and leave only your tochscreen with it's values, but in [ctp_para] section, like: ctp_used, ctp_name,ctp_twi_addr
20:39.51TurlI put my tablet on the shelf for the weekend, but I'll try next week :)
20:40.20t0dbld|workits Wednesday
20:40.31Turlt0dbld|work: so? I have long weekend
20:40.40nikk_in my new script, whole section for touchscreen was not ctp but [ctp0_para]xxx[] - thats was the problem for driver
20:40.41t0dbld|workLOL you going some where ?
20:40.58t0dbld|workback to see parents ?
20:41.46t0dbld|workIll be taking friday through monday off i think
20:41.48mnemocnikk_: my compiler should have ranted about that...
20:42.37mnemocthe fex parser is supposed to be very strict
20:44.16nikk_mnemoc: it was not problem for compiler. just another section name: was [ctp_para]xxx,xxx,xxx, changed to [ctp0_para]xxx,xxx,xxx
20:45.28mnemocuhm... can you upload the original .bin somewhere?
20:45.30nikk_they don't deside how to enumerate this sections, ctp or ctp0 )
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20:46.20t0dbld|work^ quick visit
20:47.17mnemoctoo many stinky male geeks
20:48.55t0dbld|workhah... hay i showered .... yesterday
20:49.34nikk_mnemoc: it's alredy there: ics one
20:54.14mnemocI really need to teach bin2fex to detect bad content
20:54.45nikk_as i understand, they enumerate other sections by numbers increment: [lcd0_para] [lcd1_para] etc. but for TS they desided combine elements and use enumeration inside.
20:55.32nikk_but in my case it's not true, this was "old way": [ctp0_para] [ctp1_para] etc
20:58.26t0dbld|workTurl: take Dad to store this weekend ... get Mini HDMI to HDMI cable :-P
20:58.30nikk_it's twice bad, as for ideology of script, it must have not one [ctp_para] section, but as many as they want to describe
20:59.05t0dbld|workTurl: Tell Him you will wash his truck :-)
20:59.39mnemocyes, they loop across "ctp%d_para"
21:00.21nikk_mnemoc: i mean this: ctp is BAD )
21:00.51nikk_this not the same logic as others
21:01.05mnemocoh, you are right
21:01.13mnemocthey don't %d that one
21:01.19t0dbld|workahh that is like our stock script.bin
21:01.46nikk_and it's not work with driver, probably format is the issue
21:02.01t0dbld|worknikk_: any idea why it works for our "stock" builds than though ?
21:02.07nikk_if u recombine it, maybe it will work ;-)
21:02.20nikk_t0dbld|work driver was patched )))
21:03.01t0dbld|workso your theory is if each ctp instead has its own section it will work ? cause that follows the others format ?
21:03.43t0dbld|worktheory being wrong word
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21:03.59nikk_yup. you can experiment with it, but be careful.yu can leave main section, and add duplicates. in general, you only need one ;-)
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21:05.14t0dbld|workcool ill try that for fix later ... right now im at work and have both tablet and laptop tied up in use
21:05.14nikk_maybe it must be named [ctp0_para] (as in was in my 4.0.3 rom) and driver will parce it.
21:08.02t0dbld|worknikk_:  btw not sure if you saw pics but i was right other night ... script.bin edits got lcd screen on :-P ... personally i think the scripts we have are pretty hacked .. and i guess in turn our kernels pretty patched
21:08.46nikk_t0dbld|work, also, in your case, i bet you need just disable all this: ctp_used = 1, ctp5_used = 1 to zero, so only proper one will be enabled )))
21:08.52t0dbld|worklot of inconsistencies , and crap with our builds
21:09.46nikk_probably, driver tried first enabled one, and it's not yourth ))))
21:10.20nikk_as you have ctp6_name= "Goodix-TS" as i know
21:10.20t0dbld|workours isnt "used" until 6 there
21:10.25t0dbld|workyep ^
21:10.44nikk_so, just leave enabled only it, it may help ;-)
21:10.51zenitraMreads stuff.. mhm..
21:11.06zenitraMMMC cards, which are somewhat "compatible" with SD (don't know if both directions)
21:11.17zenitraMhave one pin less than SDs, and another pin unused
21:11.34t0dbld|workhas never seen in person a mmc card
21:11.50zenitraM vs
21:11.58Turlt0dbld|work: "Compact Flash" cards
21:12.12zenitraMTurl: nope, they have the same shape as SDs
21:12.26TurlI've always seen it as "MMC/Compact Flash"
21:12.38nikk_heh, that text must be in russian )))
21:12.40zenitraMwell they are not the same
21:12.51Turlwell cya all!
21:13.17Turl$ echo o |sudo tee /proc/sysrq-trigger
21:13.21zenitraMthe thing is... if microSDs are downward compatible with MMCs, and the SD controller on sun4i supports MMCs..
21:13.48t0dbld|worki think its other way mmc can use sd ... sd cant use mmc
21:14.04zenitraMwe could disable the two pins that make the difference and we would have two pins to get serial over the sd breakout
21:14.16zenitraMand get both serial and sd
21:14.22t0dbld|workbye turl have fun !!
21:14.39zenitraMalthough i doubt both of those conditions are met
21:14.51ZaEarlmost sd card drivers can support mmc, but not always
21:15.09nikk_zenitraM but you don't need serial after development, or, if you need, you can find it on pcb in many versions
21:15.37zenitraMnikk_: this is for development, and most tablet pcbs have no "visible" serial
21:15.47nikk_as mine ;-)
21:16.21nikk_so, just don't use sd during it, nand is enough...
21:16.23t0dbld|workyeah but I almost always need sdcard as well
21:16.57nikk_for what? you can change it to USB flash drive
21:17.08nikk_as it's also storage
21:17.14t0dbld|worktrial and error is more fun anyhow
21:17.20zenitraMmmm also SD cards have two different ground lines
21:17.22nikk_only reason is mmc-bootable distro
21:17.40t0dbld|workwhat is advantage of that ^
21:17.50zenitraMi don't know if it is possible to "reuse" the ground, but..
21:18.04ZaEarlmy serial adapter looks like this:
21:18.17zenitraMwe could: only leave one as ground for the SD, connect that one with the other ground on the SD
21:18.35zenitraMand use the ground line as serial TX
21:18.52t0dbld|workZaEarl: send me one of those :-)
21:19.12zenitraMis that a.. microSD to SD adapter?
21:19.14zenitraMnever seen one of those
21:19.24ZaEarlslightly hacked
21:21.24t0dbld|workZaEarl: also hopefully you get a line on those chargers .... mines skinny little pin connecter is already bent LOL
21:21.42t0dbld|work^still works though
21:22.00ZaEarlyeah, it's a somewhat generic charger
21:22.01nikk_zenitraM, can you guide me, how to switch to bma250 in CM9. it detected, input: bma250 as /devices/virtual/input/input6, but:
21:22.26nikk_D/EventHub(  194): No input device configuration file found for device 'bma250'
21:23.45zenitraMnikk_: according to google:
21:24.04zenitraMlook in 4.0.3 firmwares for a bma250.kl file on that path
21:24.06zenitraMand get it from there
21:24.07nikk_accelerometer also need keylayout ?
21:24.22zenitraMseems so
21:24.48zenitraMyup, it talks about axes
21:25.44hnozenitraM, MMC is much broader concept than the cards, SD is a subset of MMC. Within MMC you have MMC card, SD card, eMMC, CE-ATA and even more protocols, each with their pinouts.
21:26.44nikk_zenitraM, khm, there is nothing for it in usr/keylayout. I compiled libsensors with definition for BMA250, but that doesn't help much
21:26.48hnoSD also adds some DRM functions on the card, but it's rarely used.
21:27.56zenitraMhno: i know, that's what i wanted to see if could be exploitable: "downgrading" SDs to get additional pins
21:28.22hnoadditional pins for?
21:28.31zenitraMnikk_: have you looked at all of the paths on there?
21:28.39t0dbld|worknikk_: not sure about yours but in ours our keylayouts are also in nanda
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21:28.50zenitraMhno: getting pins to get serial output on a tablet without UART but keeping the SD card on
21:29.30hnoiirs the pins used for uart are always needed for mmc operation.
21:29.44t0dbld|workon nanda  vendor/system/usr/keylayout
21:30.15zenitraMbut changing the script.bin accordingly we can use almost any pin
21:30.20hnocan't type
21:30.54hnozenitraM, no you can't cange pins
21:31.22zenitraMwhy not?
21:31.29t0dbld|workcant change HW
21:31.33hnothat is just an illusion in the file format
21:31.56t0dbld|workyoud jsut be lying to kernel about what pin is what
21:32.06t0dbld|workdoesnt change what pins in fact are
21:32.17hnoeach pin have 1-6 functions you can select for the pin.
21:32.49zenitraMi remember getting UART out of a different pin while testing the breakout board
21:32.56zenitraM(had one of the pins soldered incorrectly)
21:33.33t0dbld|workbut if pin is soldered to 5v+ how would you than with software turn it into id pin ?
21:34.02hnohardware is only capable of outputting uart0 Tx on two specific pins.
21:34.23zenitraMoh, well then nevermind
21:34.52hnoone of those pins is shared with sdcard0
21:36.36nikk_heh, it was my fault ) not compiled module ) definitely, you only need only /system/lib/hw/
21:36.48nikk_it will work with device directly
21:37.01hnowhat happens in script.bin is that you tell the driver "for serial TX you need to program pin X to function Y". Nothing verifies that function Y on pin X is the UART Tx signal.
21:38.11mnemocone day fex2bin will :)
21:39.19hnooptionally I hope.
21:39.42mnemoconly if specifying a known soc
21:39.50hnodocumentation often incomplete..
21:40.33mnemocok, only warnings
21:42.06hnoerrors is fine as long as one can turn them off.
21:42.53hnoeven by saying it's an unknown soc.
21:47.40mnemocat the moment I'm more interested in turning the script_parser_fetch() orgy into a bus
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21:49.05ManoftheSeamnemoc: an orgy bus?  is it coming to my town?
21:51.43t0dbld|worklol what ?
21:51.49t0dbld|worki must have missed something
21:54.38ManoftheSeat0dbld|work: yeah, mnemoc said he wants to turn an orgy into a bus
21:54.54ManoftheSeaBecause everybody shares on a bus
22:04.18hnomnemoc, (or anyone else with a naked mele), can you see some marking regarding the testpoint next to the CPU clock crystal? Mine has a lot of glue around there.
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23:52.59lercreads back. Naked mele orgy bus. Riiight....
23:54.23lercNot sure if that's what they meant by melee weapon.

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