IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120517

01:41.07*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl__ (~malmrose@
02:14.20*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (~malmrose@
03:10.31*** join/#arm-netbook CaCtus491 (
03:12.06*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
03:30.39*** join/#arm-netbook robertjw (
03:32.52robertjwI just put Tom Cubie's Ubuntu image on an a1000 and am finding that this is useable, so now I'm starting to tweek and improve.  One issue is with screen size.
03:33.28robertjwMy tv slightly overscans and as a result the top/bottom and sides are slightly clipped.
03:34.06robertjwI thought xrandr could help, but it seems ineffective with resizing on this device.
03:34.33robertjwAnyone have any suggestions on techniques to look at for resizing?
03:36.17DonkeyHoteioverscan is a general ubuntu problem. we discussed it at UDS
03:36.37DonkeyHoteimaybe someone in #ubuntu-tv might have an idea
03:39.58lundmangot to do something with my mele too
03:41.29mikey_wMy TV allowed me to kill oer scan.
03:41.53mikey_wover scan
03:42.06mikey_wIt had an adjustment.
03:42.55mikey_wCleared up that problem.
03:43.20mikey_wBut the ubuntu image is still unstable.
03:44.16mikey_wI added a new user and sound now works fine.
03:45.58robertjwUnfortunately my tv has no size adjustment, so I'm stuck.  The mele android software comes with a nice size adjustment feature that worked perfectly for me.  But a full gnu/linux distribution is the holy grail.
03:46.21mikey_wSometimes I have to do both "depmod -a" and "ifup wlan0" to get wifi working.
03:46.21lundmani want to steal that video setting panel to use in ICS
03:46.44lundmanbut there was a code ioctl example on how to change the video
03:48.17robertjwThe other thing I would like to get going is support for 1080i or 1080p.  Is someone currently working on that?
03:49.48lundmanchanging the ioctl didnt work?
03:50.40robertjwI can try it.  Do you have the command line in your head?
03:53.39robertjwhmmm, that c snippet is changing mode from hdmi to vga, but maybe it could be adapted also for this purpose.  Now to find the doc on the ioctl codes for this device...
03:54.05DonkeyHoteido those exist?
03:54.49robertjwthat would be in the A10/gpu doc I suppose.
03:55.39DonkeyHoteidoes that exist?
03:59.36robertjwI'm sure it exists, but whether it is available or not is the question.  I'm not finding it.
04:01.03robertjwThe other source of documentation would be the sources for the driver that supports the /dev/disp device.  I don't have a source tree set up yet so I don't know if that is gpl or not.
04:01.04DonkeyHoteimost useful people in this channel will start waking up in a couple of hours
04:01.18DonkeyHoteibest to wait
04:01.46robertjwunfortunately in my part of the world its past time for sleep
04:03.15mikey_wHere too.
04:03.29DonkeyHoteifor me, it's only 9pm
04:03.42robertjwthanks to everyone for their suggestions.  I'll scan the channel in eight hours or so to see if anyone else leaves some ideas in the meantime.  (TN)
04:03.46mikey_wLa la lander.
04:04.01DonkeyHoteila la land is 400 miles away
04:04.21mikey_wOh San Franciscian.
04:05.05mikey_wI lived in Milpitas for 30 years.
04:05.47mikey_wSilicone Valley.
04:07.50robertjwsheesh, I just had to read on to find the answer.
04:08.04robertjw"The value in this code are based on drv_display_sun4i.h in the kernel code."
04:11.06CapnKernelmikey_w: "silicone valley" (sic) is San Fernando Valley :-)
04:12.05mikey_wI was just south of SF Bay.
04:12.48mikey_wSanta Clara county.
04:14.18robertjwI just grep'ed the whole android source tree and that file didn't show up.
04:15.02robertjwthere must be a custom mele kernel involved here.
04:16.11DonkeyHoteimilpitas is full of semiconductor factories
04:21.22*** part/#arm-netbook robertjw (
04:22.33*** join/#arm-netbook robertjw (
04:24.01robertjwthis is cool, I'm logged in now from my mele a2000 running tom's ubuntu image
04:45.44*** join/#arm-netbook RITRedbeard (
04:46.09RITRedbeardI want an ARM netbook.
04:46.54RITRedbeardNamely, it should be very low power and have LVDS output.
05:23.07RITRedbeardI demand an ARM netbook.
05:23.18RITRedbeardYou have twelve hours to meet my request.
05:42.42DonkeyHoteii have an arm netbook. it has 128MB ram and runs WinCE 5.0
05:44.46*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
05:47.11rm"and runs WinCE 5.0" <- so, be careful for what you wish for :P
05:47.37rmRITRedbeard, there are tons of ARM netbooks on Aliexpress
05:47.47rm7" for $60, 10" for $120
05:48.13rmbut they run android, have slow CPUs and aren't really that hackable to run something else
05:48.57rmoh, you could also get a Toshiba AC100
05:49.02rmbut that's a whole another can of sh1t
05:49.21rmor Efika MX!
05:49.28rmbut that one is a bit expensive for my tastes
05:49.52rmalso not sure about LVDS output on all of these
05:50.04rmwhat it's for?
05:52.25RITRedbeardThe AC100 is crap.
05:52.28RITRedbeardOverpriced crap.
05:52.49RITRedbeardRefitting Thinkpad 240 to thin client status.
05:55.19*** join/#arm-netbook cromo (
05:59.49RITRedbeardSince it's the perfect size.
06:01.02RITRedbeardBest Keyboard In Class
06:04.05*** join/#arm-netbook robertjw (
06:11.11*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
06:35.20steev_rm: actually... we're *really* low on stock for the MX smartbook (and smarttop but everyone keeps talking about netbook so yeah)
06:35.38RITRedbeardWho is *we*?
06:36.27rmGenesi, I suppose
06:37.19RITRedbeard1024 x 600 is a deal breaker immediately
06:37.52rmnot going to get anything more in a foreseeable future
06:37.57RITRedbeardbut the more that smartbooks, tops, netbooks are on the market the better
06:38.01rmand don't call it a netbook then
06:38.04RITRedbeardI'd rather do 800x600
06:38.09rmif what you want has a hueg screen
06:38.37rm800x600 is better than 1024x600, how?
06:39.06RITRedbeardyou ever use XP/windows 7 in that messed up resolution?
06:40.06RITRedbeardit never works right
06:40.23ssvbRITRedbeard: wow, are you using XP/windows 7 on ARM netbooks?
06:40.28rmyou're not going to run "XP/windows 7 " on an ARM netbook
06:40.43rmand GNU/Linux systems work fine with the resolution available
06:40.50RITRedbeardThat doesn't change the fact that it's not a good resolution.
06:41.01RITRedbeard4:3 aspect ratio is better for 10" platform
06:41.11RITRedbeardYou're going to have to take my word for it
06:45.12RITRedbeardThe whole industry has gone a bit retarded in terms of LCD panels
06:47.12*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (
06:48.39steev_RITRedbeard: i don't disagree that 1024x600 sucks, that's why i replaced mine with a 1280x720 lcd
06:52.24DonkeyHoteihipboi: is there any reason that serial over mmc could simply not work in one direction?
06:52.56hipboiserial can output to two pin
06:53.06hipboibut can not input from two pins
06:53.18hipboineither will not work
06:53.43rmthere's the Loongson 3 netbook coming out with 1376x768; but that's not ARM, not really low-power, and looks like it's going to be crazy expensive
06:54.06DonkeyHoteiso serial over mmc is output-only regardless? zenitraM said it worked bidirectionally for him
06:54.50RITRedbeardI should have been an electrical engineer.
06:55.10hipboiserial over mmc, you must disable the original uart pin
06:55.58DonkeyHoteii changed the uart from PFx to the mmc pins; do i need to disable PFx somewhere else?
06:57.38hipboiyou need to set pb(the default uart tx rx) as normal function
06:58.12DonkeyHoteii am assuming you're referring to the sys_config1.fex
06:58.20hipboioh. no...
06:58.22DonkeyHoteihowever, uboot ignores that
06:58.45hipboiuboot is hard coded
06:58.49DonkeyHoteiuboot has the serial pins hard-coded, and it behaves identically
07:01.13DonkeyHoteiwhat could explain that?
07:02.48hipboiusually PB22 and PB23 is uesd for uart tx and rx
07:03.19hipboiPF2 and PF4 is for mmc signal
07:03.28DonkeyHoteia recent git commit to uboot hardcodes it to the mmc pins for serial
07:03.38hipboioh, yes
07:03.53hipboiwhich repo are you talking about
07:04.27hipboibut PF2 and PF4 can also be used as uart tx and rx
07:05.09hipboiso if you want to serial from mmc
07:05.25hipboijust set PF2 and PF4 to uart rx and tx
07:05.54hipboibut at this time if PB22 and PB23 still as uart rx and tx
07:06.49hipboiit's for tablet to get console on mmc easily
07:08.30*** part/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
07:08.39*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
07:13.27DonkeyHoteii used that uboot and changed script.bin in nanda to use the mmc for serial, but both uboot and ICS ignore keystrokes over serial
07:18.03zenitraMrobertjw: there's a tool here that will let you change to any display/resolution i think
07:18.39zenitraMhaven't tested it, but the constants for display change are the same than on the disp driver so you can change the ioctl code from the other program if it doesn't work
07:19.14zenitraMi found those on the *android* source, not on the kernel iirc, that's why you didn't find them
07:21.19hipboithe display resolution can be changed in script.bin
07:21.38hipboithere are comments in sys_config1.fex
07:22.05DonkeyHoteihipboi: any o
07:22.22DonkeyHoteihipboi: any idea why i get no response on serial?
07:22.32hipboiit's a bug
07:22.37DonkeyHoteiin what?
07:22.43hipboiyou need add two more lines in uboot
07:22.54hipboiuart can not get input from two line
07:23.04hipboibut it can output to two line
07:23.16DonkeyHoteican you submit a patch?
07:23.27zenitraMhipboi: interesting, haven't thought of that
07:23.41hipboiyes, i was a problem i noticed before
07:23.54hipboibut i can only commit on my laptop
07:23.56DonkeyHoteialso, why would uboot affect ICS's ability to respond on serial?
07:24.05hipboithen it was forgot...
07:24.07zenitraMhipboi: i modified manually uboot to go to sd before you put that patch on the repo and it worked
07:24.32hipboican you commit it?
07:25.08zenitraMi have no commit access, but the change in code was the same i think
07:25.18zenitraM(i no longer have it here...)
07:25.48zenitraMalthough as he says, if android doesn't receive input too.. then it wouldn't be a uboot problem, wouldn't it?
07:26.10hipboiit's the problem of bootloader
07:26.27hipboibecause the kernel and android don't set hardware pins
07:27.05DonkeyHoteihipboi: the "boot1" ?
07:27.44zenitraMbut it worked both ways for me, at least on my tablet, on ICS just changing script.bin
07:29.06DonkeyHoteii used the uboot with that commit
07:29.12hipboiDonkeyHotei: yes
07:29.12DonkeyHoteino input
07:29.24DonkeyHoteiand no input on ICS
07:29.29hipboiadd two lines like that
07:29.44DonkeyHoteithose lines were already there
07:30.01hipboineed two more lines
07:30.16DonkeyHoteibut ICS has no input either
07:30.22hipboito disable the PB22 and PB23
07:30.34hipboiyes ICS still use this
07:30.58DonkeyHoteii thought ICS used the script.bin
07:31.43hipboiyes, ics uses script.bin
07:32.14hipboibut i won't disable the PB22 and PB23
07:32.28DonkeyHoteichanging the script.bin gives me output but no input in ICS
07:34.27hipboii find i can not explain it
07:34.44hipboican you paste your de-compiles script.bin?
07:35.27DonkeyHoteii am not at that machine now and you would likely be asleep when i can be there
07:36.27zenitraMeverything worked for me without disabling anything just changing the ports...
07:36.54DonkeyHoteibut there is nothing obvious in script.bin that i noticed to cause this, which is why i'm asking about boot1
07:37.27DonkeyHoteizenitraM: in uboot, too?
07:41.13zenitraMDonkeyHotei: yes
07:42.03DonkeyHoteizenitraM: well, hipboi seems to say uboot shouldn't be working that way regardless
07:42.27zenitraMwell, it worked for me, which leads me to think that the problem is somewhere else
07:42.55DonkeyHoteiright, which was why i wanted to ask him
07:43.37DonkeyHoteiwhat device was this on, btw?
07:44.11zenitraMainol novo 7 advanced
07:44.50DonkeyHoteithose are on aliexpress
07:45.11DonkeyHoteifor USD$80
07:45.35zenitraMyes, it's a bit old model
07:45.43DonkeyHoteiplus ungodly shipping
07:46.09zenitraMalthough i only see Advanced II
07:46.14zenitraMmine is advanced I
07:49.03DonkeyHoteidid you build your own uboot?
07:50.20lundmanwhat is needed for a working mele uboot?
07:50.55DonkeyHoteimaybe the novo is just wired weirdly somehow
07:51.12hipboiDonkeyHotei: i found that two line
07:51.22hipboisunxi_gpio_set_cfgpin(SUNXI_GPB(22), SUNXI_GPIO_INPUT);
07:51.22hipboisunxi_gpio_set_cfgpin(SUNXI_GPB(23), SUNXI_GPIO_INPUT);
07:52.49DonkeyHoteiwould adding those to uboot allow ics to use serial?
07:53.06hipboii think so
07:53.43hipboithere are no others i can think will cause that
07:53.54DonkeyHoteicould you commit them with "#if 0" ?
07:54.52hipboioh, i have commit it with a UART_PINS_TO_SD
07:55.00hipboiwhich is define in the sun4i.h
07:56.06DonkeyHoteijust now?
07:58.10DonkeyHoteiin the lichee-dev branch?
07:59.05DonkeyHoteii don't see it
08:00.01DonkeyHoteii don't see sunxi_gpio_set_cfgpin(SUNXI_GPB(22), SUNXI_GPIO_INPUT);
08:00.16hipboii will commit it tonight
08:00.30DonkeyHoteithank you
08:01.30DonkeyHoteiso it was just some gpio weirdness in zenitraM's tablet that made it work for him?
08:04.45hipboii don't think so
08:05.02DonkeyHoteithen why did it work for him?
08:05.10hipboii think maybe you just changed one place in the script.bin
08:05.44DonkeyHoteii changed three places in script.bin, as instructed on the elinux page
08:06.07hipboithen it should work
08:06.41DonkeyHoteicould uboot affect it?
08:06.48hipboimaybe it's your gpio weirdness that doesn't work
08:06.56hipboiuboot can effect it
08:07.20DonkeyHoteii tried on three different tablet boards
08:07.21*** join/#arm-netbook CapnKernel (
08:07.23hipboibut in the kernel, the uart driver will set the pin as script.bin
08:08.23hipboiat least one thing is sure
08:08.37DonkeyHoteiand when i used the stock ICS uboot that doesn't use serial at all, ICS still had output but no input
08:08.50hipboiafter i commit tonight, you can input in u-boot console
08:09.00DonkeyHoteii hope so
08:11.09DonkeyHoteiZaEarl: if you read scrollback, can you try a git pull tomorrow? it's unlikely i can get there before next week
08:14.06lundmananyway, I added ext4 and zfs to u-boot if that is interesting
08:14.57DonkeyHoteizfs? why?
08:19.48lundmanwell, imagine you have had a flushing toilet for your whole life, then when you buy a new house it only has an out-house. that's what its like to use something other than zfs
08:22.57*** join/#arm-netbook arokux_h (
08:23.11*** join/#arm-netbook drgreenthumb (
08:23.24mnemoclundman: if you want to extend uboot use hno's tree
08:24.15mnemoclundman: yes
08:24.23lundmangreat, so is mine, should be easy to merge
08:30.52*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
08:33.12mnemocjust realized doesn't have an english version of their site...
08:36.52mnemochipboi: hi, btw, is your boss aware the sourcedrop of 3.0.8 from Qware included arch/arm/mach-sun5i (and several sun5i drivers)?
08:37.08hipboii have no idea
08:37.21hipboinor do i care
08:37.26hnohi. Can talk more about u-boot in an hour or so. In a meeting.
08:37.42mnemoclundman: ---^
08:38.15hipboithanks to Qware
08:38.24hipboihelped a lot of people
08:38.55hipboiincluding the A13 project
08:39.00hipboi: )
08:39.37mnemocbut to mainline the stuff we still need a real release, or an statement telling everything there is GPL including the files without proper header
08:40.45mnemocafter finding what the hell is wrong with the sata driver I wanted to make a plat-sunxi and try to unify the stuff.... without the need of secrecy there is no point in keep everything duplicated
08:41.06mnemocalso forwardport the missing bits of sun3i
08:51.53hipboiplat-sunxi is needed
09:00.44*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
09:09.42lundmanheh, me too, i just finished hockey :)
09:09.57*** join/#arm-netbook octet8 (~octet8@
09:44.23zenitraMmmm if we can't get such statement from allwinner directly we could try with qware
09:45.28Turlqware doesn't probably own the rights to it
09:45.50mnemocthe copyright owner is allwinner
09:52.34zenitraMi know, but they might be able to get an statement from allwinner easier than us, being a big client
09:54.05mnemocah, yes.
09:59.53zenitraM(i suppose having a link to them that says "GPL sources" is not enough)
10:00.51mnemoczenitraM: please file a ticket about the mainlining and add a reference to the link there. It's the best we have :)
10:01.40mnemocand maybe it is enough :)
10:05.06mnemoc ... I thought the AXP was from allwinner too...
10:05.45Turlheh nice
10:05.48mnemochipboi: is x-powers part of the same group or separated
10:05.58TurlI got someone complaining it charged way too slowly :P
10:06.24hipboix-power is part of allwiner
10:08.17mnemocKrosspower or cha-power? :)
10:10.04Turlhipboi: btw, is the android integration stuff from Cedar supposed to be out in the open?
10:16.18hipboieks power
10:16.40mnemocMODULE_AUTHOR("Donglu Zhang, Krosspower"); <---- fancy
10:17.02lundmananything with a K has to be Kool
10:17.37mnemocthey are kooler than allwinner, they have open datasheets!
10:18.10Turlallwinner is pure win, krosspower is pure kool
10:19.33hipboiDonglu Zhang has left allwinner
10:20.09mnemocall axp code is MODULE_AUTHORed by him
10:20.52hipboii just haven't seen him for a while
10:21.07hipboithen someone told me he has left
10:26.36zenitraMissue created
10:33.06hnois back
10:36.00hnodamn, hipboi left. Needed to talk a bit to him. Well, another day.
10:38.30hnomnemoc, AXP209 seems to only have chineese datasheet?
10:39.18mnemocyes, critical parts have texts in english
10:40.23hnoHeh.. the datasheeds do say "confidential". in their footer.
10:43.26mnemochno: but there is an generic AXP20x user guide in english
10:43.48mnemocuh, and says "krosspower"
10:44.06mnemocand in chinese :<
10:46.03zenitraMgotta love china.
10:51.28hnothe GPIO seems to be far more than one normally expect of GPIO..
10:53.39mnemocit's far more than one normally expect of a batter/power manager IC
10:53.52hnoWonder how much it differs from 202. Exact same pinout.
10:54.00hnoand 202 have english datasheet.
10:55.16mnemockernel-wise they are the same
10:57.51mnemochno: the description in vs is identical but 209's doesn't have a features section :<
11:00.57hnonotes to make sure all interesting pins of the power controller gets routed.
11:43.41*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
12:27.40hnomnemoc, nice, updated A10 datasheets.
12:28.27mnemocyup :) ... very fresh
12:30.46mnemoc if anyone else wants it
12:31.27hnowith confidental all over, but no NDA required.
12:32.55mnemocI'm just passing it to the colleagues :)
12:33.08mnemocconfidentiality remains :p
12:34.00mnemocand if AW requests it can have no troubles deleting _that_ copy
12:35.16mnemochno: and as you noted yourself the axp datasheets also say confidential all over and they can be freely downloaded. I'm just following the same policy
13:01.54*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
13:02.39hnoWtf.. "Excess flood" while being idle?
13:08.15hnomaybe freenode was just 4 hours late in reacting.
13:41.28mnemoc<6>sw_ahci sw_ahci.0: AHCI 0001.0100 32 slots 1 ports 3 Gbps 0x1 impl platform mode
13:41.31mnemoc<6>ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 mmio [mem 0x01c18000-0x01c18fff] port 0x100 irq 56
13:41.34mnemoc<6>sw_ahci sw_ahci.0: flags: ncq sntf pm led clo only pio slum part ccc
13:41.41mnemocf* uninitialized variables :<
13:51.15mnemocanyone with a v2 tree wanted to test sata with a real disk?
13:59.41zenitraMmnemoc: sure, i can try
14:17.27DonkeyHoteiThis A10 datasheet is the original work and copyrighted property of Allwinner Technology (“Allwinner”).
14:17.27DonkeyHoteiReproduction in whole or in part must obtain the written approval of Allwinner and give clear acknowledgement to
14:17.27DonkeyHoteithe copyright owner.
14:19.26mnemocDonkeyHotei: OT, you mentioned UDS before, are you an ubuntu developer?
14:20.20DonkeyHoteii was at UDS and people pointed at me with regard to the A10 tablet
14:35.45L84SupperI have one of those A10 netbooks
14:36.33mnemocthe sunwhatever one?
14:36.37L84Supperit's sitting with a friend in China, it works but it has keyboard and camera issues with Android
14:37.17L84Suppergot it a week or two ago
14:37.33L84Supperthey asked us to help fix it but we are busy
14:37.51L84Supperit will probably be fine with some tweaks under Linux
14:38.41L84Supperit's not in a very nice case
14:39.52mnemoczenitraM: worked?
14:41.05hnomnemoc, so it was just pure chance that it worked before?
14:41.28mnemochno: they rewrote the script.bin parser
14:42.44mnemochno: it's much cleaner now.... but they seem to have forgotten to test some edge cases :)
14:43.22zenitraMmnemoc: trying to make the serial adapter work again...
14:43.50mnemoczenitraM: uh
14:44.03*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
14:44.15hnothought it was script.bin parser related from the trace.
14:45.01zenitraMalso, don't touch the mele's case while barefoot.
14:45.15mnemoci first assumed the way of using the parser had changed...
14:45.29mnemoczenitraM: burns?
14:45.43zenitraMjust a bit
14:46.17traeaksaw the humorous mailing list these companies try to design and dump products without doing market research, but when you ask them to design something people might want they want to charge you to do it
14:46.44mnemochno: also the shrank the memory mapping from 4M to 3M ... that was the second thing I blamed
14:50.24steev_traeak: what thread
14:50.38hnoHmm.. seems they have redone the A10 development kit significantly.
14:50.50hnomuch less flexible than earlier version.
14:51.02hnobut 110% nicer packaged.
14:51.25mnemocbut ugly PCB color :p
14:51.41traeakspecific posting, sry
14:53.13mnemocI hope the first eoma68 laptop has a decent (not blending) case and keyboard
14:53.23steev_"if you build it, they will come" is another way of putting it
14:54.44traeakmnemoc: i'm not sure the a10 has enough horsepower to make a good netbook though
14:55.01steev_depends on what you run
14:55.18mnemocthe point of eoma68 is to be able to replace the core board and reuse the rest of the device
14:55.18steev_if you expect a *netbook* to run like a *laptop*, then no, it won't have the horsepower to be a good laptop
14:55.47mnemocbut if the case is junk and the display is junk, what there is to reuse...
14:56.03steev_in fact, a lot of the "slowness" you see in most of them running ubuntu is due to the murrine gtk engine
14:56.32mnemocis very happy with with 11.6" AMD E350 thinkpad
14:56.39traeakcomparing the a10 to the n270 systems i have
14:57.00mnemocsteev_: I thought the murrine was a *light* engine
14:57.09steev_mnemoc: not even close
14:57.18traeakon my dev boxes i run windowmaker, on netbooks i run xfce (for my wife's sake)
14:57.20steev_clearlooks is a light engine
14:57.44traeaki won't touch debian based distros anyways.  i don't like debian atall
14:57.50traeaknever have, it's always turned me off
14:58.58steev_i started out with debian back in 2002-ish, but i had to rebuild the kernel because it didn't support my network card, and then i had to rebuild a few other applications, and i was ending up building more and more to have something recent, so i moved to the most logical distro for my uses, which was Gentoo, and here I am
14:59.00hnomnemoc, memory mapping of what?
14:59.20mnemoc{ SW_VA_IO_BASE,   __phys_to_pfn(SW_PA_IO_BASE),    (SZ_1M + SZ_2M),    MT_DEVICE       },
14:59.21zenitraM[   92.670000] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      FUJITSU MHZ2160B 0081 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
14:59.21zenitraM[   92.670000] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 312581808 512-byte logical blocks: (160 GB/149 GiB)
14:59.21zenitraM[   92.680000] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
14:59.21zenitraM[   92.680000] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
14:59.21zenitraM[   92.680000] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
14:59.22zenitraM[   92.700000]  sda: sda1 sda2
14:59.24zenitraM[   92.700000] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
14:59.31mnemoczenitraM: \o/
14:59.41zenitraMi can has sata root now :D
15:00.09mnemochno: { SW_VA_IO_BASE,   __phys_to_pfn(SW_PA_IO_BASE),    (SZ_1M + SZ_2M),    MT_DEVICE       },
15:00.17traeaksteev_: i got pissed at gentoo a few years back and moved over to arch ...
15:00.24mnemochno: and we used SZ_4M in the original 3.0 tree
15:00.43traeaksteev_: not sayign arch is the best, the maintainers are asses in some ways
15:00.54hnoAh, the simplified I/O mapping?
15:00.59steev_arch is good from what i hear, i've never had any issues with gentoo myself.  i say use what you're most comfortable with
15:01.06mnemochno: yes, only 3 lines now
15:01.17steev_of course, it's harder to move to a different distro when i'm a gentoo dev
15:01.51traeaksteev_: the whole openssl upgrade that went bad was irritating, and i got tired of chasing use flags (they have way too many of them)
15:02.07mnemoczenitraM: can you test once more reverting the change in core.c ?
15:03.02hnoWonder why they map the BROM in Linux. It's nice as it allows dumping it, but why?
15:03.31hnoHave you seen any drivers makign calls into BROM?
15:04.06zenitraMbuilding... that shouldn't need to change the modules right?
15:04.20mnemoczenitraM: right, only uImage
15:04.28mnemochno: grepping
15:04.49mnemochno: nothing in our tree
15:05.15zenitraMmnemoc: this happened when running the tool to enable vga
15:05.22hnoHmm.. they don't seem to map the sram any more?
15:05.47mnemoc{ SW_VA_SRAM_BASE, __phys_to_pfn(SW_PA_SRAM_BASE),  (SZ_128K + SZ_64K), MT_MEMORY_ITCM  },
15:06.02mnemocSRAM, IO, BROM
15:06.05hnoRight, saw it now. Misread it as the DRAM mapping first..
15:06.39hnomemory fades too quick. Been many hours in this code earluer.
15:06.54mnemoczenitraM: reply the ticket about sata and file a new one about lcd :)
15:07.28mnemoczenitraM: or it worked before fixing sata?
15:07.48zenitraMdidn't try
15:08.16zenitraMbooting with the core.c reverted..
15:08.25mnemocthat fix really shouldn't have side effects
15:08.27zenitraMokay, forget about vga
15:08.34zenitraMi forgot to modprobe disp
15:08.53mnemocmodprobe lcd should bring disp too
15:09.42zenitraMalso sata seems to work
15:09.56zenitraMwith the original core.c
15:09.57mnemoczenitraM: great, reply the ticket please
15:10.16traeakwhich kernel tree is this for?
15:10.44mnemocbased on the source drop by qware
15:11.08traeakthey dropped 3.0.8 though right? so there was soe porting?
15:11.13traeakwhere is this tree?
15:13.43mnemoczenitraM: so, does the display work for you?
15:15.26zenitraMyup, seems so
15:17.06zenitraMalso the fb_test.dat tool works
15:21.31mnemocamazing, I'll tell the list
15:24.20zenitraMalso mac_addr works
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16:07.05traeakgrr this damn kernel source is too big for my sd card
16:08.17mnemocmine is 23M include uImage and .ko files...
16:08.35traeak1GB for trying to pull the git repo
16:08.49traeakany better way of pulling that?
16:08.50mnemoc1.5 :)
16:08.58traeakwell i ran out of room before that :-p
16:10.20mnemoctraeak: if you have another recent clone linux you can copy that .git in and add the new remote
16:10.34mnemocthen only the new commits will be fetched
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16:11.30mnemocgit clone local is also very helpful when you have more than one checkout of the same remote
16:11.41traeakor i can cross compile it
16:12.06mnemoccross compiling the kernel is the normal way....
16:12.56mnemocmy test checkout is actually 2.4GB
16:14.53traeakmy sd card has everything needed for native compilation
16:14.59traeakshould scare up a usb drive then
16:17.54t0dbld|workeven if your sd card is set up for ram , what ever is doing the processing is going to have to :-)
16:18.15t0dbld|workan amd64 isnt natively going to compile arm :-)
16:18.31t0dbld|workunless your going to compile on your smart phone :-P
16:18.45traeakof course...setting up the cross compiler is fun :-p
16:19.00t0dbld|workjsut making sure
16:19.17t0dbld|workas mnemoc said it is the normal way to compile and kernels :-)
16:28.08traeakt0dbld|work: well i would try to compile it on the mele itself
16:30.09t0dbld|worklol whats the specs on that machine
16:30.11traeakhehe, clone onto a usb drive with ntfs on it
16:30.25traeakallwinner a10 cortex a8
16:30.32traeakshould be molasses i'm sure
16:30.44traeakhave to deal with all the missing ram of course
16:30.49zenitraMthat's when having a sata drive plugged to the mele is helpful
16:30.53zenitraMboth for swap and space
16:31.03traeakdon't have one of those available (yet)
16:31.15traeakcan the mele power a 3.5" drive?
16:31.28t0dbld|workI prefer to have my i7 do my building :-)
16:31.48zenitraMno it can't
16:31.50traeaknot enough voltage
16:31.53zenitraMyou need external power for that
16:32.25traeakt0dbld|work: well i do have a dual i7 xeon here, but i would use the dual c2q xeon for this stuff
16:33.02t0dbld|workthat why would you build on mele ?
16:33.20traeaki haven't set up the cross compiler yet :-p
16:33.45traeakall my work is highly threaded HPC stuff :-p
16:33.54zenitraMapt-get install gcc-4.6-arm-linux-gnueabi
16:34.11traeaka couple more steps with arch
16:36.38t0dbld|worknot many
16:36.46t0dbld|worklike replacing with pacman
16:39.36t0dbld|workthere ya go
16:39.45t0dbld|workshould take about 5 min :-)
16:44.58traeaksort of :-p
16:45.51mikey_wI understand what uimage is but what are evb.bin,  mele.bin and sys_config1.mele_mod.bin and how do you build them?
16:47.49t0dbld|workmikey_w: best way to learn is to DO .... use these and investigate
16:52.25traeaki think the evb.bin is the one that's really used
16:56.47mnemoctraeak: check your uboot env
16:57.04traeakmnemoc: thx
16:57.55mnemocprintenv and see what is been loaded at 0x43000000
16:59.18mnemocshould read the backlog before answering
17:00.24traeakwiki nazis would be helpful :-p
17:18.26mikey_wt0dbld, I compiled the tools and ran bin2fex on the .bin files and seem to have gotten a bunch of device parameters?
17:19.21mikey_wAm I correct in thinking that uboot uses these to configure the hardware?
17:20.43mnemocmikey_w: the kernel does, not uboot
17:21.28mikey_wok they are device trees passed to the kernel.
17:22.18mikey_wWhich make the kernel useful for many types of A10 implementations.
17:24.05mikey_wMaybe even different SOCs.
17:24.07mnemocyes. if .config-ured correctly the same sun4i kernel can run any a10-based device
17:24.17mikey_wVery cool
17:24.19mnemocscript.bin is allwinner-specific
17:24.37mnemocbut using all their recent socs
17:26.26mnemocthis binary data structure similar to device tree
17:27.03mikey_wI only have evb.bin, mele.bin and sys_config1.mele_mod.bin.
17:27.06mnemocscript.bin is the common name, but doesn't need to be called like that as long as your bootloader knows what file to load
17:27.30mnemoccheck your uboot env
17:27.56traeakis there a canned "config" to go with that linux-allwinner kernel ?
17:28.18mikey_wI will have to actually open the mele and attach the serial dongle to do that.
17:28.37mikey_wI have been running in the dark, so to speak.
17:28.40mnemoctraeak: I use sun4i_defconfig + tweaking
17:29.14mnemocmikey_w: you can also ask in the ML which .bin is the one used in that image
17:29.40traeakanything special about the "tweaking" ?
17:29.54mnemoctraeak: my current "tweaking"
17:30.17mnemoctraeak: but that's actually for debugging broken drivers, not for user use
17:31.39mikey_wSo that is the kernel make configuration?
17:32.07mnemoctraeak: newer
17:32.38mikey_wor the diff for it.
17:32.47mnemoca diff against the default
17:34.31mikey_wyes, understand.
17:34.59mikey_wOverwhelmed at the moment.
17:37.23hnoregarding cross compile. Fedora ARM is all native compiled on ARM boxes.
17:37.37traeaki believe arch may do that as well
17:37.47mnemocsome use qemu
17:38.37mnemocmany packages are hard or impossible to cross compile :(
17:38.59traeakx86 dominated world sadly
17:39.13traeakalthough i'll say arm isnt' much better :-p
17:40.18hnox86 or arm do not matter. crosscompiling do not work at that scale.
17:43.57*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei1 (~qingpei@
17:44.28zenitraMtries to add Mali DRM to the kernel
17:46.37traeakhno: not effectively...if the system were built cross compiler friendly from the beginning...
17:47.05traeakas long as the stupid configuration utilities don't directly bang on the hardware
17:47.18traeak(blas/lapack grrrrrrrrrr)
17:48.32mnemoczenitraM: problem is to find a version compatible with the android and linux closed source libraries we have...
17:49.00mnemoczenitraM: a ticket would be nice :)
17:49.13t0dbld|workhno: mnemoc  i wish we could get that ddk
17:52.21zenitraMmnemoc: i'll do
17:52.47zenitraMbut at least for the drm kernel module we have all the different versions to try
17:52.50zenitraMand also for x11
17:58.48hnot0dbld|work, the mali one?
17:59.00mnemoczenitraM: it might be good to see the extracted sources we have in modules/mali with the original releases, to see what allwinner has done to them
17:59.20hnowe have all needed for mali softfloat linux x11.
17:59.32t0dbld|workhno: yeah ddk for mali
17:59.46t0dbld|worknot just the OS half stack on site
17:59.52hnothe ddk is not distributed outside ARM licensors.
18:00.05hnoonly in binary form.
18:00.08hnowhich we have.
18:00.53traeaki guess android uses softfloat for everything right?
18:01.21hnoyes. but that's irrelevant.
18:01.28hnomostly anyway.
18:01.38t0dbld|workwell i know im having hell of a time with it still :-P
18:02.02traeakmakes it hard to verbatim steal drivers is all
18:02.32hnowe can't steal much userspace from android. Different OS stack only using a similar kernel.
18:02.52t0dbld|workandroid im not as concerend with
18:03.06t0dbld|workthe linux side and x11 stuff is bigger issue for me
18:03.32t0dbld|workthe android side will only become more of a problem some jelly bean maybe
18:03.48t0dbld|worksome == come
18:04.57t0dbld|workhmm never noticed Hexxeh in here before ... you get an arm-netbook ?
18:05.05t0dbld|workhow goes the chrome hacking ?
18:05.11Hexxehnah, just idling anyway though
18:05.15Hexxehi was considering an a10 though
18:05.20Hexxeheh, not too good
18:05.36Hexxehthe board overlay works good, but chrome itself is proving a bitch
18:05.47Hexxehsee my thread here:
18:05.58t0dbld|worki was im pressed with the chrome os on the mac air :-)
18:06.05t0dbld|workwould have tried had i not sold my mackbook air
18:06.26t0dbld|workyeah a10 been fun so far , we grabbed a bunch of tablets
18:06.47t0dbld|workim having a hell of a time getting display on gentoo though :-(
18:06.51t0dbld|workother distros np really
18:07.43hnot0dbld|work, what issues do you have with the Linux X11 mali driver? Apart from the mali GPU part being a softfloar binary blob (4 .so files and headers)
18:09.16t0dbld|workwell i wish i could be more specific , but i dont havea serial console so right now all i can tell you is it is not loading properly
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18:09.51t0dbld|workim in middle of trying an alternative way that may provide a few more answeres in a little bit ... compiling isnt the fastest on the a10 :-P
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18:11.13traeakagreed on speed of compilation...however it is nice that i can touch the SOC package and not get burned
18:12.51t0dbld|workwell im doing gentoo ATM no other option
18:13.46t0dbld|worki didnt do kernel or anything on it
18:14.02t0dbld|workbut subversion and xorg were not quick by any means :-)
18:14.21menomctry C++ stuff
18:14.47t0dbld|workhaha well of course i am getting some of that as well :-)
18:15.09t0dbld|workright now doing through chroot though so its even slower
18:15.18t0dbld|workbut i got sick of doing compiles blind
18:15.21traeakmenomc: c++ is okay unless you pull in boost/qt :-p
18:15.23t0dbld|workand jsut checking logs later
18:16.11traeakall of fltk2 compiles in ~9s here
18:16.41t0dbld|workI have had worse ... not sure if Hexxeh ever did but i compiled a few linux kernels on CR-48 .... now that was slow
18:16.54t0dbld|workand if it failed with error that really ruined your day
18:17.29t0dbld|workmostly cause it took half of it already
18:31.43traeaknote to self: remember to use screen next time
18:35.29menomctraeak: screen is dead, long life to tmux
18:35.57Turlscreen <3
18:36.47menomcsuddenly the dungeon collapses - you die
18:37.29TurlI use screen because it does what I need, and I know how to use it :)
18:39.36menomcme too :p
18:40.28rmdoes anyone have an A10 device (Mele Ax000 perhaps), with Debian installed, right now? to run a quick benchmark
18:44.15zenitraMrm: will Ubuntu armhf work?
18:44.16traeakmenomc: i don't use either enough to justify getting fancy :-p
18:44.56traeakrm what type of benchmark did you do ? the old unixbench stuff ?
18:45.21rmzenitraM, yes
18:45.36zenitraMi have it on ssh, tell me what to do
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18:45.57rminstall the mbw package (should be in the repository), tell me which version
18:46.18rmthen run "mbw x", where x is a number that is about 1/3 of your RAM
18:46.25menomc"I'll use screen because it does what I need, and I know how to use it" ---> work work work -> "Suddenly the Dungeon collapses!! - You die..." ---> F! F! F! I really need to start using tmux --> loop
18:46.30rme.g. "mbw 100"
18:48.15Turlmenomc: my use case is running make or an IRC bot and disconnecting :)
18:49.17t0dbld|workONE hour later i have subversion !!
18:49.30menomcwhat for?
18:49.51t0dbld|worki want tablet to run e17 gentoo
18:49.57t0dbld|workneeded fopr layman
18:50.20DonkeyHoteiin other words, yes, masochism
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18:52.29traeakrm version 1.1 sry
18:52.42rmtraeak, thanks, and which device?
18:53.20traeakrm: mele a1000
18:53.41traeakrm: kernel 3.0.8+ on arch linux, compiled gcc-4.7.0 default make
18:54.10menomc3.0.8+? :(
18:54.45traeakmenomc: copped from the basic debian install
18:56.23menomc3.0.8+? :(
18:56.27traeakmbw was compiled gcc-4.7.0
18:56.41hnoNot sure if tmux can do serial terminal program. That's my main use of screen.
18:56.53hnoscreen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
18:57.39rmtraeak, in case you're interested
18:57.41traeakwowsers ntfs-3g is prettry brutal
18:58.39traeakrm: didn't see mbw 1.2.2 as a download
18:59.12rm1.2.2 is in debian testing
18:59.22rmI don't think it's that relevant
19:00.44zenitraMrm: on mbw 1.1.1-2
19:01.09zenitraMon menomc's kernel tree
19:01.47traeakzenitraM: trying to compile his tree a failure  drivers/media/video/sun4i_csi/csi0/sun4i_drv_csi.c
19:02.04zenitraMhow are you compiling? mine compiles cleanly
19:02.29traeakcould be gcc 4.7
19:02.30hnozenitraM, is this softfloat or hardfloat (armel or armhf)
19:02.39zenitraMhno: armhf
19:03.26traeakpissed about 'inlining failed in call to always_inline bsp_csi_set_buffer_address’: function body not available'
19:03.31traeaktrying to track that down
19:05.12traeakfor mbw i wish i had that intel 3930k system here :-p
19:08.09Brandon15811new a10 device
19:08.22traeakBrandon15811: yup, been SHOULD be 50USD and not 74usd
19:09.04specingIs the A10 1GHz, 1.2 GHz or 1.5 GHz?
19:09.24Brandon15811"The small computer has an AllWinner A10 single-core 1.5GHz ARM CPU, a Mali 400 GPU, and 512MB of RAM."
19:11.05menomcspecing: 1GHz
19:11.08hnospecing, it's marketed as 1.5GHz capable, but all designs I have seen is 1.2GHz or 1GHz.
19:11.47menomcthey add the Hz of the GPU
19:12.01L84Supperspecing, people have been running them stable at up to 1.2GHZ
19:12.05traeakrm: dual xeon e5520's
19:12.39L84Suppersomebody said they had 1.3GHz going for a bit, but they needed to figure out how to bump the core voltage up higher
19:12.50traeakrm: mbw can't seem to handle a very high number on the ram, must be 32bit limited or something
19:13.12rm1GB should be enough to test reliably
19:14.02traeakMem:      99157804   80772152   18385652          0      64704   75173076
19:24.00t0dbld|workhno: any time i tried going above 1.2 i freeze and die / crash
19:25.14L84Suppert0dbld|work, did you change to core voltage at all?
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19:26.48traeakturn off camera stuff i guess
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19:31.43traeakor better yet, don't mark stuff as inline that can't be inlined
19:37.06traeakor even better, make a 3rd copy of th exact same inlined function (!)
19:39.12*** join/#arm-netbook nikk (
19:39.21nikkhi guys
19:39.56nikkI have a question about A10 sysconfig.fex and related stuff (fex2bin)
19:41.44CIA-91rhombus-tech: Zackary master * rc6fd13809bee /allwinner_a10/orders/Zacknamara.mdwn:
19:41.49hnonikk, what about it?
19:41.55nikkthe problem is I can't compile it back from ауч with sunxi-tools
19:42.09hnowhat happens?
19:42.51nikkerror line in fex is-  ir0_rx= port:PB04<2><default><default><default> :pmu_irq_id             ---irq= 1
19:43.46nikkand error is: sysconfig.fex:837: invalid character at 1.
19:44.08hnowhere is the fex from?
19:44.15nikkainol A7
19:44.32nikkgenerated with bin2fex
19:44.38Guest43253Hey, have any of you guys seen this? $74 Allwinner A10 "thumb drive sized" PC
19:45.01hnook, so you have a bin, converted it to fex and now want to convert it back to bin and the tool barfs at you?
19:45.13nikkhno: yup ;-)
19:45.30hnodid you edit the fex in any way?
19:46.05nikkyes, i'm figting with goodix touch params and module loading. but without any mods the output is the same
19:46.14hnomenomc ^
19:47.29traeakmenomc: although i can't swear to it, it seems like gcc-4.7 is more anal about wanting inline function bodies to be available if a function is declared as inline.  inside: drivers/media/video/sun4i_csi/csi0/sun4i_drv_csi.c  expects bsp_csi_int_clear_status and bsp_csi_set_buffer_address to be available and they aren't.  hack is to copy the functions into the file...however this just propagates more copies.
19:47.34nikkhno: this is the strange line: it starts with :pmu_irq_id             ---irq= 1
19:48.08hnotraeak, probably right. Later gcc versions is more strict about many things.
19:48.56nikkhno but as i compared sysconfig.fex with old one, generated with other stuff from 2.3 firmware, it was the same earlier. it's IR receiver params section
19:49.09menomcnikk: can you upload the script.bin of your device somewhere?
19:49.52menomcthe original one
19:52.37nikkand old one from 2.3 firmware:
19:53.31menomcnikk: can you file a ticket on github? I can reproduce, but can't debug it right now
19:54.04menomctraeak: ticket please :)
19:54.11traeakmenomc: that's fine.  to truly hack on this i really really really need to get cross compilation to work
19:54.20traeakmenomc: page for ticketing?
19:54.24nikki made diff and found that goodix touch section not the same. I try to make it work with goddix module from 3.0 kernel. OK i'll make ticket 4 it
19:55.01menomctraeak: the issues tab in github, where the repo lives
19:56.09menomcnikk: please attach both .bin files, the one from the gingerbread firmware and the one from ics
19:56.47menomcI'll take a look at both tomorrow morning
19:58.06menomcnikk: in the mean time just remove that line
19:58.29menomcnikk: :pmu_irq_id             ---irq = 1   is clearly garbage
19:59.00menomcprobably a bug in their compiler, but need to deal with those
19:59.08nikkmenomc: in amery github account, yeah? thanks, i'll try this!
19:59.26menomcnikk: yes, that's me
20:02.05zenitraMnikk, mnemoc: my decompiler returns exactly the same line
20:02.18zenitraMso it sounds like garbage left by the compiler or something
20:02.23nikkmnemoc: nice 2 meet you here! ;-)
20:02.58zenitraMalso, the closed-source script compiler compiles the file ok
20:03.26mnemoczenitraM: the : in the original source was probably a ';'
20:03.47mnemocbut their compiler didn't notice
20:04.34mnemocbut I need to be consistent, if I validate keys when compiling I need to validate them when decompiling too, and generate a usable .fex
20:05.13mnemocnikk: thanks
20:06.47nikkzenitraM: true, I was able compile this fex back before
20:08.50traeakhmm...'c' and inlining must use different rules than with c++
20:09.24hnotraeak, why?
20:09.47hnowell ther is some differences in legacy but..
20:10.42mnemochno: safest is to use `static inline`
20:10.52mnemoctraeak: safest is to use `static inline`
20:12.18hnoyes static inline behaves the same in most versions. extern inline is a mess. And inline without static/extern somewhere inbetween but mostly works as expected.
20:12.51traeakmnemoc: i figured that out :-p
20:13.24traeaksorry i'm just a c++ coder ... i don't like object hierarchies though
20:14.00hnoextern inline was quite nice in C for a long while, but now crippled.
20:14.35hnoor was that only GCC, don't remrember.
20:15.00hnohard to say some times when one only uses GCC.
20:16.06traeakor just provide the one line inline implementation in the header and be done with it
20:16.57traeakwe ended up making ".inl" files an include those in the header
20:17.03traeakjust one way to do crap like this (argh)
20:17.04nikkyahoo, adding [ctp_para] section fixed goodix_touch.ko loading!
20:17.58hnotraeak, we use .cci and .ci. (c++ / c)
20:18.17mnemoc_inl.h :p
20:18.52hnoin our case we have a --disable-inline option, which makes the .cci /.ci files compile separately.
20:18.54mnemocnikk: please comment both changes in the ticket
20:25.46traeakhno: youch, extra stuff
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20:36.06nikkmnemoc: ok. I fixed goodix_touch.ko issue with script.bin, but can't fix hv2605.ko (it's touch buttons module). Both from stock firmware and from 3.0 source loaded fine with the same output, both registered with /dev/input/event3, but stock one works, and compiled from source doesn't, I cant see nothing on "cat /dev/input/event3" from it...
20:38.00mnemocnikk: same .bin works in closed source 3.0 but fails in open source 3.0?
20:39.01mnemocnikk: in that case it's a ticket for linux-allwinner, please attach the .bin and the .config there :)
20:41.29nikkmnemoc: tab loaded with modded .bin (with 2 ctp sections), so touchscreen is not an issue anymore. both modules work. But for hv2605.ko, there is no error on loading module, fetch params (the kernel output the same for stock and self-compiled). But stock works (send events via /dev/input/...) and self-compiled doesn't ;-) I don't have any ideas except use stock one ;-)
20:43.01mnemocI don't even know what those modules are for, but I can take a look tomorrow if you add enough info in the ticket
20:43.41traeakyeah, past all the video stuff
20:43.47*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
20:46.43nikkmnemoc: it's Anol's Novo7A touckscreen buttons. As it "just works" with stock module, it's not a big issue, and I don't have any thoughts how to describe an error: "it's loaded, but doesn't work" not a good description ;-) Thanks for info about fex2bin, it solved main problem with touchscreen!
20:47.42*** join/#arm-netbook ibrah (~Ibrahim_K@
20:49.18mnemocnikk: it's very possible ainol did changes/fixes to the driver we don't have.... but we can trace the problem an fix it in the open tree too
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21:04.36nikkok, i'll compare 3.0 source with 2.6.36 ainol's tree and report back. Other 3.0 kernel issue is  "incomplete xfer" messages in dmesg, they foget to comment printk in i2c/busses/i2c-sunxi.c:809
21:05.24mnemocnikk: what 3.0 branch are you using? v2 or lichee-3.0.8-sun4i?
21:06.45nikk3.0.8 (leaked one). Just downloaded v2 and will switch to it
21:09.03mnemocv2 is based in the leak, but updated and with fixes... also new fixes will go there
21:28.38ZaEarlWhat is SUN4I_GPIO_UGLY? When I build the leaked kernel it asked how to compile it (y/n/m). Should it be added to sun4i_crane_defconfig?
21:31.26mnemocZaEarl: it's just a backdoor, you don't _need_ it
21:33.32DonkeyHoteii like the name
21:38.02traeaklets see if this thing boots :-p
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21:46.36mnemoctraeak: did it?
21:49.49traeakmnemoc: i guess i don't know how to make a boot image...time to go research which one to use
21:52.58traeakmnemoc: so of course now i'm looking around trying to figure out how to boot whatever i created and frankly, which of the images to use :-p
21:58.42traeaki guess "make uImage" might help
22:16.12mnemocfor uboot? yes, that's the way
22:16.35mnemocI thought you were talking about something android-ish
22:21.48traeakand 3.0.31+ boots fine
22:22.17traeaknow to fix that bouncing dhcp addy
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22:29.42mnemoctraeak: ethernet or wifi?
22:30.23traeakmnemoc: ethernet...the wifi device is loaded but i hvaen't tried to connect yet
22:30.27mnemoctraeak: if ethernet pass mac_addr=... from the bootloader
22:31.09traeakmnemoc: something to add to uboot i gather?
22:31.19traeaki'm now interestedin getting 'X11' going
22:32.39mnemocmodprobe lcd for vga
22:33.25traeakfunny, i wonder if i have vga devices around
22:59.50traeakso lcd creatsa framebuffer?
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23:47.55CIA-91rhombus-tech: Brendan master * rb08111b8f1ba /allwinner_a10/orders/sstrifeau.mdwn:

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