IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120506

00:33.19*** join/#arm-netbook Shact (
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00:51.09*** part/#arm-netbook Shact (
00:54.21ManoftheSeahmm... Gordon wrote about using zram (compressed memory block devices) as swap space...
00:54.29ManoftheSeaWhy would you put swap on a ramdisk?
00:57.00*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
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01:02.39ManoftheSeaah, the compression...
01:03.03ManoftheSeaSo, assuming stuff in memory compresses, it does add a little, at a high CPU cost.
01:03.20ManoftheSeaThe context being with a multi-core system with half a gig of shared memory.
04:01.44*** join/#arm-netbook flesh1911 (~flesh1911@
06:44.05CIA-91rhombus-tech: Anthony master * r7282c146da42 /allwinner_a10/orders/TheAntz.mdwn:
07:57.23CIA-91rhombus-tech: Etienne_lamouret master * r50ba51052198 /allwinner_a10/orders/Kenobi54.mdwn:
08:41.13rz2kwill try that for ly-f1
09:29.36*** join/#arm-netbook gnurbs (
09:31.05CIA-91rhombus-tech: prodata master * r8eea170e1fa1 /allwinner_a10/orders/19590113.mdwn:
09:32.36CIA-91rhombus-tech: prodata master * rb78f99ff3625 /allwinner_a10/orders/19590113.mdwn:
09:36.38specingIts all ARMs fault, they started this closed-source bullshit
09:37.05specingmanufacturers just accept it and continue the tradition
09:54.06*** join/#arm-netbook gnurbs (
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10:46.01*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
10:50.41*** join/#arm-netbook Xlab (~Adium@
11:11.37zenitraMPart 2 Building a LiveSuite dual-boot image
11:11.42zenitraMnow, that part is interesting :)
11:19.10*** join/#arm-netbook penguin42 (
12:37.36*** join/#arm-netbook flesh1911 (~flesh1911@
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14:44.33DonkeyHoteizenitraM: where?
14:48.34zenitraMDonkeyHotei: here: <rz2k> [10:41:00]
14:49.20*** join/#arm-netbook ibrah (~Ibrahim_K@
14:49.53DonkeyHoteii mean, where is the "dual-boot" part?
14:51.03CIA-91rhombus-tech: bariari master * r62b5159683be /evaluated_cpus.mdwn:
15:00.06zenitraMDonkeyHotei: scroll down to the second post
15:01.34A1Shedsthe door is still wide open for a low cost tablet in India
15:04.56A1Shedsthis is going on for 7+ years
15:39.47DonkeyHoteizenitraM: whoa, that post is incredibly useful
15:40.36zenitraMyup, for getting a nand partition to use as root
15:41.21zenitraMwtf, phoenixcard won't work unless there's only a single storage device mounted
15:42.20DonkeyHoteiif only i could solve the serial problem...
15:45.49zenitraMwell, at least you have output now and aren't totally blind
15:46.19DonkeyHoteii had that before i entered the channel, i think
15:46.27DonkeyHoteibut i need to type to uboot
15:47.16*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
15:47.38*** join/#arm-netbook doneill (
15:50.03zenitraMflashes an ICS beta to his mele
15:50.43doneillhmm, adbd doesn't seem to be reachable over OTG on my a1000.  it should be as simple as enabling debugging in the application>developers menu right?
15:51.30zenitraMit should
15:53.42doneillalso the uboot stuff isn't where i'd expect it to be
15:59.03*** join/#arm-netbook Faqtotum (
15:59.45doneillcompiling a kernel for sun4i isn't a smooth process.  should i be using a branch other than the debian arm-netbook 2.6.36 one?
16:01.18doneilli guess it can't hurt to try
16:01.36*** join/#arm-netbook Faqtotum (
16:04.48doneilldoes the vanilla 3.3 kernel have any troubles running on the allwinner a10/mele a1000?
16:10.04zenitraMa big one: it won't run
16:10.48zenitraM *
16:11.09zenitraMiirc: 3.3 has some base but next to none h/w support
16:11.31zenitraMand 3.0 is having features slowly being ported from the leaked 2.6.36 kernel
16:11.45zenitraMmnemoc can probably be more specific
16:12.39doneilli see, that seems to match with other ARM + Linux
16:14.00zenitraMthere was going to be a 3.0.8 source release from allwinner these days
16:27.52doneillincidentally, has anybody had the audio on their hdmi mysteriously stop working?
16:28.01doneill(on the mele a1000)
16:33.13zenitraMno hdmi-able stuff here
16:33.16zenitraMbut try on audio settings
16:33.25zenitraMi'm trying a 4.0 beta i found
16:33.28zenitraMand, well, it's *really* a beta
16:33.38*** join/#arm-netbook rellla (4fe56112@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:33.40zenitraMi had to turn vga manually on using the code i posted at the mailing list
16:34.07zenitraMand... for some reason the screen has now rotated and i don't know how to put it right back as the screen preferences crash
16:40.39*** join/#arm-netbook DrStrangelove (
16:43.23*** join/#arm-netbook Faqtotum (
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18:00.41hnoDonkeyHotei & mnemoc, pin config syntax is name = pinnumber<function><pullup mode><drive capacity><output level>
18:01.18hnothe available pin mux values is available in the pin configuration guide (internal)
18:02.12Faqtotumhno: but how does that affect uboot?
18:04.03hnoFaqtotum, only a little. For some functions u-boot needs to program the A10 pins to their right functions for the hardware to work.
18:05.23hnoi.e. for serial on SD-card slot when u-boot-mmc (when not using Allwinner boot0/1 for early startup) u-boot needs to change function of those pins from default SD-card to UART0.
18:05.57hnobut default value for most pins is suitable as is for what u-boot needs to do.
18:06.00*** join/#arm-netbook DrStrangelove (
18:06.44*** join/#arm-netbook Faqtotum (
18:14.33hnospecing, you can only select to put UART0 TX on pins PB22 (normal uart TX pin) or PF1 (sdcard0 CLK)
18:15.01Faqtotumclk is not pf1
18:19.31specinghno: really? I thought it was completely configurable?
18:19.36specingHow about other 7 uarts?
18:22.18Faqtotumit worked for zenitraM on pf2 instead of pf1
18:23.06zenitraMFaqtotum: u-boot will completely ignore script.bin
18:23.30zenitraMand has hardcoded the mmc pins for clk/data3
18:25.34zenitraMto change that you need to recompile it changing those lines to the port you want:
18:25.44Faqtotumyes, which means something else is the problem
18:26.09zenitraMyou could try
18:26.14zenitraMrecompiling using another port from the sd
18:26.20zenitraMand trying using that one
18:27.46Faqtotumwhat ports would i use?
18:29.45zenitraMlook at the script.fex
18:30.02zenitraMlook for what PF* is configured any other port from the sd pins
18:30.12zenitraMand set it to that
18:30.20zenitraMalso something funny you can try is to
18:30.24zenitraMset tx to the same pin as rx
18:30.44zenitraMthat way the output will echo itself and uboot will interrupt itself
18:33.01Faqtotumi looked and didn't see any likely candidates
18:33.55*** join/#arm-netbook doneill (
18:41.36hnospecing, it's not all configururable. each gpio pin have about 2-4 functions you can select on the pin, and some functions can be selected on more than one pin.
18:43.44hnothe name in systen_config.fex is just a index key for the driver. I.e. driver asks for UART0, and the pin configuratoins listed for UART0 gets programmed into the A10 with the intention that those hardware pin configurations are for UART0, but nothing checks that.
18:47.11hnoPF1 is GPI / GPO / SDCart0 D0 / JTAG DI1
18:48.15hnoHmm... my computer is tarting to make strange noices. Think I need to check some fans.
18:48.18Faqtotumis D0 actually available for tx?
18:48.31rz2kanyone tried to connect jlink to a10? :3
18:48.38hnoFaqtotum, what do you mean?
18:49.02specinghno: Is there a list of all functions that can be bound to a specific pin?
18:49.34hnospecing, yes. in the A10 PIO Controller manual.
18:49.47Faqtotumwell, you said tx could be on pf1 at first
18:50.09Faqtotumor was that a typo?
18:50.11hnoFaqtotum, yes, and that's where it is listed.
18:50.31specinghno: Is that in the leaked NDK?
18:50.37Faqtotumso why did it work on pf2 for zenitraM?
18:50.40hnoFaqtotum said it worked on PF2, which I doubt.
18:50.51specingerr, the NDA package
18:51.08hnoFaqtotum, can't answer without seeing all config used.
18:51.28Faqtotumit's on the elinux page
18:51.54hnothere is many pages.
18:52.09Faqtotumi grabbed it from there, didn't work. zenitraM did the same, worked
18:52.24Faqtotumthe a10 hacking page
18:54.39hnois just too tired. It's PF2.
18:55.14Faqtotumso pf1 won't work, then
18:55.33hnoPF2 is GPI / GPO / SDCard0 CLK / UART0 TX
18:56.08Faqtotumpf2 does not work for me
18:56.24Faqtotumi need to know why
18:56.30hno(mux 0, 1, 2, 4)
18:57.43hnoFaqtotum, any other PF2 settings in your system config?
18:58.13Faqtotumnot that i saw, except sd, which is disabled
18:58.32hnothen I don't know.
18:58.33Faqtotumand that wouldn't affect uboot anyway, right?
18:59.13hnowill be back in 5 min. Need to check out that fan, the hdd assebly is sounding some alarms and not in a mood for hdd crashes.
18:59.58specingDammit, can't use PB03
19:07.06*** join/#arm-netbook flesh1911 (~flesh1911@
19:19.25hnospecing, PB3 is GPI / GPO / IR0 TX /  STANDBYWIFI (0 / 1 / 2 / 6)
19:37.29mnemocfinally fex2bin parses .fex... now to generate the bin
20:07.23hnospecing, UART1 is on the same pins as MMII (Ethernet)
20:10.35hnoUART2 is there as well, but can alternatively be made available on PI16-19. Same for SPI1.
20:14.37*** join/#arm-netbook DrStrangelove (
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21:15.20*** join/#arm-netbook hp_ (
21:18.28*** join/#arm-netbook Faqtotum (
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23:02.04*** join/#arm-netbook Faqtotum (

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