IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120503

01:39.52ManoftheSeaN950 is about the only phone better than the N900
01:40.01ManoftheSeaand there are what, a hundred of those?
01:53.06CIA-91rhombus-tech: kevin master * ra33ff2b5dc3a /allwinner_a10/orders/kcollins02.mdwn:
05:35.29*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
05:35.46*** join/#arm-netbook mike_ (
06:53.04*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@
06:54.08CIA-91rhombus-tech: Pat master * rac2251aef987 /allwinner_a10/orders/SickNixon.mdwn:
07:15.11*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
07:20.19mnemocsteev_: why another 512M one instead of one of the plenty with 1G for almost the same price?
07:20.36steev_mnemoc: because i know i like this one
07:20.47mnemocfair enough :)
07:20.49steev_i'm never really bothered by that 512M constraint
07:20.59steev_and i want one that's (hopefully) identical
07:21.12steev_so what i work on, on the white one, will work on the black one
07:21.43mnemocbtw, do you have it's the stock nand and build.prop backed up somewhere? I would like to make a bin archive
07:22.45mnemocneeds another cup of coffee
07:28.41steev_mnemoc: not at the moment
07:28.53steev_next one that rrives i plan to
07:29.58mnemocnice, thanks
07:30.14steev_at the moment i'm fighting with a wifi module on our mx53 board
07:31.04mnemocthat explains you been awake this late :)
07:31.22steev_well, i missed the last bus home from work
07:31.28steev_so i'm spending the night :)
07:49.56steev_at some point i also need to implement reboot, this is getting kind of tiring
07:58.51*** join/#arm-netbook uwe_mobile (
08:13.28*** join/#arm-netbook vgrade2 (
08:58.06*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@
09:37.21*** join/#arm-netbook Byan (byan@gateway/shell/mtu-lug/x-cjveiqssgkvhuxno)
09:39.34mnemoczenitraM: the reason recompiling a fex doesn't give you always the same checksum is because string values are aligned to 4 byte words and you get garbage after the \0 (if present)
10:52.38mnemocsteev_: gmail turned your reply into a new thread :|
10:53.01mnemocit seems it's done when one deletes all the text of the previous message
11:08.57steev_mnemoc: hm?
11:10.01steev_hasn't slept yet so no idea what you're reply i did
11:13.54mnemocsteev_: just that your mail client (gmail) broke your reply to '[Arm-netbook] A10 MMC Boot Instructions' into a separated thread by not including the In-Reply-To: header. it happens often but I just realized it's always when gmail is used as MUA and the person deletes all the previous content
11:14.32steev_er.... i'm not on the mailing list
11:15.17mnemocnot "steev en" ?
11:15.54mnemocsorry for the confusion... it just seemed as a perfect match to your nick :p
11:16.11steev_nope :)
11:16.20steev_i'm :)
11:16.29mnemocgood to know :)
11:16.48steev_though i probably SHOULD subscribe
11:17.44mnemocafter a nap :)
11:24.43steev_yeah, at the moment i'm trying to work out shipping my trimslice back to compulab
11:26.09steev_looks like a minimum of 100 to ship from here to there, and back
11:30.32mnemocfrom usa to .il?
11:31.41mnemoci didn't know that trimslice thing... looks nice
11:34.05steev_i have a devkit (it's *really* old) and then i have the pro version
11:34.37steev_based on cost, i may just buy the diskless version and donate my pro to someone who would ship it back (or use it without the pmic fix) to another gentoo dev
11:35.21mnemocwhy shipping it back? is it a requirement of the "programme"?
11:38.58steev_they need to resolder the pmic
11:39.09steev_doesn't have even remotely close to steady hands
11:40.19steev_i'd say too much mountain dew, but i've cut that out of my diet (aside from 2 the past 2 weeks) since December
11:54.12specingsteev_: you damn bastard having a mail address :)
11:54.50steev_specing: heh, half the people in our company have (or had) one :P
11:56.37mnemocsteev_: didn't you have your own distribution build system? ... morphos?
11:56.55ManoftheSeagcc -O9
11:57.36steev_mnemoc: that was before i started here (i have only been here a little over a year)
11:57.50steev_been a gentoo dev since ~sept 2011
11:57.52steev_er, 2005
12:01.27steev_but from what i heard, morphos was pretty awesome
12:01.46steev_my boss was one of the designers of the m68k chips, which was one of the selling points of me taking the job
12:02.47mnemocsteev_: "bbrv" or a mid-level boss?
12:03.31steev_not bbrv, he is/was an army ranger
12:03.43steev_our CTO, dave "ppcman" mothersole
12:24.24CIA-91rhombus-tech: Maxim master * r894f8db27b12 /allwinner_a10/orders/Xlab.mdwn:
13:10.09CIA-91rhombus-tech: lkcl master * re371a9a640b7 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000.mdwn:
13:44.56*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
13:47.49eflatunhi anybody is there any idea about the  cost of the second product (EOMA-68 Type III card with AMD T40E)
13:52.13mnemoceflatun: A0Sheds is who will make them but nothing has been said about price yet
13:54.30*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
13:58.21eflatunthanks for replying
14:01.12eflatunis the both products being produced now?
14:04.05eflatunwill they be launched same time?
14:09.25mnemocA0Sheds: ----^
14:14.32*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
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14:19.56A0Shedseflatun, the AMD cards should end up around the price of a similar AMD APU mainboard with DDR3
14:21.30A0Shedseflatun, the point is to produce them in volume for OEM applications, otherwise there are a few other low volume COM formats for embedded
14:37.41*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
15:08.49CIA-91rhombus-tech: Frank master * r6501bbf12ad9 /allwinner_a10/orders/UmniyDom.mdwn:
15:13.18*** join/#arm-netbook Gumboot (
15:38.57CIA-91rhombus-tech: Frank master * r991350ab2213 /allwinner_a10/orders/UmniyDom.mdwn:
15:47.28*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
16:11.47CIA-91rhombus-tech: Shiran master * r029d1beeeb5f /allwinner_a10/orders/.mdwn:
17:09.15hnomnemoc, trimslice is nice. I have one.
17:09.50hnobut lacks actual SATA support. It's SATA is USB connected and quite crap.
17:10.13specingrz2k: holy, he has the same keyboard as me
17:17.50rz2kI'm dumb, steev is here in this channel and probably already shared that here :p
17:18.19*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
17:19.07specingIm not sure this is the same steev
17:40.48*** join/#arm-netbook traeak (
17:41.52CIA-91rhombus-tech: Vladimir master * r61edccfbea21 /allwinner_a10/orders/.mdwn:
17:44.55CIA-91rhombus-tech: Vladimir master * rc2c75da8cf3a /allwinner_a10/orders/vinnichanin.mdwn:
18:34.39rz2kfail, that ubuntu img for novo7elf seems to fail on ly-f1
18:34.53rz2klcd config is completely wrong
18:35.06rz2kbut it boots, atleast to something.
18:39.51hnorz2k, have you replaced script.bin with the ly-f1 one?
18:40.29rz2knope, may I have link and where I need to place it?
18:41.37hnorz2k, in the boot partition (first partition, fat formatted)
18:44.53hnono good ideas how to get it there thou.
18:45.31hnowell, have three ideas.
18:45.38hnoa) Repack the image.
18:46.00hnob) Do it in blind using a keyboard and correct script.bin on sd-card.
18:46.19hnoc) Prepare an SD card with the right script.bin and boot from there.
18:47.54mnemocrz2k: if you reflash your tab, can you make a backup of the stock nanda and build.prop for me? I want to make a bin archive
18:49.03hnomnemoc, what for?
18:49.06rz2kI can give you img of firmware
18:49.12rz2kits available public
18:49.58mnemocrz2k: I only want the ~10B of the nanda, not the whole junk
18:50.20mnemochno: not sure yet :p
18:50.34rz2kok, when I go on stock firmware I'll do that.
18:50.47hnoI mean it's just their proprietary bootloader. script.bin and hacked kernel.
18:51.15rz2khno: where I can find that script.bin for ly-f1 and what it is exactly?
18:51.30rz2kI think I'll repack image, I have my linux box around
18:51.31mnemocrz2k: in the nanda ;-)
18:52.25mnemochno: it's mostly curiosity
18:52.27hnorz2k, in the boot partition of any ly-f1 firmware. It contains the A10 hardware settings.
18:52.49hnowhich pins are used for what, what kind of LCD is used (and it's connections) and more.
18:54.13rz2kalways thought that is defined in kernel's board support and lcd support :3
18:54.32rz2klooks like I'm out of the loop these days
18:55.18mnemocbtw, I wrote a script.bin decompiler in C and will write a compiler tomorrow if you want to play. ... works "well enough"(tm)
19:03.45*** join/#arm-netbook traeak (
19:07.20hnorz2k, modern SoC chips is very flexible and have much mod functionality than pins.
19:08.29hnorz2k, modern SoC chips is very flexible and have much more functionality than pins.
19:09.32hnoscript.bin controls that, and a fair bit more. It's a config file in semi-binary form.
19:09.45mnemocs/mod/more/2 would have made the trick :)
19:10.33mnemocnot sure if ibot can deal with spaces
19:13.11hnoeasy to test
19:13.17mnemochno: part of the idea of the bin-archive is to have a bunch of different samples for a possible devicetree compiler
19:13.29mnemocs/ idea / meh /
19:13.38mnemocgood bot :)
19:14.10hnonice bot :)
19:14.43hnomnemoc, fair enough.
19:15.30*** join/#arm-netbook Xlab (~Adium@
19:23.13mnemocsomehow I can't get a taste on those white shiny devices...
19:34.28rz2kmnemoc: I'm on stock and adb is connected, what I need to do to dump 10 bytes of nanda ?
19:34.49rz2kjust dd or something special?
19:35.20mnemocmount the nanda vfat partition and tar it's content please
19:35.53mnemocthe partition is 16MB, but it's very unlikely to be using more than 5
19:36.10mnemocbuild.prop from /system would be nice too
19:51.28steev_yeah, i'm not the steev on slatedroid
19:55.12*** join/#arm-netbook rz2k (
20:00.47*** join/#arm-netbook Xlab (~Adium@
20:13.02rz2kmnemoc: nanda
20:14.59rz2kmnemoc: build.prop
20:16.01MaDMaLKaVallwinner gae any aproximate date for the release of 3.0.8 kernel?
20:16.22mnemocrz2k: thanks, do you know the url of it's home?
20:16.39mnemocMaDMaLKaV: don't count on it
20:18.29mnemocfunny.... there is a .gitignore in your nanda
20:18.53mnemocrz2k: android 5
20:19.06mnemocrz2k: android 4.0.3 on the ly-f1???
20:20.43rz2ktheres several updates this month and from feburary
20:20.49mnemocrz2k: url? :)
20:22.18Xlabuh.. what the difference between script.bin & script0.bin? just a backup?
20:32.04rz2klol, my nanda has wince logo inside
20:32.44rz2kprobably allwinner guys trying to keep up to gps/car stuff vendors
20:33.37mnemocXlab: I believe it's backup, yes
21:09.29hnoscript0.bin is a backup.
21:11.47hnoso that you don't risk having a corrupt script.bin on onlinue updates.
21:15.09*** join/#arm-netbook hp_|2 (
21:17.28mnemoccan someone running hipboi's ubuntu share with me the .bin files with me? maybe .fex too... :)
21:18.49steev_mnemoc: oh spiffy, that ly-f1 tree is nice
21:18.59steev_that's a stock one, or a newer image
21:19.27mnemocjust reflashed by rz2k but the image is android 4.0.3
21:19.45steev_ah, that's what i have already
21:22.37hnohave hipbois image somewhere..
23:02.07*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
23:02.08*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs -
23:02.11mnemocgood night
23:08.33*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
23:27.17destinalI think ARM performance just got entirely respectable :)

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