IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120502

01:59.51CIA-91rhombus-tech: Philipp master * r7955e73e011d /allwinner_a10/orders/.mdwn:
03:07.25*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
03:07.43*** join/#arm-netbook mike_ (
03:15.42*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
05:03.31*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
07:39.04CIA-91rhombus-tech: Michal master * rf5c39c72afe3 /allwinner_a10/orders/michal__95__lorencik.mdwn:
09:57.14*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@
11:25.46*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@
11:48.58specingOOh nice, my phone board's kernel seems to be mainlined
11:55.35menomcspecing: nexus one was msm-something
13:11.44*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
13:11.44*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs -
13:23.07mnemocspecing: that's the last generation of pixel qi displays, not a random LVDS panel
14:12.24*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
14:58.15*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
15:00.20traeaknow have ot catch up from being sick for 5 days
15:00.23traeakso much for hacking
15:15.13hnoalso down
15:19.11specingI was coding 24/7 when I had 40'C
15:30.27hnoprefers to surive.
15:31.41specingIm still alive
15:32.13traeakthat probably was some wierd coding
15:33.43hnocoding 24/7 is not at all good. Doing it at 40ÂșC is lethal.
15:34.20traeakthe bigger problem is that you likely had to redo it all anyways
15:37.21specing24/7 in this context means "every day"
15:37.41mnemoc1h per day? :)
15:37.49hnoThat's not 24/7. It's 8/7 to 10/7.
15:39.37traeaki'm having to screw with robust estimators...i'd rather have a clear head for that :-p
15:40.33hnohave slept plenty in the last days. Head still full of cotton and maybe one or two neurons misfiring at each other.
15:40.50traeaki finally actually slept for once last night
16:05.18CIA-91rhombus-tech: andrea master * rbbd11c8015d4 /allwinner_a10/orders/raaden.mdwn:
16:05.18CIA-91rhombus-tech: andrea master * r80c34363e1ac /allwinner_a10/orders/raaden.mdwn:
16:21.02*** join/#arm-netbook mpthompson (
16:42.22*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@
17:05.08*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
17:24.23*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@
17:30.35*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
18:07.23Eigenwhen will the allwinner a10 like be available for order not preorder
18:08.13hnoEigen, when it's ready.
18:10.25traeakhehe english not your first language?
18:10.54mnemocthe allwinner a10 is a SoC, and it's available on several devices since long ago and also for building your own.
18:22.24*** part/#arm-netbook ARE-TEE (
18:27.45*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
18:28.05*** join/#arm-netbook mike_ (
18:59.47*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
19:11.15ManoftheSeamnemoc: It's my a10, and I want it NAO!
19:12.39mikey_wMine is in the Chinese postal system.
19:12.56ManoftheSeaso: are people in arm-netbook hostile to TPM and "treacherous computing"?
19:13.20ManoftheSeaI read the essay by Dr. Stallman, and sure, I agree...
19:13.40ManoftheSeaBut I also want to use TC.
19:13.45ManoftheSeaon my own gear.
19:13.52mikey_wIt's for control freaks.
19:13.54ManoftheSeaIs the risk just too great?
19:13.57ManoftheSeawell, yeah.
19:14.08ManoftheSeaIt's also not perfect yet.
19:14.25ManoftheSeawas just reading about an attack on SINIT
19:17.00destinalManoftheSea: so yeah TPM  +  signing your own stuff as the owner of a machine can be good for security
19:17.08destinaland IMO isn't treacherous at all used that way
19:21.11ManoftheSeadestinal: well, some folks say if it isn't perfect security, it's nothing.  And then say that the same security vendor-locks to Windows.
19:21.17ManoftheSeaand yeah, I see it.
19:21.48ManoftheSeaI just ordered a Dell E6220.  Planning to mess with tboot, Xen, etc.
19:22.06ManoftheSeasaw the Xen-ARM, neat.
19:27.24ManoftheSeafor A9 and A15, blast.
19:34.28mnemochates Dells
19:34.38traeakhates nokia
19:34.46specingSo, When are a15s coming?
19:35.01mnemocnext year?
19:35.19mnemocthis is the year of the quad core a9s
19:36.30mnemocand allwinner seems to be missing the train :-/
19:36.37traeakwhat train?
19:36.43traeakyou mean getting rid of sata ?
19:36.50traeakcharging lots of $$$ ?
19:37.23ManoftheSealoves his n900
19:37.39traeakhates that his n900 usb connector is bad
19:37.44mnemocI mean all the cheap soc makers are already selling multicore cortex-a9 devices and Allwinner hasn't even announced theirs yet
19:37.57traeakhates that nokia has become a shill for MS
19:38.10GumbootWhere are the cheap quad-core A15s?
19:38.35Gumboottraeak: If it makes you feel better, it's pretty much ruined them.
19:38.38mnemocmy wife is very happy with the e71 she inherited
19:39.39traeaksucks i have to take everything down to replace the battery on my UPS
19:40.44ManoftheSeaGumboot: where are the cheap, fast, low-power, infinite-core, rainbow-pooping unicorns?
19:42.54GumbootIs anyone even planning those, yet?
19:51.08*** join/#arm-netbook traeak (
19:57.51ManoftheSeaslashdot: hexapot robot mount.
19:57.59ManoftheSeaHell yes.  Now mount a comupter...
19:58.11ManoftheSeaalso, give me a Perfectly Safe bubble.
21:37.23hnomy wife is very happy about her N900.
21:38.40hnobut need to get the USB ports fixed on both our phones..
21:39.59traeakget new phones, the n900 is outta date
21:40.14traeaki didn't care about the hard keyboard
21:45.36hnohaven't found any other runnings something useful yet.
21:45.49traeakyeah, pickin's are slim i guess
21:46.38hnoWell, there is tne N9, but...
21:48.28hnoand we both do enjoy having the keyboard.
22:45.20*** join/#arm-netbook mpthompson (
23:54.36steev_new ly-f1 ordered, i can now take mine apart

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