IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120429

01:20.29*** join/#arm-netbook Eigen (
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12:01.54rz2kmnemoc: I've fixed my tablet, but no luck with my module loading trick, even with module from 3.0.8 from built for armv7.
12:02.26rz2kvermagic check passes, but module layout is different.
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17:48.11mnemocrz2k: unless using the very very same .config, source tree and compiler it's very unlikely you manage to make a .ko that can be injected
17:51.12rz2kprobably, for Rena3 tablet I used same kernel version, but board support was missing for that particular tablet. compiler was also different. but module worked ok.
17:51.38rz2kit was tun.ko by the way, I did madwimax support for my previous tablet
17:52.19rz2kany opensource kernel can run android well ? (with fb/wifi/etc)
17:52.53mnemocnot really, but an android kernel can run linux
17:53.14mnemocandroid relies in some syscalls not available in the normal linux kernel
17:53.39rz2koh, sorry, I meant for allwinner a10 devices, especially popular ly-f1 tablets.
17:54.04rz2kyour repo has many branches, maybe I can run one of them
17:54.07mnemocyou should be able to transplant kernels from one a10 device to the other
17:54.53mnemocrz2k: none of those branches (except 2.6.36) can get you a display
17:55.41mnemochelp welcomed
17:56.24rz2k2.6.36 is sort of "official" from a10 developers?
17:56.49mnemocbased on that one, but not identical
17:58.02mnemocallwinner/... is a mirror of the official
17:58.24mnemocallwinner-v??-android uses that official as starting point
17:59.19rz2kprobably kinda wrong question, but did we already asked guys who are in modules info for 3.0.8+ kernel about getting it opensource?
17:59.48mnemocthey will release it after they ABANDON it
18:00.33mnemocthat is supposed to happen around the end of april
18:00.48rz2k..which is in two days :p
18:01.01mnemocthey released 2.6.36 right after they started selling 3.0.8+ based devices
18:01.34mnemocand now they seem to be focused in sun5i (a13) and sun6i (cortex-a9)
18:01.54rz2kgreat, so I have a hope atleast
18:02.18rz2kthanks for info
18:02.57rz2kanyone tried to make some distro with touchlib support and all the stuff around 2.6.36?
18:03.25mnemocnot that I know
18:04.09rz2kI will try to do that, I just need a web browser and cdc-ether working
18:04.56rz2kI remember of making ubuntu rootfs for htc kaiser back in days :p
18:08.41mnemocmeh, my test SD died after so many kernel panics debugging the fb driver :-/
18:09.37mnemocbadblocks went nuts
18:10.36mnemoc[    0.830000] Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p2...   snif snif nisf
18:11.23MaDMaLKaVgo to opencor right now and buy an sd card for 10x of the cost
18:12.33mnemocI'm impressed to see people buying there while the rest of the shops are open
18:15.00mnemocI normally buy 1l bricks of milk for 40-50c in either of the 3 supermarkets I have on a 100m distance.... last sunday I had to go to an opencor... the cheapest option was 1.8E!
18:15.37mnemocnever again
18:16.15ManoftheSeamnemoc: what alien measuring system are you using?
18:16.25ManoftheSeaeleven bricks of milk?
18:16.33mnemoc1 liter
18:16.40mnemocfix your font ;-)
18:16.50ManoftheSeaah, I see it now.
18:17.14ManoftheSeaalso, what are these "c" and "m", and "E"
18:17.21ManoftheSeawhat's an opencor?
18:17.43mnemocc = cent, m = meter, E = euro
18:17.56mnemocand opencor is a supermarket chain here in spain
18:18.07ManoftheSeaI actually did know about halfof that.
18:18.38ManoftheSeastill, .50 euro forr a liter of milk?
18:18.42mnemocand l was liter
18:18.45ManoftheSeaI'm lactose intolerant.
18:19.34mnemocmy house consumes around 20 liters of milk per week
18:19.51ManoftheSeawow...  right after I convert that to 1/2 gallons...
18:20.05ManoftheSeado you have a family of five?
18:20.13mnemocjust 4
18:20.21ManoftheSealike yer milk, eh?
18:20.43mnemocmy daughters do... I only drink water and coffee
18:21.54mnemocbut my point was that they sell the cheap milk 3 times more expensive than any of the other supermarkets in the city. ManoftheSea's joke was because it's the only supermarket open on sundays
18:22.12mnemocbut there is people buying there the rest of the week too
18:24.00ManoftheSeawait, did you try to tabcomplete and ended up on ManoftheSea ?
18:24.29mnemocyes :(
18:24.45ManoftheSeaoh.  cool.
18:24.49mnemocit was supposed to say MaDMaLKaV
18:25.04ManoftheSeaah.  I didn't see him say anything recently.
18:25.17ManoftheSeaoh, about the sd card
18:25.28ManoftheSeaso... when can I buy an arm-netbook?
18:26.04mnemocManoftheSea: today,
18:36.11ManoftheSeais it "open"
18:36.32ManoftheSea"an optimized linux kernel"?  really?
18:36.46mnemocsteev_ works there
18:37.30ManoftheSeaactually, that doesn't look too bad.
18:38.39mnemocand according to it's finally armhf ready ;-)
18:38.44mnemocsince yesterday :p
18:38.54ManoftheSeait appears to be weaker than the eee netbooks, though.
18:39.09ManoftheSeaand for about the same price?
18:40.50penguin42ManoftheSea: Is your real question, when is this project going to be available?
18:41.03ManoftheSeapenguin42: well, of course.
18:41.24ManoftheSeagiven Luke's at 2.5 years, I probably don't want it as much as him, though.
18:46.37ManoftheSeaholy crap.  I didn't know about the AMD G-series
18:46.59mnemocA0Sheds expects to get alpha a10-based boards to show in computex (first week of june), but from there to a laptop there is a long road
18:49.05ManoftheSeaI just wish there were more "status updates"
18:49.23ManoftheSeaI've got all this excitement.
18:49.45mnemoc"it will be done when it's done" (tm)
18:51.20penguin42the difficulty with these things is the availability of cheap premade hardware gets cheaper at the same time; I'm not sure how much an A10 tablet costs these days  but it's coming down
18:51.48penguin42although the combo of sata and ether is nice
18:51.49ManoftheSeaI've seen $50 and $70, but that wasn't with shipping
18:52.22ManoftheSeaBut I particularly want to support the EOMA68 stuff.
18:52.36ManoftheSeabecause, I'd like to upgrade laptops, not replace them.
18:52.58ManoftheSeaI'm on an eee 900 right now.  I haven't needed a new form factor for years.
18:53.24ManoftheSeabut I wouldn't mind a little better battery life (faster, better processor)
18:53.27penguin42yeh I suspect taking a dremel to an old laptop might be possible with an eoma card :-)
18:53.37ManoftheSeaThat's my first plan.
18:54.07ManoftheSeai have the pieces of an 1000.  The hardware access door looks big enough to fit a card.
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21:26.06mnemoczenitraM: hi, while diffing the .fex files for the mele, did any enable disp_init_enable ?
22:00.42ManoftheSeahmm.  Has anyone any plan on how to do the Laptop piece?
22:01.02ManoftheSeanot just the laptop motherboard, but has anyone talked about making the system?
22:01.18ManoftheSeascreen, shell, slot?
22:02.29destinalManoftheSea: my idea is to use a lapdock (ie droid bionic or atrix) for all that :)
22:03.13destinalok, it's not a true all in one laptop / netbook but same basic result
22:03.41ManoftheSeaand plug the eoma into it?
22:04.12destinalyeah, EOMA to USB/HDMI adapter board should do it
22:04.27destinalor for prototyping just plug into external connectors
22:06.08destinallapdock are just male microusb and male micro-hdmi on connectors spaced properly to plug into the phone they're designed for
22:09.48destinalthinking of 3d printing a case for said module too
22:09.52destinalhas a couple of repraps
22:10.32ManoftheSeathat's cool.
22:10.40ManoftheSeahave a 3d printed laptop?
22:11.01ManoftheSeaI have spare screens for eee pcs.  I don't know the interface, though
22:11.34CIA-158rhombus-tech: Marco_Moleres_Segura master * r28b5d8724d62 /allwinner_a10/orders/malloc32.mdwn:
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