IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120416

01:04.59*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
02:08.35*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (
02:45.16A0Shedslkcl: looks like the RTEMS devs would rather see a beaglboard supported by RTEMS than the stm32 IO boards..... very odd
02:49.42*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
04:49.10*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi_ (~hipboi@
08:35.48*** join/#arm-netbook gnurbs (
09:04.48*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (
10:04.38*** join/#arm-netbook Bundersleague (
10:53.01specingA0Sheds, lkcl was the stm32 part number agreed upon?
11:23.07*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@
11:24.06*** join/#arm-netbook Bundersleague (
11:25.30*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
11:46.25*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
11:49.29*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
12:06.42A0Shedsspecing: stm32 part number for what?
12:12.09specingthe IO controller
12:12.18specingthe RTEMS/whatever thing
12:13.08A0Shedsthere are several designs, anything in particular you are looking for?
12:14.58specingYes, the stm32 (I think I was told it is going to be used) part number planned for the IO boards
12:17.44*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
12:18.43specingOr is it still undecided?
12:19.17A0Shedsit depends on the board and application, there is not a one size fits all solution
12:20.15A0Shedsthere are over 100 to choose from just between ST and NXP
12:24.17specingBut it was decided that RTEMS will be put on there?
12:25.53A0Shedsyou are free to choose whatever
12:26.20A0Shedsthey also run without an RTOS
12:30.04specingah ok
13:02.48*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
13:03.48*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (~Ibrahim_K@
13:28.57*** join/#arm-netbook Bundersleague_ (
13:49.25*** join/#arm-netbook dev__ (~dev@
13:50.11dev__I have been reading the progress from you guys in irclog2html on, and I have a few questions
13:50.46brokencodessorry, forgot to /nick
13:51.37*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
13:51.59brokencodesmy first question, in regards to Allwinner A10, is have you managed to get video with the 3.3 kernel? or am I stuck with 2.6.36-38?
13:52.44brokencodesmy second question, is with the linaro xf86-video-mali driver, does it have hardware acceleration support?
13:53.27brokencodesand my third question, are the video playback blobs for OpenMAX, or some other API?
14:05.22mnemocabout q1, I haven't had time to finish porting the "video" drivers to 3.0, can share a diff for the current work, but those are v4l2 drivers... I suppose it could be tried to get a dumb framebuffer using the g2d driver which compiles without issues. the 3.3 branch is still limited to the core functionality
14:05.41mnemocI have nothing to say about the other 2
14:06.14brokencodesis there any work I can do, I comment like I'm crazy
14:06.21brokencodesadd a ?
14:06.45brokencodesthank you for your prompt answer
14:07.44brokencodesare you working on a DVB-X project? is that why you working on the v4l2 drivers?
14:08.47mnemocafter finishing porting the sound and v4l2 drivers in the 3.0 branch I was going to prepare a .deb to use with ubuntu-oneiric/linaro out of it
14:10.28mnemocI'm working on those drivers because they are in the 2.6.36 tree and they need to be adapted to compile in the 3.0. simply that
14:11.32mnemoconce everything is working in the 3.0 kernel I can continue doing the same to 3.3, then 3.4, and then master for mainlining
14:42.11lkclA0Sheds: bizarre
15:00.20*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
15:00.20*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs -
15:02.29hnomnemoc, we do not need the v4l parts. Those are for video-in.
15:02.49hnotablets may need it for the camera however.
15:04.07mnemocthey exist for a reason, and I don't really have any use for this hardware beside gaining kernel-related experience.. that's why I want to get the ported
15:06.26mnemocI have the sound part almost finished. the v4l2 part is still above me.... but it will fall
15:12.04CIA-158rhombus-tech: Emmanuel master * rcf1afb2cb83b /allwinner_a10/orders/manux.mdwn:
15:33.11*** join/#arm-netbook gnurbs (
16:01.15mnemoc... but anyone is highly welcomed to try the 3.0 kernel as it is :)
16:04.51A0Shedslkcl: well with google's EC code, the just posted RTEMS patch for stm32, Uwe's stm32 open libs and the OLPC openEC there is a lot less to do
16:05.44A0Shedslkcl: pretty much all there is now is optimizing tinyRTEMS for small devices and any new peripheral drivers
16:37.45zenitraMoh, people in forocoches are organizing a group buying for the mele a2000 without knowing exactly what will they use it for.
16:38.22mnemocMaDMaLKaV: ----^
16:41.48traeakahh the mele 2000 is now available?
16:42.08zenitraMhipboi is already selling it on aliexpress
16:42.12traeakahh goo
16:43.02traeakbtw, i was shocked....on a laptop i replaced the dvd drive with a caddy/1TB drive.  The shock was that this 1TB 2.5" 9.5mm drive gets 110MB/s sustained.  My fastest 3.5" drives only get 115MB/s
16:43.19traeakhave to see what the mele can sustain
16:43.48zenitraMless size -> less physical space between sectors -> faster head movements
16:44.25traeakthat's what i'm thinking as well...the platter density bumps the block transfer rates
16:45.18traeaki guess these damn laptop manufacturers put pure shit into their drivers.  all the laptops i have the drives they ship with fastest is 40MB/s
16:45.23traeaki mean drives, not drivers
16:48.23*** join/#arm-netbook gnurbs (
17:00.39lkclwell... oh well :)
17:02.41CIA-158rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r9adacdb45bae /allwinner_a10/orders/manux.mdwn: order processing cleanup
17:11.14*** join/#arm-netbook Bundersleague (
17:22.01*** join/#arm-netbook Bundersleague_ (
17:27.07*** join/#arm-netbook Bundersleague (
17:47.13CIA-158rhombus-tech: Comodo master * re46446786c42 /allwinner_a10/orders/.mdwn:
17:47.31*** join/#arm-netbook Bundersleague_ (
17:52.48*** join/#arm-netbook Bundersleague (
18:09.03*** join/#arm-netbook gnurbs (
18:26.02*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
18:49.08*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
18:59.40*** join/#arm-netbook Bundersleague (
19:49.53*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
20:06.34CIA-158rhombus-tech: maxim master * rd335ff04b2be /allwinner_a10/orders/nnewman.mdwn:
20:23.55MaDMaLKaVmnemoc , thanks for the info, but I already have the a1000, not need of getting the 2000
20:24.45mnemocMaDMaLKaV: the pointer was because you mentioned you had someone wanting to make a larger scale deal with mele
20:25.34MaDMaLKaVI have someone interested in the mele if it gets to run xbmc.
20:25.46MaDMaLKaVsincerely, I don't like android on tv at all, they don't like it either
20:26.14MaDMaLKaVit is not a top priority project or something like that, is more the guys on the company love xbmc and will love to see a good cheap arm box running it
20:26.35MaDMaLKaVand it is a really small company, can't afford to hire some guys to "just port it"
20:30.06A0Shedsafter looking at the Mele, there might be a business in just supplying oems with Linux services
20:30.33traeaksadly android has a pretty big ecosystem nowadays
20:30.43traeaki guess better than apple or ms gobbling everything up
20:30.52MaDMaLKaVA0Sheds , yeah, but normal problems still apply: sources availabilty and licensing
20:31.19MaDMaLKaVwe have info on the video decoding but probably can't compile it against xbmc because of licensing issues, for example
20:31.20traeakcodec licensing, h264, mp4 aren't cheap
20:31.27traeaki think mpeg2 is the most expensive
20:32.19MaDMaLKaVthe device already plays all of them, the problem is making it out of the android embedded player and into a OSS player
20:32.27A0Shedsoh, you download those from the severs in dirkadirkastan  :)
20:32.32MaDMaLKaVgod, I'm tired
20:32.39MaDMaLKaVI'm going to bed in no time
20:33.12A0Shedswhere does ubuntu and fedora keep the unfree codecs?
20:37.21MaDMaLKaVA0Sheds , no idea
20:38.23mnemocA0Sheds: look for packages named 'restricted'
20:38.49mnemocin ubuntu, no clue about fedora
20:41.31hnoA0Sheds, Fedora do not keep unfree codeds, or anything else non-free or patent encumbered. But there is rpmfusion and a number of other third-party repositories that contanins such items.
20:42.12hnoFedora being a RedHat sponsored project can not legally touch any of those.
20:43.32A0Shedshno: the non-free repos hosted elsewhere
20:43.58A0Shedssee my point?
20:47.04traeaki barely recall the rpi guys saying h264 is like .65USD
20:47.18traeakmpeg2 was ungodly expensive...maybe 12usd or something?
20:48.06A0Shedssounds about what i recall
21:02.57MaDMaLKaVnite all
21:03.55traeakwell today h264 is still more cpu efficient that webm
21:03.57traeaki hope that changes
21:04.22*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
21:05.14CIA-158rhombus-tech: master * refd82ae75e56 /allwinner_a10/orders/kw2012-a10.mdwn:
22:07.20*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
22:10.21hnoA0Sheds, no I do not see your point.
22:10.50hnofree software and patent licensing do not mix, can not mix.
22:19.49CIA-158rhombus-tech: ylene_a10 master * rcfc83d4bb84a /allwinner_a10/orders/yl__95__request__95__a10.mdwn:
22:22.06CIA-158rhombus-tech: ylene_a10 master * rcaaabfee58dc /allwinner_a10/orders/yl__95__request__95__a10.html:
22:37.01*** join/#arm-netbook pix3ls (~pixels@
23:13.12*** join/#arm-netbook Jacmet (

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